Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
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A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e Política Nacional de Medicamentos: um estudo da regulação sanitária de medicamentos no Brasil, com base nas Resoluções da diretoria Colegiada da Anvisa, entre 1999 e 2013. / The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency and the National Drug Policy: a study of the sanitary regulation of medicines in Brazil, based on the resolutions of Anvisas Board of Directors, between 1999 and 2013.Patrícia Aparecida Baumgratz de Paula 13 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo analisa a regulação sanitária de medicamentos no Brasil, nos anos 1999 a 2013, exercida pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa). Para tanto, foram utilizadas as Resoluções da Diretoria Colegiada (RDC), sob a perspectiva da análise documental. As resoluções expressam as decisões dessa diretoria para fins normativos ou de intervenção e são estratégicas para a regulação sanitária exercida pela Anvisa, pois a partir delas a agência informa à sociedade brasileira (população em geral, Ministério da Saúde, complexo econômico industrial da saúde e indústria farmacêutica) sobre as decisões tomadas no âmbito da regulação sanitária. O objetivo do estudo é analisar, com base nas RDCs editadas pela Anvisa entre 1999 e 2013, o papel da agência na Política Nacional de Medicamentos. Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo se fundamenta na análise de documentos oficiais e tem caráter exploratório. A principal conclusão é que a atuação da agência na regulação sanitária de medicamentos se aproximou das diretrizes da Política Nacional de Medicamentos. Assim, apesar dos desafios inerentes ao processo de regulação sanitária para a área de medicamentos, os 15 anos de criação da Anvisa foram decisivos para a implementação dessa política. / The study analyzes the sanitary regulation of medicines in Brazil, in the years 1999 to 2013, carried out by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Therefore, the resolutions of the Board of Directors were used (RDCs), from the perspective of documentary analysis. The resolutions express the decisions of that board for regulatory purposes or intervention and are strategic for the sanitary regulation exerted by Anvisa, because from them the agency informs the Brazilian society (the general population, Ministry of Health, industrial health complex economic and industry pharmaceutical) on decisions taken within the sanitary regulation. The objective is to analyze, based on RDCs issued by Anvisa between 1999 and 2013, the role of the agency in the National Drug Policy. From a methodological standpoint, the study is based on analysis of official document and has exploratory character. The main conclusion is that the agency operating in the sanitary regulation of medicines approached the guidelines of the National Drugs Policy. Thus, despite the challenges of health regulation process for the area of drugs, 15 years of creation of Anvisa were decisive for the implementation of this policy.
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A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e Política Nacional de Medicamentos: um estudo da regulação sanitária de medicamentos no Brasil, com base nas Resoluções da diretoria Colegiada da Anvisa, entre 1999 e 2013. / The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency and the National Drug Policy: a study of the sanitary regulation of medicines in Brazil, based on the resolutions of Anvisas Board of Directors, between 1999 and 2013.Patrícia Aparecida Baumgratz de Paula 13 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo analisa a regulação sanitária de medicamentos no Brasil, nos anos 1999 a 2013, exercida pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa). Para tanto, foram utilizadas as Resoluções da Diretoria Colegiada (RDC), sob a perspectiva da análise documental. As resoluções expressam as decisões dessa diretoria para fins normativos ou de intervenção e são estratégicas para a regulação sanitária exercida pela Anvisa, pois a partir delas a agência informa à sociedade brasileira (população em geral, Ministério da Saúde, complexo econômico industrial da saúde e indústria farmacêutica) sobre as decisões tomadas no âmbito da regulação sanitária. O objetivo do estudo é analisar, com base nas RDCs editadas pela Anvisa entre 1999 e 2013, o papel da agência na Política Nacional de Medicamentos. Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo se fundamenta na análise de documentos oficiais e tem caráter exploratório. A principal conclusão é que a atuação da agência na regulação sanitária de medicamentos se aproximou das diretrizes da Política Nacional de Medicamentos. Assim, apesar dos desafios inerentes ao processo de regulação sanitária para a área de medicamentos, os 15 anos de criação da Anvisa foram decisivos para a implementação dessa política. / The study analyzes the sanitary regulation of medicines in Brazil, in the years 1999 to 2013, carried out by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Therefore, the resolutions of the Board of Directors were used (RDCs), from the perspective of documentary analysis. The resolutions express the decisions of that board for regulatory purposes or intervention and are strategic for the sanitary regulation exerted by Anvisa, because from them the agency informs the Brazilian society (the general population, Ministry of Health, industrial health complex economic and industry pharmaceutical) on decisions taken within the sanitary regulation. The objective is to analyze, based on RDCs issued by Anvisa between 1999 and 2013, the role of the agency in the National Drug Policy. From a methodological standpoint, the study is based on analysis of official document and has exploratory character. The main conclusion is that the agency operating in the sanitary regulation of medicines approached the guidelines of the National Drugs Policy. Thus, despite the challenges of health regulation process for the area of drugs, 15 years of creation of Anvisa were decisive for the implementation of this policy.
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Avaliação das valas de filtração como metodo de pos-tratamento de efluente anaerobico : remoção natural de patogenos e nutrientes na aplicação de altas taxas hidraulicas / Evaluation of filtration ditches as method of post treatment of effluent anaerobic : removal natural of pathogens and nutrients in application of high hydrauli ratesSousa Junior, Oder Luiz de, 1977- 31 August 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Bruno Coraucci Filho, Roberto Feijo de Figueiredo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T17:07:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O objetivo deste projeto foi estudar as valas de filtração como um método de baixo custo aplicável a residências isoladas e pequenas ou médias comunidades brasileira, analisar as valas de filtração como unidades de pós-tratamento de efluente anaeróbio de um sistema fossa filtro, na remoção natural de nutrientes e microrganismos patogênicos. No presente estudo foram estudadas três valas de filtração em escala piloto com 1 m de comprimento e 0,50 m de largura, com altura da camada de areia igual a 0,25, 0,50, e 0,75 m, foi utilizado tubo de drenagem em PEAD - polietileno de alta densidade ¿ com 0,10 m de diâmetro, as valas de filtração foram alimentadas por efluente de um sistema fossa filtro, foram empregadas 4 taxas hidráulicas (40, 60, 80, e 100 L/m2.dia) cada taxa foi aplicada na freqüência de 6, 12, 18, e 24 hora/dia. O esgoto bruto, afluente, e efluente das valas de filtração, foram analisados semanalmente permitindo constatar que os resultados obtidos no estudo das valas de filtração no emprego de altas taxas hidráulicas proporcionavam uma remoção superior a 82,5% DBO e adequação de coliformes e a ausência de microrganismo patogênico. Quanto aos compostos nitrogenados, ocorreu uma grande nitrificação. A concentração de fósforo também foi muito reduzida, adequando o efluente das valas de filtração a legislação brasileira, em todas as taxas empregadas / Abstract: The aim of this work was to study filtration ditches as a method of low cost applicable the isolated homes and the small Brazilian municipalities for the posttreatment of anaerobic effluent from a system septic tank with anaerobic unit in the removal of natural nutrients and pathogenic microorganisms. For the research were analyzed three filtration ditches on pilot-scale with 1 m length and 0,5 m width, with height of the layer of sand equal 0,25, 0,50, and 0,75 m was used a drainage pipe in HDPE - High Density Polyethylene - with 0,10 m in diameter. The of filtration ditches were fed by effluent from a system septic tank with anaerobic unit were used four high hydraulic rates (40, 60, 80, and 100 L/m2.day) each rate was applied in the frequency of 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours/day. The municipal wastewater, affluent and the effluent of the filtration ditches were weekly analyzed allowing that the results obtained in the study removal of organic matter exceeded 82,5% BOD and adequacy of coliform, absence of pathogenic microorganisms. In terms of nitrogen compounds, a high nitrification occurred. The phosphorus concentration also was very reduced, the effluent of the three filtration ditches being in compliance with Brazilian laws at all the rates used. / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Vigilância Sanitária: uma perspectiva do cuidado em enfermagem / Surveillance Sanitary: a perspective of care at nursing.LEROY, Patrícia Luz Almeida 23 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:04:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-23 / Such like nursing, service of surveillance sanitary has her origin justified to worry with
health of people fact observed when resume the history of both field of knowledge.
You can realize that has a close relation at care of nursing and the service of
surveillance sanitary, this make us to consider the great importance about the
contribution of nurse in this job. But, in spite of guard close relation, the service of
surveillance sanitary remain not very wellknow with the professional of nursing, this
probably can be explicain by the presence unexpressive of contents relevant about the
area of performance in the academic institution. This study has the intention to for tray
the context about the service of surveillance sanitary like possibility care at nursing,
helping the view, in the nursing area, about this service like performance of nursing at
public health, with the perspective to understand this dimension, importance, relation of
performing with others professionals and possibility of intervention. By the way, opt to
using the method of study of case with quality approach to the development. The
information collected studied using the analysis of contents, proposal by Bardin, would
identify the matter nucleus in the communication of people and are important about the
proposal objective. The results evidence that the understanding about care at nursing,
the identify about this care at the service of surveillance sanitary and construction of
own identify professional of nursing who act at this service and care narrow relation with
others, also, are familiarity related about academic formation and professional of
Key words: Care of Surveillance Sanitary; Nursing and Surveillance Sanitary. / Tal qual a enfermagem, o serviço de vigilância sanitária tem sua origem justificada pela
preocupação com a saúde dos indivíduos fato este observado quando se retoma a
história de ambos os campos de conhecimento. Pode-se perceber que há uma íntima
relação entre o cuidado em enfermagem e o serviço de vigilância sanitária, o que nos
leva a considerar ser de grande relevância a contribuição do enfermeiro para esse
serviço. No entanto, apesar de guardarem estreita relação, o serviço de vigilância
sanitária permanece pouco conhecido pelos profissionais da área de enfermagem, o
que provavelmente seja explicado graças à presença inexpressiva dos conteúdos
pertinentes a esta área de atuação nas instituições acadêmicas. Este estudo tem como
propósito retratar o contexto do serviço de vigilância sanitária enquanto possibilidade do
cuidado em enfermagem, contribuindo para a visualização, pelos próprios enfermeiros,
desse serviço como campo de atuação da enfermagem em saúde pública, na
perspectiva de compreender sua dimensão, importância, interfaces de atuação com
outras categorias profissionais e possibilidades de intervenção. Para tanto, optou-se
pela utilização do método de estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa para o seu
desenvolvimento. Os dados coletados foram trabalhados utilizando-se a análise de
conteúdo proposta por Bardin, visando identificar os núcleos temáticos presentes na
comunicação dos sujeitos e que são relevantes em relação aos objetivos propostos. Os
resultados evidenciam que a compreensão do que seja o cuidado em enfermagem, a
identificação desse cuidado no serviço de vigilância sanitária e a construção da própria
identidade profissional do enfermeiro que atua neste serviço guardam estreita relação
entre si e, também, estão intimamente relacionadas à formação acadêmica e
profissional do enfermeiro.
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Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:18:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-15 / Sanitary sewage sludge constitutes the principal subproduct of the sludge treatment process. The codisposition of organic waste presents as interesting alternative for correct destination and use of this waste. The present work was aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the process of codisposition of sanitary sewage sludge (SSS) and vegetable solid waste (VSW); to produce a seasoned compost, with good agronomic and sanitary qualities; to realize physical, chemical and biological characterization of the SSS and VSW, and to evaluate importance of the temperature in the processes of biostabilization and sanitation of the codisposed substrate. The experimental system was of completely random type with three treatments and three repetitions, consisting of nine aerobic reactors. The substrate utilized for codisposition was formed by SSS and VSW, in the following proportions: Treatment 1: 100% VSW; Treatment 2: 5% SSS + 95% VSW; Treatment 3: 10% SSS + 95% VSW. The treatments 1, 2 and 3 initially received 32.0 kg; 33.8 kg and 35.6 kg of this substrate, respectively. The weekly monitored parameters were: pH, moisture content, total volatile solids, C/N ratio and feasible eggs of helmint, besides the daily monitoring of the temperature. The temperatures attained the hemophilic range since the first day, maintaining at this level until the 5th day of the process, when started to decrease passing for the mesophilic range, staying for two more weeks till it approached to the atmospheric temperature by the end of the process. A decrease in the C/N ratio was quite low, may be due to the initial values being lower than the ideal levels. The average reduction of the total volatile solid mass in the codisposed mass during the 105 days of codisposition was 31.10%, 46.41%, 44.76%, in the 1, 2 and 3 treatments, respectively. The reduction of the helmint eggs attained an efficiency of 100% in all the treatments. Probably, the pH level, the increase in temperature and the ecological relations presents in the systems were principally responsible for the sanitation and seasoning of the produced compost, so that, the codisposition showed to be a feasible alternative for disinfection and stabilization of both the types of the solid wastes, favoring the production of a compost with environmental and sanitary conditions for utilizing in agriculture. / O lodo de esgoto sanitário constitui o principal subproduto do processo de tratamento de esgoto. A codisposição de resíduos orgânicos se apresenta como interessante alternativa para correta destinação e uso deste resíduo. Objetivou-se no presente trabalho, avaliar a eficácia do processo de codisposição do lodo de esgoto sanitário (LES) e resíduos sólidos vegetais (RSV); produzir um composto maturado, com boas qualidades agronômica e sanitária; realizar as caracterizações física, química e biológica do LES e dos RSV, e avaliar a importância da temperatura nos processos de bioestabilização e sanitização do substrato codisposto. O sistema experimental foi do tipo inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e três repetições, consistindo de nove reatores aeróbios. O substrato utilizado para codisposição foi formado por LES e RSV, nas seguintes proporções: Tratamento 1: 100% RSV; Tratamento 2: 5% de LES + 95% de RSV; Tratamento 3: 10% de LES + 90% de RSV. Os tratamentos 1, 2 e 3 receberam inicialmente 32,0 kg; 33,8 kg e 35,6 kg deste substrato, respectivamente. Os parâmetros monitorados semanalmente foram: pH, teor de umidade, sólidos totais voláteis, relação C/N e ovos viáveis de helmintos, além do monitoramento diário da temperatura. As temperaturas atingiram a faixa termófila já no primeiro dia, mantendo-se neste patamar até o 5º dia do processo, quando começaram a decair passando para a faixa mesófila, permanecendo por mais duas semanas até se aproximarem da temperatura ambiente até o final do processo. A diminuição da relação C/N foi bastante tênue, devido aos valores iniciais estarem abaixo dos níveis ideais. A redução média da massa de sólidos totais voláteis na massa codisposta ao longo dos 105 dias de codisposição foi de 31,10%; 46,41%; 44,76%, nos tratamentos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. A redução dos ovos de helminto atingiu uma eficiência de 100% em todos os tratamentos, sendo, provavelmente, o nível de pH, aumento de temperatura e as relações ecológicas presentes nos sistemas, os principais responsáveis pela sanitização e maturação do composto produzido, de modo que, a codisposição mostrou-se ser uma alternativa viável para desinfecção e estabilização conjunta de ambos os tipos de resíduos sólidos, favorecendo a produção de um composto com condições ambientais e sanitárias de ser utilizado na agricultura.
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Zdravotně technické instalace a plynovod v poliklinice / Sanitary technical installations and gas pipeline in the health centerKrálová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on sanitary installations. Theoretical part is focused on description of flow meters and their categorization and flow measurement. Calculation and project part is about water suplly, sewerage and pipeline in health care center. Building is located in Brno and it is a reconstruction, which is divided into stages. The part of the building, which is solved in this thesis is 5. stage.
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Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace ve výrobní hale / Sanitation installation and gas installation on the factory floorHlaváčová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis solves question about sanitation installations and gas installation on the factory floor in Tišnov. The theoretical part deals with draining and cleaning of waste water containing oil products. The work also focuses on possible solutions given specialization. Project part solves sanitation installations and gas installation on the factory floor in the selected variant of the object. This is a large hall with an administrative part.
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Beyond Nightingale: The Transformation of Nursing in Victorian and World War I LiteratureBenham, M. Renee 12 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Algorithms for viral haplotype reconstruction and bacterial metagenomics : resolving fine-scale variation in next generation sequencing dataSchirmer, Melanie January 2014 (has links)
The discovery of DNA has been one of the biggest catalysts in genomic research. Sequencing has enabled us to access the wealth of information encoded in DNA and has provided the basis for ground-breaking achievements such as the first complete human genome sequence. Furthermore, it has tremendously advanced our understanding of life-threatening genetic disorders and bacterial and viral infections. With the recent advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, sequencing became accessible to the majority of researchers and made metagenomic sequencing widely available. However, to realise its true potential, sophisticated and tailor-made bioinformatic programs are essential to translate the collected data into meaningful information. My thesis explored the potential of resolving fine-scale variation in NGS data. The identification and correction of artificial fine-scale variation in the form of biases and errors is imperative in order to draw valid conclusions. Furthermore, resolving natural fine-scale variation in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and closely related species or strains is critical for the development of effective treatments and the characterisation of diseases. In recent years, Illumina has emerged as the global market leader in DNA sequencing. However, biases and errors associated with this high-throughput sequencing technology are still poorly understood which has precluded the development of effective noise removal algorithms. In addition, many programs were not designed for Illumina data or metagenomic sequencing. Therefore, a better understanding of the idiosyncrasies encountered in Illumina data is essential and programs must be tested and benchmarked on realistic and reliable in silico data sets to reveal not only their true capacities but also their limitations. I conducted the largest in vivo study of Illumina error profiles in combination with state-of-the-art library preparation methods to date. For the first time, a direct connection between experimental design factors and systematic errors was established, providing detailed insight into the nature of Illumina errors. Further, I tested various error removal techniques and developed a sophisticated Illumina amplicon noise removal algorithm, enabling researchers to choose optimal processing strategies for their particular data sets. In addition, I devised several simulation tools that accurately reflect artificial and natural fine-scale variation. This includes a flexible and efficient read simulation program which is the only program that can directly reflect the impact of experimental design factors. Furthermore, I developed a program simulating the evolution of a virus into a quasi-species. These programs formed the basis for two comprehensive benchmarking studies that revealed the capacities and limitations of viral haplotype reconstruction programs and taxonomic classification programs, respectively. My work furthers our knowledge of Illumina sequencing errors and will facilitate more accurate and effective analyses of sequencing data sets.
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Enquiry into sewage pump station problems with specific focus on removing solidsTulleken, Joubert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a general lack of published research on sewage pump station problems and the removal
of solids in South African sanitary sewers. Research was undertaken to investigate the problems
at sewage pump stations by means of site visits, interviews, literature reviews and laboratory
experiments. An in-depth literature study is presented on sewage pump stations, pump station
problems and solids in sewers. The problems at sewage pump stations were categorised into
identifiable groups with possible generalised solutions. The site visits and literature review
indicated a specific lack of knowledge regarding screening baskets used to remove solids at
sewage pumping stations. This led to the experimental testing of a screening basket on full scale
in a controlled environment to develop an efficiency index for screening baskets. The efficiency
index was determined using fuzzy logic methodology with predetermined solids load, basket
height above the sump level and solids retention time. The fuzzy logic proved that the basket is
best operated halfway submerged, after one hour retention time and with degradable solids in the
system. The literature compiled and problems identified in this study were used as the backbone
for the development of a conceptual Decision Support Tool (DST) for sewage pump stations. The
DST is aimed at requiring limited inputs and providing maximum knowledge output and is
presented as a software tool in MS Excel format. The functionality was added by applying visual
basic applications in MS Excel user forms. The idea of developing a DST is to assist designers,
sewage service providers and operators with understanding the various components and for
problem identification pertaining to sewage pump stations in the future. The DST is relatively
self-explanatory with a user friendly visual interface that is easy to operate. This study sets the
scene for further research into efficiency indices pertaining to different components of sewage
pump stations and their application in comprehensive sewage pump decision support tools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is 'n algemene gebrek aan gepubliseerde navorsing oor probleme met rioolpompstasies en
die verwydering van ongewenste voorwerpe in Suid-Afrikaanse sanitêre rioolsisteme. Navorsing
is gedoen om die probleme by rioolpompstasies te ondersoek deur middel van terreinbesoeke,
onderhoude, literatuurstudie en eksperimente in „n laboratorium. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is
op rioolpompstasies, probleme by pompstasies en ongewenste voorwerpe in rioolnetwerke
gedoen. Die probleme by rioolpompstasies is verdeel in identifiseerbare groepe met moontlike
oplossings. Die terreinbesoeke en literatuuroorsig het 'n spesifieke gebrek aan kennis met
betrekking tot skermmandjies, wat gebruik word om ongewenste voorwerpe by rioolpompstasies
te verwyder, aangedui. Dit het gelei tot die eksperimentele toetsing van 'n skermmandjie deur die
volskaalse opstelling in 'n beheerde omgewing om 'n doeltreffendheidsindeks vir skermmandjies
in die praktyk te ontwikkel. Die doeltreffendheidsindeks is bepaal deur gebruik te maak van
“fuzzy logic” metodologie met voorafbepaalde insette naamlik, die mandjie se hoogte bo die
watervlak, soort ongewenste voorwerpe en die tyd wat die voorwerpe aan water blootgestel is.
Die “fuzzy logic” bewys dat die mandjie die beste werking toon, halfpad onder die water, na „n
een uur van blootstelling aan water en met degradeerbare voorwerpe in die stelsel. Die literatuur
wat saamgestel is en probleme wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer is, is gebruik as die inhoud vir
die konseptuele “Decision Support Program” (DST) vir rioolpompstasies. Die DST het ten doel
om met beperkte insette die maksimum kennis te verskaf en word aangebied as 'n sagteware
instrument in MS Excel formaat. Die funksionaliteit is bygevoeg deur die toepassing van die
“visual basic applications” in MS Excel gebruikersvorms. Die doel van die ontwikkeling van 'n
DST is om ontwerpers, riooldiensverskaffers en operateurs te help om die verskillende funksies
en probleem-identifikasie met betrekking tot rioolpompstasies te begryp. Die DST is relatief
selfverduidelikend met 'n gebruikers vriendelike visuele koppelvlak wat maklik is om te bedryf.
Hierdie studie bied die basis vir verdere ondersoek na die doeltreffendheidsindekse met
betrekking tot die verskillende komponente van rioolpompstasies en die toepassing daarvan in
omvattende rioolpomp “DSTs”.
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