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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Shtuhl, Smadar January 2011 (has links)
The acquisition of the home of George Washington by the Mount Vernon Ladies Association in 1858 was probably the first preservation project led by women in the United States. During the following decades, elite Philadelphia and Montgomery County women continued the construction of historical memory through the organization and popularization of exhibitions, fundraising galas, preservation of historical sites, publication of historical writings, and the erection of patriotic monuments. Drawing from a wide variety of sources, including annual organizations' reports, minutes of committees and of a DAR chapter, correspondence, reminiscences, newspapers, circulars, and ephemera, the dissertation argues that privileged women constructed a classed and gendered historical memory, which aimed to write women into the national historical narrative and present themselves as custodians of history. They constructed a subversive historical account that placed women on equal footing with male historical figures and argued that women played a significant role in shaping the nation's history. During the first three decades, privileged women advanced an idealized memory of Martha and George Washington with an intention to reconcile the sectional rift caused by the Civil War. From the early 1890s, with the formation of the Daughters of the American Revolution, elite women of colonial and revolutionary war ancestry constructed a more inclusive memory of revolutionary soldiers that aimed to inculcate the public, particularly recent immigrants, in patriotic and civic values. An introductory chapter demonstrates the social, political, and economic vulnerability of the elites and the institutions and historical memory they forged to shore up their privileged status from the colonial period to the Civil War. Through the organization of the Great Central Fair held in Philadelphia in 1864, the fundraising campaign on behalf of the Centennial Exposition, the preservation of George Washington's Headquarters at Valley Forge, the formation of the Historical Society of Montgomery County, and the activities of the Valley Forge Chapter DAR the dissertation demonstrates that women employed their experience to expand their activities beyond regional boundaries while also tending to local history. The dissertation contributes to the discussion regarding the construction of memory by adding gender and class as categories of analysis. It also adds to the historical debate regarding the professionalization of history by exploring women's historical writings during the period of institutionalization of history. / History

The Impacts and Implications of Post-1995 Linkages Between the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the World Trade Organization: Politicization, Deadlock, and Dispute

Powell Thomas, Courtney Irene 13 June 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the impacts and implications of post-1995 linkages between the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the World Trade Organization. Chapters 1 and 2 provide data on the structures, functions, and procedures of the Codex Commission and the WTO and analyze their institutional approaches to risk, danger, risk management and the precautionary principle. Chapter 3 evaluates three impacts of post-1995 linkages between these institutions (the politicization of the Codex Commission, deadlock in the Codex standard elaboration process, and dispute in the WTO) as well as three implications of that linkage (risk v. danger assessment and management, changed interpretations of "science," and changed interpretations of "consensus"). Finally, Chapter 4 applies these impacts and implications to food safety cases. This chapter establishes a framework for understanding issues of food safety, Codex standard elaboration, and WTO dispute settlements in terms of scientific and political consensus and debate. This thesis argues, first, that the post-1995 linkage between the Codex Commission and the WTO changed Codex member state expectations and behaviors relative to standard elaboration procedures and that these changed expectations impacted both member state governments and the WTO. It further demonstrates that the extent of the Codex Commission's ability to elaborate universal standards and the WTO's responsibility for dispute settlement can be explained in terms of scientific and political dispute and consensus. Finally, it illustrates that risk and danger are different concepts, require different food safety approaches, and generate different institutional and national reactions. This analysis addresses existing critiques of the Codex Commission, the WTO, and their post-1995 linkages, examines the potential of both institutions to simultaneously pursue consumer safety and open trade objectives, and points to avenues for future research. / Master of Arts

Sanitary Aspects of Milk and Dairy Products Dispensed in Sherman, Texas

Bryant, J. Forrest 08 1900 (has links)
The aim of this investigation is to determine whether there is a correlation between the sanitary condition of milk and dairy products dispensed in Sherman, Texas, and the plate counts, the morphology, and the Gram stain reaction of the organisms in predominant colonies from these.

High capacity heat pump development for sanitary hot water production

Pitarch i Mocholí, Miquel 29 May 2017 (has links)
Heat pumps have been identified as an efficient alternative to traditional boilers for the production of sanitary hot water (SHW). The high water temperature lift (usually from 10ºC to 60ºC) involved in this application has conditioned the type of used solutions. On the one hand, transcritical cycles have been considered as one of the most suitable solutions to overcome the high water temperature lift. Nevertheless, the performance of the transcritical CO2 heat pump is quite dependent on the water inlet temperature, which in many cases is above 10ºC. Furthermore, performance highly depends on the rejection pressure, which needs to be controlled to work at the optimum point in any condition. On the other hand, for the subcritical systems, subcooling seems to be critical for the heat pump performance when working at high temperature lifts, but there is not any published work that optimizes subcooling in the SHW application for these systems. Therefore, the subcritical cycle should require a systematic study on the subcooling that optimizes COP depending on the external conditions, in the same way as it has been done for the rejection pressure in the transcritical cycle. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of subcooling in the performance of a Propane water-to-water heat pump for SHW production, in the application of heat recovery from any water source. Two different approaches to overcome the high degree of subcooling were designed and built to test them in the laboratory: 1) Subcooling is made at the condenser: The active refrigerant charge of the system is controlled by a throttling valve. Subcooling is controlled independently at any external condition. 2) Subcooling is made in a separate heat exchanger, the subcooler. Subcooling is not controlled, it depends on the external condition and the heat transfer at the subcooler. The heat pumps were tested at different water temperatures at the evaporator inlet (10ºC to 35ºC) and condenser inlet (10ºC to 55ºC), while the water production temperature was usually fixed to 60¿C. The obtained results have shown that COP depends strongly on subcooling. In the nominal condition (20¿C/15¿C for the inlet/outlet water temperature at the evaporator and 10ºC/60ºC for the inlet/outlet water temperature in the heat sink), the optimum subcooling was about 43 K with a heating COP of 5.61, which is about 31% higher than the same cycle working without subcooling. Furthermore, the system with subcooling has been proved experimentally as being capable of producing water up to 90¿C and has shown a higher COP than some CO2 commercial products (catalog data reference). / Las bombas de calor han sido identificadas como una alternativa eficaz a las calderas tradicionales para la producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). El elevado salto de temperatura del agua que normalmente tiene lugar en esta aplicación (por lo general de 10ºC a 60ºC) ha condicionado el tipo de soluciones que se utilizan. Por un lado, los ciclos transcríticos han sido considerados como una de las mejores soluciones para trabajar con los elevados saltos de temperatura del agua. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de la bomba de calor transcrítica con CO2 es bastante dependiente de la temperatura de entrada del agua, que en muchos casos está por encima de los 10¿C. Además, el rendimiento depende en gran medida de la presión de descarga, la cual necesita ser controlada con el fin de trabajar en el punto óptimo en cualquier condición externa. Por otra parte, para los sistemas subcríticos, el subenfriamiento parece ser crítico para el buen funcionamiento de la bomba de calor cuando se trabaja con elevados saltos de temperatura del agua, pero no hay ningún trabajo publicado en el que optimicen el subenfriamiento para la aplicación de ACS en estos sistemas. Por lo tanto, los sistemas subcríticos requieren de un estudio sistemático para buscar el subcooling óptimo y maximizar el COP en función de las condiciones externas, de la misma forma que se ha hecho para la presión de descarga en los ciclos transcríticos. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar el papel del subenfriamiento en el rendimiento de una bomba de calor trabajando con Propano para la producción de ACS, en la aplicación de recuperación de calor de cualquier fuente de agua (agua- agua). Dos enfoques diferentes para superar el alto grado de subenfriamiento fueron diseñados y construidos para ponerlos a prueba en el laboratorio: 1) El subenfriamiento se hace en el condensador: La carga activa de refrigerante del sistema se controla con una válvula de estrangulación. De esta manera, el subenfriamiento puede ser controlado de forma independiente a cualquier condición externa. 2) El subenfriamiento se hace en un intercambiador de calor separado, el subenfriadador. El subenfriamiento no se controla, este depende de la condición externa y de la transferencia de calor en el subenfriadador. Las bombas de calor se ensayaron a diferentes temperaturas del agua a la entrada del evaporador (10ºC a 35ºC) y entrada del condensador (10ºC a 55ºC), mientras que la temperatura de producción de agua, normalmente, se fija a 60¿C. Los resultados obtenidos han demostrado que el COP depende mucho del subenfriamiento. En las condiciones nominales (20ºC/15ºC para la temperatura del agua de entrada/salida en el evaporador y 10ºC/60ºC para la temperatura del agua de entrada/salida en el condensador), el subenfriamiento óptimo fue aproximadamente de 43 K con un COP de calentamiento de 5,61, que es alrededor del 31% más alto que el mismo ciclo trabajando sin subenfriamiento. Además, el sistema con subenfriamiento ha probado de forma experimental, que es capaz de producir agua hasta los 90ºC, y ha mostrado un COP más alto que algunos productos comerciales que trabajan con CO2 (datos de referencia del catálogo). / Les bombes de calor han estat identificades com una alternativa eficaç a les calderes tradicionals per a la producció d'aigua calenta sanitària (ACS). L'elevat salt de temperatura de l'aigua que normalment té lloc en aquesta aplicació (en general de 10ºC a 60ºC) ha condicionat el tipus de solucions que s'utilitzen. Per una banda, els cicles transcrítics s'han considerat com una de les millors solucions per tal de treballar amb els elevats salts de temperatura de l'aigua. No obstant això, el rendiment de la bomba de calor transcrítica amb CO2 és bastant dependent de la temperatura d'entrada de l'aigua, que en molts casos està per damunt de 10¿C. A més, el rendiment depèn en gran mesura de la pressió de descarrega, la qual necessita ser controlada per tal de treballar en el punt òptim a qualsevol condició externa. Per altra banda, per als sistemes subcrítics, el sub-refredament sembla ser crític per al funcionament de la bomba de calor quan es treballa amb elevats salts de temperatura de l'aigua, però no hi ha cap treball publicat en el qual optimitzen el sub-refredament per a l'aplicació d'ACS en aquests sistemes. Per tant, els sistemes subcrítics requereixen d'un estudi sistemàtic per tal de buscar el subcooling òptim i maximitzar el COP en funció de les condicions externes, en la mateixa forma que s'ha fet per la pressió de descarrega en els cicles transcrítics. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és investigar el paper del sub-refredament en el rendiment d'una bomba de calor treballant amb Propà per a la producció d'ACS, en l'aplicació de recuperació de calor de qualsevol font d'aigua (aigua-aigua). Dos enfocaments diferents per tal de superar l'alt grau de sub-refredament van ser dissenyats i construïts per posar-los a prova en el laboratori: 1) El sub-refredament es fa en el condensador: La càrrega activa de refrigerant del sistema es controla amb una vàlvula d'estrangulació. D'aquesta manera, el sub-refredament pot ser controlat de forma independent en qualsevol condició externa. 2) El sub-refredament es fa en un intercanviador de calor separat, el sub-refredador. El sub-refredament no es controla, este depèn de la condició externa i de la transferència de calor al sub-refredador. Les bombes de calor es van assajar a diferents temperatures de l'aigua a l'entrada de l'evaporador (10ºC a 35ºC) i a l'entrada del condensador (10ºC a 55ºC), mentre que la temperatura de producció d'aigua, normalment, es fixa a 60¿C. Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat que el COP depèn molt del sub-refredament. En les condicions nominals (20ºC/15ºC per a la temperatura de l'aigua d'entrada/eixida a l'evaporador i 10ºC/60ºC per a la temperatura de l'aigua d'entrada/eixida en el condensador), el sub-refredament òptim és aproximadament de 43 K amb un COP d'escalfament de 5,61, que és al voltant del 31% més alt que el mateix cicle treballant sense sub-refredament. A més, el sistema amb sub-refredament ha provat de forma experimental, que és capaç de produir aigua fins als 90ºC, i ha mostrat un COP més alt que alguns productes comercials que treballen amb CO2 (dades de referència del catàleg). / Pitarch I Mocholí, M. (2017). High capacity heat pump development for sanitary hot water production [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/81858

Three Essays on Agricultural Trade Policy

Ning, Xin 27 November 2019 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays examining the impacts of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures on agricultural trade. The first essay estimates the impact of the 2003 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak in the US on Japanese beef imports. I develop a source-differentiated demand system of fresh/chilled and frozen beef imports augmented with endogenous smooth transition functions. Results suggest that over one-half of the estimated income, own-price, and cross-price elasticities reached a new regime in the post-BSE period of Japanese beef imports where the competitive relationship and substitutability between US and Australian beef exports changed significantly. The second essay develops a product-line structural gravity model to estimate the trade flow effects of SPS measures that have been flagged as specific trade concerns in the World Trade Organization's (WTO's) SPS Committee meetings for the top 30 agricultural trading countries covering four major product sectors. Our findings are striking and call attention to the need for a deeper understanding of the impacts of SPS measures on WTO members' agricultural trade. Results show that the trade effects of SPS trade concern measures reduce exporters' agricultural trade by 67%, on average, during periods in which concerns were active. Significant heterogeneity in the trade effect of SPS measures exists with average estimated ad valorem equivalent tariffs ranging from 33% to 106%. The AVE effect of SPS concern measures maintained by the US is estimated at 42%, less than a half (a third) of the AVE effects of SPS concern measures imposed by the European Union (China). China's restrictions on Avian Influenza and ractopamine restrictions in pork exports are estimated to be the most prohibitive, causing an AVE effect of 120.3% and 88.9%, respectively. The third essay develops a discrete-time duration model to examine the extent to which these SPS concern measures affect the hazard rate of US agri-food exports during the 1995-2016 period. Results show that SPS concern measures raise the hazard rate of US agri-food exports by a range of 2.1%~15.3%, causing the predicted hazard rate to increase from 21.8% to a range of 23.6%~27.9%. This effect is heterogeneous across different agricultural sectors, with the most substantial effects occurring in US exports of meat, fruits, and vegetables. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation consists of three essays on the examination of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and their impacts on agricultural trade. The first essay estimates the impact of the US 2003 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) outbreaks on Japanese beef imports. Using a source-differentiated demand system of fresh/chilled and frozen beef imports embedded with endogenous smooth transition functions, we find that over one-half of the estimated income, own-price, and cross-price elasticities have changed remarkably, causing the Japanese beef import market to reach a new regime in the post-BSE period where the substitution and/or competition relationships between the US and Australia have changed. The second essay develops a product-line structural gravity model to estimate the trade effects of SPS measures flagged as concerns in the WTO's SPS Committee meetings for the top 30 agricultural trading countries covering four major product sectors. Results show that the trade effects of SPS concern measures are negative and significant, with the average estimated AVE tariffs ranging 33%~106%. The AVE effect of SPS concern measures maintained by the US is estimated to be 42%, less than a half (a third) of the AVE effects of SPS concern measures imposed by the European Union (China). China's restrictions on Avian Influenza and various ractopamine restrictions in the production and export of pork products are estimated to be the most prohibitive, causing an AVE effect of 120.3% and 88.9%, respectively. The third essay applies a discrete-time duration model to examine the extent to which SPS concern measures affect the hazard rate of US agri-food exports in 1995-2016. Results show that SPS concern measures raise the hazard rate of US agri-food exports by a range of 2.1%~15.3%, causing the predicted hazard rate to increase from 21.8% to a range of 23.6%~27.9%. This effect is heterogeneous across different agricultural sectors, with the most substantial effects occurring in US exports of meat, fruits, and vegetables.

Study of addition of non-hazardous industrial and municipal wastewater to bioreactor landfills

Dhesi, Parminder Singh 01 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of landfill leachate treatability in a modified Ludzack Ettinger activated sludge system

Marickovich, Donald C. 18 April 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate treatment alternatives for a leachate from a municipal landfill in Roanoke County, Virginia. A continuous flow, laboratory scale, single sludge waste treatment system utilizing the Modified Ludzack Ettinger (MLE) nitrification/denitrification process with the addition of phosphorus and methanol was operated to determine its effectiveness in removing total nitrogen, organic compounds and metals from the leachate. The system was compared with the effectiveness of a totally aerobic activated sludge system operated in various configurations and at different mean cell residence times (MCRT’s) with and without the addition of methanol. The ability of activated carbon to remove organics from the leachate was briefly examined. The early results from this study indicated that the MLE process could successfully treat the leachate by removing up to 84% of the total nitrogen present while operating at high MCRT’s (eight days or greater). The MLE process removed as much as 56% of the total nitrogen at the lowest MCRT operated (1.5 days), By comparison, a maximum removal of only 30% was achieved for the completely aerobic activated sludge system operating under the same conditions. The MLE process and the completely aerobic process were not effective in removing the organics from the leachate as evidenced by a leachate COD removal of only 2% to 5%. Limited studies with activated carbon proved successful in substantially reducing the COD from the effluent of the biological treatment systems. The MLE process consistently reduced the iron concentration in the leachate from the average level of 18.6 mg/l to levels below 1.0 mg/l. Towards the end of this 584-day study, there were indications that toxic agents were intermittently entering the leachate from the landfill as evidenced by two episodes of severe nitrification inhibition during operating periods when nitrification should have been essentially complete. This raises doubts concerning the ability of biological nitrification/denitrification to successfully treat the Dixie Caverns landfill leachate on a long-term basis without special treatment for the removal of the unknown toxic components. / Master of Science

Vigilância sanitária, participação social e cidadania / Health surveillance social participation and citizenship

Oliveira, Ana Maria Caldeira 17 June 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma pequena amostra do cotidiano da experiência viva da participação social desenvolvida no Conselho Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte - espaço público legalmente instituído e vinculado ao SUS-BH. O objetivo geral do estudo é descrever e analisar as representações sociais dos conselheiros de saúde sobre a temática da vigilância sanitária. A pesquisa qualitativa de representação social foi adotada como metodologia, sendo utilizadas principalmente as técnicas de entrevista e de observação participante. Os dados obtidos com a realização das entrevistas foram analisados pela técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. O estudo apresenta e analisa os obstáculos que se interpõem ao bom funcionamento desse fórum, além de expor uma convivência conflituosa entre os representantes dos segmentos usuário, trabalhador e gestor. Através dos discursos, os conselheiros de saúde demonstram conhecer a vigilância sanitária e a reconhecer sua importância para as práticas de Saúde Pública. E, assim, demonstram também estarem aptos para participarem do processo de formulação da Política Municipal de Vigilância Sanitária. O estudo reafirma a necessidade de se assegurar o direito constitucional da participação da sociedade na gestão pública, pois somente o exercício pleno da cidadania, realizado através da participação dos cidadãos no ciclo das políticas públicas, garantirá a finalidade precípua de que essas políticas atendam ao interesse público / This study presents a small sample of the daily living experience of social participation developed in the City Health Council of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil a public forum officially created and linked to SUS-BH. The general purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the social representations of the Health Counselors about the Sanitary Surveillance theme. The qualitative research of social representation was the adopted methodology, and the techniques of interviews and participant observation were mostly used. The data obtained from interviews were analyzed by the Discourse of Collective Subject method. The study presents and analyzes the obstacles that stands for the proper functioning of this forum, and besides exposes a conflicted relationship between the users, workers and managerial segments. Using verbal communication, the Health Counselors demonstrated their knowledge about the Sanitary Surveillance work and their recognition of its importance for the Public Health practices. This way the Counselors demonstrated their aptitude to participate in the process of developing the Citys Sanitary Survaillance Policy. The study reinforces the necessity of assurance of the constitutional rights of societys participation in the public management, since only with the full exercise of citizenship, by the means of the participation of the citizen in the public policies cycle, will guarantee the main objective that these policies are in accordance to public interest

Vigilância sanitária, participação social e cidadania / Health surveillance social participation and citizenship

Ana Maria Caldeira Oliveira 17 June 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma pequena amostra do cotidiano da experiência viva da participação social desenvolvida no Conselho Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte - espaço público legalmente instituído e vinculado ao SUS-BH. O objetivo geral do estudo é descrever e analisar as representações sociais dos conselheiros de saúde sobre a temática da vigilância sanitária. A pesquisa qualitativa de representação social foi adotada como metodologia, sendo utilizadas principalmente as técnicas de entrevista e de observação participante. Os dados obtidos com a realização das entrevistas foram analisados pela técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. O estudo apresenta e analisa os obstáculos que se interpõem ao bom funcionamento desse fórum, além de expor uma convivência conflituosa entre os representantes dos segmentos usuário, trabalhador e gestor. Através dos discursos, os conselheiros de saúde demonstram conhecer a vigilância sanitária e a reconhecer sua importância para as práticas de Saúde Pública. E, assim, demonstram também estarem aptos para participarem do processo de formulação da Política Municipal de Vigilância Sanitária. O estudo reafirma a necessidade de se assegurar o direito constitucional da participação da sociedade na gestão pública, pois somente o exercício pleno da cidadania, realizado através da participação dos cidadãos no ciclo das políticas públicas, garantirá a finalidade precípua de que essas políticas atendam ao interesse público / This study presents a small sample of the daily living experience of social participation developed in the City Health Council of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil a public forum officially created and linked to SUS-BH. The general purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the social representations of the Health Counselors about the Sanitary Surveillance theme. The qualitative research of social representation was the adopted methodology, and the techniques of interviews and participant observation were mostly used. The data obtained from interviews were analyzed by the Discourse of Collective Subject method. The study presents and analyzes the obstacles that stands for the proper functioning of this forum, and besides exposes a conflicted relationship between the users, workers and managerial segments. Using verbal communication, the Health Counselors demonstrated their knowledge about the Sanitary Surveillance work and their recognition of its importance for the Public Health practices. This way the Counselors demonstrated their aptitude to participate in the process of developing the Citys Sanitary Survaillance Policy. The study reinforces the necessity of assurance of the constitutional rights of societys participation in the public management, since only with the full exercise of citizenship, by the means of the participation of the citizen in the public policies cycle, will guarantee the main objective that these policies are in accordance to public interest

Environmental health policy implementation in Hong Kong: a study of cleansing services in the Urban ServicesDepartment

Woodhead Loo, Wing-ping, Marina., 盧永平. January 1986 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Public Administration / Master / Master of Social Sciences

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