Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
901 |
Beyond Nightingale: The Transformation of Nursing in Victorian and World War I LiteratureBenham, M. Renee 12 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Algorithms for viral haplotype reconstruction and bacterial metagenomics : resolving fine-scale variation in next generation sequencing dataSchirmer, Melanie January 2014 (has links)
The discovery of DNA has been one of the biggest catalysts in genomic research. Sequencing has enabled us to access the wealth of information encoded in DNA and has provided the basis for ground-breaking achievements such as the first complete human genome sequence. Furthermore, it has tremendously advanced our understanding of life-threatening genetic disorders and bacterial and viral infections. With the recent advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, sequencing became accessible to the majority of researchers and made metagenomic sequencing widely available. However, to realise its true potential, sophisticated and tailor-made bioinformatic programs are essential to translate the collected data into meaningful information. My thesis explored the potential of resolving fine-scale variation in NGS data. The identification and correction of artificial fine-scale variation in the form of biases and errors is imperative in order to draw valid conclusions. Furthermore, resolving natural fine-scale variation in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and closely related species or strains is critical for the development of effective treatments and the characterisation of diseases. In recent years, Illumina has emerged as the global market leader in DNA sequencing. However, biases and errors associated with this high-throughput sequencing technology are still poorly understood which has precluded the development of effective noise removal algorithms. In addition, many programs were not designed for Illumina data or metagenomic sequencing. Therefore, a better understanding of the idiosyncrasies encountered in Illumina data is essential and programs must be tested and benchmarked on realistic and reliable in silico data sets to reveal not only their true capacities but also their limitations. I conducted the largest in vivo study of Illumina error profiles in combination with state-of-the-art library preparation methods to date. For the first time, a direct connection between experimental design factors and systematic errors was established, providing detailed insight into the nature of Illumina errors. Further, I tested various error removal techniques and developed a sophisticated Illumina amplicon noise removal algorithm, enabling researchers to choose optimal processing strategies for their particular data sets. In addition, I devised several simulation tools that accurately reflect artificial and natural fine-scale variation. This includes a flexible and efficient read simulation program which is the only program that can directly reflect the impact of experimental design factors. Furthermore, I developed a program simulating the evolution of a virus into a quasi-species. These programs formed the basis for two comprehensive benchmarking studies that revealed the capacities and limitations of viral haplotype reconstruction programs and taxonomic classification programs, respectively. My work furthers our knowledge of Illumina sequencing errors and will facilitate more accurate and effective analyses of sequencing data sets.
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Enquiry into sewage pump station problems with specific focus on removing solidsTulleken, Joubert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a general lack of published research on sewage pump station problems and the removal
of solids in South African sanitary sewers. Research was undertaken to investigate the problems
at sewage pump stations by means of site visits, interviews, literature reviews and laboratory
experiments. An in-depth literature study is presented on sewage pump stations, pump station
problems and solids in sewers. The problems at sewage pump stations were categorised into
identifiable groups with possible generalised solutions. The site visits and literature review
indicated a specific lack of knowledge regarding screening baskets used to remove solids at
sewage pumping stations. This led to the experimental testing of a screening basket on full scale
in a controlled environment to develop an efficiency index for screening baskets. The efficiency
index was determined using fuzzy logic methodology with predetermined solids load, basket
height above the sump level and solids retention time. The fuzzy logic proved that the basket is
best operated halfway submerged, after one hour retention time and with degradable solids in the
system. The literature compiled and problems identified in this study were used as the backbone
for the development of a conceptual Decision Support Tool (DST) for sewage pump stations. The
DST is aimed at requiring limited inputs and providing maximum knowledge output and is
presented as a software tool in MS Excel format. The functionality was added by applying visual
basic applications in MS Excel user forms. The idea of developing a DST is to assist designers,
sewage service providers and operators with understanding the various components and for
problem identification pertaining to sewage pump stations in the future. The DST is relatively
self-explanatory with a user friendly visual interface that is easy to operate. This study sets the
scene for further research into efficiency indices pertaining to different components of sewage
pump stations and their application in comprehensive sewage pump decision support tools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is 'n algemene gebrek aan gepubliseerde navorsing oor probleme met rioolpompstasies en
die verwydering van ongewenste voorwerpe in Suid-Afrikaanse sanitêre rioolsisteme. Navorsing
is gedoen om die probleme by rioolpompstasies te ondersoek deur middel van terreinbesoeke,
onderhoude, literatuurstudie en eksperimente in „n laboratorium. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is
op rioolpompstasies, probleme by pompstasies en ongewenste voorwerpe in rioolnetwerke
gedoen. Die probleme by rioolpompstasies is verdeel in identifiseerbare groepe met moontlike
oplossings. Die terreinbesoeke en literatuuroorsig het 'n spesifieke gebrek aan kennis met
betrekking tot skermmandjies, wat gebruik word om ongewenste voorwerpe by rioolpompstasies
te verwyder, aangedui. Dit het gelei tot die eksperimentele toetsing van 'n skermmandjie deur die
volskaalse opstelling in 'n beheerde omgewing om 'n doeltreffendheidsindeks vir skermmandjies
in die praktyk te ontwikkel. Die doeltreffendheidsindeks is bepaal deur gebruik te maak van
“fuzzy logic” metodologie met voorafbepaalde insette naamlik, die mandjie se hoogte bo die
watervlak, soort ongewenste voorwerpe en die tyd wat die voorwerpe aan water blootgestel is.
Die “fuzzy logic” bewys dat die mandjie die beste werking toon, halfpad onder die water, na „n
een uur van blootstelling aan water en met degradeerbare voorwerpe in die stelsel. Die literatuur
wat saamgestel is en probleme wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer is, is gebruik as die inhoud vir
die konseptuele “Decision Support Program” (DST) vir rioolpompstasies. Die DST het ten doel
om met beperkte insette die maksimum kennis te verskaf en word aangebied as 'n sagteware
instrument in MS Excel formaat. Die funksionaliteit is bygevoeg deur die toepassing van die
“visual basic applications” in MS Excel gebruikersvorms. Die doel van die ontwikkeling van 'n
DST is om ontwerpers, riooldiensverskaffers en operateurs te help om die verskillende funksies
en probleem-identifikasie met betrekking tot rioolpompstasies te begryp. Die DST is relatief
selfverduidelikend met 'n gebruikers vriendelike visuele koppelvlak wat maklik is om te bedryf.
Hierdie studie bied die basis vir verdere ondersoek na die doeltreffendheidsindekse met
betrekking tot die verskillende komponente van rioolpompstasies en die toepassing daarvan in
omvattende rioolpomp “DSTs”.
904 |
Evaluation of alternatives for hydraulic analysis of sanitary sewer systemsVan Heerden, George Adrian 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research project focuses on sanitary sewer systems. When performing an analysis of a sewer drainage system with known constraints, an appropriate model needs to be chosen depending on the objectives of the analysis. Uncertainties are also present in the analysis of sewer drainage systems. The uncertainties and the errors in hydraulic models need to be understood and considered. The required level of accuracy and the type of hydraulic problem that needs to be solved may alter the complexity of the hydraulic model used to solve a drainage system. The wide variety of available simulation models further complicates model selection. With various models available, selecting the most appropriate model for a particular drainage system simulation is important.
The various models for sewer drainage system analysis can be categorised in different ways. For example, it is possible to categorise models according to their purpose, which could be evaluation, design or planning. Evaluation models are mainly used to test whether existing systems or planned systems are adequate and require the highest hydraulic detail. Design models are used to determine the size of conduits within a drainage system and require moderate levels of hydraulic detail. Planning models are primarily used for strategic planning and decision making for urban or regional drainage systems and require the least amount of hydraulic detail. An understanding of the available models is required in order to choose the most suitable simulation model for the desired purpose. Some models are derived from the Saint-Venant equations of flow. The most detailed models are typically referred to as fully dynamic wave models and utilise all the components of the Saint-Venant flow equations. By removing terms from the Saint-Venant equations a kinematic wave model can be created. Some less complex models ignore basic principles of hydraulics in order to make assumptions that simplify the process of simulating flows. In this thesis three different models were compared: a detailed model using fully dynamic flow equations, a simplified model using kinematic wave equations and a basic model using contributor hydrograph routing equations. For the drainage system analysis SWMM-EXTRAN was used as the fully dynamic wave model, SWMM-TRANSPORT was used as the kinematic wave model and SEWSAN was used as the contributor hydrograph model.
Two drainage systems situated in South Africa were used as case studies and are referred to as Drainage System A and Drainage System B in this thesis. The actual flow rate was recorded at two points with flow loggers, one in each of the two systems. The flow rate was continually recorded at 1 hour intervals for the period 1 July 2010 to 9 July 2010 in Drainage System A as well as in Drainage System B. The same input parameters were used for each model allowing the modelled flow rates to be compared to the measured flow rates.
The models provided peak flow results that were within 2% of the measured peak flow rates and the modelled mean flows were within 8.5% of the measured mean flows in most situations. However, when rapidly varied flows occurred the kinematic wave and contributor hydrograph models returned conservative results as they were unable to account for hydraulic effects such as acceleration. The effect of acceleration became most pronounced up and downstream of drop structures and sections where the slope changed considerably. The kinematic wave and contributor hydrograph models were therefore unable to accurately simulate surcharge conditions.
The results suggest that the fully dynamic wave model can be used in all scenarios. The kinematic wave model can be used for a design analysis if no hydraulic structures occur in the system. The contributor hydrograph model should not be used for an evaluation analysis, but can be used for a design analysis if a relatively high level of confidence in the parameter set exists and no areas of rapidly varying flow or hydraulic structures exist within the system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing projek is gefokus op riool dreineringsisteme. Wanneer ʼn analise van ʼn riool dreineringsisteem met bekende beperkinge onderneem word, moet ʼn geskikte model gekies word afhangende van die doelwitte van die analise. Onbekendes is ook teenwoordig in die analise van riool dreineringsisteme. Dit word belangrik dat die onsekerhede en die foute in hidroliese modelle moet verstaan en oorweeg word. Die verwagte vlak van akkuraatheid en die tipe hidroliese probleem wat opgelos moet word mag die ingewikkeldheid van die hidroliese probleem, wat gebruik word om ʼn rioolsisteem op te los, verander. Die wye verskeidenheid van beskikbare simulasie modelle bemoeilik verder die keuse van ʼn model. Met etlike modelle beskikbaar vir seleksie, is die mees geskikte model vir ʼn spesifieke dreineringsisteem simulasie belangrik.
Die verskeie modelle vir riool dreineringsisteem analise kan op verskillende wyses gekategoriseer word. Byvoorbeeld, dit is moontlik om modelle te kategoriseer volgens hulle doel, wat evaluasie, ontwerp en beplanning kan wees. Evaluasiemodelle word hoofsaaklik gebruik om te toets of huidige of beplande sisteme voldoende is en of hulle die hoogs moontlike hidroliese besonderhede benodig. Ontwerpmodelle word gebruik om die grootte van ʼn leipyp binne ʼn rioolsisteem te bepaal en benodig matige vlakke van hidroliese besonderhede. Beplanningsmodelle word hoofsaaklik gebruik vir strategiese beplanning en besluitneming vir stedelike en landelike rioolsisteme en benodig die laagste vlak van hidroliese data. ʼn Begrip van die beskikbare modelle is nodig om ʼn keuse te maak rakende die mees geskikte simulasie model vir die verlangde doelwit. Sommige modelle is afkomstig van die Saint-Venant vergelykings van vloei. Die mees gedetailleerde modelle word tipies na verwys as die volledige dinamiese golf modelle en benut alle komponente van die Saint-Venant vloei vergelykings. Deur die verwydering van terme van die Saint-Venant vergelykings kan ʼn kinematiese golf model daargestel word. Sommige minder gekompliseerde modelle ignoreer die basiese beginsels van hidrologie om aannames te maak wat die proses van golf simulering vereenvoudig. In hierdie tesis is drie verskillende modelle vergelyk; ʼn gedetailleerde model wat volledige dinamiese vloeivergelykings gebruik; ʼn vereenvoudigde model wat kinematiese golfvergelykings gebruik en ʼn basiese model wat bydraende hidroliese versending vergelykings. Vir die dreineringsisteem analise was SWMM-EXTRAN gebruik as die volledige dinamiese golfmodel, SWMM-TRANSPORT was gebruik as die kinetiese golfmodel en SEWSAN was gebruik as die bydraende hidroliese model.
Twee dreineringsisteme in Suid-Afrika was gebruik as gevallestudies en word na verwys as Dreineringsisteem A en Dreineringsisteem B. Die werklike vloeikoers was aangeteken by twee punte met vloeimeters, een in elk van die sisteme. Die vloeikoers was deurlopend opgeteken met 1 uur tussenposes vir die periode 1 Julie 2010 tot 9 Julie 2010 in Dreinering Sisteem A sowel as Dreinering Sisteem B. Dieselfde inset parameters was gebruik vir elke model wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat die gemoduleerde vloeikoerse met die gemete vloeikoerse vergelyk kon word.
Die modelle het spits vloeiresultate voorsien wat binne 2% van die gemete spits vloeikoerse was en, in die meeste situasies, dat die gemoduleerde gemiddelde vloei binne 8.5% van die gemete gemiddelde vloei was. Wanneer vinnig varierende vloei voorgekom het, die kinetiese golf and bydraende hidrograaf modelle konserwatiewe resultate gelewer het, aangesien hulle nie in staat was om hidroliese effekte soos versnelling te verklaar nie. Die effek van versnelling was op sy duidelikste stroomopwaarts en stroomafwaarts onder valstrukture en by gedeeltes waar die helling aansienlik verander het. Die kinetiese golf en bydraer hidrograaf modelle was gevolglik nie in staat om oorladingsomstandighede akkuraat te simuleer nie. Die resultate wys dat die volledige dinamiese vloeimiddel gebruik kan word in alle omstandighede. Die kinematiese vloeimiddel kan gebruik word vir ʼn ontwerp analise indien geen hidroliese struktuur in die sisteem voorkom nie. Die bydraer hidrograaf model behoort nie gebruik te word vir ʼn evaluerings analise nie, maar kan gebruik word vir ʼn ontwerp analise indien ʼn relatiewe hoë vlak van vertroue in die parameter stel bestaan en geen area van vinnig veranderende vloei of hidroliese strukture binne die sisteem bestaan nie.
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A comparison & contrast of Hong Kong and overseas practices in landfill gas managementKam, Chung-hau, Brian., 甘忠校. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management
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Determining suitable locations for landfill developmentChan, Zenith., 陳仕廉. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management
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La construcción histórica de las clasificaciones y jerarquización de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización: un análisis en la provincia de Buenos Aires (1880-1952)Cheli, María Verónica January 2014 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños “anormales”, “débiles”, “falsos anormales”, “retrasados pedagógicos”, “excepcionales”, “deficientes”. En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar.
Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la “política de la verdad”, entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen. / The purpose of this investigation is to analize the historical construction of childhood through schooling considering the different forms of classification and hierarchies, such as “abnormal”, “weak”, “abnormal false”, “pedagogically retarded”, “exceptional”, “deficient” children. Changes in the educational legislation and regulation are analized in the province of Buenos Aires in the period from 1880 to 1952. The educational legislation and press are taken as analyzers of the different pedagogical conceptualizations which involve the notions of knowledge, power, subjectivity and technology. At the same time the categories of rules, normality, abnormality and normalization are analized in relation to the legal language, and, the educational and school sanitary policies.
From the theoretical point of view this investigation is based on the governability studies which allowed us to analize , on the one hand the historical construction of specialized knowledge taking into consideration the population (in this case the children population, and on the other hand, the reconstruction of the different forms of childhood classifications through the process of schooling. Thus, the aim is objectivize the social purpose of the discourse questioning the knowledge from which they were originated, submitting the instituted and dominant rationality (which basically constitutes the social order) to critical thinking. This theoretical position considers critical thinking mainly because of the function of de-subjection of the so called “politics of the truth”. Therefore, to historize the different ways of subjectivation also comprises the possibility of objectivization by means of which human beings become subjects. Critical thinking was essential as a means of questioning the different experiences from which we are constituted.
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Características contextuais associadas à fluoretação da água de abastecimento público no Brasil em 2008 / Not availableSilva, Franklin Barbosa da 10 May 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A fluoretação da água dos sistemas de abastecimento é reconhecida como política pública eficaz no controle da doença cárie em nível populacional. Dentre os países que adotam a política, foram observadas desigualdades na distribuição dos serviços entre seus entes federativos, levando a necessidade de pesquisas mais aprofundadas com ointuito de identificar os determinantes da sua implantação. Objetivo: Foi investigadasituação da fluoretação da água dos sistemas de abastecimento dos municípios do Brasil, explorando o papel de variáveis contextuais na oferta deste serviço. Métodos: A partir de dados primárias do Censo Demográfico para o ano 2010 e a Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico de 2008, e, utilizando as divisões político-territoriais de região de saúde/município, verificou-se a possibilidade da oferta do serviço de fluoretação exibir relação de dependência com características das empresas prestadoras dos serviços de saneamento, e, com características contextuais das regiões de saúde em que os municípios estão inseridos. A análise para ambas foi ajustada por variáveis de características municipais. Resultados: 60% dos municípios contavam com serviço de fluoretação. Em análise das características das empresas de saneamento (natureza jurídica, esfera administrativa e forma de execução), estas mantiveram-se associadas positivamente independente das características municipais. Administrações municipais e empresas privadas associadas ou não a entidades públicas estiveram associadas a ausência de provisão do serviço.A oferta de fluoretação se alterou conforme as variáveis contextuais das regiões de saúde, eram maiores as chances de o serviço estar ausente em municípios pertencentes a regiões de saúde onde eram elevadas as mortalidades infantil e ocasionadas doença diarreica aguda, onde houvesse maior a proporção de pessoas com baixa renda e nas regiões saúde pertencentes às macrorregiões Nordeste/Norte. Conclusão: Verificou-se importante relação de dependência entre provisão da fluoretação da água com as características das empresas e características contextuais das regiões de saúde / Introduction: The fluoridation of water supply systems is recognized as an effective public policy in the control of caries disease at the population level. Among the countries that adopting the policy, inequalities were observed in the distribution of services among their federative entities, leading to the need for more detailed surveys in order to identify the determinants of their implementation. Objective: It was investigated the water fluoridation of water supply systems in Brazilian municipalities, exploring the role of contextual variables in the supply of this service. Methods: Based on primary data from the Demographic Census for the year 2010 and the 2008 National Survey on Basic Sanitation, and using the political-territorial divisions health region/municipality, it was verified the possibility of offering the fluoridation service show dependency relation with characteristics of the companies that providing the sanitation services, and, with contextual characteristics of the health regions in which the municipalities are inserted. The analysis for both was adjusted by variables of municipal characteristics. Results: 60% of municipalities had fluoridation service. In an analysis of the characteristics of the sanitation companies (legal nature, administrative sphere and form of water supply service provision), they were positively associated with municipal characteristics. Municipal administrations and private companies associated or not with public entities were associated with the absence of provision of the service. The fluoridation supply changed according to the contextual variables of the health regions, the chances of the service being absent were higher in municipalities belonging to health regions where child mortality was high and mortality caused by acute diarrheal disease, where there was a greater proportion of people with low income and in the health regions belonging to the North-East / North macro-regions. Conclusion: There was an important dependence relationship between the provision of water fluoridation with the characteristics of the companies and the contextual characteristics of the health regions.
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Codigestão anaeróbia de glicerol residual com esgoto sanitário em reator híbrido visando ao aumento da produção de biogás / Anaerobic co-digestion of residual glycerol with sanitary sewage in a pilot scale hybrid reactor aiming at enhancement of biogas productionGarcia, Caroline de Cássia Banci 12 April 2019 (has links)
Em muitas Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto Sanitário (ETE) no Brasil, reatores anaeróbios de manta de lodo (UASB) têm sido utilizados para tratamento de esgoto doméstico, embora apresentem baixa eficiência de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e alta quantidade de sólidos no efluente para esse substrato. Ademais, a digestão anaeróbia do esgoto sanitário em reatores UASB tem apresentado baixa produção do biogás, em razão da baixa concentração de matéria orgânica no afluente. No entanto, a produção de biogás pode ser aumentada pelo processo de codigestão anaeróbia, com a adição de um cossubstrato para aumentar a concentração inicial de matéria orgânica. O glicerol tem se destacado como cossubstrato de elevado potencial de geração de metano devido à sua alta concentração de matéria orgânica prontamente biodegradável. Nesse trabalho foi avaliada a possibilidade de utilização do potencial de produção de metano de reatores UASB já instalados no Brasil, por meio da adição de glicerol ao esgoto afluente. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas, usando reatores UASB híbrido, com volumes de 24,75 L na primeira etapa, e 1,46 L na segunda etapa. Os reatores alimentados com esgoto sanitário e efluente de reator UASB, respectivamente, mantendo-se o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) constante em 8 horas e variando-se a dosagem de glicerol afluente. A melhor fase de operação considerando eficiência de remoção de DQO, produção de metano e estabilidade do sistema biológico, foi operada com COV de 2,09 ± 0,22 kgDQO.m-3.d-1 e rendimento de metano de 75 ± 68 mLCH4.gDQOremovida-1. / In many sewage treatment plants in Brazil, up-flow sludge blanket (UASB) reactors have been used to treat domestic sewage, although they have a low removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and high amount of solids in the effluent for this substrate. In addition, most of the installed UASB reactors has presented small biogas production due to the low influent organic matter concentration. However, biogas production can be increased by the anaerobic codigestion process, by adding a co-substrate to increase the influent organic matter concentration. Glycerol has been highlighted as a co-substrate for high methane generation potential due to its high concentration of readily biodegradable organic matter. It is intended to evaluate the possibility of using the methane production potential of UASB reactors already installed in Brazil, through the addition of glycerol to the influent sewage. The research was conducted in two stages, using UASB hybrid reactors, with volumes of 24.75 L in the first stage, and 1.46 L in the second stage. They were fed with sanitary sewage and UASB reactor effluent, respectively, maintaining the hydraulic holding time (TDH) constant at 8 hours and varying the dosage of affluent glycerol. The best phase of operation considering COD removal efficiency, methane production and biological system stability was operated with OLR of 2.09 ± 0.22 kg CODm-3.d-1 and methane yield of 75 ± 68 mLCH4.gCODremoved-1.
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Estudos hidráulicos em sistemas de bacias sanitárias. / Hidraulic study of sanitary basin system.Ferreira, Armando Traini 22 May 2009 (has links)
Atualmente a visão sistêmica na compreensão dos problemas tem sido uma poderosa ferramenta e esta Dissertação aplicou estes conhecimentos aliados à economia de água, fonte de várias pesquisas atuais devido à preocupação deste bem cada vez mais escasso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a compreensão dos fenômenos hidráulicos em bacias sanitárias, utilizando-se o modelo proposto por Mendes, envolvendo várias áreas da engenharia: perdas de cargas em tubulações, verificações de Normas Brasileiras de produtos e sistemas prediais, aplicações de Quantidade de Movimento, estudos de jatos utilizando-se a teoria de Abramovich e o efeito Splash e as respectivas utilizações destas ferramentas nas análises do desempenho do sistema hidrossanitário. A sugestão da obtenção de informações através do hidrograma de saída da bacia sanitária estudada permitiu, utilizando-se um reservatório de descarga graduado, a variação do nível e, consequentemente, informações hidráulicas relevantes: duração da descarga, volume consumido, a força de arraste induzida pelo escoamento ( ação motriz da remoção dos sólidos) e as máxima e mínima tensões de cisalhamento. A performance do equipamento estudado foi obtida devido a vários fatores, entre eles: o formato tronco-cônico com escoamento helicoidal interno às paredes do equipamento e o sifão trompa que difere dos sistemas atuais por permitir uma menor perda de energia quando do transporte de sólidos. O modelo estudado apresentou resultados que, apesar de permitir melhoramentos, são otimistas quanto ao volume consumido (4 litros), além do fato de evitar o desconforto (dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos) do efeito Splash aos usuários quando do ato de defecar e a remoção (simulada em softwares) dos resíduos no ramal de saída. A principal conclusão deste trabalho é que as melhorias de desempenho em bacias sanitárias necessariamente passam pelo bom uso da Mecânica dos Fluidos e da Hidráulica. / Currently, the systematic approach of problems comprehension has been a powerful tool. This knowledge was used on the present work, as well as information about water saving, subject of a lot of nowadays researches, considering the concern about this natural resource (water), scarcer with each passing day. The purpose of this work was to understand the hydraulic phenomena at sanitary basins, using the model considered by Mendes, relating several engineering areas: load loss on tubings, verifications of Brazilian Norms about building products and systems, applications of motion quantity measuring, jets studies under the Abramovich theory, the \"Splash\" effect and the respective uses of these tools on the performance analysis of the hydro-sanitary system. The suggestion of the information attainment through the exit hydrogram of the studied sanitary basin allowed, by using a graduated water flush reservoir, the level variation and, consequently, relevant hydraulic information: flush duration, volume of water consumed, drag force induced by drainage and the maximum and minimum shear tensions. The performance of the studied equipment was obtained because of several factors, such as: truncated cone format with helical drainage internal to the equipment walls and the siphon tube that differs from the current ones, because it allows a smaller energy loss when transporting the solids. The studied model has presented results that, despiste possible improvements, are optimistic about the volume of water consumed (4 liters), beyond the fact that prevents the discomfort of the \"Splash\" effect on the users (according to the established parameters) and facilitates the residues removal (simulated by softwares) from the exit branch. The main conclusion of this work is that the performance improvements on sanitary basins are essentially related to good use of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics.
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