Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
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Ekologiško pieno gamyba ir perdirbimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje / Organic milk processing perspectives in LithuaniaČerniauskienė, Ilona 19 April 2007 (has links)
Aim: to carry out the research of the organic milk production conditions as well as the study of processing possibilities in Lithuania.
The subject of research. The conditions of organic milk production as well as its relation to sanitary milk indicators in organic farms. Development of the production of organic milk and organic milk products in Lithuania and EC.
Methodology. The research and assessment of microclimate was carried out during the winter period of 2005-2006. 14 organic farms from Jonava, Alytus, Raseiniai, Ukmergė and Molėtai districts were chosen for this purpose. The results of milk quality analysis from 27 organic and the same number from conventional dairy farms were selected from SE „Pieno tyrimai“. The research period was 01 10 2005 – 10 05 2006. During the period the qualitative parameters of organic and conventional milk, such as milk fat content and milk protein content, as well as sanitary parameters, such as general milk bacteria content (GBC) and somatic cells content (SCC), were observed and analyzed. The statistical analysis of the research results was carried out by the statistical package of the computer software “Graph Pad Prism” (Version 2.10; 1996) and software spreadsheet EXCEL. The software package Win Excel 97` was used for the visual presentation of the data.
Results. The trend of organic dairy farms expansion has been observed. The owners of the organic farms pay too little attention to the wellbeing of the dairy cows. Because of... [to full text]
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Vėjavartos padarinių tyrimai Varėnos miškų urėdijos Glūko girininkijoje / Windfall effect studies in Varėna‘s Enterprise, Glūko‘s foreststryMatuizienė, Skaistė 20 June 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama 2010 m. 08 mėn. praūžusios audros padariniai Varėnos miškų urėdijos Glūko girininkijoje.
Darbo objektas – Varėnos miškų urėdijos Glūko girininkijos vėjavartų pažeisti medynai.
Darbo tikslas – Ištirti 2010 m. audros padarinių išplitimą bei atlikti pažeistų medynų kiekybinių rodiklių analizę Varėnos miškų urėdijos Glūko girininkijoje.
Darbo metodai – Panaudojus planinę medžiagą bei GIS miškų žemėlapį, natūroje buvo patikslintos vėjavartų pažeidimų apimtys. Vėliau, vadovaujantis inventorizacine medžiaga, buvo įvertintas pažeistų medynų plotas. Tyrimams naudoti 414 medynų dendrometriniai rodikliai: rūšinė sudėtis, amžius, vidutinis aukštis, skalsumas ir augavietė. Minėti rodikliai buvo grupuojami, apdorojami MS Excel programa. Nesutvarkytuose po vėjavartų 6 medynuose atrankinės apskaitos metu įvertinta sanitarinė būklė.
Darbo rezultatai. Varėnos miškų urėdijos Glūko girininkijoje 2010 m. 08 mėn. audra pažeidė 1361,3 ha miškų (41,5 % visų miškų). Didžiausi pažeidimai grynuose (9 –10 P), pusamžiuose (65,9 %), 0,8 – 0,9 skalsumo (64,7 %) pušynuose, augančiuose Nb augavietėje (89,5 %). Pažeistų pušynų vidutinis aukštis 16 – 20 m. Vėjavartos juodalksnynuose sudarė 1.1 %, beržynuose 0,8 %, eglynuose 0,5 % ir liepynuose 0,1 %.
2011 m. buvo įvertinta pušynų sanitarinė būklė atsitiktinai pasirinktuose 6 nuo pažeistuose bei vienerius metus netvarkytuose medynuose, kuriuose buvo numatyti atlikti plynuosius ir neplynuosius sanitarinius kirtimus. Medynuode kur buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the influence of August 2010 storm in Varėna‘s Enterprise, Glūko‘s foreststry.
Study object: demaged stands in Varėna‘s Enterprise, Glūko‘s foreststry.
Study aim: to investigate the consequences of August 2010 storm and perform quantitative analysis of damaged stands in Varėna‘s Enterprise, Glūko‘s foreststry.
Methodology: Volume of windfalls were adjusted using cartographic material and GIS map of forests. Then, according to forest inventory database, damaged area was assessed. 414 dendrometric indicators were used: species composition, age, average height, stocking level and sites. These indicators were grouped, processed by MS Excel. Sanitary conditions were evaluated within sample plots established in 6 indisposed stands.
Results. 1361,3 ha (41,5 % of total forests) of forests were damaged in Varėna‘s Enterprise, Glūko‘s foreststry by August 2010 storm. Pure (9 – 10 P), middle-aged (65,9 %), 0,8 – 0,9 stocking level (64,7 %) pinewoods in Nb sites (89,5 %) were the most damaged. Middle height of pinewoods – 16 – 20 m. 1,1 % of alder woods, 0,8 % of birch woods, 0,5 % of fir woods and 0,1% of linden woods were damaged.
Sanitary conditions were investigated in 6 randomly selected stands, which were damaged by storm and planned clear-cut and non-clear cut. Trees’ condition was evaluated in 12 classes of sanitary. 4 – 16 % relatively healthy, 8 – 13 % damaged and 70 – 88 % destroyed trees were indentified in plots, where... [to full text]
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Ecological aspects of vegetation establishment on landfills.Trotter, Douglas Hartley. January 2003 (has links)
A high level of plant mortality on the Bisasar Road landfill, Durban, South Africa initiated an investigation into the primary causes of the mortalities and a search for potentially tolerant plant species. Field studies revealed that volunteer grass growth on cover soils was
primarily limited by elevated soil C02, with high soil conductivity and low soil moisture possibly compounding the effect. Cynodon dactylon, the most abundant coloniser of the site appeared to be relatively sensitive to high soil CO2, whilst less common species such as Sporobolis cifricanus and Paspalum Paspoloides appeared to be less sensitive. Further research focused on the high mortality of trees planted on the landfill providing insight into the important variables limiting survival· and the relative differences in
performance of 20 tree species. A more rigorous 14-month field experiment was designed and constructed, to assess the performance of 10 of the more promising tree species, the
environmental conditions limiting tree growth and the benefit of a deeper layer of better quality topsoil. Some species, such as Barringtonia racemosa, performed relatively well in the field experiment, whilst other species such as Syzygium cordatum, and Harpephyllum caffrom experienced high mortalities and poor growth. The better quality topsoil layer provided little improvement in the performance of the stronger or the weaker species, however significant improvements were recorded for species with relatively intermediate performance. The composition of the soil atmosphere was shown to determine rooting depth. Species that performed better had deeper roots, possibly assisting them in utilising deeper soil moisture reserves. It was concluded that high soil CO2 and low soil O2 levels were the key variables responsible for poor tree survival and growth in this field experiment. A soil fumigation system was designed to provide more control of soil gas concentrations and to experimentally investigate differential species responses and the relative effects of soil CO2 and O2 on tree survival and growth. The apparatus fumigated, for a period of 140 days, the rhizosphere of 80 potted 'tolerant' (Barringtonia racemosa) and 'non tolerant' (Harpephyllum caffrum) trees with 4 treatments consisting of varying combinations of CO2 and 02. The difference in performance of Barringtonia racemosa and Harpephyllum caffrum in the experiment on the landfill was similar to that of the elevated CO2 low O2
fumigation treatment, supporting the premise that landfill gas was the key cause for poor performance of plants. Reduced stomatal conductance and resultant limitations on photosynthesis were found to be indicative of species sensitivity. Low O2 had an additive
effect on the impact of elevated CO2 in Harpephyllum caffrum however, even with normal soil O2 levels, 25% soil CO2 had negative growth effects on this sensitive species. Maintenance of plant health and better performance of Barringtonia was attributed to a high inherent level of tissue porosity and aerenchyma. The research provided a greater understanding of the causes of poor vegetation growth and the possible mechanisms of species tolerance to landfill conditions. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.
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An investigation into the technical feasibility of using vegetated submerged bed constructed wetlands for the treatment of landfill leachate.Olufsen, Jonathan Simon. January 2003 (has links)
Landfill leachate treatment in South Africa is still in its early stages; research has been conducted but primarily at pilot scale level. Current legislation in South Africa does not
prohibit the discharge of landfill leachate into the sewer line, despite the high risk of methane explosions and corrosion of the sewer pipes. Thus, to date, the off site
channelling of landfill leachate into the sewer lines for further dilution in municipal wastewater treatment plants is the most common practice. Due to the development of
stricter environmental regulations, the design of sustainable landfills is leading to the 'treatment at source' concept. Increasing public pressure is also forcing new landfills to be situated in remote areas where there is no avaliable sewer line to discharge into and 'treatment at source' will be required. Due to these developments, coupled with the lack of full scale leachate treatment experience in South Africa, Durban Solid Waste (The waste
service unit of the Durban metropolitan), in an attempt to develop the knowledge and practical experience required for leachate treatment, undertook a research project to
investigate the use of nitrification/denitrification pilot scale sequencing batch reactors (SBR) to treat leachate from the Bisasar Road and Mariannhill Landfills. The successful
completion of the trials proved that the full removal of nitrogen compounds could be easily achieved, under South African climatic conditions, in a single sludge SBR system. The system was found to be simple to operate and required low maintenance. However, the final effluent required further treatment before it could meet the general discharge standards into natural watercourses. Being South Africa, a 'low gross income' country, it became necessary to consider an appropriate, cost effective and technically feasible 'polishing' treatment system. It was decided that a pilot scale treatment trial, using vegetated submerged bed constructed wetlands, be undertaken to assess the applicability and feasibility of such a passive system for the 'polishing' of the effluent from the pilot
scale sequencing batch reactors. The wetland systems were found to be affected by many interrelating climatic factors. The trials concluded that the wetlands could not achieve the required discharge standards, in terms of concentration. However, it also showed that the effluent organics posed no oxygen demand or toxic threat to a receiving environment. The trials showed the ability of the wetlands to behave as mass removal systems, which could
achieve the required mass removal efficiency in terms of mass output per day. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.
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An investigation of the dual co-disposal of a phenolic wastewater and activated sewage sludge with refuse and treatment of high-strength leachate obtained from a closed co-disposal landfill.Percival, Lynda J. 14 June 2013 (has links)
Co-disposal with refuse in a controlled landfill is the cheapest option for the disposal of
hazardous waste and, if carefully controlled, can be an effective treatment option. In this
present study a high-strength phenolic wastewater and activated sewage sludge were co-disposed
with refuse. The effectiveness of phenol catabolism at two organic loading rates
(500mgt1 and 1000mgtl) was assessed in the presence of various co-disposal strategies.
Leachate recycle at the lower phenol organic loading rate was found to facilitate the
greatest rate of phenol catabolism. Despite the effective removal of phenol, however,
leachate recycle promoted the production of high concentrations of ammoniacal-N and
hydrogen sulphide. At the higher phenol organic loading rate, recirculation was ineffective
in reducing the residual phenol concentration due to inhibition of the phenol-catabolisers.
Microcosms operated with single elution and batch co-disposal strategies at both phenol
organic loading rates resulted in serious detrimental effects on the refuse fermentation and
subsequent leachate quality.
A high-strength leachate obtained from a closed co-disposal site was characterised to
determine its chemical composition and was assessed for its susceptibility to biological
treatment. If carefully controlled, co-disposal sites should produce leachates which differ
little in quality to those produced by municipal waste sites. The exceptionally high specific
conductivity of the leachate used in this present study was, however, uncharacteristic of
a leachate from a municipal waste site. The leachate required dilution to 25 % (v/v) before
responding to aerobic biological treatment due to the presence of bactericidal/bacteriostatic
components. Anaerobic treatment was ineffective even at a final dilution of 10% (v/v) of
the original due to the inhibition of methanogenesis caused indirectly by the high
concentration of sulphate in the leachate. Following phosphate addition, aerobic biological
treatment effected a significant reduction in the chemical oxygen demand (COD) but did
not reduce the ammoniacal-N concentration. Scaling and precipitation occurred following
addition of the phosphate, and although these did not affect the biological process they can
cause operational problems in full-scale leachate treatment plants. Ion exchange, with soil,
and lime treatment, were, therefore, considered for their ability to reduce the inorganic
content of the leachate prior to biological treatment. However, these particular pretreatments were unsuitable due to their ineffectiveness to
reduce calcium, the main inorganic element involved in scaling, to an acceptable
concentration. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1996.
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Historical development of selected design amenities in central Indiana rural school buildings, 1875-1915Teeple, Lisa J. January 1993 (has links)
The purposes of this study were: (1) to study the conditions that influenced the construction of early rural schoolhouses in Indiana, (2) to examine how emerging concerns for sanitation and student health surfaced from the construction of early rural schoolhouses, and (3) to provide a data base for individuals who desire to do further research on school buildings and their historic preservation. The research concentrated on the period of 1875 to .1915. Special attention was given to conditions that led to the passage of the Sanitary Schoolhouse Act of 1911.Results revealed that early schoolhouses often were constructed as little more than shelters. Virtually no consideration was given to either educational processes or the health and safety of occupants. As a result, water and other design and care of water and sewage systems resulted insanitary factors became major concerns. The inadequate serious health concerns for students and teachers. These concerns contributed to the passage of laws that eventually led to: (1) the abandonment of early rural schoolhouses, and (2) the construction of more sophisticated structures often designed by professional architects.This study also revealed that some of those early schoolhouses that survived have been converted to residential, business, or civic purposes. Photographs of such buildings in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Madison, and Tipton counties in Indiana are included in the thesis. They provide evidence that preservation is a means with which these buildings can continue to serve a useful existence.There is historical value in understanding conditions that led to the rise and fall of early rural school buildings. Collectively, data about the construction and sanitary conditions provide insights into rural culture, expand an appreciation of the uniqueness of design for these buildings, and enhance the importance and desirability of preserving these structures. The net product of this thesis is to provide a view of the construction of buildings in central Indiana of this period. / Department of Architecture
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The building deconstruction process and the debris trail : towards a dynamic modelInacio, M. F. M. January 1999 (has links)
Waste production and management problems have increased in this century. Population growth and consumption patterns in developing societies are associated with this growth. During the last decades, some world organisations have contributed to a global discussion and common resolutions. Concerns about the environment and sustainable development have been soundly highlighted. The European Union through its five Environment and Development Programmes as well the Directives and other special Regulations have responded that Agenda 21. The complexity and historical context of integrated and sustainable waste management is studied within the context of the construction industry in Portugal. International experience and knowledge were also drawn upon to add to the local knowledge. The study classifies the debris trail. The deconstruction process is studied in order to illuminate the relationship with the nature of the debris trail. This is the core of the research which seeks to make a contribution to the understanding of this relationship and forms the basis for the development of a dynamic construction and demolition estimating and assessment model. The work is based on case studies derived by observation from five complex and holistic case studies in Lisbon, cases studies reported from other countries and from work by others undertaken in France. Soft Systems Methodologies are used to illuminate the qualitative concerns. The quantitative information from practice is placed along side the qualitative data to give further insight into the issues being studied. The difficulties of insufficient actor involvement and participation in the process are also discussed. Systems Dynamics methodologies are used to define a dynamic model using data from the sources referred. The model is intended to assist the assessment and estimation of the characteristics of the debris trail. The output of the dynamic model will contribute to a national strategy and plan for the construction and demolition waste stream in Portugal within the context of European Union strategies and guidelines.
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An assessment of synthetic landfill leachate attenuation in soil and the spatial and temporal implications of the leachate on bacterial community diversity /Govender, Kamenthren. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008. / Full text also available online. Scroll down for electronic link.
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Composting possibilities for sanitation provision ciudadela of Pachacutec /Sauv,̌ Joseph Adrian, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.) - Carleton University, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 124). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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Avaliação de lixiviados de aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos situados nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. / Evaluation of urban solid waste leachate landfills located on Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina states.Adriana Brasil Vargas 09 April 2013 (has links)
Avaliação de lixiviados de aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos situados nos
estados do Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. Brasil, 2013, 137f. Dissertação de
Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2013. Os lixiviados de aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos
possuem grande potencial poluidor em face de características tóxicas devido a altas
concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal, substâncias recalcitrantes, além de
elevadas concentrações de matéria orgânica. Seu aporte em corpos hídricos, pode
causar eutrofização e ser tóxica aos peixes. O alto índice de pluviosidade de nosso
país intensifica o problema, pois acarreta em grandes quantidades de lixiviado uma
vez que essa produção está diretamente relacionada com a quantidade de água que
percola no aterro. Encontrar solução de tratamento para este efluente, que atenda a
grande variedade de lixiviados, com características distintas de região para região, e
que consigam atender os padrões brasileiros de lançamento de efluentes se
constitui em um grande desafio para a Engenharia Nacional. Este trabalho se propôs
a contribuir para o melhor conhecimento das características dos lixiviados tendo em
vista o seu tratamento. / The leachate from municipal solid waste landfills have great potential polluter
because of its toxic characteristics due to high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen,
recalcitrant substances, and high concentrations of organic matter. Their contribution
in water manancial can cause eutrophication and be toxic to fish. The high rate of
rainfall in our country intensifies the problem since it involves large quantities of
leachate, since this production is directly related to the amount of water that
percolates into the landfill. Find solution for this effluent treatment considering the
wide variety of types leachate with different characteristics from region to region, and
find a treatment that meets the standards of Brazilian effluent discharge, constitutes
a major challenge for the National Engineering. This study aimed to contribute to a
better understanding of leachate characteristics aiming its treatment.
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