Spelling suggestions: "subject:"schizophrenie"" "subject:"schizophrenien""
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Vergleichende MR- volumetrische Untersuchung des Planum temporale bei Schizophrenie, Bipolarer Störung, Zwangserkrankung und gesunden Kontrollpersonen / Vergleichende MR- volumetrische Untersuchung des Planum temporale bei Schizophrenie, Bipolarer Störung, Zwangserkrankung und gesunden KontrollpersonenKremer, Lisa 19 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Intéractions entre les cannabinoïdes et le gène de la neuréguline 1 comme modèle animal de vulnérabilité à la schizophrénieBoucher, Aurélie 14 November 2008 (has links)
L’utilisation du cannabis peut précipiter la schizophrénie, en particulier chez les individus qui présentent une vulnérabilité génétique aux désordres mentaux. Des recherches humaines et animales indiquent que la neuréguline 1 (Nrg1) est un gène de susceptibilité à la schizophrénie. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner si une modification du gène Nrg1 chez des souris mutante module les effets neuronaux et comportementaux des cannabinoïdes après traitement aiguë et chronique. De plus cette thèse examine les effets d'un pré-traitement au delta9-tétrahydrocannabinol, le principal composant psychotropique du cannabis, sur un modèle de flexibilité cognitive chez la souris. / Cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, especially in individuals who have a genetic vulnerability to the disorder. Human and animal researches indicate that neuregulin 1 (Nrg1) is a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia. This thesis aim at investigating if partial deletion of Nrg1 in mutant mice modulate the neuronal and behavioural effects cannabinoids after acute or chronic treatment. In addition, this thesis examine the effects of a pre-treatment with delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, in a model of cognitive flexibility in the mice.
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Evidence That Onset of Psychosis in the Population Reflects Early Hallucinatory Experiences That Through Environmental Risks and Affective Dysregulation Become Complicated by DelusionsSmeets, Feikje, Lataster, Tineke, Dominguez, Maria-de-Gracia, Hommes, Juliette, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, van Os, Jim 15 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To examine the hypothesis that the “natural” combination of delusions and hallucinations in psychotic disorders in fact represents a selection of early subclinical hallucinatory experiences associated with delusional ideation, resulting in need for care and mental health service use. Methods: In the Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology study, a prospective, 10-year follow-up of a representative cohort of adolescents and young adults in Munich, Germany (n = 2524), clinical psychologists assessed hallucinations and delusions at 2 time points (T2 and T3). Analyses compared differences in psychopathology, familial liability for nonpsychotic disorder, nongenetic risk factors, persistence, and clinical outcome between groups characterized by: (1) absence of positive psychotic symptoms, (2) presence of isolated hallucinations, (3) isolated delusions, and (4) both hallucinations and delusions. Results: Delusions and hallucinations occurred together much more often (T2: 3.1%; T3: 2.0%) than predicted by chance (T2: 1.0%; T3: 0.4%; OR = 11.0; 95% CI: 8.1, 15.1). Content of delusions was contingent on presence of hallucinations but modality of hallucinations was not contingent on presence of delusions. The group with both hallucinations and delusions, compared to groups with either delusions or hallucinations in isolation, displayed the strongest associations with familial affective liability and nongenetic risk factors, as well as with persistence of psychotic symptoms, comorbidity with negative symptoms, affective psychopathology, and clinical need. Conclusions: The early stages of psychosis may involve hallucinatory experiences that, if complicated by delusional ideation under the influence of environmental risks and (liability for) affective dysregulation, give rise to a poor prognosis hallucinatory–delusional syndrome.
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MRT-volumetrische Untersuchung des Thalamusvolumens bei Patienten mit einer bipolaren affektiven Störung oder einer Schizophrenie / MRI-volumetric study of the thalamus in patients with a bipolar disorder or a schizophreniaFlaig, Veronika 14 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Schizophrenie als Gyrifikationsstörung? / Untersuchungen an humanem und Reeler-Maus-Cerebellum / Disturbance of gyrification as an important factor for the development of schizophrenia / Investigations of the human cerebellum and the cerebellum of reeler mouseSchulenberg, Wiebke 31 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchungen zu den Beziehungen von Kognition und klinischer Symptomatik zu sozialem Funktionsniveau innerhalb einer großen Schizophrenie-Stichprobe / Studies regarding the relation of cognition and clinical features to social functioning in a large schizophrenia populationLeppert, Richard 28 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Familien mit schizophren erkrankten ElternKuhn, Juliane 19 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Thematik „Familien schizophren erkrankter Eltern“ als einem speziellen Gebiet der sozialpsychiatrischen Forschung. Eine psychiatrische Erkrankung wie die Schizophrenie bzw. schizoaffektive Störung wirkt sich nicht nur auf die Patienten selbst, sondern auf die gesamte Familie aus und beeinträchtigt v. a. die psychosoziale Entwicklung von minderjährigen Kindern, die erheblichen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind. Empirische Befunde belegen die Häufigkeit von Elternschaft innerhalb der speziellen Patientengruppe und machen deutlich, dass die Anwesenheit von Kindern eine nicht selten vorkommende Konstellation ist und einen wachsenden Bedarf an Unterstützungsangeboten mit sich bringt.
Die subjektive Lebensqualität der Erkrankten als ein Kriterium einer erfolgreichen Behandlung findet in einem weiteren Artikel seine Beachtung und wird in seinem Zusammenhang mit Elternschaft und Partnerschaft analysiert. Dabei wird die Notwendigkeit eines Einbezugs der familiären Situation in die Planung von Interventionen hervorgehoben und die Nutzung von Partnerschaft und Elternschaft als Ressourcen herausgestellt, die zur Steigerung der Lebensqualität der Patienten beitragen können.
Die Kinder als die schwächsten Glieder in der Kette der Betroffenheit werden im dritten Artikel bezüglich ihrer speziellen Belastungssituation betrachtet und es werden ihre Bewältigungsmechanismen qualitativ wie quantitativ erfasst. Dabei werden jene Copingstile diskutiert, die für die Kinder in ihrer besonderen Lage einen protektiven Faktor darstellen oder hinderlich sein können.
In allen Beiträgen wird die Notwendigkeit einer Integration der Familie (Partner wie Kinder) in die Betreuung und Behandlung der Patienten hervorgehoben.
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Dynamical circular inference in the general population and the psychosis spectrum : insights from perceptual decision making / Inférence circulaire dynamique en population générale et dans le spectre psychotique : apports de la prise de décision perceptiveLeptourgos, Pantelis 14 November 2018 (has links)
Nous évoluons dans un monde incertain. De ce fait, notre survie dépend de notre capacité à prendre rapidement des décisions, et ce de manière fiable et adaptative. Il est possible de mieux comprendre cette capacité en considérant la perception comme un processus d’inférence probabiliste au cours duquel les informations sensorielles sont combinées à nos attentes pour produire une interprétation plausible de notre environnement. Les théories récentes de psychiatrie computationnelle suggèrent par ailleurs que la grande variabilité des troubles psychiatriques, au rang desquelles figure la schizophrénie, pourrait résulter d’une altération de ces mêmes processifs prédictifs. L’Inférence Circulaire est l’une de ces théories. Ce cadre de pensée stipule qu’une propagation incontrôlée d’information dans la hiérarchie corticale pourrait générer des percepts ou des croyances aberrantes. Afin d’explorer le rôle joué par l’Inférence Circulaire en condition normale ou pathologique, ce travail de thèse s’est appuyé sur des tâches de prise de décision en conditions perceptives ambigües. Dans une première partie, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle joué par la circularité dans la perception bistable. Le phénomène de bistabilité survient lorsque deux interprétations se succèdent à intervalle régulier pour un même percept. Nous présentons les résultats d’une tâche conduite en population saine où nous avons manipulé les informations sensorielles et à priori utilisées par les participants lors de la visualisation d’un cube de Necker (article 1). Nous avons pu montrer un effet propre à chaque manipulation, mais également une interaction entre ces deux sources d’information, incompatible avec une intégration Bayésienne optimale. Résultat confirmé par la comparaison de divers modèles computationnels ajustés aux données, qui a pu mettre en évidence la supériorité de l’Inférence Circulaire sur les modèles Bayésiens classiques. Nous avons ensuite voulu tester un modèle fonctionnel de la bistabilité (article 2). Nous avons donc dérivé la dynamique du modèle et montré que la présence de boucles descendantes dans la hiérarchie corticale, transformait ce qui était jusque là un intégrateur imparfait du bruit sensoriel en modèle à attracteur bistable. Ce modèle ne reproduit pas seulement le phénomène de bistabilité, mais également l’ensemble de ces caractéristiques phénoménologiques. Dans un 3ème article, nous avons testé une prédiction, notamment en cas de présentation discontinue d’un stimulus bistable. Deux expériences complémentaires utilisant un paradigme de présentation intermittente du cube de Necker ont donc été conduites en population générale. Nos résultats étaient compatible avec les prédictions faites par le modèle de l’Inférence Circulaire Dynamique, suggérant que la circularité puisse être un mécanisme générique à l’origine de notre façon de voir le monde. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié l’Inférence Circulaire en condition pathologique, notamment lors d’expériences psychotiques (schizophrénie, psychédéliques). Nous avons utilisé la perception bistable pour explorer les mécanismes computationnels à l’œuvre dans la schizophrénie (article 4,5). Nous avons comparé les performances de patients présentant des symptômes psychotiques à des témoins sains appariés lors d’une tâche de perception bistable. Nous avons pu montrer chez les patients une amplification des informations sensorielles combinée à une surestimation de la volatilité environnementale. Enfin nous terminons ce travail en proposant une approche transversale de l’effet des psychédéliques (article 6), sur la base des résultats précédents et de la spécificité clinique de ces expériences sensorielles cross-modales, afin de relier l’échelle macroscopique (i.e., comportement et phénoménologie), mésoscopique (i.e., les boucles inférentielles) et microscopique (i.e., les différents neurotransmetteurs impliqués aboutissant à un microcircuit canonique). / We live in an uncertain world, yet our survival depends on how quickly and accurately we can make decisions and act upon them. To address this problem, modern neuroscience reconceptualised perception as an inference process, in which the brain combines sensory inputs and prior expectations to reconstruct a plausible image of the world. In addition to that, influential theories in the emerging field of computational psychiatry suggest that various psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, could be the outcome of impaired predictive processing. Among those theories, the circular inference framework suggests that an unconstrained propagation of information in the cortex, underlain by an excitatory to inhibitory imbalance, can generate false percepts and beliefs, similar to those exhibited by schizophrenia patients. In the present thesis, we probed the role of circular inference from normal to pathological brain functioning, gaining insights from perceptual decision making in the presence of high ambiguity. In the first part of the thesis, we focused on the role of circularity in bistable perception in the general population. Bistability occurs when two mutually exclusive interpretations compete and switch as dominant percepts every few seconds. In a 1st article, we manipulated sensory evidence and priors in a Necker cube task, asking how the brain combines low-level and high-level information to form perceptual interpretations. We found a significant effect of each manipulation but also an interaction between the two, a finding incompatible with Bayes optimal integration. Bayesian model comparison further supported this observation, showing that a circular inference model outperformed purely Bayesian models. Having established a link between circular inference and bistable perception, we then put forward a functional theory of bistability, based on circularity (2nd article). In particular, we derived the dynamics of a dynamical circular inference model, showing that descending loops (i.e. a form of circularity resulting in aberrant amplification of the priors) transform what is normally a leaky integration of noisy evidence into a bistable attractor with two highly trusted stable states. Importantly, this model can explain both the existence and the phenomenological properties of bistable perception, making a number of testable predictions. Finally, in a 3rd article, we tested one of the model’s predictions, namely the perceptual behaviour when the stimulus is presented discontinuously. We ran two Necker cube experiments using a novel intermittent-presentation methodology, and we calculated the stabilisation curves (i.e. persistence as a function of blank durations). We found that participants’ behaviour was compatible with the model’s prediction for a system with descending loops, suggesting that circularity constitutes a general mechanism that shapes the way healthy individuals perceive the world. In the second part, we studied circular inference in pathological conditions related to psychosis. We notably focused on two varieties of the psychotic experience, namely schizophrenia-related psychosis and drug-induced psychosis. After discussing the links between behaviour, aberrant message-passing and the corresponding neural networks (4th article), we used bistable perception to probe the computational mechanisms underlying schizophrenia in a 5th article. We compared patients with prominent positive symptoms with matched healthy controls in two bistable perception tasks. Our results suggest an enhanced amplification of sensory inputs in patients, combined with an overestimation of the environmental volatility. In the last article (6th), we delineated a multiscale account of psychedelics, ultimately linking the macroscale (i.e. phenomenological considerations such as the crossmodal character of the psychedelics experience), the mesoscale (i.e. loops) and the microscale (i.e. neuromodulators and canonical microcircuits).
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Size and burden of mental disorders in Europe - a critical review and appraisal of 27 studiesWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Jacobi, Frank January 2005 (has links)
Epidemiological data on a wide range of mental disorders from community studies conducted in European countries are presented to determine the availability and consistency of prevalence, disability and treatment findings for the EU. Using a stepwise multimethod approach, 27 eligible studies with quite variable designs and methods including over 150,000 subjects from 16 European countries were identified. Prevalence: On the basis of meta-analytic techniques as well as on reanalyses of selected data sets, it is estimated that about 27% (equals 82.7 million; 95% CI: 78.5–87.1) of the adult EU population, 18–65 of age, is or has been affected by at least one mental disorder in the past 12 months. Taking into account the considerable degree of comorbidity (about one third had more than one disorder), the most frequent disorders are anxiety disorders, depressive, somatoform and substance dependence disorders. When taking into account design, sampling and other methodological differences between studies, little evidence seems to exist for considerable cultural or country variation. Disability and treatment: despite very divergent and fairly crude assessment strategies, the available data consistently demonstrate (a) an association of all mental disorders with a considerable disability burden in terms of number of work days lost (WLD) and (b) generally low utilization and treatment rates. Only 26% of all cases had any consultation with professional health care services, a finding suggesting a considerable degree of unmet need. The paper highlights considerable future research needs for coordinated EU studies across all disorders and age groups. As prevalence estimates could not simply be equated with defined treatment needs, such studies should determine the degree of met and unmet needs for services by taking into account severity, disability and comorbidity. These needs are most pronounced for the new EU member states as well as more generally for adolescent and older populations.
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Care Strategies for Schizophrenic Patients in a Transcultural Comparisonvon Zerssen, Detlev, León, Carlos A., Möller, Hans-Jürgen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Pfister, Hildegard, Sartorius, Norman January 1990 (has links)
This study was conducted in order to test the hypothesis derived from the International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (IPSS) that the existence of extended families in developing countries contributes to the more favorable course and outcome of schizophrenia in these countries in comparison with industrial countries. For this purpose, we compared data from the 5- and 10-year follow-up obtained within the IPSS at Cali, Colombia with data from two 5 to 8-year follow-up studies of former schizophrenic inpatients of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (MPIP) in Munich, FRG. Although, in Cali, schizophrenics are hospitalized and treated with drugs only during acute episodes of the psychosis and no facilities exist for long-term treatment, the psychopathological outcome was, on the whole, not worse than in Munich. Furthermore, the duration of hospitalization during the follow-up period was much lower at Cali and a significantly lower number of Colombian than of German patients was not separated from their families. However, contrary to the hypothesis, family size did not predict course and outcome at both centers.
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