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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of variability in sub-Arctic sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas and Holocene

Cabedo Sanz, Patricia January 2013 (has links)
The presence of the sea ice diatom biomarker IP25 in Arctic marine sediments has been used in previous studies as a proxy for past spring sea ice occurrence and as an indicator of wider palaeoenvironmental conditions for different regions of the Arctic over various timescales. The current study describes a number of analytical and palaeoceanographic developments of the IP25 sea ice biomarker. First, IP25 was extracted and purified from Arctic marine sediments. This enabled the structure of IP25 to be confirmed and enabled instrumental (GC-MS) calibrations to be carried out so that quantitative measurements could be performed with greater accuracy. Second, palaeo sea ice reconstructions based on IP25 and other biomarkers were carried out for a suite of sub-Arctic areas within the Greenland, Norwegian and Barents Seas, each of which represent contrasting oceanographic and environmental settings. Further, an evaluation of some combined biomarker approaches (e.g. the PIP25 and DIP25 indices) for quantifying and/or refining definitions of sea ice conditions was carried out. Temporally, particular emphasis was placed on the characterisation of sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas and the Holocene. Some comparisons with other proxies (e.g. foraminifera, IRD) were also made. A study of a sediment core from Andfjorden (69.16˚N, 16.25˚E), northern Norway, provided unequivocal evidence for the occurrence of seasonal sea ice conditions during the Younger Dryas. The onset (ca. 12.9 cal. kyr BP) and end (ca. 11.5 cal. kyr BP) of this stadial were especially clear in this location, while in a study from the Kveithola Trough (74.52˚N, 16.29˚E), western Barents Sea, these transitions were less apparent. This was attributed to the presence of colder surface waters and the occurrence of seasonal sea ice both before and after this stadial at higher latitudes. Some regional differences regarding the severity of the sea ice conditions were also observed, although an overall general picture was proposed, with more severe sea ice conditions during the early-mid Younger Dryas and less sea ice observed during the late Younger Dryas. A shift in the climate towards ice-free conditions was recorded in northern Norway during the early Holocene (ca. 11.5 – 7.2 cal. kyr BP). Milder conditions were also observed during the Holocene in the western Barents Sea, with three main climate periods observed. During the early Holocene (ca. 11.7 – 9.5 cal. kyr BP), the position of the spring ice edge was close to the study area which resulted in high productivity during summers. During the mid-late Holocene (ca. 9.5 – 1.6 cal. kyr BP), sea ice was mainly absent due to an increased influence of Atlantic waters and northward movement of the Polar Front. During the last ca. 1.6 cal. kyr BP, sea ice conditions were similar to those of the present day. In addition to the outcomes obtained from the Norwegian-Barents Sea region, comparison of biomarker and other proxy data from 3 short cores from Kangerdlugssuaq Trough (Denmark Strait/SE Greenland) with historical climate observations allowed the development of a model of sea ice conditions which was then tested for longer time-scales. It is suggested that the IP25 in sediments from this region is likely derived from drift ice carried from the Arctic Ocean via the East Greenland Current and that two main sea surface scenarios have existed over the last ca. 150 yr. From ca. AD 1850 – 1910, near perennial sea ice conditions resulted in very low primary productivity, while from ca. AD 1910 – 1986, local sea ice conditions were less severe with increased drift ice and enhanced primary productivity. This two-component model was subsequently developed to accommodate different sea surface conditions that existed during the retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the deglaciation (ca. 16.3 – 10.9 cal. kyr BP).

Concentrations en gaz dans la glace de mer: développements techniques et implications environnementales

Verbeke, Véronique 26 September 2005 (has links)
La glace de mer couvre jusqu’à 6% de la surface de notre planète. Autour du continent Antarctique, sa superficie varie entre 3.8 et 19 millions de km² (en février et septembre respectivement). Cette superficie présente des variations interannuelles. En parallèle, une évolution de la superficie de la glace de mer a également pour origine le réchauffement climatique global, très médiatisé à l’heure actuelle. Dans ce contexte, et étant donné le rôle que joue la banquise au sein de l’Océan Austral, des études de l’évolution de la glace de mer sont devenues fondamentales. <p>Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier les relations complexes qui existent entre les processus chimiques, physiques et biologiques qui se déroulent au sein de la glace de mer. La détermination des propriétés physiques et de la composition chimique des glaces de mer correspond en effet à un pré-requis indispensable à l’étude des cycles géochimiques qui existent dans la banquise.<p>Différentes glaces de mer, naturelles ou artificielles, ont été analysées. Pour ce faire, les caractéristiques spécifiques à ce type de glace font que des méthodes d’analyse de la composition en gaz particulières ont été nécessaires.<p>Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que le contenu et la composition en gaz des différentes glaces analysées dépendent de facteurs physico-chimiques et de facteurs biologiques. L’impact des facteurs physico-chimiques se marque lors de l’incorporation initiale des impuretés dans la glace de mer et via une diffusion "post-génétique" tant que la glace est plus chaude que –5°C. En outre, les organismes photosynthétiques sont à l’origine d’une production d’oxygène et d’une consommation de dioxyde de carbone. La composition en gaz résultante peut donc être sensiblement différente de la composition atmosphérique ou de celle des gaz dissous dans l’eau de mer sous-jacente, en été comme en hiver. Il s’agit par conséquent de sérieusement envisager l’impact potentiel de la glace de mer et des microorganismes qu’elle contient, lors du réchauffement et de la débâcle, sur les échanges entre atmosphère et océan comme sur leurs compositions respectives.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation géographie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished


Hung, Meng-Pai 24 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Assessment of Antarctic sea ice by surface validated satellite measurements

Price, Daniel David Frederick January 2014 (has links)
Satellite investigations have documented Antarctic sea ice area, but are restricted in their ability to provide volume, as the procedure to derive thickness is still under development. This procedure requires the measurement of sea ice freeboard, the segment of ice held above the ocean surface by buoyancy. This measurement can be made by satellite altimeters and in conjunction with density and snow depth information; sea ice thickness can be estimated via the hydrostatic equilibrium assumption. The ability to monitor the spatial and temporal characteristics of the thickness distribution must be improved as we strive to understand the linkages between the glaciological, atmospheric and oceanic components of the Antarctic climate system. A key sector in which these components interact is the Antarctic coast. There, offshore winds drive coastal polynyas creating vast amounts of sea ice, and ice shelf interaction modifies ocean properties. Together they condition the ocean for downwelling, driving the global oceanic circulation. In light of this, the coastal Antarctic is a fundamental region in regard to Antarctic sea ice processes and the Earth climate system. McMurdo Sound occupies a coastal area in proximity to an ice shelf in the south-western corner of the Ross Sea. The sound has witnessed scientific investigation for over a century with a fully established research programme since the 1960s. However, the sea ice research in this region is spatially restricted. This thesis aims to expand the knowledge of sea ice in McMurdo Sound to a larger area using space-borne remote sensing instrumentation and design of in situ measurement campaigns. In doing so, this work evaluates the capabilities of satellite platforms to record sea ice freeboard in the coastal Antarctic, whilst developing knowledge of ice shelf-sea ice interaction. This work provides the first satellite altimeter based investigation of sea ice freeboard in McMurdo Sound using ICESat over the period 2003-2009. No observable trend was observed for first-year sea ice freeboard in the region in line with larger scale assessments in the Ross Sea. However, there was significant increase in the freeboard of a temporary multiyear sea ice regime, the segment of the largest increase linked to the outflow of supercooled Ice Shelf Water (ISW) from the McMurdo and Ross Ice Shelf cavities. This remote sensing assessment supports the in situ and modelling work of many others who have identified the influence of ISW on sea ice processes in this region, in particular, that it is thicker than it would otherwise be. The influence of ISW on altimetric sea ice thickness retrievals was also quantified using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) evaluation of freeboard to thickness conversion. This revealed that a sub-ice platelet layer, created by supercooled ISW and with an estimated solid fraction of 0.16, accumulates beneath the sea ice cover and influences the thickness estimates from the GNSS-derived surface elevation. A cautionary conclusion is reached that within 100 km of ice shelves this buoyant influence should be considered, and in close proximity (< 50 km) can result in overestimations of sea ice thickness of ~ 12 %. It is also suggested that the sea ice freeboard anomalies that result from enhanced growth, driven by supercooled water advection could be used to map the presence of ISW in the coastal Antarctic. Looking to future ability to monitor Southern Ocean sea ice thickness from space, the first comprehensive evaluation of CryoSat-2 (CS-2) over Antarctic sea ice is provided. Using three separate retracking procedures, CS-2 is shown to be capable of detecting the development of a fast ice cover in McMurdo Sound. The role played by a snow cover with layering typical of the Antarctic appears to cause a positive bias in the ice freeboard for a waveform fitting procedure currently used over Arctic sea ice. The identification of open water and the establishment of accurate sea surface heights are also indicated as causing errors (in the order of cms) in the study region. CS-2 is shown to be capable of recording sea ice growth over two growth cycles in McMurdo Sound. This work has advanced the application of satellite investigative techniques to Antarctic sea ice, providing hope that such techniques may be capable of revealing larger scale connections between sea ice and ice shelves.

Investigação numérica das massas de água do Mar de Ross usando o Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS / Numerical Investigation of the Ross Sea water masses using the Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS

Tonelli, Marcos Henrique Maruch 14 April 2014 (has links)
A formação de águas profundas na Antártica afeta diretamente o clima global, uma vez que este processo conecta os ramos superior e inferior da circulação termohalina global (MOC). Avaliar os impactos das mudanças climáticas nestes processos é importante para compreensão do transporte global de calor pelos oceanos e para realização de projeções climáticas. Aplicando a forçante interanual Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference (CORE), foi realizada uma simulação de 60 anos (1948-2007) utilizando o ROMS com módulos de gelo marinho e plataforma de gelo ativos. Uma rodada preliminar de 100 anos foi realizada com forçante do ano normal CORE, para gerar campos estáveis de inicialização da rodada interanual. Para ambos os experimentos adotou-se uma grade circumpolar periódica com resolução variável, alcançando cerca de 5 km na borda sul. Para investigar as massas de água foi aplicada a Análise Multiparamétrica Ótima - OMP. As principais massas de água do Mar de Ross foram identificadas: Água de Superfície Antártica (AASW), Água Circumpolar Profunda (CDW), Água de Fundo Antártica (AABW) e Água de Plataforma (SW), posteriormente separadas em Água da Plataforma de Gelo (ISW) e Água de Plataforma de Alta Salinidade (HSSW). Os resultados são consistentes com observações prévias (Bergamasco, 2002; Orsi & Wiederwohl, 2009; Budillon, 2011). A simulação interanual sugere que o Oceano Austral vem sofrendo um processo de aquecimento e diminuição de salinidade. Houve um aumento do calor advectado pela CDW e uma diminuição da salinidade das águas de plataforma e da AABW, consistente com as observações de Johnson & Doney (2006). A capacidade do modelo regional ROMS de reproduzir as águas de plataforma ISW, HSSW e a AABW é uma importante contribuição para estudos climáticos, visto que os modelos globais não conseguem representar tais processos. A inclusão de parametrizações explícitas dos processos de gelo marinho e plataforma de gelo capacita o ROMS para reproduzir os processos associados a criosfera, possibilitando a obtenção de projeções mais realísticas. / Dense water formation around Antarctica is recognized as a significant process that significantly impacts the global climate, since that\'s where the linkage between the upper and lower limbs of Global Thermohaline Circulation takes place. Assessing whether these processes may be affected by rapid climate changes and all the eventual feedbacks is crucial to fully understand the ocean heat transport and to provide quality future climate projections. Applying the Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference (CORE) interannual forcing we have run a 50-year simulation (1948-2007) using ROMS with a new sea ice/ice shelf thermodynamics module. Another 100-year simulation forced with CORE normal year was previously run to provide stable starting fields. The normal year consists of single annual cycle of all the data that are representative of climatological conditions over decades and can be applied repeatedly for as many years of model integration as necessary. The 60-year forcing has interannually varying data from 1948 to 2007, which allows validation of model output with ocean observations. Both experiments employed a periodic circumpolar variable resolution grid reaching less than 5 km at the southern border. By applying the OMP water masses separating scheme, we were able to identify the main Ross Sea water masses: Antarctic Surface Water (AASW), Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Shelf Water (SW), further separated into Ice Shelf Water (ISW) and High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW). Results are consistent with previous observational studies (Bergamasco, 2002; Orsi & Wiederwohl, 2009; Budillon, 2011). The interannual simulation indicates that the Southern Ocean is becoming warmer and less salty. The CDW poleward heat transport increased while shelf waters salinity as well as the AABW salinity decreased during the simulation period, consistent with Johnson & Doney (2006), who have reported the export of less dense AABW. ROMS capability to represent ISW, HSSW and AABW is an important contribution to climate studies, since IPCC class models seem unable to provide reliable representations of such important processes, which may lead to projections of more realistic scenarios. This is significantly improved in this study by including more explicit sea ice/ice shelf parameretization. ROMS is able to reproduce cryosphere-linked mechanisms of dense water formation around Antarctica.

Interações entre os ciclones extratropicais e a variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho nos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen e no mar de Weddell, Antártica / Interactions between the extratropical cyclones and extreme variability of sea ice in the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas and in the Weddell Sea, Antarctic

Carpenedo, Camila Bertoletti 14 May 2012 (has links)
O sistema atmosfera-gelo marinho é complexo e fortemente acoplado. Em uma região de transição entre a cobertura de gelo marinho e o mar aberto a interação entre esse sistema é particularmente intensa, sendo significativa o suficiente para influenciar a circulação atmosférica de grande escala e a distribuição de gelo marinho. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar as interações entre os ciclones extratropicais e a variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho nos setores dos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen (MBA) e do mar de Weddell (MW), no período de verão e inverno austral entre 1989 e 2007. Foram utilizados dados de extensão de gelo marinho do NSIDC/NASA; campos atmosféricos da superfície até os altos níveis da troposfera das reanálises do ERA-Interim (ECMWF); composição de imagens de satélite do canal infravermelho do SSEC; Índice de Niño Oceânico do CPC/NOAA. As anomalias de alta frequência (período de 2-10 dias) e interanual (período maior que 370 dias) foram obtidas aplicando-se a transformada rápida de Fourier nas séries temporais (1989-2007). Os extremos de gelo marinho foram obtidos através do primeiro e terceiro quartil da distribuição dos dados. As características da circulação atmosférica de alta frequência e interanual associadas aos eventos extremos negativos (ENGM) e positivos (EPGM) de gelo marinho, na mesma escala de tempo, foram obtidas através de composições defasadas das anomalias dos campos atmosféricos. Para evidenciar e exemplificar os padrões encontrados nas composições de alta frequência apresenta-se uma análise sinótica de estudo de casos para o setor dos MBA durante o inverno austral, em eventos ENGM e EPGM, separando os casos em fases distintas do fenômeno tropical El Niño. Foi utilizada a estatística de ciclones do Automatic Cyclone Tracking, da Universidade de Melbourne, para analisar a ocorrência de ciclones associados aos períodos de mínima e máxima extensão de gelo marinho na escala interanual. Os resultados mostram que no verão e inverno austral, os eventos ENGM de alta frequência no setor dos MBA e do MW estão associados com as anomalias dos campos atmosféricos, na mesma escala temporal, que se assemelham a um trem de ondas ocorrido a partir de três dias anteriores ao evento extremo. A anomalia ciclônica no oeste e a anomalia anticiclônica no leste do setor resultam em uma anomalia de ventos de norte e, consequentemente, a anomalias positivas de temperatura do ar. Essa configuração anômala contribui para os eventos ENGM através do derretimento do gelo marinho e do seu próprio transporte em direção às latitudes maiores pelos ventos de norte anômalos. As anomalias de alta frequência dos campos atmosféricos em todos os casos (composições defasadas) de eventos EPGM apresentam fases opostas em relação aos eventos ENGM. Portanto, fases distintas do trem de ondas induzem na modulação de extremos de gelo marinho opostos. Em relação às análises sinóticas dos eventos ENGM e EPGM em fases distintas do fenômeno El Niño, verificou-se que em períodos de El Niño há uma intensificação do jato subtropical e um enfraquecimento do jato polar no Pacífico Sul. Há uma menor atuação dos ciclones extratropicais, predominando o sistema de cristas e cavados. Na fase de La Niña há um reforço do jato polar e uma intensa atividade ciclônica sobre os MBA. No evento ENGM (EPGM) há uma associação entre os ventos de norte (de sul) com a vanguarda (retaguarda) dos sistemas ciclônicos em superfície. Na fase Neutra verificou-se uma intensificação do jato polar e uma atuação do sistema de cristas/cavados e de sistemas ciclônicos em superfície. Na análise da influência da circulação atmosférica interanual na variabilidade extrema do gelo marinho, na mesma escala de tempo, observou-se que a fase quente (fria) do ENSO provavelmente está associada com eventos ENGM (EPGM) nos MBA e com eventos EPGM (ENGM) no MW. Sobre a influência da variabilidade interanual da extensão do gelo marinho na atividade ciclônica, nas composições de anomalias interanuais de PNMM em relação aos eventos ENGM nos MBA (lag = 0) no verão, há um predomínio de anomalias positivas de pressão ao nível médio do mar (PNMM) sobre grande parte do Oceano Austral, o que contribuiria para uma menor profundidade e raio dos sistemas em superfície. Já em relação aos eventos ENGM no MW, verifica-se que no lag = 0 há um predomínio de anomalias negativas de PNMM no Oceano Austral, o que contribuiria para um aumento da profundidade e raio dos ciclones. / The sea ice-atmosphere system is complex and tightly coupled. In a transition region between the coverage of sea ice and open ocean the interaction between this system is particularly intense, being significant enough to influence large-scale atmospheric circulation and sea ice distribution. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the interactions between extratropical cyclones and extreme variability of sea ice in the sectors of the Bellingshausen-Amundsen Seas (BAS) and the Weddell Sea (WS), in the period of austral summer and winter between 1989 and 2007. We used sea ice extent data from NSIDC/NASA; atmospheric fields (surface to higher tropospheric levels) from ERA-Interim reanalysis; SSEC IR satellite image composition; and the Oceanic Niño Index CPC/NOAA. Anomalies of high-frequency (2-10 days) and interannual (longer than 370 days) were obtained by applying a fast Fourier transform in the time series (1989-2007). The extremes of sea ice were obtained from the first and third quartile of the data distribution. The characteristics of high-frequency atmospheric circulation and interannual associated with negative (NESI) and positive (PESI) extreme events of sea ice at the same time scale, were obtained from the lagged composites of the anomalies of atmospheric fields. To highlight and illustrate the patterns found in the composites of high frequency presents a synoptic analysis of case studies for the sector of the BAS during the austral winter at NESI and PESI events, separating the cases in different stages of the tropical El Niño phenomenon. Was used a statistical cyclone of Automatic Cyclone Tracking, from University of Melbourne, to analyze the occurrence of cyclones associated with periods of minimum and maximum extent of sea ice in the interannual scale. The results show that in the austral summer and winter, the NESI events of high frequency in the sector of the BAS and the WS are associated with the anomalies of atmospheric fields in the same timescale that resemble a wave train occurring from three days before the extreme event. The cyclonic anomaly in the west and anticyclonic anomaly in the east sector result in an anomaly of north winds and, consequently, the positive anomalies of air temperature. This anomalous configuration contributes for events NESI by sea ice melting and its own transport to higher latitudes by anomalous north winds. Synoptic atmospheric fields anomalies, in all PESI event cases are in opposite phases to NESI events. Therefore, different phases of the circumpolar wave train induce modulation of concurrent sea ice extremes. Regarding the synoptic analysis of events NESI and PESI in different phases of El Niño, it was found that during periods of El Niño it has a strengthening of the subtropical jet and a weakening of the polar jet in the South Pacific. There is less activity of extratropical cyclones, and the predominant system of ridge and troughs. In the La Niña case studies, has a strengthening of the polar jet and an intense cyclonic activity over the BAS. In the NESI (PESI) event there is an association between the north (south) winds at the vanguard (rear) of the cyclone systems at surface. In the Neutral phase case studies, there is an intensification of the polar jet and performance of the system of ridge/troughs and cyclonic systems at surface. In the analysis of the influence of interannual atmospheric circulation on extreme variability of sea ice, at the same time scale, it was observed that the warm (cold) phase of ENSO are probably associated with NESI (PESI) events at BAS and with PESI (NESI) events in the WS. On the influence of interannual variability of sea ice extent in the cyclonic activity, in the composites of interannual anomalies of mean sea level pressure (MSLP) in relation to NESI events in the BAS (lag = 0) in the summer, there is a predominance of positive anomalies of MSLP over much of the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to a lower depth and radius of the surface systems. In relation to NESI events in WS, it appears that in the lag = 0 there is a predominance of negative anomalies of MSLP in the Southern Ocean, which would contribute to an increase in depth and radius cyclones.

Influência do gelo marinho antártico no setor austral sudoeste do Atlântico Sul / The influence of antactic sea ice in the austral and southwest sector on the south atlantic

Janini Pereira 07 November 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação da interação entre o gelo marinho Antártico e o setor austral e sudoeste do Atlântico Sul. Para realizar este estudo foram utilizados dados de satélite da concentração do gelo marinho e o modelo numérico acoplado do NCAR (Nacional Center for Atmospheric Research) o CCSM3 (Community Climate System Model) versão 3. O CCSM3 foi integrado por 150 anos em 3 diferentes simulações. Estas foram forçadas com as climatologias prescritas da concentração de gelo máximo (MAX), mínimo (MIN) e médio (controle) com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto das mudanças do gelo marinho Antártico no Mar de Weddell e na região da Confluência Brasil-Malvinas (CBM). Este estudo enfatiza a interação das escalas de tempo anual, interanual a decadal. A metodologia empregada nesta pesquisa inclue as análises de correlação e espectral, bem como as técnicas estatísticas de funções ortogonais empíricas (EOF) e decomposição de valores singulares (SVD). O comportamento climático das variáveis oceânicas apresentou sensibilidade às diferentes concentrações de gelo marinho Antártico. A variabilidade das anomalias de TSM e SSM mostraram para o experimento MIN padrões espaciais que caracterizam um regime frio do Giro de Weddell, associado a menor intrusão da CDW. A resposta da variabilidade da temperatura, entre os cenários de gelo MAX e MIN, para a região da CBM sugere que menores concentrações de gelo marinho Antártico intensificam as anomalias de TSM desta região, com periodicidade interanual de 2-3 anos e decadal de 25 anos. A circulação oceânica, em ambas as regiões analisadas, associada a fase positiva da SAM se intensifica devido a influência das menores concentrações de gelo marinho. / In this work the interaction between Antarctic sea-ice and the South Atlantic ocean (austral and southwestern sectors) is investigated. To accomplish this satellite-observed sea-ice concentration (SIC) and a coupled model from NCAR-CCSM3 (National Center for Atmospheric Research - Community Climate System Model version 3) were employed. Three 150-year simulations, one each with the maximum (MAX), minimum (MIN) and average (control) SIC prescribed climatologies, were used to drive the CCSM3 run. The goal of the research is to evaluate the Weddell Sea and Brazil-Malvinas confluence (BMC) response to observed extremes in Antarctic sea-ice. This study focuses on annual, interannual and decadal timescales. The applied methodology uses correlation and spectrum analyses, as well as Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The annual mean behavior of oceanic variables showed sensibility to Antarctic sea-ice changes. The variability of SST and SSS anomalies showed for the sea-ice MIN experiment a spatial pattern that characterizes the cold regime of the Weddell Gyre, associate with low CDW intrusion. The response of the temperature variability, between sea-ice MAX and MIN scenarios, for the BMC region suggests that less Antarctic sea-ice produces a SST anomaly intensification in this region with a interannual cycle of the 2-3year and decadal cycle of the 25-year. The oceanic circulation in both study regions, related to positive SAM events, showed a intensification to less SIC influence.

Investigação numérica das massas de água do Mar de Ross usando o Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS / Numerical Investigation of the Ross Sea water masses using the Regional Ocean Modeling System - ROMS

Marcos Henrique Maruch Tonelli 14 April 2014 (has links)
A formação de águas profundas na Antártica afeta diretamente o clima global, uma vez que este processo conecta os ramos superior e inferior da circulação termohalina global (MOC). Avaliar os impactos das mudanças climáticas nestes processos é importante para compreensão do transporte global de calor pelos oceanos e para realização de projeções climáticas. Aplicando a forçante interanual Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference (CORE), foi realizada uma simulação de 60 anos (1948-2007) utilizando o ROMS com módulos de gelo marinho e plataforma de gelo ativos. Uma rodada preliminar de 100 anos foi realizada com forçante do ano normal CORE, para gerar campos estáveis de inicialização da rodada interanual. Para ambos os experimentos adotou-se uma grade circumpolar periódica com resolução variável, alcançando cerca de 5 km na borda sul. Para investigar as massas de água foi aplicada a Análise Multiparamétrica Ótima - OMP. As principais massas de água do Mar de Ross foram identificadas: Água de Superfície Antártica (AASW), Água Circumpolar Profunda (CDW), Água de Fundo Antártica (AABW) e Água de Plataforma (SW), posteriormente separadas em Água da Plataforma de Gelo (ISW) e Água de Plataforma de Alta Salinidade (HSSW). Os resultados são consistentes com observações prévias (Bergamasco, 2002; Orsi & Wiederwohl, 2009; Budillon, 2011). A simulação interanual sugere que o Oceano Austral vem sofrendo um processo de aquecimento e diminuição de salinidade. Houve um aumento do calor advectado pela CDW e uma diminuição da salinidade das águas de plataforma e da AABW, consistente com as observações de Johnson & Doney (2006). A capacidade do modelo regional ROMS de reproduzir as águas de plataforma ISW, HSSW e a AABW é uma importante contribuição para estudos climáticos, visto que os modelos globais não conseguem representar tais processos. A inclusão de parametrizações explícitas dos processos de gelo marinho e plataforma de gelo capacita o ROMS para reproduzir os processos associados a criosfera, possibilitando a obtenção de projeções mais realísticas. / Dense water formation around Antarctica is recognized as a significant process that significantly impacts the global climate, since that\'s where the linkage between the upper and lower limbs of Global Thermohaline Circulation takes place. Assessing whether these processes may be affected by rapid climate changes and all the eventual feedbacks is crucial to fully understand the ocean heat transport and to provide quality future climate projections. Applying the Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference (CORE) interannual forcing we have run a 50-year simulation (1948-2007) using ROMS with a new sea ice/ice shelf thermodynamics module. Another 100-year simulation forced with CORE normal year was previously run to provide stable starting fields. The normal year consists of single annual cycle of all the data that are representative of climatological conditions over decades and can be applied repeatedly for as many years of model integration as necessary. The 60-year forcing has interannually varying data from 1948 to 2007, which allows validation of model output with ocean observations. Both experiments employed a periodic circumpolar variable resolution grid reaching less than 5 km at the southern border. By applying the OMP water masses separating scheme, we were able to identify the main Ross Sea water masses: Antarctic Surface Water (AASW), Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Shelf Water (SW), further separated into Ice Shelf Water (ISW) and High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW). Results are consistent with previous observational studies (Bergamasco, 2002; Orsi & Wiederwohl, 2009; Budillon, 2011). The interannual simulation indicates that the Southern Ocean is becoming warmer and less salty. The CDW poleward heat transport increased while shelf waters salinity as well as the AABW salinity decreased during the simulation period, consistent with Johnson & Doney (2006), who have reported the export of less dense AABW. ROMS capability to represent ISW, HSSW and AABW is an important contribution to climate studies, since IPCC class models seem unable to provide reliable representations of such important processes, which may lead to projections of more realistic scenarios. This is significantly improved in this study by including more explicit sea ice/ice shelf parameretization. ROMS is able to reproduce cryosphere-linked mechanisms of dense water formation around Antarctica.

Análise das mudanças na extensão do gelo marinho antártico e ártico entre 1979 e 2007 e sua relação com a variabilidade climática global. / Changes in arctic and antartic sea ice extent between 1979 and 2007 and its relationship to global climate variability.

Newton de Magalhães Neto 14 April 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Recentes observações satelitais têm demonstrado um aumento na extensão total do gelo marinho Antártico e redução do gelo marinho no Ártico. Apesar destas constatações, no Oceano Sul análises regionais apontam tendências negativas nos mares de Bellingshausen-Amundsen e positivas no mar de Ross, enquanto que para o Ártico ocorrer uma redução uniforme do gelo marinho. Neste estudo, foi realizada uma análise multivariada para identificar as mudanças na extensão do gelo marinho Antártico e Ártico em resposta à variabilidade de um conjunto de forçantes/parâmetros/índices climáticos de reconhecida importância em escala global. Especificamente, as associações entre o gelo marinho e os parâmetros e forçantes climáticos foram examinadas através da correlação linear e da análise de agrupamento. Diferentes respostas em diferentes setores foram examinadas e discutidas. Os resultados indicam que a variabilidade do gelo marinho Antártico e Ártico é um fenômeno multivariado e que a extensão de gelo marinho mínima, média e máxima podem apresentar diferentes padrões espaciais e responderem a diferentes conjuntos de parâmetros e forçantes climáticos. Foi identificado um significativo impacto de forçantes/parâmetros/índices climáticos sobre o gelo marinho no Oeste Antártico. No hemisfério Norte o aumento da temperatura média global e do CO2 atmosférico são os principais responsáveis pela redução na extensão do gelo marinho. / Recent satellite observations have shown an increase in the total extent of Antarctic sea ice and a reduction of sea ice in the Arctic. Despite these findings, regional analyses in the Southern Ocean indicates negative trends in the Bellingshausen-Amundsen Sea and positive trends in the Ross Sea, while in the Arctic seems to occur a uniform reduction of sea ice. In this study, mutivariate analysis was performed to identify changes in Antarctic sea ice in response to changes in a set of climate forcings/parameters/indices. More specifically, the relationships between sea ice and climate forcings and parameters were examined by linear correlation and cluster analysis. Different responses in different sectors were examined and discussed. The findings indicate that Antarctic sea ice variability is a multivariate phenomenon and that the minimum, maximum, and mean sea ice extent depicts different spatial pattern and may respond to a different set of climate forcings/parameters/indices. A significant impact of climate forcings/parameters/indices occurs over western Antarctic. In the northern hemisphere the increase in global mean temperature and atmospheric CO2 seems to be the major responsible for the reduction in sea ice extent.

Étude de la variabilité des conditions océanographiques et climatiques en Antarctique de l'Est (Terre Adélie-Georges V) au cours de l'Holocène tardif et de la période instrumentale / Past sea ice variability and climate reconstructions in East Antarctica, Adélie Land, over the Late Holocene period

Campagne, Philippine 18 December 2015 (has links)
La banquise Antarctique joue un rôle important sur les flux de chaleur et les échanges de gaz à l'interface océan-atmosphère, sur la circulation océanique globale, sur l'albédo et la productivité primaire de l'Océan Austral. Cependant, du fait de son éloignement et d'un climat extrême, cette région reste à ce jour encore peu étudiés, et représente un verrou pour les modèles prédictifs du climat. De plus, de récentes observations ont montré que le continent Antarctique présente des tendances régionales, dont les causes et les mécanismes sont encore mal compris. Les reconstructions paléoclimatiques de températures tendent à montrer que ces disparités régionales ont également caractérisé la période Holocène. L'Holocène tardif représente la période sur laquelle le réchauffement récent se produit et est également caractérisée par des variations climatiques rapides généralement de plus faibles amplitudes. Afin de mieux évaluer ces changements, l'étude fine des conditions environnementales passées en Antarctique au cours de l'Holocène tardif est essentielle afin d'isoler la part de variabilité climatique naturelle de la part anthropique. Bien qu'un vaste réseau de carottes de glace en Antarctique constitue une base d'informations robuste sur la variabilité atmosphérique passée dans l'Hémisphère Sud, l'étude des conditions paléocéanographiques est contrainte dans la région par le nombre limité d'enregistrements sédimentaires marins,et qui de plus, tendent à être de faible résolution, trop courts ou discontinus. Notre étude porte sur la zone marginale du plateau de la Terre Adélie-Georges V en Antarctique de l'Est, qui a reçu peu d'attention jusqu'à présent, malgré la présence de séquences sédimentaires très épaisses et laminées, permettant la reconstruction fine des variations climatiques passées. Nos travaux ont été réalisés à partir de plusieurs enregistrements sédimentaires marins, couvrant la période instrumentale et jusqu'aux deux derniers millénaires. Nos résultats montrent que les assemblages de diatomées, les biomarqueurs spécifiques des diatomées, ainsi que de la géochimie élémentaire du sédiment traduisent efficacement des variations océanographiques et climatiques locales et aussi régionales à l'échelle interannuelle à centennale. La dynamique couplée océan-atmosphère en lien avec les modes climatiques principaux de l'Hémisphère Sud, ainsi que la dynamique glaciaire constituent les mécanismes de forçage majeurs des changements du couvert de banquise au court de l'Holocène tardif. / Antarctic sea ice has large impacts on the heat and gas transfers between the ocean andthe atmosphere, on the global oceanic circulation, on the Earth albedo and on theprimary productivity of the Southern Ocean. However, because of its remote and icecoveredlocation, the climate of the Antarctic continent and of the Southern Ocean isstill poorly studied and constitutes a challenge for climate model predictions. Recentobservations highlighted opposite patterns of climate variability between Western andEastern Antarctica, but poorly resolved the mechanisms and forcing involved.Reconstructions of temperature signals indicate that regional disparities have persistedover the Holocene period. The Late Holocene period includes the recent climate change(so-called modern global warming) as well as preceding rapid climate variabilitiesthough of lower amplitude. Achieving paleoenvironmental reconstructions in theAntarctic region at high temporal resolution over this period therefore offers theopportunity to improve the understanding of climate changes in response to bothnatural and anthropogenic forcing. While paleoenvironmental records obtained from icecores provide robust information on the past atmospheric conditions over Antarctica,the paleoceanography of the nearby ocean is constrained by a limited set of rather lowresolution, discontinuous records from sediment cores. Our study focuses on themarginal zone of the Adélie-Georges V Land, East Antarctica, a region which has beenpoorly studied so far, despite the presence of thick and laminated sedimentary depositsthat allow accurate and high resolution paleoclimate reconstructions. Our work is basedon several marine sedimentary records, made of diatom oozes and covering theinstrumental period to the last 2,000 years. Our results show that diatom assemblages,diatom specific biomarkers (HBI) and elemental geochemistry in the sedimenteffectively testify of local but also regional oceanographic and climatic variations atdecadal to centennial scales. Coupled atmospheric and oceanic dynamics linked to majorclimate modes of the Southern Hemisphere, along with glacial dynamics constitutemajor forcing mechanisms of ice covered changes during the late Holocene.

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