Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reasons."" "subject:"seasons.""
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Accelerated and out-of-season lamb production in New Zealand : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandDeNicolo, Gina January 2007 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate ewe and lamb performance in an accelerated lamb production system, and to compare the performance and lamb output between a conventional and an accelerated lamb production system. In the “Conventional” system, ewes were bred in March to lamb in August. The “Accelerated” system was based on the “STAR” system (Lewis et al., 1996), in which there were five breeding periods within each year. In the current experiment these were 14th January, 28th March, 9th June, 21st August and 2nd November. Progesterone was used to synchronise the breeding periods and during the non-breeding season, eCG was used to induce reproductive activity. Lambing began on each of these dates and weaning was 73 days later, coinciding with the next breeding period. The experiment ran over a three-year period beginning with breeding in March 2003 and was complete with the weaning of lambs from the January 2006-bred ewes. This resulted in 15 lambing and breeding periods over the three years in the Accelerated system and three lambing and breeding periods in the Conventional system. Average pregnancy rates were lower in the Accelerated system than in the Conventional system. Lamb growth rates were similar between the two systems, although lamb live weights at weaning were lower in the Accelerated system due to the age of the lambs at weaning (average = 69 vs 96 days). More lambs were born and weaned, resulting in more kilograms of lamb weaned in the Accelerated system relative to the Conventional system over the experimental period (26,200 vs 24,300 kg). Labour input was 35% higher in the Accelerated system, or 13% higher per lamb weaned. Average annual ewe energy requirements were 6% higher in the Accelerated system. Ewe energy requirements per kilogram of lamb weaned was lower (6%) in the Accelerated system due to more breeding and lambing periods per ewe per year. Laparoscopic observation of ewes’ ovaries at each breeding period revealed that most ewes had active ovaries and were therefore capable of successfully producing a viable foetus. In a subsequent experiment, blood samples were collected for analysis of progesterone concentrations from ewes bred during the spring and autumn breeding periods. Observations of data indicated that a small number of ewes conceived and lost their conceptus, or had abnormal corpora lutea. Results suggested that pregnancies were failing due to a lack of an appropriate signal from the embryo to the dam/uterus. Exposing Romney ewes to an artificial lighting regimen was unsuccessful for inducing reproductive activity during spring. In another experiment, melatonin implants administered to Romney ewes in spring and used in conjunction with eCG and progesterone, resulted in 61% more lambs born per ewe treated, compared to eCG and progesterone alone. This result indicated that melatonin implants, used with eCG and progesterone may be a suitable method for improving reproductive performance in sheep bred out of season in New Zealand. Delaying weaning of lambs and breeding lactating ewes can be used to obtain heavier lamb weaning weights in the Accelerated system. Spring-bred ewes had lambs weaned at either 69 days post partum or 90 days post partum. Reproductive performance was similar between the two groups of ewes, and lamb live weights in the later weaned group were heavier when lambs were 90 and 120 days of age. This research has shown that accelerated or out-of-season lamb production is an option for some New Zealand sheep farmers. However, the mechanisms associated with reproductive seasonality and methods of successfully circumventing this seasonality require further attention in order to achieve optimum reproductive performance.
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Seasonality and predictability: the hormonal and behavioral responses of the red-bellied lemur, Eulemur rubriventer, in southeastern MadagascarTecot, Stacey Robyn, 1974- 29 August 2008 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the relationship between Madagascar’s environment and the stress physiology of the red-bellied lemur, Eulemur rubriventer. Unique lemurid traits are proposed to have evolved in response to selection pressures unlike those in other primate habitats, and appear to be particularly suited to helping animals cope with harsh and unpredictable environments. Several hypotheses as to why lemurs evolved characteristics such as small group sizes, low basal metabolic rates, and cathemerality rest upon the untested assumption that these species are ecologically and/or reproductively stressed. This study simultaneously analyzes seasonal changes in climate, ecology, and the behavior and stress hormones (cortisol) of Eulemur rubriventer, as well as differences in these parameters across habitats with different ecological matrices. The goals of this dissertation are to: (1) evaluate the influences of seasonally varying food availability and climate upon lemur behavior and physiology, to determine whether such changes are sufficient to exert strong selective pressure; and (2) assess the additional influences of habitat composition and quality to evaluate the effects of unpredictability and habitat disturbance. Eulemur rubriventer are sensitive to seasonal environmental changes, as indicated by their time budgets, diets, and fecal cortisol levels. Overall they adopt a time minimizing strategy whereby energy is conserved by resting a majority of the time. Ripe fruit scarcity periods elicit the launch of an energy maximizing strategy whereby fecal cortisol levels and time feeding increase, and time resting decreases. Sensitivity to these influences varies across habitats. The behavioral and stress responses of groups in the undisturbed habitat (UND) were more seasonal and pronounced than those from their disturbed habitat (DIST) counterparts. Lower cortisol levels in DIST may result from a less seasonally predictable environment requiring frequent short-term responses (with possible energy deficits during critical reproductive stages yielding 3 deaths out of 5 births and out-of-season reproduction). Alternatively, the attenuated behavioral and hormonal response to environmental change in DIST may indicate a severely stressed population with insufficient energy to launch an appropriate coping response. The hypothesis that animals in DIST have adapted to frequent unpredictability due to disturbance is rejected because all animals behaviorally and hormonally respond to fruit declines, indicating that this species undergoes ecological stress. / text
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Altitudinal and seasonal variation in amethyst sunbird physiology.Lindsay, Claire Vicky. January 2007 (has links)
Southern Africa is characterised by an unpredictable environment with daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations. As a local or non-migratory endothermic species occurring over an altitudinal gradient from the Drakensberg to the coast of KwaZulu- Natal in southern Africa, Amethyst Sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina) experience challenging thermal conditions and increased energetic stress as a result of ambient temperature variation. Flexibility of metabolic rates within a species allows for the colonization of different habitats along an altitudinal and thus temperature gradient. It was predicted that over this altitudinal gradient Amethyst Sunbirds would exhibit variation in metabolic rates, particularly basal metabolic rates, pre- and postacclimation, as well as variation in hematocrit levels in winter and summer trials. It was also predicted that Amethyst Sunbirds would exhibit seasonal variation in metabolic parameters. Sunbirds were caught in a winter and summer season (2006-2007) using mist nets in three locations; Underberg (1553 m), Howick (1075 m) and Oribi Gorge (541 m). Upon capture, metabolic rate was measured indirectly by quantifying oxygen consumption (VO2) using flow through respirometry, at 5 and 25°C. Birds were then acclimated at 25°C for 6 weeks on a 12L:12D cycle. VO2 was measured postacclimation at 8 different temperatures (15, 5, 10, 20, 30, 28, 25 and 33°C). Hematocrit levels were taken pre-acclimation and pre-release. Winter and summer data were compared. In the winter trials it was found that there was little variation in VO2 between individuals from the same locality, whereas significant variation was observed at the same temperatures between localities and thus between altitudes. The subpopulation from the highest altitudinal site had the highest basal metabolic rate (BMR). Summer trials showed that metabolic rates did not differ significantly between altitudinal subpopulations of Amethyst Sunbirds, however, BMR was observed to decrease as altitude decreased. The comparison of seasonal data showed that Amethyst Sunbird subpopulations from Underberg and Howick showed higher post-acclimation VO2 values per temperature in winter than in summer trials. Post-acclimation resting metabolic rate (RMR) values for Howick subpopulations were generally higher in winter than in summer, Underberg Amethyst Sunbirds showed a significant difference between summer and winter RMR at 5 and 10°C and Howick sunbirds showed a significant difference in RMR between seasons at 5°C. The Oribi Gorge subpopulation, however, showed no significant differences in metabolic rate between any temperatures when comparing a summer and a winter season. Thermal neutral zones of all of the subpopulations of Amethyst Sunbirds shifted between the winter and summer trial period. This study thus emphasized the need to understand plasticity in metabolic rates and acknowledge altitudinal and seasonal differences within a species, in order to make accurate predictions about a species thermal physiology and responses to changes in ambient temperatures. In particular, the variation in BMR, which is usually used as a species specific value, should be acknowledged in comparative studies of avian metabolic rates or in climate change models. / Thesis (M.Sc.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.
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Pollinosis in children with special reference to the development of asthma /Ferdousi, Hosne Ara, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2004. / Härtill 7 uppsatser.
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Reproductive patterns in the domestic dog : a retrospective study, with the Drever breed as model /Bobic Gavrilovic, Bojana, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc.) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.
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Pohjoissuomalaisten nuorten tyttöjen hyvinvointi:hypoteettinen malliWiens, V. (Varpu) 04 December 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to develop a hypothetical model for the well-being of adolescent girls in Northern Finland. The participants were young girls between the ages of 13 and 16 living in the province of Lapland. In the first phase, data which was collected through girls' writings (n=117), described well-being and issues promoting and hindering it. In the second phase, girls were interviewed (n=19) about the meaning of seasonal changes, nature and animals relative to well-being. In the last phase three focus group interviews (n=17) were held. Based on the results of three phases, a hypothetical model was created of the wellbeing of adolescent girls in Northern Finland. The materials were analyzed by inductive content analysis.
Based on the results of the first phase, well-being for the girls meant health as a resource, beneficial lifestyle, positive life course experiences, and favourable social relationships. Well-being was promoted by beneficial lifestyles, encouraging feelings, favorable social relationships and a pleasant state of being. Instead, well-being was hindered by factors that impaired health, negative personal feelings, conflicts in social relationships, and undesirable external factors. According to the results of the second phase, the participatory involvement with environment was formed from adaptation to seasonal changes, restorative nature and empowering interactivity with animals. In the third phase, natural environment that provides meaningful stimulus, winter which expresses participative and confrontational meanings and seasonal variations binding experiences was identified. The hypothetical model of well-being of adolescent girls in Northern Finland includes five dimensions, which were (1) health as an enabler, (2) the significance of social relationships, (3) acclimatization to the environments variation, (4) a harmonious connection with nature, and (5) a balanced experience of life.
This research brings new knowledge of what the meanings of well-being represent for girls in the northern environment of Finland. The results can be utilized to promote the well-being of adolescent girls in a broad and multiprofessional way in nursing care. Information can also be used in social and healthcare education and in prioritizing resources for preventative actions leading to adolescents’ well-being. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää hypoteettinen malli pohjoissuomalaisten nuorten tyttöjen hyvinvoinnista. Tutkimukseen osallistujat olivat 13–16-vuotiaita Lapin maakunnassa asuvia nuoria tyttöjä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tyttöjen kirjoitusten (n=117) avulla kuvattiin hyvinvointia ja sitä edistäviä ja ehkäiseviä tekijöitä. Toisessa vaiheessa tyttöjä (n=19) haastateltiin vuodenaikojen vaihteluiden, luonnon ja eläinten merkityksestä hyvinvoinnille. Viimeisessä vaiheessa toteutettiin fokusryhmähaastattelut (n=17). Näiden kolmen vaiheen tulosten perusteella muodostettiin hypoteettinen malli pohjoissuomalaisten nuorten tyttöjen hyvinvoinnista. Aineistot analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällön analyysillä.
Ensimmäisen vaiheen tulosten mukaan hyvinvointi tarkoitti tytöille terveyttä voimavarana, suotuisia elintapoja, myönteistä kokemusta elämästä ja positiivisia sosiaalisia suhteita. Hyvinvointia edistivät myönteiset elämäntavat, rohkaisevat tuntemukset, suosiolliset sosiaaliset suhteet ja miellyttävät olotilat. Hyvinvointia estivät terveyttä heikentävät tekijät, omakohtaiset kielteiset tuntemukset, ristiriidat sosiaalisissa suhteissa ja epämieluisat ulkoiset asiat. Toisen vaiheen tulosten mukaan ympäristön osallistava vaikutus muodostui sopeutumisesta vuodenaikojen vaihteluihin, eheyttävästä luonnosta ja voimaannuttavasta vuorovaikutuksesta eläinten kanssa. Kolmannen vaiheen tulokset muodostuivat osallistavasta ja haastavasta talvesta, merkityksellisiä aistikokemuksia tarjoavasta luonnosta ja vuodenaikojen vaihteluiden sitovuudesta. Näiden vaiheiden perusteella muodostettu hypoteettinen malli pohjoissuomalaisten nuorten tyttöjen hyvinvoinnista sisälsi viisi ulottuvuutta kuvaavaa käsitettä, jotka olivat (1) terveys mahdollistajana, (2) sosiaalisten suhteiden merkityksellisyys, (3) mukautuminen elinympäristön muutoksiin, (4) harmonisoiva luontoyhteys ja (5) tasapainoinen kokemuksellisuus elämästä.
Tämä tutkimus tuo uutta tietoa siitä, mitä hyvinvointi tarkoittaa pohjoisen toimintaympäristön tytöillä. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää laaja-alaisesti ja moniammatillisesti hoitotyössä, jossa edistetään nuorten tyttöjen hyvinvointia. Tietoa voidaan hyödyntää myös sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoalan koulutuksessa ja priorisoitaessa resursseja sellaiseen toimintaan, joka ennaltaehkäisee nuorten huonovointisuutta.
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Analysis of three wetland medicinal plants: Centella asiatica, Cyperus longus and Typha capensis found in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.Saibu, Olusola Surajudeen January 2017 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / South Africa is recognised worldwide for its rich diversity of plants, many of which have been used in
ethno-medicine. However, the use of wetland plant species in ethno-medicine required further
investigations. This research is aimed at investigating three wetland medicinal, plant species, Centella
asiatica, Cyperus longus and Typha capensis based on their geographical, seasonal, mineral nutrient
(Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K and Na) and secondary metabolite characteristics. Samples of each species were
collected from Grabouw, Kelderhoff, Kenilworth, Pringle Bay, University of the Western Cape
(UWC) and Worcester within the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Specimen and soil
collections were carried out during autumn, spring, summer and winter of 2014. Both plant and soil
samples were acid digested and mineral nutrient concentrations in the samples were analysed using an
atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Secondary metabolites were determined using analytical TLC
on normal phase Merck-Silva gel coated aluminium plates as well as by using HPLC separation from
crude extracts of C. asiatica, C. longus and T. capensis using LC-MS hardware from Agilent.
The elemental analysis of soil samples showed that Ca, K, Mg, Mn and Zn concentrations were
predominantly low. Soil mineral concentrations increased progressively from inland (Worcester)
towards the coastland in the south (Pringle Bay). Calcium and sodium concentrations, in particular,
were higher in soil samples obtained from Grabouw (inland south) and decreased northward towards
Worcester. Comparatively, plant mineral concentrations were generally higher than soil
concentrations. The high concentration of some of these essential elements, in selected plants is an
indication that these plant species could be a good source of essential elements. High concentrations
of phytochemicals were found in Centella asiatica during winter, while Cyperus longus and Typha
capensis exhibited high concentrations during autumn indicating variation in respect of season.
Consequently, harvesting of the studied plants should be done at the season with a relatively high
phytochemical concentration. Studies are needed to investigate the extent of pesticide or herbicide
contamination in wetland plants to protect the health of users.
The LC-MS analyses of the three study species showed that seasonal variation affects metabolite
constituents and moreover that these metabolite constituents differ from one locality to another. The
seasonal variation of the elements in the studied medicinal plants justified the importance of
harvesting seasons in the optimal utilization of the studied plants for medicinal purpose. s, for C.
asiatica, anti-bacterial treatments for C. longus and fertility enhancement and birth control for T.
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Estabilidade e adaptabilidade de cultivares de soja, incluindo transgênicas, na região dos chapadões /Anselmo, Jefferson Luis. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: A caracterização de cultivares de soja é de fundamental importância, visando fornecer informações mais seguras aos produtores no momento da utilização ou substituição de cultivares, contribuindo assim para o ganho em rendimento ao longo dos anos de cultivo, no sentido de se atingir altos rendimentos. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade de cultivares transgênicas e convencionais de soja na região dos Chapadões, em diversos ambientes de produção, envolvendo locais e épocas de semeadura. Os experimentos foram instalados em Chapadão do Sul-MS, Água Clara-MS e Chapadão do Céu-GO na safra 2006/07. Foram avaliadas 20 cultivares, sendo 10 convencionais e 10 transgênicas (RR). Os ambientes de produção corresponderam às combinações de locais e épocas de semeadura, sendo quatro épocas em Chapadão do Sul (16/10/06, 27/10/06, 17/11/06 e 30/11/06), duas em Água Clara (07/11/06 e 28/11/06) e duas em Chapadão do Céu (27/10/06 e 23/11/06). Foi realizada análise de estabilidade e adaptabilidade, para rendimento de grãos, pelo método da regressão linear bissegmentada. As cultivares convencionais foram mais produtivas na média dos ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis, apresentando performances acima da média de rendimento (3.701 kg.ha-1) quando comparadas com as transgênicas, exceto TMG 115 (RR) e TMG 121 (RR). As transgênicas foram mais sensíveis às mudanças ambientais que as convencionais, embora isso não tenha ocorrido para estabilidade. As primeiras épocas de semeadura apresentaram os melhores índices ambientais, sendo as melhores para se atingir altos rendimentos. No conjunto dos parâmetros de estabilidade e adaptabilidade a cultivar TMG 115 (RR) foi a que mais se destacou, sendo recomendável tanto para ambientes favoráveis como desfavoráveis, seguida pelas cultivares Msoy 8001 e Chapadões. A cultivar valiosa, uma das... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The characterization of soybean cultivars is more important to provide sure information to farmers in moment of utilization or substitution cultivars, contributing to yield gain along of cultivation years, looking obtain high yields. The work purpose was to verify stability and adaptability of transgenic and no transgenic soybean cultivars in Chapadões region at different production environments, considering locals and sowing seasons. Experiments were installed in Chapadão do Sul-MS, Água Clara-MS and Chapadão do Céu-GO, in 2006/07 crop. Were evaluated 20 soybean cultivars, been 10 transgenic (RR) and 10 no transgenic. The production environments were locals and sowing seasons combination, been four seasons at Chapadão do Sul, (10/16/06, 10/27/06, 11/17/06 and 11/30/06), two at Água Clara (11/07/06 and 11/28/06) and two at Chapadão do Céu (10/27/06 and 11/23/06). Stability and adaptability analysis were performed by bi-segmented linear regression. No transgenic cultivars were more productive at favorable and unfavorable environments average, presenting performance greater than productivity average (3,701kg.ha-1), when compared to transgenic cultivars, except TMG 115 (RR) and TMG 121 (RR). Transgenic cultivars tend to be more sensitive to environment changes than no transgenic, nevertheless didn't happen for stability. Early sowing seasons present the best environments index, been indicated for high grain yield. On the whole of stability and adaptability parameters, cultivar TG 115 (RR) was the best, been indicated as much for favorable as unfavorable environments. Following classify themselves Msoy 8001 and Chapadões cultivars. The Valiosa cultivar, more cultivated in area, was more stable, however with inferior yield. / Orientador: João Antonio da Costa Andrade / Coorientador: Edson Lazarini / Banca: Pedro César dos Santos / Banca: Antonio Orlando Di Mauro / Mestre
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Estabilidade e adaptabilidade de cultivares de soja, incluindo transgênicas, na região dos chapadõesAnselmo, Jefferson Luis [UNESP] 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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anselmo_jl_me_ilha.pdf: 318493 bytes, checksum: e1ec68e2d118da684b28afe5a6bcacc9 (MD5) / A caracterização de cultivares de soja é de fundamental importância, visando fornecer informações mais seguras aos produtores no momento da utilização ou substituição de cultivares, contribuindo assim para o ganho em rendimento ao longo dos anos de cultivo, no sentido de se atingir altos rendimentos. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade de cultivares transgênicas e convencionais de soja na região dos Chapadões, em diversos ambientes de produção, envolvendo locais e épocas de semeadura. Os experimentos foram instalados em Chapadão do Sul-MS, Água Clara-MS e Chapadão do Céu-GO na safra 2006/07. Foram avaliadas 20 cultivares, sendo 10 convencionais e 10 transgênicas (RR). Os ambientes de produção corresponderam às combinações de locais e épocas de semeadura, sendo quatro épocas em Chapadão do Sul (16/10/06, 27/10/06, 17/11/06 e 30/11/06), duas em Água Clara (07/11/06 e 28/11/06) e duas em Chapadão do Céu (27/10/06 e 23/11/06). Foi realizada análise de estabilidade e adaptabilidade, para rendimento de grãos, pelo método da regressão linear bissegmentada. As cultivares convencionais foram mais produtivas na média dos ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis, apresentando performances acima da média de rendimento (3.701 kg.ha-1) quando comparadas com as transgênicas, exceto TMG 115 (RR) e TMG 121 (RR). As transgênicas foram mais sensíveis às mudanças ambientais que as convencionais, embora isso não tenha ocorrido para estabilidade. As primeiras épocas de semeadura apresentaram os melhores índices ambientais, sendo as melhores para se atingir altos rendimentos. No conjunto dos parâmetros de estabilidade e adaptabilidade a cultivar TMG 115 (RR) foi a que mais se destacou, sendo recomendável tanto para ambientes favoráveis como desfavoráveis, seguida pelas cultivares Msoy 8001 e Chapadões. A cultivar valiosa, uma das... / The characterization of soybean cultivars is more important to provide sure information to farmers in moment of utilization or substitution cultivars, contributing to yield gain along of cultivation years, looking obtain high yields. The work purpose was to verify stability and adaptability of transgenic and no transgenic soybean cultivars in Chapadões region at different production environments, considering locals and sowing seasons. Experiments were installed in Chapadão do Sul-MS, Água Clara-MS and Chapadão do Céu-GO, in 2006/07 crop. Were evaluated 20 soybean cultivars, been 10 transgenic (RR) and 10 no transgenic. The production environments were locals and sowing seasons combination, been four seasons at Chapadão do Sul, (10/16/06, 10/27/06, 11/17/06 and 11/30/06), two at Água Clara (11/07/06 and 11/28/06) and two at Chapadão do Céu (10/27/06 and 11/23/06). Stability and adaptability analysis were performed by bi-segmented linear regression. No transgenic cultivars were more productive at favorable and unfavorable environments average, presenting performance greater than productivity average (3,701kg.ha-1), when compared to transgenic cultivars, except TMG 115 (RR) and TMG 121 (RR). Transgenic cultivars tend to be more sensitive to environment changes than no transgenic, nevertheless didn’t happen for stability. Early sowing seasons present the best environments index, been indicated for high grain yield. On the whole of stability and adaptability parameters, cultivar TG 115 (RR) was the best, been indicated as much for favorable as unfavorable environments. Following classify themselves Msoy 8001 and Chapadões cultivars. The Valiosa cultivar, more cultivated in area, was more stable, however with inferior yield.
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Ensino híbrido no ensino de eletromagnetismo / Hybrid education in teaching electromagnetismMoura, Renato Pereira de 15 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Onia Arantes Albuquerque (onia.ufg@gmail.com) on 2018-11-26T12:57:36Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-11-26T13:54:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work consists in the development of a Didactic Sequence in a private network college in Trindade, Goiás. This sequence addresses the study of Electromagnetism, and aims to present and discuss the use of active methodologies in physics teaching, with a perspective Hybrid Teaching with a focus on teaching personalization, using diverse methodological approaches, involving presential and non-presential activities to know the main magnetic phenomena and their use in our daily life. The proposed activities were developed in two classes of second grade of High School. During the planning, the preparation and execution of this sequence the focus of the learning process was the student. / Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma Sequência Didática em um colégio da rede privada, em Trindade, Goiás. Tal sequência aborda o estudo do Eletromagnetismo, e tem como objetivo a apresentação e discussão da utilização de metodologias ativas no ensino de física, com uma perspectiva de Ensino Híbrido com foco na personalização do ensino, utilizando abordagens metodológicas diversificadas, envolvendo atividades presenciais e não presenciais para conhecermos os principais fenômenos magnéticos e sua utilização em nosso cotidiano. As atividades propostas foram desenvolvidas em duas turmas de segunda série do Ensino Médio. Durante o planejamento, a elaboração e execução dessa sequência, apresentada no Apêndice A, como forma de produto educacional dessa dissertação, o foco do processo de aprendizagem foi o aluno.
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