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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duomenų apsaugos sistemos analizė / The analysis of the system of data security

Chlapotinaitė, Jurgita 15 June 2005 (has links)
The security system of AES data has been analyzed in this work. The basics of Galue fields, which are related to the mathematical model of the AES algorithm, are also presented in this work. The transformations of The AES algorithm have been analyzed and illustrated with examples. The programmes of the AES algorithm performing these transformations are also presented here. In this piece of paper you will also find some suggestions and their realizations concerning the possibility of the modification of the AES algorithm. Moreover, the restrictions of the key and block of the AES algorithm are submitted. In the last part of the work you will find a program of AES algorithm, as well as sub-keys, S-tables, programs of modified S-tables, and the results of displayed the programs.

An architectural approach for reasoning about trust properties

Namiluko, Cornelius January 2012 (has links)
The need for trustworthy system operation has been acknowledged in many circles. However, establishing that a system is trustworthy is a significant challenge. While trusted computing proposes technical mechanisms towards this end, less attention is directed towards providing a basis for trusting such systems. Consequently, it is not clear: (i) how such mechanisms influence the overall trust in a system; (ii) the properties and assumptions upon which trust is based; and (iii) the evidence necessary to reason about these properties. This can be attributed to a number of factors including: (i) the complexity of modern systems; (ii) a lack of consensus on a definition of trust; and (iii) a lack of a systematic approach for identifying and using evidence to reason about trust-related properties. This dissertation presents research towards addressing these challenges. We argue that an architectural approach provides effective abstractions for making trust properties and assumptions explicit and reasoning about a system's ability to satisfy these properties. We propose a framework for identifying, categorising and mapping trust-properties to aspects of a system that could be used to reason about these properties. Guided by this framework, we propose and develop models for representing knowledge about a particular aspect and using it to reason about trust-properties. A semantic model, based on the semantics of Z, is developed to characterise building blocks of trustworthy systems and to demonstrate how the system's constituents determine its trustworthiness. An abstraction model based on formal verification is developed to reason about the impact of the system's construction and configuration on its trustworthiness. Finally, two complementary models for capturing the runtime aspects of the system are developed. A trace-based model enables analysis of runtime evidence in the form of event logs and a provenance-based model captures operations on the system as a provenance graph. The models are validated on a trusted grid architecture, a password manager and a trustworthy collaborative system.

Nízkopříkonový zabezpečovací systém sklepního prostoru bez elektrorozvodu / Low-power Security System of the Electricity-free Cellars

Klimeš, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the available options of security devices for basements, design and implementation of its own security equipment. An FPGA chip from Xilinx was used as a device control. The device also contains a GSM module for sending information via SMS about space violation. Intrusion signaling can also be signaled by a siren. Intrusion detection is performed using a door and motion sensor. The whole device is powered by a battery, but there is also the possibility of mains power.

The Continued Financial Stability of Social Security

Beil, Richard 05 1900 (has links)
The Social Security System is projected to encounter both short-term and long-term financial crises. The economic effectiveness and impacts of alternative solutions to both problems are analyzed. Government projections show the short-term deficit can be solved through interfund borrowing. Solving the long-term deficit will require the generation of new funds. All four solutions analyzed will increase unemployment, inflation, and interest rates, and decrease growth potential. A combination of increased OASI taxation and mandatory coverage is recommended as the most effective solution with the least adverse economic consequences.

Condições atuariais para a construção do fundo previdenciário federal - FUNPRESP / Actuarial conditions for the creation of the Brazilian federal social security fund ( FUNPRESP)

Ferreira, Gilmar Gonçalves 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as condições atuariais para criação do Fundo previdenciário federal (FUNPRESP) e como será o novo sistema previdenciário após o funcionamento desse Fundo que finalmente concluirá, em âmbito federal, as reformas iniciadas em 1998. A partir desse estudo concluímos que o novo sistema previdenciário, sistema misto, pagará benefícios menores para os servidores que ingressarem depois da criação do fundo quando comparados com os atuais servidores. Em razão disso os atuais servidores, analisando apenas os ganhos financeiros, não migrarão para o Fundo federal conforme é esperado pelo Governo. As mulheres receberão nesse novo sistema previdenciário benefícios menores em função do menor tempo de contribuição, expectativa de vida maior e menor taxa de crescimento salarial. Mas os grandes avanços com a criação do fundo serão o equilíbrio atuarial do sistema federal de previdência e o fim das grandes desigualdades entre esse sistema e o regime geral de previdência. A criação do Fundo fará com que os benefícios fiquem atrelados diretamente à contribuição de cada servidor, diferentemente do que ocorria antes quando os benefícios eram proporcionais à remuneração do servidor - até 2003 era equivalente a última remuneração e depois de 2003 é equivalente à média das 80% maiores remunerações. / The present work analyzes the actuarial conditions for the creation of the Brazilian Federal Social Security Fund (FUNPRESP) and how the new Social Security System will work after the effective functioning of the Fund. We could say that in the federal sphere it will finally finish off the reforms initiated in 1998. We conclude that the new Social Security System (called \"mixed system\") will provide lower payments to the beneficiaries who start to contribute after the creation of the Fund. In consequence, the current beneficiaries will not migrate to the new Federal Fund, as the government expects, because some simple analysis will make they conclude that they would incur into financial losses. Along with that, female beneficiaries will receive fewer benefits than men from that new Social Security System, basically for three reasons: a) their shorter time of contribution; b), their higher life expectancy; and c), the lower rate at which their payments actually grow. We also conclude that the real advantages brought by the creation of the Fund are: a) the actuarial equilibrium of the Federal Social Security System, and b) the end of the huge inequalities between that system and the \"general\" Brazilian Social Security System (INSS). The creation of the Fund will link the benefits directly to the contribution of each servant, as opposed to when benefits were proportional to the servant\'s pay (equal to it until 2003, or equivalent to the average of the 80% highest salaries).

Estudo analítico e operacional do modelo tecnológico de um sistema de segurança pública portuária adequado ao ISPS CODE implementado no porto de Santos / Analytical and operational study of the technological pattern of the port public security system adequated to ISPS code applied in Santos port.

Cláudia de Oliveira Gomes 17 December 2007 (has links)
O complexo porto/navio constitui-se em uma grande e intrincada rede de relações que abarca, desde manutenção/aprimoramento de instalações físicas até o uso dos mais sofisticados meios de gerenciamento e controle de pessoas e operações. Nesse contexto, as questões de segurança colocam-se como de fundamental importância para os sistemas portuários de vários países. Se isto já era um fato, essas preocupações assumiram maior força depois dos ataques terroristas em 11 de setembro, nos Estados Unidos. A preocupação com a segurança portuária encontrase explicitada em determinações da Organização Marítima Internacional (IMO). Dentre as medidas adotadas o Código Internacional para Proteção de Navios e Instalações Portuárias (Código ISPS ou ISPS Code) assume particular importância nas definições de procedimentos de segurança nos complexos portuários. Vem sendo adotado em cerca de 45 mil embarcações, 15 mil portos e instalações portuárias de 162 países signatários, entre os quais o Brasil.O prazo limite para sua implantação nos países signatários foi 1º de julho de 2004. Para implementar medidas de proteção do ISPS Code, o governo brasileiro aprimorou o Plano de Segurança Pública Portuária Brasileira (PSPP), com o objetivo de adotar medidas para intensificar o controle de cargas, veículos e pessoas na \"interface cais-navio\", como medida preventiva de proteção em função do aumento do risco de atentados terroristas. Além disso, visa melhorar a operação portuária e tornar os portos mais competitivos e seguros para o comércio exterior, setor em que representam peça fundamental na logística das operações. Nesse sentido, as operações portuárias devem ser ágeis, seguras e com fluxo contínuo de informações para garantir o desempenho e competitividade do comércio internacional do País. O transporte marítimo concentra mais de 90% do volume da movimentação de cargas internacionais do País e os portos acumularam, nos últimos anos, grandes investimentos, efetuados principalmente pela iniciativa privada. A junção das determinações do ISPS Code e do Plano de Segurança possibilitou a construção de um modelo de segurança para que os portos não percam cargas por falta de organização, e para garantir que os pontos críticos de segurança não representem obstáculos para o comércio internacional. Para melhor compreensão esta dissertação, detalha analítica e operacionalmente o modelo tecnológico adotado no porto de Santos para atender o sistema de segurança, em função de ser ferramenta fundamental para a organização de setores portuários. O trabalho, inicialmente, apresenta um breve histórico de medidas dirigidas ao setor portuário brasileiro após a extinção da Portobrás, destacando as relações entre normas de segurança internacional e normas brasileiras, definidas na implantação de um plano nacional de segurança de portos. A seguir, dada a complexidade do sistema portuário, são apresentadas as várias entidades que a ele se relacionam. Tendo como foco a segurança dos portos, o trabalho apresenta as várias normas que regulam a questão e analisa as tecnologias implementadas para integração dos vários subsistemas no porto de Santos, esse modelo tecnológico hoje é tido como referencial aos demais portos brasileiros, não devendo nada aos portos estrangeiros. / The complex port-vessel is set up in a really intricate relationship that involves not only maintenance and improvement of the premises, but also the most sophisticated ways of management and control of people and operations. In this context security is the fundamental factor to port systems in many countries. It became even more important after the terrorist attacks on September 11th in the USA. Determinations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) explicitly showed that concern about port security and the security procedures of the ISPS Code (an international code for the vessel and port protection) were considered particularly important to all ports. About 45 thousands vessels and 15 thousands ports and port equipment of 162 signatory countries, Brazil included, have already been following these code procedures. The deadline for the adoption of this code by these countries was July 1st, 2004. In order to enhance the security elements included in the ISPS Code, the Brazilian government created the PSPP (Plano de Segurança Pública Portuária Brasileira), to implement new rules to intensify cargo, vehicles and people control in the dock-ship area, and also as a protective precaution due to the increasing risk of terrorist attacks. Moreover, all these rules will perfect port operations and make our ports more competitive and secure for foreign trade where the same rules play an important role in logistic operations. That is why port operations must be agile, secure and they must manipulate a fast information system to make the country foreign trade performance trustworthy and competitive. The maritime transportation comprises more than 90% of the amount of the international cargo movement in our country and huge investments have been made in the ports, mostly by private enterprises. The introduction of the ISPS Code and PSPP determination enabled the creation of a system of security which eliminates the risk of cargoes being lost in the port through the lack of organization and guaranteeing an acceptable safety level in all ports. To illustrate and expand on these issues, this essay will show analytical and operational details of the technological pattern of the port of Santos where the new security system is the fundamental tool to the port organization. At first this essay will present a brief summary of rules applicable to Brazilian ports following the elimination of Portobrás. It will point out the relationship between Brazilian and international security rules when they are used in the national level of security of ports. Secondly, due to the intricate port system, many related entities will be introduced. The essay will focus on the security of ports and it will show many rules that control them. It will provide an analysis of all the technologies applied to integrate the inner systems in the port of Santos. This technological pattern is currently the reference standard for other Brazilian ports and meets or exceeds those found in foreign ports.

Efeitos da expansão do crédito consignado ao setor privado no consumo dos domicílios brasileiros / Effects of the expansion of payroll lending to private sector on the Brazilian households consumption

Neves, Rafael Ferreira 10 December 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos empiricamente o efeito sobre as decisões de consumo e poupança de um choque exógeno (positivo) na capacidade de comprometimento de mutuários com o pagamento de empréstimos. Exploramos uma variação quasi-experimental induzida por uma lei federal que estendeu o direito de efetuar operações com desconto em folha a trabalhadores celetistas e beneficiários de aposentadoria e pensão do setor privado (\"Lei do Crédito Consignado\"). Nossos resultados indicam que os domicílios com aposentados ou pensionistas parecem ter reduzido os gastos com alimentação e aumentado os gastos com serviços de utilidade pública, bens duráveis, insumos produtivos e pequenas reformas. Além disso, indicam um aumento na utilização do sistema financeiro e uma queda na probabilidade de atrasos no pagamento de prestações de bens e serviços. Encontramos também que os efeitos parecem depender da escolaridade dos responsáveis pelo domicílio. A análise circunscrita apenas aos domicílios chefiados por casais, corroboram a análise geral, além de refutar a hipótese de income pooling. Ainda que interessantes, estes resultados devem ser vistos com cautela, já que, no período analisado, ocorreram eventos concomitantes que devem ter afetado as decisões de consumo domiciliares, e portanto, os padrões encontrados podem ser produto destes canais. / We empirically study the effects on consumption and saving decisions of an exogenous positive shock to the borrower\'s ability of commitment to loan payments. We explore a quasiexperimental variation induced by a Brazilian federal law that extended the payroll lending to workers, retirees and private sector pensioners. Our results suggest that households with retirees or pensioners have decreased their spending on food and increased spending on public services, durable goods, production inputs and home improvement. Also, the data shows an increase in the use of the financial system and a decrease in the likelihood of loan payment delays. We also found that the effects depend on the household heads\' education. The analysis restricted to only those households headed by couples confirms previous results, and rejects the income pooling hypothesis. Although interesting, these results should be cautiously appraised given that, during the period under analysis, concurrent events may have affected household consumption decisions.

Estudo analítico e operacional do modelo tecnológico de um sistema de segurança pública portuária adequado ao ISPS CODE implementado no porto de Santos / Analytical and operational study of the technological pattern of the port public security system adequated to ISPS code applied in Santos port.

Gomes, Cláudia de Oliveira 17 December 2007 (has links)
O complexo porto/navio constitui-se em uma grande e intrincada rede de relações que abarca, desde manutenção/aprimoramento de instalações físicas até o uso dos mais sofisticados meios de gerenciamento e controle de pessoas e operações. Nesse contexto, as questões de segurança colocam-se como de fundamental importância para os sistemas portuários de vários países. Se isto já era um fato, essas preocupações assumiram maior força depois dos ataques terroristas em 11 de setembro, nos Estados Unidos. A preocupação com a segurança portuária encontrase explicitada em determinações da Organização Marítima Internacional (IMO). Dentre as medidas adotadas o Código Internacional para Proteção de Navios e Instalações Portuárias (Código ISPS ou ISPS Code) assume particular importância nas definições de procedimentos de segurança nos complexos portuários. Vem sendo adotado em cerca de 45 mil embarcações, 15 mil portos e instalações portuárias de 162 países signatários, entre os quais o Brasil.O prazo limite para sua implantação nos países signatários foi 1º de julho de 2004. Para implementar medidas de proteção do ISPS Code, o governo brasileiro aprimorou o Plano de Segurança Pública Portuária Brasileira (PSPP), com o objetivo de adotar medidas para intensificar o controle de cargas, veículos e pessoas na \"interface cais-navio\", como medida preventiva de proteção em função do aumento do risco de atentados terroristas. Além disso, visa melhorar a operação portuária e tornar os portos mais competitivos e seguros para o comércio exterior, setor em que representam peça fundamental na logística das operações. Nesse sentido, as operações portuárias devem ser ágeis, seguras e com fluxo contínuo de informações para garantir o desempenho e competitividade do comércio internacional do País. O transporte marítimo concentra mais de 90% do volume da movimentação de cargas internacionais do País e os portos acumularam, nos últimos anos, grandes investimentos, efetuados principalmente pela iniciativa privada. A junção das determinações do ISPS Code e do Plano de Segurança possibilitou a construção de um modelo de segurança para que os portos não percam cargas por falta de organização, e para garantir que os pontos críticos de segurança não representem obstáculos para o comércio internacional. Para melhor compreensão esta dissertação, detalha analítica e operacionalmente o modelo tecnológico adotado no porto de Santos para atender o sistema de segurança, em função de ser ferramenta fundamental para a organização de setores portuários. O trabalho, inicialmente, apresenta um breve histórico de medidas dirigidas ao setor portuário brasileiro após a extinção da Portobrás, destacando as relações entre normas de segurança internacional e normas brasileiras, definidas na implantação de um plano nacional de segurança de portos. A seguir, dada a complexidade do sistema portuário, são apresentadas as várias entidades que a ele se relacionam. Tendo como foco a segurança dos portos, o trabalho apresenta as várias normas que regulam a questão e analisa as tecnologias implementadas para integração dos vários subsistemas no porto de Santos, esse modelo tecnológico hoje é tido como referencial aos demais portos brasileiros, não devendo nada aos portos estrangeiros. / The complex port-vessel is set up in a really intricate relationship that involves not only maintenance and improvement of the premises, but also the most sophisticated ways of management and control of people and operations. In this context security is the fundamental factor to port systems in many countries. It became even more important after the terrorist attacks on September 11th in the USA. Determinations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) explicitly showed that concern about port security and the security procedures of the ISPS Code (an international code for the vessel and port protection) were considered particularly important to all ports. About 45 thousands vessels and 15 thousands ports and port equipment of 162 signatory countries, Brazil included, have already been following these code procedures. The deadline for the adoption of this code by these countries was July 1st, 2004. In order to enhance the security elements included in the ISPS Code, the Brazilian government created the PSPP (Plano de Segurança Pública Portuária Brasileira), to implement new rules to intensify cargo, vehicles and people control in the dock-ship area, and also as a protective precaution due to the increasing risk of terrorist attacks. Moreover, all these rules will perfect port operations and make our ports more competitive and secure for foreign trade where the same rules play an important role in logistic operations. That is why port operations must be agile, secure and they must manipulate a fast information system to make the country foreign trade performance trustworthy and competitive. The maritime transportation comprises more than 90% of the amount of the international cargo movement in our country and huge investments have been made in the ports, mostly by private enterprises. The introduction of the ISPS Code and PSPP determination enabled the creation of a system of security which eliminates the risk of cargoes being lost in the port through the lack of organization and guaranteeing an acceptable safety level in all ports. To illustrate and expand on these issues, this essay will show analytical and operational details of the technological pattern of the port of Santos where the new security system is the fundamental tool to the port organization. At first this essay will present a brief summary of rules applicable to Brazilian ports following the elimination of Portobrás. It will point out the relationship between Brazilian and international security rules when they are used in the national level of security of ports. Secondly, due to the intricate port system, many related entities will be introduced. The essay will focus on the security of ports and it will show many rules that control them. It will provide an analysis of all the technologies applied to integrate the inner systems in the port of Santos. This technological pattern is currently the reference standard for other Brazilian ports and meets or exceeds those found in foreign ports.

商業企劃: 在澳洲成立安全監控之系統整合公司Business / Plan for establishing a security system integration business in Australia

吳柏其, Wu, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
商業企劃: 在澳洲成立安全監控之系統整合公司

Exploration of border security systems of the ROK Army using agent-based modeling and simulation

Oh, Kyungtack, 1982- 23 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores a border security system based on agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS). The ABMS software platform, map aware non-uniform automata, is used to model various scenarios and evaluate the border security system given a set of infiltrators who have evolutionary behavior governed by a genetic algorithm (GA). The GA is used to represent adaptive behavior of the enemy when the friendly force has deployed our border security at a maximum level. By using a near optimal Latin hypercube design, our simulation runs are implemented efficiently and the border security system is analyzed using four different kinds of measures of effectiveness. / text

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