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Imobilização da enzima butirilcolinesterase e o desenvolvimento de métodos de triagem para inibidores seletivos / Screening of selective inhibitors by immobilized capillary reactors based on butyrylcholinesterase enzymes: Development and applicationVilela, Adriana Ferreira Lopes 22 February 2013 (has links)
A descoberta de inibidores seletivos é extremamente importante para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos que possam ser usados no tratamento de pacientes diagnosticados com a doença de Alzheimer (DA). Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento de métodos de triagem para a identificação de novos compostos biologicamente ativos se torna interessante. Butirilcolinesterase (BChE, EC é uma serina hidroxilase que está classicamente associada à hidrólise do neurotransmissor acetilcolina (ACh) formando colina e ácido acético. Este trabalho descreve a imobilização covalente da BChE de soro humano nas paredes internas de capilares de sílica fundida utilizando o agente espaçador glutaraldeído, e sua aplicação na triagem de inibidores seletivos. O ICER-BChE resultante foi conectado a um sistema de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com monitoramento on line da atividade catalítica, envolvendo detecção UV. Após os estudos das melhores condições cromatográficas, variações de pH e vazão e a influência de solventes orgânicos na atividade enzimática o método foi validado com o uso de inibidores padrões. O maior valor obtido com o ICER-BChE no parâmetro cinético, constante de Michaelis KM = 33,6 ± 6,9 mM, comparado com a enzima em solução, KM = 0,12 ± 0,02 mM, evidencia o efeito da imobilização sobre a afinidade pelo substrato. No entanto, houve retenção da atividade catalítica e seletividade frente a inibidores padrão. O método foi aplicado na triagem de novos ligantes utilizando cinco coleções de diferentes classes de compostos, entre derivados cumarínicos, complexos metálicos com cobre (Cu), complexos metálicos com cobalto (Co) e zinco (Zn), glicosídeos, e derivados de fenilpropanóides e ácido barbitúrico. Desta triagem foram selecionados sete compostos promissores com os quais foram realizados os estudos sobre a potência mínima inibitória (IC50) e destes quatro foram escolhidos para estudos de mecanismos de ação utilizando o ICER-BChE. Dos complexos metálicos os melhores compostos foram o HPTBCu (IC50 = 8,74 ± 1,5 µM, Ki = 9,6 ± 0,5 M), o NarBCu (IC50 = 8,0 ± 1,4 µM, Ki = 2,0 ± 0,1 M) ambos com mecanismo competitivo o HesFCu (IC50 = 13,6 ± 2,9 µM), o NNINABCu (IC50 = 94,8 ± 16) e o NarFCu (IC50 = 81,7 ± 13). Dos derivados cumarínicos os compostos 17 (IC50 =109 ± 21 µM, Ki = 108 ± 10 M) e 19 (IC50 =128 ± 28 µM, Ki =36.0 ± 5.0 M) apresentaram mecanismo incompetitivo. Os resultados demonstraram que a abordagem proposta é útil na triagem on line de inibidores seletivos, pois fornece resultados rápidos, precisos e reprodutíveis. / The discovery of selective inhibitors is extremely important for the development of drugs that can be used in the treatment of patients diagnosed with the Alzheimer disease (AD). In this context, the development of screening methods for the identification of new, biologically active compounds is a challenging task. Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE, EC is a serine hydroxylase that is classically associated with the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh), which yields choline and acetic acid. This paper describes the development of capillary enzyme reactors (ICERs) containing BChE from the human serum, covalently immobilized onto silica fused capillaries, using glutaraldehyde as spacer, and its application in the screening of selective inhibitors. The resulting BChE-ICER was connected to a liquid chromatography system high efficiency where monitoring of activity was online involving UV detection. After studying the best chromatographic conditions, pH variations, flow-rate and the influence of organic solvents on enzyme activity method was validated using standard inhibitors. The higher value obtained with the BChE-ICER in kinetic parameter, constant Michaelis KM = 33.6 ± 6.9 mM, compared with the enzyme in solution, KM = 0.12 ± 0.02 mM, shows the effect of immobilized on the affinity substrate. However, there was retention of catalytic activity and selectivity towards standard inhibitors. The method was applied in the screening of new ligands using collections of five different compounds, among coumarin derivatives, metal complexes with copper (Cu) metal complexes with cobalt (Co) and zinc (Zn), glycosides, phenylpropanoids and derivatives, and barbituric acid. These screenings were selected seven promising compounds with which the studies were made on the minimum inhibitory potency (IC50) and these four were chosen for studies of mechanisms of action using the ICER-BChE. Of the compounds metal complexes best were HPTBCu (IC50 = 8,74 ± 1,5 µM, Ki = 9,6 ± 0,5 M), NarBCu (IC50 = 8,0 ± 1,4 µM, Ki = 2,0 ± 0,1 M) both competitive mechanism, the HesFCu (IC50 = 13.6 ± 2.9 µM), NNINABCu (IC50 = 94.8 ± 16 µM) and NarFCu (IC50 = 81.7 ± 13 µM). Of coumarin derivatives, 17 (IC50 =109 ± 21 µM, Ki = 108 ± 10 M) and 19 (IC50 =128 ± 28 µM, Ki =36.0 ± 5.0 M) showed mechanism uncompetitive. The results demonstrated that the proposed approach is useful in screening for selective inhibitors online because it provides quick results, accurate and reproducible.
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Avaliação clínica de Rattus norvegicus após terapia antiinflamatória com inibidor seletivo ou não para COX-2 por extrapolação alométrica / Clinical evaluation of Rattus norvegicus after anti-inflammatory therapy with selective inhibitor or not for COX-2 for allometric scalingSilva, Aline Alves da 02 August 2004 (has links)
The anti-inflammatories no esteroidais (AINEs) they are the drugs of larger prescription all over the world, for humans and for animals. They combat the inflammation, the pain, the temperature increase, could also inhibit the aggregation plaques. They act inhibiting the production of the acid araquidônico and ciclooxigenases (COXs) decreasing like this, the prostaglandins production. They become separated in inhibitors no selective for COX-1 and 2, being those the most traditional; and in selective inhibitors for COX-2, considered more modern drugs. AINEs no selective they reduce the production of all of PGs, constituent or not. Already the selective ones just inhibit harmful PGs, that you/they act in the inflammatory reaction, preserving PGs that maintains, for instance, the protection to the stomach and the renal perfusão. In that study the hepatic function of Rattus norvegicus was evaluated after the use of AINE no selective, cetoprofeno and of selective AINE, valdecoxib. The doses administered to the animals were calculated according to the scaling allometric. The allometric is a method that allows to extrapolate dosage indications of more common species and known for species where studies farmacokinects of the drug was not accomplished in subject, taking into account, among other, the corporal size, the metabolism and the basal tax. After the use of AINEs, the animals were appraised for biochemical methods of alanina amino transferase (ALT), aspartato amino transferase (AST) and alkaline fosfatase (FA), and also, for macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the liver and right kidney, in different times, after you finish them administrations of the drugs, according to the group which the animal belonged. Among other observations it can be told, that the cetoprofeno, can cause the death of mice, according to the allometric already in the second day of administration of the drug; and that the AINE valdecoxib, doesn't produce macroscopic and microscopic alterations worthy of note, in organs as the liver and kidney of Rattus norvegicus / Os antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) são as drogas de maior prescrição em todo o mundo, tanto para humanos como para animais. Combatem a inflamação, a dor, a hipertermia, podendo também inibir a agregação plaquetária. Atuam inibindo a produção do ácido araquidônico e ciclooxigenases (COXs) diminuindo assim, a produção de prostaglandinas. Dividem-se em inibidores não seletivos para COX-1 e 2, sendo esses os mais tradicionais; e em inibidores seletivos para COX-2, considerados drogas mais modernas. AINEs não seletivos diminuem a produção de todas as PGs, constitutivas ou não. Já os seletivos inibem apenas as PGs deletérias, que atuam na reação inflamatória, preservando PGs que mantém, por exemplo, a proteção ao estômago e a perfusão renal. Nesse estudo avaliou-se a função hepática de Rattus norvegicus após a utilização do AINE não seletivo, cetoprofeno e do AINE seletivo, valdecoxib. As doses administradas aos animais foram calculadas segundo a escala alométrica. A alometria é um método que permite extrapolar indicações posológicas de espécies mais comuns e conhecidas para espécies onde não foram realizados estudos farmacocinéticos da droga em questão, levando em conta, entre outros, o tamanho corporal, o metabolismo e a taxa basal. Após a utilização dos AINEs, os animais foram avaliados por métodos bioquímicos de alanina amino transferase (ALT), aspartato amino transferase (AST) e fosfatase alcalina (FA), e também, por avaliação macroscópica e microscópica do fígado e rim direito, em diferentes tempos, após as ultimas administrações das drogas, conforme o grupo a qual o animal pertencia. Entre outras observações pode-se relatar, que o cetoprofeno, pode causar a morte de ratos, segundo a alometria já no segundo dia de administração da droga; e que o AINE valdecoxib, não produz alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas dignas de nota, em órgãos como o fígado e rim de Rattus norvegicus
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Phosphatases and prolyl-isomerase in the regulation of the C-terminal domain of eukaryotic RNA polymerase IIZhang, Mengmeng 29 January 2013 (has links)
In eukaryotes, the first step of interpreting the genetic information is the transcription of DNA into RNA. For protein-coding genes, such transcription is carried out by RNA polymerase II. A special domain of RNA polymerase II, called the C-terminal domain (CTD), functions as a master controller for the transcription process by providing a platform to recruit regulatory proteins to nascent mRNA (Chapter 1-2). The modifications and conformational states of the CTD, termed the 'CTD code', represent a critical regulatory checkpoint for transcription. The CTD, found only in eukaryotes, consists of 26--52 tandem heptapeptide repeats with the consensus sequence, Tyr₁Ser₂Pro₃Thr₄Ser₅Pro₆Ser₇. Phosphorylation of the serines and prolyl isomerization of the prolines represent two major regulatory mechanisms of the CTD. Interestingly, the phosphorylation sites are typically close to prolines, thus the conformation of the adjacent proline could impact the specificity of the corresponding kinases and phosphatases. Understanding how those modifying enzymes recognize and regulate the CTD is important for expanding our knowledge on the transcription regulation and deciphering the 'CTD code'. During my PhD study, I studied the function of CTD phosphatases and prolyl isomerase in the CTD regulation using Scp1, Ssu72 and Pin1 as model regulators. Scp1 and Ssu72 are both Ser5 phosphatases. However, Ssu72 is an essential protein and regulates the global transcription while Scp1 epigenetically silences the expression of specific neuronal genes. Pin1 is a highly conserved phosphorylation-specific prolyl isomerase that recognizes the phospho-Ser/Thr-Pro motif within the CTD as one of its primary substrates in vivo. Among these enzymes, Scp1 is the focal point of this dissertation, as it was studied from different angles, such as enzymatic mechanism (Chapter 3 describes the capture of phospho-aspartyl intermediate of Scp1 as a direct evidence for the proposed two-step mechanism), specific inhibition (Chapter 4 describes the identification and characterization of the first specific inhibitor of Scp1), and its non-active-site contact with the CTD (Chapter 5 describes the structural basis of this contact). These studies are of great importance towards understanding the molecular mechanism of the dephosphorylation process of the CTD by Scp1. / text
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Conception, synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux inhibiteurs de méthyltranférases d'ADN à visée anticancéreuse / Conception, sy,thesis and characterization of new DNA methyltransferase inhibitors as anticancer drugErdmann, Alexandre 20 April 2015 (has links)
Le domaine de l'épigénétique couvre l'ensemble des phénomènes héritables et transmissibles qui interviennent dans l'expression du génome sans modifier la séquence nucléotidique. L'information épigénétique est régulée par les modifications de la chromatine impliquant les histones et l'ADN. La méthylation de l'ADN est un phénomène réversible jouant un rôle crucial dans l'expression des gènes puisque la méthylation des promoteurs de gènes empêche leur transcription. La modulation aberrante de cette marque épigénétique est associée à diverses pathologies telles que le cancer. Cette méthylation étant réversible, elle peut être ciblée afin de reprogrammer la cellule cancéreuse. Les méthyltransferases d'ADN (DNMT), étant les enzymes responsables de la méthylation, représentent la cible principale de notre stratégie de recherche. Leur inhibition par des petites molécules est au centre de nos recherches de thérapies anticancéreuses dont les bases sont représentées par deux catégories d'inhibiteurs de DNMT existant. Les premiers sont des analogues de cytosine qui est la cible de la méthylation. Ils sont connus pour s'intégrer dans l'ADN et former un complexe covalent irréversible avec l’enzyme (complexe suicide) mais ils souffrent d'un manque de stabilité et de certains effets indésirables dus à leur incorporation dans l’ADN. Les seconds sont les inhibiteurs non nucléosidiques qui sont divers et parfois connus pour cibler d’autres enzymes. Ils ont l’avantage de pouvoir être utilisés comme sondes pour comprendre plus précisément le mécanisme d'inhibition mais ils manquent de spécificité et de sélectivité. Au cours de cette thèse, une banque de molécules a été criblée à partir de la combinaison d'un test enzymatique et d'un test cellulaire visant à inhiber ces enzymes. Les synthèses de trois familles de molécules potentiellement inhibitrices de DNMT issus de ce criblage sont décrites en expliquant le chemin de drug design emprunté pour obtenir des informations mécanistiques d’inhibition de la méthylation d’ADN, notamment de réactivité avec la cible. Les découvertes ont été inspirées par des études de modélisation permettant de mettre en évidence une sélectivité de certains inhibiteurs. La synthèse chimique a également abouti à une nouvelle voie de synthèse d’accès aux diaminopyrimidines dont l’impact permet de faciliter les études chimiques de dérivés quinazolines comme inhibiteur non nucléosidiques utiles pour les thérapies anticancéreuses. / Epigenetic is defined as the study of heritable changes in the genes expression without altering the DNA sequence. Two main processes are implicated in this field, the histones modifications and the DNA methylation. By introducing an acetyl or a methyl group on the histone tails or by methylation of DNA, the chromatin state is modified and the gene expression is controlled. Aberrant epigenetic modifications are associated with several diseases, in particular with cancer. In cancer cells, the whole DNA is hypomethylated, thus promoting genome instability, while the promoter region is hypermethylated, inducing silencing of these genes. Overall, these observations indicate that DNA methylation is a central epigenetic process in cancerogenesis. Since DNA methylation is reversible, it is possible to target the methylation process in order to reactivate tumor suppressor genes. The DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), the enzymes responsible for DNA methylation, use the SAM co-factor at specific CpG sites to product 5-methylcytosine. Three main isoforms (DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B) are described to ensure efficient methylation process during replication. Two families of DNMT inhibitors already exist, the nucleosidiques analogues are cytidine derivatives and are toxic molecules because of their incorporation into DNA, and the non-nucleosidic analogues are less toxic but also less potent. Our strategy of drug design is based on docking study and high throughput screening (HTS) information. First, novel potent derivatives of reference inhibitors are designed from molecular modelling. Then, three different families of compounds from HTS are described with appropriate structure-activity relationship studies. Mechanistic information on DNA methylation process are described through the discovery of a reactive inhibitor of DNMT3A. The study on a family of hydrazone derivatives of gallic acid is depicted and shows its selectivity for DNMT3A, compared to DNMT1, based on docking study. An alternative chemical pathway to diaminopyrimidines is described and extended to the synthesis of quinazolone in order to synthesize new quinazoline derivatives as potent inhibitors of DNMT. Promising informations are described in this thesis to enrich epigenetic knowledge of tumor genesis and to provide new molecules for anticancer therapy.
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La dihydrofolate réductase R67, comme une cible d’antibiotiques et biocatalyseur potentielTimchenko, Natalia 12 1900 (has links)
La dihyrofolate réductase de type II R67 (DHFR R67) est une enzyme bactérienne encodée par un plasmide donc aisément transmissible. Elle catalyse la réaction de réduction du dihydrofolate (DHF) en tétrahydrofolate (THFA) essentiel pour la prolifération cellulaire. La DHFR R67 est une enzyme qui dépend du cofacteur NADPH. La DHFR R67 est différente, structurellement et génétiquement, de l’enzyme DHFR chromosomale présente chez tous les organismes et elle est résistante au triméthoprime (TMP) qui est largement utilisé dans les traitements antibactériens chez l’Homme. Aucun inhibiteur sélectif contre la DHFR R67 n’est actuellement répertorié.
Le but de cette étude a été d’identifier des molécules qui pourront inhiber la DHFR R67 sélectivement, sans affecter la DHFR humaine (DHFRh). La vérification de la qualité des essais enzymatiques en conditions déterminées pour le criblage d’inhibiteurs sur plusieurs lectrices à plaques a identifié des appareils appropriés pour l’analyse. L’étude de l’activité enzymatique de la DHFR R67 et de la DHFRh en présence des solvants organiques et liquides ioniques (LIs), comme des co-solvants pour le criblage rationnel d’inhibiteurs, a montré que certains LIs peuvent servir de milieu alternatif pour les essais enzymatiques. Le criblage rationnel basé sur l’approche du design d’un inhibiteur à partir de petites molécules, a révélé des molécules primaires qui inhibent la DHFR R67 de façon faible, mais sélective. Le test des composés biologiquement actifs qui comprennent des petits fragments, a montré l’augmentation de l’affinité entre la DHFR R67 et les composés testés. Trois composés ont été déterminés comme des inhibiteurs sélectifs prometteurs pour la DHFR R67. / Type II R-plasmid encoded dihyrofolate reductase (DHFR), R67 DHFR is a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of dihydrofolate (DHF) to tetrahydrofolate (THFA) which is essential for cell proliferation. R67 DHFR is an enzyme that depends on the cofactor NADPH as the hydride donor. R67 DHFR is distinct, structurally and genetically, from E. coli chromosomal DHFR (DHFR Ec) and it provides drug resistance to the widely-administered antibiotic trimethoprim (TMP). No selective inhibitor against R67 DHFR exists currently.
The goal of this study was to discover molecules that can selectively inhibit R67 DHFR, without affecting human DHFR (hDHFR). Verification of the quality of enzyme assays under defined conditions for inhibitor screening on plate readers found several appropriate instruments for analysis. The study of the enzymatic activity of R67 DHFR and hDHFR in the presence of organic solvents and ionic liquids (ILs), as co-solvents for rational screening of inhibitors, showed that ILs can provide alternative media for enzymatic assays. Rational screening based on the approach of fragment-based drug design, revealed primary molecules that inhibited DHFR R67 weakly, but selectively. The testing of more complex compounds with known biological activities gave ligands with increased affinity for R67 DHFR. Three compounds were identified as promising selective inhibitors for R67 DHFR.
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La dihydrofolate réductase R67, comme une cible d’antibiotiques et biocatalyseur potentielTimchenko, Natalia 12 1900 (has links)
La dihyrofolate réductase de type II R67 (DHFR R67) est une enzyme bactérienne encodée par un plasmide donc aisément transmissible. Elle catalyse la réaction de réduction du dihydrofolate (DHF) en tétrahydrofolate (THFA) essentiel pour la prolifération cellulaire. La DHFR R67 est une enzyme qui dépend du cofacteur NADPH. La DHFR R67 est différente, structurellement et génétiquement, de l’enzyme DHFR chromosomale présente chez tous les organismes et elle est résistante au triméthoprime (TMP) qui est largement utilisé dans les traitements antibactériens chez l’Homme. Aucun inhibiteur sélectif contre la DHFR R67 n’est actuellement répertorié.
Le but de cette étude a été d’identifier des molécules qui pourront inhiber la DHFR R67 sélectivement, sans affecter la DHFR humaine (DHFRh). La vérification de la qualité des essais enzymatiques en conditions déterminées pour le criblage d’inhibiteurs sur plusieurs lectrices à plaques a identifié des appareils appropriés pour l’analyse. L’étude de l’activité enzymatique de la DHFR R67 et de la DHFRh en présence des solvants organiques et liquides ioniques (LIs), comme des co-solvants pour le criblage rationnel d’inhibiteurs, a montré que certains LIs peuvent servir de milieu alternatif pour les essais enzymatiques. Le criblage rationnel basé sur l’approche du design d’un inhibiteur à partir de petites molécules, a révélé des molécules primaires qui inhibent la DHFR R67 de façon faible, mais sélective. Le test des composés biologiquement actifs qui comprennent des petits fragments, a montré l’augmentation de l’affinité entre la DHFR R67 et les composés testés. Trois composés ont été déterminés comme des inhibiteurs sélectifs prometteurs pour la DHFR R67. / Type II R-plasmid encoded dihyrofolate reductase (DHFR), R67 DHFR is a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of dihydrofolate (DHF) to tetrahydrofolate (THFA) which is essential for cell proliferation. R67 DHFR is an enzyme that depends on the cofactor NADPH as the hydride donor. R67 DHFR is distinct, structurally and genetically, from E. coli chromosomal DHFR (DHFR Ec) and it provides drug resistance to the widely-administered antibiotic trimethoprim (TMP). No selective inhibitor against R67 DHFR exists currently.
The goal of this study was to discover molecules that can selectively inhibit R67 DHFR, without affecting human DHFR (hDHFR). Verification of the quality of enzyme assays under defined conditions for inhibitor screening on plate readers found several appropriate instruments for analysis. The study of the enzymatic activity of R67 DHFR and hDHFR in the presence of organic solvents and ionic liquids (ILs), as co-solvents for rational screening of inhibitors, showed that ILs can provide alternative media for enzymatic assays. Rational screening based on the approach of fragment-based drug design, revealed primary molecules that inhibited DHFR R67 weakly, but selectively. The testing of more complex compounds with known biological activities gave ligands with increased affinity for R67 DHFR. Three compounds were identified as promising selective inhibitors for R67 DHFR.
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