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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möjligheter med digital teknik inom fysioterapi : Hur kan uppmanad självspårning stötta kollaboration inom fysioterapi?

Lindgren, Tove, Ovesson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Möjligheter med digital teknik inom fysioterapi : Hur kan uppmanad självspårning stötta kollaboration inom fysioterapi

Lindgren, Tove, Ovesson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
Inom fysioterapi finns det problematik med att patienter har svårt att engagera sig i sin självständiga träning och utföra de övningar som rekommenderas av en fysioterapeut. Fysioterapeuter hämtar information om patienters självständiga träning genom samtal, där det finns en risk att patienter inte rapporterar vad som faktiskt har hänt. God kollaboration mellan fysioterapeuten och patienten kan vara en faktor som har en positiv effekt på behandlingsresultat. Syftet med studien är att skapa ytterligare förståelse för aspekter av kollaboration inom fysioterapi för att kunna diskutera hur dessa aspekter kan stöttas genom uppmanad självspårning. För att få insikter om ämnet intervjuades fysioterapeuter via videosessioner online med hjälp av en probe och två scenarios som verktyg för att generera samtal. Med en förståelse för tidigare forskning och en tematisk analys av intervjuerna, skapades figur utifrån tre teman; förståelse, ömsesidig relation och träningsprocess. Figuren visualiserar hur uppmanad självspårning hade kunnat stötta dessa teman för att stötta kollaboration i en rehabiliteringsprocess. / There is an issue in rehabilitation where the patients have problems with engaging in their exercises during their home rehabilitation. Physiotherapists gather information about patients home rehabilitation through conversations, where there is a risk that patients won’t report what actually happened. Research has shown that good collaboration between patient and physiotherapist can have positive effects on treatment outcomes, the study aims to get a further understanding for aspects of collaboration in physiotherapy and discuss how these aspects can be supported by pushed self-tracking. To gain insight on the subject, physiotherapists were interviewed through online video-sessions with a probe and two scenarios as tools to generate conversation. With an understanding for previous research and a thematic analysis of the interviews, a figure was created based on three themes; understanding, reciprocal relationship and training process. The figure visualizes how the identified themes can be supported with pushed self-tracking in a rehabilitation process.

Tracking the footballing self: An ethnography of the tensions between analog and digital expertise in a football team’s self-tracking practices

Parikka, Eveliina January 2019 (has links)
In the digitally mediated world that we live in, self-tracking and monitoring technologies have been observed to become part of the various realms of our social lives, shaping and even disturbing relations that we take part in. This thesis has sought to explore how tensions emerge between digital tracking technologies, players and other human members of an elite football team and, thus, to address how those tensions are dealt with. By applying the ethnographic research methodology and adopting the theoretical framework of Actor-Network Theory (ANT), the study has pursued to investigate how the technologies participate in the players’ everyday practices as well as how the players navigate between the expertise of different human and non-human sources in the team. The results indicate that the involvement of tracking technologies can increase the possibility of tensions to arise between different participants in a network such as the studied football team. To deal with these tensions, this thesis has contributed with a prototype of a system around a player monitoring technology. It suggests roles, relations, factors and actions in order to enhance the understanding among those who manage such a technology, helping them to acknowledge and overcome possible tensions in the social process of tracking a football team. This service blueprint is constructed through co-design workshops together with the player participants.

Maskin eller läkare?

Vendela, Talenti January 2019 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks individers generella attityder till vårdapplikationer som använder maskininlärning. Datainsamlingen har skett genom både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder som kompletterar varandra. Metoderna innefattar en enkätundersökning och två fokusgrupper baserade på scenario-based design. Teorin är baserad på forskning inom digitaliseringen av vården, bland annat maskininlärning och mHealth, som ligger till grund och stödjer undersökningen. Även teori om attityder och förtroende till digitaliseringen av vården har underbyggt undersökningen.I slutsatsen framkommer det att det finns en korrelation mellan hög medvetenhet och positiv inställning när det kommer det användandet av vårdapplikationer med maskininlärning. Den generella attityden till att få en diagnos av maskininlärning är negativ då de flesta föredrar att få en diagnos förmedlad av en läkare. Studien indikerar på att detta kan bero på att patienterna söker empati från vården, vilket artificiell intelligens saknar. Förtroendet för en vårdapplikation grundar sig främst i ryktet om den men även i vilket företag eller organisation som ligger bakom. Studien indikerar på att individer är positivt inställda till att bidra med privat hälsodata till en vårdapplikation om det leder till förebyggande av sjukdom. Studien ger även en antydan på att det finns en rädsla kring var privata hälsodata hamnar när den har lämnats ut. / This study aims to research on individuals’ general attitudes towards healthcare applications that use machine learning. The data collection has taken place through both qualitative and quantitative methods as a complement to each other. The methods include a questionnaire survey, two focus groups based on scenario-based design. The theory is based on research in the digitalisation of healthcare, including machine learning and mHealth, which is based and supports the investigation. The theory of attitudes and confidence in the digitalisation of care also forms the basis for the study.The conclusion shows that there is a correlation between high awareness and positive attitude when it comes to the use of healthcare applications with machine learning. The general attitude towards a diagnosis from machine learning is negative since most people prefer to get a diagnosis mediated by a doctor. The study indicates that this may be because the patients seek empathy from the healthcare system, which artificial intelligence lacks of. Trust towards a healthcare application is based primarily on the reputation of it, but also in which company or organization that is behind it. The respondents in the survey are positive about contributing with their personal data to a healthcare application if it leads to a prevention of a disease. The study also gives an indication that there is a fear of what happens with private health data.

Bodies in Smartwatches : Embodied Data and Augmented Experiences in Self-Tracking Runners

Logren, Madelene January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relation between human and smartwatch by exploring the experiences of four Swedish long-distance runners who use digital technology to self-track their running activities. By examining the participating runners’ use of their smartwatches and smartwatch data as postphenomenological human-technology relations (Ihde, 1990), this thesis offers a perspective on the use of wearable self-tracking technology as augmenting human experience through digital data. The empirical material was gathered through semi-structured interviews with the participating runners. In the analysis of the material, a computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software is used to transcribe and code the material following a concept-driven approach influenced by Ritchie and Lewis’ Thematic Framework Method (2003). The coded transcripts are summarized in thematic charts based on postphenomenological human-technology relations developed by Ihde (1990) and Verbeek (2008) along with an understanding of data influenced by the field of critical data studies and adjacent work (e.g. Iliadis & Russo, 2016; Kitchin, 2014; van Dijck, 2014; Edmond et al., 2022). The runner-smartwatch relations that are analyzed in this thesis showcase how the digital data produced in self-tracking practices become part of the self-tracker’s experiences by being incorporated in a runner-data assemblage. Viewing the runner-smartwatch relation as a type of augmentation relation (Verbeek, 2008), this thesis further suggests that the digital data function as an augmenting layer through which the running activity is experienced.

ScreenTrack: Using Visual History for Self-tracking Computer Activities and Retrieving Working Context

Hu, Donghan 03 July 2019 (has links)
People spend a significant amount of time using computers at work, at home, or school. Given users switch tasks and are frequently interrupted or distracted while working, reconstructing working context is inevitable. For example, users sometimes need to revisit an arbitrary task from the past to retrieve necessary information (e.g., webpages, files). In this scenario, retrieving working context can be time-consuming or even impossible; users may rely on their memory and may not be able to retrieve the relevant documents that they used before. Sometimes application provides a chronological history of recently opened documents (files, websites). However, it can be challenging to find the right information they need as there are many and users may not recognize from the text-based data (e.g. web page titles, document file name). Therefore, helping them reconstruct mental context and retrieving relevant applications and files can enhance overall productivity. To that end, the concept of self-tracking, which is widely used in health and fitness, is applied to the context of computer usage. In particular, the idea of using a history of a computer screen can provide visuals that users can associate with existing meta-data (file location, web page URL, time). A user can reconstruct working context from the screen visual that they recognize. The idea of using a visual history of a computer screen activities is tested through the development of ScreenTrack, a program that captures a computer screen regularly and let a user watch a time-lapse video made of computer screenshots, and retrieve applications, files, and web pages from a snapshot of a screen. I hypothesize that the chronological history of computer screen activities can effectively help users navigate visual working context and retrieve information that is associated with a snapshot. Through a controlled user study, it was found that participants were able to retrieve information that they were asked more quickly with ScreenTrack than the control condition with statistical significance (p<0.005). Besides, participants gave positive feedback on the software that they would like to use such software in their computers in various context, but expressed potential concerns of using such software for privacy and computer storage problems. In this thesis, I motivate the need of such software, review the related work, share the design consideration, and introduce design and implementation process, validate the effects of ScreenTrack with a controlled user study. / Master of Science / Nowadays, people spend a significant amount of time using computers at work, at home, or school. Users switch software frequently and are often interrupted or distracted while working. Hence recalling previous working context is inevitable for computer users. Recalling previous working context can take lots of time or even impossible. Because users may rely on their own memory and may not be able to recall and retrieve the relevant documents that they used before. Sometimes software provides a history of recently opened documents (files, websites). However, it can be challenging to find the right information they need as there are many recorded information. And users may not recognize documents of interest from the textual data (e.g. web page titles, document file name). Therefore, helping people restore previous working context and reopening relevant software and files can enhance overall productivity. I designed and developed a software, called ScreenTrack. This software can take pictures of current computer screen regularly and store them. Later, users can watch a video made of stored screenshots. Based on this video, individuals can recall their previous computer activities and reopen closed software, websites, files, and documents from a snapshot. Through a controlled user study, I found that participants were able to retrieve previous computer activities more quickly under the help of ScreenTrack than without ScreenTrack. With ScreenTrack, participants spend 27.1 seconds on average to reopen a previous closed website, 37% faster than without it. Furthermore, participants gave positive feedback on this software that they would like to use ScreenTrack in the future for various purposes, for doing researches and reading papers.

Pregnancy apps: The birth of a new experience : Exploring the entangled relationship between pregnant people and pregnancy apps

Eliasson, Caroline January 2024 (has links)
Pregnant people are increasingly turning to mobile apps for support and guidance throughout their pregnancy. The popularity of pregnancy apps in society and their potential influence on how users engage with and perceive their pregnant bodies underscore a public interest in investigating the effects of these apps. However, little attention has been given to how pregnancy apps are involved and influence the pregnancy experience. This study aimed to investigate the role of pregnancy apps in the embodied pregnancy experience. Data was collected by eight interviews with pregnant people and an examination of six pregnancy apps using the walkthrough method. By employing a postphenomenological perspective, the relationship between user and technology was analysed, focusing on technology as a mediating character. The findings indicate that pregnancy apps are intimately involved in the pregnancy experience by mediating (1) a bond between parents and the unborn baby, (2) a shared experience between partners, and (3) knowledge about the pregnant body. However, the pregnant body is constructed around medical measurements, norms, and expectations about what it means to be pregnant and provides little support to the lived bodily experience.

Aktivitetsarmbands och smartklockors inverkan på användares motivation, engagemang och upplevelse. : En tematisk analys.

Bjärkeblad Karlsson, Julia, Blakstad, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Det har idag blivit alltmer populärt att spåra sin aktivitet i syfte att förbättra och förenkla sin vardag och sitt liv. Genom att använda olika verktyg kan människor idag ge produkter och tjänster tillgång till deras data för att spåra deras aktivitet. Ett sådant verktyg är aktivitetsarmbandet och smartklockan. Med dessa kan användare bland annat mäta puls, antal steg och få sms- och samtalsnotifikationer. Armbanden och klockorna samlar därmed in data kring användarnas hälsa och aktivitet och på så sätt kan de visa statistik för användarna för att ge dem information om hur mycket - eller hur lite - de till exempel rör sig under en dag. Denna studie har fokuserat på hur användare upplever användningen av dessa armband och klockor och hur dessa verktyg påverkar deras motivation. Tillvägagångssättet för studien har varit en dagboksstudie kombinerat med kompletterande intervjuer. Genom denna metod har olika teman kunnat identifieras utifrån svaren som dagböckerna och intervjuerna har gett. Dessa teman är: aktivitetsspårning, funktionalitet, personlig utveckling, feedback och uppkoppling. Resultatet har visat att deltagarna i studien upplever i stort sett en motivation av att använda armbanden och klockorna, på så sätt att de uppmuntras att ta fler steg när de ser svart på vitt hur många steg de hittills har tagit. Resultatet pekar även på ett större engagemang hos deltagarna att hålla en koll på deras motion och hälsa, vilket armbanden och klockorna möjliggör. / It has become popular today to track one’s activity in order to improve and simplify one’s everyday life and well being. By using different tools you can today give products and services access to your data for them to track your activity, be it your movement or your phone activity logs. By giving them access to such you can in turn get information for example about how much - or how little - you exercise during a day. This study has focused on how users experience wearables and smart watches and how these tools influence their motivation. Through a diary study and interviews we have identified five themes: activity tracking, functionality, personal development, feedback and connection. The result of this study has shown that most of the participants of the study experience motivation to use the wearables and watches, partly because they can clearly see how many steps they have taken and how many steps they have left to reach their goal. The result also shows a higher commitment among the participants to track their activity and their health, which the wearables and smart watches enable them to do.

Rör på dig! Är du tillräckligt motiverad? : En kvalitativ studie om hur motionärer använder sig av sin smartklocka / Move! Are you motivated enough? : A qualitative study of how exercisers use their smartwatch

Sjögren, Sandra, Viberg, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
This essay describes a qualitative study of how a smartwatch used in everyday training can contribute to behavioral changes in everyday exercisers. Semi-structured interviews have formed the basis for the results of this study. The respondents' experiences and stories of self-tracking are varied and are what have created an understanding of different uses of the smartwatch during training. The users and smartwatches have contributed to various behavior change factors that then have been categorized based on a behavioral model to determine how the smartwatch communicates with the user about its collected data. Above all, the study showed that the smartwatch's training services are a way for the user to know how they can plan future training sessions by unpacking the past and how digital nudging influences the behavior. / Denna uppsats presenterar resultaten från en kvalitativ studie av hur en smartklocka som används inom vardagsträning kan bidra till beteendeförändringar som kan stötta användarnas mål att ha en mer aktiv livsstil. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med smartklocksanvändare har legat som grund för resultaten i denna studie. Respondenternas upplevelser och berättelser inom självspårning är varierande och är det som har skapat förståelse för olika användningsområden med smartklockan vid träning. Olika beteendeförändringsfaktorer som användarna och smartklockan bidragit med har kategoriserats utifrån en beteendemodell för att avgöra hur smartklockan kommunicerar med användaren om dess insamlade data. Studien visar bland annat att smartklockans träningstjänster är ett sätt för användaren att veta hur de kan planera framtida träningspass genom att packa upp det förflutna och vilka digitala puffningar som fungerar eller ej för att påverka beteendet.

A Mobile-Based Intervention for Obesity Prevention Among Female College Students in Saudi Arabia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Alssafi, Abeer Hussain 09 November 2018 (has links)
College students transitioning from adolescence into early adulthood may encounter new stresses, which may lead to unhealthy weight-related behaviors and weight gain. Students gain approximately 4-9 pounds during their first 2 years in college. Health behaviors in this population pose an increased risk because they tend to persist into adulthood. In Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia, student obesity is on the rise. About 24% of female college students were overweight or obese in Saudi Arabia in 2015. This dissertation describes the development of a mobile intervention program using Instagram and a self-tracking app to minimize the risk of overweight/obesity in Saudi Arabian female college students by changing health behaviors, including increasing fruit and vegetable intake along with physical activity. More than 100 students were randomly assigned to either the control or the mobile intervention group. Students in the intervention group were asked to participate in the study Instagram account by adding comments, likes, and sharing the post in an effort to increase social support for healthy eating and physical activity habits for 6 weeks. Each day was focused on 1 topic: general nutrition, fruits and vegetables intake, physical activity, social support, and self-efficacy. These topics were driven from social cognitive theory. Finally, students were asked to input their diet and daily activity into a self-tracking app. Measures were taken three times during the study: pre and post intervention and at follow-up. While the study was not long enough to detect the changes in body mass and physical activity, it did find that the intervention significantly increased fruit and vegetable intake. A small interaction effect was found between the two groups where the intervention group increased fruit and vegetable intake, while the control group decreased their intake of fruit and vegetables. Additionally, repeated measures ANOVA indicated significant differences between the groups in nutrition knowledge, family social support and exercise, and increase in eating and exercise self-efficacy. The promising results of this study provide support for further evaluation of the program. Future studies are needed to better understand the factors that serve as motivation and predict weight loss success among college students.

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