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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Growth and characterization of ZnO nanorods using chemical bath deposition

Urgessa, Zelalem Nigussa January 2012 (has links)
Semiconductor devices are commonplace in every household. One application of semiconductors in particular, namely solid state lighting technology, is destined for a bright future. To this end, ZnO nanostructures have gained substantial interest in the research community, in part because of its requisite large direct band gap. Furthermore, the stability of the exciton (binding energy 60 meV) in this material, can lead to lasing action based on exciton recombination and possibly exciton interaction, even above room temperature. Therefore, it is very important to realize controllable growth of ZnO nanostructures and investigate their properties. The main motivation for this thesis is not only to successfully realize the controllable growth of ZnO nanorods, but also to investigate the structure, optical and electrical properties in detail by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy (steady state and time resolved) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Furthermore, strong rectification in the ZnO/p-Si heterojunction is demonstrated. Nanorods have been successfully synthesized on silicon by a two-step process, involving the pre-coating of the substrate by a seed layer, followed by the chemical bath deposition of the nanorods. ZnO seed layers with particle sizes of about 5 nm are achieved by the thermal decomposition of zinc acetate dihydrate dissolved in ethanol. The effects of the seed layer density on the distribution, alignment and uniformity of subsequently grown nanorods were studied. The aspect ratio, orientation and distribution of nanorods are shown to be well controlled through adjusting the density of the ZnO nanoparticles pre-coated onto the substrates. It is shown that the seed layer is a prerequisite for the growth of well aligned ZnO nanorods on lattice mismatched Si substrate. The influence of various nanorod growth parameters on the morphology, optical and electrical properties of the nanorods were also systematically studied. These include the oxygen to zinc molar ratio, the pH of the growth solution, the concentration of the reactants, the growth temperature and growth time, different hydroxide precursors and the addition of surface passivating agents to the growth solution. By controlling these xii parameters different architectures of nanostructures, like spherical particles, well aligned nanorods, nanoflowers and thin films of different thicknesses are demonstrated. A possible growth mechanism for ZnO nanostructures in solution is proposed. XRD indicated that all the as-grown nanostructures produced above 45 C crystallize in the wurtzite structure and post growth annealing does not significantly enhance the crystalline quality of the material. In material grown at lower temperature, traces of zinc hydroxide were observed. The optical quality of the nanostructures was investigated using both steady-state PL and time-resolved (TR) PL from 4 K to room temperature. In the case of as-grown samples, both UV and defect related emissions have been observed for all nanostructures. The effect of post-growth annealing on the optical quality of the nanostructures was carefully examined. The effect of annealing in different atmospheres was also investigated. Regardless of the annealing environment annealing at a temperature as low as 300 C enhances the UV emission and suppresses defect related deep level emission. However, annealing above 500 C is required to out-diffuse hydrogen, the presence of which is deduced from the I4 line in the low temperature PL spectra of ZnO. TRPL was utilized to investigate lifetime decay profiles of nanorods upon different post growth treatments. The bound exciton lifetime strongly depends on the post-growth annealing temperature: the PL decay time is much faster for as grown rods, confirming the domination of surface assisted recombination. In general, the PL analysis showed that the PL of nanorods have the same characteristics as that of bulk ZnO, except for the stronger contribution from surface related bound excitons in the former case. Surface adsorbed impurities causing depletion and band bending in the near surface region is implied from both time resolved and steady state PL. Finally, although strong rectification in the ZnO/p-Si heterojunction is illustrated, no electroluminescence has been achieved. This is explained in terms of the band offset between ZnO and Si and interfacial states. Different schemes are proposed to improve the performance of ZnO/Si heterojunction light emitting devices.

Growth Kinetics And Electronic Properties Of Semiconducting Nanocrystals In The Quantum Confined Regime

Viswanatha, Ranjani 07 1900 (has links)
Properties of nanocrystals are extremely sensitive to their sizes when their sizes are smaller or of the order of the excitonic diameter due to the quantum confinement effect. The interest in this field has been concentrated basically in understanding the size-property relations of nanocrystals, for example, the pronounced variation in the bandgap of the material or the fluorescence emission properties, by tuning the sizes of the nanocrystals. Thus, the optical and electronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals can be tailor-made to suit the needs of the specific application and hence is of immense importance. One of the major aspects necessary for the actual realization of the various applications is the ability to synthesize nanocrystals of the required size with a controlled size distribution. The growing demand to obtain such nanocrystals with the required size and controlled size distribution is met largely by the solution route synthesis of nanocrystals, that constitutes an important class of synthesis methods due to their ease of implementation and the high degree of flexibility. The main difficulty of this method is that the dependence of the average size and the size distribution of the generated particles on parameters of the reaction are not understood in detail and therefore, the optimal reaction conditions are arrived at essentially in an empirical and intuitive manner. From a fundamental point of view, understanding the growth kinetics of various nanocrystals can provide a deeper insight into the phenomena. The study of growth kinetics can be experimentally achieved by measuring the time evolution of diameter using several in-situ techniques like UV-absorption and small angle X-ray scattering. Having understood the mechanism of growth of nanocrystals, it is possible to obtain the required size of the nanocrystal using optimized synthesis conditions. The properties of these high quality nanocrystals can be further tuned by doping with a small percentage of magnetic ions. The optical and magnetic properties of these nanocrystals play an important role in the various technological applications. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the theoretical methods to study the electronic structure of semiconductor nanocrystals. The second part describes the studies performed on growth of various nanocrystal systems, both in the presence and absence of capping agents. The third part of the thesis describes the studies carried out on ZnO and doped ZnO nanocrystals, synthesized using optimal conditions that were obtained in the earlier part of the thesis. The thesis is divided into five chapters which are described below. Chapter 1 provides a brief overall perspective of various interesting properties of semiconductor nanocrystals, including various concepts relevant for the study of such systems. Chapter 2 describes experimental and theoretical methods used for the study of nanocrystals reported in this thesis. In Chapter 3 of this thesis, we report results of theoretical studies carried out on III-V and II-VI semiconductors using the tight-binding (TB) methodology. Chapter 4 presents the investigations on the growth kinetics of several nanocrystal systems. Chapter 5 presents experimental investigations carried out on undoped and various transition metal (TM) doped ZnO nanocrystals. In summary, we have performed electronic structure calculations on various nanocrystal systems, devised a novel method to obtain the size distribution from UV-absorption spectrum and studied the mechanism of growth in the presence and absence of capping agents in various II-VI semiconductors. Using the optimal conditions obtained from the growth studies, we prepare high quality ZnO nanocrystals of required size, both in free-standing and capped states and doped it with small percentages of various transition metals like Mn, Cu and Fe. We have then studied their optical and magnetic properties.

Hybrid Nanostructured Materials from Bile Acid Derived Supramolecular Gels

Chatterjee, Sayantan January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Research activities towards the self-assembly of small organic molecules building blocks which lead to form supramolecular gel has increased extensively during the past two decades. The fundamental investigations of the morphological properties and the mechanical properties of these supramolecular gels are crucial for understanding gelation processes. Most supramolecular gelators were discovered by serendipity, but nowadays ratiional design of new gelators has become somewh at feasible. As a consequence, an increasing number of multi stimuli-responsive and functional molecular gels are reported, offering great prospects with myriads of applications includ ing drug delivery and smart materials as shown in scheme 1. Scheme 1 Part 2: Synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals In the last two decades, the synthetic development of semiconductor col loidal nanocrystals has been extended from the adjustment of their size, shape, and composition of the particles at the molecular level. Such adjustments of nanocrystals at the molecula r level might open different fields of applications in materials and biological sciences. I n this chapter, the concept of the shape contr ol synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals with a narrow size distribution, and the synthesis of composition dependent alloy type mat erials are described (Scheme 2). Scheme 2 Chapter 2: Synthesis of luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals Part 1: Cadmium deoxycholate: a new and efficient precursor for high ly luminescent CdSe nanocrystals This part demonstrates the sy nthesis of Cadmium deoxycholate (CdDCh2), an efficient Cd-precursor for the synthesis of high quality, monodisperse, multi color emittting CdSe Scheme 3 nanocrystals, while maintaining their high photoluminescent quantum efficiency (Scheme 3). The high thermal stability of CdDCh2 (decomposition temperature: 332 °C) was utilized to achieve high injection and growth temperatures (∼300 °C) for the syntheesis of red emitting nanocrystals with a sharp f ull width at half maximum (FWHM) and multiple excitonic absorption features. We believe that CdDCh2 can be useful for the prreparation of other nanomaterials such as CdS, CdTe and CdSe@CdS core-shell QDs. Part 2: Ligand mediated exccited state carrier relaxation dynamics of Cd1-xZnxSe1-ySy NCs derived from bile salts Bile salts of Cadmium and Zinc provide a convenient and inexpensive single step synthetic route for highly photoluminescent and stable semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs). The high thermal stabilities of Cadmium and Zinc deoxycholates (CdDCh2 and ZnDCh2) allowed us to fine-tune the synthesis of the NCs at high temperatures while maintaining the monodispersity, crystallinity and reproducibility (Scheme 4). Organic capping agent induced lattice strain affects the excited Scheme 4 state relaxation processes of the NCs. The analysis of photoluminescence decay profiles revealed that the average lifettime decreased with the increasing lattice strain of the NCs. A kinetic stochastic model of photoexcited carrier relaxation dynamics of NCs was employed to estimate the values of the radiative recombination rates, the photoluminescence quenching rates and the non-radiative recombination rates of the NCs. These data showed that the non-radiative relaxation rates and the numbeer of surface trap states increased with the incrreasing lattice strain of the NCs. Such types of NCs can have great potential in nonlinear optics, photocatalysis and solar cells. Chapter 3: Synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid materials Part 1: Hierarchical self-assembly of photoluminescent CdS nanoparticles into bile acid derived organogel: morphological and photophysical properties In this part a strategy towards integrating photoluminescent semiconductor nanoparticles into a bio-surfactant derived organoggel has been reported. A facially amphiphilic bile thiol was used for capping CdS nanoparticless (NPs) which were embedded in a gel derived from a new bile acid organogelator in order to furnish a soft hybrid material (Scheme 5). The presence of CdS NPs in a well-ordered 1D array on the organogel network was confirmed using microscopic Scheme 5 techniques. Photophysical stuudies of the gel–NP hybrid revealed resolved excitation and emission characteristics. Time resolved spectroscopic studies showed that the average lifetime value of the CdS NPs increased in the gel state compared to the sol phase. A kinetic model was utilized to obtain quantitative information about the different decay pathways of the photoexcited NPs in the sol and gel states. Part 2: A novel strategy towards designing a CdSe quantum dot–metallohydrogel composite material This section describes an efficiient method to disperse hydrophobic CdSe quaantum dots (QDs) in an aqueous phase using cetyltriimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) micelles without any surface ligand exchange. The water soluble QDs were then embedded in the 3D self-assembled fibrillar networks (SAFINs) of a hydrogel showing homogeneous dispersibility as eviidenced by Scheme 6 optical and electron microscopico techniques (Scheme 6). The photophyssical studies of the hydrogel–QD from composite are reported for the first time. These composite materials may have potential applications in biology, optoelectronics, sensors, non-linear optics and materials science. Part 3: Photophysical aspectts of self-assembled CdSe QD-organogel hyybrid and its thermoresponsive properties A luminescent hybrid gel was constructed by incorporating CdSe quantuum dots (QDs) in a facially amphiphilic bile acid derived dimeric urea organogel throough non-covalent interaction between ligands capped on QDs surface and hydrophobic pockets of the gel (Scheme 7). The optical transparency of the hybrid materials and the dirrectionalities of the QDs in the gel medium were confirmed by photophysical and microscopic studies. The detailed excited state dynamics of the QD–organogel hybrid has been reported for the first time with the help of lifetime analysis and a kinetic decay model, and thee data revealed that the average lifetime of the QDs decreased in the gel medium. The reversible thermoresponsive behavior of the QD doped organogel was investigated by steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. W e believe that the results obtained herein provides a route to develop a thermoresponsive system for practical application, especially because of the spatial assembly between soft organic scaffolds and colloidal QDs. Scheme 7 Part 4: In-situ formation of luminescent CdSe QDs in a metallohydrogel: a strategy towards synthesis, isolation, storage and re-dispersion of the QDs A one step, in-situ, room temperature synthesis of yellow luminesce nt CdSe QD was achieved in a metallohydrog el derived from a facially amphiphilic bile salt, resulting in a QD-gel hybrid (Scheme 8). T he ordered self-assembly and homogeneous distribution of the CdSe QDs in the hydrogel network was observed from optical and electro n micrographs. The different excited state behav iors of the hybrid were revealed for the fir st time using time resolved spectroscopy. Ad ditionally, we described the successful isolation of the photoluminescent CdSe QDs from the gel followed by their re-dispersion in an organic solvent using suitable capping ligands. Scheme 8 Chapter 4: Facially a mphiphilic bile acid derived meta llohydrogel: an efficient template for th e enantioselective Diels-Alder reactio n An enantioselective Diels-Ald er reaction mediated by a facially amphiphilic bile acid derived metallogel scaffold has been a chieved (Scheme 9). Different hydrophobic domains present in Scheme 9 the gel appear to facilitate the enantioselective reaction. Various spectro scopic and electron microscopic techniques were employed to understand the possible reasons for the stereoselectivity in the gel. Subsequently, different counter anion s dependent rate accelerations and induced enantioselectivity in the ZnCh2 gel were studied in detail. These preliminary results of the non-covalent based supramolecular heterogeneous catalysis offer new possibilities for using metallogels as nanoreactors for different stereoselective reactions.

Synthèse et mise en forme de matériaux nanostructurés pour la photosensibilisation de réactions d’oxydoréduction / Nanostructured materials synthesis and shaping for oxydoreduction reaction photosensibilization

Boichard, Benoît 12 November 2015 (has links)
La perspective d'une société utilisant l'énergie de la lumière du soleil pour séparer la molécule d'eau en dihydrogène et en dioxygène, ces deux gaz servant de moyens de stockage et de vecteurs d'énergie, nécessite de nombreux développements. En particulier, il est nécessaire de choisir un matériau pouvant absorber la lumière et transférer son énergie aux charges électriques afin de générer un courant électrique. Parmi toutes les possibilités, ce mémoire étudie l'applicabilité des bâtonnets semiconducteurs de tailles nanométriques constitués d'un cœur de séléniure de cadmium et d'une coquille de sulfure de cadmium. Profitant des méthodes décrites ces dernières années et d'une méthodologie de fonctionnalisation, les objets obtenus présentent une grande monodispersité et peuvent être dispersés en milieu aqueux. Les propriétés photoélectrochimiques des nanobâtonnets sont explorées par microscopie électrochimique. Cette méthode permet de déterminer s'il y a un transfert de charge entre des molécules en solution et un substrat constitué des bâtonnets, et le cas échéant son sens. Ainsi les nanoparticules, soumises à une excitation lumineuse, transfèrent des électrons vers les molécules dans l'ensemble des cas explorés, révélant ainsi un caractère plus réducteur que la para-benzoquinone. Ce transfert est réalisé d'autant plus rapidement que le rapport entre la longueur et le diamètre des bâtonnets augmente, jusqu'à un optimum, mais aussi que la taille de la couche organique isolante les recouvrant diminue, comme l'ont révélé des suivis de réduction d'une sonde rédox moléculaire colorée, la résazurine. Ces charges ont été mises à profit pour fonctionnaliser les nanoparticules, au travers de la réduction d'un pont disulfure ou d'un sel d'or. Enfin des stratégies ont été explorées pour permettre aux particules de réaliser la réduction photosensibilisée de l'eau, au travers de la synthèse d'une cobaloxime, un catalyseur moléculaire, ou de la réduction de sels métalliques à propriété catalytique tels que le cobalt et le nickel. / The development of a society based on solar energy requires a way to store it. One possibility consists in water splitting that needs a material to collect and transform the energy contained in light beam in an electric charges movement. Among all possibility, we hereby explore the applicability of nanometers-sized semiconductor rods composed of a cadmium selenide core and a cadmium sulfide shell. Based on methods already developed and a new functionalization methodology, the obtained particles exhibit a high monodispersity and can be dispersed in water, a useful property for the final purpose. Their photo-electrochemical properties have been explored by electrochemical microscopy that allowed to determine whether there is charge transfer between mediators in solution and quantum rods deposited as substrate and its direction. It reveals that under light irradiation and in all cases herein experimented, they transfer electrons to the mediators, making them more reductive than para-benzoquinone. This transfer is fastened when the ratio between the length and the diameter of the rods increased until an optimum, but also when the width of the organic isolating shell decreases, as revealed by time-resolved reduction of resazurin, a colored rédox molecular probe. These charge transfer have been used to functionalize particles by reduction of a disulfide bridge or a gold salt. Finally, strategies have been explored to make these quantum rods able to photosensibilized water reduction through synthesis of a cobaloxime, a molecular catalyst, or metal salt reduction as cobalt and nickel known to exhibit catalytic activity.

A colloidal nanoparticle form of indium tin oxide: system development and characterization

Gilstrap, Richard Allen, Jr. 06 April 2009 (has links)
A logical progression from the maturing field of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots to the emerging subclass of impurity-doped colloidal semiconductor nanoparticles is underway. To this end, the present work describes the formation and analysis of a new form of Tin-doped Indium Oxide (ITO). The form is that of a colloidal dispersion comprised of pure-phase, 4-6 nanometer ITO particles possessing an essentially single crystalline character. This system forms a non-agglomerated, optically clear solution in a variety of non-polar solvents and can remain in this state, at room temperature, for months and potentially, years. ITO is the most widely used member of the exotic materials family known as Transparent Conductive Oxides (TCOs) and is the primary enabling material behind a wide variety of opto-electronic device technologies. Material synthesis was achieved by initiating a series of interrelated nucleophilic substitution reactions that provided sufficient intensity to promote doping efficiencies greater than 90% for a wide range of tin concentrations. The optical clarity of this colloidal system allowed the intrinsic properties of single crystalline ITO particles to be evaluated prior to their use in thin-films or composite structures. Monitoring the temporal progression of n-type degeneracy by its effects on the optical properties of colloidal dispersions shed light on the fundamental issues of particle formation, band filling (Burstein-Moss) dynamics, and the very origin of n-type degeneracy in ITO. Central to these studies was the issue of excess electron character. The two limiting cases of entirely free and entirely confined electron motion were evaluated by application of bulk-like band dispersion analysis and the effective mass approximation, respectively. This provided a means to estimate the number of excess conduction band electrons present within an individual particle boundary. The ability to control and optimize the level of n-type degeneracy within the colloidal ITO nanoparticle form by compositional variation was also demonstrated. A key to the widespread adoption of a new material by industry is an ability to produce multi-gram and perhaps, kilogram quantities with no significant sacrifice in quality. Accordingly, a modified synthesis process was developed to allow for the mass production of high-quality colloidal ITO nanocrystals.

Surface modification of group 14 nanocrystals

Kelly, Joel Alexander Unknown Date
No description available.

Synthetic and Analytical Advancements for Zinc Sulfide Containing Quantum Dots

Bennett, Ellie January 2021 (has links)
Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals exist at the interface of inorganic chemistry, solid-state physics, and materials applications. The highly tunable and size-dependent properties position them as prime candidates for advancing a range of technologies, including improving efficiency in solid-state lighting devices and high color-purity displays. To be successful in these endeavors, quantum dots require excellent optical properties, such as bright emission. Optimization of a zinc sulfide coating is widely regarded as a key requirement to achieving these necessary performances. Even so, zinc sulfide nanocrystal chemistry remains underdeveloped. This dissertation addresses these shortcomings and provides comprehensive synthetic and analytical tools to harness the potential of zinc sulfide containing nanocrystals. Chapter 1 introduces semiconductor nanocrystals, also referred to as quantum dots, and begins with a description of the size-dependent optical properties. Factors that lead to poorer emission properties, such as undercoordinated surface atoms are discussed. Methods to alleviate these issues, including controlling the surface coordination environment, and design and growth of heterostructures are introduced. Lastly, synthetic approaches and nanocrystal formation mechanisms are described. Chapter 2 covers the synthesis and size-dependent optical properties of zinc sulfide nanocrystals. We find that commonly used solvents in nanocrystal reactions lead to the formation of polymeric byproducts that are challenging to purify away, and thus design the zinc sulfide synthesis such that these can be avoided. Leveraging a library of rate tunable thioureas the final nanocrystal size can be carefully controlled. The reactions follow a thermally activated growth process, with larger zinc sulfide nanocrystals accessible at higher temperatures. Most relevantly for later chapters, the surface coordination environment is highly important; bulkier zinc carboxylate ligands that cannot achieve high surface coverages result in higher growth rates. These results represent the most tunable size controls reported for zinc sulfide nanocrystals. Chapter 3 uses high resolution electron microscopy techniques to study the shape (morphology) of zinc sulfide nanocrystals, synthesized using the methods developed in the second chapter. Irregular, anisotropic growth is commonly seen in zinc sulfide shell growth and is attributed to core/shell interfacial strain. We find that this growth also occurs in the binary zinc sulfide system. Synthetic conditions favoring fast growth result in unselective, isotropic growth of spherical zinc sulfide. Conversely, slower conditions can lead to irregular, anisotropic shapes. The shape is also highly dependent on the coordination environment during growth. Small, sterically unencumbered ligands stabilize specific crystal facets, leading to selective, anisotropic growth. These findings are translated to shelling procedures in Chapter 6, and further emphasize the need to understand and characterize zinc sulfide surfaces. Chapter 4 establishes an empirical relationship between the band gap energy of a zinc sulfide nanocrystal and its diameter. The literature reports a wide spread of diameters for a given energy, meaning zinc sulfide sizes could not previously be easily calculated from their optical properties. Leveraging the size- and shape-control discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, we assess the utility of a range of nanocrystal characterization techniques for accurately sizing quantum confined zinc sulfide. Using electron microscopy and X-ray scattering methods we present an updated energy-size (“sizing curve”) relationship for zinc sulfide. These results represent the most comprehensive zinc sulfide nanocrystal sizing study and enable the rapid size characterization of zinc sulfide from its absorbance spectrum. This provided crucial insight into the reaction progressions described in Chapter 2. Chapter 5 covers our endeavors to characterize and quantify the zinc sulfide nanocrystal surface chemistry, which we believe is imperative to improving shelling procedures and optical properties in zinc sulfide heterostructures. With no published extinction coefficient, the surface coverages of zinc sulfide cannot be obtained. Using the size- and shape-controlled syntheses, in conjunction with optical absorption spectroscopy and elemental analysis, we calculate extinction coefficients for a range of zinc sulfide nanocrystal sizes. The size-dependence is well described by a power law, and this represents the first reported extinction coefficient for zinc sulfide. Using this, we report the first surface coverages of zinc sulfide nanocrystals and assess the binding affinity of zinc carboxylates to the surface by monitoring their displacement by L-type ligands. Chapter 6 widens the zinc sulfide synthetic methods developed in earlier chapters to deposit zinc sulfide shells onto blue-emitting II-VI and red-emitting III-V nanocrystals. The reaction shows versatility, shelling nanocrystals over a wide range of temperatures. We demonstrate morphology control over the zinc shell by altering the deposition kinetics and coordination environment. Usually, thick, homogenous shells are desired by the nanocrystal field. However, by correlating the shell morphology to its optical properties, we see that the anisotropic shells generally achieve higher photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs). We also report progress towards cadmium-free quantum dot downconverters for use in solid-state lighting applications. Among other things, the photoluminescence intensity evolution throughout the shelling procedure is highly dependent on the initial surface termination of the nanocrystal core. Application of surface treatments allows brighter zinc sulfide shelled III-V heterostructures to be accessed.

Thiourea-urea metal (Cd & Ni) chalcogenide (O & S) complexes for the synthesis and characterization of metal chalcogenide nanoparticles

Masangane, Tankiso January 2018 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / The understanding of the fundamental properties and potential use of semiconductor materials in nanotechnology has stimulated the interest of many researchers. Coordination compounds containing ligands with chalcogenide atoms as donors have received considerable attention. Among these chalcogenide ligands, thiourea and urea have been extensively used previously to form single source precursors for the synthesis of group II–VI semiconductor nanoparticles. The synthesis and study of semiconductor nanocrystals has become a subject area of considerable research interest because they have potentially useful applications such as biomedical imaging, sensing, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), photovoltaics and displays. In this work, special attention has been given to the synthesis and characterization of cadmium and nickel chalcogenides nanoparticles because of their interesting and unique optical properties, using a single source precursor method. The mixed chalcogenide sources are also explored for their complexes or simple reactions to produce semiconductor nanoparticles. The advantages of single molecular precursors over other existing methods for the synthesis of metal chalcogenide nanoparticles has proven to be a more efficient route for the synthesis of high-quality nanocrystals. Cadmium and nickel complexes of urea and thiourea were successfully synthesized by refluxing metal salts of cadmium and nickel with thiourea and urea at 30-40 °C for an hour and the complex mixture was cooled at room temperature. The synthesized complexes were washed with methanol and acetone to remove impurities and dried in air. All other complexes were synthesized using the same refluxing synthesis method mentioned above. The characterization of all complexes was done using Fourier-Transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and CARLO ERBA elemental analysis. Nickel thiourea and cadmium thiourea complexes were found to be coordinating with the center metal through a sulfur atom, and the urea complexes through an oxygen atom. This observation of the coordination of metals with ligands makes these complexes suitable for use as the single source precursor for the synthesis of metal chalcogenides nanoparticles. The six resulted complexes from above synthesis are of cadmium sulphide, cadmium oxide, and nickel sulphide, nickel oxide. The TGA showed that all the complexes were stable at room temperature, as they decomposed around 200 °C, which makes these complexes suitable to be used for the synthesis of nanoparticles. The synthesized complexes reported in this study were used as a single source molecular precursor in the preparation of cadmium oxide, cadmium sulfide, nickel oxide, and nickel sulfide nanoparticles. The precursors were thermalized under nitrogen gas while refluxing at 160 °C for 1 hour, using HDA as the capping agent and TOP was used as the solvent. Crystalline semiconducting nanoparticles were obtained as the end product for all complexes, the resulting nanoparticles were washed with acetone to remove any impurities. The UV-Vis spectra of all the nanoparticles were blue-shifted, with their PL spectra red-shifted from the maximum absorption peak due to change in size of particles from bulk to nano-size. XRD pattern of CdS nanoparticles from Cd-thiourea suggested that a hexagonal phase of CdS was formed, and TEM analysis showed large particle sizes that were polydispersed with the dominance of cubic and rod shaped particles. The XRD patterns of CdS nanoparticles from cadmium thiourea and urea mixture showed the mixture of hexagonal and cubic phase nanoparticles with the predominance of cubic phase and its TEM images shows small particles size ranging from less than 50 nm, and the particles were polydispersed with the predominance of spherical nanoparticles. The XRD pattern of CdO nanoparticles showed the cubic phase nanoparticles with the existence of broad peaks indicating small particle size distribution. The TEM images of CdO nanoparticles confirmed the XRD data showing small particle size distribution with a size average of 6.8 nm. The NiS nanoparticles synthesized from Ni-thiourea complex showed narrow peaks with hkl indices indicating hexagonal phase. Particles has no clear morphology due to the agglomeration of the nanoparticles that can be caused by the instability of the nanoparticles because of their high surface area. A cluster of particles can be observed from the TEM images, making it difficult to determine the particle size and shape of NiS particles from Ni-thiourea complex. NiS particles from nickel thiourea and urea mixture also showed XRD patterns of the hexagonal plane and TEM showed small size conjugated nanocrystals. The TEM of NiO indicated a spherical morphology, existence of other morphology rather than spherical can also be observed from the image. The average particle size was 8 nm, and XRD pattern showed the cubic phase of NiO nanocrystals.

Étude dans le champ proche optique de l’interaction entre fluorescence d’un nanocristal et résonance plasmon / Study in the near optical field of the interaction between nanocrystal fluorescence and plasmon resonance

Jazi, Rabeb 21 June 2017 (has links)
Les nanocristaux semi-conducteurs colloïdaux possèdent des propriétés photo-physiques qui en font des objets de choix pour des applications variées, comme le marquage biologique, le photovoltaïque ou encore l’optique quantique. Leur interaction avec une structure photonique peut modifier leurs propriétés d’émission (durée de vie, intensité…). Le microscope optique de champ proche est un outil privilégié pour venir sonder ces modifications à l’échelle nanométrique.Cette thèse porte sur la réalisation d’une sonde active de champ proche réalisée à partir d’un nanocristal cœur/coquille CdSe/CdS greffé à l’apex d’une fibre optique amincie. Cette sonde est utilisée pour cartographier, dans les 3 dimensions de l’espace et à l’échelle nanométrique, les variations de durée de vie de l’émetteur. Elle permet de rendre compte des variations des modes photoniques sur la surface.Une partie de cette thèse porte sur la réalisation de la sonde active elle-même. Grâce à cette sonde les études sont alors développées sur un réseau de trous dans un film mince d’or. Des simulations FDTD ont été réalisées dans le but de déterminer les paramètres pertinents du réseau et d’analyser leur réponse en champ proche.Les résultats expérimentaux des durées de vie en divers points de différents réseaux, obtenus avec la sonde active, sont confrontés aux résultats numériques. / Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals have photo-physical properties that make them objects of choice for various applications, such as biological marking, photovoltaics or quantum optics. Their interaction with a photonic structure can modify their emission properties (lifetime, intensity, etc.). The near-field optical microscope is a privileged tool to probe these changes at the nanoscale.This thesis deals with the realization of an active near-field probe made from a CdSe / CdS core / shell nanocrystal grafted to the apex of a thinned optical fiber. This probe is used to map, in the 3 dimensions of the space and on the nanometric scale, the variations in the lifetime of the emitter. It makes it possible to account for variations in photonic modes on the surface.A part of this thesis concerns the realization of the active probe itself. Thanks to this probe the studies are then developed on a hole grating made in a thin film of gold. FDTD simulations were performed to determine relevant grating parameters and to analyze their near field response.The experimental results of the lifetimes at various points of different gratings, obtained with the active probe, are compared with the numerical results.

Synthesis and Optical Properties of Colloidal PbS Nanosheets

Premathilaka, Shashini M. 06 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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