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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hyperreligiosité post-lésionnelle et rétablissement du sentiment de soi par la psychothérapie narrative médiatisée : diagnostic et traitement psychothérapique des syndromes avec hyperreligiosité secondaires à un traumatisme cranio-cérébral sévère chez des sujets en situation de handicap cognitif / Post-lesional hyperreligiosity and restoration of the sense of the self through narrative expressive psychotherapy : diagnosis and psychotherapeutic treatment of syndromes with hyperreligiosity secondary to severe TBI in subjects with cognitive impairment

Galiana Abal, Maria Pilar 03 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la question du diagnostic et du traitement à travers la psychothérapie narrativemédiatisée de syndromes avec hyperreligiosité consécutifs à un traumatisme crânio-cérébral sévère. Desétudes neuroscientifiques ont proposé l’hypothèse que hyperreligiosité post-lésionnelle constitue unetentative de réorganisation de la psyché dans un contexte d’ébranlement du sentiment de soi (Persinger,1993a ; 1993b ; 2003) et ont exploré différents postulats explicatifs de la récurrence de l’expériencereligieuse chez le sujet avec traumatisme crânio-cérébral. Mais un regard psychanalytique permetd’apporter des éléments essentiels à la compréhension de la psychopathologie post-lésionnelle marquéepar l’hyperreligiosité. Le démantèlement de l’appareil psychique, la régression psychique du patientavec une primauté des processus primaires, le retour en force d’agonies primitives, l’émergence detraumatismes antérieurs et l’expérience du handicap sont des conséquences de la lésion cérébrale àconsidérer dans le diagnostic et le traitement de ces syndromes.Cette thèse présente une méthodologie composée de trois enquêtes distinctes.Une enquête phénoménologique (# 1) sera ici présentée afin de pallier au manque de recherchescliniques au sujet des différentes manifestations sémiologiques de l’hyperreligiosité post-lésionnelle.Partant d’un échantillon de trente-deux sujets, elle aura pour objet (1) le recueil de données concernantl’expression sémiologique des syndromes avec hyperreligiosité et (2) l’identification de thématiquesexpérientielles chez des sujets ayant présenté une hyperreligiosité post-lésionnelle. Elle s’appuiera surla passation de deux questionnaires crées dans le cadre de cette étude : le questionnaire de l’expériencereligieuse et le questionnaire de l’émergence de de l’hyperreligiosité post-lésionnelle et des entretiensde recherche qui seront analysés selon la méthode de l’analyse phénoménologique interprétative. Uneenquête fondée sur des sources littéraires (# 2) aura pour objet l’analyse de la thématique existentiellede biographies religieuses écrites par de survivants devenus hyperreligieux après un traumatisme crâniocérébralsévère. Enfin, une enquête en clinique psychothérapique (# 3) sera centrale au sein de cetteétude parce que cette thèse s’intéresse à l’hyperreligiosité en tant que processus potentiellementréorganisateur de la psyché. A travers cinq études de cas et des mesures réalisées à travers des outils(échelle de pensée magique, échelle pensée-action-fusion et test BNIS), la partie clinique de cette thèseaura pour objet de mettre en avant la fonction adaptative de l’expérience religieuse et montrera commentle rétablissement du sentiment de soi est possible par l’utilisation d’actes créatifs, comme le dessin,l’écriture (biographique, poèmes) et le choix d’images, activités qui serviront d’appui restructurationpsychique et cognitive de ces patients. L’utilisation du questionnaire de l’expérience religieuse en tantque grille thématique permettra de considérer les données issues des trois enquêtes de cette étude selondes critères communs. / This dissertation focuses on the diagnosis and psychotherapeutic treatment of patients withhyperreligiosity secondary to a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). The methodology of this workhas required three separate investigations. A first phenomenological survey (#I) based thirty-twosubjects sample had as an aim (1) to identify the clinical manifestation of syndromes withhyperreligiosity, and (2) to identify experiential themes in subjects who experienced post- lesionalhyperreligiosity. Two questionnaires were created and administered as part of this study: thereligious experience questionnaire, and emergence of post-lesional hyperreligiosity questionnaire.Research interviews analyzed following the interpretative phenomenological analysis method willcomplete the clinical data collection for this survey (#I). A second survey (#II) will consider theanalysis the existential themes of religious biographies written by TBI survivors who reportedrecurrent religious experiences secondary to a traumatic brain injury. A third and main survey(#III) provides a clinical analysis of the therapeutic support of patients with post-lesionalhyperreligiosity. Through five case studies and consistent (every 6 months) administration ofmeasurement tools (magical thinking scale, thought-action fusion scale and test BNIS), this surveydisplays through detailed case studies the adaptive function of religious experience and therestoration of the sense of self though the use of creative acts (drawing, writing biographicalnarratives and poems, commenting on images).Key

Les territoires des parcs nationaux (Canada, Ethiopie, France) : logiques identitaires, patrimoniales et nationales / National parks territory (Canada, Ethiopia, France) : identity, heritage and nation

Blanc, Guillaume 12 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une histoire environnementale comparée de parcs nationaux canadien, éthiopien et français. Elle s'appuie sur l'étude des lois, des rapports d'activité et de la documentation archivistique et touristique produits par les gestionnaires des parcs de Forillon, du Semën et des Cévennes, de la fin des années soixante au temps présent. Cette recherche interroge l'objet « parc national » en tant que territoire patrimonial et identitaire façonné pour promouvoir un sentiment d'appartenance à la nation. Avec le comparatisme pour mode d'étude de l'objet, ce travail démontre qu'au-delà des contextes observés, l'invention de la nature vise bien souvent à renforcer les contours matériels et idéels de la nation au nom de laquelle agissent les pouvoirs publics. En France, le parc national des Cévennes sert à la pérennisation d'une nation paysanne, nostalgique et traditionnelle. Au Canada, le parc ForiIlon participe à la naturalisation d'une nation qui se donne à voir vierge, atempororelle et apolitique afin de pallier son passé manquant de profondeur mais débordant de conflits. En Éthiopie, l'Etat s'approprie pour sa part les représentations eco-racistes des institutions internationales telles que l'UICN, le WWF et l'UNESCO afin d'être reconnu sur la scène internationale et de s'imposer, alors, sur un territoire qu'il veut national. Ainsi, dans les trois pays observés, le parc national se révèle un enjeu de lutte. Espace de vie quotidienne converti en un espace de visites temporaires, illégitime l'exercice, par la puissance publique, d'une violence à la fois concrète et symbolique sur les populations locales et environnantes. / This thesis offers a comparative environmental history of French, Ethiopian and Canadian national parks. It rests upon an analysis of laws, management plans, tourist documentation and archive produced by the managers of Cévennes, Semën and Forillon national parks. This research questions the "national park" object as a territory of heritage and identity manufactured by power to promote a national belonging feeling. Using comparison, this work shows that beyond the context, invention of nature is dedicated to the reinforcement of the material and ideal edges of the nation. In France, the Cévennes national park serves as a symbol of a rural, nostalgic and traditional nation. In Canada, Forillon participates to the naturalization of a nation that gives herself to see as a virgin, a-temporal and a-political nation in order to overcome a past lacking of depth but overflowed by conflicts. In Ethiopia, the State adopts the eco-racist representations of international institutions such as IUCN, UNESCO and WWF for being recognized on the international scene and established, therefore, on a territory namely "national". Thus, in these three countries, national park appears as a place of struggle. Space of daily life converted in a space of temporary visit, it legitimates the exertion of a concrete and symbolic violence on local and surrounding populations.

Detecting contrastive sentences for sentiment analysis / Detecção de sentenças contrastantes através de análise de sentimentos

Vargas, Danny Suarez January 2016 (has links)
A análise de contradições é uma área relativamente nova, multidisciplinar e complexa que tem por objetivo principal identificar pedaços contraditórios de texto. Ela pode ser abordada a partir das perspectivas de diferentes áreas de pesquisa, tais como processamento de linguagem natural, mineração de opinioes, recuperação de informações e extração de Informações. Este trabalho foca no problema de detectar contradições em textos – mais especificamente, nas contradições que são o resultado da diversidade de sentimentos entre as sentenças de um determinado texto. Ao contrário de outros tipos de contradições, a detecção de contradições baseada em sentimentos pode ser abordada como uma etapa de pós-processamento na tarefa tradicional de análise de sentimentos. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta duas contribuições principais. A primeira é um estudo exploratório da tarefa de classificação, na qual identificamos e usamos diferentes ferramentas e recursos. A segunda contribuição é a adaptação e a extensão de um framework de análise contradição existente, filtrando seus resultados para remover os comentários erroneamente rotulados como contraditórios. O método de filtragem baseia-se em dois algoritmos simples de similaridade entre palavras. Uma avaliação experimental em comentários sobre produtos reais mostrou melhorias proporcionais de até 30 % na acurácia da classificação e 26 % na precisão da detecção de contradições. / Contradiction Analysis is a relatively new multidisciplinary and complex area with the main goal of identifying contradictory pieces of text. It can be addressed from the perspectives of different research areas such as Natural Language Processing, Opinion Mining, Information Retrieval, and Information Extraction. This work focuses on the problem of detecting sentiment-based contradictions which occur in the sentences of a given review text. Unlike other types of contradictions, the detection of sentiment-based contradictions can be tackled as a post-processing step in the traditional sentiment analysis task. In this context, we make two main contributions. The first is an exploratory study of the classification task, in which we identify and use different tools and resources. Our second contribution is adapting and extending an existing contradiction analysis framework by filtering its results to remove the reviews that are erroneously labeled as contradictory. The filtering method is based on two simple term similarity algorithms. An experimental evaluation on real product reviews has shown proportional improvements of up to 30% in classification accuracy and 26% in the precision of contradiction detection.

Le bonheur chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Happiness in Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Farrugia, Guilhem 07 December 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche se positionne dans la lignée d’une enquête sur le bonheur chez Rousseau, qui va de Robert Mauzi à Michel Delon. Intégrant ces acquis, elle se propose d’en prolonger les analyses, et de prendre en compte l’œuvre autobiographique, morale, éthique et politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Cette thèse sonde la cohérence de ce thème récurrent, et en confronte les multiples facettes disséminées dans l’œuvre. Il existe dans l’œuvre une dynamique du bonheur assujettie à des mouvements oscillatoires. Le premier concerne la théorie de l’extase et fait émerger l’opposition entre un bonheur comme rétraction en soi-même et un autre comme expansion hors de soi. Ce mouvement affecte ensuite les formes de la sociabilité, allant du bonheur de la solitude au bonheur de la relation sociale restreinte, s’élargissant enfin en balancement entre sa dimension morale et sa dimension politique, entre le bonheur de l’homme et celui du citoyen. Cette dynamique rythmée et cadencée, engageant une dualité, est pourtant dépassée au profit d’un bonheur comme unité, révélant une « dialectique » de la félicité. Cette dynamique permet de comprendre, in fine, la fiction comme matrice de la félicité. / This research takes its position in the line of research on happiness in Rousseau, which goes from Robert Mauzi to Michel Delon. Encompassing this acquired knowledge, it sets out to prolong the analysis of it and to take into account the autobiographical, moral, ethical, and political work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This thesis probes the coherence of this recurring theme and confronts the multiple facets of it disseminated in the work. There exists in the work a dynamic of happiness subject to oscillatory movements. The first concerns the theory of ecstasy and gives rise to the opposition between a happiness as the withdrawal into oneself and another happiness as the expansion beyond oneself. This movement then affects the forms of sociability, going from the happiness of solitude to the happiness of the limited social relationship, eventually broadening out by moving between its moral dimension and its political dimension, between the happiness of the man and that of the citizen. This regular and rhythmical dynamic, involving a duality, is however exceeded to the benefit of a happiness as a unity, revealing a dialectic of bliss. This dynamic, in short, allows an understanding of the fiction as the matrix of bliss.

Sentiment analysis in social events

Liu, Qiaoshan January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is going to visualize the public sentiment on expected and unexpected social events. Exploring the relationship between tweets forwarding and sentiment. Design/methodology/approach: This research related to sentiment analysis of social events applied a lexicon-based method. The social events come from Facebook data breach and Ireland vote on abortion event. The study conducted This study focused on how the public sentiment changes over time and the relationship between sentiment and tweet forwarding. Bing lexicon and NRC lexicon are adopted in the analysis. Result: The result of this study is the dominant sentiment trend is consistent with the trend of the number of tweets over time in the Facebook data breach and Ireland vote on abortion. Besides, the sentiment has affected people forward tweets in this research.

Haydn's last heroine: Hanne, The Seasons, and Sentimental Opera

Roussin, Rena Marie 31 August 2018 (has links)
Joseph Haydn’s final oratorio, The Seasons (1801), has consistently been neglected in performance and scholarship, particularly when compared to its earlier, more successful counterpart, The Creation (1798). A number of factors contribute to this neglect, central among them the belief that The Seasons lacked the musical innovation of Haydn’s setting of the Judeo-Christian creation story, a thought that would gain further momentum as aesthetic and musical tastes changed throughout the nineteenth century. Yet Haydn’s final oratorio is a work of remarkable musical artistry and insight, especially when considered in the context of the eighteenth-century culture of sensibility and the rise of sentimental opera, conventions with which Haydn’s would have been intimately aware given his work in opera composition and production from 1762 to 1790. By examining the ways in which Hanne, one of the three central characters in The Seasons, is constructed as sentimental in van Swieten’s libretto and Haydn’s score, I demonstrate how the librettist and composer engage the trope of the sentimental heroine. Hanne features many of the expected qualities: she is chaste, virtuous, and possesses refined sensibility and sensitivity. Furthermore, her singing style is firmly rooted in sentimental traditions. Yet her music is also imbued with coloratura and musical markers of nobility. Through these musical choices and by textually defining Hanne through joy rather than suffering and pathos, Haydn and van Swieten depart from typical constructions to rethink the sentimental heroine. Therefore, in his final major musico-dramatic work, Haydn experiments with one of the central operatic tropes of the eighteenth century. In being aware of this feature, we might simultaneously arrive at a renewed appreciation for The Seasons and of Haydn’s abilities as a musical dramatist. / Graduate

Mineração de opiniões em aspectos em fontes de opiniões fracamente estruturadas / Aspect-based opinion mining in weakly structured opinion sources

Sápiras, Leonardo Augusto January 2015 (has links)
Na WEB, são encontradas postagens sobre assuntos variados, notícias de celebridades, produtos e serviços. Tal conteúdo contém emoções positivas, negativas ou neutras. Minerar o sentimento da população sobre candidatos a eleições e seus aspectos em mídias virtuais pode ser realizado por meio de técnicas de Mineração de Opiniões. Existem soluções para fontes de opinião fortemente estruturadas, tais como revisões de produtos e serviços, no entanto o problema que se apresenta é realizar a mineração de opiniões em nível de aspecto em fontes de opiniões fracamente estruturadas. Além de avaliar conceitos relacionados à mineração de opiniões, o presente trabalho descreve a realização de um estudo de caso, o qual analisa fontes de opiniões fracamente estruturadas e propõe uma abordagem para minerar opiniões em nível de aspecto, utilizando como fontes de opinião comentários de leitores de jornais. O estudo de caso contribui (i) na concepção de uma abordagem para identificação da opinião em nível de aspecto sobre entidades eleitorais em comentários de notícias políticas, (ii) na aplicação de um método baseado em aprendizagem de máquina para classificar a opinião sobre entidades e seus aspectos em três classes (positivo, negativo e neutro), (iii) na representação da sumarização visual de opinião sobre entidades e seus aspectos. São descritos experimentos para identificar comentários que mencionam os aspectos saúde e educação, utilizando co-ocorrência, em que foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios utilizando as técnicas Expected Mutual Information Measure e phi-squared. Já para a polarização de sentenças, são realizados experimentos com duas abordagens de classificação: uma que classifica sentenças em três classes e outra que realiza classificações binárias em duas etapas. / In the WEB are found posts about various subjects like celebrity news, products and services. Such content has positive, negative or neutral emotions. Mining the population’s sentiments about elections candidates and their aspects in virtual media can be performed using Opinion Mining techniques. There are solutions for highly structured opinion sources, such as reviews of products and services, however the problem is how to perform aspect-based opinion mining in less structured opinions sources. Besides evaluating concepts related to opinion mining, this work describes a case study which analyzes weakly structured sources and proposes an approach to mine aspect-based opinions using as sources of sentiment reviews of newspaper readers. The case study contributes (i) designing an approach to identify the aspect-based opinion about electoral candidates in news political comments, (ii) to the application of a machine learning-based method to classify the opinion about entities and their aspects in three classes (positive, negative and neutral) (iii) to the representation of a visual summarization review of entities and their aspects. It describes experiments to identify comments about health and education aspects using co-occurrence where satisfactory results were obtained using the techniques Expected Mutual Information Measure and phi-squared. In which regards sentences polarization, experiments are performed with two classification approaches, one that classifies sentences in three classes and another that performs binary classifications in two stages.

Análise de sentimentos baseada em aspectos e atribuições de polaridade / Aspect-based sentiment analysis and polarity assignment

Kauer, Anderson Uilian January 2016 (has links)
Com a crescente expansão da Web, cada vez mais usuários compartilham suas opiniões sobre experiências vividas. Essas opiniões estão, na maioria das vezes, representadas sob a forma de texto não estruturado. A Análise de Sentimentos (ou Mineração de Opinião) é a área dedicada ao estudo computacional das opiniões e sentimentos expressos em textos, tipicamente classificando-os de acordo com a sua polaridade (i.e., como positivos ou negativos). Ao mesmo tempo em que sites de vendas e redes sociais tornam-se grandes fontes de opiniões, cresce a busca por ferramentas que, de forma automática, classifiquem as opiniões e identifiquem a qual aspecto da entidade avaliada elas se referem. Neste trabalho, propomos métodos direcionados a dois pontos fundamentais para o tratamento dessas opiniões: (i) análise de sentimentos baseada em aspectos e (ii) atribuição de polaridade. Para a análise de sentimentos baseada em aspectos, desenvolvemos um método que identifica expressões que mencionem aspectos e entidades em um texto, utilizando ferramentas de processamento de linguagem natural combinadas com algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina. Para a atribuição de polaridade, desenvolvemos um método que utiliza 24 atributos extraídos a partir do ranking gerado por um motor de busca e para gerar modelos de aprendizagem de máquina. Além disso, o método não depende de recursos linguísticos e pode ser aplicado sobre dados com ruídos. Experimentos realizados sobre datasets reais demonstram que, em ambas as contribuições, conseguimos resultados próximos aos dos baselines mesmo com um número pequeno de atributos. Ainda, para a atribuição de polaridade, os resultados são comparáveis aos de métodos do estado da arte que utilizam técnicas mais complexas. / With the growing expansion of the Web, more and more users share their views on experiences they have had. These views are, in most cases, represented in the form of unstructured text. The Sentiment Analysis (or Opinion Mining) is a research area dedicated to the computational study of the opinions and feelings expressed in texts, typically categorizing them according to their polarity (i.e., as positive or negative). As on-line sales and social networking sites become great sources of opinions, there is a growing need for tools that classify opinions and identify to which aspect of the evaluated entity they refer to. In this work, we propose methods aimed at two key points for the treatment of such opinions: (i) aspect-based sentiment analysis and (ii) polarity assignment. For aspect-based sentiment analysis, we developed a method that identifies expressions mentioning aspects and entities in text, using natural language processing tools combined with machine learning algorithms. For the identification of polarity, we developed a method that uses 24 attributes extracted from the ranking generated by a search engine to generate machine learning models. Furthermore, the method does not rely on linguistic resources and can be applied to noisy data. Experiments on real datasets show that, in both contributions, our results using a small number of attributes were similar to the baselines. Still, for assigning polarity, the results are comparable to prior art methods that use more complex techniques.

Les effets de l’équilibre travail/famille sur la satisfaction au travail et l’intention de départ des cadres : une investigation du rôle modérateur du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle / The effects of work-life balance on job satisfaction and intent to leave of white collars : an investigation of the moderator role of self-efficacy

Garner, Pierre 30 June 2015 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons aux relations entre l’équilibre travail-famille, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, la satisfaction au travail, l’implication organisationnelle et l’intention de départ. Une étude par questionnaires a été réalisée auprès d’un échantillon de 232 cadres de PME du bassin lorrain. Les résultats de l’analyse statistique montrent, d’une part, que le conflit travail-famille – en particulier lié au stress – est associé négativement à la satisfaction au travail et d’autre part, que le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle modère de façon significative les effets négatifs du conflit travail/famille sur la satisfaction au travail. L’investigation plus approfondie du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle (SEP) fait apparaître deux dimensions. Le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle de son travail est l’une de ces composantes. La rétroaction perçue d’auto-efficacité (RPAE) est l’autre composante du SEP. Nous définissons la RPAE comme la perception d’un individu de la façon dont sa hiérarchie juge son travail. Les résultats de cette recherche attestent que le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle de son travail agit sur le conflit travail-famille lié au stress de telle sorte qu’il augmente la satisfaction au travail. En revanche, la RPAE accroît les effets négatifs du conflit travail-famille lié au stress sur la satisfaction au travail. Cette thèse fournit des explications aux effets contraires constatés et propose des recommandations pour le management des ressources humaines. / We’re interested in the relationship between work-life balance, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intent to leave. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 232 managers from various small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Lorraine. Results of the SEM analysis showed that work-family conflict was negatively related to job satisfaction. Moreover, perceived self-efficacy was found to moderate this relationship such that the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction were not statistically and negatively significant for managers reporting high levels of self-efficacy. An investigation of components of self-efficacy delivers interesting information. Work self-efficacy (WSE) is one of these factors. Self-efficacy received feedback (SERF) is suggested in this paper as the other factor of SE. We define SERF as the perception of an individual on the way its hierarchy judges its work. The results of this research give evidence that WSE acts on stress work-family conflict so that it increases job satisfaction. Conversely, SERF increases the negative effects of the stress work-family conflict on the job satisfaction. This thesis offers explanations of the opposite effects and proposes recommendations for human resources management

Novel symbolic and machine-learning approaches for text-based and multimodal sentiment analysis

Poria, Soujanya January 2017 (has links)
Emotions and sentiments play a crucial role in our everyday lives. They aid decision-making, learning, communication, and situation awareness in human-centric environments. Over the past two decades, researchers in artificial intelligence have been attempting to endow machines with cognitive capabilities to recognize, infer, interpret and express emotions and sentiments. All such efforts can be attributed to affective computing, an interdisciplinary field spanning computer science, psychology, social sciences and cognitive science. Sentiment analysis and emotion recognition has also become a new trend in social media, avidly helping users understand opinions being expressed on different platforms in the web. In this thesis, we focus on developing novel methods for text-based sentiment analysis. As an application of the developed methods, we employ them to improve multimodal polarity detection and emotion recognition. Specifically, we develop innovative text and visual-based sentiment-analysis engines and use them to improve the performance of multimodal sentiment analysis. We begin by discussing challenges involved in both text-based and multimodal sentiment analysis. Next, we present a number of novel techniques to address these challenges. In particular, in the context of concept-based sentiment analysis, a paradigm gaining increasing interest recently, it is important to identify concepts in text; accordingly, we design a syntaxbased concept-extraction engine. We then exploit the extracted concepts to develop conceptbased affective vector space which we term, EmoSenticSpace. We then use this for deep learning-based sentiment analysis, in combination with our novel linguistic pattern-based affective reasoning method termed sentiment flow. Finally, we integrate all our text-based techniques and combine them with a novel deep learning-based visual feature extractor for multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion recognition. Comparative experimental results using a range of benchmark datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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