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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In the Midst of Spoils: A Composition for Mixed Chorus (SATB) and Small Instrumental Ensemble

Norris, Thomas B. 08 1900 (has links)
In the Midst of Spoils is a setting, for SATB choir and small instrumental ensemble, of the poem "Blight," by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson's poem contrasts modern man's exploitative attitude toward nature with the more reverent attitude assumed by ancient or primitive cultures. This setting is in a single movement, approximately twenty minutes in duration, consisting of fifteen distinct sections.

Die Pianistin spricht. Überlegungen zur Epistemologie von Vertonungsanalysen und ihrer Funktion in musikwissenschaftlicher Forschung

Huber, Annegret 30 October 2020 (has links)
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the premise that a pianist like Clara Wieck/Schumann ‘speaks’ in her song compositions. This, however, raises a number of epistemological questions that will be discussed in this article. First of all, an explicit distinction is made between the examination of the ‘technical’ aspects of her compositional practice – in German: Praktik – (which may allow conclusions to be drawn about the pianist’s implicit knowledge) on the one hand, and the social aspects of her discursive practice – in German: Praxis – on the other. Thus, it is also necessary to discuss the criteria that the structural-analytical methodology must satisfy, as well as to consider to whom the pianist is actually speaking: to us music researchers of the 21st century? Or should we ask ourselves whether our analysis is not rather a “reading of traces” in the sense of Sybille Krämer, through which we invent the ‘producer’ of the analyzed ‘trace’ in the first place? Or to put it another way epistemologically: how do we make the pianist speak? What function does our ‘speaking’ of her compositions – namely the piano parts in her songs – have in scholarly argumentations?


06 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os estilos parentais e as trajetórias de socialização são temas cuja a construção é mediada pelas crenças parentais e, por conseguinte, pela cultura, sendo de considerável relevância que sejam investigados de acordo com o contexto no qual estão inseridos. Com o objetivo de identificar os estilos parentais e as trajetórias de socialização de diferentes tipos de família, participaram do estudo 40 pais e mães residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com filhos entre 7 e 11 anos de idade, de três configurações familiares: 10 casais de famílias nucleares, 10 mães de famílias mononucleares e 5 casais de famílias reconstituídas. Foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico para coletar dados como idade, gênero e tipo de família, o Inventário de metas de socialização/desenvolvimento (KELLER et al., 2006; adaptado por SEIDL-DE-MOURA et al., 2008) para identificar as trajetórias de socialização, as cinco imagens dos sistemas de cuidados parentais propostos por Keller (2005) para avaliação dos sistemas parentais e uma entrevista semiestruturada para identificar os estilos parentais. Sobre as trajetórias de socialização, os resultados apontaram que famílias nucleares tenderam para trajetória autônomo-relacional e famílias mononucleares e reconstituídas, para trajetória relacional. Em relação aos estilos parentais, famílias mononucleares e reconstituídas apresentaram indícios de estilo indulgente, com alta responsividade e baixa exigência. Já as famílias nucleares, demonstraram um estilo autoritativo, valorizando igualmente ambas as dimensões. Nessa medida, o presente estudo almeja contribuir para a Psicologia do Desenvolvimento, a partir de uma perspectiva sociocultural, e abrir caminhos para futuras investigações. / [en] Parental styles and socialization trajectories are issues whose construction is mediated by parental beliefs and therefore by culture, so it s considerably relevant that they be investigated according to the context in which they are inserted. In order to identify parental styles and socialization trajectories of different family types, 40 parents resident in Rio de Janeiro with children between 7 and 11 years old participated in the study. They belonged to three family settings: 10 couples of nuclear families, 10 single mothers of parent families and 5 couples of remarried families. A sociodemographic questionnaire was used to collect data such as age, gender and family type. The Inventory of socialization/development goals (KELLER et al., 2006; adapted by SEIDL-DE-MOURA et al., 2008) was used to identify the socialization trajectories, the five images of parental care systems proposed by Keller (2005) were used for evaluation of parental systems and a semi-structured interview to identify parental styles. About the socialization trajectories, results pointed out that nuclear families tended to autonomous relational trajectory, whereas single patents and remarried families tended for relational trajectory. Regarding the parental styles, single parents and remarried families presented indications of indulgent style, with high respondingness and low demandingness. However, nuclear families demonstrated an authoritative style, valuing both dimensions equally. To this extent, the present study aims to contribute to the developmental psychology from a sociocultural perspective and to open ways for future investigations.

”Vi är ju trots allt helt beroende av att vi klarar av att förstå varandra”: en studie om tillit i virtuella miljöer : En kvalitativ studie genomförd inom svenska offentliga organisationer

Eidersten, Elin, Werf, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats har fokus på tillit som ett organisatoriskt fenomen, mer specifikt på dendyadiska tilliten, dess utveckling och dynamik i relationen mellan chefer och medarbetare inomsvenska offentliga organisationer när arbetet sker virtuellt. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats medett relationellt perspektiv på både ledarskap och tillit och närmar sig ämnet genom teorier kringtillit, tillit i virtuell miljö och ledarskapsteorier. Den forskningsdata som presenteras består avintervjuer med chefer och medarbetare från två svenska offentliga organisationer insamlatgenom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens främsta bidrag är den modell som presenterassom baseras på det empiriska materialet och på en befintlig tillitsmodell med integritet,hjälpvillighet och förmåga samt på aktuell forskning inom tillit och ledarskap i virtuell miljö.Faktorerna kommunikation, kroppsspråk, relationsbyggande samtal, användande av tekniskahjälpmedel och balans mellan kontroll och stöd är enligt modellen betydelsefulla för tilliten ivirtuella miljöer. Vidare visar studien på skillnader mellan hur chefer och medarbetare ivirtuella miljöer upplever balansen mellan kontroll och stöd. Resultaten tyder på att det förpraktikersamhället är av betydelse att öka medvetenheten kring skapande och utveckling avtillit eftersom chefen genom att agera med avsikt att öka tillit genom stöd tycks kunna minskatilliten genom att medarbetaren istället upplever ökad kontroll. Detta kan även utgöra enutmaning med att arbeta med tillitsbaserat ledarskap i virtuell miljö, vilket är något mångasvenska offentliga organisationer, i och med Tillitsdelegationens arbete, idag aktivt arbetarmed. Den modell som presenteras kan användas som ett verktyg i arbetet med tillit, samt liggatill grund för vidare forskning. / This Bachelor's thesis focuses on trust as an organizational phenomenon, more specifically, thedyadic trust development and dynamics in the relationship between leader and follower withinSwedish public organizations when the workplace is virtual. The study applies a qualitativemethod with a relational perspective on leadership and trust, drawing on trust theory, leadershiptheory and research in both virtual trust and virtual leadership. The study includes data fromleaders and followers in two Swedish public organizations collected in semi-structuredinterviews. The main contribution of this study is the model that is presented which is based onthe empirical material and on a pre-existing model of trust including integrity, benevolence andability, and on current research in trust and leadership in virtual environments. According tothis model, the use of communication, body language, conversations that build relationships,technical aids and a balance between control and support are of importance to trust in virtualsettings. The study also demonstrates differences between how leaders and followers perceivethe balance between control and support. The findings imply for managerial leadership thatraising the level of awareness of trust development in virtual settings is crucial, because leadersmay act with the intent of increasing the level of support but end up decreasing the level of trustwhen the follower interprets the act as increased control. This may affect the ability to apply atrust-based leadership in virtual settings, which is, because of the work by the governmentappointed Trust-delegation, what many Swedish public organizations today have the ambitionto do. The model that is presented in this study can be used as a tool when working with trustand open up to future research.

Intercultural Communication Barriers among Future Leaders & Followers : A study on Intercultural communication barriers in Swedish multicultural work settings

Asghar, Nida, Tabassum, Anika January 2020 (has links)
This is an era of globalization due to which the world has become a Global Village and organizations are transforming into multicultural firms while increasingly building diverse teams. However, due to the organizations’ tendency towards becoming international, individuals worldwide travel and migrate from one society to another. This cross-culturalism is fabricating challenges for the countries of higher immigrant rates because individuals bring the complex nature of mixed cultures with them. The context of cross-culturalism is based on various different elements e.g. cultural specific values, norms, behaviors, lifestyles, ethics and beliefs which promote diversity in multicultural organizations. Thus the diversity of people creates intercultural barriers for managers/leaders to manage multicultural teams as well as challenges have increased for employees/followers who work in those teams. However, it has become crucial for both leaders and followers to learn cultural competencies so that they can manage cultural barriers and perform effectively as well as efficiently in multicultural teams.Due to the rising demand to learn intercultural competencies, this research was initiated to help future leaders and followers to better understand and manage ICC barriers. This study is an addition to existing research and will guide multicultural organizations and their participants (leaders & followers). However two questions were developed around which this study has been executed 1) How do participants from High context and Low context cultures experience intercultural communication barriers while working in multicultural settings? and 2) How can intercultural communication barriers/challenges effectively be managed among participants? In order to answer these questions, interviews on students were conducted at four universities of Sweden for the purpose of collecting empirical data which later on analyzed with the existing literature relevant to ICC.The findings of this study conclude that both High-context (HC) cultures and Low-context (LC) cultures have differences among each other which create barriers/challenges for the individuals working in multicultural settings. The results represent that when an individual from HC moves to LC, he/she comes across challenges or even if an HC moves to HC he/she faces some sort of challenges in any way possible too and, same goes for LC. The empirical data after analysis with existing literature proved that every culture whether it’s LC or HC wants to interact with HC or LC, it always creates challenges and conflicts. But at the same time there are some possible steps which can be taken to manage these barriers e.g. observation of cultures, active listening, comparison with own culture, have a dialogue around the problem as well as understanding of others’ behaviors and giving them space.

Interorganizational Collaboration among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : A Pan-European Study of the Influence of Type of Collaboration on SME Practice

Magnusson, Johan, Nilsson, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

De l'hospitalisation à l'institutionnalisation des soins de longue durée dans le grand vieillissement : étude clinique, psychopathologique et projective du « travail de dépendance » / From hospitalisation to long-term care institutionalisation in the elderly : clinical, psychopathological and projective study of "dependency work"

Racin, Céline 30 November 2017 (has links)
À partir d'une étude longitudinale menée auprès de 25 personnes hospitalisées en service gériatrique de soins de suite et de réadaptation, et revus quatre mois après leur sortie à leur domicile habituel ou en Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes, cette thèse se propose d'explorer l'expérience sensible et singulière des hommes et des femmes qui rencontrent, sur le chemin du vieillissement et de la vieillesse, la nécessité de soins de longue durée, qui inscrit la perspective d'un devenir placé sous le signe de la dépendance. La signification subjective spécifique que revêt la dépendance pour les individus concernés est examinée à l'aune des travaux en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie orientés par les études psychanalytiques sur le vieillissement et sur le handicap. La thèse étudie leur valeur heuristique, en articulation avec les éthiques du care, pour dégager les fondements métapsychologiques de la problématique de dépendance et ses enjeux en termes de dispositifs thérapeutiques. La thèse revient notamment sur les ambiguïtés relatives à la notion d' « institutionnalisation » et propose une problématisation conceptuelle du travail psychique en situation de dépendance, appelé « travail de dépendance », à partir de laquelle est analysé le matériel clinique recueilli pendant le processus de recherche, sur la base d'entretiens cliniques, d'épreuves projectives (Rorschach et Thematic Apperception Test), d'une évaluation de la dépression et d'une évaluation des ressources cognitives. Il apparaît que le caractère de « crise » inhérent à ce moment de passage questionne les modalités de préparation à la sortie de l'hôpital, et notamment la fonction psychique assurée par le projet d'institutionnalisation. L'analyse des résultats montre combien l'investissement des objets du care relève chaque fois d'une véritable création personnelle, à laquelle le type d'organisation psychopathologique, l'intensité des problématiques de perte et de passivité, ainsi que le poids des opérations défensives mobilisées pour y faire face, confèrent une coloration singulière. De manière notable, le traitement de ces problématiques reste saisi dans une intrication des registres psychosexuel et anaclitique, qui dément l'idée selon laquelle l'acuité de la question narcissique abolirait sensiblement la conflictualité liée à la sexualité infantile. Se saisissant du contraste repéré entre la souffrance psychique amplement constatée chez les personnes rencontrées et l'absence, par ailleurs, de décompensation dépressive ou psychiatrique manifeste, la thèse questionne les ressorts subjectifs du consentement au projet d'institutionnalisation des soins de longue durée, et les écueils d'une mobilisation défensive, à visée anti-dépressive, susceptible de s'abîmer dans l'adaptation conformiste ou la (pseudo)normalité discrète. Il en ressort qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la façon dont le processus de l'annonce du projet d'institutionnalisation est susceptible d'opérer sur la temporalisation nécessaire à l'appropriation subjective de l'expérience. / This thesis analyses the singular experience of elderly men and women who face up to dependency and needs for long- term care supports or services. This analysis is based on a longitudinal study conducted with 25 men and women, hospitalised in geriatric units, and met again four months after the end of their hospitalisation, at home or in nursing home. The specific subjective meaning of dependency for the concerned subjects is examined from clinical psychology and psychopathology works, especially from psychoanalysis contributions on ageing and disability, related with ethics of care. This thesis draws out the meta-psychologic basis of the dependency issue and its stakes in terms of therapeutic settings. In particular, it comes back on the notion of "institutionalisation" and its ambiguities. It also proposes a conceptual problematisation of the psychic work mobilised in the dependency process, called "dependency work". This specific problematisation constitutes the analysis framework of the clinical data we collected for this thesis, on the basis of interviews, projective methods (Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test), depression scale and cognitive assessment. It appears that the "crisis", that transition from hospital to long-term care may cause for elderly subjects, questions the way hospital discharge is prepared and particularly the psychic function performed by the institutionalisation project. The analysis of our results highlights how important is the involvement of a genuine singular process of creation in the adjustment of long-term care supports in the ageing; this process of creation depends on personality organisation, on the strength of loss and passivity issues, and on the quality of defence mechanisms. It is worth noting that the psychic reorganisations at work in these issues are based on the intertwining of psycho-sexual and anaclitic levels. Therefore, narcissistic crisis does not erase infantile sexuality conflicts in ageing. Besides, we clearly identify a contrast between the psychic suffering largely observed in our subjects and the absence of depressive or psychiatric decompensation. This contrast leads us to study the subjective motivations of elderly subjects to consent to long-term care institutionalisation, and the pitfalls of defensive mechanisms, mobilised against depression, which may trigger conformist adaptive or pseudo-normal responses. Consequently, an outcome of this thesis is that we have to pay special attention to the implications of the announcement process of long-term care project on the necessary temporalisation for elderly subject who experiments this situation to subjectively appropriate it.

Development, Evaluation, and Efficacy of a Heart Healthy Curriculum in Two Different Education Settings; Emphasizing Food Portioning and Cooking Skills, Increased Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Low-Fat Dairy, and Exercise

Richins, Rachel 01 May 2007 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States. The prevalence of CVD will increase in conjunction with the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes and decrease in physical activity, due to the adverse effects of adiposity and atherosclerosis associated with these syndromes. Excellent inpatient, outpatient, and community-based program s are available to educate and direct healthy behavioral changes, yet the number of programs available is not sufficient for the volume of patients, nor widely distributed in all areas (particularly rural areas). There is a lack of comprehensive education programs for adults directed toward decreasing CVD with an emphasis on food portioning skills; cooking skills; low-fat cooking techniques; increasing fruits , vegetables, and dairy products in the diet; and increasing exercise. The Cooperative Extension Healthy Beat education program and curriculum was developed and evaluated to improve the cardiovascular health of Utah residents. This curriculum focused on improving nutrition knowledge, food portioning skill, food preparation/cooking skills, regular exercise, lipid panel, anthropometric indices, and blood pressure. The program was distributed in CD format to 59 extension agents; identical CDs were used by instructors of live sessions for 43 participants in Sanpete, Washington, and Beaver counties. The CDs were also used by the instructor of a third group, consisting of 16 nutrition education assistants from the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, who were also taught in a live session setting. The evaluation was done through measurement of nutrition knowledge, cooking skills, lipid panel biochemical indices, weight loss, blood pressure, and waist and hip circumferences. This study demonstrated that on completion of the heart healthy curriculum, those with CVD or those at risk for CVD appropriately altered their risk factors for a myocardial infarction (decrease in one or more of the following: serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, body mass index, and waist and hip circumferences).

The influence of Sister Helen Prejean on the life and work of Jake Heggie as seen in the song cycle The Deepest Desire: Four Meditations on Love.

Beasley, Rebecca Choate 12 1900 (has links)
Jake Heggie, American art song and opera composer, began his association with Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ when he composed Dead Man Walking, an operatic adaptation of her memoirs. Though from two very different backgrounds, the two developed a deep friendship and spiritual bond that provided the impetus for further compositions dealing with spirituality. Heggie adapted Prejean's meditations as a text for his song cycle The Deepest Desire in 2002, producing what he considers to be his finest work to date. Using The Deepest Desire as a gateway, this paper explores the social and cultural aspects of their association, revealing their personal perspectives on their relationship, collaborations, and shared sense of spirituality. Chapters include the biographies and spiritual philosophies of both Heggie and Prejean, Heggie's compositional style, Dead Man Walking, a performance analysis of The Deepest Desire, and the continuing influence of the relationship between Heggie and Prejean on Heggie's work. The appendix includes transcriptions of personal interviews with both individuals, Prejean's original meditation texts, correspondence with Heggie, Prejean, and Joyce DiDonato, and performance notes for The Deepest Desire derived from a musical coaching with the composer.

A Gotlandic Picture Stone Tradition Reconsidered : An analysis and reclassification of the so-called kerbstones / En gotländsk bildstenstradition omprövat : En analys och omklassificering av de så kallade kantstenarna

Larkin, Cherie Jeanette January 2023 (has links)
In 1941/42, Sune Lindqvist published his seminal work on the Gotlandic picture stones (Gotlands Bildsteine I & II) in which he included a category of stones that he interpreted as kerbstones. However, Lindqvist’s kerbstones have not received further examination or contextualization to determine the validity of his categorization. In my analysis, I take a hermeneutic approach that incorporates theories of agency, materiality, and phenomenology to contextualize the so-called kerbstones within not only the picture stone tradition but also the broader Gotlandic tradition of marking graves and memorials. Utilizing 3D visual reconstructions, I have confirmed that some of Lindqvist’s kerbstones could have been part of a circular edge chain and can be connected to the picture stone tradition. However, there are additional types of picture stones within Lindqvist’s kerbstone category which cannot be categorized as kerbstones and that likely represent additional types of picture stone monuments. / 1941/42 publicerade Sune Lindqvist sitt framstående arbete om de gotländska bildstenarna (Gotlands Bildsteine I & II) där han inkluderade en kategori av stenar som han tolkade som kantstenar. Lindqvists kantstenar har dock inte fått någon närmare granskning eller kontextualisering för att fastställa giltigheten av hans kategorisering. I min analys tar jag ett hermeneutiskt grepp som införlivar teorier om agency, materialitet och fenomenologi för att kontextualisera de så kallade kantstenarna inom inte bara bildstenstraditionen utan även den bredare gotländska traditionen att markera gravar och minnesmärken. Med hjälp av visuella 3D-rekonstruktioner har jag bekräftat att några av Lindqvists kantstenar kunde ha ingått i en cirkulär kantkedja och kan kopplas till bildstenstraditionen. Det finns dock ytterligare typer av bildstenar inom Lindqvists kantstenskategori som inte kan kategoriseras som kantsten och som sannolikt representerar ytterligare typer av bildstensmonument.

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