Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asexual behaviour."" "subject:"_sexual behaviour.""
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Reproductive isolation and host plant specialization in European corn borer pheromone strainsLeppik, Ene 28 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present PhD study investigates the aspect of chemical ecology in the European corn borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, Lepidoptera: Crambidae): pherotypes reproductive isolation and host plant specialisation.All the experiences were designed to have ecologically relevant information about the chemical signals released or perceived by ECB moth during the reproduction period. Most of the work was conducted close to natural conditions and taking into account all the behavioural traits of ECB.First we investigated what can be the chemical landscape of maize field for host-seeking ECB moth. The whole volatile blends that make up the olfactory environment of maize field biotope was identified according to the ECB oviposition behaviour (Paper I). Secondly taking into account the diel periodicity of ECB behaviour we studied the diel changes of volatile profiles released from maize plant and from maize field (Paper II). Thirdly, we studied the process of host fidelity within the ECB host plants. The volatiles released from different host plants at the time of ECB oviposition flight were identified and the oviposition behaviour was studied in wind tunnel to evidence the host plant preferences of ovipositing females (Paper III). Fourthly, we address the question on assortative mating in ECB pherotypes and we investigated the chemical signals involved in the reproductive isolation in ECB pherotypes. We focused on the male pheromone produced by hairpencils and on courtship behaviour (Paper IV).
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The contribution of Catholic Church theologies on 'Imago Dei' to the vulnerability of Catholic single women to HIV.Billy, Bangirana Albert. January 2011 (has links)
This is an exploratory study that seeks to establish the extent to which traditional theologies on 'imago Dei' may contribute to the vulnerability of Catholic single women to HIV and AIDS. It employs a feminist framework of study
to critically analyse how androcentric theologies on imago Dei informed by the Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle and advanced by the Church fathers do contribute to the dehumanisation of women. Argued in this study, is that these teachings could be responsible for single women‟s vulnerability in the context of HIV and AIDS. Following extensive research done on women, HIV and AIDS, this
study also presents cultural, social, economic and religious factors as players in women‟s susceptibility to HIV and AIDS. However, in a unique and particular way, this study seeks and presents a possible connection between the Catholic Church‟s teachings on imago Dei and the vulnerability of Catholic single women to HIV and AIDS. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.
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Attitude et changement de comportement sexuel face au VIH/Sida : de l’intention d’agir à l’action : étude de la résistance à l’usage du préservatif chez les adolescents-élèves des classes terminales de Yaoundé (Cameroun) / Attitude and sexual behaviour change in regard of HIV/AIDS : from intention to actions : the study of the resistance to the use of condoms among adolescents-students of upper six of Yaounde (Cameroon)Noumbissié, Claude Désiré 28 April 2010 (has links)
La présente thèse s’inscrit dans la problématique de la mise en acte de l’intention. Elle traite des variables influençant la résistance à l’usage du préservatif, en s’inspirant de la théorie du comportement planifié d’Ajzen (1991). Cette théorie postule qu’un comportement planifié est précédé d’une intention d’action et l’intention est le prédicteur décisif du comportement. Cependant, les résultats obtenus de l’enquête menée auprès des adolescents-élèves sexuellement actifs des classes terminales de la ville de Yaoundé (Cameroun) montrent que la relation intention-comportement n’est pas évidente. En effet, 38% des participants manifestant par ailleurs une bonne intention de porter le préservatif pour se protéger du VIH/Sida ont malheureusement eu des rapports sexuels non protégés (sans préservatif). L’analyse des résultats montre que cette asymétrie est due à l’influence exercée par des variables statistiquement inventoriées comme intermédiaires à l’intention d’agir et à l’action. C’est ainsi que la conclusion suivante a été retenue : il existe entre l’intention d’agir et l’action des variables qui conduisent à la réalisation d’un comportement « anti-intentionnel ». Autrement dit, l’intention perd parfois l’autonomie sur le comportement. / The present thesis facts within the problematic framework of putting into action an intention. It deals with variables influencing resistance in the use of preservatives with inspiration from the theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen (1991). This theory states that a planned behaviour is preceded by an intentional action and the intention is a decisive predictor of behaviour. However, the results obtained from fieldwork involving sexually active adolescents-students in the upper sixth form in the city of Yaounde (Cameroon) show that the relationship between intention and behaviour is not evident. In reality, 38% of participants manifesting a good intention of using preservatives (condoms) for protection against Hiv/Aids have unfortunately had improtected sexual intercourse (ie without preservatives). The analysis of results show that this asymetry is due to the influence exercised by the inventorised statistical variables as intermediaries in the intention to act and action. Thus the following conclusion is retained: there exists between the intention to act and action variables which lead to the realisation of a behaviour “anti-intentional”. Put in another sense, the intention loses sometimes its autonomy on the behaviour.
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An assessment of knowledge of HIV/AIDS amongst secondary school learners of Kwazulu-Natal: an exploratory study of Bergville rural districtMaleka, Nelisiwe Elma January 2009 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / The main purpose of the study was to assess and explore the knowledge of HIV/AIDS among secondary learners in rural Bergville district of KwaZulu-Natal. A stratified random sample of 100 learners was selected from two secondary schools in the area. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interviews were scheduled with the teachers from the selected schools. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 54 learners from school A and 46 from school B. The mean age was 16, with age range from 13-20. The participants were enrolled for grade 8-12 in both schools. Both qualitative and quantitative data on learners‟ knowledge and perception about HIV/AIDS, condom use and sexual issues including their attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS were collected in the questionnaire. Chi-square test was used for statistics purpose to test if the HIV knowledge of learners were associated with gender, culture and religion. Qualitative interviews with 9 teachers from both schools were conducted. The main purpose of the interviews was to investigate the management of HIV/AIDS in public schools in rural areas. Furthermore, to assess the learner‟s attitude towards HIV/AIDS education provided in schools. The results showed that the learners in Bergville district were more knowledgeable of HIV/AIDS through HIV/AIDS education in schools that had limited effect on gender, culture and religion. Quantitative findings presented, indicated no significant differences between those learners attending church and cultural activities that offer HIV/AIDS awareness programmes and those who do not with regard to the knowledge of HIV/AIDS. However, culture stood out to be associated with one item on the knowledge of whether school children can get HIV/AIDS (p-value = 0.04). On average, the level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS between female and male learners was similar. The major findings on both quantitative and qualitative findings confirmed that learners‟ knowledge levels were very high for modes of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS. Despite this knowledge, poor behavioural change among learners is a major setback thus increasing high risk of contracting HIV. Adequate knowledge about issues of cure, HIV testing and treatment was of concern in the findings in this study. Furthermore, data from qualitative interviews with the teachers highlighted the lack of multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS in Bergville rural communities which thus compromise the effectiveness in management of HIV/AIDS in schools. In summary, the study revealed some of the challenges faced by teachers and learners in regard to HIV/AIDS education. / South Africa
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'n Verkenning van die rol van vrees vir MIV/VIGS in adolessente se seksuele keuses (Afrikaans)Taljaard, Annette 18 May 2009 (has links)
ENGLISH : The purpose of this study was to determine the role of fear for HIV/AIDs in adolescents’ sexual choices. Theories which informed the study included developmental theory, decisionmaking theory, as well as emotion theory. In this survey study a mixed-method questionnaire was designed, piloted and then implemented with 252 purposefully selected Grade 11, Afrikaans learners (127 boys and 125 girls), aged 16 to 17 years in one high school in Gauteng. Data was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. It was found that adolescents link several emotions with HIV&AIDS: fear, concern and caution. Another finding was that adolescents reportedly made safe sexual choices. Therefore, it was concluded that adolescents fear for HIV&AIDS positively impacted on their safe sexual choices. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal welke rol vrees vir MIV&VIGS speel in adolessente se seksuele keuses. Teorieë wat die studie ingelig het was ontwikkelingsteorie, besluitnemingsteorie en emosie-begronde teorieë. Die navorsingsontwerp van hierdie studie was ‘n opname studie. ‘n Gemengde metode vraelys is ontwerp, geloods, aangepas en geïmplementeer met. 252 graad 11, Afrikaanse leerders (127 seuns en 125 dogters), tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 17 jaar, wat doelgerig geselekteer is vanuit een hoërskool in Gauteng. Vraelysdata is kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe geanaliseer. Daar is bevind dat adolessente MIV/VIGS verbind met die emosies: vrees, bekommernis en versigtigheid. Verder blyk dit dat adolessente veilige seksuele keuses maak. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat adolessente se vrees vir MIV&VIGS positief korreleer met hul veilige seksuele keuses. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Neinvazivní měření steroidních hormonů a vliv hormonální manipulace na chování gekona Paroedura picta / Noninvasive measurement of steroid homones and effect of hormonal manipulation on behaviour in the gecko Paroedura pictaMatušková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Hormones influence life of all animals. Not only they affect physiological changes in organisms, but also impact their behaviour. This work focuses at two main groups of steroid hormones: glucocorticoids and androgens. Glucocortiods are activated in response to stress. Their levels can be measured using non-invasive methods, which have a range of advantages. The main advantage is the feedback-free sample collection for enzyme immunoassay. As the measurement involves metabolites of the hormones rather than the hormones themselves, prior validation of the method is, however, necessary. This work reports on a study aiming to validate non-invasive measurement on the Madagascar Ground Gecko (Paroedura Picta). The validation was based on ACTH challenge test: Synacthen Depot was injected, which should lead to increased blood level of glucocorticoids. The validation, however, was not successful. The measurement did not discover significant increase in the levels of the metabolites of glucocorticoids. In addition, the work focuses on behavioural effects of testosterone, the primary androgen. Hormonal manipulations have been carried out on several male and female specimens. The results have discovered differences in sexual behaviour between control groups. On the other hand, the hormonal manipulations had no...
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Sexual desire, sexual behaviour and sexual distress in committed couplesJodouin, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Malgré le rôle central qu’ils jouent dans la sexualité, le désir sexuel et le comportement sexuel restent mal compris – particulièrement chez les couples. La rareté des résultats empiriques dans ce domaine contribue à l’écart qui existe actuellement entre la recherche en sexualité et la pratique clinique, et peut impacter négativement la qualité des soins disponibles aux nombreux couples qui consultent pour des problèmes de désir sexuel - la plainte la plus courante en thérapie sexuelle.
L'objectif des trois articles de cette recherche doctorale était d'aider à combler cette lacune en étudiant le désir sexuel dans le cadre d’une perspective relationnelle. L’hypothèse de départ de ce travail était que le bien-être de chaque partenaire est influencé en interaction avec l’autre partenaire, et que cette influence est médiée en partie par le comportement sexuel du couple. Les résultats obtenus appuient cette hypothèse : Ils suggèrent que les interactions positives pendant les rapports sexuels, telles que les motivations d'approche « pour soi » et « pour l’autre » des deux partenaires et les comportements génitaux et affectifs du couple sont associées à une plus grande satisfaction sexuelle et à un plus fort sentiment d’intimité (étude 1). À l'inverse, les difficultés sexuelles telles que le faible désir sexuel sont associées à des restrictions de comportement sexuel et à l'insatisfaction sexuelle (étude 2). De même, les asynchronies entre partenaires telles que les décalages de désir sexuel sont associées à une plus grande détresse sexuelle (étude 3). Enfin, la troisième étude commence à établir une direction et une portée à ces associations, en suggérant que les problèmes de décalage de désir sexuel prédisent la détresse sexuelle d'un jour à l'autre, et que ces associations quotidiennes sont reflétées par des associations plus distales sur des périodes d’un an ou plus. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec les recherches récentes sur la régulation émotionnelle en sexualité, et plus spécifiquement, avec des modèles où le désir sexuel joue un rôle régulateur, médié par des variations de comportement sexuel.
Il est espéré qu'au-delà de ces contributions conceptuelles, la présente recherche sera utile aux cliniciens. En particulier, ces résultats soutiennent les thérapies qui se concentrent sur les interactions quotidiennes entre les partenaires pour aider les couples aux prises avec des problèmes de désir sexuel. / Despite the central role they play in sexuality, sexual desire and sexual behaviour remain poorly understood in committed couples. The paucity of empirical results in this area contributes to the distance between research and clinical practice, and negatively impacts the quality of care offered to the many couples seeking help for sexual desire issues – the most common complaint in sex therapy.
The objective of the three articles in this doctoral research was to help address this gap by studying sexual desire within a relational perspective, working from the assumption that each partner’s wellbeing was influenced by that of the other partner, and that this influence was mediated in part by the couples’ sexual behaviour. Results from this research suggest that positive interactions during sex, such as self- and other-approach motives and genital and affective behaviours, are associated with greater sexual satisfaction and intimacy (study 1). In contrast, sexual difficulties such as low sexual desire are associated with restrictions in sexual behaviour and sexual dissatisfaction (study 2), and asynchronies between partners such as sexual desire discrepancy are associated with sexual distress (study 3). Furthermore, the third study begins to establish a direction and span to these associations, by suggesting that issues with sexual desire discrepancy are predictive of sexual distress from one day to the next, and that these daily associations are mirrored by more distal associations spanning a year or more. These results are consistent with recent research on emotional regulation in sexuality, and more specifically, with proposals that sexual desire plays a regulatory role in the couple, mediated by variations in sexual behaviour.
It is hoped that, beyond these conceptual contributions, this research will be of use to clinicians. In particular, these results support the use of therapies that focus on everyday interactions between partners to help couples struggling with sexual desire issues.
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Sexual behaviour among adolescents living with HIV in ZimbabweVhembo, Tichaona 28 November 2014 (has links)
This study described sexual behaviours among adolescents living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Zimbabwe. This study utilised a quantitative descriptive design. Data was collected using structured questionnaires from 341 adolescents living with HIV. Findings revealed that some adolescents were sexually active and had early onset of sexual activity (before their sixteenth birthday). A good proportion of sexually active adolescents were noted not to practise safer sex and the main reason was condom inaccessibility and some had multiple sex partners. Factors independently associated with being sexually active included exposure to erotic content on television programmes, having a psychiatric diagnosis, discussions of sexuality with health worker and older age. Adolescents` behaviours living with HIV and the issue of availability of condoms may play a part in the spread of HIV. More discussions and research on sexuality of adolescents are recommended / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Factors that affect and influence condom use among young black men during sexual intercourseJanuary, Sandra Long January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Development Studies, 2017 / HIV/AIDS is a social epidemic that continues to impact the lives of countless young people in Southern Africa and possibly poses one of the biggest threats to adolescent health and sexuality; and is one of the main challenges faced by youth in their transition to adulthood. However, despite the fifteenth year running of the South African government’s HIV/AIDS programme, prevalence rates continue to increase annually pointing to disjuncture between government intervention and the causal mechanisms involved in the spread of HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, literature on men’s sexuality in Southern Africa remains embedded within a ‘predatory masculinity and female vulnerability’ paradigm which results in a gendered analysis of HIV/AIDS and a side-lining of the male perspective which then places young men at a high risk of HIV infection. Therefore, in an attempt to understand the disconnect between literature and high prevalence rates; and to contribute to a better understanding of men’s health and sexuality, a qualitative study using focus group discussions and in-depth interviews was conducted amongst young black heterosexual men (19- 25 years old) to discover the factors that determine condom use among young men living in an RDP housing settlement in Daveyton on the East Rand of Johannesburg.
The research findings show that condom use in the sample is predicated upon the young black heterosexual men’s definition of masculinity, the nature of the sexual relationship and sexual partner, and – to a lesser extent - the social accessibility of the condom. As they move from adolescence to adulthood, there is a transition of their understanding of masculinity from one characterized by promiscuous sexual behavior where the use of condoms is seen to diminish the degree of one’s masculinity, to a masculinity fostered by responsible sexual behaviour and accompanied by condom use. The study also found that young men expressed a distance from the supposedly hegemonic view of violent masculinity and male dominance in sexual relationships and that the search for love and the ability to provide for one’s partner was what was most valued in young men’s self -conception of masculinity and sexuality. This then negatively impacted condom usage in romantic relationships as such relationships were perceived to contain less risk and it was assumed that they are predicated on trust; positing love as the biggest barrier to condom use. Furthermore, the study found that although condoms are physically and economically accessible, they are not socially accessible due to the stigma attached to sexual activity among adolescents – which results in a barrier to condom usage. Therefore, findings suggest that the
government’s condom promotion programmes - based on the tenets of education (on the subject of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases) and physical accessibility of condoms - are largely inconsistent with the factors that determine condom use among young men. This implies that there is a need to develop tailored condom promotion programmes targeted at male sexuality / XL2018
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Intergenerational sexual relationship and risk of HIV: a situational analysis of young refugee girls in the city of Tshwane, South AfricaFrancis, Tshibangu-Kalala 12 January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to explore and describe factors that contribute to young refugee girls (aged 15-19 years) to be engaged in intergenerational sexual relationships in the city of Tshwane. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. Ten refugee girls were purposively selected using snowballing technique. Powerlessness, increased libido, curiosity, perception of inferior status of the women, attitudes towards assertive women, culture, anonymity, high cost of living, unemployment, poor educational status and residential conditions emerged as the main contributing factors to involvement of young refugee girls in intergenerational sexual relationships. These categories were grouped under three themes namely age, gender inequality and low socio-economic factors. In order to reduce the involvement of young refugee girls in intergenerational sex which increases their risk of HIV infections, the study recommends the initiation and/or improvement of programmes for addressing the three identified themes / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS))
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