Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asexual dysfunction."" "subject:"_sexual dysfunction.""
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Syndrom vyhoření a jeho vliv na sexualitu nelékařských zdravotnických pracovníků ženského pohlaví na pracovištích neodkladné péče v nefakultních nemocnicích / The Burnout Syndrome and His Influence on Sexuality of Non- Medical Health Care Workers of the Female Sex in Emergency Care Setting in the Non- University HospitalsŠafaříková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
ÚVOD: Syndrom vyhoření relativně závažný problém projevující psychosomatickým onemocněním, emocionální vyčerpaností jedince. Vzniká především pomáhajících profesí, jako důsledek chronického stresu, ztráty motivace svém povolání CÍLE Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit syndrom vyhoření ovlivňuje sexualitu všeobecných sester pracovištích neodkladné péče v kultních nemocnicích. Výzkumné šetření probíhalo pomocí dvou dotazníků. První standardizovaný dotazník zjišťuje míru syndromu vyhoření, jde o českou verzi Shironomovy škály (Shirom, Melamed, 2006 in Ptáček 2013) Druhý dotazník je zaměřen na xuální funkce ženy (Mellan in Kratochvíl, 1999 . Výzkumný vzorek tvořily všeobecné sestry ženy, pracující na odděleních neodkladné péče v nefakultní nemocnici. VÝSLEDKY vyhodnocení dat bylo použito 62 dotazníků. Byly stanoveny čtyři pracovní hypotézy H1: Předpokládáme, že rozvojem syndromu vyhoření bude klesat žen pracujících jako všeobecná sestra odděleních neodkladné péče v nefakultních nemocnicích pohlavní touha. H2: Předpokládáme, že rozvojem syndromu vyhoření bude klesat acujících jako všeobecná sestra odděleních neodkladné péče nefakultních nemocnicích hodnocení sebe jako sexuální partnerky.H3: Předpokládáme, že nižším dosaženým vzděláním pracující odděleních neodkladné péče nefakultních nemocnicích budou dosahovat...
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"Den här typen av cancer är en fulcancer, det är svårt att vänja sig vid" : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av sexualitet och sexuell funktion efter kirurgi i ändtarmen / "This kind of cancer is the ugly kind, it’s difficult to get used to" : A qualitative study of women’s experiences of sexuality and sexual function after rectal surgeryIbrakovic, Arnela January 2020 (has links)
Den här typen av cancer är en fulcancer, det är svårt att vänja sig vid. En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av sexualitet och sexuell funktion efter kirurgi i ändtarmen. Examensarbete i sexologi, 30 högskolepoäng. Malmö Universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för socialt arbete, 2020. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvinnor som behandlats för ändtarmscancer upplever sexualiteten och den sexuella funktion genom att belysa frågor om den fysiska kroppen, interna processer som tankar och känslor samt yttre faktorer som sammanhang. Ambitionen med studien är att bidra med kunskap till professionella som möter cancerpatienter. Empirin i studien innefattar 7 semistrukturerade intervjuer som har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Teman som framkom var; kroppen, hjärnan och kontexten, tankar om normalitet och upplevelsen av en avvikande kropp, den sexuella personligheten, sex i ett sammanhang; distinktionen mellan lust och incitament, strategier för att hantera utmaningar samt tankar om bemötande inom vården. Studien visar på att individuella variationer som grundas på kvinnornas kognitiva scheman påverkar hur sexuellt relevanta handlingar tolkas och vilka beteenden som följer, vilket är viktigt att beakta efter cancerbehandling. I materialet sågs ett samband mellan negativa tankeprocesser samt upplevda sexuella problem. Genomgående hos flera av informanterna fanns en rädsla för att bli dömd, av partner och av andra människor i allmänhet. Att få cancer i ändtarmen tolkades som stigmatiserande, genom att förlora en funktion som tidigare har kunnat styras mer diskret, upplevde flera av kvinnorna att det hämmade deras liv. Professionellt bemötande var betydelsefullt för den sexuella rehabiliteringen och för att hitta strategier som fungerar efter avslutad behandling. / This kind of cancer is the ugly kind, it’s difficult to get used to. A qualitative study of women’s experiences of sexuality and sexual function after rectal surgery. Master Thesis in Sexology, 30 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2020. The purpose of the study was to investigate how women who have been treated for colorectal cancer experience sexuality and sexual function with focus on questions considering the physical body, internal processes such as thoughts and feelings, and external factors such as context. The ambition of the study is to contribute knowledge to professionals in healthcare who meet cancer patients in general. The empirical data in the study includes 7 semi-structured interviews that have been analysed through qualitative content analysis. The themes that emerged were; body, brain and the context, thoughts about normality and the experience of an abnormal body, the sexual personality, sex in a context; the distinction between desire and incentives, strategies for dealing with challenges and perspectives on healthcare. The study shows that individual variations based on women's cognitive schemas influence how sexually relevant stimuli are interpreted and affects the behaviours that follow, which is important to consider after cancer treatment. The study shows a connection between negative thoughts and perceived sexual problems. The informants presented a fear of being judged, by partners and in general. Cancer in the rectum was interpreted as stigmatizing by losing a function that previously could be discreetly controlled, several of the women felt that they were inhibited in their lives. Professional help was important for sexual rehabilitation and finding positive sexual strategies.
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Vliv syndromu vyhoření na sexualitu u nelékařských zdravotnických pracovníků mužského pohlaví na pracovištích neodkladné péče ve fakultních zdravotnických zařízeních / The influence of the burnout syndrome on the sexuality of non-medical male health care workers in emergency care setting in university hospitalsMachalová, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The topic of burnout syndrome is a considerably up-to date topic worldwide and not completely thoroughly researched. The aim of the diploma thesis is to learn whether a higher rate of burnout syndrome has an effect on sexuality in non-medical male health workers in urgent care workplaces in teaching facilities. The topic of the syndrome has fascinated me as a healthcare worker in urgent care. The information obtained from the research work will be a partof an international study investigating the impact of the burnout syndrome on human health. In the Czech Republic, this research is conducted under the authority of PhDr. Šárka Dynáková, Ph.D. and doc. PhDr. Jana Kožnara, CSc. Methodology: The research was carried out using a quantitative method using two anonymous questionnaires. The research sample consisted of non-medical male health workers at urgent care facilities in teaching hospitals. The first standardized questionnaire is focused on the burnout syndrome according to the Czech version of the Shirom-Melamed scale (Shirom, Melamed, 2006 In Ptáček, 2013), the second questionnaire is focused on the sexual functions of men according to Mellan in Kratochvíl, S. (1999). A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed. 58 questionnaires were used for processing. Result: The influence...
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Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Management of Postpartum Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: A Literature ReviewTanner, Rebecca S 01 January 2016 (has links)
Women can face a wide range of pelvic floor dysfunctions following pregnancy, ranging from urinary incontinence to pelvic pain. Unfortunately, these problems are not routinely checked for in postpartum check-ups and women do not always bring it to the physician’s attention. Strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles may be able to help women prevent these disorders and improve these women’s lifestyles.
The purpose of this thesis was to review and analyze different trials to determine if different pelvic floor dysfunctions (urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and pelvic girdle pain) can be treated using pelvic floor muscle training in the postpartum. After reviewing the literature, it was determined that Pelvic floor muscle training may be effective in treating Urinary incontinence, but there is a lack of research to state that it helps treat sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain. Pelvic floor muscle training is a conservative non-invasive treatment and very simple for women to do on their own, therefore more research should be performed to see if this can be a simple fix to a plethora of problems women face in the postpartum.
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ADHD-läkemedel och sexualitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om levda erfarenheter av centralstimulerande läkemedels inverkan på sexualitet och hur hälso- och sjukvården upplevs bemöta detta / ADHD medication and sexuality : A qualitative interview study about lived experiences of the impact of stimulant medication on sexuality and how the health care is perceived to respond to thisLinhult, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: När individer diagnostiseras med ADHD är det inte ovanligt att individen påbörjar en centralstimulerande läkemedelsbehandling. Men forskningen kring läkemedelsbehandlingens påverkan på sexualiteten är skral både nationellt och internationellt. Det finns ett behov av att få bättre förståelse de konsekvenser som centralstimulerande läkemedelsbehandling kan ha för individers sexuella hälsa och välbefinnande. Syfte: För att fördjupa kunskapen inom detta område syftade denna studie att undersöka hur vuxna personer med ADHD upplever att centralstimulerande läkemedelsbehandling påverkar deras sexuella hälsa och välbefinnande samt vilka upplevelser de har av hälso- och sjukvårdens bemötande i relation till frågor som rör sexualitet och ADHD-läkemedel.Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ forskningsdesign bestående av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Empirin har analyserats utifrån en reflexiv tematisk analys.Resultat: Resultatdelen bygger på tre huvudteman: Medicinska biverkningars påverkan på sexualitet, Intervjupersoners upplevelser av sitt medicinerande sexuella jag – individuellt och relationellt och Sexualitet i en vårdkontext. Dessa har analyserats med hjälp av begreppen compulsory sexuality och compulsory able-bodiedness för att förstå hur normer kring sexualitet och kroppslig funktion samverkar och påverkar individers upplevelse av sin sexualitet. Slutsats: Resultaten visar att centralstimulerande läkemedel påverkar sexualiteten både positivt och negativt i relation till kroppsliga, psykologiska och sociala faktorer. I studien uppkommer även behov och önskemål om att sexologiska frågeställningar och information om sexuella biverkningar lyfts i hälso- och sjukvården. Resultaten är av vikt för den kliniska sexologin för att ämnet ska synliggöras och uppmärksammas i praktiken för att möjliggöra sexuellt välbefinnande hos vuxna personer med ADHD. / Background: When individuals are diagnosed with ADHD it is not uncommon that they begin a treatment with stimulant medication. However, research about the impact of said treatment is sparse, both nationally as well as internationally. There lies a need to make better understanding of what consequences central stimulants can have for the individual's sexual health and well-being. Aim: To deepen the knowledge within this field, the study aims to examine how adults diagnosed with ADHD experience how being treated with central stimulants affects their sexual health and well-being, as well as what experiences these individuals have regarding how they are being approached by health care professionals with reference to questions about sexuality and medication for ADHD. Method: A qualitative research method has been used in this study, consisting of nine semi-structured interviews. The observations have been analyzed with a reflexive thematic analysis.Results: The results are divided into three major themes: The influence that medical side effects have on sexuality, How the interviewees view their medicating sexual self - individually and with others and Sexuality in a health care context. The themes have been analyzed together with the concepts of compulsory sexuality and compulsory able-bodiedness in order to understand how social norms regarding sexuality and bodily function intertwine with - and affect – individuals’ view on their own sexuality. Conclusion: The results show that central stimulants affect sexuality in both positive and negative ways regarding bodily, psychological and social factors. The study also shows that there is a need for questions of sexological matter to be brought up by health care professionals, as well as giving information about potential side effects that have an impact on sexual health. The results are important for the clinical sexology field and practition, in order to raise awareness for this subject and to enable sexual well-being for adults with ADHD.
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Etude anatomique et fonctionnelle de l’innervation pelvipérinéale de la femme : cartographie tridimensionnelle de l’expression de la forme neurale de l’enzyme de synthèse de l’oxyde nitrique (nNOS) / Morphologic and functional study of female pelvic-perineal innervationMoszkowicz, David 19 October 2012 (has links)
Si les connaissances anatomiques supportent l’élaboration des techniqueschirurgicales, peu d’informations étaient disponibles sur l’anatomie et la physiologie del’innervation pelvi-périnéale. La détermination précise de l’origine, du trajet péri-viscéral, desrapports anatomiques avec les organes et les vaisseaux de voisinage et de la terminaison deces nerfs au niveau d’organes dont ils commandent la fonction était jusqu’alors peu accessibleaux techniques anatomiques classiques de dissection macroscopique sur sujet cadavérique.Dans le domaine de la chirurgie pelvienne pour cancer, l’amélioration de la qualité de vie desmalades passe par la préservation de ces structures nerveuses, la dimension fonctionnelle étantdésormais indissociable des impératifs carcinologiques. En effet, l’intégrité de ces nerfs estindispensable aux fonctions de continence sphinctérienne et de sexualité. Par ailleurs, lamajorité des travaux s’intéressant aux séquelles fonctionnelles postopératoires sont réaliséschez l’homme et très peu de travaux concernent exclusivement les femmes dont les troublessexuels sont plus difficiles à identifier. La réduction de ces troubles fonctionnelspostopératoires passe donc par une meilleure compréhension de l’anatomie nerveuse pelvipérinéale,qui peut être éclaircie par de nouvelles techniques d’étude / Anatomical knowledge is required for the development of surgical techniques,but little is known about the anatomy and physiology of innervation in the pelvic/perinealarea. The origin, perivisceral trajectory, anatomical relationships to organs and neighbouringvessels and of the endings of these nerves in the organs they control has not, to date, beeneasy to determine precisely by classical anatomical techniques based on the macroscopicdissection of cadavers. In the domain of pelvic cancer surgery, improvements in the quality oflife of patients are dependent on the preservation of these nervous system structures; themaintenance of function cannot be dissociated from oncological imperatives. Indeed, theintegrity of these nerves is essential for sphincter continence and sexual functions. Moststudies have focused on the functional sequelae of surgery in men. Very few studies havefocused exclusively on women, in whom sexual problems are more difficult to identify. Thereduction of such postsurgical functional problems thus requires a more completeunderstanding of the anatomy of the pelvic/perineal nervous system. This may be possiblethrough the use of new investigative techniques
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Leaving a lot to be desired? Sex therapy and the discourses of heterosexGuerin, Bernadette M. January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the social construction of sexuality and sexual dysfunction. Interviews were undertaken with 20 sex therapists practising in Aotearoa/New Zealand in order to elicit accounts of contemporary sex therapy practice in the local context. Using a feminist poststructuralist lens, I explicate and critically examine the dominant discourses informing the construction of sex therapy, and heterosexual sexual relations, and what these discourses enable and constrain. I draw attention to some of the assumptions embedded in the construction of the sexual dysfunctions in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, APA, 2000), and in accounts of sex therapy practice, examining the ways in which these are based on taken-for-granted norms of (hetero)sexuality and highlighting the differently enabled gendered sexual subjectivities they (re)produce. Although there are nine sexual dysfunctions identified in the DSM-IV-TR, all of which I briefly outline in Chapter Four, I restrict my focus in the analytical chapters to the conceptualisation and treatment of vaginismus, orgasm difficulties in women, discrepancies in desire and, relatedly, the gendering of desire through powerful sociocultural discourses and representations. I pay particular attention to the implications of these for heterosexual women’s sexuality. I also explore some of the generic concepts that dominate the construction of therapy at a broader level than that of sex therapy alone, arguing that while these offer some useful ways of framing therapy they also constrain therapy practice in important ways. Through a critical review of the sex therapy literature and accounts of practice from those interviewed, I contend that contemporary sex therapy tends to reify dominant cultural and sexological norms rather than challenge them. My analyses show that the dominant discourses informing constructions of sex therapy and heterosexual sexual relations produce particular types of sex as normal whilst marginalizing sexual acts or practices that fall outside of such restrictive parameters. In particular, I argue that the genital-coital-orgasm construct that is hegemonic within sex therapy restricts possibilities for alternative erotic pleasures and possibilities amongst heterosexuals whilst contributing to the invisibilization of sexual identities other than heterosexual. Accounts of sex therapy practice that were able to contest such framings are also highlighted. Because these came from sex therapists drawing on radical feminist or feminist poststructuralist discourses, I suggest that these discourses offer important possibilities for a deconstructive (sex) therapy practice that is able to challenge an often inequitable sexual status quo. Attention is also drawn to the significant constraints which act to restrict clients’ choices and possibilities for sex therapists to practise in more critically questioning ways. I conclude this thesis with an ‘invitation to reflection’ where I briefly discuss some deconstructive approaches that I have found useful for developing ongoing reflexive analysis of my own taken-for-granted assumptions in the area of sexuality, and for aiding my thinking about therapeutic practices that support my political and theoretical commitments and that attend to some of the issues outlined in this thesis. / Whole document restricted, but available by request, use the feedback form to request access.
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Leaving a lot to be desired? Sex therapy and the discourses of heterosexGuerin, Bernadette M. January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the social construction of sexuality and sexual dysfunction.
Interviews were undertaken with 20 sex therapists practising in Aotearoa/New Zealand
in order to elicit accounts of contemporary sex therapy practice in the local context.
Using a feminist poststructuralist lens, I explicate and critically examine the dominant
discourses informing the construction of sex therapy, and heterosexual sexual
relations, and what these discourses enable and constrain. I draw attention to some of
the assumptions embedded in the construction of the sexual dysfunctions in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, APA, 2000),
and in accounts of sex therapy practice, examining the ways in which these are based
on taken-for-granted norms of (hetero)sexuality and highlighting the differently
enabled gendered sexual subjectivities they (re)produce. Although there are nine
sexual dysfunctions identified in the DSM-IV-TR, all of which I briefly outline in
Chapter Four, I restrict my focus in the analytical chapters to the conceptualisation and
treatment of vaginismus, orgasm difficulties in women, discrepancies in desire and,
relatedly, the gendering of desire through powerful sociocultural discourses and
representations. I pay particular attention to the implications of these for heterosexual
women’s sexuality. I also explore some of the generic concepts that dominate the
construction of therapy at a broader level than that of sex therapy alone, arguing that
while these offer some useful ways of framing therapy they also constrain therapy
practice in important ways.
Through a critical review of the sex therapy literature and accounts of practice from
those interviewed, I contend that contemporary sex therapy tends to reify dominant
cultural and sexological norms rather than challenge them. My analyses show that the
dominant discourses informing constructions of sex therapy and heterosexual sexual
relations produce particular types of sex as normal whilst marginalizing sexual acts or
practices that fall outside of such restrictive parameters. In particular, I argue that the
genital-coital-orgasm construct that is hegemonic within sex therapy restricts
possibilities for alternative erotic pleasures and possibilities amongst heterosexuals
whilst contributing to the invisibilization of sexual identities other than heterosexual. Accounts of sex therapy practice that were able to contest such framings are also
highlighted. Because these came from sex therapists drawing on radical feminist or
feminist poststructuralist discourses, I suggest that these discourses offer important
possibilities for a deconstructive (sex) therapy practice that is able to challenge an
often inequitable sexual status quo. Attention is also drawn to the significant
constraints which act to restrict clients’ choices and possibilities for sex therapists to
practise in more critically questioning ways. I conclude this thesis with an ‘invitation
to reflection’ where I briefly discuss some deconstructive approaches that I have found
useful for developing ongoing reflexive analysis of my own taken-for-granted
assumptions in the area of sexuality, and for aiding my thinking about therapeutic
practices that support my political and theoretical commitments and that attend to
some of the issues outlined in this thesis. / Whole document restricted, but available by request, use the feedback form to request access.
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Sexual and reproductive health problems among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander malesAdams, Michael John January 2007 (has links)
Compared to males in almost any social group in all affluent nations, Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men suffer from substantially more serious illnesses and early death. To date, research done by or in collaboration with Indigenous communities has revealed the extent of the problems that arise from diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancers, respiratory diseases, psychological disorders, accidental injuries, violence and other causes. Reproductive health, however, rarely has been studied among Indigenous men. To date, research in this field has been limited mainly to studies of sexually transmitted infections. No data has been published on Aboriginal men's symptoms of prostate disease or erectile dysfunction, nor has the clinical screening and treatment of these disorders among these men been assessed. In-depth search of the worldwide web demonstrated that little information on these issues was available from other Indigenous populations. It does appear that Indigenous men in Australia, New Zealand and North America are less likely than European-ancestry men to die from prostate cancer, or for living cases to be recorded on cancer registries. This may arise because Indigenous men genuinely have a lower risk, or because they are not captured by official statistics, or because they do not live long enough to develop severe prostate disease. We also know very little about other reproductive health problems such as sexual dysfunction and specifically erectile difficulties. One reason for our scant knowledge is that research mainly relies on self-report of sensitive information. The aim of the research study was to improve the understanding of sexual and reproductive health problems experienced by Indigenous men. This is best gathered by Aboriginal males who are inside the culture of middleaged and older Indigenous men, but until now this has not been attempted. In this study we adopted the World Health Organization (WHO) definitions for Reproductive and Sexual Health (WHO, 2001). Thus, we consider reproductive system disorders (prostate disease, erectile dysfunction) and related health care-seeking, and also men's perceptions about a "satisfying and safe sexual life". The methodology was framed within an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research protocol that advocates respect for cultural, social and community customs. A mixed method design combined qualitative inquiry (4 focus groups and 18 in-depth interviews) and quantitative survey (n=301) involving men living in remote, rural and urban communities (Tiwi Islands, Darwin and north and south-east Queensland). Survey data were compared to recently published self-reports from 5990 randomly selected men aged over 40 years in Australia (Holden et al., 2005, The Lancet, 366, 218-224. The qualitative interviews revealed that most men were silent about reproductive health. They were unwilling to reveal their inner feelings to wives or partners, and they were unwilling to discuss such issues with doctors and other health care workers. Men's reaction to sexual difficulties included shame, denial, substance abuse and occasionally violence. On a positive note many men said they want to learn about it, so they understand how to cope with such problems. The Indigenous men reported symptoms of erectile dysfunction at least as much as non-Indigenous men in other Australian studies. Bivariate analysis showed that erectile dysfunction was correlated with many health and lifestyle variable. However multivariate analysis revealed that only three factors significantly predicted ED: presence of chronic disease, presence of pain when working, and living in a remote geographic location The quantitative survey data indicate that Indigenous men have more symptoms of prostate disease than non-Indigenous men. The syndrome appears to be poorly managed in clinical practice (e.g. rates of PSA testing and digital-rectal examination are only one-third the rate reported by non-Aboriginal men, despite equivalent likelihood of GP visits). The research study adds to the literature by providing better insight and depth into the issues impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males experiencing reproductive and sexual health difficulties. It also provides a platform to undertake comprehensive research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to explore a wider spectrum of questions in this important but neglected area. Implications for education of primary healthcare workers and community-based awareness campaigns for Indigenous males are discussed. Most of all, this study revealed "layers" of silence around sexual and reproductive health of Indigenous men. This includes silence in the scientific establishments in health services, and in the community. It is hoped that this study puts the voices of the men forward to help to break down this silence.
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Leaving a lot to be desired? Sex therapy and the discourses of heterosexGuerin, Bernadette M. January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the social construction of sexuality and sexual dysfunction. Interviews were undertaken with 20 sex therapists practising in Aotearoa/New Zealand in order to elicit accounts of contemporary sex therapy practice in the local context. Using a feminist poststructuralist lens, I explicate and critically examine the dominant discourses informing the construction of sex therapy, and heterosexual sexual relations, and what these discourses enable and constrain. I draw attention to some of the assumptions embedded in the construction of the sexual dysfunctions in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, APA, 2000), and in accounts of sex therapy practice, examining the ways in which these are based on taken-for-granted norms of (hetero)sexuality and highlighting the differently enabled gendered sexual subjectivities they (re)produce. Although there are nine sexual dysfunctions identified in the DSM-IV-TR, all of which I briefly outline in Chapter Four, I restrict my focus in the analytical chapters to the conceptualisation and treatment of vaginismus, orgasm difficulties in women, discrepancies in desire and, relatedly, the gendering of desire through powerful sociocultural discourses and representations. I pay particular attention to the implications of these for heterosexual women’s sexuality. I also explore some of the generic concepts that dominate the construction of therapy at a broader level than that of sex therapy alone, arguing that while these offer some useful ways of framing therapy they also constrain therapy practice in important ways. Through a critical review of the sex therapy literature and accounts of practice from those interviewed, I contend that contemporary sex therapy tends to reify dominant cultural and sexological norms rather than challenge them. My analyses show that the dominant discourses informing constructions of sex therapy and heterosexual sexual relations produce particular types of sex as normal whilst marginalizing sexual acts or practices that fall outside of such restrictive parameters. In particular, I argue that the genital-coital-orgasm construct that is hegemonic within sex therapy restricts possibilities for alternative erotic pleasures and possibilities amongst heterosexuals whilst contributing to the invisibilization of sexual identities other than heterosexual. Accounts of sex therapy practice that were able to contest such framings are also highlighted. Because these came from sex therapists drawing on radical feminist or feminist poststructuralist discourses, I suggest that these discourses offer important possibilities for a deconstructive (sex) therapy practice that is able to challenge an often inequitable sexual status quo. Attention is also drawn to the significant constraints which act to restrict clients’ choices and possibilities for sex therapists to practise in more critically questioning ways. I conclude this thesis with an ‘invitation to reflection’ where I briefly discuss some deconstructive approaches that I have found useful for developing ongoing reflexive analysis of my own taken-for-granted assumptions in the area of sexuality, and for aiding my thinking about therapeutic practices that support my political and theoretical commitments and that attend to some of the issues outlined in this thesis. / Whole document restricted, but available by request, use the feedback form to request access.
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