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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictive policing in an endangered species context : combating rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park

Koen, Hildegarde Suzanne January 2017 (has links)
Approximately three rhinos are poached daily in South Africa. Rhino poaching is a serious problem that a ects not only the rhino population of South Africa, but also the rhino population of the world. South Africa has the largest rhino population and of those rhinos the largest number can be found in the Kruger National Park (KNP). The KNP has been hit the hardest by the poaching epidemic, losing 1,175 rhinos in 2015 alone. Two big challenges are the size of the park and the unknown locations of both the poachers and new poaching events. The KNP is the size of a small country and there are simply not enough rangers to patrol this area e ectively. A costly solution would be to employ more rangers, but a proposed alternative is to reduce the search space and thus ensure that the rangers are allocated to the high risk areas first. A mathematical model was developed in the form of a Bayesian network (BN) to infer the most important factors contributing to poaching events and to model the rhino poaching problem. This model can be used to predict the area in which a future poaching attack could take place and thereby reduce the search area of rangers. The model also serves as a vehicle to enhance the understanding of the problem and encourage reasoning and discussion amongst decision makers. The map of the KNP is divided into cells and each cell is given a poaching probability, based on the outcome of the BN. This probability map forms a heat map that can be shown to the control centre and rangers can then be sent to the respective hotspots on the map. This is a proactive approach, which is in stark contrast to the numerous reactive approaches attempted thus far. This is the first BN modelling approach to the rhino poaching problem, and it is also the first BN application to wildlife crime. Previous applications of BN have only gone so far as environmental modelling, but not wildlife crimes. In this study the rhino poaching problem was shifted from a complex, ill-structured space to a position where researchers can begin to address the underlying problems by using a causal model as the vehicle for understanding the complex interplay between the factors a ecting poaching events. / Ongeveer drie renosters word daagliks in Suid-Afrika gestroop. Renosterstroping is 'n ernstige probleem wat nie net die renosterbevolking van Suid-Afrika raak nie, maar ook die res van die wêreld. Suid-Afrika het die grootste renoster bevolking in die wêreld, en die grootste getal van dié renosters word in die Kruger Nasionale Park (KNP) aangetref. Die KNP word die ergste geraak deur die stropings epidemie en 1,175 renosters is in 2015 gestroop. Twee groot uitdagings is die grootte van die park, asook die onbekende posisies van beide die stropers en die nuwe stropingsaanvalle. Die KNP is die grootte van 'n klein land en daar is eenvoudig nie genoeg veldwagters om hierdie area e ektief te patrolleer nie. 'n Duur oplossing sou wees om meer veldwagters aan te stel, maar 'n alternatief is om die soekarea van die veldwagters te verklein en sodoende te verseker dat die veldwagters die hoë-risiko areas eerste, en meer gereeld, patrolleer. 'n Wiskundige model in die vorm van 'n Bayesiese netwerk (BN) is ontwikkel om die belangrikste faktore te bepaal wat bydra tot stropingsaanvalle en uiteindelik die probleem te modelleer. Hierdie model kan gebruik word om die area te voorspel waar 'n stropingsaanval moontlik kan plaasvind en die soekarea van die veldwagters te verminder. Dit dien ook as 'n kanaal om die begrip van die probleem te verbeter en redenasie en bespreking onder besluitnemers aan te moedig. Die kaart van die KNP word in selle verdeel en aan elke sel word 'n stropingswaarskynlikheid toegeken gebaseer op die uitkoms van die BN. Hierdie waarskynlikheidskaart vorm 'n "hittekaart" wat aan die kontrolesentrum gewys kan word, en veldwagters kan dan na die onderskeie responskolle op die kaart gestuur word. Hierdie pro-aktiewe benadering is in teenstelling met huidige reaktiewe benaderings. Hierdie is die eerste BN modellering benadering tot die renosterstropingsprobleem, en dit is ook die eerste BN toepassing tot natuurlewe-misdaad. Vorige toepassings van BNs het omgewingsmodellering aangespreek, maar nie natuurlewe-misdade nie. In hierdie studie word aangetoon hoe die renosterstropings probleem geskuif is vanaf 'n komplekse, swak gestruktureerde probleemruimte na 'n omgewing waar navorsers kan begin om die onderliggende probleme aan te spreek deur gebruik te maak van 'n kausale model as die voertuig van begrip om die komplekse wisselwerking tussen faktore wat 'n stropingsaanval beïnvloed, te verstaan. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / PhD / Unrestricted

Value Capture through Public-Private Collaboration : an exploratory case study of a South African mining firm

Ramcharan-Kotze, Chantal January 2018 (has links)
The study explored how private firms and their constituents capture value through Public-Private Collaboration (PPC) in South Africa. Partnerships are touted as key enablers of firm innovation and value creation in an increasingly complex global context. Yet, very few studies have provided the evidence base of value creation and capture beyond the ‘feel good’ process considering integrated value for firms. Nor is there clarity on how value can be planned for, operationalised and measured for improved management practice. This study progressed knowledge on practice and evaluation of PPC processes for firms by going beyond traditional linear models that have been found to be deficient in complex contexts. A qualitative case study was explored in the mining sector to provide richer and deeper insights into PPC processes from a firm perspective in its collaboration with government entities. The study provided the evidence base and indicators of value creation and capture for a private firm through a PPC process, exposed generalised assumptions, disaggregated value dimensions, and foregrounded a foundational multi-dimensional model and partnership value framework. The study contributed an integrated strategic value lens and the choices made in aggregation and disaggregation of value constructs in diverse contexts. It demonstrated new combinations of constructs whereby PPC processes created sources of competitive, collaborative and societal advantage for firms through mediated pathways. Contextualised concepts and data gathering of use value, exchange value and transformative value offered the evidence called for on value capture through PPC processes. It revealed the need to disaggregate value dimensions such as intellectual, relational and political value from social value. The role of PPC processes in Balancing Accountability between public and private sectors was suggested as a concept in progressing the field of cross-sector governance. A multi-dimensional model is presented reflecting the iterative and evolving nature of PPC processes and the interaction between value creation and value capture. An extended value indicator framework aims to aid in operationalising the assessment of PPC processes. The study promotes PPC processes as a mechanism to operationalise concepts such as Creating Shared Value (CSV) and respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / PhD / Unrestricted

Changan Traveler : A Premium Service for Tomorrow

Schäfer, Robert January 2020 (has links)
The idea for the vehicle was inspired by an interest in creating a tranportation possiblity with an advanced design. The author had the fortunate opportunity to carry out an exam project at the automobile company Changan whose design department is in Turin, Italy. Changan produces almost exclusively passenger vehicles for the Asian market. The Asian auto user has shown a great interest in premium and personalised luxury qualities and at the same time demands unique safety aspects. As a result the author was inspired to design a vehicle which combined both aspects in a unique passenger vehicle for the future. Because of the masstransit situation in mega-cities the author felt inspired to test a new highway infrastructure possiblity in the conception of the vehicle design, the tunnel system. Classical hand drawings together with digital ideation drawing and 3D software models were the tools implemented for the design process. The work process was not linear starting with hand drawings and ending in complex computer models but took on a laborious path doubling back on and reworking all the different creative routes in a method which culminated in an end product. The end result is the Traveler, a shared auto service for two for 2050, a unique expansion on Changan´s historical production of passenger vehicles. The automoble is conceived as a two-compartment passenger transport option. Its size allows for different rider experiences: work, relaxation and entertainment while on the go. Because the passenger is in her/his own „room" there is a guaranty for complete privacy and ultimate safety from outside influence.

The Traveling Burrito King

Unknown Date (has links)
The Traveling Burito King is a novel split into two narratives that work to compare the virtual to the real world and push against the politic climate created by anonymity It is a novel centered around the development of Denver and his avatar Dovim The novel demonstrates a confrontation with the fantasy of change and how that culminates in little more than a shift and an impossibility to turn back time / Includes bibliography / Thesis (MFA)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Human Recources Shared Service Center ur ett användarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie avseende första linjens chefers erfarenheter av HR-Direkt.

Erkers, Elin, Lundén, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka hur ett HR-Shared Service Center fungerar ur ett användarperspektiv inom offentlig sektor. Fokus ligger på att undersöka första linjens chefers erfarenheter av Region Dalarnas motsvarighet till ett Shared Service Center (SSC), benämnt HR-Direkt. Utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram är SSC en av tre funktioner i vad Ulrich (1995) kallar HR-transformation vilket ska bidra till att effektivisera HR-arbete. Övriga delar i HR-transformationen är expertenheter och Human Resources Business Partners (HRBP). HR-transformation är kärnan i ett centraliserat HR-arbete där fokus ligger på kostnadsreducering och därmed förenlig med offentlig sektors skattefinansierade verksamhet. Vi argumenterar för att HR-transformationen direkt och indirekt får en betydande roll för både personalarbetets och organisationens effektivitet. Resultatet visar att första linjens chefers erfarenheter och åsikter om Regionens SSC; HR-Direkt står i direkt korrelation med första linjens chefers relation med sin HRBP, de första linjens chefer vilka har en god relation till sin HRBP har även en bra upplevelse av funktionen HR-Direkt medan de första linjens chefer vilka har en sämre relation till sin HRBP är missnöjda med HR-Direkt. Vidare visar resultatet att en otydlig ansvarsfördelning mellan HRBP och HR-Direkt bidrar till ett missnöje av HR-funktionen som helhet bland första linjens chefer. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ ansats där nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med första linjens chefer, HRBP samt HR-Chef från Region Dalarna har genomförts. Resultatet från intervjuerna jämförs sedan med tidigare forskning i flera analysdelar och därefter presenteras en avslutande diskussion och slutsats. Vi anser att den befintliga forskningen tenderar att fokusera på organisatoriska aspekter av nyttan med ett SSC, till exempel ekonomisk vinning genom ett effektiviserat arbete. Vår förhoppning är att kunna påvisa att mer forskning bör riktas mot användare av SSC inom HR-fältet samt att vår studie kan fylla en del av kunskapsgapet avseende användares erfarenheter av ett SSC. / The purpose of the study was to explore how a HR Shared Service Center operates from a user perspective within the public sector. The focus is to explore the experience of Line Managers using Region Dalarna´s equivalent to a HR Shared Service Center, called HR-Direkt. Based on the study´s theoretical frame of reference, SSC is one of three functions that will contribute to the streamlining HR activites as part of a HR transformation programme as outlined by Ulrich. Other parts of the HR transformation are units of expertise and Human Resources Business Partner. HR transformation is the core of centralized HR work where the focus is cost reduction and thus compatible with public sector tax-financed function. It can be argued that the HR transformation has a great significance for the efficiency of both personnel work and the organization both directly and indirectly. The results have shown that line managers experiences concerning the Regions HR-SSC are in direct correlation with the line managers relationship with Human Resources Business Partner. The respondents who have a good relationship with their HRBP also have a good experience of HR-Direkt while respondents who have less favourable relationship with their HRBP are dissatisfied with HR-Direkt. Furthermore, the results show that an unclear distribution of responsibilities between HRBP and HR-Direkt causes dissatisfaction with the whole HR function among Line Managers. The study was based on a qualitative approach where nine semi-structured interviews with line managers, HRBP and the HR manager from Region Dalarna were conducted. The results from the interviews were then compared with the previous research using several forms of analysis before a discussion and conclusion are presented. The believe is that existing research tends to focus on organizational aspects of the benefits of an SSC, such as financial gain through streamlined work. The aim of this paper is to be able to demonstrate that more research should be directed at users of SSC in the HR field and that this study can fill part of the knowledge gap regarding users’ experiences of an SSC.

Samspelet mellan en attraktiv stadsmiljö och en trygg och fungerande trafikmiljö : En fallstudie av konceptet Shared Space i Karlstads tätort / The interplay between an an attractive urban enviroment and a safe and functioning traffic enviroment : A case study of the concept Shared Space in Karlstad´s urban area

Lithman, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Shared Space är ett begrepp som har dykt upp allt mer i stadsplaneringen. Shared Space är ett koncept som syftar till att skapa attraktiva stadsrum genom att integrera olika trafikantgrupper på en gemensam yta. Integreringen av olika trafikslag ska bidra till ett samspel som ger lägre hastigheter och en ökad trafiksäkerhet, vilket även ska hjälpa stadsmiljön att bli och verka attraktiv för människan. När stadsmiljön blir attraktivare ska även fler människor få en vilja attvistas i dessa miljöer. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur konceptet Shared Space används och planeras för istadsplaneringen. Uppsatsen ämnar även att belysa hur konceptet fungerar i praktiken i stadsmiljön, specifikt för Karlstads tätort. Den baseras därför på tre olika platser i Karlstads tätort som är utformade enligt planeringskonceptet Shared Space. En fallstudie med innehållsanalyser, observationer samt intervjuer med tjänstepersoner på Karlstads kommun har genomförts för att komma fram till vad tanken med ytorna har varit, hur de fungerar i verkligheten samt om konceptets innehållande dimensioner. För att besvara och uppnå syftet har dessa tre frågeställningar legat till grund: Vad har Karlstads kommun haft för visioner vid planeringen av Shared Space i stadsmiljön? Hur fungerar Shared Space ytorna i förhållande till visionerna? Hur anpassas Shared Space för att förena attraktivitet för människan och en trygg och fungerande trafikmiljö? Det teoretiska ramverket visar på uppsatsens vetenskapliga förankring och redogör till stor del om Jane Jacobs och Jan Gehl tankar kring stadsplaneringens utveckling. Planeringen har anpassat samhället utifrån bilen och dess behov under en lång period och har därför påverkat det offentliga rummet och dess funktion. Den mänskliga dimensionen har inte tagits i beaktande, vilket har resulterat i offentliga rum där människor inte känner attraktivitet, trivsel och en tillhörighet. Shared Space är en slags motreaktion för att ge tillbaka det offentliga rummet till människan igen, genom att bilen ska vara gästen i staden. Resultatet och analysen visar att Shared Space ytorna i Karlstads tätort skiljer sig åt mellan vad visionerna med dem var och hur de fungerar och används i verkligheten. Visionerna fokuserar mer på attraktionen gällande att få människor att vilja vistas i Shared Space miljöerna och har därför generellt lite mindre fokus på trafiken. Verkligheten visar dock att genomfartstrafiken är stor för alla de tre platserna och att vistelse inte förekommer i lika hög grad. Slutligen visar analysen att det kan vara svårt att skapa platser som både fungerar bra och tryggt trafikmässigt, samtidigt som platserna ska agera som attraktiva för uppehåll och vistelse.

The Demands of Partnership: A Normative Foundation for Shared Medical Decision-Making

Massof, Allison Emily January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Flexible Multivariate Joint Model of Longitudinal Intensity and Binary Process for Medical Monitoring of Frequently Collected Data

Gupta, Resmi 01 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Docherty, Daniel William 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

How principals use distributed leadership in leading and managing teaching and learning : a case study of two primary schools in Gauteng.

Vaz, Maria 25 May 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the role that principals play in leading and managing teaching and learning through the alternative approach of ‘distributed leadership’ in order to promote quality education. As a qualitative case study of two ‘township’ Gauteng primary schools, data was collected by means of questionnaires and interview schedules. Perceptions of principals, heads of departments (HODs) and teachers on ‘distributed leadership’ were examined, as well as how the concept was applied in the day-to-day running of the school. It was found that the principals interviewed, despite their extensive teaching and managing experience, were not fully aware of the implications of principalship within the new dispensation, vaguely referring to their roles as leaders and managers without specifying how and what they were leading and managing in their respective schools. Recommendations are that distributed leadership strategies could be found in both schools to optimise the leadership and management of teaching and learning, and that time should be allowed for HODs and principals to implement instructional leadership and management.

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