Spelling suggestions: "subject:"haring economy"" "subject:"haring conomy""
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Inte alltid lätt att dela : Home sharing i Stockholm: varför nyttjas inte denna möjlighet mer?Lapveteläinen, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Den oroväckande situation som miljön och klimatet står inför blir allt merapåtaglig hos allmänheten. Samhällets nuvarande sätt att producera ochkonsumera är inte hållbart. Industrier och företag står för en betydande del avde utsläpp och råvaruutvinningar som sker idag. Detta innebär även att de harstor potential att göra en betydande skillnad i arbetet mot en mer hållbarframtid. Cirkulär ekonomi har förespråkats som en nödvändighet för att göradagens konsumtion och produktion mer hållbar. En viktig del av den cirkuläraekonomin är sharing economy som är tänkt maximera nyttan av underanvändatillgångar och därmed minska på efterfrågan på nyproducerade produkter. Introduktionen av sharing economy har öppnat upp möjligheter förentreprenörer och privatpersoner som tidigare inte existerat. Senaste åren haren framfart av olika sharing-plattformar bevittnats där privatpersoner kopplasihop så att användare av en plattform kan ta del av produkter och tjänster somen annan använder erbjuder på denna plattform. Ett vanligt exempel på en typav sharing-plattform är olika home sharing-plattformar där privatpersoner kanhyra ut sin bostad till främlingar och på så sätt skapa sig en extra inkomst.Denna typ av sharing-plattformar har uppskattats av resenärer ochbostadsägare världen över. Däremot så har home sharing-plattformarna stöttpå utmaningar i form av klagomål från lokalbefolkningar samt restriktioneroch i vissa fall förbud mot denna typ av verksamhet. I Sverige har inte framfarten av home sharing-plattformar varit lika påtagligsom i andra delar av Europa. Denna uppsats har identifierat två betydandefaktorer som har en negativ påverkan på sannolikheten att bostadsrättsägare iStockholm skall engagera sig i home sharing-plattformar. Dessa faktorer ärbristande tillit och bostadsrättsföreningars stadgar. Bostadsrättsägare föredraratt hyra ut sin bostad till bekanta eller en bekants bekant i hopp om att minskarisken för misskötande av bostaden och klagomål från grannar. I och med atthome sharing-plattformar går ut på att hyra ut bostaden till främlingar så upplevs detta som en bristande tillit till hyresvärden och därmed även ökaderisker. Bostadsrättsföreningars negativa inställning till korttidsuthyrningarförsämrar ytterligare sannolikheten att en bostadsrättsägare skall engagera sigi en home sharing-plattform.
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Uber or Heetch: A comparative study on desirability and usability between ride-sourcing applications / Uber eller Heetch: En jämförande studie av önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet mellan samåknings applikationerHeikinaho, Alexander, Villarin, Fredilyn January 2018 (has links)
Ride-sourcing is a digital transportation service that has seen a considerable growth in the last half decade especially in the biggest cities around the world. More and more digital platforms for ride-sourcing has emerged since its inception. This study compares the two ride-sourcing applications available in Stockholm— Uber and Heetch, using a combined method of measuring desirability and usability to analyze which factors influence a user’s choice of app. The results showed Uber to have better desirability and usability, and 14 out of the 16 participants chose Uber as their preferred ride-sourcing app. / Samåkningstjänster är en digital transporttjänst som har haft en betydande tillväxt under det senaste halvdecenniet och allt fler digitala plattformar för samåkningstjänster har tillkommit sedan dess uppkomst, särskilt i de största städerna runt om i världen. Denna studie jämför två samåkningstjänster tillgängliga i Stockholm: Uber och Heetch, med en kombinerad metod genom att undersöka önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet för analys av användarnas val av applikation. Resultatet visade att Uber hade bättre önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet, och 14 av 16 deltagande valde Uber som sin föredragna applikation
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Considerations for a Service that enables Sharing Ride Experiences to and from the AirportBecedas Segerström, Laura January 2019 (has links)
Although shared mobility services provide benefits such as minimizing congestion as well as pollution and costs of transportation, barriers such as trust and convenience are blocking these services from reaching a broader audience. In this paper, considerations for a new service that aims to bring together familiar strangers to share rides to and from the airport is presented using a Research through Design approach. The familiar strangers investigated in this study are frequent travelers of Scandinavian airlines (SAS). Interviews, ideation workshops, prototyping, and feedback sessions are the design activities that were used to understand motivations behind their choice of transportation to and from the airport, and current pain points that motivate the need for such a service, as well as to guide the design directions of the service to tackle the problems of trust and convenience current shared mobility services face. The findings showed that SAS travelers are willing to share rides with others belonging to their community when living far away from transit services to and from the airport, arriving uncomfortable hours at a new destination, when there’s a potential to make new business contacts as well as when traveling with loved ones. The final design presented in this paper serves as a framework on how to design services to enable people who share common physical spaces and similar travel behavior, to share rides together. / Även om “shared mobility” tjänster ger fördelar som att minimera trafikstockningar samt föroreningar och transportkostnader, finns det hinder som tillit och bekvämlighet som blockerar dessa tjänster från att nå en större publik. I den här uppsatsen presenteras omständigheter för en ny tjänst som syftar till att samla “familiar strangers” för att dela transportsätt till och från flygplatsen med hjälp av ett Research Through Design-metod. De “familiar strangers” som undersöktes i denna studie är frekventa resenärer av Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). Intervjuer, ideation workshops, prototyper och feed-back möten är de designaktiviteter som användes för att förstå motivation bakom resenärers val av transport till och från flygplatsen och aktuella smärtpunkter som motiverar behovet av en sådan tjänst samt för att styra designbeslut för tjänsten för att ta itu med problemen med förtroende och bekvämlighet som nuvarande “shared mobility” tjänster stöter på. Resultaten visade att SAS-resenärer är villiga att dela resor med andra som tillhör deras gemenskap när de bor långt ifrån transit tjänster till och från flygplatsen, när de anländer i ett nytt resmål vid obehagliga timmar, när det finns möjlighet att skapa nya affärskontakter såväl som när de reser med sina nära och kära. Den slutliga designen som presenteras i denna uppsats fungerar som en ram för hur man utformar tjänster för att möjliggöra för personer som delar gemensamma fysiska utrymmen och liknande resebeteenden, att dela resor tillsammans.
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Delningsekonomi på mellanstora städers villkor : Styrning och planering av delningsekonomi i Umeå / Sharing Economy in Medium-Sized Cities : Governance and Planning of Umeå’s Sharing EconomyKramers, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on how local administrations in mid-sized cities can govern and plan for the sharing economy. To explore this, a case study of Umeå municipality's work on the sharing economy is carried out. Umeå municipality is one of four Swedish cities participating in the national program for the sharing economy in cities, Sharing Cities Sweden (SCS). The sharing economy can be described as an economic model that promotes a change from ownership to access and the production of resources and services in peer-to-peer networks. In response to a growing sharing economy in cities, local administrations have implemented policies and regulations against sharing platforms such as Airbnb and Uber. Cities also encourage sharing initiatives by planning for publicly run tool libraries, bike sharing schemes and local maker spaces (workshops to share tools, knowledge and ideas). Furthermore, there is an ongoing discussion about the implications of a growing sharing economy in cities. Some researchers argue that parts of the sharing economy instead of reducing resource consumption, building trust and creating more just resource access are centralizing power to a few platform monopolies and are using control and surveillance through collection of big data in order to extract profit. To counter this trend, this thesis is interested in how cities can govern and plan for a democratic and just model for the sharing economy. The discussion about the sharing economy in research and the media has mainly focused on big cities and metropolises, thus the focus on mid-sized cities in this thesis. Through interviews of key actors within Umeå's sharing economy and participation at the Cooperative Cities conference in Umeå, the thesis points to a locally based model of sharing economy in Umeå. In the absence of larger platforms within the sharing economy, Umeå can provide “shareable” resources in the city through collaboration with local actors and by organizing public-commons partnership. To sustain a locally based sharing economy, the thesis argues for the municipality to think of the sharing services in Umeå as a sharing ecosystem. It implies that the municipality contributes to a good environment for sharing services by providing a network, knowledge, support and spaces. Two sub-projects within Umeå's participation in Sharing Cities Sweden are analyzed, the library for sport equipment’s, Fritidsbanken and Service hubs which involves "nodes / hubs that concentrate and provide various services to Umeå residents". Fritidsbanken can be understood as a form of social infrastructure that can contribute to rebuild social capital in neighborhoods. Service hubs can be understood as a form of sharing infrastructure that facilitates sustainable lifestyles. Finally, it is stated that the municipality of Umeå, as a mid-size city that has not experienced the negative consequences of the sharing economy, can take a proactive role for a just and democratic sharing economy. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur lokala förvaltningar i mellanstora städer kan styra och planera för delningsekonomi. För att utforska detta görs en fallstudie av Umeå kommuns arbete med delningsekonomi inom det nationella programmet för delningsekonomi i städer, Sharing Cities Sweden (SCS). Koncept som delningsekonomi eller kollaborativ konsumtion har vuxit sig starka under 2010-talet. Det handlar om att gå från ägande till tillgång, att minska resursförbrukning genom att utnyttja ”slumrande” kapacitet hos resurser och att producera resurser gemensamt peer-to-peer. I reaktion mot en växande delningsekonomi i städer har lokala förvaltningar infört riktlinjer och policys mot delningstjänster som t.ex. Airbnb och Uber. Lokala förvaltningar uppmuntrar också delningsinitiativ genom att planera för till exempel offentligt drivna lånebibliotek för verktyg, lånecykelsystem och verkstäder för delning av verktyg, kunskap och idéer. Vidare förs det en diskussion om delningsekonomins utveckling i städer. Vissa forskare menar att delar av delningsekonomin istället för att minska resursförbrukning, bygga tillit och skapa en mer rättvis resurstillgång kan bidra till försämrade arbetsvillkor, kontroll och övervakning samt en centralisering av makt. Med bakgrund i denna diskussion är uppsatsen intresserad av att studera hur städer istället kan styra och planera för en rättvis och demokratisk delningsekonomi. Diskussionen som förs om delningsekonomins utveckling i forskning och media fokuserar mestadels på storstäder och metropoler, därav ligger fokuset på mellanstora städer i uppsatsen. Genom intervjuer av centrala aktörer inom Umeås delningsekonomi och deltagande på konferensen Cooperative Cities i Umeå konstaterar uppsatsen att den delningsekonomi som utvecklas i Umeå kan ses som en lokalt förankrad delningsekonomi. I frånvaro av större plattformar inom delningsekonomi tillgängliggör Umeå stadens resurser genom att samarbeta med lokala aktörer och organisera sig i vad som kan beskrivas som ett partnerskap med civilsamhället. För att få en lokalt förankrad delningsekonomi att fungera argumenterar uppsatsen att kommunen kan tänka på helheten av de delningstjänster som finns i Umeå som ett ekosystem för delning. Det innebär att kommunen bidrar till att skapa en miljö där delningstjänster får rätt förutsättningar genom att tillhandahålla nätverk, kunskap, stöd och lokaler. I uppsatsen undersöks två delprojekt inom Umeå kommuns arbete med delningsekonomi, lånebiblioteket för fritidsutrustning, Fritidsbanken och delprojektet Servicehubbar som innebär ”noder/nav som koncentrerar och tillhandahåller olika service till Umeås invånare”. Fritidsbanken kan förstås som en form av social infrastruktur som kan bidra till att bygga socialt kapital i stadsdelar. Servicehubbar kan förstås som en form av delningsinfrastruktur som underlättar för hållbara livsstilar. Avslutningsvis konstateras att Umeå kommun, en mellanstor stad som inte upplevt de negativa konsekvenserna av delningsekonomi likt flera storstäder, kan ta en proaktiv roll för en rättvis och demokratisk delningsekonomi.
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Är coliving en framtida väg för fastighetsbolag / Is coliving a profitable future path for real estate companies?Sjölund Jurado, Lucas, Bergström, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
En gemensam nämnare för samtliga storstäder världen över är att boendekostnad som andel avdisponibelinkomst ökar drastiskt. Urbaniseringen har resulterat i en kraftigt ökad efterfrågan påbostäder, en utveckling som väntas accelerera kommande decennier. Coliving, den nya trenden inomområdet alternativa tillgångsklasser är en form av bostad som kombinerar privat utrymme medgemensamma faciliteter. Idéen bygger på att skapa en community-centrerad miljö med möjlighet tillbåde integritet och social kontakt. Samtidigt som kollektivt boende inte är något nytt fenomen lockarbostadsformen ett växande antal människor för vilka nuvarande bostadsmarknad inte erbjuder någotalternativ.Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga coliving i Sverige och identifiera den huvudsakligamålgruppen samt undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar investerare ser i denna nya bostadsform.Uppsatsen baseras till stor del av tidigare studier internationellt där coliving fått större fäste. Vidarehar intervjuer genomförts med såväl svenska etablerade aktörer som kunniga inom ämnet.Efterfrågan på coliving drivs av megatrender som urbaniseringen, den åldrande befolkningen och denväxande gig-ekonomin. Ur dessa trender går det att bryta ut ett flertal koncept med tillhörandemålgrupper, varav den största är millenniegenerationen, följt av seniorer och företag. Ur ettinvesteringsperspektiv är affärsmodellen solid och erbjuder en alternativ tillgångsklass med möjlighettill både ökad avkastning och riskspridning. Dessa fastigheter har normalt en högre avkastning perkvadratmeter än en traditionell hyresfastighet. Fastigheten är inte heller lika ömtålig mot vakans ochpåverkar inte sista raden på samma sätt som en konventionell hyresbostad. I Sverige finns idag tvåetablerade företag, Tech Farm och COLIVE, men enligt vår analys väntas flera företag introduceraegna koncept inom snar framtid.Osäkerheten i det okända är alltid en risk och dagens regelverk är inte anpassat för coliving, någotsamtliga aktörer är överens om. Däremot är samtliga aktörer övertygade om att coliving kan utgöra ettalternativ till hyresrätten och bidra till en mer effektiv bostadsmarknad med ökat utnyttjande avbefintligt bestånd och ökad rörlighet i flyttkedjan. / One common denominator for all major cities around the world is that housing costs as a share ofdisposable income has increased dramatically. Urbanization has resulted in a sharp increase in demandfor housing, a trend that is expected to accelerate in the coming decades. Coliving, the new trend in thefield of alternative assets, is a form of housing that combines private space with shared facilities. Theidea is based on creating a community-centered environment with the possibility of both integrity andsocial contact. While communal housing is not a new phenomenon, this form of living is attracting agrowing number of people for whom the current housing market does not offer any alternative.The purpose of this thesis is to map coliving in Sweden and identify the main target group andexamine what advantages and disadvantages investors see in this new housing form. The essay islargely based on previous studies internationally, where coliving gained a greater foothold. Inaddition, interviews have been conducted with Swedish established actors as well as knowledgeablewithin the subject.Demand for coliving is driven by megatrends such as urbanization, the aging population and thegrowing gig-economy. From these trends, it is possible to break out several concepts with associatedtarget groups, of which the largest is the millennial generation, followed by seniors and the corporatemarket. From an investment perspective, the business model is solid and offers an alternative assetclass with the possibility of both increased returns and risk diversification. These properties normallyhave a higher return per square meter than a traditional rental property. The property is also not asfragile to vacancy and does not affect the last row in the same way as conventional rental home. InSweden there are currently two established companies, Tech Farm and COLIVE, but according to theanalysis, several companies are expected to introduce their own concepts in the near future.The uncertainty of the unknown is always a risk and today’s regulations are not adapted for coliving,something that all actors agree on. On the other hand, all actors are convinced that coliving can be analternative to the rental and contribute to a more efficient housing market with increased utilization ofthe existing stock and increased mobility in the moving chain.
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Peering Into The Future: Three Essays on the Nascent Phenomenon of Collaborative ConsumptionDellegrazie-Perren, Rebeca 01 January 2015 (has links)
The primary objective of this dissertation is to examine the theoretical and practical implications of the collaborative consumption phenomenon for individuals, businesses and society. To accomplish this goal, a research approach at three levels of analysis is used to explore how market institutions and consumer practices negotiate a social order that combines the social domain of peers with the economic domain of market exchange. The first essay of the dissertation approaches this objective from a macro level to examine how social order is produced and sustained through the systemic interactions of service firms and peers. This essay provides a framework to understand the emergent business models by developing a typological theory that explains how platforms can be configured for higher value creation. The second essay approaches our understanding of the phenomenon from a meso level analysis to examine how peers interact with the social order of collaborative consumption markets to negotiate key existential tensions between consumer resistance and market appropriation. This essay explores the metaphors that peers use to construe the field of collaborative consumption. Through the interpretive analysis of participant-generated images, this research uncovers the prevailing use of a liberation metaphor that reveals a new way of thinking about resource circulation. Lastly, the third essay employs a micro level of analysis to examine how participation in collaborative consumption practices provokes intrapersonal dynamics leading to moral decay. By relying on a social cognitive framework that considers how behaviors impact personal and environmental factors in a recursive fashion, this essay scrutinizes when and how prolonged participation can erode moral identity and negatively impact prosocial behaviors. Together, this holistic approach advances our theoretical understanding of the collaborative consumption phenomenon and provides practical implications for managerial practice and public policy.
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Competitiveness and Sustainability in the Sharing Economy Era. Opportunities and challenges from the Tourism and Hospitality Accommodation IndustryNannelli, Martina 13 April 2021 (has links)
The Sharing Economy is an innovative social, economic and technological paradigm which is shaping worldwide production and consumption patterns of many industries. Its strength relies on factors of competitiveness such as the use of idle capacity, temporary access to resources without transfer of ownership, the flexibility and adaptability of its models, and the participation of a growing number of players allowed by peer-to-peer digital platforms. From the management perspective, the conditions for lasting competitiveness lies on sustainability, the paradigm integrating the supply, demand, and technological dimensions in a holistic, or ecosystem, perspective. Tourism is among the industries making extensive use of sharing digital platforms and experiencing changes that foster the sustainability debate.
The PhD Thesis aims to investigate the relationships between competitiveness and sustainability in the tourism and hospitality accommodation industry in the Sharing Economy Era. Its investigation is multifaced and is addressed through three studies adopting a post-modernist perspective that builds on qualitative approaches and strategies for data collection and analysis.
The Part I of the Thesis explores the Sharing Economy concept’s evolution and the sustainability issues through an in-depth review of the literature. Results reveal the leading economic-technological evolution of the paradigm over the social one, and its dual links with sustainability in relation to the extensive use of peer-to-peer digital platforms. Therefore, the evolution of the Sharing Economy activities have shown that today competitiveness is built on the interactions of an ever-increasing number of actors and factors, both off-line and on-line, within a complex ecosystem for the creation of – shared – value. The tourism industry strongly challenges this relationship between extended competition and sustainability.
The Part II evaluates the competitiveness model and its evolution during the Sharing eTourism Era in the tourism and hospitality accommodation sector introducing an ecosystem perspective for the creation and distribution of shared value. Specifically, it investigates how the non-traditional and informal tourist services have affected the structure of the industry and have altered the competition among the actors, through semi-structured in-depth interviews. Results show that competitiveness is given by the balance among the complex interactions of internal and external ecosystem’s actors and factors. On a micro level this imply that businesses must adopts an ecosystem vision compensating for negative externalities which translate into the adoption of Business Models promoting sustainability for the creation of sustainable shared value. Therefore, the Part III investigates through the use of an illustrative case study how peer-to-peer digital platforms in the tourist accommodation service can boost profitability while strengthening economic, social and environmental sustainability by applying the innovative Business Model for Sustainability.
The research sheds light on the complex Sharing Economy literature and lays the theoretical foundations for the implementation of managerial strategies aimed at promoting extended sustainable competition-cooperation.
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Planning for non-profit sharing : A case study of Gothenburg and Umeå, Sweden / Planering för icke-kommersiellt delande : En fallstudie av Göteborg och Umeå, SverigeSchulz, Felix January 2020 (has links)
The prevailing capitalist and growth-driven economic system has led to an increase in inequality, resource consumption, and environmental pressure on the earth’s vital support systems. Cities face a number of sustainability challenges, and in view of overconsumption in affluent societies, particularly in the Global North, the question arises how alternative approaches can be implemented at the local level. The “sharing economy” is considered as having the potential to open a “new pathway to sustainability”. To unfold the alleged sustainability potential of the sharing economy, the focus should be on non-profit sharing initiatives rather than for-profit sharing companies. This study analyses different modes of governance applied by local authorities in steering non-profit sharing initiatives, highlights the challenges local authorities face, and draws attention to more general conflicts of interest in developing the non-profit sharing economy. A comparative case study of Gothenburg and Umeå, Sweden, is conducted using qualitative research methods. The results show that some modes of governance applied by local authorities in steering non-profit sharing initiatives are more prominent than others. It becomes clear that the municipal involvement in the non-profit sharing economy as investor and host depends largely on the political will. The challenges for local authorities in developing the non-profit sharing economy are quite diverse, ranging from lack of political support to legal aspects, organisation of administration, local conditions, and structural problems. A conflict of interest between a for-profit and non-profit orientation in the sharing economy becomes evident.
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The Impact of Home Sharing on Housing Affordability : Evidence from Airbnb in Urban Cities in Europe / The Impact of Home Sharing on Housing Affordability : Evidence from Airbnb in Urban Cities in EuropeMarkkanen, Iiris, Lehtinen, Sanni January 2022 (has links)
Housing affordability has been impacted by rising house prices in Europe and it is argued that home-sharing is making housing less affordable. The purpose of this thesis is to provide empirical evidence whether home sharing has a relationship on housing affordability by utilizing an extensive set of Airbnb listings data acquired from multiple European urban cities between the years of 2011and 2020. We conduct a panel data analysis using a fixed effects model to regress the relationship between the accumulated Airbnb supply and price-to-income ratio. The results display statistically insignificant results between the price-to-income ratio and the accumulated supply of Airbnb, implying that there is not enough statistical evidence to determine the relationship between short-term rental and European housing affordability. We unfold this relationship through analyzing transmission mechanisms such as supply reallocation, changes in demand and positive and negative externalities, and reassure the validity of our results through the use of comprehensive robustness tests. Additionally, we explore the agglomeration of the Airbnb listings by separating cities to further distinguish that the varying relationship depends on the size of the Airbnb market. We find that cities with high Airbnb supply have a positive relationship with the price-to-income ratio.
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Operations Management Problems in the Application of P2P Platforms: Impacts and RegulationJianing Li (20383401) 07 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms have experienced remarkable growth, driven by advancements in internet technology and mobile applications. This rapid expansion has reshaped markets and introduced complex dynamics that warrant deeper exploration. This dissertation focuses on three critical dimensions of this field: the impact of platform introduction, platform regulation, and environmentally sustainable platform operations.</p><p dir="ltr">First, we study how the emergence of ride-hailing platforms has impacted the automotive industry by influencing both the sales and rental markets. Dealers and rental agencies, which once operated in separate markets, have become indirect competitors because car owners in the sales market offer rides to consumers in both the sales and rental markets through the platform. Therefore, to fully understand the platform’s impact, it is essential to consider these markets simultaneously. To this end, we develop a comprehensive model incorporating the manufacturer, dealer, and rental agency to analyze how a platform’s presence influences firm decisions and total car ownership. We show that the dealer increases its orders for products with high marginal costs due to the value enhancement effect, wherein car ownership becomes more valuable with the presence of a platform. Importantly, we find that neglecting the rental market - as most of the existing literature does - underestimates this effect. While the value enhancement effect does not extend to the rental market, a platform's presence may motivate the rental agency to increase its orders for products with low marginal costs and new-car valuation. However, the increase in rental cars is generally relatively modest compared to the decrease in personally owned cars, resulting in an overall increase in total ownership only for products with sufficiently high marginal costs and rental-car valuation. Moreover, we show that failing to consider both markets and their interactions may lead to inaccurately assessing the total change in ownership compared to the platform's absence. Finally, we discuss the implications of car owners' partial or heterogeneous participation rate in the platform and demonstrate that our results generally hold.</p><p dir="ltr">Second, we focus on the 90-day cap regulation in San Francisco and Berkeley to investigate the effectiveness of this supply restriction in improving the affordability of housing in the city. We specifically investigate 1) whether the regulation accurately targets landlords in the sharing market and increases the supply in the local long-term rental market and 2) whether the regulation achieves its goal of making housing more affordable for the targeted lower-income population in the city. We exploit a detailed dataset on Airbnb and Zillow in this empirical analysis. Using standard DID regression analysis, the paper finds that the regulation significantly decreased the listing number by about 29.6% and increased the overall average daily rate of short-term rentals by about 14.6% on the platform while decreasing the average price of long-term rentals by about 4.1% in the local residential market, in the year following the enforcement of the regulation. Meanwhile, we find that the benefit of the regulation effectively targeted affordable homes in the long-term rental market but did not affect the high-end and single-family markets significantly. In particular, using quantile DID methods, we show that the regulation only reduces the average rental price (of all types of homes) in only about 30% of the lower end of the local long-term rental market. The regulation also made a heterogeneous impact on different types of listings on the platform, making hosted listings increase their supply and benefit from the spillover effects, especially since it works efficiently to figure out landlords and sharers for multi-home host listings. </p><p dir="ltr">Third, we examine a ride-hailing platform's optimal subsidy design to increase electric vehicle (EV) adoption among drivers, which has been a key operational goal for P2P platforms as they increasingly prioritize sustainability. To this end, we model the choices made by drivers when selecting between gasoline gasoline vehicles (GVs) and EVs, considering the heterogeneity of drivers in their time costs. We examine how market segments are shaped by differences in the marginal costs of usage and prices between the two types of vehicles. These analyses reveal the distinct trade-offs faced by drivers with high supply compared to those with low supply. Motivated by practice, we consider three types of subsidies a platform may adopt to achieve full adoption of EVs, i.e., set-up bonuses, earning boosts, and charging discounts. We find that the earning boost subsidy consistently drives greater EV usage than the other subsidy types. However, we also find that a profit-driven platform is more likely to favor earning boosts when its per-unit profit is relatively high, even if this may not align with the most environmentally beneficial outcomes. This highlights the need for careful consideration of the platform’s subsidy design, as profit-maximizing strategies might conflict with environmental objectives. </p>
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