Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shear stress"" "subject:"thear stress""
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Étude de l’impact de la pression pulsée sur la réactivité cérébrovasculaireRaignault, Adeline 08 1900 (has links)
In vivo, la pression artérielle au niveau des artères cérébrales est pulsée, alors que ex
vivo, l’étude de la fonction cérébrovasculaire est majoritairement mesurée en pression statique.
L’impact de la pression pulsée sur la régulation du tonus myogénique et sur la fonction
endothéliale cérébrale est inconnu. Nous avons posé l’hypothèse selon laquelle en présence
d'une pression pulsée physiologique, la dilatation dépendante de l’endothélium induite par le
flux et le tonus myogénique seraient optimisés. L’objectif de notre étude est d’étudier ex vivo
l’impact de la pression pulsée sur le tonus myogénique et la dilatation induite par le flux dans
les artères cérébrales de souris. Nous avons utilisé un artériographe pressurisé couplé à un
système générant une onde pulsée de fréquence et d’amplitude réglables. Les artères
cérébrales moyennes (≈160 μm de diamètre) ont été isolées de souris C57BL6 âgées de 3 mois
et pressurisées à 60 mm Hg, en pression statique ou en pression pulsée.
En pression statique, le tonus myogénique est faible mais est potentialisé par le L-NNA
(un inhibiteur de la eNOS) et la PEG-catalase (qui dégrade le H2O2), suggérant une influence
des produits dilatateurs dérivés de la eNOS sur le tonus myogénique. En présence de pression
pulsée (pulse de 30 mm Hg, pression moyenne de 60 mm Hg, 550 bpm), le tonus myogénique
est significativement augmenté, indépendamment du L-NNA et de la PEG-catalase, suggérant
que la pression pulsée lève l’impact de la eNOS. En pression statique ou pulsée, les artères
pré-contractées se dilatent de façon similaire jusqu’à une force de cisaillement de 15 dyn/cm2.
Cette dilatation, dépendante de l’endothélium et de la eNOS, est augmentée en condition
pulsée à une force de cisaillement de 20 dyn/cm2. En présence de PEG-catalase, la dilatation
induite par le flux est diminuée en pression statique mais pas en pression pulsée, suggérant que
la pression statique, mais pas la pression pulsée, favorise la production de O2
-/H2O2. En effet,
la dilatation induite par le flux est associée à une production de O2
-/H2O2 par la eNOS,
mesurable en pression statique, alors que la dilatation induite par le flux en pression pulsée est
associée à la production de NO. Les différences de sensibilité à la dilatation induite par le flux
ont été abolies après inhibition de Nox2, en condition statique ou pulsée.
La pression pulsée physiologique régule donc l’activité de la eNOS cérébrale, en
augmentant le tonus myogénique et, en présence de flux, permet la relâche de NO via la
eNOS. / While in vivo arterial blood pressure in cerebral arteries is pulsatile, in vitro cerebral
arterial function is generally assessed under a static pressure. Thus, whether pulse pressure
regulates cerebral endothelial shear stress sensitivity and myogenic tone is unknown. We
hypothesized that a physiological pulse pressure induces a better flow-mediated dilation and
optimized myogenic tone. The aim of this study was to test in vitro the impact of pulse
pressure on myogenic tone and eNOS-dependent flow-mediated dilation in mouse cerebral
Using a custom computer-controlled pneumatic system generating a pulse pressure (used
at 30 mm Hg, rate of 550 bpm) coupled to an arteriograph, isolated posterior cerebral arteries
from 3-month old C57Bl/6J mice were pressurized at 60 mm Hg, either in static or pulse
pressure conditions. Shear stress from 2 to 20 dyn/cm2 was applied and flow-mediated dilation
Without pulse pressure, myogenic tone was low but potentiated by both L-NNA (eNOS
inhibitor) and PEG-catalase (catalyses H2O2), suggesting an influence of eNOS-derived dilator
products on myogenic tone. Pulse pressure significantly increased myogenic tone,
independently of L-NNA and PEG-catalase, suggesting that pulse pressure prevents the impact
of eNOS. In both static and pulse pressure conditions, cerebral arteries did not dilate to shear
stress in the presence of L-NNA or after endothelial denudation, confirming the endothelial
origin of the dilatory response. Up to 15 dyn/cm2, shear stress elicited similar flow-mediated
dilation in static and pulse pressure conditions; at 20 dyn/cm2, however, flow-mediated
dilation were higher in the presence of pulse pressure. PEG-catalase reduced flow-mediated
dilation in static but not in pulse pressure, suggesting that in static conditions eNOS is
responsible for O2
-/H2O2 production. Indeed, eNOS-derived O2
-/H2O2 production was
measured during flow-mediated dilation in static pressure, while pulse pressure promoted
eNOS-derived NO production. Differences in flow-mediated dilation between static and pulse
pressure conditions were abolished after Nox2 inhibition.
In conclusion, pulse pressure modulates cerebrovascular eNOS activity: at rest, pulse
pressure inhibits eNOS, increasing myogenic tone. In the presence of flow, pulse pressure permits a shear stress-dependent eNOS-derived NO release, leading to higher flow-mediated
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Modélisation numérique de l’érosion diffuse des sols : interaction gouttes-ruissellement / Numerical modelling of interrill erosion : raindrops-overland flow interactionNouhou Bako, Amina 21 November 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un modèle d’érosion diffuse qui intègre les principaux processus de ce phénomène (détachement, transport, sédimentation) et qui prend en compte l’interaction des gouttes de pluie avec ces processus. Dans un premier temps, nous avons établi une loi de détachement par la pluie qui inclut l’effet des gouttes et celui de l’épaisseur de la lame d’eau qui couvre la surface du sol. Pour obtenir cette loi, une étude numérique avec le logiciel Gerris a permis de modéliser les cisaillements créés par l’impact des gouttes sur des épaisseurs de lame d’eau variables. Ces cisaillements estiment la quantité de sol détaché par chaque goutte. Nous avons montré, à travers une étude probabiliste, que les gouttes sont quasiment indépendantes lors du détachement. Les détachements de l’ensemble des gouttes sont donc sommés pour établir la loi de détachement pour la pluie. Par ailleurs, l’étude probabiliste a montré la possibilité d’une forte interaction entre les gouttes de pluie et les particules en sédimentation. Par conséquent, pour le processus de transport-sédimentation, nous avons privilégié une approche expérimentale. Cette étude a révélé que l’effet des gouttes de pluie est d’augmenter la vitesse de sédimentation des particules. Enfin, nous avons proposé un nouveau modèle d’érosion qui généralise plusieurs modèles d’érosion de la littérature et décrit l’évolution des concentrations en sédiments avec des effets linéaires et non-linéaires. Selon le choix des paramètres du modèle, celui-ci peut représenter l’érosion diffuse et concentrée à l’échelle du bassin versant, le transport par charriage dans les rivières ou encore le transport chimique. L’intégration du modèle dans le logiciel de ruissellement FullSWOF est aussi réalisée. / The aim of this work is to formulate an interrill erosion model. This model should take into account the main erosion processes (detachment, transport and sedimentation) and the interaction of raindrops during these processes. First we develop a law for rainfall detachment that includes the effects of the raindrops and the water layer thickness at the soil surface. We use the Gerris software to simulate the shear stresses created by the impacts of raindrops at the soil surface. These shear stresses allow to evaluate the quantity of soil detached by each raindrop. We have shown with a probabilistic approach that raindrops are almost independent during soil detachment. Then by summing all the raindrops detachments we obtain the rainfall detachment law. Futhermore the probabilistic study has revealed the possibility of a strong interaction between raindrops and settling particles. So, we used specific laboratory experiments to investigate the particles transport and sedimentation processes. These experiments show that the effect of raindrops is to increase the particles settling velocity. Finally, we propose a new erosion model which encompasses previous literature erosion models and that can describe the behavior of sediments concentrations with linear and non-linear behaviors. The model is able to simulate interrill and rill erosions at the watershed scale, bedload transport in rivers and chemical transfer. The integration of the model in the FullSWOF runoff software is also carried out.
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Conception et validation d'un substitut vasculaire naturel, fonctionnalisé par un film multicouche de polyélectrolytes et cellularisé par un endothelium autologue orienté / Conception of a natural vascular substitute, fonctionnalized by a polyelectrolyte multilayer film and cellularized by an autologous endotheliumPaternotte, Estelle 27 September 2010 (has links)
Les taux élevés de mortalité et de morbidité associés aux maladies vasculaires en font des pathologies dont les conséquences physiopathologiques, chirurgicales et socio-économiques sont d’une importance majeure pour le système de santé. Malgré leurs avantages, la disponibilité limitée des vaisseaux autologues a conduit au développement de prothèses synthétiques. Cependant, leur surface hautement thrombogène limite leur utilisation dans la substitution des vaisseaux de petit calibre (< 6 mm). De ce fait, à cause de leur obstruction précoce, la reconstitution d’une surface luminale proche de l’endothélium natif est incontournable. Pourtant, les revêtements de surface actuellement disponibles possèdent de médiocres qualités de rétention des néo-endothélium lorsqu’ils sont soumis à des contraintes de cisaillement physiologiques. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un substitut vasculaire de petit calibre endothélialisé réalisé à partir de trois éléments : 1) une matrice préparée à partir d’une artère ombilicale désendothélialisée, 2) un recouvrement de surface innovant constitué du film multicouche de polyélectrolytes (MPE) (PAH-PSS)3-PAH, et 3) un néo-endothélium constitué de cellules endothéliales matures ou progénitrices. Les études in vitro menées sur ces substituts ont montré que la formation, la rétention sous contraintes de cisaillement et la fonctionnalité du néoendothélium élaboré sur la surface luminale étaient améliorées par le film MPE. L’implantation du substitut par pontage termino-latéral sur le lapin a montré que le cahier des charges imputé aux substituts de petit calibre était rempli, principalement en termes de perméabilité et de diamètre, mais aussi de résistance à la suture et aux infections. En conclusion, le film MPE favorise le développement d’un substitut vasculaire de petit diamètre perméable à « long » terme et qui pourrait répondre aux exigences des chirurgiens / Vascular diseases with their high rate of mortality and morbidity belong to the pathologies involving important socio-economic factors for health system. Despite the advantages of autografts, the limited availability of autologous vessels has led to the development of synthetic prostheses. However, their high thrombogenic surface limits their use as small calibre vascular substitutes (< 6 mm). To prevent narrowing of small diameter vascular grafts, the reconstruction of a luminal surface close to the native endothelium is essential. However, the retention of the neo-endothelium subjected to shear stress is poor on the coatings currently available. In this work, we developed a small calibre endothelialized vascular substitute thanks to three elements: 1) a natural matrix prepared from umbilical artery, 2) an innovative coating based on the polyelectrolytes multilayer film (PEM) (PAH-PSS)3-PAH, and 3) used for cell culture of mature or progenitor endothelial cells. In vitro studies have shown that the formation, the retention under shear stress and the endothelial function of the neoendothelium on the luminal surface were improved by PEM film. The anastomosis of this substitute on rabbits has shown that the specifications essential to small calibre vascular grafts were reached, mainly in terms of permeability and diameter but also of resistance to suture and infections. In conclusion, PEM films helped us to develop a small diameter vascular substitute with long term patency
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Modélisation vof de l’écoulement de jet de rive en surface et dans une plage perméable / Vof modeling of surface and subsurface flows in the swash zoneDesombre, Jonathan 17 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une modélisation numérique 2D des écoulements en zone de jet de rive avec un code Volume-Of-Fluid. Dans un premier temps, le détail de la structure interne de l’écoulement de jet de rive généré par l’effondrement d’un front d’onde turbulent sur une plage imperméable lisse est étudié. Le modèle numérique est ensuite étendu à la simulation des écoulements en milieu poreux internes à la plage. L’utilisation d’une unique équation de quantité de mouvement (VARANS) et de la méthode 1-fluide, permet de résoudre simultanément les écoulements de l’eau et de l’air à la surface et dans une plage perméable. Ce modèle a été confronté à une série de cas tests analytiques et à de récentes mesures expérimentales. Les résultats numériques montrent l’aptitude du modèle VOF-VARANS à reproduire les écoulements en zone de jet de rive sur une plage imperméable fixe. / A 2D numerical modeling of flows in the swash zone is proposed using a Volume-Of- Fluid code. The detailed flow structure of a bore-driven swash event over an impermeable beach is first studied. The numerical model is then developed to account for porous media flow within the beach. The unique VARANS momentum equation and 1-fluid method used allow to solve simultaneously both surface and subsurface flows of air and water phases in the swash zone. This model is validated against a series of analytical tests cases and confronted to recent experimental measurements. The numerical results highlight the ability of the VOF-VARANS model to reproduce swash flows over and within a permeable beach.
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Ultimate behavior of confined fluids under very high pressure and shear stress / Comportement ultime des fluides confinés sous forte pression et contrainte de cisaillementNdiaye, Serigne Ndiaga 10 November 2017 (has links)
L’étude du frottement dans les contacts lubrifiés fortement chargés est un sujet complexe. En effet, le frottement dépend fortement du comportement rhéologique du lubrifiant dans le centre du contact et, celui-ci n'est pas bien connu à pression et taux de cisaillement élevé. Diverses méthodes expérimentales ont été développées pour expliquer le comportement plateau dans les courbes de frottement, associé à l’existence d’une contrainte limite de cisaillement, mais aucune d'elles n'a fourni une image complète des mécanismes réels impliqués. Dans la continuité de ces efforts, des études sont présentées dans ce mémoire. Le premier défi dans ce travail est d'effectuer des mesures de frottement dans des conditions isothermes nominales, ce qui signifie que même si des effets thermiques doivent se produire dans toute mesure de frottement, il est possible de les minimiser et de rendre les résultats insensibles à une faible dissipation d'énergie dans le volume expérimental d'intérêt. La minimisation de l’échauffement du lubrifiant aide à se focaliser sur l’origine mécanique de la contrainte limite de cisaillement et de mieux caractériser sa dépendance à la pression et à la température. C'est pourquoi, tout d'abord, une série d'expériences a été réalisée sur deux lubrifiants, un diester pur (benzyl benzoate) et une huile minérale de turbine (Shell T9) avec des vitesses d'entraînement variables. Cela nous permet d'abord d'observer directement l'influence des effets thermiques sur les valeurs de la contrainte limite de cisaillement et ensuite, de déterminer les conditions expérimentales qui limitent ces effets tout en assurant un régime en film complet. Le deuxième objectif est de caractériser le comportement en frottement des lubrifiants sous conditions isothermes nominales et sur une large gamme de pression (jusqu'à 3 GPa) et de température (jusqu’à 80°C) afin d'établir un nouveau modèle découplé permettant de décrire la dépendance à la température et à la pression de la contrainte limite sous fortes charges. Enfin, l'étude se focalise sur la compréhension du comportement microscopique des lubrifiants dans des conditions extrêmes de cisaillement et de pression. Des mesures in situ de spectroscopie Raman et Brillouin ont été également effectuées sous conditions statiques, afin d'étudier le changement de phase du lubrifiant. / Friction in highly loaded lubricated contacts is a complex issue. Indeed, it highly depends on the lubricant rheological behaviour in the Hertzian region, which is not well known under such high pressure and high shear stress. Various experimental methods have been developed to explain the plateau-like behaviour in friction curves referred to as the limiting shear stress (LSS), but none of them provided a full picture of the real mechanisms involved. In a continuation of these efforts, some investigations are presented in this manuscript. The first challenge in this work is to carry out friction measurements under nominal isothermal conditions, meaning that even if thermal effects must occur in any friction measurement, it is possible to minimize them and to make the results almost insensitive to a weak energy dissipation within the experimental volume of interest. Minimizing shear heating of the lubricant help us to focus on the mechanical origin of the LSS and to better characterize its dependence to pressure and temperature. That’s why, first of all, a series of experiments was performed on two lubricants, a pure diester fluid (benzyl benzoate), and a commercial turbine mineral oil (Shell T9) with varying entrainment velocities. This allow us first to directly observe the influence of the lubricant shear heating on the LSS values and then to determine the experimental conditions which limit this thermal effect while ensuring a full film regime. The second objective is to characterize the frictional behavior of both lubricants under nominal isothermal conditions and over a wide range of pressure (up to 3 GPa) and temperature (up to 80°C) in order to establish a new uncoupled model to describe the temperature and pressure dependence of the limiting shear stress under highly loaded conditions. Finally, the study focuses on the understanding of the microscopic behavior of lubricants under extreme shear and pressure conditions. In situ Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy investigations were also conducted under static conditions, in order to study the lubricant phase changes under various pressure and temperature conditions.
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Observação do transporte de sedimentos em suspensão ao longo do Canal Norte do rio Amazonas durante condições de baixa descarga (outubro 2008) / Observation of suspended sediment transport along North Channel of Amazon river during low discharge (October 2008)Edgard Villarinho Garcia Neto 21 October 2011 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / The Amazon river, located in northernBrazil, discharges between 80,000 and 250,000 m3s-1 of water onto the adjacent shelf, creating a plume of brackish water that extends hundreds of kilometers away from the river mouth. This river also carries a large amount of fine sediments to the ocean where fluid mud has been found in the topset and upper foreset layers of the subaqueous delta formed on the mid-shelf. One of the main goals of this dissertation is to describe how turbulence and suspended sediment concentration vary along the Northern Channel of the Amazon river. Water column measurements were carried out in October 2008 at six anchor stations (P1, P3, P5, P6, P8 e P9) located seaward of the river mouth; P1 and P9 were 125 km apart. Each station was occupied during 13 hours during which current speed and direction were continuously sampled with a 600 kHz Teledyne-RDI ADCP; hourly profiles of temperature, salinity, turbidity and depth were also obtained. Water samples were collected for determination of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) concentration and calibration of the turbidity sensor. Current speed reached values above 1.5 m s1 in the along-channel direction (NE-SW); a remarkable ebb-flood asymmetry was observed and flows were strongly ebb-dominated. Throughout the water column, SPM concentration at stations P1 and P3 varied between 100 and 300 mg L1 in association with the presence of freshwater. In contrast, a strong salinity gradient was observed between stations P6 and P9, coinciding with the occurrence of concentrations of SPM above 10 g L-1 (fluid mud). At stations P3, P5 and P6, interface between freshwater from the Amazon river and salt water from the continental shelf, shear stresses wereestimated through four diferents methods: Reynolds, Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE), modified TKE and Quadratic Law; in the nearbed region (3 mab) the computed values varied between 0 and 3 Pa. At the three stations (P3, P5 and P6) the lowest and the highest shear stress values were obtained through, respectively, the Reynolds and the TKE methods. Over the whole water column turbulence intensity was estimated through the standard deviation of the turbulent component of the along-channel current velocity (root-mean square of u); from these values, it was estimated the turbulent dissipation of energy (G), whose values at 3 mab varied between zero and 20 s1.
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The Oscillatory Shear Index: Quantifications for Valve Tissue Engineering and a Novel Interpretation for CalcificationWilliams, Alex 29 June 2018 (has links)
Heart valve tissue engineering (HVTE) stands as a potential intervention that could reduce the prevalence of congenital heart valve disease in juvenile patients. Prior studies in our laboratory have utilized mechanobiological testing to quantify the forces involved in the development of heart valve tissue, utilizing a Flow-Stretch-Flexure (FSF) bioreactor to condition bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs)-derived valve tissue. Simulations have demonstrated that certain sets of flow conditions can introduce specific levels of oscillatory shear stress (OSS)-induced stimuli, augmenting the growth of engineered valves as well as influencing collagen formation, extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and gene expression. The computational findings discussed in this thesis outline the methods in which flow conditions, when physiologically relevant, induce specific oscillatory shear stresses which could not only lead to an optimized valve tissue phenotype (at 0.18≤ OSI≤ 0.23), but could identify native valve tissue remodeling indicative of aortic valve disease.
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The fluid shear stress environment of the normal and congenital bicuspid aortic valve and the implications on valve calcificationYap, Choon Hwai 18 August 2011 (has links)
Calcific aortic valve disease is highly prevalent, especially in the elderly. Currently, the exact mechanism of the calcification process is not completely understood, limiting our ability to prevent or cure the disease. Ex vivo investigations, however, have provided evidence that the aortic valve's biological response is sensitive to mechanical forces, including fluid shear stresses, leading to the hypothesis that adverse fluid shear stress environment play a role in leading to valve calcification. This thesis seeks to investigate this hypothesis. A method for performing experimental measurement of time-varying shear stress on aortic valve leaflets under physiologic flow conditions was first developed, based on the Laser Doppler Velocimetry technique, and was systematically validated. This method was then applied to both the aortic surface and the ventricular surface of a normal tricuspid the aortic valve, and then on a congenital bicuspid aortic valve, using suitable in vitro valve models and an in vitro pulsatile flow loop. It was found that in the tricuspid valve, the peak shear stress on the aortic surface under adult resting condition was approximately 15-19 dyn/cm². Aortic surface shear stresses were elevated during mid- to late-systole, with the development of the sinus vortex, and were low during all other instances. Aortic surface shear stresses were observed to increase with increasing stroke volume and with decreasing heart rate. On the ventricular surface, shear stresses had a systolic peak of approximately 64-71 dyn/cm² under adult resting conditions. During late systole, due to the Womersley effect, shear stresses were observed to reverse in direction to a substantial magnitude for a substantial period of time. Further, it was found that a moderately stenotic bicuspid aortic valve can experience excessive unsteadiness in shear stress experienced by its leaflets, most likely due to the turbulent forward flow resulting from the stenosis, and due to the skewed forward flow. To demonstrate that the measured shear stresses can have an effect on the aortic valve biology, ex vivo experiments were performed in specific to determine the effects of these various shear stress characteristics on the biological response of porcine aortic valve leaflets, using the cone and plate bioreactor. It was found that unsteady shear stress measured in the bicuspid valve resulted in increased calcium accumulation. Further, it was found that low shear stresses and high frequency shear stresses resulted in increased calcium accumulation. Thus, shear stress was found to affect aortic valve pathology, and low and unsteady fluid shear stresses can enhance pathology.
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Flume Measurements of Erosion Characterstics of Soil at Bridge Foundations in GeorgiaNavarro, Hernan Ricardo 30 April 2004 (has links)
Shelby tube sediment samples collected from the foundations of ten (10) bridges located in the state of Georgia were tested in the laboratory to find their erosional behavior and the correlation of erosion parameters with sediment properties in order to improve the prediction of scour around bridge foundations. These sites were spatially distributed in order to fall into different major river basins and in different physiographic regions. A description of the Valley and Ridge, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain physiographic regions of Georgia is included, and the erosion parameters found from flume measurements are associated with their respective regions. Flume measurements were performed using a rectangular, tilting, recirculating flume located in the hydraulics lab in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. Velocities up to 1.7 m/s and bed shear stresses up to 21 Pa can be achieved in the flume. Regression analysis was performed on erosion rates as a function of applied shear stress to determine the parameters of the erosion function. The resulting parameters, the critical shear stress and the erosion rate constant, were correlated with soil properties and physiographic regions.
Experimental methodology was chosen to approach this problem because the involvement of interparticle forces for fine-grained materials makes it difficult to deal with the erosion phenomenon through other means. Nevertheless, analytical description of the erosion phenomenon was included in order to provide a better understanding of it.
Linear, exponential and power regression mathematical models for erosion rate were compared, and the two best-fit regression models of erosion rate as a function of shear stress are proposed to formulate a methodology intended to characterize the behavior of a soil exposed to erosive flow conditions. One of them is a linear model to calculate critical shear stresses and low erosion rates. The second model, which is exponential, has the advantage of describing the erosion rate response for a wider range of shear stress values. It is shown that one of the most relevant predictors for the critical shear stress and erosion rate constant in the regression models is the fine material content present in the sample, which is an indirect indicator of the contribution of interparticle forces to the erosion process. Applying the described methodology, a more case-specific calculation of the erosion at bridge foundations can be performed taking into account the actual material in situ.
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Caractérisation de la dynamique des berges de deux tributaires contrastés du Saint-Laurent : le cas des rivières Batiscan et Saint-FrançoisTremblay, Michèle 07 1900 (has links)
L’érosion des berges est un processus clé de la dynamique fluviale. Elle influence considérablement la charge sédimentaire des rivières et contrôle l’évolution latérale des chenaux. Les méthodes de caractérisation des mécanismes et des variables affectant l’érosion des berges sont toutefois imprécises et difficiles à appliquer. Ce projet a pour objectif de caractériser la dynamique actuelle des berges de deux tributaires contrastés du Saint-Laurent : les rivières Saint-François et Batiscan. Le premier objectif vise à quantifier les caractéristiques géotechniques de deux tronçons des rivières à l’étude près de l’embouchure avec le Saint-Laurent en décrivant la stratigraphie à différents sites typiques et en recueillant des échantillons de sédiments afin de mesurer différentes variables géotechniques (granulométrie, limites d’Atterberg, résistance à l’érosion mécanique, résistance à l’érosion fluviale). Le second objectif vise à quantifier les principales caractéristiques hydrodynamiques (précipitations, débits, cisaillements, vitesses) des deux sections de rivière. Le troisième et dernier objectif cherche à mesurer les taux d’érosion à l’échelle saisonnière en utilisant des relevés GPS et des chaînes d’érosion et à identifier les mécanismes d’érosion qui opèrent sur les rivières. Les résultats montrent une érosion importante des berges sur chacun des tributaires, mais les mécanismes qui la cause diffèrent. La Batiscan possède des berges dont le matériel est cohésif et ses berges sont principalement marquées par des ruptures de masse. La Saint-François présente des berges peu cohésives ce qui favorise l’érosion fluviale. Le taux de recul sur la rivière Saint-François est de l’ordre de 1 à 3 m/an dans certaines sections de la rivière. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure du cisaillement critique d’érosion fluviale à l’aide d’un chenal expérimental a été élaborée. Les cisaillements critiques obtenus se situent entre 1,19 et 13,41 Pa. Les résultats montrent que les facteurs jouant sur l’érosion des berges ont une variabilité intrinsèque et systémique difficile à mesurer. Le protocole expérimental développé dans ce projet s’est toutefois avéré utile pour étudier les principales variables qui influencent l’érosion des berges, tout en quantifiant les taux d’érosion et les mécanismes d’érosion de berge de deux tributaires importants du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Ce protocole pourrait être utile dans d’autres contextes. / Bank erosion is a key process in fluvial dynamics. It affects sedimentary load in rivers and controls channel lateral evolution. Until now, the methodology used to characterize bank erosion mechanisms and other controlling factors is still imprecise and difficult to apply in many cases. The aim of this project is to characterize bank dynamics in two contrasted Saint-Lawrence tributaries: the Batiscan and Saint-François rivers. The first objective of this study is to quantify geotechnical properties of a section on each river. To achieve this objective, we have described stratigraphic sections at different sites and collected bank material samples in order to measure geotechnical variables in the laboratory (grain size analysis, Atterberg limits, mechanical strength, erosional strength). The second objective is to quantify the hydrodynamic characteristics (precipitations, discharge, shear stress, velocity) of the two river sections. The third and last objective is to measure bank erosion rates with GPS data and erosion pins at a seasonal scale and to identify bank erosion mechanisms occurring in the studied reaches. The results show a high erosional sensitivity of the banks on each tributary, but the observed mechanisms differ from on river to the other. Bank material on the Batiscan River is cohesive and is more susceptible to mass failure. Bank material on the Saint-François River is less cohesive and is mainly affected by fluvial erosion. Bank erosion rates measured on Saint-François River are between 1 to 3 m/year in some sections of the studied reach. A new method of measuring fluvial erosion critical shear stress has been developed with a flume. The critical shear stresses are estimated to be between 1,19 and 13,41 Pa. The results demonstrate the high variability of the response of banks to erosional processes and the difficulty of measuring the intrinsic and systemic factors acting on bank erosion. The experimental protocol developed in this project for the study of the main variables that determine erosion bank, erosion rates and bank mechanisms in two tributaries of the Saint-Lawrence could be applied successfully to other rivers.
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