Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shear stress"" "subject:"thear stress""
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CFD Based External Heat Transfer Coefficient Predictions on a Transonic Film-Cooled Gas Turbine Guide Vane : A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Von Karman Institute LS94 Test CaseJohnsson, Rosalie, Asiegbu, Lilian January 2022 (has links)
The turbine inlet guide vanes of a gas-turbine are subjected to extreme hot gas temperatures which increases the risk of mechanical failure and overall reduces the component lifespan. Hence, it is of great interest for gas-turbine manufacturers to establish methods for accurately estimating the temperature distribution along the vane surface. Due to the three-dimensional nature of turbine flow, it is of interest to establish Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology which capture these three-dimensional effects. This thesis is one in a collection of theses conducted at Siemens Energy AB on the subject. Previous studies have investigated and validated the implementation of RANS simulations on non-cooled turbine vanes and endwalls. In this study, the focus is on studying a film cooled vane and establishing one RANS as well as one hybrid modelling strategy for heat transfer coefficient (HTC) predictions. The HTC prediction capabilities are compared and validated against experimental data presented in the doctoral thesis by Fabrizio Fontaneto on the LS94 vane at Von Karman Institute. The chosen RANS modelling method was the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-ω turbulence model, with γ-Reθ transition modelling, based on the findings by Enico (2021) and Daugulis (2022). The model proved capable in estimating the HTC well on mainly the suction side of the vane. The pressure side HTC was largely under-predicted, a common issue with the SST model also seen in the previous theses as well as the hybrid simulations. The strength of the SST k-ω turbulence model, with γ-Reθ transition modelling, is in accurately capturing the HTC magnitude, most likely due to the well-predicted turbulence intensity decay at the inlet. However, it largely under-predicts the HTC along the suction side film-coolant layer, implying that it may be over-estimating the film-cooling capabilities. The hybrid model chosen was the Scale Resolving Hybrid (SRH) model, with underlying RANS SST k-ω. Compared to RANS, hybrid results were under-estimated, seemingly offset from the experimental data by a constant 200 units along the entire vane midspan. This is likely due to the inaccurate turbulence intensity presented in the SRH simulations, which decays quickly along the inlet compared to RANS and experimental data. Yet still, the hybrid model showed potential in capturing certain results not seen with RANS, such as the secondary flow effects by the vane endwalls, as well as arguably capturing the general HTC trend at midspan seen in the experimental data. Additionally, the section of severely under-predicted HTC by the suction side film-coolant seen with RANS is not present in the hybrid results. Although the hybrid model has proven promising in many aspects, in its current state it is not a viable method for HTC predictions due to its general under-prediction of HTC. Largely, the authors suspect this is due to the undesirably coarse mesh around the cooling holes, which leads to RANS computation in regions where SRH is desired. Thus, improvements would need to be made to the model, where, for example, implementing a zonal hybrid RANS-LES model would be an option. Considering the hybrid model in its current state, RANS is the preferred method, especially when considering the greater computational cost and the labor associated with hybrid simulations which were experienced during this study. In conclusion, it is evident that the correct capture of inlet turbulence intensity decay as well as suitable mesh refinement by the cooling holes are crucial for obtaining the correct magnitudes of HTC, and thus, the capture of it should be of utmost priority in future work within the field.
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Effects of Shear Stress on the Distribution of Kindlins in Endothelial CellsJones, Sidney V. 29 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Effect of polymer matrix on the rheology of hydroxapatite filled polyethylene composites.Martyn, Michael T., Joseph, R., McGregor, W.J., Tanner, K.E., Coates, Philip D. January 2002 (has links)
No / The effect of matrix polymer and filler content on the rheological behavior of hydroxyapatite-filled injection molding grade high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been studied. Studies of the flow curves revealed that the matrix and the composite exhibit three distinct regions in the flow curve, namely, a pseudoplastic region at low to moderate shear rates, a plateau and a second pseudoplastic region at high shear rates. The shear stress corresponding to the plateau (Tc) is dependent on both the filler concentration and the melt temperature. Addition of HA in the HDPE matrix increases the value of Tc and decreases compressibility of the melt. An increase in temperature also raises the value of Tc. From the nature of flow curves it is concluded that the matrix polymer largely decides the rheology of the composite.
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Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Tight Junction-Proteins Claudin-3 in Epithel- und EndothelzellenMilatz, Susanne 16 February 2011 (has links)
Die Tight Junction (TJ) reguliert den parazellulären Transport von Ionen, Wasser und Soluten an Epithelien und Endothelien und ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Aufrechterhaltung der Funktion von Organen und Geweben. Obwohl Claudin-3 zu den zuerst identifizierten und ubiquitär exprimierten Komponenten der TJ gehört, konnte seine spezifische Funktion bislang nicht geklärt werden. Für die funktionelle Charakterisierung des humanen Claudin-3-Proteins wurden stabile Überexpressionsklone der lecken Nierenepithel-Zelllinie MDCK II generiert. Die Überexpression von Claudin-3 führte zu einer deutlichen Änderung des TJ-Strangmusters sowie zu einer starken Zunahme des transepithelialen Widerstandes und einer verminderten Permeabilität für Ionen und Moleküle der Größe 332 Da und 4000 Da. Der parazelluläre Durchtritt von Wasser war unverändert. Claudin-3 konnte eindeutig als abdichtende Komponente der TJ identifiziert werden. Anhand des endothelialen Zellkulturmodells HUVEC wurden Expression und Regulation von Claudin-3 und anderen TJ-Proteinen unter dem Einfluss mechanischer Strömungsverhältnisse und des Sauerstoffpartialdrucks analysiert. Die Behandlung mit fehlender Wandschubspannung führte zur Hochregulation der abdichtenden TJ-Proteine Occludin, Claudin-3, Claudin-5 und Claudin-11, nicht aber Claudin-23. Die Regulation der einzelnen TJ-Komponenten wurde durch unterschiedliche Signalwege vermittelt, wobei der verstärkten Proteinexpression jeweils eine Hochregulation auf mRNA-Ebene zugrunde lag. Die kombinierte Behandlung mit fehlender Wandschubspannung und Hypoxie resultierte in einer sehr stark erhöhten Expression von Claudin-3. Durch die Hochregulation abdichtender TJ-Komponenten unter Bedingungen fehlender Wandschubspannung und Hypoxie, wie sie in verschiedenen physiologischen und pathologischen Situationen auftreten, könnte einem unerwünschten Durchtritt von Substanzen aus dem Blut in das umliegende Gewebe vorgebeugt werden. / The tight junction (TJ) regulates the paracellular transport of ions, water and solutes in epithelia and endothelia and is of particular importance for a correct function of organs and tissues. Although claudin-3 is one of the first identified and ubiquitously expressed TJ components, its specific function was unsolved as yet. For functional characterization, human claudin-3 was stably overexpressed in the leaky epithelial cell line MDCK II. Overexpression of claudin-3 led to a marked alteration of TJ meshwork pattern, a strong increase in transepithelial resistance and a decrease in permeability for ions and paracellular tracers (332 or 4000 Da). Paracellular water transport was not affected. It was proved that claudin-3 acts as a „tightening“ TJ component. The endothelial cell culture model HUVEC was used for analysis of expression and regulation of claudin-3 and several other TJ proteins under different conditions of wall shear stress and oxygen saturation. Treatment with lacking wall shear stress led to an upregulation of the “tightening” TJ proteins occludin, claudin-3, claudin-5, and claudin-11, but not claudin-23. Upregulation of all proteins was due to increased mRNA levels. Apparently, different signaling pathways were involved in regulation of particular TJ components. Combined treatment with lacking shear stress and hypoxia resulted in drastically increased claudin-3 expression. Upregulation of tightening TJ components under lacking shear stress and hypoxic conditions as occuring in different physiological or pathological situations would limit the passage of solutes from the blood into the surrounding tissue.
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Prinzipien der koronaren Bypasschirurgie / Pathophysiologie der VenengraftskleroseZurbrügg, Heinz R. 30 March 2001 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Prinzipien und Grundlagen der koronaren Bypassoperation. Die Resultate wie Operationsrisiko, Überlebens- und Krankheitsraten sowie die Durchgängigkeitsraten der verschiedenen Grafttypen werden basierend auf dem aktuellen Stand der Literatur erläutert. Die Ätiologie und Pathogenese der Atheromatose sowie die Venengraftsklerose werden diskutiert. Bei der Sklerose der Venengrafts handelt es sich primär im Wesentlichen um einen Adaptationsprozess des Gefäßes an die arteriellen Blutdrücke (Wandstress) und Strömungsverhältnisse (Scherkraft), der sekundär durch die grundsätzlichen Mechanismen der Atheromatoseentwicklung überlagert wird. Schließlich wird das Biocompound-Verfahren vorgestellt, welches durch die Umhüllung der Graftvene mit einem hoch flexiblen Flechtschlauch aus einer Stahllegierung den Wandstress herabsetzt sowie in Folge des verringerten Graftdurchmesseres zu einem günstigen Ausmaß der Scherkraft führt und so die Graftsklerose reduziert. Abschließend folgt eine Übersicht der aktuellen Literatur über die verschiedenen medikamentösen Therapien zur Verzögerung der Graftsklerose. / This review treats the principles and fundamentals of the coronary bypass operation. The results in terms of the risk involved in the operation, survival and morbidity rates and the patency rates of the different types of graft are dealt with on the basis of the current literature. The etiology and pathogenesis of atheromatosis and vein graft sclerosis are discussed. Sclerosis of the vein graft is primarily a process by which the vessel adapts to the arterial blood pressure (wall stress) and flow factors (shear stress); it is, secondarily, overlaid by the basic mechanisms at work in the development of atheromatosis. Finally, the biocompound procedure is introduced. This method reduces the wall stress by sheathing the grafted vein with a highly flexible mesh tubing of steel alloy, leading to more favorable shear force conditions by reducing the diameter of the graft and thereby reducing graft sclerosis. The study closes with an overview of the current literature on the different drug therapies used to delay graft sclerosis.
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La circulation de Fontan dans le traitement des cardiopathies congénitales uni-ventriculaires : Approche clinique, physiopathologique et expérimentale / The Fontan circulation in univentricular congenital heart disease treatment : Clinical, physiopathological and experimental approachHenaine, Roland 19 December 2012 (has links)
L’intervention de Fontan est une chirurgie palliative pour les cardiopathies congénitales univentriculaire. A long terme, la défaillance cardiaque, l’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire(HTAP) et l’entéropathie exsudative peuvent mener à l’échec tardif du Fontan.Une mise au point clinique a été realisée en se focalisant secondairement sur les patients adultes.L’intérêt de la cavo bipulmonaire (CBP), étape intermédiaire au Fontan, dans certains cas de retours veineux pulmonaires anormaux totaux a été décrite. Afin d’affiner de futures études cliniques, nous avons discuté de l’intérêt du Brain NatriureticPeptide en post opératoire de Fontan. Nous avons démontré la fiabilité d’une nouvelle technologiede l’oxyme´trie de pouls chez des enfants cyanosés et la non fiabilité d’un nouveau dispositifd’impédancemétrie pour le monitorage non invasif du de´bit cardiaque en comparaison avecun cathéter artériel pulmonaire.Un modèle animal viable et chronique de la CBP a été développé. Il a montré que le flux pulsatileantérograde empêche la formation de fistules artério-veineuses pulmonaires (FAVP), améliorel’hématose et atténue le développement de l’HTAP soutenant cliniquement le maintien de ce fluxlors de la création d’une CBP. Par ailleurs, la perte de pulsatilité, en diminuant le contrainte de cisaillement, entraîne unediminution de l’eNOS synthase et une réponse altérée vaso-relaxante dépendante de l'endothélium artérielle pulmonaire. La micropulsatilité limite ces effets délétères. Ces résultats impliquent desthérapies potentielles contre l’HTAP du Fontan, en maintenant un débit pulmonaire accessoire et la modulation pharmaceutique vaso-relaxante non endothélium-dépendante / The Fontan surgery is a palliative surgery for univentricular congenital heart disease. On the longterm, heart failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and exudative enteropathy may lead tothe Fontan failure.A clinical adjustment has been realized by focusing secondarily on adult patients. The advantage, insome cases of total anomalous pulmonary venous return, of the bidirectional cavopulmonary (BCP),which is an intermediate stage of Fontan, has been described.In order to prepare future clinical studies, we have discussed about Brain Natriuretic Peptide inpostoperative Fontan surgery. We have demonstrated the reliability of a new technology of pulseoxymetry in cyanotic children and the unreliability of a new device of impedance for non-invasivemonitoring of cardiac outpout in comparison with pulmonary arterial catheter.A viable chronic animal model of bidirectional cavo-pulmonary (BCP) has been developed. Itshowed that the antegrade pulsatile flow prevents the formation of pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas(PAVMs) ,improves hematosis and attenuates the development of PAH clinically supporting themaintenance of this flow when creating a BCP.Moreover, the loss of pulsatility while reducing the shear stress causes a decrease in e-NOSsynthase and a dependent vaso-relaxing altered response of the pulmonary arterial endothelium. Themicropulsatility limits these deleterious effects. These results imply potential therapies against thePAH of Fontan surgery, maintaining an accessory pulmonary blood flow and the pharmaceuticalvaso-relaxing non-endothelium dependent modulation.
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Regulation von oxidativem Stress durch biomechanische Kräfte und fettreiche Ernährung im Herz-KreislaufsystemGöttsch, Claudia 09 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislaufsystems sind trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in Diagnostik und Therapie noch immer die häufigste Todesursache in Deutschland. Neben bekannte Risikofaktoren wie Hypercholesterinämie, Hyperlipoproteinämie, Diabetes mellitus, Adipositas, Bewegungsmangel, Stress und hohem Alter wird eine pathophysiologisch erhöhte Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) als Ursache für deren Entstehung diskutiert. NAD(P)H-Oxidasen, von denen 7 Isoformen der katalytischen Nox-Untereinheiten bekannt sind, stellen dabei die Hauptquelle für vaskuläre Superoxidanionen und oxidativen Stress dar. In dieser Arbeit konnte die vorrangige Bedeutung eines intrazellulär lokalisierten Nox4-haltigen NAD(P)H-Oxidase-Komplexes für die konstitutive Radikalbildung in primären humanen Endothelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch chronische Applikation der biomechanischen Kräfte Schubspannung und Dehnung oxidativer Stress in humanen Endothelzellen in vitro vermindert werden kann. Die Herabregulation der Superoxidanionen-Bildung sowie die vermehrte Freisetzung von NO durch chronische Applikation biomechanischer Kräfte trägt zur positiven Balance von NO/Superoxidanionen und zum vasoprotektiven Potential physiologischer Schubspannung bzw. Dehnung bei. Durch Nox4-Promotordeletionsanalysen und Mutationsstudien konnte der Transkriptionsfaktor AP-1 als entscheidend für die schubspannungsabhängige Herabregulation von Nox4 identifiziert werden. Durch Stimulation von Endothelzellen bzw. murinen Gefäßringen mit oxidiertem LDL konnte dagegen die vaskuläre ROS-Bildung in vitro und ex vivo induziert werden. Zur weiteren Aufklärung des Mechanismus der LDL-induzierten ROS-Bildung in vivo und des Einflusses von NAD(P)H-Oxidasen wurden C57BL/6 (Wildtyp)- und Nox2-/--Mäuse 10 Wochen lang mit einer fettreichen Diät (Western diet) gefüttert und anschließend der Einfluss dieser Fütterung auf die NAD(P)H-Oxidase-Expression und ROS-Bildung analysiert. In der Aorta thoracalis beider Mausstämme zeigte sich durch das fettreiche Futter ein signifikanter Anstieg der NAD(P)H-Oxidase-Aktivität im Vergleich zum Standardfutter. Durch Western diet-Fütterung wurde die Nox4-mRNA-Expression in der A. thoracalis von Nox2-/--Mäuse und die p22phox-mRNA-Expression in beiden Mausstämmen induziert. Die Analyse weiterer Organe (Herz, Niere) zeigte keine Induktion von NAD(P)H-Oxidase-Untereinheiten durch Western diet-Fütterung. Zusammenfassend sprechen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit für eine entscheidende Rolle der Nox4-haltigen NAD(P)H-Oxidase bei der vaskulären Radikalbildung in vitro und in vivo. / Cardiovascular diseases are the most common causes of death in Germany. Beside the known risk factors hypercholesteremia, hyperlipoproteinemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress and high age, a pathophysiologically increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are discussed as cause of development of cardiovascular diseases. Nicotine adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase complexes have been identified as main source of oxidative stress and vascular superoxide anions. There are 7 known isoforms of the catalytic Nox subunit of the NADPH oxidase. In this dissertation it was shown that NADPH oxidase subunit Nox4 is the major Nox isoform in human endothelial cells. Nox4 could be localized in the perinuclear space. Overexpression of Nox4 enhanced endothelial superoxide anion formation. Furthermore, a reduction of oxidative stress could be demonstrated by chronic application of the biomechanical forces laminar shear stress and cyclic strain in endothelial cells in vitro. The observed downregulation of superoxide anion formation and upregulation of NO formation by application of biomechanical forces contribute to the positive balance between NO and superoxide anion and the vasoprotective potential of physiological shear stress and cyclic strain. Molecular cloning and functional analysis of the human Nox4 promoter revealed that an AP-1 binding site is essential for downregulation of Nox4 by laminar shear stress. On the other hand stimulation of endothelial cells and murine vessels with oxidized lipids caused an upregulation of vascular ROS production in vitro and ex vivo. In order to examine the mechanism of LDL induced ROS formation and the influence of NADPH oxidase, C57BL/6 (wild-type) and Nox2-/- mice were feed with a diet high in fat and sugar (Western-type diet) for 10 weeks. After feeding, the influence of diet on the expression of NADPH oxidase and ROS production was analyzed in the A. thoracalis. Both mice strains showed a significant upregulation of aortic ROS production in comparison to normal chow. The mRNA expression of aortic Nox4 was induced in Nox2-/- mice. Furthermore, the aortic p22phox mRNA expression was upregulated in both mice strains. The analysis of other organs (heart, kidney) showed no influence of the Western-type diet. In conclusion, the results demonstrate a major role of a Nox4 containing NADPH oxidase in the vascular radical formation in vitro and in vivo.
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A Ventilation Strategy Based on Confluent Jets : An Experimental and Numerical StudyJanbakhsh, Setareh January 2015 (has links)
This study presents air distribution systems that are based on confluent jets; this system can be of interest for the establishment of indoor environments, to fulfill the goals of indoor climate and energy-efficient usage. The main objective of this study is to provide deeper understanding of the flow field development of a supply device that is designed based on wall confluent jets and to investigate the ventilation performance by experimental and numerical methods. In this study, the supply device can be described as an array of round jets on a flat surface attached to a side wall. Multiple round jets that issue from supply device apertures are combined at a certain distance downstream from the device and behave as a united jet or so-called confluent jets. Multiple round jets that are generated from the supply device move downward and are attached to the wall at the primary region, due to the Coanda effect, and then they become wall confluent jets until the floor wall is reached. A wall jet in a secondary region is formed along the floor after the stagnation region. The characteristics of the flow field and the ventilation performance of conventional wall confluent jets and modified wall confluent jets supply devices are investigated experimentally in an office test room. The study of the modified wall confluent jets is intended to improve the efficiency of the conventional one while maintaining acceptable thermal comfort in an office environment. The results show that the modified wall confluent jets supply device can provide acceptable thermal comfort for the occupant with lower airflow rate compared to the conventional wall confluent jets supply device. Numerical predictions using three turbulence models (renormalization group (RNG k– ε), realizable (Re k– ε), and shear stress transport (SST k– ω) are evaluated by measurement results. The computational box and nozzle plate models are used to model the inlet boundary conditions of the nozzle device. In the isothermal study, the wall confluent jets in the primary region and the wall jet in the secondary region, when predicted by the three turbulence models, are in good agreement with the measurements. The non-isothermal validation studies show that the SST k– ω model is slightly better at predicting the wall confluent jets than the other two models. The SST k– ω model is used to investigate the effects of the nozzle diameter, number of nozzles, nozzle array configuration, and inlet discharge height on the ventilation performance of the proposed wall confluent jets supply device. The nozzle diameter and number of nozzles play important roles in determining the airflow pattern, temperature field, and draught distribution. Increased temperature stratification and less draught distribution are achieved by increasing the nozzle diameter and number of nozzles. The supply device with smaller nozzle diameters and fewer nozzles yields rather uniform temperature distribution due to the dominant effect of mixing. The flow behavior is nearly independent of the inlet discharge height for the studied range. The proposed wall confluent jets supply device is compared with a mixing supply device, impinging supply device and displacement supply device. The results show that the proposed wall confluent jets supply device has the combined behavior of both mixing and stratification principles. The proposed wall confluent jets supply device provides better overall ventilation performance than the mixing and displacement supply devices used in this study. This study covers also another application of confluent jets that is based on impinging technology. The supply device under consideration has an array of round jets on a curve. Multiple jets issue from the supply device aperture, in which the supply device is positioned vertically and the jets are directed against a target wall. The flow behavior and ventilation performance of the impinging confluent jets supply device is studied experimentally in an industrial premise. The results show that the impinging confluent jets supply device maintains acceptable thermal comfort in the occupied zone by creating well-distributed airflow during cold and hot seasons.
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Simulations expérimentale et numérique des phénomènes de ruissellement et d’atomisation lors d’une procédure de lavage à l’eau / Experimental and numerical simulations of the atomisation and surface run-off phenomena during a water washing processPushparajalingam, Jegan Sutharsan 16 February 2012 (has links)
Celui-ci a pour objectif de valider l'ensemble des modèles physiques utilisés dans un code de simulation numérique pour simuler un écoulement de type annulaire dispersé en conduite rencontré lors d'une procédure de lavage à eau utilisé dans les raffineries. Pour ce faire une banque de données expérimentale est mise en place sur des configurations représentatives de celles utilisées en condition industrielle. La géométrie retenue comporte une zone horizontale d'injection rectiligne avec un injecteur central, suivi d'un coude à 90° situé dans un plan vertical. Différentes conditions expérimentales permettent d'étudier l'influence de la vitesse du gaz, de la condition d'injection du brouillard et de la pression sur les différents processus physiques. Ces résultats comprenant des visualisations du brouillard et du film pariétale, des mesures de taille et de distribution de gouttes,des mesures de débit et d'épaisseur de film, sont analysés pour faire ressortir les principaux mécanismes d'interaction entre le gaz et la phase dispersée, le gaz et le film liquide pariétal et la phase dispersée et le film pariétal. En parallèle, des premières simulations, avec une approche RANS, sont réalisées avec le code CEDRE de l'ONERA et les résultats sont confrontés aux mesures. / This work has been realised within a CIFRE contract with TOTAL. Its aim was to validate all the physical models used in a computation, which simulates an annular dispersed flow through a pipe used in a water washing process in refinery plants. That is why, a whole set of data has been gathered using experimental boundary conditions which are representative to those used in industrial configurations. The geometry is made of a horizontal pipe with a centred nozzle followed by a 90º elbow in the vertical plane. Several experimental boundary conditions enable one to study the influence of the gas velocity, the type of the spray injection and the pressure on the different physical phenomena. These results including spray and liquid film visualisations, droplets distribution and size measurements as well as liquid film thickness and mass flow measurements were analysed in order to extract the main interaction mechanism between the gas and the dispersed phase, the gas and the liquid film, and the dispersed phase and the annular liquid film. Meanwhile, simulations using a RANS approach were realized with the ONERA code named CEDRE and its results were compared to the gathered measurements.
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Propriétés électriques, optiques et mécaniques d'une décharge de surface à barrière diélectrique nanoseconde pulsée. Application à la mesure de vitesse pariétale et au contrôle des écoulements aérodynamiques / Electrical, optical and mechanical properties of a surface nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge. Application to friction velocity measurement and to the aerodynamics flow controlBayoda, Kossi Djidula 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier une nouvelle décharge nanoseconde pulsée à barrière diélectrique basée sur 3 électrodes (SL-DBD pour « SLiding DBD » en anglais), de la comparer à la décharge nanoseconde conventionnelle utilisant 2 électrodes (NS-DBD), et d'évaluer sa capacité à être utilisée soit comme capteur de vitesse pariétale, soit comme actionneur électromécanique pour le contrôle d'écoulement. Dans la première partie, les propriétés électriques des deux décharges sont caractérisées, permettant ainsi d'identifier le paramètre électrique clé qui permet de passer d'un régime de décharge à un autre. Des visualisations par caméra intensifiée ont confirmé cette transition lorsque le champ électrique moyen devient supérieur à 6.5 kV/cm. Des diagnostiques mécaniques (Schlieren et mesures de pression) ont permis de caractériser précisément l'onde de pression générée par les deux décharges.Ensuite, l'influence d'un écoulement sur le comportement électrique de la SL-DBD a été étudiée, mettant en évidence que le courant « collecté » par l'électrode (3) était à peu près proportionnel à la vitesse de l'écoulement en proche paroi. Même s'il reste encore de nombreux points à vérifier, ce résultat encourageant permet d'envisager l'utilisation de la SL-DBD comme capteur de vitesse et/ou de frottement pariétal.Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée à l'effet de la SL-DBD sur des écoulements aérodynamiques, dans le but de les manipuler. Plusieurs configurations ont été étudiées (profil d'aile, marche descendante, plaque plane) et les résultats ont permis de montrer la complexité des phénomènes physiques à l'origine du contrôle, sans pour autant pouvoir totalement les expliquer. / This thesis aims to study new design of nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge in 3 electrodes configuration: the sliding discharge (SL-DBD), to compare it to the conventional nanosecond DBD in 2 electrodes geometry (NS-DBD) and to show also its capacity to be used as a friction velocity or wall shear stress sensor and to be used as electromechanical actuator for flow control.In its first part, the electrical properties of these two discharges are characterized and point out the key parameter governing the transition of one regime to another. The visualizations with an intensified camera confirm this transition when the mean electric field increases over 6.5 kV/cm. Therefore they extend further and cover the inter-electrode gap. Mechanical diagnostics (Schlieren and pressure measurements) characterize the pressure wave generated by these discharges. In the second part, the electrical characterization of the SL-DBD under flow conditions shows that the courant « collected » by the third electrode is almost proportional to the wall flow velocity. However, even if other studies needed to be performed, these encouraging results reveal the ability of the SL-DBD to be used as a friction velocity or a wall shear stress sensor. Finally, the third part is addressed to the effect of the SL-DBD on aerodynamics flows in order to manipulate them. Several configurations are studied (airfoil, backward facing step, flat plate) and the results have shown the complexity of the physicals phenomena governing the control authority, without being able to fully explain them.
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