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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implications of the ability of Enterococcus spp. to survive the ensiling process and bovine gastrointestinal tract on the risk of bovine mastitis

Masiello, Stephanie Noelle 11 March 2010 (has links)
Three studies were conducted to assess if the ability of Enterococcus spp. surviving the ensiling process and bovine gastrointestinal tract could impact risk of bovine mastitis. The first study determined ability of enterococci to survive 3 wk ensiling. Grass and corn crops were divided into 3 treatments: 2 commercial silage inoculants, 1 negative control. After wk 1, 2, and 3 of ensiling, dry matter and bacterial enumeration were performed. Addition of silage inoculant led to greater levels of enterococci in grass silage compared with negative control levels, but showed less difference in inoculated corn silage. The second study quantified enterococci shedding rates in lactating dairy cows. Using a 4 x 4 Latin Square design, lactating, ruminally fistulated Holsteins were inoculated with enterococcal isolates from silage inoculants, ensiled forages, or clinical mastitis cases. Over the 4-period study, each period consisted of rumen and fecal sampling (2 wk) followed by a wash period (10 d). There were no significant differences in rumen or fecal enterococci levels between the 4 treatments. Both rumen and fecal enterococci levels showed significant differences between baseline and treatment periods (period 3, 4). The third study analyzed similarity in enterococcal isolates of silage and bovine origin using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns from SmaI restrictions. Dendogram analysis showed none of the isolates met or were greater than a 75% genetic similarity and produced a genetically diverse population. Results suggest Enterococcus spp. from silage inoculants are not likely to contribute to an increased risk of enterococcal bovine mastitis. / Master of Science

Tvättemission : En undersökning av polyesterplaggs fiberutsläpp vid hushållstvättning

Petersson, Hanna, Roslund, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Havsmiljöer är idag den slutliga anhalten för den nedskräpning av plast som kommer ifrån avloppsvatten och allmän nedskräpning. Stora mängder plastpartiklar i olika storlekar har upptäckts i haven och även inuti djur som misstagit plasten som föda. Forskning visar att en stor del av plasten är av mikroskopisk storlek, så kallade mikroplaster. Inom denna grupp förekommer textilfibrer som likt andra plaster är svårnedbrytbara i naturen. Det har genom studier påvisats att små textila fiber rinner ut med avloppsvattnet och hamnar i haven. PET är en av de vanligaste plasterna och utifrån denna tillverkas polyesterfiber som är det i särklass mest använda materialet inom textiltillverkning. Att plastfragment från textilier skadar havsmiljön är en ny upptäckt och ämnet behöver undersökas i fler dimensioner än vad forskningen hittills gjort. Projektet syftar därför till att klargöra vilka egenskaper som påverkar mängden emission av polyesterfiber vid hushållsnära tvättning. Detta uppnås genom experimentella undersökningar av olika materialkombinationer som tvättas under lika omständigheter. Tvättvattnet analyseras och fibrerna räknas för att erhålla en jämförande studie kring polyestermaterials tendens till fällning av fibrer. Tre faktorer stod till grund för framtagning av metod: utveckling och förbättring av nuvarande metod, att efterlikna hushållstvätt samt tillförlitlighet i resultat. Detta har uppnåtts genom att laborationstvättmaskiner använts istället för kommersiella då detta ger ett vetenskapligt mer säkerställt resultat, något som har bejakats i största möjliga mån i varje steg. Alla polyestermaterial är stickade, färgade och mekaniskt bearbetade på Textilhögskolan för att garantera att samtliga material är tillverkade under samma förhållanden. Olika filtreringsmetoder har testats för att fastställa säkerhet i resultatet. Framtagning av material, tvättning, filtrering och analys var de centrala huvudmomenten för det praktiska arbetet. Analysen har gjorts manuellt där varje partikel på filtret har räknats. Resultatet visade att mikrofibergarn generellt fällde mer än filamentgarn. En högre delning vid stickning gav mer emission än en lägre och att material som slitits resulterade i mer shedding. Kombination av dessa tre faktorer; mikrofibergarn, hög delning och material som slitits gav ett resultat markant större mängd fiberemission än de tyger med endast två av dessa faktorer sammansatta. Tygerna som endast innehöll en av dessa faktorer gav betydligt lägre mängd fällning. Fleecematerial stickat i mikrofibergarn visade sig fälla mindre än en slätstickad vara med samma garntyp stickad i högre delning. Metoden som använts vid framtagning av fleecematerial är ifrågasatt, då kvalitén av dessa inte tycktes motsvara en industriellt framtagen fleecevara. Därför ställer man sig kritisk till detta resultat. De tyger som gav störst respektive minst andel emission av fibrer tvättades ytterligare för att studera inverkan av upprepad tvättning. Emissionen ökade med antal tvättar tills den så småningom avtog när fibrer slitits bort. Resultatet visar att man i största möjliga mån inte bör kombinera polyestervaror i trikå med garn 100den/144f, delning 28 som är smärglad. / The marine environment today, has become the end station for plastics, waste from wastewater and general litter. Large quantities of plastic particles of different sizes have been detected in the ocean, with resulting animals ingesting this mistaking it for food. Science shows that a large part of these plastic fragments are of microscopic size, named microplastics, and within this group there are textile fibres that like other plastics are resistant and detrimental to nature. Studies have shown that when washing, the wastewater carries these small textile fibres and allows them to pass trough the purification.   PET is one of the most used plastics and common in polyester fibre manufacture, by far the most used material in textile manufacturing. A new discovery, finds that the plastic fragments damage the marine environment, and the subject needs to be analysed in more detail than research has covered so far. This project aims to clarify which properties affect the amount of polyester fibre emissions when domestic washing. To investigate this, experimental tests were carried out on different material combinations washed under the same circumstances. Water from the wash was analysed and fibres were counted in order to complete a comparative study of polyester materials tend to shed.   Three factors were considered for developing the method: development and improvement of existing method, aiming to resemble household wash and ensure reliability of results, all done by laboration washers instead of using commercial washing machines. Safety of results has been considerably affirmed during every step. Every polyester material was knitted, coloured and mechanically processed by the research group to guarantee that all of the materials was manufactured under same conditions. Different filter methods have been used to determine safety in results. Manufacturing of material, washing, filtering and analysis were the central focus for the practical work. The analysis came from manual count of every fibre particle.   The result showed that microfiber yarn generally shed more than the filament yarn. A higher gauge gave more emission than a lower and that a worn material resulted in more shedding. The combination of these three factors; microfiber yarn, high gauge and a worn material gave markedly higher results than when tested with only two factors. The tests that only contained one of these factors gave significantly lower amount of emission. Fleece knitted in microfiber yarn had a lower level of shedding than a single jersey material in same yarn type with higher gauge. The method used for manufacturing is questioned, because the quality that should correspond an industrial produced fleece was not matched. Therefore, the result is critically inspected. The two combinations from the chosen parameters that gave the most respective and the least amount fibre emission were analysed additionally with more wash to assess their further effect. Here the emission seemed to increase with the amount of wash until it eventually subsided when more or less the fibres had worn away. Based on this result, one can finally say that these three factors should not be combined to manufacture knitted material in polyester.

Fibersläpp från polyester i tvätt : Utvärdering och utveckling av testmetod för att bestämma emission av mikroplaster från textil

Söderberg, Emily, Sundin, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
Plaster i marina miljöer är ett mycket uppmärksammat problem. På senare år har även mikroplaster uppmärksammats som ett stort miljöproblem. Mikroplasterna kan anrikas med diverse föroreningar i vattnet, de misstas även för föda och tar sig in i näringskedjan. Hälsoeffekterna av detta är ännu okända, men allt mer forskning pekar på att det kan ha en negativ inverkan. En stor andel av mikroplasterna i haven kommer från tvätt av syntetkläder. De följer med tvättvattnet ut ur maskinen och då de flesta reningsverk inte effektivt filtrerar bort dessa partiklar så förs de vidare ut i våra vattendrag. Utifrån de studier som gjorts på mikroplastemission vid hushållstvätt är det svårt att göra några jämförelser eftersom det inte finns någon standardiserad metod. Det anses viktigt att ta fram standardiserade testmetoder för att kunna få jämförbara resultat vid utvecklandet av textila material som släpper minimalt med fibrer i tvätt. Tygprover av polyetylentereftalat analyserades med syftet att utvärdera och validera en metod för att mäta fibersläpp i tvätt, framtagen hos Swerea IVF genom forskningsprogrammet Mistra Future Fashion. Metoden bygger på gyrowashtest i kombination med optisk mikroskopi med tillhörande mjukvara som automatiskt kvantifierar antalet partiklar. Enligt den statistiska analysen misslyckades försöket att upprepa metoden utan signifikanta skillnader. Troligtvis berodde detta på skillnader i förutsättningar, som exempelvis att en laserskärare nyttjades i detta projekt. För att underlätta förbehandlingen och öka repeterbarheten togs en fixtur fram för dammsugning. Fixturen gjorde även att spridningen på provresultaten minskade. Dock visade resultaten på interaktion mellan material och dammsugningsmetod vilket gör det opassande att dra entydiga statistiska slutsatser beträffande de enskilda huvudfaktorerna. Fixturen ger inga skillnader i antalet observerade fibersläpp för återvunnen polyester, men i resultatet för ny polyester syns en signifikant skillnad vid användandet av fixturen. På grund av interaktion och avvikelser för fler än en konstruktionsparameter i materialparen så går det inte att dra några signifikanta slutsatser om eventuella skillnader mellan ny och återvunnen polyester. Metoden är inte lämplig för att mäta den reella fiberemissionen vid hushållstvätt och endast funktionell för att kartlägga skillnader då en parameter i taget varieras. Vidare bör man undvika att göra jämförelser mellan försök utförda med olika förutsättningar innan dess inverkan ordentligt fastställts. / Plastics in the marine environment are an issue that has gotten a lot of attention. Lately microplastics have also been observed as an environmental problem. Contaminants in the water can be adsorbed onto the microplastics, they can also be mistaken for food and enter the food web. The health effects of this are still unknown, but research suggests that it can have a negative impact. A large proportion of the microplastics in the oceans are derived from synthetic clothing. They are shed from the garments during laundry and since most wastewater treatment plants do not efficiently filter out these particles, they end up in the ocean. Today there is no standardized method of measuring shedding and therefore difficult to make any comparisons between studies. It is considered important to develop standardized testing methods to obtain comparable results in the development of textile materials that shed less. Fabric samples of polyester were analyzed for the purpose of evaluating and validating a method of measuring shedding in laundry, developed by Swerea IVF through the research program Mistra Future Fashion. The method is based on gyrowash combined with optical microscopy and connected software that quantifies the number of particles. The method could not be reproduced at the University of Borås without significant differences in shedding. This is probably due to differences in conditions, such as the use of a laser cutter in this project. To facilitate pre-treatment and increase the reproducibility, a fixture was developed for vacuuming. The fixture also reduced the statistical dispersion of the test results. However, the results showed an interaction between the material and the method of vacuuming, thus making it inadvisable to draw any conclusions regarding each individual factor. For the recycled polyester there is no difference in shedding with the use of the fixture, but in the case of virgin polyester a significant difference is observed. Due to interaction and deviations of more than one construction parameter in the paired materials, it is not possible to draw any conclusions regarding differences in shedding between virgin and recycled polyester. The method is not suitable for measuring the actual shedding in household laundry and only functions to compare differences when one parameter is varied solely. Furthermore, comparisons between trials carried out under different conditions should be avoided unless their impact has been properly established.

Optimal streaks amplification in wakes and vortex shedding control / Amplification optimale des streaks dans les écoulements de sillage et contrôle du vortex shedding

Del Guercio, Gerardo 07 November 2014 (has links)
Les amplifications optimales d'énergie de structures quasiment alignées dans le sens de l'écoulement sont calculées dans le cas d'un sillage parallèle, d'un sillage synthétique faiblement non-parallèle et du sillage d'un cylindre. Il a été observé que de très grandes amplifications d'énergie peuvent être supportés par ces sillages. L'amplification d' énergie s'accroît avec la longueur d'onde des perturbations en envergure à l'exception du sillage du cylindre pour lequel l'accroissement d'énergie est maximal pour λz ≈ 5 − 7 D. Les structures amplifiées de manière optimale sont les streaks fluctuant dans le sens de l’écoulement. Il est montré que ces streaks sont capables de supprimer complètement l'instabilité absolue d'un sillage parallèle lorsqu'ils sont déclenchés avec une amplitude finie. L'instabilité globale d'un sillage faiblement non-parallèle et celle du sillage d'un cylindre peuvent être complètement supprimées par des streaks d'amplitude modeste. L'énergie de contrôle requise pour stabiliser le sillage est très faible lorsque les perturbations optimales sont utilisées, et il est montré qu'elle est toujours plus faible que celle qui devrait être utilisée pour un contrôle uniforme en envergure (2D). Il est aussi montré que la dépendance du taux de croissance est quadratique et que, par conséquent, les classiques analyses de sensibilité au premier ordre ne permettent pas de prédire la grande efficacité de la technique de contrôle par streaks. La dernière partie de ce travail livre des résultats préliminaires sur l'étude expérimentale du contrôle par streaks dans le cas du sillage turbulent d'un corps 3D. Il est montré que les streaks forcés artificiellement dans la zone d'instabilité absolue de l'écoulement sont capables de modifier la dynamique du sillage. / We compute optimal energy growths leading to streamwise streaks in parallel, weakly non-parallel and the circular cylinder wakes. We find that very large energy amplifications can be sustained by these wakes. The energy amplifications increase with the spanwise wavelength of the perturbations except in the circular cylinder wake where maximum energy growths are reached for λz ≈ 5 − 7 D. The optimally amplified structures are streamwise streaks. When forced with finite amplitudes these streaks are shown, in parallel wakes, to be able to completely suppress the absolute instability. The global instability of the weakly non-parallel and the circular cylinder wakes can be completely suppressed with moderate streaks amplitudes. The energy required to stabilize the wake is much reduced when optimal perturbations are used, and it is shown to be always smaller than the one that would be required if a 2D control was used. It is also shown that the sensitivity of the global mode growth rate is quadratic and that therefore usual first order sensitivity analyses are unable to predict the high efficiency of the control-by-streaks strategy.

Ectodomain Shedding of TGF-beta Receptors: Role in Signaling and Breast Cancer Biology

Elderbroom, Jennifer Lynn January 2013 (has links)
<p>The transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signaling pathway is a critical regulator of multiple biological processes that are involved in cancer progression, such as proliferation, migration, invasion and metastasis. TGF-beta ligands bind to multiple high-affinity receptors (TbetaRI, TbetaRII, TbetaRIII), whose expression on the cell surface, and subsequent ability to transduce signaling, can be modulated by ectodomain shedding. </p><p> TbetaRIII, also known as betaglycan, is the most abundantly expressed TGF-beta receptor. TbetaRIII suppresses breast cancer progression through inhibiting migration, invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis. TbetaRIII binds TGF-beta ligands, with membrane-bound TbetaRIII presenting ligand to enhance TGF-beta signaling. However, TbetaRIII can also undergo ectodomain shedding, releasing soluble TbetaRIII, which binds and sequesters ligand to inhibit downstream signaling. To investigate the relative contributions of soluble and membrane-bound TbetaRIII on TGF-beta signaling and breast cancer biology, here I describe TbetaRIII mutants with impaired (Delta-Shed-TbetaRIII) or enhanced ectodomain shedding (SS-TbetaRIII). Relative to wild-type (WT)-TbetaRIII, Delta-Shed-TbetaRIII increased TGF-beta signaling and blocked TbetaRIII's ability to inhibit breast cancer cell migration and invasion. Conversely, SS-TbetaRIII, which increased soluble TbetaRIII production, decreased TGF-beta signaling and increased TbetaRIII-mediated inhibition of breast cancer cell migration and invasion. </p><p> TbetaRI is released from the cell surface by a common sheddase of the A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) family, ADAM17. This shedding event results in a downregulation of TGF-beta signaling. Here, I present evidence that a closely related protease, ADAM10, may be a novel sheddase for TbetaRI. A specific ADAM10 inhibitor was able to increase cell surface expression of TbetaRI, and decrease levels of circulating soluble TbetaRI in vivo. Interestingly, inhibition of ADAM10 concurrently increased shedding of TbetaRIII, and was able to alter TGF-beta signaling in a TbetaRIII-dependent manner. </p><p> </p><p> Together, these studies suggest that ectodomain shedding of TGF-beta receptors is an important determinant for regulation of TGF-beta-mediated signaling and biology.</p> / Dissertation

Design and implementation of a special protection scheme to prevent voltage collapse

2012 March 1900 (has links)
The trend of making more profits for the owners, deregulation of the utility market and need for obtaining permission from regulatory agencies have forced electric power utilities to operate their systems close to the security limits of their generation, transmission and distribution systems. The result is that power systems are now exposed to substantial risks of experiencing voltage collapse. This phenomenon is complex and is localized in nature but has widespread adverse consequences. The worst scenario of voltage collapse is partial or total outage of the power system resulting in loss of industrial productivity of the country and major financial loss to the utility. On-line monitoring of voltage stability is, therefore becoming a vital practice that is being increasingly adopted by electric power utilities. The phenomenon of voltage collapse has been studied for quite some time, and techniques for identifying voltage collapse situations have been suggested. Most suggested techniques examine steady-state and dynamic behaviors of the power system in off-line modes. Very few on-line protection and control schemes have been proposed and implemented. In this thesis, a new technique for preventing voltage collapse is presented. The developed technique uses subset of measurements from local bus as well as neighbouring buses and considers not only the present state of the system but also future load and topology changes in the system. The technique improves the robustness of the local-based methods and can be implemented in on-line as well as off-line modes. The technique monitors voltages and currents and calculates from those measurements time to voltage collapse. As the system approaches voltage collapse, control actions are implemented to relieve the system to prevent major disturbances. The developed technique was tested by simulating a variety of operating states and generating voltage collapse situations on the IEEE 30-Bus test system. Some results from the simulation studies are reported in this thesis. The results obtained from the simulations indicates that the proposed technique is able to estimate the time to voltage collapse and can implement control actions as well as alert operators.

Vortices shed by accelerating flat plates

Matjoi, Morapeli Michael January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Johannesburg, May 2017 / Flow around flat plates that were uniformly accelerated from rest with acceleration of 13g is analysed with overset mesh from Star CCM+ commercial CFD software. The particular interest is more on the vortices shed from the plate edges. Three 8mm thick plates of the same cross-sectional areas (108mm length equilateral triangular, 71mm length square and 80mm diameter circular) were simulated. The validation of the numerical method was achieved by using laser vapor sheet method to visualize the flow profiles of accelerating circular plate and comparing the CFD and experimental results. The CFD and experimental results were consistent with each other. It was found that when a plate accelerated in air, it displaced air particles out of its way. The shear layers of air separated from the front edges of the plate and rolled around a vortex core forming a primary vortex ring in the plate wake. The size of the primary vortex increased with Reynolds number (Re) that was increasing with time. This was because as Re increased, more fluid particles were displaced from the front face of the plate at a time. More displacement of the fluid particles led to shear layers separating from the plate edges with stronger momentum resulting in larger vortex ring. The shape of the primary vortex depended on the shape of the accelerating plate. For the circular plate, all the points on the front edge being equidistant from the plate centroid, fluid particles were evenly displaced from that separation edge. The result was an axis-symmetric ring of primary vortex around a circular vortex core. The asymmetric plates (triangular and square) did not evenly displace air particles from their edges of separation. The result was an asymmetric vortex ring. More air particles separated from the plate at separation points closest to the plate centroid and led to the largest vortical structure there. That is; the primary vortex ring was largest at the midpoints of the plate edges because they were the closest points of separation from the plate centroid. The size of the primary vortex continuously reduced from the mid-points of the plate edges to the corners. The corners had the smallest primary vortical structure due to being furthest points of separation from the plate centroid. The parts of the vortex ring from the two edges of the plate interacted at the corner connecting those edges. / MT 2017

On the relation between fluid flow over bluff bodies and accompanying acoustic radiation.

Blazewicz, Antoni Michal January 2008 (has links)
The relationship between distinctive characteristic fluid-flow regimes and the sound radiation generated by them has been investigated, over a range of Reynolds numbers, for various single plates and two-plate arrays in nominally two-dimensional flows. In preliminary experiments, the characteristics of flow over single plates with rectangular cross-section and faired leading edges and over tandem arrays of an upstream plate with rectangular cross-section and faired leading edges and a downstream plate of rectangular cross-section were investigated, together with the sound radiation produced. However, the main investigation has been concentrated on single plates of rectangular cross-section with various chord-to-thickness ratios C and on arrays of two plates of rectangular cross-section in tandem having various chord-to-thickness ratios C₁ and C₂ and a range of gaps (with gap-to-thickness ratios G) between them. The range of Reynolds number based on plate thickness t and free-stream velocity U, Re[subscript]t = Ut/ν (where ν is the kinematic viscosity of fluid) covered in the measurements is 3.2 x 10[superscript]3 ≤ Re[subscript]t 53 x 10[superscript]3. Spectra of velocity fluctuations in the flow and radiated sound have been measured and their characteristic frequencies related. An attempt has been made to measure force fluctuations on surfaces of the plates in order to relate them to flow characteristics and radiated sound power. Mean and fluctuating pressures associated with the force fluctuations on the plates have also been obtained. The lengths of separation bubbles on long rectangular plates have also been determined. In most cases, the measurements have been complemented by flow-visualisation in a water tunnel to provide additional detailed insight into the flow patterns. Three flow regimes have been identified for single plates of rectangular cross-section. In the first regime (1 ≤ C ≤ 3.13), shear layers separated from the leading edges form a vortex street downstream of the plate without reattachment to it. Associated force fluctuations on the plate are the main source of acoustic radiation. In the second regime (3.05 ≤ C ≤ 9.65), the separated shear layers reattach intermittently to the streamwise plate surfaces. Vortex formation in the shear layer is the dominant cause of sound radiation but the effect becomes weaker as C increases. In the third regime (6.52 ≤ C ≤ 68), the separated shear layers form closed leading-edge separation bubbles. Weak vortex shedding, with only a small contribution to the sound radiation, occurs only at the trailing edges of the plate. Bistable behaviour of the flow over a plate, with random switching between the regimes, occurs for C ≈ 3 and 6.52 ≤ C ≤ 9.65. A proposed classification of possible flow regimes for the flow around two plates of rectangular cross-section in tandem has been confirmed experimentally. For small G, the flow in the gap between the plates is isolated from the external flow. When the gap G between the plates is increased to or beyond a critical value (between 2 and 3.5), the shear layers separated from the upstream plate form a von Karman vortex street in the gap before interacting with the downstream plate. Flow and acoustic measurements indicate that this transition is associated with dramatic changes in the flow character. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1320474 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2008

Load shedding in network monitoring applications

Barlet Ros, Pere 15 December 2008 (has links)
Monitoring and mining real-time network data streams are crucial operations for managing and operating data networks. The information that network operators desire to extract from the network traffic is of different size, granularity and accuracy depending on the measurement task (e.g., relevant data for capacity planning and intrusion detection are very different). To satisfy these different demands, a new class of monitoring systems is emerging to handle multiple and arbitrary monitoring applications. Such systems must inevitably cope with the effects of continuous overload situations due to the large volumes, high data rates and bursty nature of the network traffic. These overload situations can severely compromise the accuracy and effectiveness of monitoring systems, when their results are most valuable to network operators. In this thesis, we propose a technique called load shedding as an effective and low-cost alternative to over-provisioning in network monitoring systems. It allows these systems to handle efficiently overload situations in the presence of multiple, arbitrary and competing monitoring applications. We present the design and evaluation of a predictive load shedding scheme that can shed excess load in front of extreme traffic conditions and maintain the accuracy of the monitoring applications within bounds defined by end users, while assuring a fair allocation of computing resources to non-cooperative applications. The main novelty of our scheme is that it considers monitoring applications as black boxes, with arbitrary (and highly variable) input traffic and processing cost. Without any explicit knowledge of the application internals, the proposed scheme extracts a set of features from the traffic streams to build an on-line prediction model of the resource requirements of each monitoring application, which is used to anticipate overload situations and control the overall resource usage by sampling the input packet streams. This way, the monitoring system preserves a high degree of flexibility, increasing the range of applications and network scenarios where it can be used. Since not all monitoring applications are robust against sampling, we then extend our load shedding scheme to support custom load shedding methods defined by end users, in order to provide a generic solution for arbitrary monitoring applications. Our scheme allows the monitoring system to safely delegate the task of shedding excess load to the applications and still guarantee fairness of service with non-cooperative users. We implemented our load shedding scheme in an existing network monitoring system and deployed it in a research ISP network. We present experimental evidence of the performance and robustness of our system with several concurrent monitoring applications during long-lived executions and using real-world traffic traces.

Canal Wave Oscillation Phenomena Due to Column Vortex Shedding

Howes, Adam M 01 April 2011 (has links)
The GARVEE Transportation Program started by the Idaho Transportation Department has improved parts of I-84 in Boise, Idaho. These desired improvements led to the widening of a bridge over the New York Canal (NYC) in 2009. To support the wider road, additional bridge columns were installed. The new bridge columns had a larger diameter than the existing columns and raised the number of columns from 28 to 60. Construction was completed just before the irrigation season began. During the first irrigation season it was observed that waves and oscillations were occurring within the canal immediately adjacent to the bridge structure. Throughout the irrigation season, it was observed that the intensity of the oscillations would vary. It was also observed that the wave oscillations propagated upstream and downstream from the bridge structure. Both longitudinal and transverse waves were observed. The waves appeared to originate in the section of the canal that was under the I-84 Bridge. A physical model was built in 2010 at Utah State University's (USU) Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL) in an attempt to simulate the oscillation phenomenon and to develop potential solutions to the problem. During the original modeling work, a thorough investigation to the causes of this phenomenon was not accomplished due to time constraints. The objective of the follow-up research presented in this thesis was to qualitatively determine the causes of the oscillations. Laboratory tests were performed using the original physical model used in the original 2010 testing.

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