Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ofsheets"" "subject:"icesheets""
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Avaliações sobre o processo de dobramento do aço NBR 6656 LNE 380Frees, Monique Valentim da Silva January 2017 (has links)
Aços de alta resistência e baixa liga (HSLA) tem sido amplamente empregados na indústria nos últimos anos, em especial na indústria automotiva, com a finalidade de reduzir peso dos produtos sem prejudicar características importantes como a resistência. O aço LNE 380 vem sendo aplicado na fabricação de peças mais robustas e que passam por processos de dobra. Dessa forma, esse estudo tem como objetivo principal determinar as deformações máximas causadas pelas tensões de tração em chapas do aço de alta resistência e baixa liga NBR 6656 LNE 380 submetidas ao processo de dobramento. Chapas de 6,35mm de espessura foram inicialmente analisadas por meio de ensaios de tração para verificar as propriedades mecânicas do aço. Os ensaios de tração apresentaram uma tensão de escoamento de 469±8MPa e tensão máxima de resistência de 539±3MPa. O ensaio de dobramento semiguiado foi utilizado para detectar o nível de deformação na região externa das chapas, ocasionado pelos esforços de tração durante o processo, bem como seu retorno elástico. No ensaio de dobramento utilizaram-se três raios de punçãovariando o deslocamento do mesmo para se obter diferentes raios de dobra. As máximas deformações relativa e verdadeira foram medidas na região externa da dobra, e posteriormente comparadas com resultados teóricos a fim de validar equações indicadas na bibliografia. Os valores teóricos variaram conforme o raio do punção, diferente do observado nos ensaios, onde a deformação permaneceu a mesma para todos os três raios utilizados. A maior deformação, calculada e medida, refere-se ao ensaio realizado com o menor raio de punção, assim como o maior Fator de Retorno Elástico. Verificou-se que no ensaio de dobramento, para o aço LNE 380, nas condições pré-definidas, a variação do raio do punção não interferiu de forma significativa nos resultados, uma vez que, as deformações e retorno elástico medido obteram valores próximos para diferentes raios. / High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steels have been widely used in the industry in the last years, especially in the automotive industry, in order to reduce weight products without impairing important characteristics such as strenght. The LNE 380 steel has been applied in the manufacture of more robust parts and that go through bending process. Therefore, this study has as main objective to determine the maximum deformation caused by the tensile stresses in sheets of High Strength Low Alloy steel NBR 6656 LNE 380 submitted to bending process. Sheets of 6,35mm thick were initially analyzed by tensile tests to verify the mechanical properties of the steel. The tensile tests showed a yield stress of 469±8 and maximum tensile strength of 539±3. The semi-guided bending test was used to detect the level of deformation in the external fibers of the sheets, caused by tensile stresses during the process, as well as their springback. Three punch radii were used in the bending test varying their displacement to achieve different bending radii. The maximum relative and true deformations were measured in the outer region of the bend, and subsequently compared with theoretical results in order to validate equations used in the bibliography. The theoretical values varied according to the punch radius that was different from those observed in the tests, where the deformation remained the same for all three radii used. The largest deformation calculated and measured refers to the test performed with the smallest punch radius, as well as the largest springback fator. It was observed that in the bending process, for the LNE 380 steel, under the pre-defined conditions, the variation of the punch radius did not interfein the results significally, since the values of deformation and springback measured were similar for different radii.
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Elaboração de fichas técnicas de materiais visando o design de órteses de membros superiores e inferioresDanckwardt, Frances January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal a elaboração de fichas técnicas de materiais utilizados na fabricação de órteses de membro superior e inferior. Para a escolha dos materiais a serem elencados e caracterizados, selecionou-se as instituições de apoio ao deficiente da área metropolitana de Porto Alegre, RS. As selecionadas para a pesquisa foram a Associação de Assistência à Criança com Deficiência (AACD) e Associação Canoense de Deficientes Físicos (ACADEF). A metodologia abordou a listagem e seleção, e as etapas seguintes se deram a partir da organização dos materiais em grandes grupos: materiais poliméricos, materiais metálicos, materiais naturais e fibras. Assim agrupados, seguiu-se a caracterização e a análise dos materiais por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia por energia dispersiva (EDS), espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X e ensaio de tração e compressão. Os resultados práticos e as pesquisas em materiais bibliográficos e bancos de dados como o Granta Design permitiram a elaboração das fichas técnicas de cada material, apresentando as características gerais, propriedades físicas, mecânicas e químicas e aplicação. Essas fichas têm finalidade multidisciplinar, buscando auxiliar profissionais que trabalham no processo de fabricação destas órteses, como fisioterapeutas, terapeutas ocupacionais, técnicos de oficina, designers e projetistas, permitindo acesso direto e praticidade na fabricação destes produtos. / The main objective of this study is to develop technical sheets of materials utilized in the manufacturing of superior and inferior limb orthoses. Institutions that support disabled persons in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, RS, were selectioned in order to decide which materials were to be listed and characterized. The Association of Assistance for Children with Disability (AACD) and the Canoense Association of persons with Physical Disability (ACADEF) were selected for this research. Methods included listing and selection, and the following steps were conducted through the categorization of materials into large groups: polymeric materials, metal materials, natural materials and fibers. Thus grouped, the study continued with the characterization and analysis of materials through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and tension and compression testing. Practical results and research in bibliographical material and databases such as Granta Design enabled the development of technical sheets for each material, presenting general characteristics, physical, mechanical and chemical properties and application. Such sheets have multidisciplinary purposes, seeking to assist health professionals who work in the manufacturing process of these orthoses, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, workshop technicians, designers and drafters, allowing for direct access and convenience in the manufacturing of these products.
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Associação de chapas através da combinação dos métodos dos elementos de contorno e finitos considerando enrijecedores e crack coesivo / Association of plates through the combination of the methods of the boundary elements and finites considering the stiffened and cohesive crackPaulo Cesar Primo Agostinho 11 December 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta formulações para a análise de associação de chapas, usando o conceito de sub-regiões. Também é apresentada a técnica da sub-estruturação para o método dos elementos de contorno. O aumento da rigidez no contínuo através de enrijecedores é considerada pela combinação do método dos elementos finitos e do método dos elementos de contorno. Neste procedimento o sistema de equações lineares torna-se semelhante ao encontrado na formulação do método dos elementos de contorno. Através desta formulação é também possível simular o escorregamento entre superfícies rígidas usando modelos plásticos e visco-plásticos simples do tipo coulomb. Isto representa a descontinuidade nos esforços e deslocamentos entre chapas. São, ainda, apresentados exemplos de aplicação para demonstrar a validade da formulação utilizada. / This work presents formulations for analysis of plate association, using the concept of sub-regions. It is also presented the substructure technique for the boundary elements method. The increasing in stiffiness in the continuous is considered by the combinations of the finite and boundary element methods. In this procedure the linear equation system becomes similar to the resulted by boundary element method. The formulation used also alows to simulate the slipping among rigid surfaces using plastic and simple viscous-plastic models of Coulomb type. This represents the descontinues in the forces and displacements among plates. It was also presented some numeric examples in order to validate the formulation used.
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Micro estampagem e recozimento conjugado com campo induzido : efeitos no desempenho eletromagnético para chapas elétricas de grão não orientadoMozetic, Halston José January 2014 (has links)
O trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento e implantação de um processo de recozimento conjugado com campo magnético induzido. Para este trabalho foi escolhido como material o FeSi, ABNT NM71-2000/ 35F 420M com GNO (Grão-Não-Orientado) devido ao baixo custo de obtenção das peças e também por ser um material de fácil aquisição no mercado. O processo tem como benefício minimizar as perdas magnéticas produzidas pelo corte convencional na borda das chapas elétricas. Para realizar o processo o sistema é composto de um forno, enrolamento de indução e fonte de alimentação. Os parâmetros utilizados no tratamento térmico situam-se na faixa de temperatura de aquecimento até 910ºC e uma indução magnética mínima na faixa de 80 até aproximadamente 1,5 T. Para melhorar as propriedades magnéticas de forma contundente na região deformada buscou-se através do recozimento conjugado com campo induzido um alinhamento dos domínios, ou seja, uma ordenação dos “spins” que juntamente com a elevação de temperatura tenderam a ter um mesmo sentido, facilitando de maneira significativa à passagem do fluxo magnético, propriedade importante para o desempenho dos núcleos das máquinas elétricas. Para avaliar o desempenho do processo, chapas do mesmo material foram cortadas por eletroerosão a fio, onde o perfil do corte permitiu um fluxo magnético uniforme e constante. O efeito do processo de recozimento com indução de campo magnético foi medido conforme determina a norma, ou seja, utilizando o “Quadro de Epstein” para chapas elétricas. Os resultados foram correlacionados com os dados obtidos a partir do uso do ferro-silício, ABNT NM71-2000/35F 420M, com as mesmas condições de uso e testes de laboratório. Do ponto de vista científico, uma das contribuições deste trabalho, está na influência da indução de campo magnético durante o tratamento térmico das amostras, pois é possível verificar um ganho nas propriedades magnéticas apresentadas. Este trabalho permite afirmar que é possível desenvolver e melhorar as propriedades magnéticas em ferro silício com alto desempenho e também sugerir que outras aplicações, onde seja necessário aumento do desempenho magnético, este processo possa ser aplicado. / This work presents and discusses the development and application of an annealing process together with the induced magnetic field. For this study development, the chosen material is the iron silicon, ABNT NM71-2000/ 35F 420M, due to the low trading costs and eases of purchase on the market. The process has the benefit of minimizing magnetic losses produced by conventional cutting the edge of the hot plates. To carry out the process system consists of a furnace, induction coil and power supply. The parameters used in the heat treatment are in the range of heating temperature to 910 ° C and a minimum magnetic induction in the range of about 80 to 1.5 T. The challenge of this work was in the fact that structure changes in the silicon iron, allied to inclusions of non-magnetizable materials, modify for worse the performance of magnetic cores. To obtain a structure that the magnetic field could permeate, the silicon iron alloys were selected to eliminate, at most, the presence of non-magnetizable materials, and only then consider a heat treatment process with magnetic induction to make the material suitable for use in cores of electrical machines. To improve the magnetic properties, an alignment of dipoles of the material, through induced magnetic field during annealing was intended. Annealing with induced magnetic field was carried out, observing the performance of the initial magnetic permeability of the samples, and subsequently measured with field saturation equipment. The results were correlated with the obtained data from the use of the FeSi, ABNT NM71-2000/35F 420M, with the same conditions of use and laboratory tests. From the scientific point of view, one of the contributions of this work is the influence of induced magnetic field during the heat treatment of the samples, since it was possible to verify a significant gain in the magnetic properties of the cores electrical machines during the performance tests. As a result of this work, the possibility of using annealing with magnetic induction was presented as a way to increase the permeability of a material with high carbon content, in this particular case, the silicon iron. This work suggests that it is possible to develop and improve the magnetic properties of iron and silicon with high performance also suggest that other applications where necessary increase in magnetic performance, this process can be applied.
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Skapande av innovativ och välunderbyggd konceptdesign med stöd av ramverk för medierad handling : En undersökning av hur ”The Mediated Action Sheets”, ett ramverk för interaktions- och tjänstedesign, kan och bör användas / Creation of innovative and wellfounded concept design supported by The Mediated Action SheetsWalfridsson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Under den diffusa delen av ett projekt i interaktionsdeign fattas beslut om vad som ska skapas. För att strukturera denna process rekommenderar Arvola (2013) ett ramverk för beskrivning av medierad handling. Utöver ett antal informella intervjuer med personer som använt ramverket har inga undersökningar genomförts vars resultat beskriver hur ramverket används i praktiken. Studier som visar hur ramverket bör användas för att ett användbart resultat ska genereras har inte heller gjorts, förrän nu. Genom att under två workshops studera interaktionsdesigners generera designkoncept med stöd av ramverket för medierad handling, har fyra kännetecknande aspekter av hur ett bra designkoncept kan skapas med stöd av ramverket identifierats. Resultatet av studien skulle kunna rikta vidareutvecklingen av ramverket och beaktas av interaktionsdesigners som vill undvika fallgropar och istället generera initiativtagande, innovativa och välunderbyggda designkoncept.
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Hydrological controls on Greenland Ice Sheet motionTedstone, Andrew Jachnik January 2015 (has links)
An improved understanding of the processes controlling the dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet is needed to enable more accurate determination of the response of the ice sheet to projected climate change. Meltwater produced on the ice sheet surface can penetrate to the bed and cause ice motion to speed up through enhanced basal sliding. However, the importance of coupled hydro-dynamics both to current ice sheet motion and future stability over the coming century is unclear. This thesis presents observations from the south-west Greenland Ice Sheet which improve our understanding of coupled hydro-dynamics. It commences with an investigation of the response of ice motion to exceptional meltwater forcing during summer 2012. Simultaneous field observations of ice motion (by GPS) and proglacial discharge show that, despite two extreme melt events during July 2012 and summer ice sheet runoff 3.9 s.d. above the 1958– 2011 mean which resulted in faster summer motion, net annual motion was slower than in the average melt year of 2009. This suggests that surface melt-induced acceleration of land-terminating regions of the ice sheet will remain insignificant even under extreme melting scenarios. The thesis then examines spatial variability in ice motion, in relation to an inferred subglacial drainage axis, using GPS and satellite radar observations from a land-terminating margin up to 20 km inland where ice is 800 m thick. Whilst spatial variability in subglacial drainage system configuration is found to control ice motion at short timescales, the proportional contribution of summer motion to annual motion is almost invariant. The structure of the subglacial drainage system does not therefore appear to significantly influence spatial variations in net summer speedup. Lastly, observations are made by applying feature tracking to 30 years of optical satellite imagery in a ~170 by 50 km area along the ice sheet margin (where ice reaches ~850 m thick) to examine whether coupled hydrology-dynamics affects inter-annual ice motion. Hydro-dynamic coupling resulted in net ice motion slowdown during a period of clear climate warming. Further increases in meltwater production may therefore reduce ice sheet motion. The thesis concludes that at land-terminating margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet, (1) larger annual meltwater volumes do not result in faster annual ice motion; (2) the detailed structure of the subglacial drainage network appears unimportant to the role of summer motion in determining annual motion; and (3) atmospheric warming over several decades has been accompanied by a slowdown in ice motion. As such, hydro-dynamic coupling is unlikely to form a significant positive feedback between surface melting and ice motion in response to projected climate warming. The wider relevance of these findings to tidewater systems requires further investigation.
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Conformal Active SheetsJha, Prateek January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Stretchable Electronics is an emerging class of electronics that allow electronics to be bent, conform, ex and stretch while still retaining its full functionality. Other than bending, existing and conforming, adding stretchability to electronic systems can open up a new frontier for a myriad of applications. Especially in the medical sector, these stretchable devices can increase the scope of monitoring and ease and comfort of the patient. All kinds of wearable devices can be based on these technologies to augment our daily lives. With the kind of state of art technology available to the common man today, the bar has already been set for the performance of such devices. Hence, its imperative that these stretchable devices perform at this level and should be capable of adapting to the market to serve the mass requirement. Hence, it becomes inevitable to use metal interconnects to provide very low resistance and easy adhesion to commercial electronic components. Another aspect of such devices is an adhesion ability with which we can attach it to various kinds of surfaces.
In this thesis, we propose a new multi-layered PDMS structure approach to bring stretchability in the device. For all kinds of adhesion requirements, various ratios of PDMS: Cross-linker have been used. These different ratios of PDMS: Cross-linker changes the mechanical and adhesive properties of the cured PDMS. Hence, the same material can be used as the stretchable substrate as well as to serve various adhesion requirements. A soft adhesion allows us to attach it to the human body/other surfaces. The adhesion can be tailored to be quite conformal and strong, yet its removal is quite gentle to the skin. A higher curing ratio makes the PDMS very sticky and soft. Aluminum/Copper foils can be directly stuck upon it and tracks can be then etched out to get a printed circuit. Since this adhesive layer is quite soft, it acts as a cushion and reduces the amount of stress transferred to the metal interconnects. Hence, stretchable circuits with metal interconnects can be realized. The electronic components can be then attached upon it via normal soldering techniques/using conductive ink. Various devices that can be built with the proposed techniques have been coined the term CAS (Conformal Active Sheets) to allow easy reference to such kind of devices. Since the substrate is soft, physical handling of such devices becomes an issue as one tries to transfer the circuit pattern. Hence, direct etching of the metal foil was explored via high pulsed current discharge technique. A CNC machine was also designed to try various ways of direct etching of the metal foil in an accurate and repeatable fashion.
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Ideal Performance Practice for Silent Film: An Overview of How-to Manuals and Cue Sheet Music Accompaniment from the 1910s – 1920sAnderson, Shana C. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis argues that how-to manuals and cue sheets are indicative of ideal performance practice amongst musicians from the silent film era. Pre-scored music was widely practiced amongst musicians. How-to manuals and cue sheets helped the musician accurately and consistently accompany a film. Authors of period manuals include W. Tyacke George, Edith Lang and George West, Ernst Luz and George Tootell. Compilers of cue sheet include James C. Bradford, Ernst Luz, Edward Kilenyi and Michael P. Krueger. Cue by cue analyses of The Cat and the Canary and The Gaucho show a high repetition of music, establishing continuity between the music played and the image on the screen. This shows how compilers associated music and film. These manuals and cue sheets prove that the musician community strove for a close connection between the image on screen and accompaniment. By 1920, arbitrary improvisation was unacceptable.
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Design laserového řezacího stroje / Design of Laser Cutting MachineHavala, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the design of machine for sheet metal cutting. This machine uses laser beam divide the material. The work is focused on the increase of the aesthetic character the machine has., at the same time the work include an ergonomic improvement, which make the operation more efficient and facile.
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Návrh na zefektivnění opracování desek z kompozitních materiálů / Efficiency Improvement Concept of Machining of Boards from Composite MaterialsHolík, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis is dealing with the analysis of current technology of machining based on unconventional method of water jet cutting for sheet machining of composite materials. My goal is to analyze and calculate the cost of technologies. There is, in conclusion of the master thesis, the techno-economic evaluation and final decision whether it is appropriate to invest in a new technology or not.
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