Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shelf"" "subject:"helf""
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On the dynamics of shallow water currents in Massachusetts Bay and on the New England continental shelf.Butman, Bradford January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences. / Vita. / Bibliography: p.160-163. / Ph.D.
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Antimicrobial packaging system for minimally processed fruitLara Lledó, Marta Inés 14 January 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] In the present Doctoral Thesis, antimicrobial active packaging materials, at lab and at semi-industrial scale, have been developed with the aim to reduce the natural flora of peeled and cut fruit and extend its shelf life. Packaging prototypes have been developed for their further application.
Prior to developing the active materials, the most suitable active agents were selected. To that end, the antimicrobial properties of the volatile active agents citral, hexanal and linalool and mixtures thereof were evaluated against typical microorganisms related to fruit spoilage, molds and yeast, concluding that the effectiveness of the mixture is higher than the sum of the effectiveness of the individual agents. Likewise, non-volatile antimicrobial agents such as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate were selected, which are widely used in the food industry due to their antifungal properties.
With the selected active agents, monolayer polypropylene (PP) films with different concentration of the active mixture citral, hexanal and linalool, at lab scale by means of extrusion, and bilayer films at semi-industrial scale with different active layer thickness by means of coextrusion were prepared. Besides, active packaging trays were developed at semi-industrial scale by thermoforming active sheets obtained by coextrusion of PP and ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) compounds containing potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate as active agents.
Mechanical, barrier and thermal properties of the developed active packaging materials, as well as their sealability and transparency were evaluated. In general, the materials' properties were not affected in a significant manner. However, active trays decreased in transparency due to the incorporation of non-volatile active agents.
The release kinetics of the volatile and non-volatile active agents were studied at different temperatures, defining their diffusion coefficients by the adjustment to mathematic models based on Second's Law Fick. Among the volatile active agents, hexanal showed a higher diffusion coefficient, followed by citral and linalool. On the other hand, very small differences were observed between potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate diffusion coefficients, being of the same order of magnitude.
In vitro tests were also performed at different temperatures to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of the developed materials. In general, the active packaging materials showed high antimicrobial properties which were enhanced with the increment of temperature.
Once the properties of the developed materials were evaluated, in vivo tests with peeled and cut orange and pineapple were performed by packing these fruits with the active film, active tray and their combination (active packaging system). In general, the active packaging system improved the microbiological preservation of the fruit for longer times, between 2 and 7 days for orange and pineapple, respectively, and maintained quality parameters of the fruit at stable levels for longer times.
Lastly, the safety of the active packaging materials was evaluated according to the European food contact materials and food legislation, and it was concluded that these materials were not of any safety concern for the consumers. / [ES] En la presente Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado materiales de envase activo antimicrobiano, a escala laboratorio y a escala semi-industrial, con el objetivo de reducir la proliferación de la flora natural de la fruta pelada y cortada y extender su vida útil. Se han desarrollo distintos prototipos para su posterior aplicación industrial
Previo al desarrollo de los materiales de envase, se ha realizado una selección de agentes activos más idóneos. Para ello se han estudiado mediante ensayos in vitro las propiedades antimicrobianas de agentes activos volátiles, citral, hexanal y linalool y diferentes mezclas de los mismos, frente a distintos microorganismos típicos del deterioro de las frutas, mohos y levaduras, concluyendo que la efectividad de la mezcla de los tres es superior a la suma de la efectividad de los activos de forma individual. Así mismo, también se han seleccionado antimicrobianos no volátiles como el sorbato potásico y benzoato sódico, los cuáles son ampliamente empleados en la industria alimentaria debido principalmente a sus propiedades antifúngicas.
Con los agentes activos seleccionados, se han desarrollado películas monocapa de polipropileno (PP) con distintas concentraciones de la mezcla activa, citral, hexanal y linalool, a escala laboratorio, mediante técnicas de extrusión, y películas bicapa a escala semi-industrial con distintos espesores de capa activa mediante coextrusión. Por otra parte, se desarrollaron bandejas activas a escala semi-industrial mediante termoconformado de láminas obtenidas por coextrusión de compuestos de PP y etilvinilaceteto (EVA) con sorbato potásico o benzoato sódico como agentes antimicrobianos.
Se han evaluado las propiedades mecánicas, barrera y térmicas de los materiales activos desarrollados, así como su sellabilidad y transparencia. En general, las propiedades de los polímeros no se vieron afectadas de manera relevante. Sin embargo, las bandejas activas perdieron su carácter transparente debido a la incorporación de los agentes activos no volátiles.
Se ha estudiado la cinética de liberación de los compuestos activos volátiles y no volátiles a distintas temperaturas, determinando los coeficientes de difusión de los agentes activos mediante el ajuste a modelos matemáticos de difusión basados en la Segunda Ley de Fick. Entre los agentes volátiles, el hexanal mostró un mayor coeficiente de difusión seguido de citral y linalool. Por otra parte, no hubo apenas diferencia en los coeficientes de difusión del sorbato potásico y benzoato sódico, siendo éstos del mismo orden de magnitud.
Igualmente, se han realizado diferentes experimentos in vitro a distintas temperaturas para determinar las propiedades antimicrobianas de los materiales desarrollados. En general, los materiales activos presentan una elevada capacidad antimicrobiana que se ve potenciada al aumentar la temperatura de exposición.
Una vez evaluadas las características de los materiales desarrollados, se han efectuado ensayos de envasado de naranja y piña pelada y cortada con las películas y las bandejas activas y con la combinación del sistema de envase bandeja activa termosellada con la película activa. En general, el sistema de envase activo mejoró la conservación de la fruta por un mayor tiempo, entre 2 y 7 días para la naranja y piña, respectivamente, presentando una gran capacidad antimicrobiana y manteniendo los parámetros de calidad de la fruta en niveles estables por un mayor tiempo.
Por último, se ha estudiado la seguridad de estos materiales de acuerdo a la legislación de materiales en contacto con alimentos y la legislación alimentaria europea, concluyendo que los materiales activos desarrollados no presentan preocupación para la seguridad de los consumidores. / [CA] En la present Tesi Doctoral s'han desenvolupat materials d'envasament actiu antimicrobià, a escala de laboratori i a escala semi-industrial amb l'objectiu de reduir la proliferació de la flora natural de la fruita pelada i tallada i estendre la seua vida útil. S'han desenvolupament diferents prototips per a la seua posterior aplicació industrial.
Previ al desenvolupament dels materials actius, s'han seleccionat els agents actius mes idonis estudiant mitjançant assajos in vitro les propietats antimicrobianes d'agents actius volàtils, citral, hexanal i linalool i diferents mescles dels mateixos, enfront de diferents microorganismes típics de la deterioració de les fruites -floridures i llevats- concloent que l'efectivitat de la mescla dels tres és superior a la suma de l'efectivitat dels actius de forma individual. Així mateix, s'han seleccionat antimicrobians no volàtils, sorbat potàssic i benzoat sòdic, els quals son àmpliament empleats a l'industria alimentaria per les seues propietats antifúngiques.
Amb els agents actius seleccionats, s'han desenvolupat pel·lícules monocapa de polipropilè (PP) amb diferents concentracions de la mescla activa, citral, hexanal i linalool, a escala laboratori, mitjançant tècniques d'extrusió, i pel·lícules bicapa a escala semi-industrial amb diferents espessors de capa activa mitjançant coextrusió. D'altra banda, s'han desenvolupat safates actives a escala semi-industrial mitjançant termoconformació de làmines obtingudes per coextrusió de compostos de PP i etil vinil acetat (EVA) amb sorbat potàssic o benzoat sòdic com a agents antimicrobians.
S'han avaluat les propietats mecàniques, barrera i tèrmiques dels materials actius desenvolupats, així com la seua sellabilidad i transparència. En general, les propietats dels polímers no es van veure afectades de manera rellevant. No obstant això, les safates actives van perdre el seu caràcter transparent a causa de la incorporació dels agents actius no volàtils.
S'ha estudiat la cinètica d'alliberament dels compostos actius volàtils i no volàtils a diferents temperatures, determinant els coeficients de difusió dels agents actius mitjançant l'ajust a models matemàtics de difusió basats en la Segona Llei de Fick. Entre els agents volàtils, l' hexanal va mostrar un major coeficient de difusió seguit de citral i linalool. D'altra banda, no va haver-hi a penes diferències en els coeficients de difusió del sorbat potàssic i benzoat sòdic, sent aquests del mateix ordre de magnitud.
Igualment, s'han realitzat diferents experiments in vitro a diferents temperatures per determinar les propietats antimicrobianes dels materials desenvolupats. En general, els materials actius presenten una elevada capacitat antimicrobiana que es veu potenciada en augmentar la temperatura d'exposició.
Una vegada avaluades les característiques dels materials desenvolupats s'han efectuat assajos d'envasament de taronja i pinya pelada i tallada amb la safata, la pel·lícula activa i la seva combinació (sistema d'envàs actiu). En general, el sistema d'envàs actiu va millorar la conservació de la fruita per un major temps, entre 2 i 7 dies per a la taronja i pinya respectivament, presentant una gran capacitat antimicrobiana i mantenint els paràmetres de qualitat de la fruita en nivells estables per un major temps.
Finalment, s'ha estudiat la seguretat d'aquests materials d'acord a la legislació de materials en contacte amb aliments i la legislació alimentària europea, concloent que els materials actius desenvolupats no presenten preocupació per a la seguretat dels consumidors. / Lara Lledó, MI. (2016). Antimicrobial packaging system for minimally processed fruit [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61388 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio
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從聯合國海洋法公約第121條論日本延伸大陸礁層外部界限提案內容之合法性 / The legitimacy of the Japan’s submission on the outer limits of the continental shelf - An analysis from the Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea陳杏莉 Unknown Date (has links)
日本於2008年11月12日向聯合國大陸礁層界限委員會提出該國延伸大陸礁層外部界限之申請,卻也因此引起中國大陸及韓國對日本提案中以「沖之鳥礁」為基礎劃定超出200海里延伸大陸礁層之主張提出反對意見,質疑「沖之鳥礁」之法律地位及其所能享有的海域管轄空間。本論文爰由《聯合國海洋法公約》第121條「島嶼制度」形成的過程、相關國家實踐及學者見解,以及《聯合國海洋法公約》中「大陸礁層」之相關規範及聯合國大陸礁層界限委員會之組織與運作情形,探討日本的延伸大陸礁層外部界限提案中以「沖之鳥礁」為基礎主張延伸大陸礁層之適法性問題,並分析以聯合國大陸礁層界限委員會作為「沖之鳥礁」法律地位爭端解決途徑之可能性等。研究結果顯示,日本提案以「沖之鳥礁」為基礎主張延伸大陸礁層外部界限不符合《聯合國海洋法公約》第121條第3項規定,但該項規定並未具備有習慣國際法的效力,亦缺乏客觀的認定標準,聯合國大陸礁層界限委員會的場域無法解決「沖之鳥礁」的法律地位爭端,其他沿海國僅能利用聯合國大陸礁層界限委員會中「第三國意見」之機制凸顯爭端的存在,提醒國際社會注意此類島礁的海域管轄空間主張的合理性問題,並應尊重公約所賦予的權利與義務。 / On 29 May 2001, the 11th Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) adopted the SPLOS/72 Decision regarding the date of commencement of the ten-year period for making submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf set out in Article 4 of Annex II to the UNCLOS. It was decided that, in the case of a State Party for which the Convention entered into force before 13 May 1999, the ten-year time period for it to submit the scientific and technical data supporting the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles under Article 76 of the UNCLOS shall be taken to have commenced on 13 May 1999. For quite a few States the outer limits of their continental shelf as defined by the UNCLOS may go beyond the limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Besides, continental shelf is abundant in fisheries resources, crude oil, natural gas and minerals. Consequently, the neighboring States of Taiwan, including Japan, the Philippines, Viet Nam, and Malaysia, have already begun their surveys on continental shelf in order to expand their interests hidden in the ocean. As of December of 2009, there have been 51 formal submissions and 44 Preliminary Information delivered to the United Nations. The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) has been undertaking the consideration of these submissions and already completed such process for some of them with recommendations.
For Japan, the submission to support the outer limits of its extended continental shelf was made on 12 November 2008 to the CLCS. Such submission was challenged by China and Korea whose focus is on the part of extended continental shelf generated by Oki-no-tori Shima. The legal status of Oki-no-tori Shima as being capable of generating EEZ, continental shelf, and extended continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, is being disputed by the communications from China and Korea. To provide educated comments on such controversy, this thesis will discuss the legislative process of Article 121 of the UNCLOS, namely, the regime of islands. Related state practices and teachings of the most highly qualified publicists will be studied in this connection. The author will also examine the regime of continental shelf under the UNCLOS and the institution of the CLCS. These will pave the way to scrutinize the legality of using Oki-no-tori Shima as the basis to generate extended continental shelf as having been done by Japan in its submission. The author will also explore the feasibility for the CLCS to settle the dispute over the legality of Japanese submission with respect to Oki-no-tori Shima. As shown by research works, the Japanese submission using Oki-no-tori Shima to generate extended continental shelf is inconsistent with Article 121(3) of the UNCLOS. However, the rule as contained in Article 121(3) has not yet been received into customary international law. Also lacking are the objective criteria to decide whether a given rock meets the conditions as stipulated by Article 121(3) or not. The forum of the CLCS is not suitable to settle the dispute over the legality of using Oki-no-tori Shima by Japan to generate extended continental shelf. Other coastal States can only use the forum of the CLCS to demonstrate the legal controversy over this case through sending third party communications to notify the CLCS the existence of dispute and their unwillingness to support the CLCS to consider the Japanese submission with respect to the part of Oki-no-tori Shima. As submitted by this author, the international community should be reminded of the necessity to respect the integrity of the rights and duties enshrined by the UNCLOS. Also worthy of careful scrutiny is the legitimacy of such kinds of exaggerated maritime claims generated by the rock as defined by Article 121(3) of the UNCLOS.
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Intrusions of South Atlantic Central Water on the Espírito Santo Basin shelf (18ºS-22ºS, Brazil) / Intrusões de Água Central do Atlântico Sul na Bacia do Espírito Santo (18ºS-22ºS)Palóczy Filho, André 31 July 2015 (has links)
The intrusion pathways and physical mechanisms associated with intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) onto the continental shelf of the Espírito Santo Basin (ESB), off southeast Brazil (18°S-22°S), are investigated. The approach consists of analyses of a set of simplified, process-oriented, primitive-equation numerical models supported by the analyses of an independent, more realistic numerical model and available observations. The cross-isobath circulation is found to be strongly dominated by wind-driving, consistent with previous findings. In the model experiments, SACW enters the ESB shelf through two preferential pathways along the Tubarão Bight area (TB, 19.5°S-22°S). These pathways are found to be locations where an equatorward along-isobath pressure gradient force (PGFy∗) of ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2 develops in response to steady wind forcing. This equatorward PGFy∗ is essentially in geostrophic balance, and therefore induces onshore flow across the shelf edge and most of the shelf proper. The Brazil Current (BC) imparts an additional equatorward PGFy∗ on the shelf. The momentum budget reveals that the ageostrophic residue of the PGFy∗ is compensated mostly by momentum advection and bottom friction. Buoyancy arrest might be important under more intense SACW intrusion events, as suggested by the maximum observed values of the slope Burger number (0.32-0.92). Among the deep ocean forcing mechanisms considered, the intrinsic pycnocline uplifting effect of the BC seems to be responsible for ∼1.4°C colder upwelled water under steady, upwelling-favorable wind forcing, relative to a flat stratification scenario. The BC also seems to induce local intrusions by inertially overshooting the shelf edge, consistent with Rossby numbers of ∼0.3-0.5, as estimated for the area along the TB shelf edge. Finally, the planetary β-effect is also related to a background equatorward PGFy∗. In addition, the steady response of the continental shelf to a periodic (in the along-shelf direction) pressure forcing at the shelf edge is compared with the BC-forced primitive-equation numerical solutions. A simple Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) analytical model is found to be successful in representing the general features of the numerical solutions. The cross-shelf e-folding scales of the cross-shelf velocity estimated from the numerical solutions agree in order of magnitude with the cross-shelf penetration scale q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km predicted by the ATW, where r is a linear bottom resistance parameter, l is the along-shelf wavenumber of the forcing at the shelf edge, f is the Coriolis parameter and s is the bottom slope. Furthermore, the use of quadratic bottom stress accounts for some of the relative increase in the numerical onshore penetration scales, which are predicted to be qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½ [Ubot]½, where CD is a quadratic bottom friction parameter and Ubot is the near-bottom velocity magnitude. The kind of steady response to periodic deep ocean forcing examined here may provide insight into other continental shelves under the influence of western boundary currents. / Os caminhos e os mecanismos físicos associados ao fenômeno de intrusão da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) na plataforma continental da Bacia do Espírito Santo (BES) ao largo da costa sudeste (18°S-22°S) são investigados nesta dissertação. A abordagem consiste da análise de experimentos numéricos de equações primitivas simplificados, combinados com a análise de um modelo numérico mais completo, e com análise de observações disponíveis. Conclui-se que a circulação na direção perpendicular às isóbatas é fortemente dominada pelo vento, de acordo com resultados pretéritos. Nos experimentos numéricos, a ACAS ingressa na plataforma da BES através de dois caminhos preferenciais de intrusão no Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET, 19,5°S-22°S). Estes caminhos de intrusão coincidem com áreas em que uma Força do Gradiente de Pressão na direção paralela às isóbatas (PGFy∗), com magnitude de ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2, se forma em resposta ao vento. A PGFy∗ se encontra essencialmente em balanço geostrófico, e impulsiona um escoamento na direção da costa. A Corrente do Brasil (CB) induz uma PGFy∗ adicional favorável à intrusão. O balanço de momentum revela que o resíduo ageostrófico da PGFy∗ é balanceado principalmente pela advecção de momentum e pelo atrito de fundo. O mecanismo de desligamento da camada de Ekman de fundo por empuxo (tradução livre de buoyancy arrest) pode ser importante em eventos mais intensos de intrusão de ACAS, em razão das estimativas do número de Burger de inclinação (tradução livre de slope Burger number) observado (0,32-0,92). O efeito de soerguimento da termoclina ligado à CB aparenta diminuir em ∼1,4 °C a temperatura da água que aflora em eventos de ressurgência costeira. A CB também parece produzir intrusões locais na borda da plataforma por efeitos inerciais, de acordo com as estimativas de ∼0,3-0,5 para o número de Rossby ao longo da borda da plataforma. Por fim, o efeito β planetário também é associado a uma PGFy∗ básica na direção do equador. Adicionalmente, a resposta estacionária da plataforma continental a um campo de pressão periódico ao longo da borda da plataforma é comparada com as soluções numéricas. Um simples modelo analítico do tipo Onda Topográfica Aprisionada (OTA, tradução livre de Arrested Topographic Wave) representa as características gerais das soluções numéricas. As escalas de decaimento Neperiano (e) na direção perpendicular à plataforma estimadas a partir das soluções numéricas são comparáveis à escala de penetração q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km prevista pela OTA, onde r é um coeficiente linear de atrito de fundo, l é o número de onda da forçante, f é o parâmetro de Coriolis e s é a inclinação do fundo. O uso de uma parametrização quadrática para o atrito de fundo prevê parte da diminuição da e. A escala de penetração quadrática é qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½[Ubot]½, onde CD é um coeficiente quadrático de atrito de fundo e Ubot é a magnitude da velocidade próxima ao fundo. Este tipo de resposta estacionária da plataforma a uma forçante periódica ligada ao oceano profundo pode ajudar a elucidar processos físicos em outras plataformas continentais que se encontram sob a influência de correntes de limite oeste.
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Intrusions of South Atlantic Central Water on the Espírito Santo Basin shelf (18ºS-22ºS, Brazil) / Intrusões de Água Central do Atlântico Sul na Bacia do Espírito Santo (18ºS-22ºS)André Palóczy Filho 31 July 2015 (has links)
The intrusion pathways and physical mechanisms associated with intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) onto the continental shelf of the Espírito Santo Basin (ESB), off southeast Brazil (18°S-22°S), are investigated. The approach consists of analyses of a set of simplified, process-oriented, primitive-equation numerical models supported by the analyses of an independent, more realistic numerical model and available observations. The cross-isobath circulation is found to be strongly dominated by wind-driving, consistent with previous findings. In the model experiments, SACW enters the ESB shelf through two preferential pathways along the Tubarão Bight area (TB, 19.5°S-22°S). These pathways are found to be locations where an equatorward along-isobath pressure gradient force (PGFy∗) of ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2 develops in response to steady wind forcing. This equatorward PGFy∗ is essentially in geostrophic balance, and therefore induces onshore flow across the shelf edge and most of the shelf proper. The Brazil Current (BC) imparts an additional equatorward PGFy∗ on the shelf. The momentum budget reveals that the ageostrophic residue of the PGFy∗ is compensated mostly by momentum advection and bottom friction. Buoyancy arrest might be important under more intense SACW intrusion events, as suggested by the maximum observed values of the slope Burger number (0.32-0.92). Among the deep ocean forcing mechanisms considered, the intrinsic pycnocline uplifting effect of the BC seems to be responsible for ∼1.4°C colder upwelled water under steady, upwelling-favorable wind forcing, relative to a flat stratification scenario. The BC also seems to induce local intrusions by inertially overshooting the shelf edge, consistent with Rossby numbers of ∼0.3-0.5, as estimated for the area along the TB shelf edge. Finally, the planetary β-effect is also related to a background equatorward PGFy∗. In addition, the steady response of the continental shelf to a periodic (in the along-shelf direction) pressure forcing at the shelf edge is compared with the BC-forced primitive-equation numerical solutions. A simple Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) analytical model is found to be successful in representing the general features of the numerical solutions. The cross-shelf e-folding scales of the cross-shelf velocity estimated from the numerical solutions agree in order of magnitude with the cross-shelf penetration scale q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km predicted by the ATW, where r is a linear bottom resistance parameter, l is the along-shelf wavenumber of the forcing at the shelf edge, f is the Coriolis parameter and s is the bottom slope. Furthermore, the use of quadratic bottom stress accounts for some of the relative increase in the numerical onshore penetration scales, which are predicted to be qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½ [Ubot]½, where CD is a quadratic bottom friction parameter and Ubot is the near-bottom velocity magnitude. The kind of steady response to periodic deep ocean forcing examined here may provide insight into other continental shelves under the influence of western boundary currents. / Os caminhos e os mecanismos físicos associados ao fenômeno de intrusão da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) na plataforma continental da Bacia do Espírito Santo (BES) ao largo da costa sudeste (18°S-22°S) são investigados nesta dissertação. A abordagem consiste da análise de experimentos numéricos de equações primitivas simplificados, combinados com a análise de um modelo numérico mais completo, e com análise de observações disponíveis. Conclui-se que a circulação na direção perpendicular às isóbatas é fortemente dominada pelo vento, de acordo com resultados pretéritos. Nos experimentos numéricos, a ACAS ingressa na plataforma da BES através de dois caminhos preferenciais de intrusão no Embaiamento de Tubarão (ET, 19,5°S-22°S). Estes caminhos de intrusão coincidem com áreas em que uma Força do Gradiente de Pressão na direção paralela às isóbatas (PGFy∗), com magnitude de ∼2 x 10-6 m s-2, se forma em resposta ao vento. A PGFy∗ se encontra essencialmente em balanço geostrófico, e impulsiona um escoamento na direção da costa. A Corrente do Brasil (CB) induz uma PGFy∗ adicional favorável à intrusão. O balanço de momentum revela que o resíduo ageostrófico da PGFy∗ é balanceado principalmente pela advecção de momentum e pelo atrito de fundo. O mecanismo de desligamento da camada de Ekman de fundo por empuxo (tradução livre de buoyancy arrest) pode ser importante em eventos mais intensos de intrusão de ACAS, em razão das estimativas do número de Burger de inclinação (tradução livre de slope Burger number) observado (0,32-0,92). O efeito de soerguimento da termoclina ligado à CB aparenta diminuir em ∼1,4 °C a temperatura da água que aflora em eventos de ressurgência costeira. A CB também parece produzir intrusões locais na borda da plataforma por efeitos inerciais, de acordo com as estimativas de ∼0,3-0,5 para o número de Rossby ao longo da borda da plataforma. Por fim, o efeito β planetário também é associado a uma PGFy∗ básica na direção do equador. Adicionalmente, a resposta estacionária da plataforma continental a um campo de pressão periódico ao longo da borda da plataforma é comparada com as soluções numéricas. Um simples modelo analítico do tipo Onda Topográfica Aprisionada (OTA, tradução livre de Arrested Topographic Wave) representa as características gerais das soluções numéricas. As escalas de decaimento Neperiano (e) na direção perpendicular à plataforma estimadas a partir das soluções numéricas são comparáveis à escala de penetração q-1 = [-2r/(lfs)]½ = 10 km prevista pela OTA, onde r é um coeficiente linear de atrito de fundo, l é o número de onda da forçante, f é o parâmetro de Coriolis e s é a inclinação do fundo. O uso de uma parametrização quadrática para o atrito de fundo prevê parte da diminuição da e. A escala de penetração quadrática é qquadratic-1 = [-2CD/(lfs)]½[Ubot]½, onde CD é um coeficiente quadrático de atrito de fundo e Ubot é a magnitude da velocidade próxima ao fundo. Este tipo de resposta estacionária da plataforma a uma forçante periódica ligada ao oceano profundo pode ajudar a elucidar processos físicos em outras plataformas continentais que se encontram sob a influência de correntes de limite oeste.
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3D numerical techniques for determining the foot of a continental slopePantland, Nicolette Ariana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) provides an opportunity for qualifying coastal signatory states to claim extended maritime estate. The opportunity to claim rests on the precept
that in certain cases a continental shelf extends beyond the traditionally demarcated two hundred nautical
mile (200M) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) mark. In these cases a successful claim results in states
having sovereign rights to the living and non-living resources of the seabed and subsoil, as well as the
sedentary species, of the area claimed. Where the continental shelf extends beyond the 200M mark, the
Foot of the Continental Slope (FoS) has to be determined as one of the qualifying criteria. Article 76 of
UNCLOS de nes the FoS as ". . . the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base." Currently
Caris Lots is the most widely used software which incorporates public domain data to determine the
FoS as a step towards defining the offshore extent of an extended continental shelf. In this software,
existing methods to compute the FoS are often subjective, typically involving an operator choosing the
best perceived foot point during consideration of a two dimensional profile of the continental slope.
These foot points are then joined by straight lines to form the foot line to be used in the desk top study
(feasibility study). The purpose of this thesis is to establish a semi-automated and mathematically based
three dimensional method for determination of the FoS using South African data as a case study.
Firstly, a general background of UNCLOS is given (with emphasis on Article 76), including a brief
discussion of the geological factors that influence the characteristics of a continental shelf and thus
factors that could influence the determination of the FoS.
Secondly, a mathematical method for determination of the surfaces of extremal curvature (on three
dimensional data), originally proposed by Vanicek and Ou in 1994, is detailed and applied to two smooth,
hypothetical sample surfaces. A discussion of the bathymetric data to be used for application introduces
the factors to be taken into account when using extensive survey data as well as methods to process
the raw data for use. The method is then applied to two sets of gridded bathymetric data of differing
resolution for four separate regions around the South African coast. The ridges formed on the resulting
surfaces of maximum curvature are then traced in order to obtain a foot line definition for each region
and each resolution.
The results obtained from application of the method are compared with example foot points provided
by the subjective two dimensional method of computation within the Caris Lots software suite. A
comparison of the results for the different resolutions of data is included to provide insight as to the
effectiveness of the method with differing spatial coarseness of data.
Finally, an indication of further work is provided in the conclusion to this thesis, in the form of a
number of recommendations for possible adaptations of the mathematical and tracing methods, and
improvements thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie oor die Wet van die See (UNCLOS) bied 'n geleentheid aan kwalifiserende state wat ondertekenaars van die Konvensie is om aanspraak te maak op uitgebreide maritieme gebied. Die geleentheid om op uitgebreide gebied aanspraak te maak berus op die veronderstelling
dat 'n kontinentale tafel in sekere gevalle tot buite die tradisioneel afgebakende 200 seemyl eksklusiewe
ekonomiese zone (EEZ) strek. In sulke gevalle het 'n suksesvolle aanspraak die gevolg dat die staat
soewereine reg oor die lewende en nie-lewende bronne van die seevloer en ondergrond verkry, sowel as
die inwonende spesies van die gebied buite die EEZ waarop aanspraak gemaak word.
Die voet van die kontinentale tafel (FoS) moet vasgestel word as een van die bepalende kriteria vir
afbakening van die aanspraak waar die kontinentale tafel tot buite die EEZ strek. Artikel 76 van UNCLOS
defineer die FoS as ". . . die punt van maksimale verandering in die helling by sy basis." Die mees algemeen
gebruikte rekenaar sagteware wat openbare domein data aanwend om die voet van die helling te bepaal,
is tans "Caris Lots." Die metodes wat in die program gebruik word om die voet van die helling te bepaal,
is dikwels subjektief en berus tipies op 'n operateur se keuse van die beste afgeskatte punt van die voet
van die helling uit 'n oorweging van 'n twee dimensionele profiel van die kontinentale tafel. Die berekende
voet-punte word dan deur middel van reguit lyne verbind om 'n hellingsvoetlyn te vorm. Hierdie voetlyn
kan dan in die Suid-Afrikaanse lessenaarstudie (doenlikheidstudie) oor die bepaling van die voet van
die kontinentale tafel gebruik word. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n semi-outomatiese en
wiskundig gebaseerde drie-dimensionele metode te beskryf vir die vasstelling van die FoS, deur as 'n
gevallestudie van Suid-Afrikaanse data gebruik te maak.
'n Algemene agtergrond van UNCLOS, met beklemtoning van Artikel 76, word eerstens gegee. 'n Kort bespreking van die geologiese faktore wat die kontinentale tafel beïnvloed en wat gevolglik 'n invloed kan
hê op die vasstelling van die voet van die helling, is ingesluit.
Tweedens word 'n wiskundige metode, wat oorspronklik in 1994 deur Vanicek en Ou voorgestel is, vir
bepaling van die oppervlaktes van maksimale kromming (gebaseer op drie-dimensionele data) in detail
bespreek en 'n voorbeeld van 'n toepassing op twee gladde, denkbeeldige oppervaktes word beskryf.
Die faktore wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer omvattende dieptemeting data gebruik word, en die
metodes wat gebruik word om die rou data te verwerk, word ingelei deur 'n bespreking van die aard van
die dieptemeting data wat gebruik is. Die metode word dan toegepas op twee stelle geruite dieptemeting
data van verskillende resolusies vir vier afsonderlike streke om die Suid-Afrikaanse kus. Die riwwe wat
op die resulterende oppervlaktes van maksimale kromming gevorm word, word dan nagetrek ten einde
'n lyndefinisie van die voet van die kontinentale tafel vir elke streek teen elke resolusie te bepaal.
Die resultate verkry uit toepassings van die metode word vergelyk met hellingsvoetpunte soos bepaal
deur die subjektiewe twee dimensionele berekeningsmetode in die "Caris Lots" rekenaar-program. 'n
Vergelyking van die resultate vir die verskillende data resolusies word ingesluit om die doeltreffendheid
van die metode met betrekking tot die hantering van verskillende ruimtelike data resolusies te ondersoek.
'n Aanduiding van verdere werk, bestaande uit 'n aantal aanbevelings vir moontlike aanpassings en verbeterings
van die wiskundige en natrek metodes, word ten slotte in die gevolgtrekking van die verhandeling verskaf.
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TELEMETRY PROCESSING SYSTEMS DESIGN TRENDSYates, James William 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / Current changes in the way that large flight test systems are utilized have affected the industry’s methodology in both the early design phases and in the implementation of nextgeneration hardware and software. The reduction of available RF spectrum, the implementation of packet telemetry methods and systems, and a desire to implement commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware are only some of the considerations that telemetry systems integrators and product houses have to face. This paper describes how test methodology changes affect current large systems design at both government test ranges and at airframe/missile manufacturer test facilities. In addition, consideration is given to the area of increased processing power as it affects hardware and software design, the leveraging of such current and future telecommunications technology as network switch technology and compression, cross utilization, standardized technology, and the movement toward platform-independent software.
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DIGITAL VOICE DECODING IN TODAY'S TELEMETRY SYSTEMKnudtson, Kevin M., Glass, Randy 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Today’s telemetry systems can reduce spectrum demand and maintain secure voice
by encoding analog voice into digital data using; Continuously Variable Slope Delta
Modulation ( CVSD ) format and imbedding it into a telemetry stream. The model CSC-0390 DvD system is an excellent choice in decoding digital voice, designed with
flexibility, efficiency, and simplicity in mind. Flexibility in design brings forth a
capability of operating on a wide variety of telemetry systems and data formats without
any specialized interfaces. The utilization of 74HC series circuit technology makes this
DvD system efficient in design, low cost, and lower power consumption. In addition the
front panel display and control function is also is an example of Simplicity in design and
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 22-25, 2001 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The US Government originally funded the development of the Common Airborne Instrumentation
System (CAIS) to address industry-wide compatibility, maintenance, and commonality issues. Although
initially targeted for US Department of Defense (DoD) programs, CAIS is also being used throughout
the world in many commercial applications. This paper provides a fresh look at the evolution of the
CAIS concept starting with some historical background of the CAIS Program, an overview of the CAIS
System Architecture and recent trends in the use of “Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)” products and
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Speech recognition software: an alternative to reduce ship control manningKuffel, Robert F. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This study identifies factors affecting the performance of commercial-off-the-shelf speech recognition software (SRS) when used for ship control purposes. After a review of research in the feasibility and acceptability of SRS-based ship control, the paper examines the effects of: "A restricted vocabulary versus a large vocabulary," Low experience level conning officers versus high experience level conning officers, "Male versus female voices," Pre-test training on specific words versus no pre-test training. Controlled experimentation finds that: "The experience level of a conning officer has no significant impact on SRS performance." Female participants experienced more SRS errors than did their male counterparts. However, in this experiment, only a limited number of trials were available to assess a difference. "SRS with restricted vocabulary performs no better than SRS with large vocabularies." Using the software "correct as you go" feature may impact software performance. Following the user profile establishment, individual user training on two specific words reduces error rates significantly. This study concludes that SRS is a viable technology for ship control and merits further testing and evaluation. / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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