Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shock waves."" "subject:"chock waves.""
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Modélisation des écoulements réactifs dans les microsystèmes énergétiques / Modelling of the reactive flows in energetic micro systemsNgomo Otogo, Davy Kévin 16 November 2010 (has links)
La miniaturisation de plus en plus poussée (micro et nano) des systèmes mécanique connaît un important développement depuis une dizaine d'années. Leur conception et réalisation nécessite une connaissance approfondie des écoulements micro-fluidiques. Dans le domaine énergétique, le rendement d'un moteur thermique se dégrade sérieusement lors d'une réduction d'échelle. En effet, les pertes de chaleur pariétales peuvent devenir aussi importantes que l'énergie libérée. Une voie prometteuse consiste à utiliser les ondes de choc / détonation pour accélérer la libération d'énergie. Dans ce cas, la détonation peut être assimilée à une onde de choc inerte, couplée à une zone de réaction, caractérisée par la présence d'instabilités longitudinales et transverses, soumettant ainsi le front de choc à de violentes accélérations / décélérations. L'objectif de la thèse est de mieux appréhender la structure moyenne de la zone de réaction qui s'étend du choc jusqu'à la surface sonique. Sur le plan de la modélisation numérique, les équations de Navier-Stokes compressibles, multi-espèces, réactives sont résolues au sein du solveur CHOC-WAVES développé au CORIA, avec une thermodynamique variables et des coefficients de transport dépendant des espèces. La condition de Chapman-Jouguet généralisée a été élaborée et confirmée par les résultats de simulations numériques dans le cas d'une détonation multidimensionnelle stable. En particulier, il a été montré que les instabilités transverses s'atténuaient avec la réduction d'échelle. A cet effet, un scénario a été proposé pour expliquer le déficit de la vitesse du front de détonation, en se basant sur la structure de la poche subsonique aval, en corrélation avec l'épanouissement de la couche limite. Ce schéma partage de fortes similitudes avec la macro-détonation, tout en gardant des différences. En particulier, il a été montré que la forte vorticité, produite au niveau de la singularité de Prandtl-Meyer, souvent négligée dans les modèles de macro-détonation, diffusait au sein de la poche subsonique. Ces résultats tout à fait originaux ont permis une avancée significative dans la compréhension du mécanisme de propagation des fronts de détonation stables et confinées. / Progress towards the miniaturization of increasingly advanced micro- and nano-electromechanical systems has highlighted the need for a better knowledge of the design of such devices. knowledge of micro-nano pipe flows is still mandatory. In field of energy power generation, as the systems are scaled down, the thermal efficiency of conventional propellant devices is seriously degraded due to significant heat losses which can cause the combustion extinction. A promising approach is to use shock or detonation waves in gazeous media to enhance chemical reaction rates. A detonation is a rapid regime of burning in which a strong shock ignites the fuel and the burning proceeds to equlibrium behind the shock, while the energy released continues to drive the shock. It is also characterized by the presence of longitudinal and transverse instabilities, thereby subjecting the shock front to violent deceleration / acceleration. The objective of this thesis is to better understand the mean structure of the reaction zone that extends from the shock to the sonic surface. As for numerical modelling, the compressible multi-species reactive Navier-Stokes equations are solved using an in-house code "CHOC-WAVES", including variable thermodynamic and transport coefficients depending on the species. The Generalized Chapman-Jouguet condition was developed and corroborated by the numerical results in the case of stable multidimensionnal detonation. More specially, it was shown that the transverse instabilities are attenuated with the scale reduction.To this end, a scenarion, based on the structure of downstream subsonic pocket, which is correlated to the development of the boundary layer, has been proposed to explain the deificit of the detonation from velocity. This scheme shares many similarities with the macro-detonation, while keeping some differences. In particular, it was shown that the strong vorticity, generated at the Prandlt-Meyersingularity and often neglected in macro-detonation models, diffuses in the subsonic pocket. The present contribution enables us to shade more physical insight for the propagation of stable and confined detonation fronts.
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Numeričke procedure u definisanju pravilnih rešenja zakona održanja / Numerical procedures in defining entropy solutions for conservation lawsKrunić Tanja 01 September 2016 (has links)
<p> U okviru ove doktorske disertacije posmatrani su zakoni održanja sa funkcijom fluksa koja ima prekid u x = 0, pri čemu delovi fluksa levo i desno od x = 0 imaju smo po jedan ekstrem. U prvoj glavi se može naći pregled osnovnih pojmova, definicija i teorema. U drugoj glavi su opisani hiperbolični sistemi zakona održanja, slaba rešenja, kao <br />i numerički postupci za njihovo rešavanje. U trećoj glavi su predstavljeni diskretni profili darnih talasa. U četvrtoj glavi su opisani zakoni održanja sa prekidnom funkcijom fluksa i ukratko su predstvaljeni rezultati drugih autora iz ove oblasti. U petoj glavi je najpre analizirana tzv. jednačina sa dva fluksa u slučaju kada oba dela fluksa levo i desno od x = 0 imaju minimum, a pri tome se seku u najviše jednoj tačci unutar intervala. Primenom regularizacije na intervalu [−<em>ε, ε</em>], za<em> ε</em> > 0 dovoljno malo, dokazano je postojanje diskretnih udarnih profila za postupak Godunova za zakone održanja sa promenljivom funkcijom fluksa. Definisan je i odgovarajući diskretan uslov entropije, a postojanje entropijskog diskretnog udarnog profila je postavljen kao kriterijum za dopustivost udarnih talasa. Potom je analizirana ista jednačina u slucaju kada deo fluksa levo od x = 0 ima maksimum, a deo fluksa desno od x = 0 minimum, dok se oba dela fluksa seku na krajevima posmatranog intervala. U ovom slučaju, uopšten je uslov entropije. U okviru ove glave je prikazano nekoliko numeričkih primera za oba opisana slučaja. Numerički rezultati su dobijeni korišcenjem softvera razvijenog za potrebe ove teze u pro<br />gramskom paketu <em>Mathematica</em>.</p> / <p>We consider conservation laws with a flux discontinuity at x = 0, where the flux parts from both left and right hand side of x = 0 have at most one extreme on the observed domain. The first chapter provides elementary definitions and theorems..The second chapter refers to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, their solutions, and numerical procedures. The third chapter is devoted to discrete shock profiles. The fourth chapter describes conservation laws with discontinuous flux functions and provides basic information upon known results in this field. In the fifth chapter, we first analyse the two-flux equation when both flux parts have a minimum and cross at most at one point in the interior of the domain. Using a flux regularization on the interval [−ε, ε], for ε > 0 small enough, we show the existence of discrete shock profiles for Godunov’s scheme for conservation laws with discontinuous flux functions. We also define a discrete entropy condition accordingly, and use the existence of an entropy discrete shock profile as an entropy criterion for shocks. Then we analyse the same problem in the case when the flux part on the left of x = 0 has a maximum and the part on the right of x = 0 has a minimum, whereas the fluxes cross at the edges of the interval. We derive a more general discrete entropy condition in this case. We provide several numerical examples in both of the above mentioned flux cases. All the presented numerical results are obtained using a program written in Mathematica. Finally, in chapter six, we prove the existence of singular shock waves in the case when the graph of one of the flux parts is above the graph of the other one on the entire domain. For that purpose, we use the shadow wave technique. At the end of this chapter, we provide a numerical verification of the obtained singular solution.</p>
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Unsteady Dynamics of Shock-Wave Boundary-Layer InteractionsAkshay Deshpande (11022453) 23 July 2021 (has links)
<div>Shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions (SWTBLIs) are characterized by low-frequency unsteadiness, amplified aerothermal loads, and a complex three-dimensional flowfield. Presence of a broad range of length and time-scales associated with compressible turbulence generates additional gasdynamic features that interact with different parts of the flowfield via feedback mechanisms. Determining the physics of such flows is of practical importance as they occur frequently in different components of a supersonic/hypersonic aircraft such as inlets operating in both on- and off-design conditions, exhaust nozzles, and control surfaces. SWTBLIs can cause massive flow separation which may trigger unstart by choking the flow in an inlet. On control surfaces, fatigue loading caused by low-frequency shock unsteadiness, coupled with high skin-friction and heat transfer at the surface, can result in failure of the structure.</div><div><br></div><div>The objective of this study is twofold. The first aspect involves examining the causes of unsteadiness in SWTBLIs associated with two geometries – a backward facing step flow reattaching on to a ramp, and a highly confined duct flow. Signal processing and statistical techniques are performed on the results obtained from Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulations (DDES) and Implicit Large-Eddy Simulations (ILES). Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is used as a complement to this analysis, by obtaining a low-dimensional approximation of the flowfield and associating a discrete frequency value to individual modes. </div><div><br></div><div>In case of the backward facing step, Fourier analysis of wall-pressure data brought out several energy dominant frequency bands such as separation bubble breathing, oscillations of the reattachment shock, shear-layer flapping, and shedding of vortices from the recirculation zone. The spectra of reattachment shock motion suggested a broadband nature of the oscillations, wherein separation bubble breathing affected the low-frequency motion and shear-layer flapping, and vortex shedding correlated well at higher frequencies. A similar exercise was carried out on the highly confined duct flow which featured separation on the floor and sidewalls. In addition to the low-frequency shock motions, the entire interaction exhibited a cohesive back-and-forth in the streamwise direction as well as a left-right motion along the span. Mode reconstruction using DMD was used in this case to recover complex secondary flows induced by the presence of sidewalls.</div><div><br></div><div>For the final aspect of this study, a flow-control actuator was computationally modeled as a sinusoidally varying body-force function. Effects of high-frequency forcing at F<sup>+</sup> =1.6 on the flowfield corresponding to a backward facing step flow reattaching on to a ramp were examined. Conditionally averaged profile of streamwise velocity fluctuations, based on reattachment shock position, was used for the formulation of spatial distribution of the actuator. The forcing did not change the mean and RMS profiles significantly, but affected the unsteadiness of the interaction significantly. The effects of forcing were localized to the recirculation zone and did not affect the evolution of the shear-layer. The acoustic disturbances propagating through the freestream and recirculation zone drove the motion of the reattachment shock, and did not alter the low-frequency dynamics of the interaction.</div>
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Delta udarni talasi i metod praćenja talasa / Delta shock waves and wave front tracking methodDedović Nebojša 24 April 2014 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji posmatrani su Rimanovi problemi kod strogo i slabo hiperboličnih nelinearnih sistema PDJ. U uvodu je predstavljena jednačina zakona održanja u jednoj prostornoj dimenziji i definisani su Košijevi i Rimanovi problemi. U drugoj glavi, date su osnovne osobine nelinearnih hiperboličnih zakona održanja, uvedeni supojmovi stroge hiperboličnosti i slabog rešenja zakona održanja. Definisani su Rankin-Igono i entropijski uslovi kao i opšte rešenje Rimanovog problema (za dovoljno male početne uslove). U trećoj glavi detaljno je objašnjena Glimova diferencna šema. Metod praćenja talasa predstavljen je u četvrtoj glavi. Pokazano je da se ovom metodom, za dovoljno male početne uslove, dobija stabilno i jedinstveno rešenje koje u svakom vremenu ima ograničenu totalnu varijaciju. U petoj glavi, posmatrana je jednačina protoka izentropnog gasa u Lagranžovim koordinatama. Uz pretpostavku da je početni uslov ograničen i da ima ograničenu totalnu varijaciju, pokazano je da Košijev problem ima jedinstveno slabo rešenje ako je totalna varijacija početnog uslova pomnožena sa 0<ε<< 1 dovoljno mala. Slabo rešenjedobijeno je metodom praćenja talasa. U glavi šest ispitana je interakcija dva delta talasa koji su posmatrani kao specijalna vrsta shadowtalasa. U glavi sedam, pokazano je da za proizvoljno velike početne uslove, rešenje Rimanovog problema jednodimenzionalnog Ojlerovog zakona održanja gasne dinamikepostoji, daje jedinstveno i entropijski dopustivo, uz drugačiju<br />ocenu snaga elementarnih talasa. Data je numerička verifikacija interakcije dva delta talasa korišćenjem metode praćenja talasa.</p> / <p>In this doctoral thesis, Riemann problems for strictly and weakly nonlinear hyperbolic PDE systems were observed. In the introduction, conservation laws in one spatial dimension were presented and the Cauchy and Riemann problems were defined. In the second chapter, the basic properties of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws were intorduced, as well as the terms such as strictly hyperbolic system and weak solution of conservation law. Also, Rankine -Hugoniot and entropy conditions were<br />introduced and the general solution to the Riemann problem (for sufficiently small initial conditions) were defined. Glimm’s difference scheme was explained in the third chapter. The wave front tracking method was introduced in the fourth chapter. It was shown that, using this method, for sufficiently small initial conditions, it could be obtained a unique solution with bounded total variation for t ≥0. In the fifth chapter, the Euler equations for isentropic fluid inLagrangian coordinates were observed. Under the assumption that the initial condition was bounded and had bounded total variation, it was shown that the Cauchy problem had a weak unique solution, provided that the total variation of initial condition multiplied by 0<ε<<1 was sufficiently small. Weak solution was obtained by applying the wave front tracking method. In the sixth chapter, the interaction of two delta shock waves were examined. Delta shock waves were regarded as special kind of shadowwaves. In the chapter seven, it was shown that for arbitrarily large initial conditions, solution to the Riemann problem of one-dimensional Euler conservation laws of gas dynamics existed, it was unique and admissible. New bounds on the strength of elementary waves in the wave front tracking algorithm were given. The numerical verification of two delta shock waves interaction via wave front tracking method was given at the end of the thesis.</p>
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On Unsteadiness in 2-D and 3-D Shock Wave/Turbulent Boundary Layer InteractionsWaindim, Mbu January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical Study of a Radial Turbine of Variable Geometry at Off-Design Conditions Reaching Choked FlowEchavarría Olaya, Juan David 04 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En los turbocompresores con turbina de geometría variable (VGT por sus siglas en inglés) los vanos del estator se mueven a una posición cerrada para generar una contrapresión durante el modo de frenado del motor. De este modo, se generan ondas de choque en el estator. Además, en otras aplicaciones donde se utilizan turbinas radiales como en ciclos reversos de Brayton para refrigeración, ciclos orgánicos Rankine, y en las turbinas para la unidad de potencia auxiliar, dependiendo de las condiciones de operación, pueden aparecer condiciones sónicas y ondas de choque. El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio del comportamiento del flujo a través de una turbina de geometría variable de un turbocompresor comercial en condiciones fuera de diseño alcanzando condiciones de choque. Se ha realizado un análisis detallado del patrón de flujo dentro de la turbine usando simulaciones CFD, identificando y cuantificando los fenómenos más importantes bajo diferentes condiciones de operación. Se han llevado a cabo simulaciones estacionarias usando Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) y no estacionarias (unsteady RANS) para obtener las características del flujo en el estator y en el rotor, además de obtener el mapa de la turbina. Los resultados CFD muestran que la región del dominio computacional donde aparecen las condiciones sónicas depende de la posición de los vanos del estator y la relación de presiones. Cuando los vanos del estator están en una posición cerrada (10% VGT), el fluido se acelera y, dependiendo de la relación de presiones, la presión estática en el lado de succión disminuye hasta cierto punto donde un incremento repentino revela la presencia de una onda de choque, la cual se expande por el espacio sin vanos. La intensidad de la onda de choque bajo la relación de presiones más altas varia con la velocidad de giro. Para analizar la interacción entre el rotor y el estator se llevaron a cabo simulaciones numéricas con los vanos del estator en una posición cerrada, 10% VGT, y en una posición más abierta, 30% VGT. El número de choques que una partícula del fluido experimenta aguas arriba del rotor está correlacionado con las pérdidas por choque del fluido. Cerca de los vanos del estator, las pérdidas de presión son altas, hacia el centro del espacio sin vanos las pérdidas disminuyen y cerca del rotor empiezan a incrementar. La interacción entre el rotor y el estator crea ondas de choque cuya intensidad depende de la posición del borde de ataque del rotor y de la velocidad de giro. A la velocidad de giro más alta, ocurren fluctuaciones en la carga cerca del borde de ataque, las cuales pueden comprometer la integridad de la pala. Cuando la turbina tiene los vanos del estator abiertos (80% VGT) y opera a la relación de presión más alta seleccionada, las condiciones de choque aparecen en el plano del borde de fuga del rotor. Además, el desarrollo del área chocada depende de la velocidad de giro y de las fugas en la punta del álabe. Así, se investigó los efectos de las fugas en la punta del alabe sobre el flujo principal bajo condiciones sónicas disminuyendo e incrementando el intersticio entre la punta del álabe y la carcasa hasta un 50% en base a la geometría dada por el fabricante. El flujo a través de este espacio se acelera para posteriormente mezclarse con el flujo principal y generar un vórtice. Los efectos del vórtice sobre el flujo en el plano ubicado en el borde de fuga del rotor cuando el intersticio varía son más significativos a altas velocidades que a bajas velocidades. El vórtice permanece más cerca del lado de succión a altas velocidades generando una región subsónica que incrementa con la altura del intersticio. Las fugas en la punta del álabe no afectan al flujo principal cerca del cubo cuando la turbina opera a altas y bajas velocidades. / [CA] En turbocompressors amb turbina de geometria variable (VGT per les seues sigles en anglès), les paletes de l'estàtor es mouen a una posició tancada per generar una contrapressió durant el mode de frenada del motor. D'aquesta forma, es generen unes ones de xoc en l'estàtor. A més, en altres aplicacions on s'utilitzen turbines radials com els cicles inversos de Brayton per a refrigeració, cicles orgànics de Rankine o en turbines per a la unitat de potencia auxiliar, depenent de les condicions d'operació poden aparéixer condicions sòniques i d'ones de xoc. El present treball es centra en l'estudi del comportament del flux en una turbina radial de geometria variable d'un turbocompressor comercial en condicions fora de disseny, arribant a condicions de xoc. S'ha realitzat un anàlisi detallat del patró de flux dins d'aquestes turbines utilitzant simulacions CFD, identificant i quantificant els fenòmens més importants a diferents condicions d'operació. S'han realitzat simulacions estacionàries utilitzant Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) i no estacionàries (Unsteady-RANS) per a obtenir les característiques del flux en l'estàtor i en el rotor, a més d'obtenir el mapa de la turbina. Els resultats CFD mostren que la regió del domini computacional on apareixen les condicions sòniques depenen de la posició de les paletes de l'estàtor i de la relació de pressions. Quan les paletes de l'estàtor estan en una posició tancada (10% VGT), el flux s'accelera i, depenent de la relació de pressions, la pressió estàtica en el costat de succió disminueix fins a cert punt on un increment brusc denota la presència d'una ona de xoc que s'expandix per l'espai sense paletes. L'intensitat de la ona de xoc a relacions de pressions elevades varia amb la velocitat de rotació. Per analitzar l'interacció entre rotor i estàtor es van realitzar simulacions numèriques amb les paletes de l'estàtor en una posició tancada, 10% VGT, i en una posició més oberta, 30% VGT. El nombre de xocs que una partícula del fluid experimenta aigües amunt del rotor està correlacionat amb les pèrdues per xoc del fluid. Prop de les paletes de l'estàtor, les pèrdues de pressión són elevades, cap al centre de l'espai sense paletes les pèrdues disminueixen i prop del rotor comencen a incrementarse. L'interacción entre rotor i estàtor crea ones de xoc amb una intensitat que depèn de la posició de la vora d'atac del rotor i de la velocitat de rotació. A la velocitat de rotació més elevada, prop de de la vora d'atac ocorren fluctuacions en la càrrega que poden comprometre la integritat de la pala. Quan la turbina té les paletes de l'estàtor obertes (80% VGT) i opera a la relació de pressió més elevada de les seleccionades, les condicions de xoc apareixen en el pla de la vora de fuga del rotor. A més, el desenvolupament de l'àrea xocada depèn de la velocitat de rotació i de les fugues en la punta de les paletes. Així, s'ha investigat els efectes de les fugues en la punta de les paletes sobre el flux principal sota condicions sòniques, disminuint i incrementant l'interstici entre la punta de la paleta i la carcasa fins un 50\% en base a la geometria donada pel fabricant. El flux en aquest espai s'accelera per a posteriorment mesclar-se amb el flux principal i generar un vòrtex. Els efectes del vòrtex sobre el flux en el pla ubicat a la vora de fuga del rotor quan l'interstici varia són més significatives a velocitats altes que a velocitats baixes. El vòrtex roman més prop del costat de succió a velocitats elevades generant una regió subsònica que incrementa amb l'altura de l'interstici. Les fugues en la punta de les paletes no afecten al flux principal prop del cub quan la turbina opera tant a altes com baixes velocitats. / [EN] In turbochargers with variable geometry turbine (VGT), the stator vanes move to a closed position to drive high exhaust back pressure during the engine braking mode. Thus, shock waves are generated at the stator. Furthermore, depending on the operational conditions in the use of radial turbines in other applications like reverse Brayton cycle for refrigeration, Organic Rankine Cycles, and gas turbine auxiliary power unit (GTAPU), sonic flow and shock waves can appear. The current work focuses on studying the flow behavior of a commercial turbocharger turbine of variable geometry at off-design conditions reaching choked flow. A detailed examination of the flow patterns within the turbine has been carried out using CFD simulations, identifying and quantifying the most important phenomena under different operational points. Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) and unsteady RANS simulations have been performed to obtain the flow structures in stator and rotor as well as the turbine map. The CFD results show that the region of the computational domain where the sonic conditions appear depends on the stator vanes position and the pressure ratio. When the stator vanes are in the closed position (10% VGT) the flow through the stator accelerates and, depending on pressure ratio, the static pressure on the suction side decreases until a certain point where a sudden increase reveals the presence of a shock wave that expands through the vaneless space. The intensity of the shock wave at higher pressure ratio varies with the rotational speed. To analyze the rotor-stator interaction, numerical simulations were carried out with the stator vanes at the closed position, 10% VGT, and at wider position, 30% VGT. The number of shocks a fluid particle experiences upstream of the rotor is correlated with the fluid shock losses. Close to the stator vanes, the pressure losses are high; toward the center of the vaneless space, they start to decrease, and close to the rotor they start to increase. The rotor-stator interaction creates shock waves, whose intensity depends on the position of the rotor leading edge and the blade speed. At higher rotational speed, load fluctuation occurs close to the leading edge, which may compromise the blade's integrity. When the turbine has the stator vanes open (80% VGT) and operates at the selected higher pressure ratio, the choking condition appears in a plane at the rotor trailing edge. Furthermore, the development of the choked area depends on the rotational speed and tip leakage. Thus, the effect of the tip leakage flow on the main flow under sonic conditions was investigated decreasing and increasing the tip gap up to 50% of the original geometry given by the manufacturer. The flow through the gap accelerates and then mixes with the main flow, generating a vortex. The effects of the vortex on the flow at the rotor trailing edge plane when the tip gap varies are more significant at higher speed than at lower speed. The vortex stays closer to the tip suction side at higher speed, generating a subsonic region that increases with the tip gap height. At higher and lower rotational speeds, the tip leakage flow does not affect the main flow close to the hub. / I would like to acknowledge the financial support received
through the "Subprograma de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU)".
Ministerio de Universidades. FPU18/02628 and by the "FPI Subprograma 2".
Universitat Politècnica de València. PAID-10-18. / Echavarría Olaya, JD. (2023). Numerical Study of a Radial Turbine of Variable Geometry at Off-Design Conditions Reaching Choked Flow [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196861
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Fluctuations quantiques et effets non-linéaires dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein : des ondes de choc dispersives au rayonnement de Hawking acoustique / Quantum fluctuations and nonlinear effects in Bose-Einstein condensates : From dispersive shock waves to acoustic Hawking radiationLarré, Pierre-Élie 20 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de l'analogue du rayonnement de Hawking dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein. Le premier chapitre présente de nouvelles configurations d'intérêt expérimental permettant de réaliser l'équivalent acoustique d'un trou noir gravitationnel dans l'écoulement d'un condensat atomique unidimensionnel. Nous donnons dans chaque cas une description analytique du profil de l'écoulement, des fluctuations quantiques associées et du spectre du rayonnement de Hawking. L'analyse des corrélations à deux corps de la densité dans l'espace des positions et des impulsions met en évidence l'émergence de signaux révélant l'effet Hawking dans nos systèmes. En démontrant une règle de somme vérifiée par la matrice densité à deux corps connexe, on montre que les corrélations à longue portée de la densité doivent être associées aux modifications diagonales de la matrice densité à deux corps lorsque l'écoulement du condensat présente un horizon acoustique. Motivés par des études expérimentales récentes de profils d'onde générés dans des condensats de polaritons en microcavité semi-conductrice, nous analysons dans un second chapitre les caractéristiques superfluides et dissipatives de l'écoulement autour d'un obstacle localisé d'un condensat de polaritons unidimensionnel obtenu par pompage incohérent. Nous examinons la réponse du condensat dans la limite des faibles perturbations et au moyen de la théorie de Whitham dans le régime non-linéaire. On identifie un régime dépendant du temps séparant deux types d'écoulement stationnaire et dissipatif : un principalement visqueux à faible vitesse et un autre caractérisé par un rayonnement de Cherenkov d'ondes de densité à grande vitesse. Nous présentons enfin des effets de polarisation obtenus en incluant le spin des polaritons dans la description du condensat et montrons dans le troisième chapitre que des effets similaires en présence d'un horizon acoustique pourraient être utilisés pour démontrer expérimentalement le rayonnement de Hawking dans les condensats de polaritons. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the analogue of Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates. The first chapter presents new configurations of experimental interest making it possible to realize the acoustic equivalent of a gravitational black hole in the flow of a one-dimensional atomic condensate. In each case we give an analytical description of the flow pattern, the associated quantum fluctuations, and the spectrum of Hawking radiation. Analysis of the two-body density correlations in position and momentum space emphasizes the occurrence of signals revealing the Hawking effect in our systems. By demonstrating a sum rule verified by the connected two-body density matrix we show that the long-range density correlations have to be associated to the diagonal modifications of the two-body density matrix when the flow of the condensate presents an acoustic horizon. Motivated by recent experimental studies of wave patterns generated in semiconductor microcavity polariton condensates we analyze in a second chapter superfluid and dissipative characteristics of the flow of a nonresonantly pumped one-dimensional polariton condensate past a localized obstacle. We examine the response of the condensate in the weak-perturbation limit and by means of Whitham theory in the nonlinear regime. We identify a time-dependent regime separating two types of stationary and dissipative flow: a mostly viscous one at low velocity and another one characterized by Cherenkov radiation of density waves at large velocity. Finally we present polarization effects obtained by including the spin of polaritons in the description of the condensate and show in the third chapter that similar effects in the presence of an acoustic horizon could be used to experimentally demonstrate Hawking radiation in polariton condensates.
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Porovnání efektu rázové vlny a chirurgické intervence v léčbě tendopatie rotatorové manžety / Comparison between the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and the Surgical Approach in the Treatment of the Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: A Literature ReviewSaqqa, Mohammed Maher H January 2018 (has links)
Title Comparison between the effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and the surgical approach in the treatment of the rotator cuff tendinopathy. Objective The main goal of this research work is comparing the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and the surgical intervention (arthroscopic approach) in the treatment of calcific rotator cuff tendinopathy depending on the outcome measures of the Constant-Murley Score (CMS), and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) from the recent scientific publications. Methodology This thesis is systemic (literature) review. The studies which recruited in this research were randomized controlled trials, prospective studies, and retrospective case series studies which written in English language form, and published between the year 2000 to the year 2018. The studies were retrieved from following databases: EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL, Medline, SpringerLink, ProQuest using different integrations of the key words. The participants in the studies were from both genders and all ages. The type of the pathology which included in this research was chronic calcific rotator cuff tendinopathy. Regarding the intervention types both Radial, and Focused ESWT with low, medium, and high intensities and the arthroscopic interventions were the main types of...
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"Efeito da terapia por ondas de choque na consolidação óssea após osseossíntese de fêmur com hastes bloqueadas: estudo experimental em cães (canis familiaris)" / Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy one bone healing after femur ostosynthesis with interlocking nails: experimental study in dogs (Canis familiaris)Bassit, Ana Cristina Ferreira 14 September 2004 (has links)
O efeito da terapia por ondas de choque (TOC) na consolidação óssea, após osteotomias bilaterais dos fêmures e osteossínteses com hastes bloqueadas, foi estudado em 8 cães. Os fêmures direitos constituíram o grupo controle e os esquerdos, o grupo tratado, que recebeu 2000 pulsos de ondas de choque de 18 kV, energia de 5mJ (-6dB), na linha da fratura. Radiografias após 4, 8 e 12 semanas, revelaram maior proliferação periosteal no grupo tratado. Os resultados dos exames cintilográficos (razão tratado/controle), realizados na 2a, 4a, 6a, 8a, 10a e 12a semanas, foram estatisticamente superiores no grupo tratado. A TOC provocou aumento da atividade osteogênica na consolidação de fraturas agudas / The effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on bone healing, after bilateral femoral osteotomies and osteosynthesis with interlocking nails, was studied in 8 dogs. The right femurs composed the control group, and the left femurs, the treated group, which received 2000 pulses of shock wave, with 18 kV, 5 mJ (-6dB) energy on the fracture line. Radiographs after 4, 8 and 12 weeks, revealed increased periosteal proliferation in the treated group. The results (treated/control ratio) of the scintigraphic exams, performed on weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, were statistically higher for the treated group. The ESWT led to increased osteogenic activity on acute fracture's bone healing.
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Estudo prospectivo, comparativo, randomizado, duplamente coberto, controlado com placebo sobre a eficácia das ondas de choque no tratamento da síndrome dolorosa miofascial das regiões lombar e glútea / A prospective, comparative, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study on the efficacy of shock waves in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome of the lumbar and gluteal regionsKobayashi, Ricardo 13 July 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento com ondas de choque (TOC) é utilizado para tratar numerosas afecções musculoesqueléticas, incluindo-se as pseudartroses e as tendinopatias. Há poucos estudos bem estruturados sobre a eficácia do TOC no tratamento da síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) e não há ensaio clínico aleatorizado sobre sua utilização no tratamento das SDMs das regiões lombar e glútea. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia do TOC no tratamento das SDMs das regiões lombar e glútea. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, controlado, com amostra aleatória e duplamente encoberto sobre o tratamento de doentes com dor moderada a intensa decorrente de SDM nas regiões lombar e glútea com duração superior a seis meses, submetidos previamente a tratamento padronizado com antidepressivo, analgésico, terapia física e orientações fisioterápicas durante seis semanas. Foram elegíveis 46 doentes que apresentavam dor com intensidade >= 4 de acordo com a EVA dentre os 121 convocados. Durante seis semanas os doentes elegíveis foram submetidos a tratamento farmacológico e fisioterápico padronizado. Sete doentes usufruíram melhora clínica importante e oito abandonaram o estudo, restando 31 doentes que participaram efetivamente do estudo. Após a randomização, 14 doentes foram submetidos a TOC com cabeçote ativo e 17 a TOC com cabeçote placebo. Foram avaliados os aspectos demográficos, a apresentação clínica, a incapacidade funcional, a intensidade e as características da dor até um ano após a realização dos procedimentos destes 31 doentes. As avaliações foram realizadas com uso da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland-Morris (RDQ), Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry (ODI), Versão Reduzida do Questionário de Dor McGill (SF-MPQ) e Inventário Diagnóstico da Dor Neuropática 4 (DN4). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos quanto às características sociodemográficas dos doentes. Entretanto, a duração das queixas de dor dos doentes do grupo TOC ativo foi significativamente superior (p < 0,05) a dos do grupo TOC placebo. Em relação aos doentes tratados com TOC placebo, os doentes tratados com TOC ativo usufruíram redução estatisticamente significativa da dor de acordo com a EVA na interação grupo versus tempo a partir do momento \"três meses\"; a melhora manteve-se estatisticamente significativa durante um ano (p < 0,001), achado que sugere que o efeito analgésico instala-se em longo prazo e mantém-se prolongadamente. Não ocorreu modificação estatisticamente significativa na interação grupo versus tempo nas pontuações dos questionários RDQ, ODI e SF-MPQ ao longo do tempo nos doentes de ambos grupos. No momento \"12 meses\" ocorreu redução superior a 50% da incapacidade funcional da dor lombar avaliada de acordo com o RDQ em 70,0% dos doentes do grupo TOC ativo e em apenas 14,3% dos doentes tratados com TOC placebo; diferença percentual estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). Ocorreu também redução superior a 50% das pontuações do ODI na avaliação realizada no momento \"12 meses\" em 70,0% dos doentes incluídos no grupo TOC ativo e em apenas 14,3% dos doentes do grupo TOC placebo, diferença percentual estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento com o TOC ativo dos doentes com SDM nas regiões lombar e glútea proporcionou melhora significativa da dor a partir do momento \"três meses\" até, pelo menos, o momento \"12 meses\" de acompanhamento, achado que sugere que seu efeito analgésico instala-se tardiamente. Adicionalmente, proporcionou melhora da funcionalidade de acordo com o RDQ e ODI na avaliação realizada no momento \"12 meses\" / INTRODUCTION: Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) has been used successfully in different musculoskeletal conditions, including pseudarthrosis and tendinopathies. However, there are very few well-structured studies on the efficacy of ESWT in the treatment of myofascial pain syndromes (MPSs) and no randomized clinical trial about the ESWT in the treatment of lumbar and gluteal myofascial pain. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of ESWT in the treatment of lumbar and gluteal MPSs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was prospective, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. From 121 patients with moderate or severe pain due to MPS in the lumbar and gluteal regions lasting more than six months were enrolled; a total of 46 patients with pain intensity >= 4 according to the VAS were considered eligible. The elected patients were treated with antidepressant, analgesic and physical therapy as a standard protocol during six weeks. Seven patients had significant clinical improvement with the pharmacological and physical therapies and eight dropped out the study. The remainder 31 patients were randomized and 14 underwent active ESWT and 17 underwent placebo ESWT. The demographic aspects, clinical presentations, functional disabilities, severity and characteristics of pain were evaluated previously to the inclusion in the study until the end of the first year after the treatment with active or placebo ESWT. The evaluations were based on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Roland- Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), Short- Form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), and the Neuropathic Pain Diagnostic Questionnaire 4 (DN4). RESULTS: There were no statistical differences between the groups regarding the baseline characteristics of the patients. However, the duration of pain of the patients treated with active ESWT was significantly higher (p < 0,05) than those treated with placebo ESWT. There was no statistically significant variation over time in the RDQ, ODI and SF-MPQ scores between the patients from each group. Patients treated with active ESWT presented a significant reduction of pain severity according to the VAS from the third until the 12nd month of follow-up (p < 0,001), finding indicative that the analgesic effect of the ESWT starts late but remains over time. At the 12nd month of follow-up, 70,0% of the patients treated with active ESWT and just 14.3% of the patients from de placebo ESWT group had more than 50% improvement of the functional disability of the low back pain according to the RDQ, statistically significant difference (p < 0,05). There was also a reduction of more than 50% of ODI scores in the 12th month of follow-up in 70.0% of the patients treated with active ESWT and in only 14.3% of the patients treated with placebo ESWT (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: The active ESWT provided a significant and lasting reduction in pain intensity from the third until the 12th month of follow-up, finding that suggests that its analgesic effect settles late and has long duration. Additionally, it provided improvement of the functionality according to the RDQ and ODI at the 12th month of follow-up
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