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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O que o Complexo do Alemão nos conta sobre as cidades: poder e conhecimento no Rio de Janeiro no início dos anos 80 / What the Complexo do Alemão tell us about city: power and knowledge in Rio de Janeiro in early 1980s

Thiago Oliveira Lima Matiolli 16 August 2016 (has links)
Esse trabalho analisa as condições que tornaram possível, e aceitável, a percepção de que favelas diferentes, mas contíguas entre si, fossem apreendidas como uma unidade territorial nomeada do Complexo do Alemão. Tal perspectiva remete a fins da década de 1970 e início dos anos 1980, período reconhecido pela literatura urbana carioca como aquele no qual a solução para o problema da favela, por parte do poder público, passa a ser um conjunto de intervenções diversas, às quais se convencionou nomear de urbanização, em detrimento da política de remoção. Dentre outros elementos, essa reorientação da ação governamental, por um lado, vai desencadear uma abundante produção de informações sobre esses territórios, através da montagem de um quadro técnico qualificado que buscava todo o tempo responder a questão que veio a se colocar para o governo municipal com essa mudança: como urbanizar? Por outro, reflete, também, a influência das transformações na agenda urbana interacional na gestão da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, bem como na de outros municípios do país. A investigação desses aspectos levantou uma dúvida sobre o caráter realmente transformador das políticas de urbanização inicialmente levadas a cabo por um prefeito, Israel Klabin, que era um homem de negócios de sucesso e íntimos de atores econômicos e políticos, nacionais e internacionais. Com entrevistas, pesquisa documental e em jornais da época, propõe-se entender as politicas de urbanização sob a ótica da governamentalização desses territórios, ou, em outras palavras, como uma tecnologia de gestão da população e dos espaços favelados. / This thesis analyses the conditions that made possible and acceptable the perception that different favelas, but contiguous in each other, were perceived as a territorial unit named Complexo do Alemão. This perspective brings to the late 1970s and early 1980s, period recognized by the urban carioca literature as the period in which the solution to the favela problem, by the public authorities, becomes a set of many interventions, which was conventionally named as urbanization, in detriment of the removal policy. This reorientation of the public authorities, by one side, triggers an abundant production of information about this territories, through the assembly of a qualified technical condition, that seeked at all times to answer the question that was put to the municipal government with this change: how to urbanize? On other hand, reflects, between other motivations, the influence of the transformation in the international urban agenda in the urban management of the city of Rio de Janeiro, but also in other cities of the country. The investigation of these aspects raised a doubt on the real transformer character of the urbanization policies initially carried out by a mayor, Israel Klabin, that was a successful businessman and close to economic and political actors, national and international. With interviews, documental research and in newspapers of the period, it proposes to understand the urbanization policies by the perspective of the governmentalization of these territories, or, in other words, as a management technology of the population and slum areas of favela.

Consumo popular, fluxos globais: práticas, articulações e artefatos na interface entre a riqueza e a pobreza / Popular consumption, global flows: habits, joints and artefacts on the interface between wealth and poverty

Claudia D'Ipolitto de Oliveira Sciré 21 September 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre as práticas de consumo dos moradores de uma região situada na periferia paulistana e busca compreender os impactos sociais que o acesso aos espaços e bens de consumo gera nos modos de vida do mundo popular. Partindo de um exercício etnográfico multi-situado, pretende-se mostrar o quanto o advento da financeirização, a partir da proliferação dos mecanismos de concessão de crédito, acarreta efeitos reestruturadores em suas práticas cotidianas, no gerenciamento do orçamento doméstico, nas hierarquias familiares, nas relações de sociabilidade e nos modos de subjetivação, engendrando reconfigurações substantivas no universo popular. / This work intents to be a study about the consumption habits of the habitants of a slum area in São Paulo and tries to comprehend the social effects generated in their lives by the access to the consumptions places and goods. The aim is to show, within a multi-sited ethnographic exercise, that the financial operations, through the diffusion of credit concession mechanisms, engender particular effects that restructure the daily habits, the domestic budget, the familiar hierarchies, the relations of sociability and the subjective manners.

O social verticaliza a cidade / Social verticalizes the city

Pedro Kiyoshi Camargo Nakamura 25 April 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar o trabalho social em processos de remanejamento da população moradora de favelas para Conjuntos Habitacionais de Interesse Social. Para tanto, foram estudados quatro empreendimentos promovidos pelas prefeituras de Osasco e São Paulo entre os anos de 2004-2014, nos quais o trabalho social ocupou posição central. O trabalho social em habitação social, área historicamente ligada ao serviço social, contou durante o período estudado, com aumento de recursos e maior institucionalização, na medida em que se tornou cada vez mais regrado por documentos governamentais. Essa maior consolidação tem sido simultânea à chegada de técnicos oriundos de outras áreas profissionais, entre as quais a arquitetura. Neste contexto observou-se uma reconfiguração da política de atendimento habitacional para os moradores da favela e um acréscimo na escassez de terrenos aptos a receber conjuntos habitacionais. Esse novo cenário demanda do trabalho social novos procedimentos de atuação em consonância com as novas políticas, o que tem provocado a exigência de novas especialidades que se valem de inúmeros e variados discursos. O trabalho busca entender o processo de saída da favela e entrada no conjunto habitacional, atentando para o quadro atual da produção da moradia de interesse social, percebendo como estes discursos são aceitos, rejeitados, incorporados, por técnicos e moradores, formando uma representação da vida comunitária. / This thesis aims to discuss social work on relocation processes of people living in \"favelas to housing estates. For such, we studied four housing projects promoted by the municipalities of Osasco and São Paulo between 2004 and 2014, in which social work played a key role. Social work and housing fields are historically linked: the former was met, during the timespan we targeted, rising public funding and bigger institutionalization, in that it also met with more regulation by official state documents. This bigger consolidation has been concurrent with the arrival of other professional areas, architecture among them. At this setting, we observed a \"favela\"-living people housing policy reconfiguration and a shortage rise of free lots able to receive housing projects. This new scenario demands new procedures from social work, in line with the new policies, something that has also demanded new expertises, built upon various different discourses. Our work, paying attention on current housing production scenario, tries to present an understanding of this favela-departure and estate-arrival process, apprehending how these discourses are accepted, rejected, incorporated, both by professionals and by dwellers, building a community life representation.

A sede do capital: o abastecimento de água em favelas da periferia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro / The thirst of the capital: the water supply in the slum peripheries of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Prieto, Gustavo Francisco Teixeira 30 September 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de Geografia Urbana objetiva analisar o abastecimento de água nas favelas da periferia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no período da mundialização financeira do capital, principalmente no que se refere aos impactos da implantação de políticas públicas de saneamento, especialmente o Programa Favela Bairro, momento da realização da urbanização de favelas como negócio e do urbano como mercadoria. Compreendemos que viver sem água modifica substancialmente a vida cotidiana e demonstra a crise estrutural do capital. Em outras palavras, entendemos que a nova qualidade do capital contemporâneo é a destruição destrutiva, realizada pela lógica da valorização e da reprodução ampliada, a qual explicita a situação permanentemente crítica da sociedade. Para isso, desdobramos como a crise ecológica se apresenta como crise da água, sendo essa uma das aparências da crise do capital. Expomos nossa compreensão sobre os meandros da crise capitalista e verificamos como a gestão capitalista da água se apresenta em inúmeras metáforas e fetiches, particularmente ancorada no debate sobre a produção de novas raridades e de como os movimentos de transformação da água em mercadoria-água (o mercado de água potável) fundamentam um negócio e um comércio bastante lucrativos. A questão da precariedade do abastecimento de água em favelas na periferia carioca se apresentou como portadora das contradições desse processo. Assim, buscamos compreender como a produção do espaço urbano da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro se realizou, especialmente os movimentos de transformação da urbanização de favelas e de loteamentos na periferia, e como estes se encontram nesse momento de dominância financeira do capital. Observamos então as ilusões da transparência e a ilusão da opacidade desse processo em que o aparelho do Estado, conceitos produzidos por parte da Academia e os meios de comunicação de massa reforçam esses fundamentos baseados no planejamento submetido à mercadoria. Esses processos substanciam a compreensão da situação permanentemente crítica em que se insere marginalmente o proletariado urbano das favelas e periferias da metrópole capitalista. O aparelho do Estado e as políticas públicas paliativas não universalizam e muito menos resolvem as inúmeras problemáticas que envolvem o saneamento. Essa dissertação busca, então, contribuir para a análise crítica da crise capitalista, apontar alguns porquês da sede do capital e contribuir com o debate marxista, especialmente na Geografia. / This research in Urban Geography aims to analyze the water supply in the slum peripheries of the city of Rio de Janeiro during the financial globalization of capital, especially with regard to the impacts of the implementation of public policies on sanitation, especially the Favela Bairro moment of the slum upgrading and urban as a business as merchandise. We understand that living without water substantially changes the everyday life and demonstrates the structural crisis of capital. In other words, we understand that the new quality of contemporary capital destruction is destructive, performed by the logic of value and expanded reproduction, which explains the situation constantly critical of society. To do this, unfold as the ecological crisis is presented as the water crisis, which is one of the appearances of the crisis of capital. We present our understanding of the intricacies of capitalist crisis and looked at how the capitalist management of water is present in numerous metaphors and fetishes, particularly anchored in the debate on the production of new rarities and how movements of transformation of water into merchandise-water (the drinking water market) an underlying business and a very profitable trade. The issue of precarious water supply in slums on the periphery of Rio de Janeiro introduced himself as the bearer of the contradictions of this process. Thus, we seek to understand how the production of urban space of the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro took place, especially the movements of transformation of slum settlements and in the periphery, and how they are this time of financial dominance of capital. We observed the illusions of transparency and the illusion of opacity of the process in which the state apparatus, concepts produced by the Academy and the media reinforce this plea submitted to the merchandise planning. These processes permanently substantiate the critical situation in which it operates marginally the urban proletariat from the slums and peripheries of capitalist metropolis. The state apparatus and public policies do not universalize palliative let alone solve the numerous problems involving sanitation. This paper seeks, then, to contribute to the critical analysis of capitalist crisis, pointing out some of the whys of the capital and seat contribute to the Marxist debate, especially in geography.

Favelas na metrópole de São Paulo: um olhar sobre a territorialidade e a precariedade dos assentamentos recentes / Slums in metropolis of São Paulo: on territoriality and precariousness in recent settlements

Senger, Sacha 26 April 2019 (has links)
Notou-se, nos últimos anos, um aumento considerável de novos núcleos de favelas que diferem, principalmente em grau de precariedade, das favelas mais antigas. No entanto, não há dados oficiais em escala metropolitana que possam mensurar e analisar territorialmente essas transformações que vêm ocorrendo no meio urbano. Desse modo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral contribuir com informações relacionadas à precariedade e à territorialidade de favelas surgidas após 2010, data do último censo demográfico, nas regiões periféricas da metrópole de São Paulo. Esses novos espaços de moradia estão sendo denominados nesta pesquisa de \"favelas recentes\". Por meio da comparação de imagens de satélites de diferentes anos, foi possível detectar padrões temporais de crescimento, contabilizar o número de novos aglomerados formados e estimar o total de construções que surgiram entre os anos de 2010 e 2017. Buscou-se, também, compreender as causas de surgimento dessas favelas, em que, além da relação com a crise econômica, foi analisada a inserção delas nos zoneamentos municipais. Comprovou-se, por meio de análise cartográfica, que o processo de revisão do Plano Diretor de São Paulo, em 2014, teve influência em dinâmicas de surgimento de novos assentamentos em determinadas áreas. Por fim, a partir de quatro estudos de caso, foram exploradas as principais características socioespaciais, destacando a extrema precariedade das favelas recentes. / In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the number of new slums that differ, mainly in the degree of precariousness, from the older slums. However, there are no official data in metropolitan scale that can measure and territorially analyze transformations that have been taking place in urban areas. Thus, the present work aims to contribute with information related to the precariousness and territoriality of the slums that emerged in the peripheral regions of the metropolis of São Paulo after 2010, year of the last demographic census. This study calls these spaces \"recent slums\". By comparing satellite images from different years, it was possible to detect temporal patterns of growth, to count the number of new slums and to estimate the total number of buildings that emerged in these slums between 2010 and 2017. The reflections were aimed at understanding the causes of the emergence of these slums, beyond the relation with the macroeconomic crisis, and analyzing their insertion in the municipal zoning. The analysis of cartographic information proved that the review process of São Paulo\'s Master Plan, in 2014, influenced the dynamics of new slums in some areas of the city. Finally, four case studies were analyzed according to their main socio-spatial characteristics were explored, highlighting the extreme precariousness of the recent slums.

An Investigation into the Policy for Urban Poverty Alleviation in Thailand Through the Study of Urban Slum Communities

Senanuch, Puchong January 2005 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / ABSTRACT It is estimated that there are currently 3.9 million people living in urban poverty in Thailand, without the existence of an effective social assistance safety-net. This thesis presents an analysis of Thai governments’ urban poverty alleviation policy. The central aim of the thesis is to question whether Thai government policy on urban poverty alleviation can be effective for the poor and the poorest in urban slum communities. Qualitative methods are used, supported by documentary research, and the author’s own experience of being a community development worker and researcher in the urban slums of Thailand over a period of 18 years. I have endeavoured to elicit information from the range of stakeholders engaged with contemporary urban poverty alleviation policy in Bangkok. Thus the research includes the perspectives of policy makers, the poor, and the poorest. I distinguish between these latter two groups by describing those who have access to some government provision for the urban poor and those who are excluded from such provision. I interviewed 18 policy makers, 15 community savings groups committee members, and 65 of the excluded poorest. I investigated the development of policy relating to the urban poor through an analysis of key government reports and documents. I examined all of the government policy documents relating to policies for urban poverty alleviation and the Thai Governments’ five year National Economic and (later) Social Development Plans from 1961 to 2006. I also analysed each of the fifty four Government statements on their policies to the National Assembly covering this period. This research produced two major new vehicles for understanding and interpreting Thai government urban poverty alleviation policy. First, the policy document research enabled me to construct a critical account of the historical development of policy relating to the urban poor, particularly those in slum communities. Second, the interviews produced a unique view of the often desperate lives lived by some Thai citizens who are part of communities residing in what is estimated as 2,000 slums in Thailand. This view is seen through the eyes of both the urban poor and the policy makers. I found attitudes of the policy makers towards the urban poor contain a number of diverse stances, both negative and positive. The Government’s preferred way of helping, previously by housing improvements, and recently by promoting credit and loan schemes with a low interest rate to strengthen community-based organisations and emphasise self-reliance, does help some of the poor; it also excludes others. An important discussion in the thesis is about self-reliance. This is widely referred to by all stakeholders-from HM The King, through leading thinkers including Buddhist scholars, to the poorest in the slum communities. I analyse what such a concept means to each of these groups. I have found there may be little agreement, either on what is being spoken about, or what the implications of self-reliance are for helping Thailand’s poorest citizens. The thesis is also concerned with how to improve the situations of the poor. There is therefore a review of some curricula relating to the training of social/community workers to assess how well students are prepared for their work. The conclusions make some practical recommendations for change at a policy level, via civil society, and in professional education. The direct education and training of the poor is seen as crucial to any substantial improvements. My own experience, producing the thesis in a western country, is included throughout. This is in order to reflect on my learning and the challenges of researching within and outside the Thai social structure.

Pamoja FM – The voice of Kibera : How young Kenyan adults in Kibera perceive the local urban community radio and how it influences the community

Rosenblad, Anton, Nyström, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
Media in Nairobi is segmented when it comes to news and information; different media target different audience groups in the society through their preferred channels in search of news and information.     In Kibera, the biggest slum area in Nairobi and in whole East Africa, the urban slum community radio station Pamoja FM only works for the citizens living within Kibera. We aimed to find out how the youth in Kibera perceive the efficacy of the radio station as a viable source of news and information. We wanted to establish how important this radio station is to them as a tool of empowerment and knowledge to the youth.   Through semi-structured interviews with the youth in Kibera we carried out a qualitative research study during ten weeks, from October until December in 2011. We walked the field in Kibera to gather as much data as possible, and our findings were very interesting.   Key theories used in this study included the participatory communication model, the media dependency model and the uses and gratifications model.   The findings indicated that Pamoja FM has a great influence in the community as it is considered the most important source for news and information for the youth in this slum, and provides a platform that meets their needs as active participating audiences to the content supplied by the radio station. The radio is accredited to have changed the citizens´ way of thinking about tribalism since the post-election violence in 2007; the young women have assertively declared their space by playing a more proactive role in the community and audiences are empowered with home-grown problem solving skills that have bettered their lives and in pursuit for peace.

The Influence of Gender and Food Insecurity on the Eating Practices of Poor, Pregnant Women in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Levay, Adrienne Unknown Date
No description available.

Children and Youths in Dharavi ́s rise to Empowerment : - from a NGO perspective

Svensson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation view a sample of projects conducted by two different non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Dharavi, a slum-area in Mumbai, India, and examines how they con-tribute to children and youth ́s social development and empowerment. Due to the large global population of children and youths, as well as that a large percentage of the world ́s inhabitants reside in slum-areas, it is considered of importance to gain information regarding the social work that isbeing conducted with the focus. The field work is carried out through interviews and observations in the area. The focus is five different projects that are conducted by two different NGOs in Mumbai. This dissertation display how the two theories, empowerment and social development, are connected to each other as well as the positive impact the NGOs have on the participating childrenand youths. The findings of the field work lead to an understand-ing in which ways NGOs can help children and youths to reachempowerment and how they contribute to the social development of the participants. The research shows the impact the organizations activities have on the children and youths lives. / Denna uppsats granskar ett urval av projekt som genomförs av två olika icke-statliga organisationer i Dharavi, ett slumområde i Mumbai, Indien, och undersöker hur de bidrar till barn och ungdomars sociala utveckling och empowerment. Då en stor del av världens befolkning består av barn och ungdomar, samt att en stor del av den globala populationen lever i slumområden, anses det viktigt att inhämta information gällande det sociala arbete som bedrivs i dessa områden. Data till uppsatsen har inhämtats genom intervjuer och observationer från två icke-statliga organisationer i det valda området. Uppsatsen visar hur de två teorierna, empowerment och social utveckling, är kopplade till varandra och påvisar även det positiva inflytande de icke-statliga organisationerna har på sina deltagare. Resultaten av fältarbetet leder till en förståelse för på vilket sätt de enskilda organisationer kan bidra till att barn och ungdomar uppnår empowerment samt hur de bidrar till deltagarnas sociala utveckling. Forskningen visar den effekt organisationerna har på barnen och ungdomarnas liv.

Unhome : objects of vulnerability

2014 October 1900 (has links)
Unhome: Objects of Vulnerability, references simple structures and ad hoc processes that come out of the human need for shelter. Proceeding from the need for physical protection from hostile environments, various techniques and technologies - inventions engendered by need - have been employed to clarify formal and conceptual concerns about housing. The provisional architectures represented have been constructed - as in vernacular architecture - by employing materials that are readily available or that come easily to hand. Rather than using conventional construction techniques and durable materials, however, the structures were erected by way of sewing, weaving, textiles, and recycled materials. The resultant objects remain vulnerable and fragile in potentially dangerous circumstances.

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