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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARCO ANTONIO MAGALHAES LIMA 04 January 2016 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho procura verificar o consumo do sofá da sala por agentes posicionados entre as camadas popular ou média baixa no espaço social carioca sob a ótica da dominação simbólica proposta por Bourdieu. Nesse contexto entendemos que simbolicamente esse consumo poderia ser reflexo da expressão individual desse sujeito ou fruto de um processo coercitivo de inculcação gerado pelas instâncias de legitimação e consagração que atuam no campo de design. Para essa verificação, além do apoio da teoria de Pierre Bourdieu, lançamos mão de uma investigação sobre a produção e uso social, no ocidente, dos assentos próximos ao que hoje entendemos ser um sofá, bem como procuramos averiguar como se deu a formação do que chamamos de sala da casa no Brasil. Juntamente a esse aporte teórico realizamos uma pequena pesquisa de campo, de caráter qualitativo, em um primeiro momento com indústrias de sofá, para conhecer como esse produto é elaborado, e, posteriormente, com consumidores, para entender como se dava sua decisão de escolha do sofá. Assim sendo, com a conjugação da teoria supracitada ao trabalho de campo, foi possível confirmar a presença de violência simbólica oriunda dos processos de inculcação, que, associada ao arbitrário social de como uma casa deve ser, exerce forte pressão sobre esses agentes pela aquisição de um modelo hegemônico de sofá. / [en] This work aims to verify the living room sofa consumption by agents positioned between the popular and lower middle layers in the Carioca social space from the perspective of symbolic domination proposed by Bourdieu. In this context, we understand that symbolically this consumption could be a reflection of individual expression of this subject or the result of a coercive process of inculcation generated by instances of legitimation and consecration working in the design field. To check this with the support of Pierre Bourdieu s theory we employ an investigation about the social production and use of it, in the West, of the seats next to what we now understand to be a sofa and tried to figure out how the formation of what we call living room in a brazilian home came to be. Along with this theoretical framework, we conducted a small field research, qualitative at first, with sofa industries, to know how this product is prepared, and later with consumers, to understand how your decision to choose the sofa was made. Thus, with the combination of the above mentioned theory with the field work, it was possible to confirm the presence of symbolic violence that, coming from the inculcation processes associated with the social arbitrary as a home should be, puts strong pressure on these agents for the acquisition of a hegemonic model of sofa.

Bedeutung des primären Infektfokus für die Morbidität und Mortalität bei Patienten mit Sepsis / Maening of the primary infection site to morbidity and mortality in patients with sepsis

Klee, Yvonne 07 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

La amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria-rdw según severidad de pacientes con SEPSIS hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos médico quirúrgica del HNERM octubre – diciembre 2013

Chiara Chilet, Christian Manuel January 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la Amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria-RDW según la severidad de pacientes con sepsis y sin sepsis hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos médico quirúrgica del HNERM Octubre – Diciembre 2013. Material y Métodos: Estudio de diseño analítico, tipo transversal; se estudiara a toda la población hospitalizada en el Departamento de UCI con y sin sepsis y pacientes que serán operados electivamente de cirugía Cardiaca, cirugía de Whipple y pacientes neurológicos. Se describirá mediante un análisis descriptivo la edad, género y foco séptico; de la Historia Clínica se determinará si el paciente cumple criterios de sepsis y se determinará si es sepsis severa, shock séptico o disfunción multiórganica (DMO); en el hemograma de ingreso se tomarán los valores de RDW, Hemoglobina (Hb), Hematocrito (Hct) y Volumen Corpuscular Medio (VCM), finalmente se calculará el APACHE II y SOFA. Resultados: De los 61 pacientes seleccionados, 30 fueron catalogados como controles y 31 como casos, estos últimos se subdividieron según la severidad de sepsis, 6 como sepsis, 13 como sepsis severa, 10 como shock séptico, y 2 como DMO. Respecto a los datos demográficos hubieron 46(75%) varones y 15(25%) mujeres; en los grupos de edades de 20 a 59 años hubieron 20(33%) y de 60 a más hubieron 41(67%). Se evidencia una diferencia significativa comparando el valor del RDW de los pacientes sin sepsis y con sepsis según severidad (p= 0.000, IC 95%), la mediana del RDW en los pacientes controles fue de 13.7%, en los pacientes con sepsis 15.5%, con sepsis severa 15.6%, con shock séptico 16% y con DMO 16.15%.Al comparar el valor del RDW con el APACHE II en el grupo de pacientes sépticos se encuentra una correlación moderada r: 0.546 con un (p=0.002, IC 95%), no se encontró esta relación con el SOFA. Finalmente la media de Hb en pacientes sin sepsis fue 11.8 gr/dl, con sepsis 11.4 gr/dl, con sepsis severa 9.5 gr/dl, con shock séptico 8.9 gr/dl y con DMO 7.9 gr/dl. Conclusiones: El RDW es de utilidad para medir la severidad de la sepsis según parámetros clínicos. Hay correlación entre el aumento del RDW y el APACHE II.

Design sedacího nábytku

Kuracinová, Katarína January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis about seating furniture is divided into two parts . The theoretical part includes topics such as ergonomics and standards. Introduction is explaining the terms and ideas with which the whole work is dealt with. The theoretical part includes a chapter in which is explained and shown the inspiration. During the creating process I also focused on the psychology of products in general and its application to a specific product. In this chapter I devote more material on how to use information that I collected to meet predetermined specifications. The practical part contains sketches, selection of materials, visualisations. It also contains technological process of creating a prototype. Master thesis ends with general evaluation and discussion.

Parlors and <i>Parler</i>: Turkish, European & American Conversations in the Construction of the Living Room

Cevik, Gulen 11 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.

A Comparative Study of the United States Status of Forces Agreements with Korea and Japan

Petran, Charles 14 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the argument that the Republic of Korea-United States Status of Forces Agreement (ROK-U.S. SOFA) affords greater immunities and protections to U.S. service personnel than does the Japan-U.S. SOFA. One significant source of tension for Korean-American relations over the years has been the belief of many Koreans that Japan is given greater authority to prosecute SOFA incidents because A) the Japan-U.S. SOFA is written to Japan's advantage and B) the United States unfairly favors Japan in the application of SOFA Criminal Jurisdiction. This thesis will test the accuracy of those beliefs. It will do this by first comparing the formal provisions in the SOFAs with the two countries. It will then compare their application in high-profile SOFA-related crimes and accidents over the past two decades both in South Korea and Japan to identify any possible pattern of inequity. By comparing the language of both SOFAs today with examples of how the United States has applied that language, this thesis finds that the language and application SOFA Criminal Jurisdiction provisions have changed to favor Korea today compared to Japan. This thesis also finds that the application in both countries has changed to give more deference to Host countries. / Master of Arts

UDeploy : une infrastructure de déploiement pour les applications à base de composants logiciels distribués / A Generic Framework for Distributed Components-based Software Systems Deployment

Dibo, Mariam 28 January 2011 (has links)
Dans le cycle de vie logiciel nous avons principalement les activités (1) de pré-développement (l’analyse des besoins, les spécifications, la conception architecturale et la conception détaillée), (2) de développement (l’implémentation, le prototypage, les tests unitaires et les tests d’intégration) et (3) de post-développement (déploiement). Le déploiement de logiciel couvre l’ensemble des activités post-développement. Les activités de déploiement permettent de rendre une application utilisable. Elles sont identifiées comme cycle de vie de déploiement couvrant l'archivage des logiciels, leur chargement, leur installation sur les sites clients, leur configuration, leur activation ainsi que leur mise à jour. Le développement de systèmes à composants a permis de mieux identifier cette partie du cycle de vie global du logiciel, comme le montrent de nombreux travaux industriels et académiques. Cependant ces travaux sont en général développés de manière ad’ hoc, spécifiques à une plate-forme donnée. Peu flexibles, ils s'adaptent difficilement aux stratégies des entreprises. Les systèmes de déploiement comme le montrent ceux supportés par les environnements de type intergiciel CCM, .Net, EJB développent de manière spécifique les mécanismes et outils de déploiement et introduisent des choix prédéfinis et figés de stratégies de déploiement. Nos travaux se situent dans le contexte de logiciels à base de composants distribués et portent sur la proposition d'un environnement générique pour supporter leur déploiement. C'est une nouvelle génération de systèmes proposée essentiellement par le monde académique de génie logiciel qui s'est approprié la problématique de déploiement à large échelle. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons une approche basée sur l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles où nous introduisons les abstractions nécessaires pour décrire les logiciels à déployer, les infrastructures de déploiement, les stratégies de déploiement ainsi que le processus de déploiement avec l’identification et l’ordonnancement des activités à accomplir et le support pour leur exécution. / In the software life cycle we have mainly (1) the pre-development (requirements, specification and design), (2) the development (implementation, prototyping, testing) and (3) the post-development (deployment) activities. Software deployment encompasses all post-development activities that make an application operational. These activities, identified as deployment life cycle, include: i) software packaging, ii) loading and installation of software on client sites, iii) instance creation, iv) configuration and v) updating. The development of system-based components made it possible to better highlight this part of the global software lifecycle, as illustrated by numerous industrial and academic studies. However these are generally developed ad hoc, and consequently platform-dependent. Deployment systems, such as supported by middleware environments (CCM, .Net and EJB), specifically develop mechanisms and tools related to pre-specified deployment strategies. Our work, related to the topic of distributed component-based software applications, aims at specifying a generic deployment framework independent of the target environments. Driven by the meta-model approach, we first describe the abstractions used to characterize the deployed software. We then specify the deployment infrastructure and processes, highlighting the activities to be carried out and the support for their execution.Keywords

ES dalyvavimas taikdariškose misijose / EU participation in peacekeeping missions

Grigonis, Gytis 17 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama ES atsakomybė pasauliui ESGP vykdomų misijų, krizių valdymo, valstybių taikos palaikymo, (at)statymo ar kūrimo - taikdarystes kontekste. Tyrimo objektas – ES misijos (Kongo Demokratinės Respublikos ir Kosovo atvejai). Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti ES taikdariškų misijų svarbą ir reikšmę XXI a. valstybėms. Užsibrėžti uždaviniai – įvertinti BUSP ir ESGP, kaip misijų pagrindą; išanalizuoti ES misijų sampratą, kuri yra pristatoma oficialiuose dokumentuose; išnagrinėti ES veikiančius pagalbos mechanizmus žlugusioms valstybėms ir jų svarbą; palyginti ES misijas Afrikoje ir Balkanuose ir jų metu pasiektus rezultatus; analizuoti ES misijų reikšmę ES ir jos valstybėms narėms ir taip pat NATO, JTO, AS ir NVO veiklai šioje sferoje. Darbe aptariama teorinė BUSP ir ESGP samprata, jų tikslai ir uždaviniai, vystymasis bei sąveika, apžvelgiama valstybių narių ir institucijų veikla jų formavime. Taip pat analizuojami BUSP ir ESGP vykdymo mechanizmai, ES misijų modeliai SOFA ir SOMA, žlugusios valstybės, reikalaujančios krizių valdymo ir humanitarinių intervencijų. Analizuojant dokumentus, pateikiamos ES misijų patirtys Kongo Demokratinėje Respublikoje ir Kosove. Nagrinėjama ES bendradarbiavimas ir sąveika su įvairiomis tarptautinėmis organizacijomis NATO, JTO, AS ir NVO, vykdant taikdarystės ir krizių sprendimo misijas. Daromos išvados, kad BUSP vykdoma įvairiais instrumentais, iš kurių svarbiausi stabilumas ir taikos kūrimo partnerystė. Sprendžiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The final paper of Master degree is devoted for making consideration of EU responsibility to the World while exercising ESDP missions, such like crisis management, peace and states rebuilding, building peace and states in the context of peacekeeping. The subject of the paper: EU missions (cases of Democratic Republic of Congo and Kosovo). The aim of the paper: find out the importance and weight of the EU peacekeeping missions to the states of the 21st century. The goals of paper: to evaluate CFSP and ESDP as missions background; to analyze the concept of EU missions, which was introduced in the official documents; to review functioning mechanisms of the EU support and their importance; to compare EU missions in Africa and Balkans and their achieved results; to analyze importance of the EU missions to member states and also to NATO, UN, AU and NGOs actions in this area. The introduction of paper is devoted for theoretical background of CFSP and ESDP and their aims and goals, their evolution and cooperation, and for the role of member states and institutions. Also there is analyzing CFSP and ESDP exercising mechanisms, EU SOFA and SOMA models and failed states. Introducing missions experiences in Democratic Republic of Congo and in Kosovo. There is made considerations about EU cooperation with various international organizations, like NATO, UN and NGOs while exercising missions of peacekeeping and crisis resolutions. To conclude with, CFSP is exercising with various... [to full text]

Support for enterprise applications in SOFA 2 / Support for enterprise applications in SOFA 2

Blénessy, Tibor January 2011 (has links)
Title: Support for Enterprise Applications in SOFA 2 Author: Tibor Blénessy Department: Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Supervisor of the master thesis: RNDr. Tomáš Bureš, Ph.D. Abstract: Industry standards defining various aspects of enterprise systems were developed in order to make development of such systems faster and to increase interoperability. For systems created with Java platform, these standards are contained under Java Enterprise Edition. SOFA 2 component system provides a solid base for development of ex- tensive component oriented systems. Goal of this work is to propose and empirically verify the possibility of integration of existing industry standards for enterprise applications in SOFA 2. Proposed solution extends SOFA 2 with components for web user in- terfaces based on Java Servlet API standard and with components for persisting data into relational databases based on Java Peristence API. In addition, it integrates core technologies from the Java Enterprise Edition platform, which should make integration of further standards easier. Keywords: enteprise applications, component system, SOFA 2, Java EE

Nasazení SOFA-HI aplikací na platformě nxtOSEK / Deployment of SOFA-HI applications on the nxtOSEK platform

Kaščák, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
SOFA-HI is an extension of the SOFA 2 component system,which is developed at Department of distributed and dependable systems. SOFA-HI focuses on support for development of real-time embedded applications using component-based approach. This thesis extends existing SOFA-HI implementation with support for development and deployment of SOFA-HI application to nxtOSEK platform which is a small-footprint real-time operating system and board support package for LEGO Mindstorms NXT. In particular, existing tools for application development and deployment are extended to support nxtOSEK platform. The thesis further provides pre-made components to allow communication with standard NXT sensors and actuators. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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