Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aoa"" "subject:"ooa""
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Proposta de governança SOA utilizando capacidades dinâmicas: uma aplicação em centro de comunicação digital universitário. / SOA governance proposition using dynamic capabilities: an application at university digital communication center.Onoe, Alberto Yoshinobu 03 November 2010 (has links)
A Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) firmou-se como paradigma de desenvolvimento de sistemas de tecnologia da informação e comunicação TIC, pelas suas características que proporcionam flexibilidade, agilidade, reuso e escalabilidade. Porém, para que uma aplicação SOA seja bem-sucedida é imperativo que seja embasada por uma governança eficaz. Como desenvolver e manter esta governança atualizada em um ambiente com rápidas e imprevisíveis mudanças é um grande desafio. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia para que uma organização com infra-estrutura modesta de TI possa manter esta governança SOA (governança de sistemas baseados na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço), utilizando as capacidades dinâmicas constituídas por habilidades e rotinas peculiares da organização. A contribuição do trabalho reside na ligação, praticamente inexistente, das linhas de pesquisa de governança SOA e de capacidades dinâmicas. Para isto, o trabalho identifica o que precisa ser feito (framework), quem são os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e manutenção (atores) e como atuar na governança SOA (plataforma). O desenvolvimento foi embasado por uma extensa pesquisa dos conceitos envolvidos, seguido pela inferência das capacidades dinâmicas necessárias para a governança SOA e, finalmente, a implementação de uma plataforma que permite ao analista de processos mudar a governança SOA de forma interativa. O trabalho teve como resultados a elaboração de uma metodologia e um sistema de manutenção da governança operacional de sistemas baseados em SOA. A metodologia compreende os requisitos e a forma de análise das mudanças dos elementos que compõem a governança SOA. O sistema é constituído por um framework e uma plataforma de implantação ágil e eficaz, para aplicar capacidades dinâmicas na governança SOA. / SOA Service Oriented Architecture has been established as the paradigm for IT Information Technology systems development, due to its features that promotes flexibility, agility, reuse and scalability. However, an SOA application to be successful must be supported by effective governance. How to develop and maintain this governance up to date in a fast and unpredictable environment is a great challenge. This work aims to present a methodology that allows a modest IT infrastructure to be able to cope with SOA governance, using dynamic capabilities (particular abilities and routines of an organization). The contribution of this work is the link (practically inexistent) between lines of research in SOA governance and dynamic capabilities. To accomplish this purpose, this work sought to what must be done (framework), who is the responsible for the development and maintenance (owner), and how to perform the SOA governance (platform). The development has been founded by an extensive research of involved concepts, inference of required dynamic capabilities to maintain the SOA governance and the development of a platform that allows a process analyst to change SOA governance interactively. The results were a methodology and a maintenance system of SOA operational governance. The methodology comprises the requirements and changes in the analysis procedure of the elements of the SOA governance. The system is composed of an agile and effective implementation framework and platform that enable how to apply dynamic capabilities into the SOA governance. The Introduction presents examples of practical application (motivation), the goal, the justification, and the scope. Chapter 2 presents an extensive literature review about SOA, SOA governance, and dynamic capabilities, from both academic and commercial literature. Chapter 3 presents the methodology and a brief history of the development. Chapter 4 presents the development of the proposed system. Chapter 5 discusses some topics related to the proposition. Chapter 6 presents the conclusion and proposals for future developments.
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Anledningar till att implementera SOA / Reasons to implement SOAEkdahl, Rickard, Vartiainen, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
Vi lever i en värld med konstanta förändringar. I en värld med beslut som drastiskt fattas från olika verksamhetledningars håll. Verksamheter behöver hela tiden kunna möta kraven från kunden och den tekniska utvecklingen. Hur ska man då göra detta? Uppsatsen vars titel är ”Anledningar att implementera SOA” kommer att behandla de anledningar till SOA-implementering som enligt oss är viktiga och prioriterade. Vår studie var kvalitativt inriktad. Den inleddes med en intervju som resulterade i en förståelse för vad SOA egentligen innebär, men även viktiga anledningar som intervjupersonen använde för att argumentera för SOA-implementering. Denna förståelse för SOA och anledningar till att implementera SOA jämfördes sedan med teori vilket resulterade i teorikapitlet. När teorikapitlet hade skapats behövdes det en delphistudie som utfördes med enkäter för att, i analysen, kunna diskutera hur prioriterade de framtagna anledningarna var. Intervjun har på så sätt skapat teorikapitlet och teorikapitlet har i sin tur skapat delphienkäten. Responsen på delphienkäten ledde fram till analysen som utfördes i enlighet med analysmetoden. Sist har vi i utvärderingen beskrivit hur vi ser på vår uppsats så här i efterhand. Uppsatsen är resulterad i en form av förståelse av hur verksamheter skiljer sig i sin uppfattning om ett paradigm (strategi). Dock skildrar uppsatsen det huvudsakliga om SOA och tar fram resultatet som studien går ut på, att ta fram de viktiga och prioriterade anledningarna, genom den anlys som har utförts. Med andra ord resulteraade studien i att det är viktigt att förstå sig på sin strategi och det är viktigt att förstå sig på sina grundpelare. Därför att med tiden förändras tekniken, så förändras också hur besluten tas vilket i sin tur påverkar sättet att styra strategiskt (governance) för att möta konkurrensen. Uppsatsen skildrar i den meningen hur pelarna bygger en stadig framtid. Det vill säga genom flexibilitet, lösa kopplingar och återanvändingsbarhet som för en ledning skapar en framtidsäkerhet och kostnadseffektiv konkurrans genom att bygga pelarna på det här sättet.
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GestÃo da QoS em Arquiteturas de Grades Computacionais Orientadas a ServiÃos / "Management of QoS Architectures Service Oriented Grid Computing"Daniela Medeiros Cedro 06 August 2010 (has links)
A crescente disponibilizaÃÃo de serviÃos atravÃs da Internet vem impondo uma demanda cada vez maior por recursos de processamento no lado servidor favorecendo a utilizaÃÃo dos Clusters de Computadores e das Grades Computacionais. Em paralelo, a engenharia de software traz novos paradigmas, como a OrientaÃÃo a ServiÃos, que impÃem novos desafios a serem tratados pelos fornecedores de serviÃos. A convergÃncia destes fatores deu origem as Arquiteturas de Grades Computacionais Orientadas a ServiÃos. Neste trabalho à apresentada uma proposta de arquitetura em grades computacionais orientada a serviÃos, denominada GDSAC (Grid â DiffServ Admission Control), que trata de aspectos ligados à QoS (Quality of Service) e a diferenciaÃÃo de serviÃos. A arquitetura G-DSAC à uma extensÃo da arquitetura WS-DSAC (Web Servers â DiffServ AdmissionControl). Està extensÃo compreende a concepÃÃo de uma soluÃÃo voltada para grades computacionais que à capaz de garantir os SLAs (Service Level Agreements) estabelecidos com os consumidores de serviÃos utilizando de forma otimizada os recursos de processamento disponibilizados na grade. A soluÃÃo permite ainda a diferenciaÃÃo de serviÃos no que diz respeito aos tempos de resposta oferecidos aos clientes, usuÃrios finais e serviÃos consumidores. A nova arquitetura introduz um bloco de funcionalidades em uma plataforma de grade computacional orientada a serviÃos formada por multclusters. Esse bloco permite a publicaÃÃo e localizaÃÃo de serviÃos, autenticaÃÃo e classificaÃÃo de requisiÃÃes e o escalonamento das mesmas dentro da grade de acordo com a classe de serviÃo a qual pertencem. Foi tambÃm implementado um protÃtipo que permitiu a realizaÃÃo de experimentos em uma plataforma real de testes visando avaliar a capacidade da soluÃÃo em atingir os objetivos por ela proposto
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Proposta de governança SOA utilizando capacidades dinâmicas: uma aplicação em centro de comunicação digital universitário. / SOA governance proposition using dynamic capabilities: an application at university digital communication center.Alberto Yoshinobu Onoe 03 November 2010 (has links)
A Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) firmou-se como paradigma de desenvolvimento de sistemas de tecnologia da informação e comunicação TIC, pelas suas características que proporcionam flexibilidade, agilidade, reuso e escalabilidade. Porém, para que uma aplicação SOA seja bem-sucedida é imperativo que seja embasada por uma governança eficaz. Como desenvolver e manter esta governança atualizada em um ambiente com rápidas e imprevisíveis mudanças é um grande desafio. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia para que uma organização com infra-estrutura modesta de TI possa manter esta governança SOA (governança de sistemas baseados na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviço), utilizando as capacidades dinâmicas constituídas por habilidades e rotinas peculiares da organização. A contribuição do trabalho reside na ligação, praticamente inexistente, das linhas de pesquisa de governança SOA e de capacidades dinâmicas. Para isto, o trabalho identifica o que precisa ser feito (framework), quem são os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e manutenção (atores) e como atuar na governança SOA (plataforma). O desenvolvimento foi embasado por uma extensa pesquisa dos conceitos envolvidos, seguido pela inferência das capacidades dinâmicas necessárias para a governança SOA e, finalmente, a implementação de uma plataforma que permite ao analista de processos mudar a governança SOA de forma interativa. O trabalho teve como resultados a elaboração de uma metodologia e um sistema de manutenção da governança operacional de sistemas baseados em SOA. A metodologia compreende os requisitos e a forma de análise das mudanças dos elementos que compõem a governança SOA. O sistema é constituído por um framework e uma plataforma de implantação ágil e eficaz, para aplicar capacidades dinâmicas na governança SOA. / SOA Service Oriented Architecture has been established as the paradigm for IT Information Technology systems development, due to its features that promotes flexibility, agility, reuse and scalability. However, an SOA application to be successful must be supported by effective governance. How to develop and maintain this governance up to date in a fast and unpredictable environment is a great challenge. This work aims to present a methodology that allows a modest IT infrastructure to be able to cope with SOA governance, using dynamic capabilities (particular abilities and routines of an organization). The contribution of this work is the link (practically inexistent) between lines of research in SOA governance and dynamic capabilities. To accomplish this purpose, this work sought to what must be done (framework), who is the responsible for the development and maintenance (owner), and how to perform the SOA governance (platform). The development has been founded by an extensive research of involved concepts, inference of required dynamic capabilities to maintain the SOA governance and the development of a platform that allows a process analyst to change SOA governance interactively. The results were a methodology and a maintenance system of SOA operational governance. The methodology comprises the requirements and changes in the analysis procedure of the elements of the SOA governance. The system is composed of an agile and effective implementation framework and platform that enable how to apply dynamic capabilities into the SOA governance. The Introduction presents examples of practical application (motivation), the goal, the justification, and the scope. Chapter 2 presents an extensive literature review about SOA, SOA governance, and dynamic capabilities, from both academic and commercial literature. Chapter 3 presents the methodology and a brief history of the development. Chapter 4 presents the development of the proposed system. Chapter 5 discusses some topics related to the proposition. Chapter 6 presents the conclusion and proposals for future developments.
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A Microformatted Registry AlternativeWarne, Thomas R. 13 July 2006 (has links)
To effectively use Web services, providers and consumers need to be connected by a registry. Several registry solutions exist today, including UDDI and WSIL. Also, many organizations simply use Web pages to list available Web services and their descriptions. This research describes a microformat for representing Web service description documents. These microformatted documents can be converted back to the original format for use by machines. They can also contain additional information, making them more useful to people. A registry, allowing indexing and searching of microformatted service descriptions, is also described. The benefits of this solution include: using existing standards; allowing customization of presentation for people; allowing existing search tools to find descriptions; and providing for future, context-based searching to make locating Web services even easier.
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Symbolic test case generation for testing orchestrators in context / Génération des cas de tests symboliques pour tester des orchestrateurs en contexteEscobedo Del Cid, José Pablo 25 November 2010 (has links)
Les services Web sont des logiciels qui offrent des fonctionnalités à des autres machines à travers l'Interent. Les services Web sont basés sur l'Architecture Orientée Services (SOA, pour son nom en anglais). Ils peuvent être invoqués en utilisant des standards pour le Web (normalement, SOAP, UDDI, XML, HTTP, WSDL). Dan les dernières années, l'utilisation des services Web s'est incrémentée à cause de la flexibilité qu'ils offrent, ainsi comme de l’intégration des systèmes hétérogènes. En plus, SOA ajoute de la valeur dans le sens où les services peuvent être réutilisés et partagés; cela fait les systèmes plus flexibles et adaptables en cas où il y a des changements dans les processus de l’entreprise, et améliore l'intégration des systèmes. Aussi, des nouvelles façons d'utiliser les services Web se sont développées, en combinant pour créer des services plus complets et complexes. Le processus de réutiliser les services Web pour créer des nouveaux s'appelle composition des services Web, et son but principal est de permettre la réutilisation des fonctionnalités proposées par les services Web. C'est pour cette raison que l'architecture SOA a été bien acceptée par les entreprises partout dans le monde: elle aide à réduire le coût et le temps qu'il faut pour créer des solutions, et c'est la composition des services Web qu'on étudie dans cette thèse. Plus spécifiquement, on veut assurer leur correct comportement en utilisant des techniques du test pour détecter des possibles erreurs. / Web services are pieces of software offering functionalities to other (remote) machines over the Internet that work based on the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). They can be invoked by means of Web related standards (usually, SOAP, UDDI, XML, HTTP, WSDL. In the recent years, the usage of Web services has increased due to the flexibility and interoperability among heterogeneous platforms and operative systems that they provide. SOA adds value in terms of low coupling, re-usability of services and sharing; it makes the systems flexible and adaptive in case of changes in the business process and improves the integration of heterogeneous systems. Besides, new ways of using Web services have emerged, by combining them in order to create more complete (and complex) services. This process of re-using and combining Web services is called Web service composition, and its main objective is to allow the re-usability of the functionalities proposed by the Web services. This is why this architecture has been widely accepted by the companies all over the world: it helps reducing the cost and time to create business processes, and this is the type of systems we work with in this thesis, more specifically, we aim at ensuring their correct behavior by using testing techniques in order to detect possible errors.
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Crescendo Online: en programsvit för kollaborativ musikproduktionPuu, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
<p>Collaborative music making on the Internet is not a new phenomenon, but no applications have yet caught on with the vast number of laptop and bedroom studio musicians active today. This is strange considering the inherent social and interactive nature of music, especially amongst trends like Web 2.0 where collaboration and user-generated data is key. In this paper I study the problems these applications face, and why they do not have a greater appeal to musicians. With the results I develop and evaluate my own framework, known as Crescendo Online: a multi-user sequencing and modular synthesis environment, intended to pave the way for a new type of online music creation platform.</p>
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Intergiciel Sémantique pour les Services de l'Informatique DiffuseBen Mokhtar, Sonia 04 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Intergiciel Sémantique pour les Services de l'Informatique Diffuse
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Architecture-Centric Support for Adaptive Service CollaborationsHaesevoets, Robrecht, Weyns, Danny, Holvoet, Tom January 2013 (has links)
In today’s volatile business environments, collaboration between information systems, both within and across company borders, has become essential to success. An efficient supply chain, for example, requires the collaboration of distributed and heterogeneous systems of multiple companies. Developing such collaborative applications and building the supporting information systems poses several engineering challenges. A key challenge is to manage the ever growing design complexity. In this article, we argue that software architecture should play a more prominent role in the development of collaborative applications. This can help to better manage design complexity by modularizing collaborations and separating concerns. State of the art solutions, however, often lack proper abstractions for modeling collaborations at architectural level or do not reify these abstractions at detailed design and implementation level. Developers, on the other hand, rely on middleware, business process management, and Web services, techniques that mainly focus on low-level infrastructure. To address the problem of managing the design complexity of collaborative applications, we present Macodo. Macodo consists of three complementary parts: (1) a set of abstractions for modeling adaptive collaborations, (2) a set of architectural views, the main contribution of this article, that reify these abstractions at architectural level, and (3) a proof of concept middleware infrastructure that supports the architectural abstractions at design and implementation level. We evaluate the architectural views in a controlled experiment. Results show that the use of Macodo can reduce fault density and design complexity, and improve reuse and productivity. The main contributions of this article are illustrated in a supply chain management case.
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Model-driven dual caching For nomadic service-oriented architecture clientsLiu, Xin 15 August 2007
Mobile devices have evolved over the years from resource constrained devices that supported only the most basic tasks to powerful handheld computing devices. However, the most significant step in the evolution of mobile devices was the introduction of wireless connectivity which enabled them to host applications that require internet connectivity such as email, web browsers and maybe most importantly smart/rich clients. Being able to host smart clients allows the users of mobile devices to seamlessly access the Information Technology (IT) resources of their organizations. <p>One increasingly popular way of enabling access to IT resources is by using Web Services (WS). This trend has been aided by the rapid availability of WS packages/tools, most notably the efforts of the Apache group and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) vendors. But the widespread use of WS raises questions for users of mobile devices such as laptops or PDAs; how and if they can participate in WS. Unlike their wired counterparts (desktop computers and servers) they rely on a wireless network that is characterized by low bandwidth and unreliable connectivity.<p>The aim of this thesis is to enable mobile devices to host Web Services consumers. It introduces a Model-Driven Dual Caching (MDDC) approach to overcome problems arising from temporarily loss of connectivity and fluctuations in bandwidth.
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