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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fermentation de surface d’une viande pré-traitée par Déshydratation-Imprégnation par Immersion : étude cinétique sur aliment réel et milieu modèle / Surface fermentation of meat pre-treated by Dehydration-Impregnation by Soaking : kinetic study in real and model food

Bros, Manuela 27 March 2013 (has links)
Les procédés de fabrication de produits carnés stables à température ambiante s'articulent autour de la théorie des barrières et du couplage d'opérations unitaires telles que le salage, le séchage, la fermentation, le fumage. Dans les pays du Nord, ces procédés traditionnels ou industrialisés, aboutissent à des produits finis à la fois stables à température ambiante et prêts-à-consommer. Pour contrecarrer l'altération de la viande, accrue en conditions tropicales ou en conditions d'hygiène non maîtrisées, les procédés traditionnels du Sud mettent en œuvre des traitements plus drastiques et aboutissent à des produits nécessitant une préparation ultérieure pour être consommés (cuisson, dessalage).L'objectif général de ce travail est de proposer un procédé innovant adapté aux pays du Sud aboutissant à un produit carné salé/séché/fermenté stable à température ambiante et prêt-à-consommer. L'innovation consiste à traiter des morceaux de viande en couplant une pré-stabilisation par Déshydratation-Imprégnation par Immersion (DII) à une étape maîtrisée de fermentation de surface. Par une stratégie expérimentale progressive associée à la modélisation, cette thèse étudie le couplage DII/fermentation de surface et détermine quels leviers sont à disposition pour optimiser ce couplage. Les réponses apportées s'appuient sur trois parties. Une première étude sur aliment réel a validé le couplage de la DII avec une fermentation de surface par Lactobacillus sakei. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude en milieu modèle a mis en évidence l'influence des facteurs environnementaux d'intérêt (activité en eau, teneur en sel, pH et teneur en acide lactique) sur la croissance en surface de L. sakei. Enfin, un modèle global a été construit pour analyser le couplage entre les transferts de matière (eau, sel, sucres et acide) entre la surface et le cœur de l'aliment, et le métabolisme fermentaire à la surface du produit.Mots-clés : produits carnés, Déshydratation-Imprégnation par Immersion, fermentation de surface, Lactobacillus sakei, cinétiques de croissance, transferts de matière. / The fabrication of shelf-stable cured meat products is based on the hurdle technology and on the coupling of unit-operations such as salting, drying, fermentation and smoking. In Northern countries, these processes whether traditional or industrialized, lead to end-products which are both shelf-stable and ready-to-eat. Meat spoilage is accelerated in tropical conditions or when the general hygiene is not controlled. In order to counteract it, traditional processes in these conditions use more drastic treatments leading to end-products which require an additional preparation step before being consumed (cooking, desalting).The general objective of this work is to propose an innovative process adapted to Southern countries and leading to a salted/dried/fermented meat product which is shelf-stable and ready-to-eat. The innovation consists in treating meat pieces by coupling a pre-stabilization by Dehydration-Impregnation by Soaking (DIS) with a controlled surface fermentation step. By means of a progressive experimental strategy associated with modelization, this thesis studies the DIS/surface fermentation coupling and determines which levers are available to optimize it.The answers comprised three parts. Firstly, a study on the real food product validated the coupling of DIS with a surface fermentation by Lactobacillus sakei. Secondly, a study on a model device showed the influence of relevant environmental factors (water activity, salt content, pH and lactic acid content) on the surface growth of L. sakei. Finally, a global model was built to analyze the coupling of mass transfers (water, salt, sugars, acid) between the surface and the core of the product, and the fermentative metabolism at the surface of the product.Keywords: meat products, Dehydration-Impregnation by Soaking, surface fermentation, , Lactobacillus sakei, growth kinetics, mass transfers.

Comportamento de um solo colapsível inundado com líquidos de diferentes composições químicas / Behavior of a collapsible soil soaked by liquids of different chemical compositions

Agnelli, Norival 04 December 1997 (has links)
Avalia-se o colapso de um solo residual, de comportamento laterítico, para líquidos inundantes de diferentes composições químicas, em profundidades de 1 até 4 metros, empregando-se provas de carga diretas e ensaios de adensamento. Explica-se o fenômeno do colapso, para cada líquido inundante, utilizando-se parâmetros obtidos em ensaios de caracterização, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e ensaios químicos. A pesquisa é desenvolvida no Campo Experimental da UNESP de Bauru (SP), cujo solo local é uma areia fina argilosa, residual de arenito, enquadrada como Latossolo vermelho escuro a amarelo. / The collapse of a lateritic residual soil is evaluated, using liquid of different chemical compositions, in depths from 1 to 4 meters, and using plate load and oedometer tests. This work explains the phenomenon of the collapse, for each liquid, employing parameters obtained in characterization tests, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and chemical tests. The research is developed in the Experimental Field of the Civil Engineering Department of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), at Bauru (SP), where the local soil is residual derived from sandstone, and according to grain size classification it is a clayey fine sand. In the pedological classification it is a dark red to yellow Latosol.

Modelling Band Gap Gradients and Cd-free Buffer Layers in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells

Pettersson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
A deeper understanding of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells is important for the further improvement of these devices. This thesis is focused on the use of electrical modelling as a tool for pursuing this aim. Finished devices and individual layers are characterized and the acquired data are used as input in the simulations. Band gap gradients are accounted for when modelling the devices. The thesis is divided into two main parts. One part that treats the influence of cadmium free buffer layers, mainly atomic layer deposited (Zn,Mg)O, on devices and another part in which the result of CIGS absorber layer modifications is studied. Recombination analysis indicates that interface recombination is limitting the open circuit voltage (Voc) in cells with ZnO buffer layers. This recombination path becomes less important when magnesium is introduced into the ZnO giving a positive conduction band offset (CBO) towards the CIGS absorber layer. Light induced persistent photoconductivity (PPC) is demonstrated in (Zn,Mg)O thin films. Device modelling shows that the measured PPC, coupled with a high density of acceptors in the buffer-absorber interface region, can explain light induced metastable efficiency improvement in CIGS solar cells with (Zn,Mg)O buffer layers. It is shown that a thin indium rich layer closest to the buffer does not give any significant impact on the performance of devices dominated by recombination in the CIGS layer. In our cells with CdS buffer the diffusion length in the CIGS layer is the main limitting factor. A thinner CIGS layer improves Voc by reducing recombination. However, for thin enough absorber layers Voc deteriorates due to recombination at the back contact. Interface recombination is a problem in thin devices with Zn(O,S) buffer layers. This recombination path is overshadowed in cells of standard thickness by recombination in the CIGS bulk. Thin cells with Zn(O,S) buffer layers have a higher efficiency than CdS cells with the same absorber thickness.

Mechanical behavior of carbon nanotube forests under compressive loading

Pour Shahid Saeed Abadi, Parisa 09 April 2013 (has links)
Carbon nanotube (CNT) forests are an important class of nanomaterials with many potential applications due to their unique properties such as mechanical compliance, thermal and electrical conductance, etc. Their deformation and failure in compression loading is critical in any application involving contact because the deformation changes the nature of the contact and thus impacts the transfer of load, heat, and charge carriers across the interface. The micro- and nano-structure of the CNT forest can vary along their height and from sample to sample due to different growth parameters. The morphology of CNTs and their interaction contribute to their mechanical behavior with change of load distribution in the CNT forest. However, the relationship is complicated due to involvement of many factors such as density, orientation, and entanglement of CNTs. None of these effects, however, are well understood. This dissertation aims to advance the knowledge of the structure-property relation in CNT forests and find methodologies for tuning their mechanical behavior. The mechanical behavior of CNT forests grown with different methodologies is studied. Furthermore, the effects of coating and wetting of CNT forests are investigated as methods to tailor the degree of interaction between CNTs. In situ micro-indentation of uncoated CNT forests with distinct growth-induced structures are performed to elucidate the effects of change of morphology along the height of CNT forests on their deformation mechanism. CNT aerial density and tortuosity are found to dictate the location of incipient deformation along height of CNT forests. Macro-compression testing of uncoated CNT forests reveals mechanical failure of CNT forests by delamination at the CNT-growth substrate. Tensile loading of CNT roots due to post-buckling bending of CNTs is proposed to be the cause of this failure and simple bending theory is shown to estimate the failure load to be on the same order of magnitude as experimental measurements. Furthermore, delamination is observed to occur in the in situ micro-indentation of CNT forests coated with aluminum on the top surface, which demonstrates the role of the mechanical constraints within the CNT forest in the occurrence of delamination at the CNT-substrate interface. In addition, this dissertation explores the mechanical behavior of CNT forests coated conformally (from top to bottom) with alumina by atomic layer deposition. In situ micro-indentation testing demonstrates that the deformation mechanism of CNT forests does not change with a thin coating (2 nm) but does change with a sufficiently thick coating (10 nm) that causes fracturing of the hybrid nanotubes. Ex situ flat punch and Berkovich indentations reveal an increase in stiffness of the CNT forests that are in range with those predicted by compression and bending theories. An increase in the recoverability of the CNTs is also detected. Finally, solvent infiltration is proposed as a method of decreasing stiffness of CNT forests and changing the deformation mechanism from local to global deformations (i.e., buckling in the entire height). Presence of solvents between CNTs decreases the van der Waals forces between them and produces CNT forests with lower stiffness. The results demonstrate the effect of interaction between CNTs on the mechanical behavior. This dissertation reveals important information on the mechanical behavior of CNT forests as it relates to CNT morphology and tube-to-tube interactions. In addition, it provides a framework for future systematic experimental and theoretical investigations of the structure-property relationship in CNT forests, as well as a framework for tuning the properties of CNT forests for diverse applications.

Kvapiųjų rozmarinų, Vaistinių ramunių ir Paprastųjų pankolių skystųjų ekstraktų technologijos ir kokybės vertinimas / Ethanolic liquid extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis, Matricaria recutita and Foeniculum vulgare technology and quality evaluation

Jašmontaitė, Lijana 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti, kaip technologiniai veiksniai (brinkinimo trukmė, ekstrahento koncentracija) lemia etanolinių skystųjų ekstraktų (iš rozmarinų lapų, pankolių vaisių, ramunių žiedų) kokybinę sudėtį. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis mokslo literatūros duomenimis, parinkti žaliavos ir ekstrahento santykį, racionalų ekstrahentą bei ekstrahavimo metodą gaminamiems skystiesiems ekstraktams iš rozmarinų lapų, pankolių vaisių, ramunių žiedų. 2. Iširti brinkinimo trukmės ir ekstrahento koncentracijos įtaką pagamintų skystųjų ekstraktų kokybei, nustatant sauso likučio, bendrą fenolinių junginių kiekį ir antioksidacinį aktyvumą. 3. Iš gautų skystųjų ekstraktų pagaminti kompleksinį preparatą, tinkantį virškinamojo trakto (VT) veiklos sutrikimų šalinimui. 4. Įvertinti saugojimo laiko įtaką etanolinių skystųjų ekstraktų bei iš jų pagamintų mišinių kokybei. Tyrimo objektai ir metodai: Bendras fenolinių junginių kiekis rozmarinų lapų, ramunių žiedų ir pankolių vaisių etanoliniuose skystuosiuose ekstraktuose nustatytas spektrofotometriniu metodu pagal galo rūgštį. Antioksidacinis aktyvumas įvertintas spektrofotometriškai, naudojant DPPH• laisvojo radikalo sujungimo metodą. Gravimetriniu metodu nustatytas sausasis skystųjų ekstraktų likutis. Gauti rezultatai apdoroti naudojant Microsoft Office Excel 2010 ir Sigma Plot 12.0 programas. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados: Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad 2 valandos – optimalus brinkinimo laikas, gaminant nagrinėjamų žaliavų skystuosius ekstraktus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research - to set how the technological factors (soaking duration, ethanol concentration) determine qualitative composition of ethanolic liquid extracts (from rosemary leaves, chamomile flowers, fennel fruit). The tasks of this research are: 1. According to the literature, to select proportion of the substance and extractive solvent, a rational extractive solvent and the method of production of liquid ethanolic extracts from rosemary leaves, fennel fruit and chamomile flowers. 2. To assess the impact of the soaking duration and ethanol concentration for quality of the liquid extracts by assessing dry residue level, amount of phenolic compouds and antioxidant activity. 3. To produce a complex product, from received ethanolic liquid extracts, suiting for digestive tract activity‘s disorders elimination. 4. To evaluate stability of ethanolic liquid extracts and from them produced compouds. The objects and methods of analysis: Rosemary leaves, chamomile flowers and fennel fruit ethanolic liquid extracts were analyzed by using spectrophotometric method for total amount of phenolic compounds expressed by gallic acid equivalents (GAE) and for evaluation of antioxidant activity by 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical inactivation. Also gravimetric method was used for determination of dry residue levels. The results were obtained using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and Sigma Plot 12.0 programs. Results and conclusions of analysis: According to all three methods... [to full text]

Compressibility Of Various Coarse-grained Fill Materials In Dry And Wet Loading Conditions In Oedometer Test

Kayahan, Ahmet 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The use of coarse-grained fill materials has grown significantly in recent years especially on account of their use in dams and transportation networks. This study investigates compressibility of various coarse-grained fill materials in dry and wet loading conditions in oedometer test. Four materials were used in the experiments, which falls into GP, GW, GM and GC categories respectively. GP material is a weathered rock obtained from Eymir Lake region. This material was chosen especially to be able to investigate degradation and particle breakage due to compaction and compression. GW, GM and GC materials were obtained by using the material called &lsquo / bypass&rsquo / which is a fill material used in the construction of metro of Eryaman. Using these four materials, large-scale double oedometer tests were carried out to investigate compressibility in both dry and wet conditions. The double oedometer testing technique is used to investigate the effect of soaking on compressibility behaviour of compacted fill materials. Various compactive efforts were used in the compaction stage to investigate the effect of compactive effort on compressibility and degradation of the four gravelly materials. Gradations of the post-test samples were obtained and particle breakage due to compaction using various compactive efforts and particle breakage due to compression were determined. It is found that amount of compression does not necessarily depend on the dry density of the material and fine fraction is also a dominating property regarding the compressibility in coarse-grained fill materials. The vertical strains induced by soaking are on the order of 12% - 20% of the compression measured in dry loading case for the well-graded coarse-grained fill materials tested. Besides, there is significant particle breakage in the compaction process and no further particle breakage in the oedometer test for GP material.

Comportamento de um solo colapsível inundado com líquidos de diferentes composições químicas / Behavior of a collapsible soil soaked by liquids of different chemical compositions

Norival Agnelli 04 December 1997 (has links)
Avalia-se o colapso de um solo residual, de comportamento laterítico, para líquidos inundantes de diferentes composições químicas, em profundidades de 1 até 4 metros, empregando-se provas de carga diretas e ensaios de adensamento. Explica-se o fenômeno do colapso, para cada líquido inundante, utilizando-se parâmetros obtidos em ensaios de caracterização, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e ensaios químicos. A pesquisa é desenvolvida no Campo Experimental da UNESP de Bauru (SP), cujo solo local é uma areia fina argilosa, residual de arenito, enquadrada como Latossolo vermelho escuro a amarelo. / The collapse of a lateritic residual soil is evaluated, using liquid of different chemical compositions, in depths from 1 to 4 meters, and using plate load and oedometer tests. This work explains the phenomenon of the collapse, for each liquid, employing parameters obtained in characterization tests, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and chemical tests. The research is developed in the Experimental Field of the Civil Engineering Department of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), at Bauru (SP), where the local soil is residual derived from sandstone, and according to grain size classification it is a clayey fine sand. In the pedological classification it is a dark red to yellow Latosol.

Functional characterization and molecular identification of neuroprotective receptors for erythropoietin-like ligands

Hahn, Nina 12 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluating the Effect of Selected Soaking Pretreatments on the Color Quality and Phenolic Content of Purple Potato Chips

Zhang, Kai January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Caracterização de cultivares de feijão para pré- de grãos desidratados de cozimento rápido e processamento industrial / Characterization of bean cultivars for preprocessing of dehydrated quick-cooking grains and industrial canning

Schoeninger, Vanderleia 26 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:24:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese revisada_ (Vanderleia) 29 10 2015.pdf: 2119451 bytes, checksum: 2a331a8e454522cd4dc600544af51cd4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-26 / Currently an alternative that meets the demands of the modern consumer is the industrial processing. Due to the necessity of scientific materials about beans industrial processing in the national literature, then the objective in the first stage of this work (Paper 1) was prepare a review about this topic. Were presented some concepts and details of the industrial processing, unit operations and quality parameters evaluated in canned beans. In sequence (Paper 2) were presented the results of the study that evaluated the adaptability of eight bean cultivars for industrial processing. Cultivars evaluated were by commercial Carioca class: BRS Perola, BRS Estilo, BRS Ametista e BRS Notável and also the Black class: IPR Uirapuru, BRS Campeiro, BRS Esteio and BRS Esplendor. First the physical parameters of the grains were evaluated: water content, measurement of the size, roundness, weight of 100 seeds, density, bulk density, apparent moisture ratio and color components. Then the beans were processed at an industry of canning, using cans with a capacity of 420 g, in which the samples were put without the use of soaking. For sauce was used water at a temperature of 75°C and the cooking process and sterilization was performed in a rotary retort. The quality parameters were evaluated in canned beans: total, net and drained weight, headspace, damage index, color, soluble solids and total solids in the sauce, texture, acidity and pH. Data were submitted to multivariate analysis: Principal Components and Hierarchical Clustering. As a result it was found that the Carioca class BRS Estilo differs from others due to low drained weight that contributed to the increase of total solids in the broth, with low hardness values, not adapting to the type of process used in this experiment. In Black class were observed similar quality characteristics between cultivars BRS Esplendor and IPR Uirapuru, and between BRS Campeiro and BRS Esteio, especially this last one by having smaller index of damaged grains after processing. Lastly, in the last work (Paper 3) was presented information about a different option of product by beans, the quick cooking dehydrated, pointing details of the processing and the performance of Brazilian bean varieties, as well as the technological quality of the final product. In the processing of quick-cooking dried beans was used a Central Composite Design (CCD) with two factors. The first factor was cultivar, evaluating BRS Pérola, BRS Madrepérola, BRS Estilo and IAPAR 81. The second factor was concentration of NaHCO3 used in soaking operation followed by drying of the beans. Were evaluated the parameters: cooking time, damage index and color difference in the processed product. It was found that the effects on these quality parameters are dependent upon the cultivar factor, because BRS Estilo and BRS Madrepérola stood out due to reduced cooking time and color difference when compared to BRS Pérola and IAPAR 81. For BRS Estilo cultivar the increased of NaHCO3 concentration in the soaking reduced significantly the cooking time, with lower rates of damage when compared to BRS Madrepérola. Finally, the information in this work intends to contribute with future research on this topic and therefore increase the bean consumption, whether in the form of an innovative product like the quick cooking dehydrated or as canned beans. / Atualmente uma alternativa alimentar que atende às demandas do consumidor moderno é o processamento industrial do feijão. Devido à necessidade de materiais científicos sobre processamento industrial do feijão na literatura nacional, objetivou-se na primeira etapa deste trabalho (Artigo 1) elaborar uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema. São apresentados alguns conceitos e detalhes do processamento industrial, das operações unitárias e dos parâmetros de qualidade avaliados no feijão enlatado. Na sequência (Artigo 2), apresentam-se os resultados do trabalho que avaliou a adaptabilidade de oito cultivares de feijão ao processamento industrial. Foram avaliados cultivares da classe comercial Carioca: BRS Pérola, BRS Estilo, BRS Ametista e BRS Notável; da classe Preto: IPR Uirapuru, BRS Campeiro, BRS Esteio e BRS Esplendor. Primeiramente, foram verificados os parâmetros físicos nos grãos: teor de água, aferição das dimensões, esfericidade, massa de 100 grãos, densidade, massa específica aparente, coeficiente de hidratação e componentes de cor. Em seguida, os grãos foram processados em uma indústria do setor, utilizando-se embalagens metálicas com capacidade de 420 g, nas quais as amostras foram acondicionadas sem o emprego de hidratação prévia. Como calda, utilizou-se água na temperatura de 75 °C e o processo de cozimento e esterilização foi realizado em autoclave rotativa. No feijão enlatado, avaliaram-se os parâmetros de qualidade: peso bruto, líquido e drenado, altura de headspace, índice de danos, cor, sólidos solúveis e sólidos totais no caldo, textura, acidez e pH. Os dados foram submetidos à análise multivariada: componentes principais e de agrupamento. Como resultado, verificou-se que, na classe Carioca, o cultivar BRS Estilo diferencia-se dos demais, devido ao baixo peso drenado que contribuiu para o aumento de sólidos totais no caldo, com baixos valores de dureza, não se adaptando ao tipo de processo utilizado neste experimento. Na classe Preto, observaram-se características de qualidade semelhantes entre BRS Esplendor e IPR Uirapuru, e entre BRS Esteio e BRS Campeiro, destacando-se esta última por apresentar menores índices de grãos danificados após o processamento. Por fim, no último trabalho (Artigo 3), apresentam-se informações sobre uma opção diferenciada de produto derivado do feijão, o desidratado de cozimento rápido, apontando-se detalhes sobre o processamento e a performance de diferentes cultivares brasileiros, assim como a qualidade tecnológica. No processamento do feijão desidratado de cozimento rápido foi empregado um delineamento composto central (DCC) com dois fatores. O primeiro fator foi cultivar, avaliando-se BRS Pérola, BRS Madrepérola, BRS Estilo e IAPAR 81; o segundo fator foi a concentração de NaHCO3 (bicarbonato de sódio) empregado na hidratação, seguida da secagem dos grãos. Foram avaliados os parâmetros tempo de cozimento, índice de dano e diferença de cor no produto processado. Verificou-se que os efeitos nos parâmetros de qualidade são dependentes do fator cultivar, visto que BRS Estilo e BRS Madrepérola destacaram-se devido ao menor tempo de cozimento e diferença de cor, quando comparados ao BRS Pérola e IAPAR 81. Para BRS Estilo, o aumento na concentração de NaHCO3 reduz significativamente o tempo de cozimento, com menor índice de dano quando comparado ao cultivar BRS Madrepérola. Por fim, com as informações presentes neste trabalho pretende-se contribuir com pesquisas futuras sobre o tema e dessa forma incrementar o consumo do feijão, seja na forma de um produto inovador como o desidratado de cozimento rápido ou na forma de enlatado.

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