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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding Elvis : Presley, power and performance

Duffett, Mark January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Grunt usage and social monitoring: Investigation of the signaller and the receiver perspectives in a tolerant species of baboons

Faraut, Lauriane 04 February 2019 (has links)
La compréhension des sociétés, de la communication et de la cognition chez les primates non humains permet de mieux comprendre l'évolution de notre propre espèce. Bien que la structure acoustique chez les primates soit principalement innée, leur utilisation vocale et leur compréhension / réponse sont plus flexibles et fluctuent en fonction des expériences sociales. Comme les relations peuvent varier entre les individus d’un même groupe et changer avec le temps, les contextes d’utilisation des vocalisations (perspective du signaleur) et les schémas de réponse aux vocalisations (perspective du récepteur) sont supposés différer même entre espèces très proches. Mon projet de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre actuel déterminant dans quelle mesure le système social façonne la communication et la cognition sociale chez les primates. Plus spécifiquement, j’ai étudié l’utilisation d’une vocalisation affiliative — le grognement — et la surveillance sociale d’une population sauvage de babouins de Guinée (Papio papio) vivant dans le parc national du Niokolo Koba, au Sénégal. En combinant des observations comportementales et des designs expérimentaux, je me suis attachée à investir le point de vue du signaleur et du receveur en utilisant le grognement, la vocalisation affiliative la plus commune chez les babouins. Les babouins de savane (P. ursinus, P. cynocephalus, P. kinda, P. anubis) vivent dans des groupes polygynandres caractérisés par une forte compétition entre males et des relations sociales stables entre femelles. A l’inverse, l’organisation sociale des babouins de Guinée et hamadryas (P. hamadryas) est caractérisée par une société à plusieurs niveaux, une dispersion majoritaire des femelles et un système reproductif polygyny-monandre. Chez le babouin de Guinée, « l’unité » — i.e., un mâle « primaire », 1-6 femelle, leur progéniture, et fréquemment des mâles « secondaires » — représente le cœur de la société, et l’agglomération de plusieurs unités s’appelle le « parti ». Les mâles sont majoritairement philopatriques au sein d’un parti et partage une grande tolérance spatiale, facilitant la formation de liens sociaux forts et durables. Afin d’évaluer si le système social du babouin de Guinée influence leur utilisation du grognement, j’ai collecté des observations comportementales de mâles et de femelles sexuellement matures. Tout d’abord, j'ai examiné si la nature des interactions suite à une approche était modulée par la production de grognements par l'animal approchant (i.e., le sujet). A la suite d’une approche avec grognement chez les deux sexes, la dyade était plus susceptible d’interagir de manière affiliative. De plus, les grognements augmentaient la probabilité de manipulation du nourrisson du partenaire et réduisaient le risque de supplantation. Par la suite, j'ai testé comment un nourrisson à proximité du receveur et la qualité des liens sociaux entre partenaires pouvaient potentiellement influencer la décision du sujet à grogner ou rester silencieux. Les deux sexes étaient plus susceptibles de grogner envers un partenaire féminin que masculin. Entre femelles, la probabilité d’émission vocale était plus faible lorsqu’elles partageaient de forts liens sociaux, et ceci uniquement en présence d’un nourrisson avec sa partenaire. L’appartenance à une unité a également eu un impact sur le grognement, car les femmes étaient plus susceptibles de vocaliser lorsqu'elles approchent une femme d'une autre unité. Le statut de dominance et l’écart entre rang hiérarchique dyadique n’altéraient pas la probabilité de grognement entre femelles, même si une hiérarchie de dominance linéaire a été démontrée. En accord avec la tolérance élevée chez les mâles de cette espèce, la force des liens sociaux n'a eu aucun impact sur la probabilité de grogner lors d'approches entre mâles. Enfin, les mâles étaient plus prompts à grogner lorsqu'un nourrisson était à proximité du partenaire féminin. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que les babouins de Guinée utilisent les grognements de manière stratégique pour faire connaître leurs intentions bénigne lors de situations imprévisibles spécifiques (par exemple, en s’approchant d’un partenaire non préférentiel). Bien que les contraintes génétiques limitent la structure et l'étendue du répertoire vocal au sein d’un même taxon, les babouins peuvent adapter leur utilisation vocale de manière flexible en fonction de leur environnement social. Dans une seconde étude, j'ai exploré le point de vue du receveur en testant l'attention portée aux interactions sociales de tiers chez les mâles adultes babouins de Guinée. J'ai pratiqué des expériences de repasse pour déterminer si les mâles suivaient les associations actuelles entre mâles et femelles au sein de leur parti (mais en dehors de leur propre unité). Tout d’abord, j'ai démontré que les grognements sont exprimés plus fréquemment entre femelles et mâles primaires d'une même unité que d'unités différentes. Par la suite, j'ai réalisé des séquences acoustiques congruentes et incongrues simulant un échange de grognements entre une femelle et un mâle primaire appartenant respectivement à la même unité ou non. J’ai testé ces séquences de grognements sur des mâles primaires et des mâles non primaires, comme le statut des mâles (association avec une femelle) pourrait influencer la valeur des informations sociales. Étonnamment, les babouins mâles regardaient plus longtemps vers le hautparleur lorsqu’ils étaient exposés à la condition congruente par rapport à la condition incongrue, un résultat opposé à une précédente expérience de repasse chez le mâle babouin chacma. De plus, les mâles primaires réagissaient plus fortement que les mâles non primaires, quel que soit la condition expérimentale. Ainsi, ces résultats révèlent comment les différences du système reproductif et du degré de compétition entre mâles affectent la valeur allouée aux informations sociales même entre espèces génétiquement proches. En comparant mes résultats avec la littérature chez les geladas et d’autres espèces de babouins, les variations observées lors de l'utilisation de vocalisations et la motivation à suivre les interactions des autres chez les babouins de Guinée sont susceptibles d'être liées à des caractéristiques propres à leur système social. Bien que les babouins de Guinée utilisent des grognements de manière stratégique pour signaler leur intention bienveillante, comme c’est le cas chez plusieurs autres espèces de primates, l’absence de significativité de la force des liens sociaux entre males et males-femelles, ainsi que de la hiérarchie de dominance féminine sur la production de grognements pourrait être liée au faible niveau de compétition observé à la fois entre ou au sein d’un même sexe chez cette espèce. Compte tenu du faible intérêt que suscitent les enregistrements simulant des associations incongrues entre femelles et mâles, mes expériences de repasse supportent que l'attribution de l'attention sociale — et potentiellement l’étendue des connaissances sociales — dépend fortement du système reproductif et du degré de compétition/tolérance entre congénères. De futures recherches devraient considérer un ensemble de mesures révélant comment la compétition, la cohésion et la coopération impact potentiellement l’évolution de la communication et de la cognition. De plus, le développement de recherches comparatives entre espèces ou populations confrontées à des fluctuations des différentes dimensions du système social est primordial, sachant que l’environnement social semble expliquer davantage de variation entre espèces que les relations génétiques

Experiência inovadora em educação superior - PAI - Planejamento Agronômico Integrado : estudo de caso na UFRGS

Campos, Marcia Maciel de January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo de uma experiência de inovação pedagógica em educação superior. A experiência estudada foi à disciplina denominada PAI - Planejamento Agronômico Integrado, que é parte do currículo desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Agronomia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever a experiência da disciplina, enquanto prática pedagógica inovadora. Identificar suas características, como ocorreu a participação dos sujeitos, e verificar se resultou, ou não, desse processo inovador, a produção do Conhecimento Social. Os conceitos de inovação e conhecimento social, trabalhados na pesquisa, se apoiaram no referencial teórico de Leite (2001). A perspectiva de inovação é a de práticas que apresentem uma ruptura com paradigmas vigentes na universidade e que possibilitem a reconfiguração de saberes, poderes e conhecimentos. O conhecimento social é um conhecimento construído na relação teoria com a prática, na mediação do professor com o protagonismo dos alunos e demais participantes da relação educativa. É um conhecimento que dá visibilidade a outros saberes antes ausentes, pode nascer de necessidades ou demandas sociais e se concretizar na busca de solução a essas demandas. O Estudo de Caso foi a estratégia metodológica escolhida para realizar essa pesquisa, que se caracterizou como um estudo de cunho qualitativo, sustentado no referencial de Yin (2005). As informações foram obtidas a partir do estudo de documentos, publicações e da coleta de dados no trabalho de campo. Foram aplicados questionários e realizadas entrevistas com alunos, professores e outros atores participantes dessa relação educativa. O trabalho de campo se caracterizou por observações das aulas, das saídas de campo da turma e nas apresentações realizadas pelos alunos para a comunidade em geral. Foi possível constatar que a disciplina PAI é uma experiência inovadora que se tornou possível a partir da reformulação curricular. Os seus criadores, não pensavam a priori em uma disciplina, tinham a intenção de qualificar o ensino e a aprendizagem do aluno, dando maior consistência e significado ao que havia sido ensinado, para que o aluno saísse da universidade seguro e confiante quanto ao seu potencial profissional. Foi a partir do amadurecimento dessas intenções, que surgiu a possibilidade de integrar a prática e a teoria numa disciplina. Destaca-se na experiência seu caráter inovador presente no modo de construção e reconstrução do conhecimento, que resultou de uma interação com diferentes atores sociais, tal interação possibilitou partilha de saberes e de poderes entre os atores. Inovadora também pela possibilidade emancipadora deste conhecimento o que se observou, pelo estímulo ao protagonismo dos alunos e pelos diferentes espaços ocupados formando novos cenários de aprendizagem para o conhecimento que se produz na universidade. / The present work deals with the study of a pedagogical innovation experience in Higher Education. The studied experiment was the discipline named PAI – Planejamento Agronômico Integrado (Integrated Agronomic Planning), which is developed in the Agronomics College at Federal University from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this research was to describe the experience of this discipline as a pedagogical innovator practice and to identify its characteristics as it occurred with the subjects‟ participation and also to verify if it showed any implications in the Social knowledge production from this process. The concepts of innovation and social knowledge accomplished in this research have been supported on Leite (2001) theoretical referential. The innovation perspective is that one practice can present a rupture with actual paradigms at the University and that it could enable the instruction, power and knowledge reconfigurations. The social knowledge described here is the one constructed in the relation of theory and practice and in professor‟s mediation with the student‟s leadership and other participants in the educative relation. This is a knowledge which gives visibility to other missing instructions, and comes from the necessity or social demands as it materializes in the search for solutions to those demands (LEITE, 2001). The study case was the methodological strategy chosen to accomplish this research, characterized as a qualitative study supported by Yin (2005) referential. The information was obtained from the study of documents, publications and data collection in this field. Some questionnaires were used and some interviews were made with students, professors and other actors from this educational relationship. The work had as a characteristic the observation of classrooms; student‟s going out and in the students‟ presentation to the community in general. It was possible to verify that the PAI discipline is an innovative experience that only became possible due to a curricular reformulation. Its creators, a priori did not think about a specific discipline, they had in mind the intention of qualifying teaching and learning, giving much more consistence and meaning to what had been taught, so the student could leave university self-confident concerning his professional potential. From this maturation of intentions, it came to light the possibility to integrate the practice with the theory in a discipline. This innovative experience should be highlighted as a feature present in the way we construct and reconstruct knowledge, which resulted in an interaction among different social actors. Such interaction made the sharing of knowledge and powers possible among the actors. It was also innovative for the emancipator possibility from this observed knowledge, through the motivation of students‟ leadership and also through different spaces used, creating new sets of learning for the knowledge we produce at university.

A vocação auto-reflexiva da antropologia no Brasil : um retrato de sua historiografia a partir da década de oitenta /

Paula, Luciana Castro de. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Christina de Rezende Rubim / Banca: Regina Coeli Machado e Silva / Banca: Lídia Maria Viana Possas / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal fazer um levantamento historiográfico sobre a produção acadêmica auto-reflexiva da antropologia no Brasil, enfatizando-se as décadas de oitenta e noventa, partindo do pressuposto de que os referidos textos renovam a legitimação do campo da disciplina em nossa realidade específica. O pensamento antropológico no Brasil possui uma tradição de cerca de cem anos se tomarmos como ponto de partida a obra de Nina Rodrigues, e um pouco menos, se partirmos da institucionalização da disciplina em 1934 com a criação da Universidade de São Paulo e o curso de graduação em ciências sociais. No entanto é a partir de 1970 que as pesquisas ganham força e se diversificam tematicamente com a criação e reformulação dos programas de pós-graduação em antropologia social, representando as disputas internas nesta área, e nas décadas seguintes a problemática do pensar-se a si mesmo transforma-se, de forma efetiva e singular, em um interesse dos antropólogos brasileiros contribuindo significativamente para o enriquecimento do seu campo de atuação. / Abstract: This essay seeks the historiographer collecting about the self-reflexive academic production of anthropology in Brazil, emphasizing the '80s and '90s of 20ths, starting from the presupposition that the mentioned texts renew the discipline field's legitimation in our specific reality. The anthropological knowledge in Brazil has about a hundred years of tradition, if we take Nina Rodrigues' publication as a starting point, and not so far, if we starting from the institutionalization of the discipline in 1934 with the creation of the University of São Paulo and the Graduation Course of Social Science. However, the researches got strengths and thematically diversified from 1970 with the creation and reformulation of graduate programs in social anthropology, portraying the internal controversies in this area, and in the following decades the problematical of thinking by itself changes in an effective and singular way, due to Brazilian anthropologists' interest in contributing meaningfully to the enrichment of their field activity. / Mestre

Social knowledge of food: How and why people talk about foods

Miyazaki, Yoshihiko January 2008 (has links)
Social knowledge about food was investigated from a social contingency perspective (Guerin, 1994, 1998, 2004), a functional linguistic approach that considers language use having functions both to establish 'facts' in order to control listeners, and to maintain social relationships with words. In Study 1, whether people shared knowledge about food or not was examined. One hundred and fourteen New Zealand and 23 Japanese participants were asked to answer free format questionnaires asking the reasons they and others eat or do not eat particular food items. Those answers were categorised into 8 categories and 30 sub-categories of the knowledge about foods by qualitative content analysis. The results of a cluster analysis of those categories showed that participants used the categories homogeneously although there were some differences between New Zealand and Japanese participants, and that the participants selectively used different types of knowledge according to food items especially when explaining why people do or do not eat some foods. In Study 2, rhetorical features about foods were investigated: (1) numerical quantification rhetoric; (2) narrative use rhetoric; and (3) enumeration rhetoric. Factual statements from a corpus of 118 New Zealand TV commercials and 249 Japanese TV commercials were coded by the categories generated in Study 1. The results showed that the categories of factual statements were selectively used on TV commercials depending on the food types, and related closely to the results of Study 1. The rhetorical strategies appeared in commercials according to the categories of factual statements. When more than one factual statement was presented in a commercial, the relations of the factual statements were usually of a conjunctive form such as quotfact A however fact Bquot or quotfact A moreover fact Bquot, or else the factual statements were presented independently rather than the one statement logically warranting the other. These results suggest that those rhetoric uses and the arrangements of the factual statements were selectively used according to the effectiveness against counter arguments using shared knowledge. Study 3 and Study 4 analysed the functions of shared knowledge about food for maintaining social relationships through investigating the cases in which knowledge about foods presented as the form of 'collaborative talk', which occurs when one speaker completes the preceding saying by another speaker. In Study 3, the collaborative talk as sentence completions of knowledge about food was qualitatively analysed from conversations of 30 to 45 minutes produced by four groups consisting of four or five Japanese participants who were friends. From a social contingency view, the analysis focused on the following conversational properties: (1) who the listener was; (2) the degree of sharing of the information between the speakers; (3) the degree of sharing of the information between the 2nd speaker and the listener; and (4) the disagreement between the 2nd speaker and the listener. The results of Study 3 suggested some possible functions of sentence completions of knowledge about food: (1) the function when the first speaker is the listener may be enhancement of the relationship between the first and the second speakers through showing the second speaker's attention and understanding to the first speaker's utterance, because those sentence completions were often followed by the affirmation or negation by the first speaker; (2) when a third person is the listener, and the first and the second speaker refuted the third person using sentence completion, the function seems to be just establishing 'facts'; and (3) in the cases of 'assisted explaining' (Lerner Takagi, 1999) , the function may be not only establishing 'facts' but also enhancement the relationship between the listener and the speakers, because the constructed 'facts' may work as a kind of conversational 'gift'. In Study 4, five Japanese groups consisting of four participants who were friends were asked to talk about four topics about foods that all participants either agreed or disagreed ('All agree' condition) and four food topics for which there was disagreement about it between participants ('Some agree' condition). When the listeners could not be identified, and the second speakers did not used the utterance-final element such as 'yo ne' that is regarded as having a function of showing agreement between the speakers, the participants used sentence completions more frequently in 'All agree' conditions. The results suggested that the function of this type of sentence completion is not merely establishing 'facts' but also enhancing the relationship between the speakers through showing agreement about the relevant things to the topic. In conclusion, the results of the present studies suggest some possible social contingencies involved both when people get knowledge about food and when they use it.

Unterstützung der Nutzung des kollektiven Wissens in einem LCMS / Supporting the use of social knowledge in an LCMS

Lorenz, Anja 07 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Erstellung von Lernmaterialien für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in Unternehmen treffen verschiedene Anforderungen aufeinander: Die Kursmaterialien sollen fachlich richtig, didaktisch sinnvoll und gestalterisch ansehnlich aufbereitet sein. Zugleich finden sich in den Unternehmen unterschiedliche Zielgruppen und Einsatzzwecke, sodass hohe Ansprüche an den effektiven Einsatz und somit an die Wiederverwendbarkeit einmal erstellter Lerninhalte bestehen. Learning Content Management Systeme (LCMS) begegnen diesen Herausforderungen und stellen Funktionalitäten zur Erstellung, Bearbeitung, Verwaltung und Veröffentlichung von Lernobjekten und den daraus zusammengestellten Kursmaterialien bereit: Zentralisierte Lernobjektrepositorien für XML-basierte Lerninhalte erleichtern nicht nur die Wiederverwendung von Informations- und Lernobjekten in Kursmaterialien für verschiedene Lernszenarien, sondern sie ermöglichen erst die Überführung der Lerninhalte in verschiedene Verteilungsformate und Sprachversionen. Während der Umgang mit Lernobjekten für einzelne Autoren durch diese Funktionalitäten weitestgehend vereinfacht wird, fehlt es bislang an einer umfassenden Betrachtung, wie die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Autoren im LCMS unterstützt werden kann. Mit der Dissertation werden Übertragungsmöglichkeiten von Kollaborationsprinzipien aus dem Web 2.0 untersucht, die als Vorbild für die gemeinsame Erstellung von Content und die dabei nötigen Abstimmungsprozesse durch nicht- bzw. flachstrukturierte, heterogene Autorengruppen dienen. Als methodische Klammer wird die DIN EN ISO/IEC 19796 (2009) herangezogen. Sie gibt einerseits die für die Analyse nötige Strukturierung der Prozesse bei der Lernangebotserstellung vor und liefert außerdem die für die Evaluation nötigen Qualitätskriterien.


Moura, Edinara Alves de 14 December 2009 (has links)
The present study has as objective to do a reflection about the education in the rural space, in the context of the place, giving emphasis to the social knowledge, present in the school's community of the Municipal Elementary School José Paim of Oliveira, in the District São Valentim, part of the city Santa Maria, RS. The present research had a qualitative approach, where there was the employment of the Dialectic method to investigate the importance of the rural school in the context of place; to recognize the social knowledge of the community from the school in study, pointing out its importance in the constitution of the culture in that place; to learn the social knowledge that give basis to the rural teacher's pedagogic practice, making a relationship with the teacher's initial and permanent formation. It is through the understanding and of the knowledge of the place, that the educators of the schools can compose their educational practices, in a way to respect and to learn from the involved communities. As we experience the school in study, in its pedagogic routine, it could be verified that as it demonstrates its Pedagogic Political Project (PPP), still today, it follows the pedagogic beginnings of the Project of School-Nucleus. It was verified that, theoretically there is the concern with the rural common knowledge, of characterizing the school as "of the countryside" and not just in the countryside", as demonstrated in its PPP, however, there is the challenge of transforming this knowledge in a member of the curriculum of the school. The pedagogic practice experienced in the school values the social knowledge, through events (horseback ridings, parties, parades, among others), historical rescue, as the one made on the Coachmen, (2002 and 2004). However, the rural schools in the city of Santa Maria are geographically in the countryside, but in their daily practice, contents, calendar, etc., the school's curriculum is the same of an urban school. In this context, it was verified there is the need of further study for the implantation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education of the Rural Schools. This presupposition was not confirmed at the school in study, because even with the efforts demonstrated by the teachers and directing team, it is not noticed a true identity with the rural space. Therefore, from the moment the school starts to follow the Guidelines for a rural education, it will start to fulfill its social role, the role of promoting the improvement of the life conditions in the field, respecting the specificity of the place, its culture, knowledge, forming people conscious of their responsibility in the rural community's development. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo fazer uma reflexão sobre a educação do campo, no contexto do lugar, dando ênfase aos saberes sociais presentes na comunidade escolar da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental José Paim de Oliveira, no Distrito de São Valentim, no município de Santa Maria, RS. A presente pesquisa teve uma abordagem qualitativa, onde houve o emprego do método dialético para investigar a importância da escola do campo no contexto do lugar; reconhecer os saberes sociais da comunidade escolar pesquisada, destacando sua importância na constituição da cultura do lugar; apreender os saberes sociais que fundamentam a prática pedagógica do educador da escola do campo, fazendo uma relação com a formação inicial e permanente do professor. É por meio da compreensão e do conhecimento do lugar, que os educadores das escolas rurais poderão compor suas práticas educativas, de forma a respeitar e apreender sobre os saberes sociais das comunidades envolvidas. Ao vivenciarmos a escola em estudo, no seu cotidiano pedagógico, pôde-se verificar que, como demonstra seu Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP), ainda hoje esta segue os princípios pedagógicos do Projeto de Escola-Núcleo. Verificou-se que, teoricamente, há a preocupação com os saberes do campo, de caracterizar a escola como do campo e não apenas no campo , assim também demonstradas em seu PPP, no entanto, há o desafio de transformar esses saberes em integrantes do currículo da escola. A prática pedagógica vivenciada no seio da escola valoriza os saberes sociais através de eventos (cavalgada, festas, desfiles, entre outros), o resgate histórico, como o realizado sobre os Carreteiros, (2002 e 2004). Entretanto, as escolas do campo do município de Santa Maria estão geograficamente no campo, mas em sua prática cotidiana, como conteúdos, calendário, enfim o currículo escolar é o mesmo de uma escola urbana. Neste contexto, constatou-se que há a necessidade de um aprofundamento e estudo para a implantação das Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação Básica das Escolas do Campo. Este pressuposto não foi confirmado na escola em estudo, pois mesmo com os esforços demonstrados pelos professores e equipe diretiva, não se percebe uma verdadeira identidade com o campo. Portanto, no momento em que a escola passar a seguir as Diretrizes por uma educação do campo, esta passará a cumprir o seu papel social, que é o de promover a melhoria das condições de vida no campo, respeitando a especificidade do lugar, sua cultura e saberes, formando sujeitos conscientes de sua responsabilidade no desenvolvimento de sua comunidade rural.

Experiência inovadora em educação superior - PAI - Planejamento Agronômico Integrado : estudo de caso na UFRGS

Campos, Marcia Maciel de January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo de uma experiência de inovação pedagógica em educação superior. A experiência estudada foi à disciplina denominada PAI - Planejamento Agronômico Integrado, que é parte do currículo desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Agronomia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever a experiência da disciplina, enquanto prática pedagógica inovadora. Identificar suas características, como ocorreu a participação dos sujeitos, e verificar se resultou, ou não, desse processo inovador, a produção do Conhecimento Social. Os conceitos de inovação e conhecimento social, trabalhados na pesquisa, se apoiaram no referencial teórico de Leite (2001). A perspectiva de inovação é a de práticas que apresentem uma ruptura com paradigmas vigentes na universidade e que possibilitem a reconfiguração de saberes, poderes e conhecimentos. O conhecimento social é um conhecimento construído na relação teoria com a prática, na mediação do professor com o protagonismo dos alunos e demais participantes da relação educativa. É um conhecimento que dá visibilidade a outros saberes antes ausentes, pode nascer de necessidades ou demandas sociais e se concretizar na busca de solução a essas demandas. O Estudo de Caso foi a estratégia metodológica escolhida para realizar essa pesquisa, que se caracterizou como um estudo de cunho qualitativo, sustentado no referencial de Yin (2005). As informações foram obtidas a partir do estudo de documentos, publicações e da coleta de dados no trabalho de campo. Foram aplicados questionários e realizadas entrevistas com alunos, professores e outros atores participantes dessa relação educativa. O trabalho de campo se caracterizou por observações das aulas, das saídas de campo da turma e nas apresentações realizadas pelos alunos para a comunidade em geral. Foi possível constatar que a disciplina PAI é uma experiência inovadora que se tornou possível a partir da reformulação curricular. Os seus criadores, não pensavam a priori em uma disciplina, tinham a intenção de qualificar o ensino e a aprendizagem do aluno, dando maior consistência e significado ao que havia sido ensinado, para que o aluno saísse da universidade seguro e confiante quanto ao seu potencial profissional. Foi a partir do amadurecimento dessas intenções, que surgiu a possibilidade de integrar a prática e a teoria numa disciplina. Destaca-se na experiência seu caráter inovador presente no modo de construção e reconstrução do conhecimento, que resultou de uma interação com diferentes atores sociais, tal interação possibilitou partilha de saberes e de poderes entre os atores. Inovadora também pela possibilidade emancipadora deste conhecimento o que se observou, pelo estímulo ao protagonismo dos alunos e pelos diferentes espaços ocupados formando novos cenários de aprendizagem para o conhecimento que se produz na universidade. / The present work deals with the study of a pedagogical innovation experience in Higher Education. The studied experiment was the discipline named PAI – Planejamento Agronômico Integrado (Integrated Agronomic Planning), which is developed in the Agronomics College at Federal University from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this research was to describe the experience of this discipline as a pedagogical innovator practice and to identify its characteristics as it occurred with the subjects‟ participation and also to verify if it showed any implications in the Social knowledge production from this process. The concepts of innovation and social knowledge accomplished in this research have been supported on Leite (2001) theoretical referential. The innovation perspective is that one practice can present a rupture with actual paradigms at the University and that it could enable the instruction, power and knowledge reconfigurations. The social knowledge described here is the one constructed in the relation of theory and practice and in professor‟s mediation with the student‟s leadership and other participants in the educative relation. This is a knowledge which gives visibility to other missing instructions, and comes from the necessity or social demands as it materializes in the search for solutions to those demands (LEITE, 2001). The study case was the methodological strategy chosen to accomplish this research, characterized as a qualitative study supported by Yin (2005) referential. The information was obtained from the study of documents, publications and data collection in this field. Some questionnaires were used and some interviews were made with students, professors and other actors from this educational relationship. The work had as a characteristic the observation of classrooms; student‟s going out and in the students‟ presentation to the community in general. It was possible to verify that the PAI discipline is an innovative experience that only became possible due to a curricular reformulation. Its creators, a priori did not think about a specific discipline, they had in mind the intention of qualifying teaching and learning, giving much more consistence and meaning to what had been taught, so the student could leave university self-confident concerning his professional potential. From this maturation of intentions, it came to light the possibility to integrate the practice with the theory in a discipline. This innovative experience should be highlighted as a feature present in the way we construct and reconstruct knowledge, which resulted in an interaction among different social actors. Such interaction made the sharing of knowledge and powers possible among the actors. It was also innovative for the emancipator possibility from this observed knowledge, through the motivation of students‟ leadership and also through different spaces used, creating new sets of learning for the knowledge we produce at university.

Experiência inovadora em educação superior - PAI - Planejamento Agronômico Integrado : estudo de caso na UFRGS

Campos, Marcia Maciel de January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo de uma experiência de inovação pedagógica em educação superior. A experiência estudada foi à disciplina denominada PAI - Planejamento Agronômico Integrado, que é parte do currículo desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Agronomia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever a experiência da disciplina, enquanto prática pedagógica inovadora. Identificar suas características, como ocorreu a participação dos sujeitos, e verificar se resultou, ou não, desse processo inovador, a produção do Conhecimento Social. Os conceitos de inovação e conhecimento social, trabalhados na pesquisa, se apoiaram no referencial teórico de Leite (2001). A perspectiva de inovação é a de práticas que apresentem uma ruptura com paradigmas vigentes na universidade e que possibilitem a reconfiguração de saberes, poderes e conhecimentos. O conhecimento social é um conhecimento construído na relação teoria com a prática, na mediação do professor com o protagonismo dos alunos e demais participantes da relação educativa. É um conhecimento que dá visibilidade a outros saberes antes ausentes, pode nascer de necessidades ou demandas sociais e se concretizar na busca de solução a essas demandas. O Estudo de Caso foi a estratégia metodológica escolhida para realizar essa pesquisa, que se caracterizou como um estudo de cunho qualitativo, sustentado no referencial de Yin (2005). As informações foram obtidas a partir do estudo de documentos, publicações e da coleta de dados no trabalho de campo. Foram aplicados questionários e realizadas entrevistas com alunos, professores e outros atores participantes dessa relação educativa. O trabalho de campo se caracterizou por observações das aulas, das saídas de campo da turma e nas apresentações realizadas pelos alunos para a comunidade em geral. Foi possível constatar que a disciplina PAI é uma experiência inovadora que se tornou possível a partir da reformulação curricular. Os seus criadores, não pensavam a priori em uma disciplina, tinham a intenção de qualificar o ensino e a aprendizagem do aluno, dando maior consistência e significado ao que havia sido ensinado, para que o aluno saísse da universidade seguro e confiante quanto ao seu potencial profissional. Foi a partir do amadurecimento dessas intenções, que surgiu a possibilidade de integrar a prática e a teoria numa disciplina. Destaca-se na experiência seu caráter inovador presente no modo de construção e reconstrução do conhecimento, que resultou de uma interação com diferentes atores sociais, tal interação possibilitou partilha de saberes e de poderes entre os atores. Inovadora também pela possibilidade emancipadora deste conhecimento o que se observou, pelo estímulo ao protagonismo dos alunos e pelos diferentes espaços ocupados formando novos cenários de aprendizagem para o conhecimento que se produz na universidade. / The present work deals with the study of a pedagogical innovation experience in Higher Education. The studied experiment was the discipline named PAI – Planejamento Agronômico Integrado (Integrated Agronomic Planning), which is developed in the Agronomics College at Federal University from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this research was to describe the experience of this discipline as a pedagogical innovator practice and to identify its characteristics as it occurred with the subjects‟ participation and also to verify if it showed any implications in the Social knowledge production from this process. The concepts of innovation and social knowledge accomplished in this research have been supported on Leite (2001) theoretical referential. The innovation perspective is that one practice can present a rupture with actual paradigms at the University and that it could enable the instruction, power and knowledge reconfigurations. The social knowledge described here is the one constructed in the relation of theory and practice and in professor‟s mediation with the student‟s leadership and other participants in the educative relation. This is a knowledge which gives visibility to other missing instructions, and comes from the necessity or social demands as it materializes in the search for solutions to those demands (LEITE, 2001). The study case was the methodological strategy chosen to accomplish this research, characterized as a qualitative study supported by Yin (2005) referential. The information was obtained from the study of documents, publications and data collection in this field. Some questionnaires were used and some interviews were made with students, professors and other actors from this educational relationship. The work had as a characteristic the observation of classrooms; student‟s going out and in the students‟ presentation to the community in general. It was possible to verify that the PAI discipline is an innovative experience that only became possible due to a curricular reformulation. Its creators, a priori did not think about a specific discipline, they had in mind the intention of qualifying teaching and learning, giving much more consistence and meaning to what had been taught, so the student could leave university self-confident concerning his professional potential. From this maturation of intentions, it came to light the possibility to integrate the practice with the theory in a discipline. This innovative experience should be highlighted as a feature present in the way we construct and reconstruct knowledge, which resulted in an interaction among different social actors. Such interaction made the sharing of knowledge and powers possible among the actors. It was also innovative for the emancipator possibility from this observed knowledge, through the motivation of students‟ leadership and also through different spaces used, creating new sets of learning for the knowledge we produce at university.

A vocação auto-reflexiva da antropologia no Brasil: um retrato de sua historiografia a partir da década de oitenta

Paula, Luciana Castro de [UNESP] 30 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005-06-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:51:18Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 paula_lc_me_mar.pdf: 299274 bytes, checksum: 8eba7a42c8f088638e6c1d831a8df658 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal fazer um levantamento historiográfico sobre a produção acadêmica auto-reflexiva da antropologia no Brasil, enfatizando-se as décadas de oitenta e noventa, partindo do pressuposto de que os referidos textos renovam a legitimação do campo da disciplina em nossa realidade específica. O pensamento antropológico no Brasil possui uma tradição de cerca de cem anos se tomarmos como ponto de partida a obra de Nina Rodrigues, e um pouco menos, se partirmos da institucionalização da disciplina em 1934 com a criação da Universidade de São Paulo e o curso de graduação em ciências sociais. No entanto é a partir de 1970 que as pesquisas ganham força e se diversificam tematicamente com a criação e reformulação dos programas de pós-graduação em antropologia social, representando as disputas internas nesta área, e nas décadas seguintes a problemática do pensar-se a si mesmo transforma-se, de forma efetiva e singular, em um interesse dos antropólogos brasileiros contribuindo significativamente para o enriquecimento do seu campo de atuação. / This essay seeks the historiographer collecting about the self-reflexive academic production of anthropology in Brazil, emphasizing the '80s and '90s of 20ths, starting from the presupposition that the mentioned texts renew the discipline field's legitimation in our specific reality. The anthropological knowledge in Brazil has about a hundred years of tradition, if we take Nina Rodrigues' publication as a starting point, and not so far, if we starting from the institutionalization of the discipline in 1934 with the creation of the University of São Paulo and the Graduation Course of Social Science. However, the researches got strengths and thematically diversified from 1970 with the creation and reformulation of graduate programs in social anthropology, portraying the internal controversies in this area, and in the following decades the problematical of thinking by itself changes in an effective and singular way, due to Brazilian anthropologists' interest in contributing meaningfully to the enrichment of their field activity.

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