Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial rehabilitation"" "subject:"bsocial rehabilitation""
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Kai kurie socialinio darbuotojo veiklos bruožai, darbe su psichinę negalią turinčiais asmenimis gydymo įstaigoje / Certain characteristics of the social worker activities in his work with the persons with mental disorders in the health care institutionValavickaitė, Eglė 29 June 2009 (has links)
Žmogus, vieną kartą susirgęs psichikos liga, dažniausiai ja serga visą likusį gyvenimą, o ligos sukelti negrįžtami psichikos pakitimai vis gilėja neigiamai veikdami asmenybės raidą bei individo socialinį prisitaikymą, tuo sukeldami vis daugiau problemų pacientui ir jo aplinkos žmonėms. Psichikos ligoniai praktiškai visą gyvenimą yra gydomi, todėl viso jo gyvenimo palydovais tampa gydytojas psichiatras ir slaugos specialistas, besirūpinantys jo sveikata, bei užimtumo terapeutas (socialinis darbuotojas), kurio funkcija yra rūpintis psichikos ligonio grįžimu į bendruomenę ir socialine adaptacija joje. Dar sunkiau grąžinti į visuomenę ilgai psichikos liga sergančius žmones, daug metų praleidusius specialiose uždarose įstaigose – ligoninėse ar pensionatuose.
Viena iš labai svarbių socialinio darbuotojo, dirbančio su psichikos ligoniais veiklos sričių yra jų užimtumo organizavimas, kuris, tinkamai organizuojamas, svariai prisideda prie šių asmenų socialinės reabilitacijos.
Tyrimo objektas – socialinio darbuotojo veiklos galimybės su asmenimis, turinčiais psichikos negalią, gydymo įstaigoje.
Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti socialinės reabilitacijos galimybes gydymo įstaigoje dirbant su asmenimis turinčiais psichikos negalią.
Tyrimo hipotezė. Išsiaiškinus socialinio darbuotojo veiklos ligoninėje galimybes, galima organizuoti tinkamą kliento asmenybės saviraišką, ir pagerinti psichikos ligonių gyvenimo kokybę
Siekiant atskleisti socialinės reabilitacijos galimybes gydymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A person, who once suffered a mental disease, most often remains affected by it for the rest of his whole life, while mental changes continue to increasingly aggravate and affect the personal development and social adjustment of the individual thus causing more and more problems to the patient and people surrounding him. Actually, mental patients undergo treatment during the whole of their lives; therefore, a psychiatric doctor and a nursing specialist taking care of his health, and an occupational therapist (social assistant), whose function is to take care of the return of the mental patient to the society and his social integration, become his attendants for the whole life. It is even more difficult to return to the society those people who have been suffering a mental disease for a long time and spent many years in special closed-type institutions: clinics or pension houses.
One of the extremely important areas of the activities of a social assistant dealing with mental patients is the organisation of their occupation, which, if organised properly, contributes a lot to the social rehabilitation of such persons.
The subject of the research: The opportunities in the activities of a social assistant dealing with mentally impaired persons in a treatment institution.
The objective of the research: To educe the opportunities of social rehabilitation in a treatment institution related to work with mentally impaired persons.
The hypothesis of the research: When the opportunities... [to full text]
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Sociální rehabilitace v Domově pro seniory Máj v Českých Budějovicích, p. o. / Social Rehabilitation in the Nursing Home called Máj in České Budějovice,p.o.HANČLOVÁ, Svatava January 2012 (has links)
A social rehabilitation in the Seniors´ Home Máj in České Budějovice A social rehabilitation is a complex of activities encouraging an independence, self-sufficiency and social integration of clients of the Seniors´ Home. An aim of the thesis is to evaluate a progress of the social rehabilitation in the Seniors´ Home Máj in České Budějovice. A qualitative research was carried out to achieve objectives of the thesis. Five clients were chosen in order to determine a subjective evaluation of the social rehabilitation. Semi-standardized interviews were conducted with them. An observation method was applied at their engaging in activities in the Seniors´ Home as well as at seniors outside this facility, and a method of document analysis. Obtained information has been contained in case studies and they were analysed by using a grounded theory. Semi-standardized interviews were also conducted to find out attitudes of the professional staff and managers to the social rehabilitation. Factors affecting clients´ social functioning were also monitored in a course of the observation. Information from the interviews with the staff and the observation were again analysed through a method of the grounded theory. The thesis confirms findings of similarly oriented researches. It shows that the course of the social rehabilitation is influenced by institutional, personal and economic influences. The effect of applied methods and techniques of the social rehabilitation depends on an approach of the staff as well as clients and a quality of the clients´ social relations. The research has proven that an integration of clients in the facility as well as outside is supported by a wide offer of leisure time activities. Even if the clients in the Seniors´ Home have enough opportunities for mutual meetings, they are not usually successful in establishing a fully-fledged friendship and they often feel lonely. Although there is encouraged self-sufficiency per clients´ individual needs in the Seniors´ Home Máj, therapeutic activities are conducted and clients participate in physical activities, their level of self-sufficiency reduces. Results of the diploma thesis are stimulating for the staff of the Seniors´ Home Máj as well as for other social service founders and providers.
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Cesty ke snížení recidivy v ČR: Resocializace občanů ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody a po propuštění / Ways to reduce recidivism in the Czech Republic: Recosialization of people in prison and after releaseDoleželová, Olivie January 2015 (has links)
This work is about the problem of high recidivism rate in the Czech Republic, which highlights the inefficiency Czech prisons in their resocialization function, ie. the effort to reintegrate people into society after imprisonment, who are at risk of social exclusion and criminal recidivism,which is called tertiary crime prevention as a process. The phenomenon of recidivism is very complex - includes the issue of social exclusion, racial discrimination, addictology and the crisis of social mobility in society. It must be patiently addressed on many levels, using long-term strategies. The effective functioning of the penitentiary care focused on prevention in the objective of any society. Reducing recidivism means reduced costs from the state budget, ensuring the safety and protection of the entire society from criminal acts provides a suitable environment for the development of the whole society, and providing care for those who clashed with the law, it is important in terms of social justice. Social stigma of criminal history is often worse than the actual time behind bars.
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Adquirindo uma nova cidadania: estudo do preparo do doente mental para viver na comunidade / Acquiring a new citizenship: a study of the preparation of the mentally ill to live in the communityFregonezi, Eliane Hetzel 20 December 2010 (has links)
A assistência ao doente mental deve ser fundamentalmente humanista e o profissional de saúde deve deixar de considerar apenas a doença, passando a cuidar do doente, da pessoa que está sofrendo. Além da dimensão física, a pessoa deve ser atendida também em seu componente social, psíquico e emocional. O deslocamento do doente mental do lugar onde ele é visto como incapaz, desacreditado e excluído para o lugar de inclusão social não ocorre pela simples mudança de espaço físico. É na articulação dos detalhes do cotidiano, na maneira de agir e lidar com os objetos, espaço e tempo que se imprime a particularidade no mundo compartilhado. É esta apropriação que irá ordenar para o sujeito a realidade compartilhada, possibilitando a inclusão na sociedade. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: conhecer como tem sido realizado o preparo dos pacientes institucionalizados para saírem do hospital para morarem nas residências terapêuticas; e também, conhecer como o paciente institucionalizado percebe o seu preparo para sair do hospital a fim de viver nas residências terapêuticas. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, com uma proposta de trabalho teórico-metodológica para abordagem qualitativa. A obtenção dos dados foi centralizada em um setor denominado Vila Terapêutica do Hospital Santa Tereza de Ribeirão Preto. Participaram da pesquisa todos os profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar, que prestavam cuidados aos pacientes institucionalizados, no setor Vila Terapêutica, e que quiseram participar da pesquisa, sendo eles onze que aceitaram; e também, todos os moradores que estavam sob os cuidados da equipe multidisciplinar da equipe descrita, e que moravam na Vila Terapêutica e que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, sendo um total de seis. De acordo com a apresentação e discussão dos dados coletados, percebemos que embora o hospital tenha projetos e propostas de mudanças, ainda possui muitas características manicomiais. A estrutura não favorece a reinserção social. Não aparece a proposta de reinserção na fala dos profissionais, e sim, a noção de \"convencer\" através de visitas, os moradores a morarem em residências terapêuticas. Nota-se que quando abordado os profissionais sobre a questão de como tem sido realizado o preparo dos moradores da Vila Terapêutica para saírem do hospital para morarem nas residências, ficou muito ressaltado que realizavam visitas às moradias na cidade, porém, não deram ênfase a outros espaços sociais. É importante oportunizar mais espaços de socialização, de recuperação de potencialidades, de inclusão, (muitas vezes desprezadas), reabrindo a comunicação do morador na família e no seu ambiente social, trazendo a ele possivelmente um sentido mais significativo de existência. / Assistance to the mentally ill should be fundamentally humanist and the health professional must cease to consider only the disease but take care of the sick, of the person who is suffering. Besides the physical dimension, the person must be addressed also in its social component, psychological and emotional. The transfer of the mentally ill where he is seen as incapable, discredited and excluded, to the place of social inclusion does not occur by mere change of physical space. It is the articulation of the details of daily life in the way of acting and dealing with objects, space and time that stamps the particularity in the shared world. It is this ownership that will sort to the subject the shared reality, enabling the inclusion in society. The objectives of this study were: to understand how the preparation of the institution\'s inpatients has been made to leave the hospital and go live in therapeutic homes; and also understand how the institution\'s inpatient perceives his preparation to leave the hospital and go live in therapeutic homes. This was a descriptive-exploratory study with a theoretical-methodological work for qualitative approach. The data obtained was centralized in a sector known as \"Santa Tereza Hospital\'s Therapeutic Village\" of Ribeirão Preto. Participated in the research all professionals of the multidisciplinary team that provided care for the hospital\'s inpatients at the Therapeutic Village, and who also wanted to participate, of which eleven agreed; also, all residents who were under the care of the described multidisciplinary team, and who lived in the Therapeutic Village that agreed to participate in the research, being a total of six. According to the presentation and discussion of the data collected, it was realized that although the hospital has projects and proposals for changes, it still has many characteristics of a mental institution. The structure doesn\'t favor social reintegration. On the professionals\' dialogue the proposal for reintegration doesn\'t appear, but the notion of \"convincing\" through visits, the villagers to go live in therapeutic homes. It is noticed that, when the professionals are approached on the question of how the preparation of the residents of the Therapeutic Village is performed to leave the hospital and go to live in the homes, it stood out that the visits were carried out at homes in the city, but no emphasis was given on other social locations. It is important to give the opportunity to expand socialization locations, recovery potentialities, inclusion, (often neglected), reopening the communication of the resident in the family and in his social environment, possibly bringing to him a more meaningful sense of living.
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Dobrovolnictví jako jedna z možných složek sociální rehabilitace / Volunteering as one of the possible components of social rehabilitationFUČÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The goal of diploma work is to describe current state of volunteering within social rehabilitation in the facilities providing social services in the town of Benešov and the surrounding area. Partial aim of diploma work is to find out the positive effects of the project Patron which was included in the work as an example of application of volunteering within social. With regards of the above mentioned goals, two research questions were set. 1. How is volunteering within social rehabilitation being used in organisations providing social services? 2. What are the positive effects of project Patron? Quantitative strategy, questioning method, the technique of managed and semi managed interview were used for research. Set research questions were answered by means of three research sets, where the technique of semi managed interview was used and one research subject, where the technique of managed interview was used. To ascertain the first research question a research set comprising of 10 social workers employed in facilities providing social services in the town of Benešov or the surrounding area was determined. Given criteria for taking part in the research was the length of employment of social workers being more than on year in their profession. The range of questions for the first research set was prepared for the case when the facility was using the help of volunteers and not. After gaining the necessary data, interviews were rewritten and evaluated with the help of open coding process when all the data was clearly organized into each category. Results arising from data gained in the first research set show that all facilities, where the informants work, providing social services apply social rehabilitation. The research further shows that 7 out of 10 facilities for social services use volunteers who participate on social rehabilitation of their clients and they are in the direct contact with clients. Volunteers, according to gained results, work with clients individually and in groups. 5 of the facilities using the help of volunteers are considering the expansion of volunteering and thinking about other areas where they could include the work of volunteers. One of the facilities which does not use volunteers is preparing for including volunteers in their work. Second research question of diploma work was researched by the means of third research sets and one research subject. The second set comprised of 5 boys who live in children's home near the town of Benešov and who are the clients of project Patron. The third research sets comprised of 5 men who volunteer for the project Patron. To complete information about project Patron and interview with a research subject representing the manager of project Patron was made. To gain necessary data the interviews were rewritten and then evaluated. Data gained from the second and third research sets were evaluated with the help of open coding process when all the data was clearly organized into each category Information gained from research subject was based on the research technique interpreted with the help of interview transcription. Data obtained from research sets show that clients and volunteers of project Patron get to know each other during common weekends. Volunteers meet the clients approximately once or twice a month to take part in their favourite activities and to talk. The research further shows volunteers and clients have good relationships based on trust. Based on answers from all informants we can without doubt claim that project Patron has very big positive effect. Clients of the project state they are glad they gained a new adult friend because in the children's home they lack male role models. Volunteers see the positive effect of project Patron in the possibility to help boys from children's home to get to know the world with the help of adult male.
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Resocializace odsouzených k výkonu trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí. / Resocialization of convicts sentenced to the life imprisonment.DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Vendula January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides information about the fact whether there is possible a social rehabilitation for convicted persons sentenced to the lifelong imprisonment. In the theoretical part I deal with an issue of a punishment, what consequences the punishment has and with a prison environment associated with it. The next chapter consists of the treatment programme. With an imposition of the exceptional sentence there is undoubtedly connected also an explanation of the criminal activity, for which this penalty has been imposed. The last part of the theoretical part is focused on the social rehabilitation of convicts and an after-sentence care.The research part presents a quantitative and qualitative research that I carried out through a questionnaire survey and interviews. There are described characteristics of the research population and sample in this part. Further I present results of the data obtained and information about the fact whether the social rehabilitation of the lifelong-sentenced prisoners is real. The data collection took place in the months of March and April 2012 through questionnaires and interviews. The research was conducted in the high-security prison in Valdice. There were chosen the prison department E for the lifelong-sentenced prisoners and this prison staff. In total 20 questionnaires were distributed, the return made up 100%. Four employees of the prison were addressed. There were determined 5 hypotheses and 2 research questions. The first hypothesis presumed that more than 50% of lifelong-sentenced believe that their conviction to the lifelong imprisonment is unfair. The performed research disproved this hypothesis. The second hypothesis stated that working activities helped prisoners to manage their stay in the prison, this hypothesis was confirmed. The third hypothesis stated that more than 50% of life-sentenced considered the treatment programme sufficient for their social rehabilitation. The research confirmed this hypothesis. The fourth hypothesis stated than more than 50% of the prisoners had been changed by their stay in the prison, the hypothesis was confirmed. The fifth hypothesis was that the lifelong-sentenced prisoners did not suffer by any remorses. This hypothesis was disproved in the research. Answers to research questions were carried out in the research section.
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Representações sociais da reabilitação social: o legal e o real como ele é vistoAlves, Adriana Torres 24 February 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Clebson Anjos (clebson.leandro54@gmail.com) on 2016-10-03T20:47:59Z
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3 - Câmara-Mônica - UMA_GRAMATICA_VISUAL_PARA_O_FOTOJORNALISMO.pdf: 6605057 bytes, checksum: bc73dc13f0fc54dfe8406027dbe413f5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004-12-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / There are many discussions about criminal practices and their punishments. In special
crimes against life have aroused a series of debates on prison matters, human rights and
social rehabilitation. Data from IBGE (2004) - a Brazilian statistics institute - show an
Increase of 130% in the last 20 years in homicide crimes, it means in numbers around
600 thousand people that are victims of this type of violence. Theoretically the
punishments that restrict liberty are intended to rehabilitate the criminals, which many
times do not occur, once the prison chaos and stigma against the convicts affect their
social rehabilitation (Lima, 1993). This study is based on the Theory of Social
Representations, Where it is possible to realize the confrontation of what is real and
legal. Thus, the objective of this study is to know the social representations of homicide
convicts that are kept in prison, in the maximum security prison Silvio Porto (group 1),
and homicide convicts that are placed on probation, linked to the court of penal
executions In João Pessoa - Pb (group 2), in relation to social rehabilitation, as well as to
compare the representations of the two groups. Male homicide convicts that work in
prison participated in this study and they were selected through a documental research
in the prison files. In relation to homicide convicts in probation, they were selected
through the help of the employees of the court of penal executions and they participated
of their own free will. Through semi-structured interviews, the convicts were asked to
talk about their representations related to social rehabilitation. The results were
determined through the analysis of the content. The sample is constituted of 39 homicide
convicts, where 17 convicts belong to group one and 22 to group 2. The analysis was
made according to the content analysis method proposed by Bardin (1977) and the
acquired results through the interviews show the appearance of three empirical
categories: social rehabilitation conception, existences of social rehabilitation and social
exclusion/inclusion. The conceptions of social rehabilitation were represented involving
the conception of social behavior and (re)construction of life project In relation to the
experiences of social rehabilitation, there were the ones related to punishment/learning;
similarities/differences in prison; positive and negative practices to group 1, negative
practices to group 2 and work as a resocializing factor. The category exclusion/social
insertion was seen through the family and its importance to the process of social
rehabilitation; through social values related to social life; to religious beliefs and to
discrimination/opportunity which was verified only In group 2. Before these results, it is
believed that the objectives of this investigation were reached and that It is possible to
develop an intervention plan directed to institutions that propose social rehabilitation. / Muitas são as discussões sobre as praticas crirninosas e suas punições. Em especial, os crimes contra a vida têm suscitado uma série de debates sobre questões penitenciárias, direitos humanos e reabilitação social. Dados do IBOE (2004) revelam um crescirnento nos crimes de homicídio na ordem de 130% nos últimos 20 anos, o que em números significa cerca de 600 mil pessoas vítimas deste tipo de violência. Teoricarnente, as penas privativas de liberdade visam à reabilitação social dos condenados, o que muitas vezes não ocorre, já que o caos prisional e o estigma contra o preso afetam a reabilitação social (Lima, 1993). Este estudo encontra-se ancorado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, onde é possível perceber o confronto do legal e do real como ele é visto. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as representações sociais de apenados homicidas inseridos no regime fechado, sob custódia do presídio de segurança máxima Silvio Porto (grupo 1), e de apenados homicidas inseridos no regime de liberdade condicional, vinculados a vara de execuções penais de João Pessoa-PB (grupo 2) em relação a reabilitação social, bem como comparar as representações dos dois grupos. Para tanto, estão participando homicidas apenados do sexo masculino que trabalham no presídio. Estes foram selecionados através de uma pesquisa documental no arquivo do presídio, cuja realização pesquisa deu origem a um mapeamento sócio-demográfico da amostra. Em relação aos apenados homicidas inseridos no regime de liberdade condicional, estes foram selecionados através do auxílio dos funcionários da vara das execuções penais e do critério de aceitar participar da pesquisa. Através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, os apenados foram instigados a relatar suas representações relacionadas a reabilitação social. Os resultados foram determinados pela análise de conteúdo. A amostra é constituída por 39 apenados homicidas, sendo 17 apenados do grupo um e 22 apenados do grupo dois. A análise foi realizada segundo o método de análise de conteúdo proposto por Bardin (1977) e os resultados apreendidos pelas entrevistas revelaram o surgimento de três categorias empíricas: concepções da reabilitação social, vivências da reabilitação social e exclusão / inserção social. As concepções da reabilitação social foram representadas englobando a concepção de comportamento social e de (re) construção do projeto de vida. No que tange as vivências da reabilitação social, emergiram as vivências relacionadas à punição / aprendizado, as identidades / diferenças existentes no presídio, as práticas positivas e negativas para o grupo I, práticas negativas para o grupo 2 e o trabalho enquanto fator ressocializante. A categoria exclusão / inserção social foi significada através da família e a sua importância no processo de reabilitação social, dos valores sociais relativos ao convívio social, as crenças religiosas como mediadoras no processo e a discriminação / oportunidade que emergiu apenas no grupo dois. Diante destes resultados, acredita-se que os objetivos desta investigação foram atingidos e que esta pode contribuir para elaboração de um plano de intervenção direcionado para as instituições que propõem a reabilitação social.
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Adquirindo uma nova cidadania: estudo do preparo do doente mental para viver na comunidade / Acquiring a new citizenship: a study of the preparation of the mentally ill to live in the communityEliane Hetzel Fregonezi 20 December 2010 (has links)
A assistência ao doente mental deve ser fundamentalmente humanista e o profissional de saúde deve deixar de considerar apenas a doença, passando a cuidar do doente, da pessoa que está sofrendo. Além da dimensão física, a pessoa deve ser atendida também em seu componente social, psíquico e emocional. O deslocamento do doente mental do lugar onde ele é visto como incapaz, desacreditado e excluído para o lugar de inclusão social não ocorre pela simples mudança de espaço físico. É na articulação dos detalhes do cotidiano, na maneira de agir e lidar com os objetos, espaço e tempo que se imprime a particularidade no mundo compartilhado. É esta apropriação que irá ordenar para o sujeito a realidade compartilhada, possibilitando a inclusão na sociedade. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: conhecer como tem sido realizado o preparo dos pacientes institucionalizados para saírem do hospital para morarem nas residências terapêuticas; e também, conhecer como o paciente institucionalizado percebe o seu preparo para sair do hospital a fim de viver nas residências terapêuticas. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, com uma proposta de trabalho teórico-metodológica para abordagem qualitativa. A obtenção dos dados foi centralizada em um setor denominado Vila Terapêutica do Hospital Santa Tereza de Ribeirão Preto. Participaram da pesquisa todos os profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar, que prestavam cuidados aos pacientes institucionalizados, no setor Vila Terapêutica, e que quiseram participar da pesquisa, sendo eles onze que aceitaram; e também, todos os moradores que estavam sob os cuidados da equipe multidisciplinar da equipe descrita, e que moravam na Vila Terapêutica e que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, sendo um total de seis. De acordo com a apresentação e discussão dos dados coletados, percebemos que embora o hospital tenha projetos e propostas de mudanças, ainda possui muitas características manicomiais. A estrutura não favorece a reinserção social. Não aparece a proposta de reinserção na fala dos profissionais, e sim, a noção de \"convencer\" através de visitas, os moradores a morarem em residências terapêuticas. Nota-se que quando abordado os profissionais sobre a questão de como tem sido realizado o preparo dos moradores da Vila Terapêutica para saírem do hospital para morarem nas residências, ficou muito ressaltado que realizavam visitas às moradias na cidade, porém, não deram ênfase a outros espaços sociais. É importante oportunizar mais espaços de socialização, de recuperação de potencialidades, de inclusão, (muitas vezes desprezadas), reabrindo a comunicação do morador na família e no seu ambiente social, trazendo a ele possivelmente um sentido mais significativo de existência. / Assistance to the mentally ill should be fundamentally humanist and the health professional must cease to consider only the disease but take care of the sick, of the person who is suffering. Besides the physical dimension, the person must be addressed also in its social component, psychological and emotional. The transfer of the mentally ill where he is seen as incapable, discredited and excluded, to the place of social inclusion does not occur by mere change of physical space. It is the articulation of the details of daily life in the way of acting and dealing with objects, space and time that stamps the particularity in the shared world. It is this ownership that will sort to the subject the shared reality, enabling the inclusion in society. The objectives of this study were: to understand how the preparation of the institution\'s inpatients has been made to leave the hospital and go live in therapeutic homes; and also understand how the institution\'s inpatient perceives his preparation to leave the hospital and go live in therapeutic homes. This was a descriptive-exploratory study with a theoretical-methodological work for qualitative approach. The data obtained was centralized in a sector known as \"Santa Tereza Hospital\'s Therapeutic Village\" of Ribeirão Preto. Participated in the research all professionals of the multidisciplinary team that provided care for the hospital\'s inpatients at the Therapeutic Village, and who also wanted to participate, of which eleven agreed; also, all residents who were under the care of the described multidisciplinary team, and who lived in the Therapeutic Village that agreed to participate in the research, being a total of six. According to the presentation and discussion of the data collected, it was realized that although the hospital has projects and proposals for changes, it still has many characteristics of a mental institution. The structure doesn\'t favor social reintegration. On the professionals\' dialogue the proposal for reintegration doesn\'t appear, but the notion of \"convincing\" through visits, the villagers to go live in therapeutic homes. It is noticed that, when the professionals are approached on the question of how the preparation of the residents of the Therapeutic Village is performed to leave the hospital and go to live in the homes, it stood out that the visits were carried out at homes in the city, but no emphasis was given on other social locations. It is important to give the opportunity to expand socialization locations, recovery potentialities, inclusion, (often neglected), reopening the communication of the resident in the family and in his social environment, possibly bringing to him a more meaningful sense of living.
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Bakgrund: De senaste decennierna har socialpolitiska beslut präglats av en viljeinriktning att individer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning ska leva i samhället med andra, i en gemenskap. Det visar sig dock att många står utanför samhällets gemenskap och saknar ofta sysselsättning. Att ha sysselsättning kan vara en avgörande faktor som inte bara möjliggör att isolering bryts men även att vägen mot återhämtning från psykisk ohälsa kan påbörjas. Att få vara en del av ett sammanhang visar sig ha positiva effekter för återhämtningsprocessen som bidrar till att personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning kan leva ett tillfredsställande liv trots att hen aldrig blir helt symptomfri.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka fontänhusets betydelse för medlemmarnas återhämtningsprocess. Syftet har även varit att belysa om det finns erfarenheter av både främjande och hindrande faktorer på fontänhuset för medlemmarnas återhämtning. Metod: Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med medlemmar på fontänhuset som har erfarenhet av personlig återhämtning har genomförts och analyserats tematiskt.Resultat: Studien visar att fontänhuset är av betydelse för medlemmarnas återhämtningsprocess. Fontänhuset upplevs av flera av deltagarna i studien som en bidragande faktor till deras återhämtning. Studien påvisar också att det kan finnas problematik på fontänhuset som påverkar de sociala relationerna mellan medlemmarna. Vidare lyfts att återhämtningsprocessen består av fram och tillbakagångar men att ha en plats dit man kan gå bidrar till fler framgångar än motgångar. / Background: In recent decades, social policy decisions have been characterized by a determination that people with mental disabilities should live in society with others, in a community. However, it turns out that many people are outside society's community and often lack employment. Having employment can be a crucial factor that not only enables isolation to be broken but also that the path to recovery from mental illness can begin. Being part of a context proves to have a positive effect on the recovery process that helps people with mental disabilities live a satisfying life despite never becoming completely free from symptom.Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of the fountain house for the members' recovery process. The purpose has also been to highlight whether there are experiences of both promotion and preventive factors in the fountain house for members' recovery.Method: Five semi-structured interviews with members of the fountain house who have experience of personal recovery have been conducted and analyzed thematically.Result: The study shows that the fountain house is important for the members' recovery process. The fountain house is experienced by several of the participants in the study as a contributing factor to their recovery. The study also shows that there may be problems at the fountain house that affect the social relations between the members. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the recovery process consists of advances and reversals, but having a place you can go contributes to more successes than adversities.
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Trest domácího vězení a jeho resocializační potenciál / House arrest punishment and its social rehabilitation potentialKašparová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The objective of the socially and pedagogically oriented diploma thesis is to find out the social and integration benefit of the house arrest punishment. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical nature. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on professional literature with the topics of punishments, history and foreign experience with the home arrest punishment within the context of restorative justice principles. At the same time, there is defined the activity of probation officers, and the issue of alternative punishments is reflected from the perspective of social pedagogy as a life aid. Qualitative research discovering benefits and weaknesses of the home arrest punishment in the current probation practice was selected for the empirical part. There were carried out interviews with probation workers from the department of electronic monitoring system and judges who impose the home arrest punishment. There will be proposed recommendations for the efficient use of the home arrest punishment on the basis of the research.
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