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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finansiële bestuur in die nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasie

Theron, Shirley Marlene 11 1900 (has links)
Finansiele bestuur word aile~ as die taak van finansiele bestuurskundiges beskou. By nie-winsgerigte organisasies raak dit egter dikwels die verantwoordelikheid van niefinansiE! Ie personeel of bestuurslede uit 'n ander opleidingsagtergrond. Maatskaplike werkers, een van die vemaamste diensprofessies betrokke by nie·w;nsgerigte welsynsorganisasies, beskik nie noodwendig oor hierdie bestuursvaardighede nie. Hierdie studie kan bydra tot maatskaplike werkers en ander nie-finansiele personeel se verbeterde kennis en insig van sleutelaspekte van finansiele bestuur. Dit kan terselfdertyd ook finansiele bestuurders sensitiseer vir die eiesoortig-gekompliseerde eise van finansiele bestuur op die terrein van nie-winsgerigtheid, waar die fokus op diensfewering eerder as finansiile gewin, val. Dit konseptualiseer algemene bestuursfunksies en finansiele risikofaktore binne die konteks en eiesoortigheid van nie-winsgerigte flnansiAie bestuur. Hierdie kennis kan moontlik die gaping tussen die. bestuursvaardighede van finansiele- en nie-finansiele bestuurders help oorbrug en die sukses en voortbestaan van nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasies bevorder deur die kwaliteit van bestuursinsette te verbeter. / Financial management is commonly regarded to be the field of financial managers. In the case of non-profit or voluntary organisations it often becomes the responsibility of non-financial personnel or members of management from other educational backgrounds. Social workers involved in non-profit organisations rendering welfare services do not necessarily have the required financial management skills. This study can provide social workers and other non-financial personnel with information to better their understanding on key issues concerning financial management. It can also sensitise financial managers towards the uniquely complicated demands on financial management in the non-profit environment, where the focus falls on service delivery rather than on financial gain. It conceptualises management principles as well as financial risk factors in the distinct context of non-profitable financial management. This knowledge could probably aid in bridging the gap between the management skills of financial and non-financial managers and thus promote the success and sustainabUity of non-profit organisations by improving the quality of input by management. / Social work / M.Diac. (Maatskaplike werk (Bestruur)

Ouditproses van 'n kerklike welsynsorganisasie : n beskrywing van maatskaplike werkers se ervaring

Pretorius, Manda 06 1900 (has links)
Evaluation determines the impact of social services as well as job performance and assures communities that social workers render effective services. Post audits are done as part of performance management at the Christian Social Councils in the Highveld Synodal Region. The purpose of this research is to look at the experiences of social workers that had a post audit to determine whether adjustments to improve the audit system are needed. A qualitative approach with an exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was followed. Participants were identified according to the purposive sampling method. Data was collected during semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed and verified according to the models of Tesch (in Creswell, 2003) and Guba (in Krefting, 1991), respectively, and processed in the research report. / Social Work / M. A. (Social Science)

Ontwikkeling van 'n reflekterende span met 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot gesinsterapie

Nel, Jacoba Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Besorgdheid het in die gemeenskap bestaan oar die toenemende getalle kinders wat binne die stedelike konteks van Pretoria op straat leef en werk. Hierdie navorsing is onderneem om die behoeftes van die kinders aan te spreek en om alternatiewe wyses te vind om met hulle te werk. 'n Konteks is geskep sodat na hulle stemme geluister kon word. nag 'n alternatief tot "tradisionele" vorme van gesinsterapie bruikbaar is, op sekere voorwaardes, soos aangedui in hoofstuk vier. Sleutelwoorde: reflekterende span; "straatkinders"; ekosistemiese benadering; ekologie; epistemologie; konstruktivisme; objektivisme; kubernetika; sisteemteorie; mikro-, meso- en makrosisteme; sirkulere en liniere punktuasie Ekosistemiese beginsels is aanvanklik benut, maar was nie vir die span wat saamgewerk het, betekenisvol nie. 'n Gevallestudie-ontwerp was nuttig om die ontwikkeling en "opleiding" van die span wat sou saamwerk, te beskryf, asook die benutting van ekosistemiese beginsels tydens dienste aan die "straatkinders" en hulle gesinne by ltumeleng. Die navorsing het aangedui dat 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot gesinsterapie as / The community showed concern about the increasing number of children living and working on the streets within the urban context of Pretoria. This researchwas undertaken to address the needs of these children and to find alternative ways of working with them. A context was created so that their voices could be heard. Ecosystemic principles were initially used, but were not meaningful to the team who worked together. A case study design proved useful in developing and "training" of the team who would be working together, as well as applying ecosystemic principles while making services available to the "street children" and their families in ltumeleng. The research indicated that an ecosystemic approach to family therapy could be used as an alternative to "traditional" forms of family therapy, subject to certain conditions, as stipulated in Chapter Four. / Social Work / M.A. (Sosiale Wetenskappe (Geestesgesondheid))

Who benefited? : implications of "Project Go" for the children in a children's home

De Lauwere, Henriette 01 1900 (has links)
The transformation of child and youth care ran concurrently with the political transformation in South Afriola. One of the projects aimed at establishing the transformation of child and youth care, was Project Go. This project placed a moratorium on the transfer of children 'deeper' into the child care system. It aimed at reunifying children ln residential care wtth their families. Furthermore, the projed assessed the children in the system with the aim of accommodating them in the least restrictive, most empowering child care facility. This narrative action research study focused on the effects of Project Go and the transformations on the children at the Children's Haven M T R Smit This study can also be described as emanciipatory action research. This qualitative study is positioned within a social construction discourse. Knowledge was socially constructed through multiple reflexive conversations. I researched the background to the transformation of the child and youth care system and investigated the implications of the transformation for the children at t.he Children's Haven M T R Smit,as well as for the child care workers and management of the haven. A narrative approach was employed. I relied on the Foucauldian discourse to come to some understanding of issues of power and resistance. Following Foucauldian thought, I investigated discourses constituting the care that the children at the Children's Haven M T R Smit received. This investigatlon led me to formulate some understanding of the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) the body responsible for the management of the haven since it was founded in the earty 1920s. 0nce I reached an understanding of some of the historical developments of the DRC (which l learned was closely linked lo Afrikaner politics), I explored some implications of the transformation for the DRC's future involvement with the children in its care. This exploration led me to a comparison of the theology of the DRC and black liberation theology, focusing on prophetic practice. Although not an initial aim of this study, I learned that the transfornation of child and youth care held implications not only for the pastoral practice of the DRC, but also for the helping professions such as psychology, social work and child care. l focused briefly on the ethics and some limitations of care provided by the profession of psychology. I reflected on the implications of the transformation of child and youth care for the helping professions. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

Participatory research in organisational change with social work supervision

Lekalakala, Esther Kgauhelo 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation presents a participatory research process in organisational change with social work supervision. The study was conducted with a group of social work supervisors employed by the Department of Health and Welfare in the Central region of the Northern Province from September 1997 to November 1998. The participatory research process engaged the participants in a consciousness-raising and educational process. They were enabled to identify problems which rendered them ineffective, brought about by the socio-political transformation process in South Africa since 1994, and were strengthened as a collaborative group to work together to bring about change in their situation. Going through the process of dialogue as a group, the participants became empowered and more confident to do participatory supervision, which in tum would empower the supervisees as direct service providers. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Science (Mental Health))

The feasability of implementing community based care for moderately mentally-retarded persons in a specific centre in Port Elizabeth

Ngcanga, Nosipho Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of implementing community based care for moderately mentally retarded persons in a specific centre in the Port Elizabeth area. The objectives of the study were to identify • the needs of the moderately mentally retarded children. • the physical, psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation means of meeting these needs. • how involved the communities, parents and government were in the care of moderately mentally retarded children. A quantitative, exploratmy and descriptive design was used. A sample of 50 moderately mentally retarded children was utilised. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The major research findings indicate that community care for MMRPs could only be feasible with sufficient resources, expertise and community involvement. All these aspects appeared to be lacking in the centre where this research was conducted raising questions as to benefits which the mentally retarded children and their parents and the community could derive from these services. However recommendations were made on identified shortcomings, problems and needs. / Health Science / M.A.(Nursing Science)

'n Perspektief op die beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkers

Hendriks, Elma 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem om te bepaal watter determinante 'n rol speel in die beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkers en watter gehalte van die werksleweprogramme benut kan word om dit aan te spreek. Tydens die empiriese fase van die studie is 'n vraelys aan die maatskaplike werkers van die Vereniging vir Liggaamlike Gestremdes (streek Wes-Kaap) gesirkuleer waarin aannames oor beroepsbevrediging en gehalte van die werkslewe getoets is. Die response bevestig 'n hoer arbeidsomset as die gemiddelde, 'n behoefte aan billike en regverdige vergoedingspakkette, bevorderingsgeleenthede, 'n werksomgewing wat werksekuriteit bied en 'n gebrek aan inspraak in die leierskap en bestuurstyl van welsynsorganisasies. Die rol wat die supervisor kan speel figureer sterk sowel as die behoefte aan gehalte van die werksleweprogramme soos, deelnemende bestuur, sensitiwiteitsopleiding, doelwitbestuur en spanwerk. Enkele aanbevelings vvord aan administrateurs en supervisors gemaak oor die uitbou van maatskaplike werkers se beroepsbevrediging en die benutting van gehalte van die werksleweprogramme sodat arbeidsomset bekamp en koste-effektiwitet verhoog kan word. / This study was undertaken to establish which determinants play a role in the job satisfaction of direct service social workers and what quality of worklife programmes can be utilised to address the problem. During the empirical phase of the study, a questionnaire was circulated to social workers of the Association for the Physically Disabled, Western Cape, in which suppositions regarding job satisfaction and quality of worklife was tested. Responses confirmed the need for fair remuneration packages, promotion opportunities, job security, a high labor turnover and a lack of participation in the management of welfare organisations. The role of the supervisor figures strongly. Quality of worklife programmes such as participatory management, sensitivity training, management by objectives and teamwork are needed. Suggestions are made to administrators and supervisors concerning the development of job satisfaction and the utilisation of quality of worklife programmes to control labour turnover and improve cost effectiveness. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Maatskaplike Werkrigting)

'n Perspektief op die beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkers

Hendriks, Elma 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem om te bepaal watter determinante 'n rol speel in die beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkers en watter gehalte van die werksleweprogramme benut kan word om dit aan te spreek. Tydens die empiriese fase van die studie is 'n vraelys aan die maatskaplike werkers van die Vereniging vir Liggaamlike Gestremdes (streek Wes-Kaap) gesirkuleer waarin aannames oor beroepsbevrediging en gehalte van die werkslewe getoets is. Die response bevestig 'n hoer arbeidsomset as die gemiddelde, 'n behoefte aan billike en regverdige vergoedingspakkette, bevorderingsgeleenthede, 'n werksomgewing wat werksekuriteit bied en 'n gebrek aan inspraak in die leierskap en bestuurstyl van welsynsorganisasies. Die rol wat die supervisor kan speel figureer sterk sowel as die behoefte aan gehalte van die werksleweprogramme soos, deelnemende bestuur, sensitiwiteitsopleiding, doelwitbestuur en spanwerk. Enkele aanbevelings vvord aan administrateurs en supervisors gemaak oor die uitbou van maatskaplike werkers se beroepsbevrediging en die benutting van gehalte van die werksleweprogramme sodat arbeidsomset bekamp en koste-effektiwitet verhoog kan word. / This study was undertaken to establish which determinants play a role in the job satisfaction of direct service social workers and what quality of worklife programmes can be utilised to address the problem. During the empirical phase of the study, a questionnaire was circulated to social workers of the Association for the Physically Disabled, Western Cape, in which suppositions regarding job satisfaction and quality of worklife was tested. Responses confirmed the need for fair remuneration packages, promotion opportunities, job security, a high labor turnover and a lack of participation in the management of welfare organisations. The role of the supervisor figures strongly. Quality of worklife programmes such as participatory management, sensitivity training, management by objectives and teamwork are needed. Suggestions are made to administrators and supervisors concerning the development of job satisfaction and the utilisation of quality of worklife programmes to control labour turnover and improve cost effectiveness. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Maatskaplike Werkrigting)

Survival strategies of non-profitable organisations in South Africa : a qualitative multiple-case study / Oorlewing-strategië van nie-winsgewende organisasies in Suid Afrika : ’n kwalitatiewe veelvulldige gevallestudie / Ditogamaano tsa go tswelela go nna teng tsa ditheo tse di sa direng lotseno mo Aforikaborwa : thuto ya dikgetsidintsi mme e lebelela mabaka

Marren, Ingrid Vorwerk 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Tswana / The study responds to calls for research within wider contexts. In particular, it is positioned within the South African non-profitable sector – non-profitable organisations (NPO) – in social care. The non-profitable sector is also called the Third Sector, and this research adopted the strategy-as-practice perspective to explore the strategy in this sector. The study investigates how managers and leaders of these NPOs strategise to sustain their organisations and services in a changing and demanding environment. The survival of NPOs is affected by a range of constraints linked to personnel, finances, resources, volunteering, and continuous increase in demand for social care. These constraints require managers and leaders of non-profitable organisations to devise strategies and practices to ensure success and sustainability. The findings of this study confirm the need for resilience to survive over the long term. The findings indicate that NPOs need to adapt to the external and internal environments constantly. Leadership drives resilience through governance and maintains services that are fit-for-purpose for the ever-changing needs of the society they serve. Adapting practices should react to changes through training and retraining, meticulous reporting to partners and other financiers, and complying with their governing entities by applicable legal statures and strict financial control. Adapting is amongst the most important practices identified through this study. A leadership style that enables sustainability was specifically highlighted. Through semi-structured interviews, the researcher uncovered strategic practices of longstanding NPOs to identify the strategies that contribute to long-term survival. Leaders in different management positions shared detailed descriptions of their practices, which served as the data for this research. The data provided the opportunity to research the strategy from a practical perspective, and were confirmed by secondary documents. Using the strategy as practice paradigm, the researcher identified strategic practices within drivers of value and found them to be contributing toward sustainability. The strategic practices were then organised in themes and assertions toward the theory of sustainability regarding these service organisations. The practices influence the stages of the organisational life cycle in a collective system of practices, leading to identifying a phase within the life cycle that contributes to resilience and renewal to aid survival and sustainability. Implementation strategies in the organisations provide good governance inclusive of reporting adequately. They also provide good leadership to ensure stable personnel committed to working together as a team and establish a culture of fit-for-purpose in service delivery. Most important is adapting towards resilience in the short term and developing resources to provide financial stability. / Hierdie studie is in reaksie op die oproep om navorsing in breë kontekste onderneem. Dit is in die Suid-Afrikaanse sektor sonder winsoogmerk – organisasies sonder winsoogmerk (OSW’s) – in maatskaplike sorg onderneem. Die sektor sonder winsoogmerk word ook die Derde Sektor genoem. In hierdie navorsing word die strategie-as-praktykperspektief gevolg om strategieë in die sektor te verken. Die strategieë wat bestuurders en leiers van OSW’s formuleer om in ʼn veranderende en veeleisende omgewing hulle organisasies volhoubaar te bedryf en dienste te lewer, word ondersoek. OSW’s het met allerlei beperkings te kampe waaronder ʼn gebrek aan personeel, finansies, hulpbronne en vrywilligers benewens die immergroeiende vraag na maatskaplike sorg. Weens hierdie beperkings moet bestuurders van organisasies sonder winsoogmerk strategieë bedink en bepaalde praktyke toepas sodat hulle organisasies suksesvol en volhoubaar bedryf word. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bevestig die noodsaak van veerkrag om op die duur te oorlewe. Die bevindings laat blyk dat OSW’s hulle voortdurend by die eksterne en interne omgewing moet aanpas. Bestuurders openbaar veerkrag in die wyse waarop hulle hul organisasies bestuur en doelgemaakte dienste volgens die immerveranderende behoeftes van die samelewing lewer. Praktyke moet deur opleiding en heropleiding volgens veranderings aangepas word. Voorts moet noukeurig verslag gedoen word aan vennote en finansiers, en bestuurders moet aan die wet voldoen en streng finansiële bestuur toepas. Aanpasbaarheid is een van die belangrikste praktyke wat in hierdie studie aangetoon word, en nadruk word gelê op ʼn leierskapstyl wat volhoubaarheid vooropstel. Die navorser het halfgestruktureerde onderhoude oor die strategiese praktyke waaraan organisasies hul oorlewing te danke het, met gevestigde OSW’s gevoer. Leiers in verskillende bestuursposte het hulle praktyke uitvoerig beskrywe. Hulle beskrywings was die data vir hierdie studie. Die geldigheid van die data word in verskeie sekondêre dokumente gestaaf. Die bestuurspraktyke is uit ʼn praktiese oogpunt ondersoek. Volgens ʼn praktykparadigma is strategiese praktyke in waardedrywers aangetoon wat op grond van die bevindings tot volhoubaarheid bydra. Daarna is die strategiese praktyke volgens tema en stellings oor die volhoubaarheidsteorie rakende hierdie diensorganisasies gerangskik. Die praktyke beïnvloed die stadia van ʼn organisasie se lewensiklus in ʼn kollektiewe praktykstelsel. Gevolglik kan ʼn stadium in die lewensiklus geïdentifiseer word wat tot veerkrag en vernuwing bydra met die oog op oorlewing en volhoubaarheid. Die strategieë van die organisasies in hierdie studie kom neer op goeie bestuur en behoorlike verslagdoening. Bestuurders openbaar goeie leierskap, die bestendige personeel werk as ʼn span saam, en ʼn kultuur van doelgemaakte dienslewering heers in hierdie organisasies. Afgesien van aanpassing met die oog op veerkrag in die kort termyn, is die aanpassing en ontwikkeling van hulpbronne vir finansiële stabiliteit van die allergrootste belang. / Thutopatlisiso e tsibogela boikuelo jwa gore go nne le dipatlisiso tsa bokao jo bo anameng. Tota tota, thutopatlisiso e theilwe mo lephateng le le sa direng lotseno la Aforikaborwa – ditheo tse di sa direng lotseno (NPO) – mo tlhokomelong ya loago. Lephata le le sa direng lotseno le bidiwa gape Lephata la Boraro, mme patlisiso eno e tsere molemo wa togamaano-jaaka-tiragatso go tlhotlhomisa togamaano mo lephateng leno. Thutopatlisiso e batlisisa ka moo batsamaisi le baeteledipele ba diNPO tseno ba logang maano ka gona go tsweletsa ditheo le ditirelo tsa bona mo tikologong e e fetogang le e e lopang go le gontsi. Go tswelela go nna teng ga diNPO go amiwa ke ditlhaelo di le mmalwa tse di amanang le badiri, ditšhelete, ditlamelo, boithaopo, le go koketsego e e tswelelang pele ya topo ya tlhokomelo ya loago. Ditlhaelo tseno di tlhoka gore batsamaisi le baeteledipele ba ditheo tse di sa direng lotseng ba dire ditogamaano le ditiragatso go netefatsa katlego le go nnela ruri. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso di tlhomamisa botlhokwa jwa kgotlhelelo go tswelela go nna teng mo pakeng e e telele. Diphitlhelelo di supa gore diNPO di tlhoka go nna di itlwaetsa seemo sa kwa ntle le sa ka fa gare. Boeteledipele bo bona kgotlhelelo ka taolo le go tsweletsa ditirelo tse di maleba tsa ditlhokego tse di nnang di fetoga tsa setšhaba se bo se direlang. Ditiragatso di tshwanetse go tsibogela diphetogo ka katiso le katisosešwa, dipegelo tse di matsetseleko go balekane le batlamedi ba bangwe ba ditšhelete, le go obamela ditheo tsa taolo ka melao e e maleba le taolo e e tsepameng ya ditšhelete. Go itlwaetsa seemo go magareng ga ditiragatso tsa botlhokwatlhokwa tse di supilweng mo thutopatlisisong eno. Go sedimositswe thata boeteledipele jo bo kgontshang go nnela leruri. Ka dipotsolotso tse di batlileng di rulagane, mmatlisisi o upolotse ditiragatso tsa togamaano tsa diNPO tse di sa bolong go nna gona go supa ditogamaano tse di tshwaelang mo go tsweleleng go nna teng mo pakeng e e telele. Baeteledipele ba ba mo maemong a a farologaneng a boeteledipele ba neetse ditlhaloso ka botlalo malebana le ditiragatso tsa bona, tseo di dirileng jaaka data ya patlisiso eno. Data e tlametse ka tšhono ya go batlisisa togamaano ka mogopolo wa tiragatso mme e tlhomamisitswe ke dikwalo tse dingwe. Ka tiriso ya togamaano ya molebo wa tiragatso, go supilwe di tiragatso tsa togamaano mo ditsamaising tsa boleng mme go fitlhetswe di tshwaela mo go nneleng leruri. Morago go ne ga rulaganngwa ditiragatso tsa togamaano ka meono le dipolelo go ya kwa tioring ya go tswelela go nna teng malebana le ditheo tseno tsa tirelo. Ditiragatso di tlhotlheletsa magato a sediko sa botshelo jwa setheo mo thulaganyong e e kokoantsweng ya ditiragatso, mme di lebisa kwa goreng go supiwe mo sedikong sa botshelo, legato le le tshwaelang mo kgotlhelelong le ntshwafatsong go thusa go tswelela go nna teng leruri. Go diragadiwa ga ditogamaano tse di fitlhetsweng mo ditheong tsa thutopatlisiso eno di tlamela ka bolaodi jo bo siameng jo bo akaretsang go dira dipegelo ka tolamo. Gape go tlamela ka boeteledipele jo bo siameng go netefatsa gore go nna le badiri ba ba tsepameng e bile ba itlamile go dira mmogo jaaka setlhopha go tlhama setso se se siametseng tlamelo ya ditirelo. Sa botlhokwatlhokwa ke go itlwaetsa kgotlhelelo mo pakeng e e khutshwane le go itlwaetsa le go dira gore go nne le ditlamelo tsa tsepamo ya ditšhelete. / Business Management / Ph. D. (Management Studies)

The feasability of implementing community based care for moderately mentally-retarded persons in a specific centre in Port Elizabeth

Ngcanga, Nosipho Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of implementing community based care for moderately mentally retarded persons in a specific centre in the Port Elizabeth area. The objectives of the study were to identify • the needs of the moderately mentally retarded children. • the physical, psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation means of meeting these needs. • how involved the communities, parents and government were in the care of moderately mentally retarded children. A quantitative, exploratmy and descriptive design was used. A sample of 50 moderately mentally retarded children was utilised. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The major research findings indicate that community care for MMRPs could only be feasible with sufficient resources, expertise and community involvement. All these aspects appeared to be lacking in the centre where this research was conducted raising questions as to benefits which the mentally retarded children and their parents and the community could derive from these services. However recommendations were made on identified shortcomings, problems and needs. / Health Science / M.A.(Nursing Science)

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