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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outcomes of an Emotion Word Intervention for Children with Social Communication Impairments

Mansfield, Rebecca Cloward 18 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Children with social communication disorders have been found to exhibit deficits in emotional intelligence, including the ability to identify emotions attributed to facial expressions. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the efficacy of a social communication intervention program designed to increase the accuracy of emotion based word use in three elementary school-aged participants with social communication disorders. The participants took part in a multiple-baseline, 20-session treatment including story enactment, journaling procedures, and supplementary activities. The story enactment portion of the intervention centered on Mercer Mayer's A Boy, A Dog, and A Frog (1967) wordless picture book series. Participants' emotion word productions were analyzed in six categories (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust) and valence accuracy was determined for all productions. Results proved variable, but each of the three participants demonstrated improvements in accuracy in at least two emotion categories that were not mastered prior to the onset of the intervention. In addition, two of the three participants increased in valence accuracy of emotion word productions between baseline and follow-up measures. Taken as a whole, the results suggest that this particular intervention program was effective in improving competency in select emotion categories for all three participants. Discussions of individual participant outcomes are included, as well as suggestions for further research.

Den transparenta polismyndigheten : En fallstudie av ungdomspolisen på Ålands Facebookanvändande

Andersson, Amanda, Eriksson, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Sociala medier skapar stora förändringar runt både människor och organisationer. Det betyder att organisationer behöver anpassa sin kommunikation för att nå ut till sin målgrupp. Myndigheter har idag en uppgift i vårt demokratiska samhälle att informera och upplysa samhället och det är även centralt för myndigheter att börja använda sig av sociala medier för att nå sin målgrupp. Syftet med undersökningen är att kartlägga hur en polismyndighet kommunicerar via sociala medier till sin målgrupp. Vi har valt att göra en fallstudie på en specifik polisgrupp - ungdomspolisen och hur de kommunicerar till sin målgrupp. Undersökningen ämnar besvara följande frågeställningar: Hur kommunicerar polisen på sociala medier? Hur kommunicerar ungdomspolisen på Åland genom sin Facebooksida? Och i vilket syfte använder ungdomspolisen sig av Facebook? För att besvara dessa frågor har två metoder använts - netnografisk observation och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom en observation av Facebooksidan besvaras frågan hur de kommunicerar på Facebook och genom intervjuer framkommer svaret på i vilket syfte de använder sig av Facebooksidan. Det insamlade materialet analyseras sedan i ljuset av uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk där public relations, Schneiders kommunikationsmodell och strategier för myndigheter på sociala medier presenteras. De övergripande resultat som framkommit genom denna studie är att ungdomspolisen inte har någon specifik strategi för hur de kommunicerar. Poliserna har dock olika sätt att skriva, vilket på så sätt leder till vad man skulle kunna kalla egna individuella strategier för användandet. Deras huvudsyfte med Facebooksidan är att göra polismyndigheten mer öppen och transparent, vilket de gör genom inlägg där de vill informera, visa arbetet som polis, uppmana och föra en dialog med målgruppen. Polisen hade från början ungdomar som målgrupp, men med tidens gång har målgruppen förändrats till föräldrar och egentligen hela allmänheten. Slutsatsen utifrån analysen är att myndigheter som använder sig av sociala medier måste använda rätt plattform för att nå sin målgrupp, men även att sociala medier är ett utmärkt verktyg för att upprätthålla relationer och skapa förståelse för polisyrket vilket i sin tur kan leda till förbättrade relationer mellan polisen och målgruppen. / Social media creates new conditions around both individuals and organizations. This means that organizations need to adjust their communication efforts to reach their target group. Therefore, it is central to the authorities to start using social media to reach their target group when the usage of social media increases. The purpose of this study is to identify how a specified police group communicate through social media to their stakeholders. We have chosen to do a case study on a specific group of police – The Youth Police and study how they communicate through social media to their stakeholders. The study aims to answer the following questions: How does the police communicate on social media? How does the Youth Police communicate through their Facebook page? And for what purposes are the Youth Police using the Facebook page? To answer these questions, we have used two methods - observation and interviews. The collected material is then analysed in the light of the theoretical framework, where we describe public relations, Schneider's communication models and different strategies for authorities on social media. The overall results obtained by this study is that the Youth Police do not have a specific strategy for how they communicate, but the police have their own ways of writing and thus form an unspoken individual strategy. Their purpose with this Facebook page is to make the police more transparent, which they do through Facebook posts where they inform, show their work and have a dialogue with their target group. The Youth Police had initially adolescents as a target group, but along with the passage of time, their target group has changed into the parents of the adolescents and the public instead. The conclusion from the analysis is that the authorities, who use social media, have to choose the right platform to reach their target group.  Social media is also a great tool for maintaining relationships and creating an understanding of the police work, which in turn can lead to improved relations between the police and their target group.

Sociální komunikace / Social communication

Blumentálová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with social communication. Its main task is to structure the subject and to apply the social communication analysis focused on youth group. In its first part, the theme is conceived in general. It defines the term and its place in sociology and other social sciences. The work characterizes a framework of social communication (communicative act, participants, communication channel). It also describes the division of communication means and their possibilities. It analyzes the content and styles of communication process, functions and purpose of social communication. It also discusses the factors that affect communication (communication context, the means used for communication, participating persons and social environment). The second part is devoted to my own case study of the social communication of youth in chosen Kolínsko region. It detects means of communication used by youth, it deals with the question whether the youth prefer the possibilities of personal communication or the usage of modern means of communication; which communication topics they use with their friends and which they use with their parents and what is the purpose of communication with different types of communicators (parents / friends). It also focuses on the usage of communication accompanying phenomena (emoticons,...

Sociální komunikace / Social communication

Blumentálová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with social communication. Basic formal work arrangements is conducted from the theoretical anchoring the topic of practical knowledge in the field of social communication youth. The space here is devoted to the definition of social communication, comparing her relation with interaction and by negotiation, further then her frame (communication act, actors, communication channels - communication media, functions and purpose of the communication). For orientation deals with social communication, socialization of youth in the family, school and friends. Paies also free time youth and his usage. Followed by a section containing the results of my own empirical investigation and comparison with previous studies.This part is devoted to my own case study of the social communication of youth in chosen Kolínsko region. It detects means of communication used by youth, it deals with the question whether the youth prefer the possibilities of personal communication or the usage of modern means of communication; which communication topics they use with their friends and which they use with their parents and what is the purpose of communication with different types of communicators (parents / friends). It also focuses on the usage of communication accompanying phenomena (emoticons, acronyms, non-...


LUIZ ANTONIO GAULIA 06 December 2012 (has links)
[pt] A sustentabilidade é um conceito complexo, ainda repleto de dúvidas, que vai demandar necessariamente num maior diálogo entre diferentes atores sociais para sua construção. Nessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho busca ampliar as reflexões sobre os comunicadores para a sociedade sustentável. A partir do estudo de relatório de uma empresa global de petróleo e gás, descrevendo sua gestão sustentável após um acidente ambiental, ocorrido em 2010, nossa análise busca identificar novas trilhas entre a prática da comunicação empresarial e sua relação com uma sociedade que se deseja sustentável. / [en] Sustainability is a complex concept, still full of questions, which will necessarily require a greater dialogue between different social actors for it achievement. From this perspective, this work aims to broaden the discussions on the communicators for a sustainable society. From the study reporting an oil and gas global company, describing its sustainable management after an environmental accident, which occurred in 2010, our analysis seeks to identify new pathways between the practice of corporate communication and their relationship to a society that seeks sustainability.

As representações da USP nos seus públicos visitantes e na imprensa / As representações da USP nos seus públicos visitantes e na imprensa

Martins, Leandra Rajczuk 26 March 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as relações comunicacionais da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) com seus públicos visitantes, por meio do estudo de seus perfis socioeconômicos e de suas representações sobre a instituição a partir de uma metodologia comparativa desenvolvida para responder às questões formuladas. Para tanto, o estudo se baseou nas idéias e nos conceitos de representações sociais de Serge Moscovici. A partir de questionários e outros instrumentos, o estudo detectou diferentes representações entre os públicos visitantes da USP (físicos e virtuais, incluindo os leitores-visitantes) a partir das formas como se relacionam com a instituição por meio do Centro de Visitantes ou do Portal da Universidade na Internet , assim como as representações da instituição que foram publicadas pela imprensa durante a greve de 2007. / This research had as objective to analyze the comunicacionais relations of the University of São Paulo (USP) with its visitant publics, through of the study of theirs socials and economics profiles and of theirs representations on the institution from a comparative methodology developed to answer to the formulated questions. The study was based on ideas and concepts of social representations of Serge Moscovici. From questionnaires and other instruments, the study detected different visions between the visitant publics of the USP (personal and virtual visitors, including the readers-visitors) from the forms as they relate with the institution through of the Visitors Centre or of the Portal of the University on the Internet , as well the representations of the institution that were published by the press in the time of the turn-out occurred in 2007.

A temporalidade e a síndrome de Asperger / Temporality and Asperger syndrome

Zukauskas, Patrícia Ribeiro 03 March 2004 (has links)
A temporalidade é considerada, na perspectiva teórica deste estudo, como uma condição essencial do indivíduo no mundo, possibilitando a constituição de sentido do percebido e do vivido e evidenciando, ainda, a circunstância da qual partem todas as possíveis concepções de tempo. Além disso, o homem também é considerado em sua intencionalidade, na qual está dirigido para algo, ou seja, só pode haver mundo percebido e definido para o sujeito que pode percebê-lo, estando voltado para ele. A síndrome de Asperger (SA), um transtorno invasivo de desenvolvimento pertencente ao espectro autístico, caracteriza-se por seus portadores apresentarem um modo de interação extremamente peculiar, no qual é considerada a presença de prejuízos relacionados à simbolização, à comunicação e à socialização. Em uma vertente teórica psicossocial, esses aspectos têm sido compreendidos a partir da possibilidade de haver uma inabilidade inata na criança autista que compromete a atitude conativo-afetiva (relacionada à intencionalidade) fundamental no processo de desenvolvimento. Questões a respeito da rigidez na experiência da duração de períodos de tempo, das dificuldades para aceitação e compreensão da possibilidade de mudanças de fatos previstos e da aparente restrição de perspectiva temporal, independentemente do nível intelectual, têm sido evidenciadas na prática clínica com esta população. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar a noção de tempo e a temporalidade em portadores da síndrome de Asperger. Sua constituição ocorreu em duas fases complementares e fundamentais. Na primeira, a partir de uma amostra de trinta indivíduos em cada grupo (grupo síndrome de Asperger e grupo de comparação) verificaram-se aspectos de noção de duração tempo através de instrumentos quantitativos e qualitativos. Na segunda fase a partir de uma amostra de quinze indivíduos em cada grupo (grupo síndrome de Asperger e grupo de comparação) investigaram-se, através de entrevista qualitativa, temas relacionados à temporalidade. Na descrição dos resultados pôde-se constatar uma temporalidade restrita evidenciada pela presença de prejuízos relacionados à continuidade no contato com o ambiente, à limitada perspectiva no sentido do devir e noção de tempo a partir de elementos espaciais, em detrimento dos aspectos subjetivos, restringindo o compartilhar do tempo comum e a formação de projetos de vida / Based on a theoretic-phenomenological perspective, temporality is defined as an essential condition of a person in view of the world. This condition is determinant to build what is perceived and experienced as well as makes evident the circumstances from which all possible conceptions of time emerge. In addition, the subject is also considered accordingly to his intentionality by which he is directed towards something. In other words, a defined and perceived world can only exist for a subject who, being directed towards it, can conceive that world through his senses and consciousness. The Asperger syndrome (AS), a pervasive developmental disorder belonging to the autistic spectrum, is characterized in individuals showing a very peculiar pattern of interaction, particularly displaying deficits of symbolization, communication and socialization. Under a psychosocial point of view, these aspects have been understood as an innate lack of affective-conative attitude impairing the development of autistic children. In clinical practice dealing with these children, professionals have been asking questions on their inflexibility in time span experience, on the difficulties in accepting and understanding changes and on the apparent restriction of the perspective in temporality independently of their intellectual levels. Temporality in Asperger syndrome was herein investigated aiming at its characterization. The study was constituted by two complementary and fundamental phases. In the first phase (N = 30 for the AS group; N = 30 for the comparison group) aspects of time notion were evaluated through quantitative and qualitative instruments. In the second phase (N = 15 for the AS group; N = 15 for the comparison group) matters related to temporality were investigated through a qualitative interview. The results have shown a restricted temporality evidenced by impairments related to the continuity of contact with the environment, by a limited perspective in the sense of becoming, and by a notion of time based on spatial elements, all in detriment of subjective aspects, thus restricting time sharing with people and elaboration of projects of life

As representações da USP nos seus públicos visitantes e na imprensa / As representações da USP nos seus públicos visitantes e na imprensa

Leandra Rajczuk Martins 26 March 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as relações comunicacionais da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) com seus públicos visitantes, por meio do estudo de seus perfis socioeconômicos e de suas representações sobre a instituição a partir de uma metodologia comparativa desenvolvida para responder às questões formuladas. Para tanto, o estudo se baseou nas idéias e nos conceitos de representações sociais de Serge Moscovici. A partir de questionários e outros instrumentos, o estudo detectou diferentes representações entre os públicos visitantes da USP (físicos e virtuais, incluindo os leitores-visitantes) a partir das formas como se relacionam com a instituição por meio do Centro de Visitantes ou do Portal da Universidade na Internet , assim como as representações da instituição que foram publicadas pela imprensa durante a greve de 2007. / This research had as objective to analyze the comunicacionais relations of the University of São Paulo (USP) with its visitant publics, through of the study of theirs socials and economics profiles and of theirs representations on the institution from a comparative methodology developed to answer to the formulated questions. The study was based on ideas and concepts of social representations of Serge Moscovici. From questionnaires and other instruments, the study detected different visions between the visitant publics of the USP (personal and virtual visitors, including the readers-visitors) from the forms as they relate with the institution through of the Visitors Centre or of the Portal of the University on the Internet , as well the representations of the institution that were published by the press in the time of the turn-out occurred in 2007.

Le décalage entre la communication sociétale et les pratiques de l'entreprise : le cas de l'intérim / The gap between social communication and business pratices : the case of temporary employment sector

Robaa, Guillaume 16 October 2015 (has links)
Le secteur de l’intérim s’est fortement démocratisé ces dernières décennies et génère de nombreuses externalités négatives pour la société civile. En effet, l’intérim est source de vulnérabilité sociale pour les intérimaires, dans une société où les individus s'intègrent socialement à travers leur emploi. L’intérim contribue à la précarisation des conditions de vie et de travail, à la relégation et à l’exclusion sociale. Pour limiter ces dérives sociales et internaliser les problématiques sociétales, les entreprises de travail temporaire (ETT) sont incitées, à travers le reporting extra-financier, à s’engager dans une démarche RSE. Les ETT valorisent leur engagement à travers une communication sociétale volontaire, qui repose notamment sur la production d’un rapport RSE/Développement Durable. La communication sociétale véhicule les engagements pris par les ETT pour protéger les intérêts des intérimaires. Les objectifs de la communication sociétale sont multiples : améliorer l’image et la réputation, favoriser l’autorégulation des activités, permettre un accès continu aux ressources intérimaires, diminuer l’encadrement des activités par les pouvoirs publics, légitimer l’existence des ETT malgré ces externalités négatives, générer une attitude positive des parties prenantes, contribuer à la performance globale et diminuer les coûts cachés relatifs au turn-over du personnel. L’engagement RSE doit être déployé au sein des ETT et susciter l’adhésion collective des parties prenantes internes. Cependant, la littérature académique relative à l’engagement RSE dans le secteur de l’intérim relève un décalage entre la communication sociétale et les pratiques réelles des ETT. Par contraste, ce décalage provoque des effets inverses et génère une attitude négative des parties prenantes envers les ETT. Compte tenu de ces enjeux, le manque d’informations dans la littérature académique ainsi que l’absence d’études empiriques relatives au décalage entre la communication sociétale et les pratiques réelles des ETT nous ont conduits à formuler notre problématique de recherche générale. Nos travaux de recherche ont pour objectif d’apporter des contributions significatives dans ce domaine de recherche émergent. / The temporary employment sector has greatly democratized in recent decades and generates numerous negative externalities for civil society. Indeed, the temporary employment sector is a source of social vulnerability for the temporary workers, in a society where individuals are socially integrated through their jobs. The temporary employment sector contributes in the precarious of life and work conditions, relegation and social exclusion. To limit these social deviations and internalize societal issues, the temporary work companies (TWC) are encouraged, through extra-financial reporting, to engage in CSR. The TWC value their commitment through a voluntary social communication, which is based in particular on the production of a CSR/Sustainable Development report. The societal communication vehicle commitments by TWC to protect the temporary workers’s interests. The objectives of social communication are numerous : improve the image and the reputation, promote self-regulation activities, allowing continuous access to temporary resources, reduce supervision activities by public authorities, legitimize the existence of ETT despite these negative externalities, generate positive attitudes of stakeholders, contribute to the overall performance and reduce hidden costs due to the staff turnover. The CSR commitment must be deployed within the TWC and arouse the collective membership of the internal stakeholders. However, the academic literature on the CSR commitment in the temporary employment sector is a gap between social communication and the actual practices of TWC. In contrast, this gap causes the opposite effect and generates negative attitudes of stakeholders towards TWC. Given these challenges, the lack of information in the academic literature and the lack of empirical studies on the gap between social communication and the actual practices of TWC led us to formulate our overall research problem. Our research aim to make significant contributions in this emerging area of research.

The Efficacy of Social Communication Intervention in Improving Emotion Inferencing for School-Aged Children with Language Impairment

Frank, Matthew Keith 10 August 2011 (has links)
Children with language impairment (LI) have demonstrated several language problems, including receptive and expressive deficits. A growing body of research has further demonstrated emotion understanding and, more specifically, emotion inferencing deficits that negatively affect the ability of this population to use language successfully in social interactions. Consequently, the present study examines social communication intervention focused on improving emotion inferencing for children with a diagnosis of LI or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as similar social communication deficits are occasionally seen in children with these diagnoses. Study participants were identified from the caseload of a practicing certified speech-language pathologist (SLP) and qualified for intervention based upon Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) and Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) scores. Participant ability to perform an emotion inferencing task was then compared pre- and post-treatment with descriptive statistics and presented as 6 individual case studies to determine the effectiveness of social communication intervention. Results are presented pre- and post-intervention and indicated that emotion inferencing capacities for a given scenario increased for some participants, while others demonstrated either modest gains or slight declines in performance after intervention.

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