Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialisation"" "subject:"resocialisation""
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”Bra att hålla koll på vad som händer” : niondeklassare om nyheterBell, Victoria January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur niondeklassare ser på och tar till sig nyheter och vilken trovärdighet de anser att tidningar och nyhetssändningar har. Tre utvalda niondeklasser i Stockholmsområdet med sammanlagt 66 elever har deltagit i studien genom att besvara en enkät. Förutom frågor om ovanstående har de också svarat på frågor om sina erfarenheter av mediekunskap i skolan när det gäller källkritik. Studien är kvantitativ. Inspiration till undersökningen har jag fått av Ebba Sundins avhandling Seriegubbar och terrorkrig - Barn och dagstidningar i ett förändrat medielandskap som bland annat behandlar de frågor jag intresserar mig för. Teoretiskt perspektiv för övrigt har hämtats från olika vetenskaper. Jag har tittat på forskning bland annat inom områdena barn och medier, socialisation och medievanor. Vilka nyhetsmedier tar ungdomar del av? Hur ser ungdomar på nyheter? Vilka erfarenheter har ungdomar av mediekunskap i skolan? Resultatet av studien visar att nästan alla niondeklassarna läser en dagstidning minst ett par gånger i veckan. De läser oftare morgontidningar än kvällstidningar och många läser gratistidningar. Det som ungdomarna tycker är roligast i tidningen (sport, serier och kultur) skiljer sig från det som ungdomarna tycker är viktigast (inrikes- och utrikespolitik och nöje). Enligt niondeklassarna är DN och SvD de mest trovärdiga bland tidningarna och TV4 och SVT har de mest trovärdiga nyhetssändningarna. Hälften av eleverna anser att de talat om mediers trovärdighet och källkritik i skolan.</p>
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Mobilités du quotidien, manières d'habiter et socialisation d'adolescents d'un village rural francilienDevaux, Julian 22 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail de thèse entend interroger les liens dynamiques existants entre mobilité quotidienne et socialisation à l'adolescence, au travers du cas d'adolescents résidant au sein de territoires ruraux franciliens. Pour cela, on a fait le choix d'une part de développer une conception particulièrement fine et extensive de la mobilité, qu'on a défini comme étant une interaction spatiale et sociale, ainsi que de procéder à une ethnographie localisée d'un village rural situé dans le sud-est de la Seine-et-Marne, durant près de deux ans et demi, et combinant différentes méthodes de recueil des données (entretiens ethnographiques, observations directe et participante...). D'un côté, l'analyse synchronique de ces liens permet de mettre en évidence une différenciation entre adolescents selon différents éléments centraux de leur socialisation, en l'occurrence dans leur mobilité, la dimension spatiale de leurs ressources sociales ou encore leurs manières d'habiter (usages des différents territoires, rapports à l'espace public et à l'espace domestique...). De l'autre, l'analyse des liens diachroniques entre mobilité et socialisation permet de resituer toute la dimension processuelle de la différenciation qui s'opère entre eux avec l'âge ainsi que les effets socialisants que comportent la mobilité, c'est-à-dire les manières avec lesquelles les pratiques remanient progressivement les dispositions acquises au cours de la socialisation primaire, dans la mobilité, les manières d'être et d'agir et plus largement participent à construire leur identité sociale et culturelle
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Directing dinnertime : practices and resources used by parents and children to deliver and respond to directive actionsKent, Alexandra January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Transition, perspectives, and strategies : on the process of becoming a teacher in higher educationAustin, Trevor William January 2011 (has links)
For those who teach in higher education and draw on vocational rather than academic backgrounds, the processes of socialisation are complex, extended and highly conditioned by their ‘past’ professions. These professions are seen to provide both ‘resources’ and ‘dissonances’ in the transitions that constitute their progress towards becoming a teacher. Whilst a great deal has been written of these processes in older universities with high concentrations of academic staff whose careers are largely confined to higher education itself, relatively little is known of parallel processes in newer institutions that are highly connected to specific kinds of workplace. This study addresses the way in which the current literature has under-represented the experiences and perspectives of ‘late entrants’ to teaching in higher education who come to work in a university from a profession that is ‘outside’ of higher education itself. The study uses a case study approach based on a series of semistructured interviews to reveal and analyse the processes of socialisation for ten participants undertaking a programme of teacher training (PGCAP). It describes a certain kind of ‘insider’ research where closeness and rapport exist alongside asymmetries of power and forms of ‘guilty knowledge’. Narrative methods are used to analyse and represent the data from differing perspectives to reveal a range of engagements, commitments and experience. These are seen to shape the socialisation process through key ‘turning points’ promoting movement towards a teacher identity. The study draws on theoretical perspectives based on the work of Bernstein (2000) and Bandura (1997) in order to analyse core processes both situationally and from an individual perspective. The research raises key questions about the learning environments created for participants on this teacher training course and the wider discourses that influence such provision. It also challenges a growing assumption that the attempts by the state to control and improve teaching in higher education are incorporated into individual teaching practice.
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Kompisar och Kamrater : Barns och ungas villkor för relationsskapande i vardagenIhrskog, Maud January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding for children’s and young people’s buddy relations when it comes to the creation of identity and socialisation, as well as to emphasise the formation of meaning and informal learning processes of these buddy relations. This is seen from a child’s perspective. The study has an ethnographic approach in order to follow children’s establishment of relations over time and in a process. The empiric data has been collected over a period of two-and-a-half years. The children were 12 years old when the study was initiated, and there are ten children in the examination. Via interviews, talks and correspondence I have been able to learn more about the children’s leisure time, hobbies, extra-curricular activities, and their school environment. To conduct research with children for this study means that the data are collected on the children’s terms. My starting-point is that human identity is shaped by and in collaboration with others. Mead’s symbolic interactionism is the main theoretical basis for my analysis. Other theoretical perspectives that have been useful are Habermas’s theory on systems and life world, as well as Ziehe’s theories on the cultural freedom of young people. The result of this study shows that having a mate is buddy is crucial when it comes to the creation of a healthy identity. The relation between mates creates trust, confidence and mutuality. It promotes well-being in children and young people, and makes them feel loved. The buddy relation becomes a confirmation of the fact that they are all right. Having friends is not the same as having mates. Many people have friends, for example classmates, which is a prerequisite for the creation of identification with others and a possibility to establish new buddy relations. The problem is, though, that all children do not feel needed and loved by a mate and that it is difficult, especially when young, to establish new close relations. The group becomes very important to the young people in their socialisation process. From the group they hope to receive, preferably together with another mate, confirmation, and the group determines whether they are good enough or not. The terms for the establishment of relations are to a large extent ruled by adult approaches and how the children’s and young people’s everyday life is structured. Since children and young people often spend time in an institutional world in which they establish relations, this has consequences for the adult professional pedagogues who work there. Perhaps one of the most important missions of the teacher training programme is to create awareness that children and young people have a need for belonging and togetherness. When you look at relations from a child’s perspective, it is clear that they long for and try to create a working togetherness, and at the same time you realise how exposed they are when doing this.
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"Män är fruktansvärda, fåfänga och högmodiga; de har hår över hela kroppen!"(SOMMARNATTENSLEENDE, 1955) : En studie om representationen av maskulinitet i 1950- och 2010-talsfilmer. / "Men are horrible, vain and conceited; they have hair all over their bodies!" (SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT, 1955) : A study about the representation of masculinity in movies from the 1950s and 2010s.Tapper, Rebecca, Holmén, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Genusforskning inkluderar oftast inte maskulinitet, speciellt inte hur det reproduceras i samhället. Utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv utgår därför denna studie från den socialisation som dagligen sker mellan media och samhällsstrukturen. Den här studien beskriver den kulturella representationen av män med hjälp av 80 analyserade filmer och 239 analyserade manliga roller från Sverige och Amerika under 1950- och 2010-talet. En kvalitativ- kvantitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes för att kunna placera de analyserade manliga rollerna i redan existerande maskulinitetskategorier. Resultatet visar att maskulinitet inte får tillräckligt med utrymme i dagens samhälle och kan därmed inte alltid kategoriseras in i dessa maskulinitetskategorier. De största förändringarna av män från 1950-talet och 2010-talet är att vikten av familjen har minskat, samt att mannen har blivit mer känslosam. De största skillnaderna mellan den amerikanska och svenska mannen ligger i hur den amerikanska mannen dominerar i arbetslivet samtidigt som han är familjefar, medan den svenska mannen lever ett ungkarlsliv och lägger stort fokus på sina vänner. / The study of Gender does not often explore masculinity, especially with regards to their role in reproduction in society. The social psychology perspective of the daily socialisation that occurs between media and the social structure is therefore the outset of this study. A cultural representation of men has been described from a dataset of 80 analysed films, and 239 analysed male characters from Sweden and America during the 1950s and 2010s. A qualitative- quantitative content analysis was conducted to place the analysed male characters in already existing categories of masculinity. The results showed that masculinity does not have enough space in today’s society. Due to these findings, many men no longer fit the profile into the existing categories of masculinity. The biggest differences between men from the 1950s and 2010s, was a shift in the importance of family life. Over the years, men have developed a more emotional and sensitive side to themselves. When comparing the difference between the American and Swedish man; The American man tended to dominate his work life while being a family father. Whereas, the Swedish man lived a life of a bachelor and devoted a great deal of time to his friends.
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L'éducation à la citoyenneté comme forme de socialisation juridique: pour une prise de conscience de ses droits et devoirs fondamentaux dans une perspective contemporaineSurprenant, Hugues 08 1900 (has links)
L'éducation à la citoyenneté comme forme de socialisation juridique est un moyen parmi d'autres qui nous permet de concevoir un possible dépassement de la «raison paresseuse» dans laquelle sont engagés les modèles politiques occidentaux. Les bases d'un nouveau code moral proposant à la fois une identité individuelle et collective pour le citoyen sont nécessaires. Ainsi, les énergies consacrées à la meilleure formation possible des futurs acteurs de la société québécoise, au partage d'idées et de perceptions dans une perspective contemporaine, ne peuvent être que bénéfiques pour l'avancement et l'avènement d'une société où l'équité coexiste avec la différence. C'est en réfléchissant et en échangeant sur le sujet avec notre entourage que nous avons décidé de concentrer nos recherches dans le domaine de 1'« éducation à la citoyenneté» avec comme contenu le droit. Naturellement, l'analyse à proprement positiviste du droit est ici mise de côté. Comme nous le verrons plus loin, une étude qui aborde la vision que se font les jeunes de l'univers juridique qui les entoure commande plutôt une approche sociologique. Les conclusions tirées de notre projet de recherche contribueront au débat entourant les concepts de citoyenneté, de droits fondamentaux et de responsabilités sociales dans une dynamique d'apprentissage. En tenant compte de la dimension culturelle de la citoyenneté, nous décrirons les différences d'interprétation et de représentation des droits fondamentaux et des responsabilités sociales dans la conscience d'« initiés» et de « non initiés» à une activité de socialisation juridique organisée par le Centre de développement pour l'exercice de la citoyenneté (CDEC), Débats de citoyens. Ce n'est qu'une fois cet exercice complété que nous tenterons d'évaluer le bienfondé et la validité d'une telle approche pédagogique. Mots clés: Éducation, citoyenneté, droits, responsabilités, socialisation, culture, débat, différence. / Citizenship education as a form of legal socialization is a way to conceive a possible overtaking of the «lazy reason » that embodies western political paradigms. The basis of a new moral code proposing an individual and collective identity for each citizen is necessary. Thus, the efforts invested in the best possible development of future actors in the province of Québec, in the sharing of ideas and views in a contemporary perspective, can only benefit the promotion and the upcoming of a society where equity coexists with difference. It is through reflection and while exchanging on the subject with others that we decided to concentrate our research on citizenship education with law as its content. Naturally, a positivistic analysis of the law is absent in such work. As we will see, a study that tackles young individuals' view of the legal universe they live in, rather commands a sociological approach. The conclusions we reached will contribute to the debate on the concepts of citizenship, fundamental rights and social responsibilities in a learning environment. Taking into account the cultural dimension of citizenship, we describe the differences in the interpretation and the representation of fundamental rights and social responsibilities in the conscience of "initiated" and "non-initiated" to a legal socialization activity organized by the Centre de développement pour l'exercice de la citoyenneté (CDEC). This activity is called Débats de citoyens, which translates to Citizens' debate. Only once this work is done will we attempt to evaluate the value and worth of such a pedagogical approach.
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Socialisation effects on potential inheritors' career orientation and succession in South Asian family businesses in ScotlandSheikh, Shariq Zia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to understand the phenomenon of succession among South Asian small family businesses based in Scotland. It explores the reluctance of the younger generation towards choosing family businesses as their careers. The thesis aims to understand the career orientation of potential inheritors leading to succession or a lack of succession by understanding their socialisation process. Thereby it integrates the literatures of family business succession, socialisation and career development. The thesis presents a conceptual framework of the nature/interaction of factors such as personal factors, familial, cultural, those pertaining to the economic environment, education and family business factors, its effects on Career Orientation and choice of Career pathways leading to succession or not among ethnic minority small family enterprises. This is presented in the context of the changing economic, social and cultural environment in which these businesses operate. Research questions focus on understanding the process of socialisation in a dual cultural context i.e. Asian as well as British, its effects on career orientations and most importantly on Asian family business succession. Although family business succession is presented as a widely researched subject area, this thesis particularly highlights the gaps arising due to an understanding that has specifically developed in the past from the founder or incumbent owners’ perspective. This thesis researched from the perspective of the potential inheritor, to understand the process of socialisation and its effects on career orientation leading to succession in Asian family businesses and contributes to fulfilling the theoretical gap in the literature. The focus of the empirical research is the Scotland based Asian community owned small retail businesses that are family owned. Succession is important for continuity and failure to succeed are seen to have adverse effects on the long term inter-generational continuity. At the same time succession among the second generation is looked at as a career choice which is influenced by a career decision making process. Hence a conceptual framework is necessary that looks at the concepts of socialisation, career decision making and succession together. Having the family and business interdependent in this complex system, it is not just the economic environment that shapes these factors, but also the dynamics within the family, society and community pressures, religion, a conflicting multigeneration perspective on business, culture and life in the UK. These demand a qualitative methodology, using personal interviews with both old and young generations and key informants as well as informal conversations with members of the community for sample selection, data collection and theory generation. The data collection process was guided by the newly formulated theoretical framework. Data was categorised as per themes from the framework and coded into categories in order to understand the process of socialisation and career orientation. This was then used to draw out the various career pathways that the individuals selected providing an understanding of reluctance towards joining the family business. The findings revealed that integrating the concepts of socialisation, career development and orientation provided a greater understanding of the process of decision making about succession among potential inheritors from Asian small family businesses. However, a number of other themes emerged from the findings, these are an emphasis on work-life balance as key to decision making. In addition, other themes that emerged were increased desire for paternal bonding, status and prestige from chosen careers, boundedness due to Asian stereotype, and parental or societal pressure and expectations. Moreover, trans-generational entrepreneurial continuity emerged as an important theme in which the older as well as the younger generation realised alternatives to continuing the existing family business and that true succession possibly is the transfer of entrepreneurial skills and abilities, something that the older generation developed and utilised when starting their own businesses as migrants. The thesis makes a contribution to the theoretical understanding of succession among South Asian family businesses. The findings emphasise the understanding of the succession process as a career decision making process particularly when looked at from the potential inheritors’ perspective. It also contributes to the socialisation literature by developing the multi-dimensional understanding of bi-cultural identity formation due to the dual impact of factors such as culture, religion, peers, family and broader society. This thesis also makes recommendations to policy by suggesting a conscious shift in policy orientation from the traditional first generation migrant to the young generation British Asian child of a migrant who due to their different socialisation has unique needs and orientations. The thesis recommends, on the basis of findings, for policy to be sensitive to the needs of the younger generation and for it to be focused on developing self-employment among this new generation of Asians.
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Socialisations de genre, identité sexuée et expérience scolaire : dynamiques d'acculturation et de personnalisation chez le jeune enfant scolarisé en grande section de maternelle / Gender socialization, gender identity and school experience : acculturation and personalization for young chidren in third grade of kindergardenMieyaa, Yoan 19 September 2012 (has links)
Le principal objectif de notre recherche est de rendre compte des mécanismes psycho-sociaux par lesquels les enfants, âgés de 5-6 ans et scolarisés en grande section de maternelle, se différencient progressivement en tant qu’individus sexués et s’inscrivent dans des parcours scolaires genrés. En référence à une conception de la socialisation qui distingue un versant de l’acculturation et un versant de la personnalisation (Malrieu & Malrieu, 1973), nous formulons l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’identité sexuée médiatise et personnalise l’influence de la socialisation de genre familiale et scolaire sur l’élaboration de l’expérience scolaire des jeunes enfants, en raison du degré de stéréotypie et du niveau d’hétérogénéité de ces milieux de socialisation et de la période de développement des jeunes enfants.Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons privilégié une méthodologie centrée sur le point de vue de l’ensemble des sujets concernés (adultes et enfants). Nous avons interrogé, à l’aide d’un questionnaire d’enquête, les parents (pères et mères) de 61 enfants scolarisés en grande section d’école maternelle, leurs enseignants et A.T.S.E.M. sur plusieurs dimensions de la socialisation de genre. L’identité sexuée de l’enfant a été appréhendée à l’aide du P.S.A.I. (Golombok & Rust, 1993), du B.S.R.I. adapté par Tostain (1993) et du test de la constance de genre (Dafflon Novelle, 2010). Enfin, l’expérience scolaire a été étudiée sur la base d’un entretien semi-directif réalisé auprès des enfants.Les principaux résultats mettent en évidence trois types d’expérience scolaire : « conforme », « agonistique » et « épistémique ». Si la socialisation de genre scolaire, via la transmission de valeurs éducatives, oriente principalement l’expérience scolaire des enfants, la socialisation de genre familiale, quant à elle, influence plus particulièrement la construction de l’identité sexuée. En outre, quelques liens apparaissent entre l’identité sexuée et l’expérience scolaire des jeunes enfants. Bien que les analyses réalisées ne permettent pas d’établir le rôle médiateur de l’identité sexuée, l’ensemble de ces résultats confirme la pertinence d’adopter un modèle théorique de la socialisation plurielle et conflictuelle qui examine les liens entre les processus d’acculturation et de personnalisation dans l’étude de la construction des trajectoires scolaires différenciées des filles et des garçons, et ce dès le plus jeune âge. Sous ce modèle, la prise en compte de la construction de l’identité sexuée permet de mieux saisir la part active de l’enfant dans l’élaboration de son expérience scolaire. / The main objective of our research is to account for the psychosocial mechanism by which children, aged 5-6 years and who attend to nursery school, progressively differentiate themselves as boys and girls and fit into gender school development. In reference to a conception of socialization which distinguishes a side of acculturation and a side of personalization (Malrieu & Malrieu, 1973), our hypothesis is the following : Gender identity mediates the influence of family and school gender socialization on the construction of school experience, because of the degree of stereotypy and the degree of heterogeneity of these socialization backgrounds and of the developmental step of the children. In order to test this hypotesis, we choose a methodology centered on the point of view of all the subjects concerned (adults and children). We proposed a questionnaire on several dimensions of gender socialization to the adults (fathers and mothers of 61 children attended nursery school, theirs teachers and their “A.T.S.E.M”. Child’s gender identity was examined with the P.S.A.I; (Golombok & Rust, 1993), the B.S.R.I. adapted by Tostain (1993) and the test of gender constancy (Dafflon Novelle, 2010).School experience was examined with a semi-directive interview.The main results highlight three types of school experience: “conform”, “agonistic” and “epistemic”. If school gender socialization, with the transmission of educational values, influences children’s school experience, family gender socialization influences the construction of gender identity. Some links appear between children’s gender identity and their school experience. Although the analyses don’t permit to establish the mediator role of gender identity, the results as a whole confirm the pertinence to adopt a theoretical model of a plural and conflicting socialization which examines the links between the processes of acculturation and personalization in the study of the construction of the girls and boys school development from the early age. Within this model, the consideration of child’s gender identity allows to better understand in the construction of his/her school experience.
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Mobilités du quotidien, manières d'habiter et socialisation d'adolescents d'un village rural francilien / "Mobility, ways of living and socialization : An analysis from the case of teenagers living in a rural village in the Paris region"Devaux, Julian 22 November 2013 (has links)
Notre travail de thèse entend interroger les liens dynamiques existants entre mobilité quotidienne et socialisation à l'adolescence, au travers du cas d'adolescents résidant au sein de territoires ruraux franciliens. Pour cela, on a fait le choix d'une part de développer une conception particulièrement fine et extensive de la mobilité, qu'on a défini comme étant une interaction spatiale et sociale, ainsi que de procéder à une ethnographie localisée d'un village rural situé dans le sud-est de la Seine-et-Marne, durant près de deux ans et demi, et combinant différentes méthodes de recueil des données (entretiens ethnographiques, observations directe et participante…). D'un côté, l'analyse synchronique de ces liens permet de mettre en évidence une différenciation entre adolescents selon différents éléments centraux de leur socialisation, en l'occurrence dans leur mobilité, la dimension spatiale de leurs ressources sociales ou encore leurs manières d'habiter (usages des différents territoires, rapports à l'espace public et à l'espace domestique…). De l'autre, l'analyse des liens diachroniques entre mobilité et socialisation permet de resituer toute la dimension processuelle de la différenciation qui s'opère entre eux avec l'âge ainsi que les effets socialisants que comportent la mobilité, c'est-à-dire les manières avec lesquelles les pratiques remanient progressivement les dispositions acquises au cours de la socialisation primaire, dans la mobilité, les manières d'être et d'agir et plus largement participent à construire leur identité sociale et culturelle / Our thesis intends to examine the existing dynamic links at the adolescence between daily mobility and socialization, trough the cases of adolescents living in rural areas in the Paris region. For this, we chose to develop a fine and extensive view of mobility, as a spatial and social interaction, and to conduct an ethnography localized in a rural village located in the southeast of Seine et Marne, for nearly two and a half years, combining different methods of data collection (ethnographic interviews, direct and participant observations…). On the one hand, the synchronic analysis of these links can highlight the differentiation between teenagers from differents central elements of their socialization, namely in their mobility, the spatial dimension of their social resources or in their way of living (their uses of different territories, reports to the public and domestics spaces…). In the second hand, the diachronic analysis of links between mobility and socialization can account for all the procedural dimension of differentiation that occurs between them with age, and the socializing effects of mobility, that is to say the ways in which practices transform the dispositions acquired during the primary socialization, in the mobility, their ways of being and acting, and generally how they participate to build their social and cultural identity
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