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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The impact of selected home environment factors on primary school learner's academic performance : a case study

Nell, Sunet 19 June 2018 (has links)
English text with English, Northern Sotho and Afrikaans summaries / South Africa has a long and troubled educational history, from pre-colonial education to the fall of apartheid, and eventually the acquisition of equal education for all (Christie, 2006). Many changes took place during this transitional period in the democracy and liberation of the New South Africa by means of pupil-centred classrooms, Curriculum 2005 (Taylor, 1995) and Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Although numerous studies have been conducted internationally and in South Africa on underperforming in schools, the focus of this study is to ascertain the key elements of why learners underperform. The study’s aim is to determine the influence of a learner’s socio-economic situation on scholastic performance with references to nutrition, family structure, and parental support of learners in primary schools in Tshwane. In this full dissertation, the researcher found that most of the selected home environmental factors had no significant impact on the selected learners. It was, however, found (as many research already proved) that diet and sleep did have an influence on primary school learner academic performance. In presenting this argument, the theoretical framework, socio-constructivism learning theory, and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, were used, as socio-constructivism states that although biological factors are a requirement for basic development to emerge, socio-cultural factors are crucial for basic natural processes to develop. Vygotsky’s socio constructivism theory indicates the uniqueness of the social environment and regards socio-cultural background as the primary and determining factor in the development of higher forms of human mental activity such as voluntary attention, intentional memory, logical thought, planning, and problem solving. In conjunction with Vygotsky, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs sets the foundation for this study as it states that in order for a being to move to the next level, the lower level of needs, need to be satisfied first. The objectives of the study were: - to determine what the impact of selected home environment factors on primary school learners’ academic performance is. To determine the relationship between poverty, family structure, and scholastic performance; to determine the influence of the type of dwelling on scholastic performance; to determine the influence nutrition have on a learners’ scholastic performance; and to determine the influence sleep deprivation has on learners’ academic performance. The study used a quantitative approach, and the method included questionnaires that learners in Grade 5, Grade 6, and Grade 7 of the selected school completed anonymously. The study revealed that poverty, family structure, and dwelling type did not have a significant impact on the learners of the selected school. The study did however reveal and confirmed what various other researchers have already found that sleep and nutrition did have an influence on academic performance. It is recommended that specific guidelines should be provided to parents about economical lunchbox ideas. Parents should be supplied with lists of foods best to pack in lunchboxes and food that is not allowed. Schools should further monitor the food provided at tuck shops, as the food provided should be nutritious as well as sustain learners’ energy. Food high in saturated fats and sugar should not be allowed at school tuck shops. Children should also be educated about nutrition and better or alternative choices they can make. Lunches that are supplied as part of the school nutrition program should be monitored to ensure that it is nutritious, low in sodium, and that a variety of fruit and vegetables are included in the meal. Studies have concluded that children should sleep on average nine hours per night. Unfortunately, due to increase in academic pressure and work load, more learners go to bed later. It is therefore recommended that schools adhere to guidelines on the amount of homework given to learners daily. It is further recommended that parents should ensure that their children have a set routine regarding sleep patterns. The use of electronic equipment, such as television, computers, and cellular phones prior to sleeping time should be limited as it affects sleep. Surprisingly, this study has also revealed that some of the data supplied to the school by the parents or guardians and the data that was obtained from the learners did not correlate. It is therefore recommended that schools should be more scrupulous with learner performance data as it could be a possible indicator of household problems or the quality of education. If it is found that the decline is due to quality of education, the school management team should act immediately to assist the necessary educators with the necessary skills to enable better quality of education. A pro-active plan of action should be put in place by the school for those learners whose marks decreased. An educator could talk to the learner and the parents to try and determine the possible causes for the decrease in marks. Remedial classes or remedial exercises should be given to the learners to assist in the areas of need. In addition, if it is determined that the cause is due to home environment factors then necessary assistance should be provided either by the school or other entities. / Afrika Borwa e na le histori ya thuto ye telele gape ya mathata, go tloga go thuto ya pele ga bokoloni go ya go go fedišwa ga kgatelelo le go hwetša mafelelong thuto ya go lekana go bohle (Christie, 2006). Go bile le diphetogo tše dintši nakong ye ya phetogo mo temokrasing le tokologong ya Afrika Borwa ye mpsha ka mokgwa wa diphapošiborutelo tšeo di nepišago morutwana, Lenaneothuto la 2005 (Taylor,1995) le Setatamente sa Pholisi ya Lenaneothuto le Kelo (CAPS). Le ge go dirilwe dinyakišišo tše mmalwa ditšhabatšhabeng le mo Afrika Borwa ka ga go se šome gabotse dikolong, nepišo ya dinyakišišo ke go utolla mabaka a motheo ao a dirago gore barutwana ba se šome gabotse. Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo ke go utolla khuetšo ya maemo a ekonomi le leago a barutwana go go šoma dithutong go lebeletšwe phepo, sebopego sa lapa le thekgo ya batswadi go barutwana ba dikolo tša praemari ka Tshwane. Mo tesitheišeneng ye e feletšego, monyakišiši o hweditše e le gore bontši bja mabaka a tikologo ya gae ao a kgethilwego ga a na khuetšo ye bohlokwa mo go barutwana bao ba kgethilwego. Le ge go le bjalo, go hweditšwe e le gore (bjale ka ge go kgonthišitšwe ke banyakišiši ba bantši) go ja le go robala di na le khuetšo go go šoma dithutong ga barutwana ba dikolo tša praemari. Ge go abja mabaka a, tlhako ya teori, teori ya go ithuta ya tsebo ya leago le dinyakwa tša maemo a Maslow di šomišitšwe. Tsebo ya leago e bolela gore le ge mabaka a go phela e le senyakwa sa kgolo ya motheo go thoma, mabaka a setšo sa leago a bohlokwa kudu go ditshepedišo tša tlhago tša motheo gore di gole. Teori ya Vygotsky ya tsebo ya leago e bontšha boswananoši bja tikologo ya leago gomme e tšea botšo bja setšo sa leago bjalo ka lebaka la motheo le taolo mo go godišeng mekgwa ya godimo ya mošongwana wa kgopolo ya motho go swana le šedi ya boithaopo, le kelelo ye e nepišago, kgopolo ya go kwagala, peakanyo le tharollo ya mathata. Ka tirišano le Vygotsky, maemo a dinyakwa a Maslow a dira motheo wa dinyakišišo tše ka ge a bolela gore sebopiwa se ye legatong la go latela, legato la fase la dinyakwa le swanetše go kgotsofatšwa pele. Dinepo tša dinyakišišo tše e be e le go utolla: gore khuetšo ya mabaka a tikologo ya gae ao a kgethilwego go barutwana ba dikolo tša praemari mo go šomeng gabotse dithutong ke efe; kamano gare ga bohloki, sebopego sa lapa le go šoma dithutong; khuetšo ya mohuta wa legae mo go šomeng dithutong; khuetšo yeo phepo e nago le yona mo go šomeng dithutong; le khuetšo yeo go se robale go nago le yona go barutwana mo go šomeng dithutong. Dinyakišišo di šomiša mokgwa wa bokaakang, gomme mokgwa o akaretša letlakala la dipotšišo leo barutwana ba Kreiti ya 5, Kreiti ya 6 le Kreiti ya 7 ba sekolo seo se kgethilwego ba le tladitšego ka sephiri. Dinyakišišo di utollotše gore bohloki, sebopego sa lapa le mohuta wa legae ga di na khuetšo mo go barutwana ba sekolo seo se kgethiwego. Le ge go le bjale, dinyakišišo di utolla le go kgonthiša ka moo banyakišiši ba go fapana ba šetšego ba hweditše gore boroko le phepo di na le khuetšo mo go šomeng dithutong. Go digetšwe gore ditlhahli tše di itšego di swanetše go fiwa batswadi ka ga kgopolo ya dijo tša letena tša ekonomi. Batswadi ba swanetše go fiwa lenaneo la dijo tše dikaone go feta tšeo ba ka di fago bana go ja ka letena le dijo tšeo di se a lokago. Dikolo gape di swanetše go lekola dijo tšeo di fiwa mabenkeleng a dijo a ka sekolong, ka ge dijo tšeo di fiwago di swanetše go ba le phepo gomme di swarelele maatla a barutwana. Dijo tšeo di nago le makhura ao a se a lokago le swikiri ga se tša swanela go dumelelwa mo mabenkeleng a dijo a ka sekolong. Go tlaleletša, bana ba swanetše go rutwa ka phepo le dikgetho tše kaone goba tša go fapana tšeo ba ka di dirago. Dijo tša matena tšeo di fiwago bjalo ka karolo ya lenaneo la phepo la sekolo di swanetše go lekolwa go kgonthiša gore di na le phepo, ga di na letswai le lentši, le gore mehuta ya dienywa le merogo e a akaretšwa mo dijong. Dinyakišišo di phethile ka gore ka palogare bana ba swanetše go robala diiri tše senyane bošego bjo bongwe le bjo bongwe. Go hloka mahlatse, ka lebaka la koketšego ya kgatelelo ya dithuto le mošomo wo montši, bana ba bantši ba robala ka morago ga nako. Ka gona go digelwa gore dikolo di latele ditlhahli tša bokaalo bja mošomo wa gae woo o fiwago barutwana letšatši le lengwe le lengwe. Go digetšwe gape gore batswadi ba swanetše go kgonthiša gore bana ba bona ba na le lenaneo leo le beakantšwego la go robala. Tšhomišo ya didirišwa tša elektroniki, go swana le thelebišene, dikhomphutha le diselefouno pele ga nako ya go robala e swanetše go fokotšwa ka ge e ama boroko. Selo sa go makatša, dinyakišišo tše di utollotše gore data ye nngwe yeo e filwego sekolo ke batswadi goba bahlokomedi le data yeo e filwego ke barutwana ga di sepelelane. Ka gona go digelwa gore dikolo di swanetše go hlokomela ka data ya go šoma ga barutwana ka ge e ka ba sešupo sa kgonagalo ya mathata a ka gae goba boleng bja thuto. Ge go hweditšwe gore go palelwa ke ka lebaka la boleng bja thuto, sehlopha sa taolo ya sekolo se swanetše go tšea magato ka bjako go thuša barutiši ka mabokgoni ao a hlokegago go kgontšha boleng bjo bokaone bja thuto. Sekolo se swanetše go dira lenaneo la tiro la mohola go barutwana bao meputso ya bona e fokotšegile. Morutiši a ka bolela le morutwana le batswadi go leka go utolla gore ke eng seo se hlolago go fokotšega ga meputso. Dithuto tša tlaleletšo goba mešongwana ya tlaleletšo e swanetše go fiwa go thuša barutwana mo dikarolong tšeo ba hlokago thušo. Go tlaletša, ge go utollotšwe gore se se hlolwa ke mabaka a tikologo ya gae, gona go swanetše go fiwa thušo yeo e hlokegago e ka fiwa ke sekolo goba makala a mangwe. / Suid-Afrika het ’n lang en veelbewoë onderwysgeskiedenis, van voorkoloniale onderwys tot die val van apartheid en die uiteindelike bereiking van gelyke onderwys vir almal (Christie, 2006). Baie veranderinge het gedurende hierdie oorgangsperiode in die demokrasie en bevryding van die Nuwe Suid-Afrika plaasgevind deur middel van leerdergesentreerde klaskamers, Kurrikulum 2005 (Taylor, 1995) en die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV). Hoewel talle studies oor onderprestasie in skole internasionaal en in Suid-Afrika uitgevoer is, is die fokus van hierdie studie om die kernfaktore vas te stel wat tot onderprestasie van leerders lei. Die studie het ten doel om die invloed van ’n leerder se sosioëkonomiese situasie op skolastiese prestasie te bepaal met verwysing na voeding, gesinstruktuur en ouerondersteuning van leerders in primêre skole in Tshwane. In hierdie volledige proefskrif het die navorser bevind dat die meeste geselekteerde tuisomgewingfaktore geen beduidende uitwerking op die geselekteerde leerders gehad het nie. Daar is egter bevind (soos deur baie navorsers bewys is) dat dieet en slaap wel ʼn invloed op primêreskoolleerders se akademiese prestasie gehad het. In die aanbieding van hierdie argument is die teoretiese raamwerk, sosiaal-konstruktivistiese leerteorie en Maslow se behoeftehiërargie gebruik. Sosiaalkonstruktivisme bepaal dat, hoewel biologiese faktore ’n vereiste is sodat basiese ontwikkeling kan plaasvind, sosiaalkulturele faktore deurslaggewend vir die ontwikkeling van basiese natuurlike prosesse is. Vygotsky se teorie oor sosiaalkonstruktivisme dui op die uniekheid van die sosiale omgewing en beskou die sosiaalkulturele agtergrond as die primêre en bepalende faktor in die ontwikkeling van hoër vorms van menslike verstandelike aktiwiteit, soos vrywillige aandag, intensionele geheue, logiese denke, beplanning en probleemoplossing. Tesame met Vygotsky, maak Maslow se behoeftehiërargie die grondslag van hierdie studie uit, aangesien dit bepaal dat, ten einde na die volgende vlak te beweeg, ’n mens se laer vlak van behoeftes eers bevredig moet word. Die doelwitte van die studie was om die volgende te bepaal: watter uitwerking geselekteerde tuisomgewingfaktore op primêreskoolleerders se akademiese prestasie het; die verhouding tussen armoede, gesinstruktuur en skolastiese prestasie; die invloed van die tipe woning op skolastiese prestasie; die invloed wat voeding op ’n leerder se skolastiese prestasie het; en die invloed wat slaapontneming op ’n leerder se akademiese prestasie het. Die studie het ’n kwantitatiewe benadering gebruik, en die metode het vraelyste ingesluit wat leerders in Graad 5, Graad 6 en Graad 7 van die geselekteerde skool anoniem voltooi het. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat armoede, gesinstruktuur en tipe woning nie ’n beduidende uitwerking op die leerders van die geselekteerde skool gehad het nie. Die studie het egter wel aan die lig gebring en bevestig wat verskeie ander navorsers reeds bevind het: dat slaap en voeding ʼn invloed op akademiese prestasie het. Daar word aanbeveel dat spesifieke riglyne oor ekonomiese kosblik-idees aan ouers verskaf moet word. Ouers behoort voorsien te word van lyste van die beste kossoorte om in kosblikke te pak, en kossoorte wat nie toegelaat word nie. Skole behoort voorts die kos te monitor wat by snoepwinkels te koop aangebied word, aangesien sodanige kos voedsaam moet wees en leerders se energie moet volhou. Kos wat ryk aan versadigde vette en suiker is, behoort nie by skoolsnoepwinkels toegelaat te word nie. Daarbenewens behoort kinders opgevoed te word oor voeding en beter of alternatiewe keuses wat hulle kan maak. Middagetes wat as deel van die skoolvoedingsprogram voorsien word, moet gemonitor word om te verseker dat hulle voedsaam en laag in sout is, en dat ’n verskeidenheid vrugte en groente by die maaltyd ingesluit word. Studies het tot die slotsom gekom dat kinders gemiddeld nege uur per nag behoort te slaap. Ongelukkig, weens ʼn toename in akademiese druk en werklading, gaan al hoe meer leerders later slaap. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat skole riglyne nakom rakende die hoeveelheid huiswerk wat daagliks aan leerders gegee word. Daar word verder aanbeveel dat ouers moet verseker dat hul kinders ’n vaste slaaproetine het. Die gebruik van elektroniese toerusting, soos televisie, rekenaars en selfone voor slaaptyd, behoort beperk te word omdat dit slaap beïnvloed. Dit is verrassend dat die studie ook aan die lig gebring het dat sommige van die data wat deur die ouers of voogde aan die skool verskaf is en die data wat van die leerders bekom is, nie ooreengestem het nie. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat skole meer nougeset met leerderprestasiedata moet omgaan, aangesien dit ’n moontlike aanwyser van huishoudelike probleme of die gehalte van onderwys kan wees. Indien daar bevind word dat die afname as gevolg van die gehalte van onderwys is, moet die skoolbestuurspan onmiddellik optree om opvoeders te help om die nodige vaardighede te verwerf om ’n beter gehalte onderwys moontlik te maak. Die skool behoort ’n proaktiewe plan van aksie in werking te stel vir daardie leerders wie se punte gedaal het. ʼn Opvoeder kan met die leerder en die ouers gesels en probeer vasstel wat die moontlike oorsake vir die daling in punte is. Remediërende klasse of remediërende oefeninge behoort aan die leerders gegee te word om met die behoefteareas te help. Daarbenewens, indien vasgestel word dat die oorsaak tuisomgewingfaktore is, behoort die nodige bystand gegee te word, hetsy deur die skool of ander entiteite. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Absenteeism of adult learners at the Sekgosese West Circuit in Limpopo Province : a critical reflection

Mello, Masefora Victoria 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to find out why adult learners absent themselves from adult basic education programmes and to devise strategies to encourage them to attend classes. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the objective of the study were to investigate the economic and social reasons why adult learners do not attend classes. The research focus on a critical issue of absenteei(sm by adult learners at SEKGOSESE West Circuit adult centre in Limpopo Province. Literature review was engaged in the field of Adult Education and related to the research problem. The literature review presented an insight into theoretical frameworks and conceptual frameworks about causes of adult learner’s absenteeism. The researcher used sources which included journals, books, articles and dissertations. To collect information. This qualitative study explored the causes of adult learner absenteeism and came with strategies to reduce adult learner absenteeism. Critical theory was used as a theoretical framework. The theory deals with social economic factors and conditions under which people live. Data was collected through focus group interviews. There were sixteen participants who attend classes at Mosima adult learning centre, and they were selected homogeneously. It was discovered that adult learner absenteeism is caused by lack of motivation, lack of support from departmental officials, lack of adult learner commitment, lack of facilities, lack of qualified adult educators, lack of respect amongst adult learners and adult educators as a serious matter, lack of parental support for those who are still under parental care and lack of transport for adult learners who stay far from the centre. Based on the causes of adult learner absenteeism, recommendations are made for the Department of Education to address these causes in order to elevate adult learner absenteeism and further research efforts are recommended. It is recommended that the department of education include stationery material in their budget for adult basic education. Adult Basic education educators should also receive adequate training s o that they can be able to teach adult learners effectively. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Factors which could influence the development of adolescent depression

McLean, Suzanne Claire 31 January 2003 (has links)
An investigation into the prevalence and causative factors of adolescent depression in the greater Johannesburg area was undertaken. Present-day South African socio-economic pressures together with the normal demands and difficulties of adolescence, led to an investigation into which factors were having a bearing on adolescent depression and whether more male than female adolescents were depressed. A literature study was done and major factors, which could potentially influence the development of depression, were identified. The results of the empirical investigation indicated that negative family relations and negative peer relations play a significant role in the development of adolescent depression. Other identified factors did not appear to have a statistically significant bearing on adolescent depression. No significant statistical difference was found between the prevalence or severity of male and female adolescent depression. Educational implications of the findings are discussed and guidelines are given to teachers and parents. / Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Faktore wat verband hou met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in sekondêre skole in die Upington omgewing. / Factors related to the learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in scondary schools in the Upington area

Nel, William Nico 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The aim was to establish factors related to learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in historically coloured schools. An eclectic approach was followed because theoretical views on motivation could not furnish a comprehensive theory. The definition emerging from this approach states that motivation is a process started within a person to create a state of need for satisfaction and happiness that can be reached by instigating and sustaining goal-directed activity. The link between learning and motivation, as well as related factors, was ascertained. Determinants of high and low levels of learning motivation were established. Programmes aimed at higher motivation levels were explored. Empirically it was proven that grade 9 learners in historically coloured schools leaned more towards an extrinsic orientation; grade 12's more intrinsic. An intervention programme is suggested. / Die doel was om vas te stel watter faktore hou verband met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in histories bruin sekondere skole spesifiek. 'n Eklektiese benadering is gevolg omdat die teoretiese beskouings oor leerrnotivering nie 'n bevredigende allesomvattende teorie kon verskaf nie. Die werksdefinisie van motivering is 'n gevolg daarvan en lui as volg: motivering is die proses wat in die persoon aan die gang gesit word om 'n staat van behoefte na tevredenheid en geluk te skep wat bereik kan word deur doelgerigte aktiwiteit aan te stig en aan die gang te hou. Die verband tussen leer en motivering is bepaal asook die faktore wat verband hou met leermotivering. Bepalers van hoe en lae leermotiveringsvlakke is vasgestel en ingrypingsprogramme gemik op verhoogde motivering is ondersoek. Empiries is bewys dat die graad 9-leerders meer geneig is tot ekstrinsieke orienterings rakende leermotivering; graad 12-leerders meer intrinsiek. 'n lngrypingsprogram word voorgestel. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Socio-economic factors that affect livestock numbers : a case study of smallholder cattle and sheep farmers in the Free State province of South Africa

Ogunkoya, Folasade Temitope 05 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted across the four district municipalities in the Free State province of South Africa. The objective of the study was to determine socio-economic factors that affected livestock numbers among smallholder cattle and sheep farmers in the Free State province of South Africa. The research was qualitative and quantitative in nature. Proportionate random sampling method was used to collect data. The population comprised of smallholder cattle and sheep farmers that kept at least 30 livestock. Data between the 2008 and 2012 farming seasons were collected by administering well-structured questionnaires to 250 smallholder cattle and sheep farmers. Data collected were captured and analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 22 of 2013) to obtain frequency, cross-tabulation, descriptive statistics and ordinary least square (OLS) regression. Descriptive statistics results indicated that lack of camp systems, drought prevalence, increased feed costs, poor veterinary interventions, insufficient breeding stock, high cost of fuel and transportation, lack of equipment, diseases, stock theft and pilfering, and insufficient grazing land were the prevalent factors that affected cattle and sheep farming in the province.The OLS regression results indicated that the variables that significantly affected livestock numbers were district, household size, livestock numbers in 2008, planted pastures, grazing land condition, grazing land acquisition, service, advice / training, veterinary services, purchase of dosing products and sales per year. The results also indicated that the majority (96.8%) of the smallholder cattle and sheep farmers would like to increase their livestock numbers. It was therefore recommended that extension and veterinary services should be strengthened in the study area. In addition, it was recommended that smallholder livestock farmers should be encouraged to plant pastures to reduce pressure on the natural veld and make forage available throughout the year. Lastly, as a recommendation, government should provide subsidies with distribution policies that will ensure that all smallholder livestock farmers can benefit. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

Perceptions about the O Icheke Multiple Concurrent Parnership Campaign among young people who are members of the Selebi Phikwe District Youth Council, Botswana

Matlapeng, Kgosiekae Maxwell January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of young people regarding the O Icheke MCP campaign who are members of Selebi Phikwe District Youth Council, in a mining town in central Botswana. The main objective of the study was to explore young people‘s views about MCP, to solicit their views on the key strength and weaknesses of the campaign, and to make recommendations to further strengthen the campaign. Within the framework of the Health Belief Model, a qualitative research approach was employed and data was collected using four focus group discussions categorised into the following strata  Males aged 18-24 years  Females aged 18-24 years  Males aged 25-35 years  Females aged 25-35 years The overall study finding was that financial issues, the apparent need for sexual variety, quest for material possession, and the impact of unemployment, migration and alcohol abuse are seen as some of the major factors underlying MCP in Botswana. The O Icheke Multiple Concurrent Partnership campaign was positively viewed as playing a key role in addressing the apparent knowledge gap regarding the impacts of these partnerships and in changing people‘s attitudes towards MCP and discouraging wide sexual networks. The campaign‘s target population, funding, stakeholders and delivery mode of the program were identified as its pillars and an effective vehicle to achieve its goals. The consultation between funding office and implementing organisations, coverage of the programme in surrounding areas and growing non-profit organisation were identified to affect the MCP campaign to achieve its goals. The recommendation is that more has to be done to improve the implementation of O Icheke programme through more funding, consultation with programme implementers, tailor made for people with disability and covering surrounding areas. The recommendation is that more has to be done to improve the implementation of O Icheke programme through more funding, consultation and capacity building of volunteers. / Health Studies / MA (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS)

Perceptions about the O Icheke Multiple Concurrent Parnership Campaign among young people who are members of the Selebi Phikwe District Youth Council, Botswana

Matlapeng, Kgosiekae Maxwell 12 June 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of young people regarding the O Icheke MCP campaign who are members of Selebi Phikwe District Youth Council, in a mining town in central Botswana. The main objective of the study was to explore young people‘s views about MCP, to solicit their views on the key strength and weaknesses of the campaign, and to make recommendations to further strengthen the campaign. Within the framework of the Health Belief Model, a qualitative research approach was employed and data was collected using four focus group discussions categorised into the following strata  Males aged 18-24 years  Females aged 18-24 years  Males aged 25-35 years  Females aged 25-35 years The overall study finding was that financial issues, the apparent need for sexual variety, quest for material possession, and the impact of unemployment, migration and alcohol abuse are seen as some of the major factors underlying MCP in Botswana. The O Icheke Multiple Concurrent Partnership campaign was positively viewed as playing a key role in addressing the apparent knowledge gap regarding the impacts of these partnerships and in changing people‘s attitudes towards MCP and discouraging wide sexual networks. The campaign‘s target population, funding, stakeholders and delivery mode of the program were identified as its pillars and an effective vehicle to achieve its goals. The consultation between funding office and implementing organisations, coverage of the programme in surrounding areas and growing non-profit organisation were identified to affect the MCP campaign to achieve its goals. The recommendation is that more has to be done to improve the implementation of O Icheke programme through more funding, consultation with programme implementers, tailor made for people with disability and covering surrounding areas. The recommendation is that more has to be done to improve the implementation of O Icheke programme through more funding, consultation and capacity building of volunteers. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS)

Assessment of the factors that influence firewood use among households in Ga-Malahlela Village, Limpopo Province

Masekela, Mahlodi Esther January 2019 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Sepedi and Venda / Access to firewood and other affordable energy sources is essential to the livelihoods of rural households in developing countries. Studies have been conducted to understand the reasons behind an extensive reliance on firewood in rural areas, especially in developing countries, despite improved electrification rates and a number of government policies introduced to encourage rural households to switch from traditional to modern fuels. This study aimed at assessing and thus understand the factors influencing the use of firewood by households in Ga - Malahlela village in Limpopo Province. Limited research has been conducted on firewood use, subsequent to improved electrification in rural areas in South Africa, hence it was to shed light on this little-explored subject on which the study was carried out. The assessment was based on household demographics and household energy use patterns, with a structured questionnaire being utilised to arrive at a detailed understanding of the factors that drive firewood use. It was established that firewood was still used to a significant degree, to satisfy household energy needs such as cooking, water heating and space heating. This was mainly due to the socioeconomic status of households. Socio-economic factors such as income, education level, household size and preference were found to be the factors exerting the greatest influence on the use of firewood among households in the study area. Psychological variables and the geographical location of the study area were also shown to promote the use of firewood. The study further revealed that, as indicated in the reviewed literature, households in the study area fuel stack and do not ascend the energy ladder. The reviewed literature further indicated that not all factors have equivalent significance in determining the behaviour and pattern of household energy use. This indicates that energy sources such as firewood are not completely discarded but are instead used in conjunction with modern energy sources such as electricity. In conclusion, this study established that despite the availability of electricity, as a result of poverty and the lack of free basic services such as free basic electricity, reliance on firewood in rural areas will continue. / Go hwetša dikgong le methopo ye mengwe ya dibešwa tšeo di rekegago go bohlokwa go mekgwa ya malapa a dinagamagaeng go hwetša dilo tše bohlokwa tša bophelo dinageng tšeo di hlabologago. Dithutelo di phethagaditšwe go kwešiša mabaka ao a thekgago kholofelo go dikgong mafelong a dinagamagaeng a dinaga tšeo di hlabologago le ge go na le ditekanyo tše di kaonafaditšwego tša tlhagišo ya mohlagase le palo ya melaotshepetšo ya mmušo yeo e tsebišitšwego go tutuetša malapa a dinagamagaeng go fetoga go tloga go dibešwa tša sekgale go iša go tša sebjale. Thutelo ye e ikemišeditše go lekola ka gona go kwešiša mabaka ao a huetšago malapa a Motsaneng wa Ga-Malahlela ka Profenseng ya Limpopo go diriša ya dikgong. Dinyakišišo tše lekantšwego di phethagaditšwe ka ga tirišo ya dikgong ka morago ga tlhagišo ya mohlagase yeo e kaonafaditšwego mafelong a dinagamagaeng ka Afrika Borwa, gomme e be e swanetše go fa tshedimošo ka ga hlogotaba yeo e hlohlomišitšwego gannyane gore thutelo ye e phethagatšwe. Tekolo ye e theilwe go dipalopalo ka ga malapa setšhabeng le mekgwa ya malapa ya go dirišwa dibešwa, ka go diriša lenaneopotšišo leo le beakantšwego gore go fihlelelwe kwešišo ye e hlalošago ka botlalo mabaka ao a hlohleletšago tirišo ya dikgong. Go lemogilwe gore dikgong di sa dirišwa ka bontši bjo bo bonagalago go kgotsofatša dinyakwa tša malapa tša enetši tše bjalo ka go apea, go ruthetša meetse le go ruthetša lefelo. Se se be se swanela gagolo ka lebaka la boemo bja ka moo ekonomi e amago tšwelopele ya malapa. Mabaka a ka moo ekonomi e amago tšwelopele ya setšhaba a go swana le ditseno, boemo bja thuto, bogolo bja lelapa le tšeo di ratwago go hweditšwe go ba mabaka ao a hlohleletšago khuetšo ye kgolokgolo go tirišo ya dikgong gare ga malapa thutelong ye. Dielemente tšeo di ka fetolwago le lefelo tikologong ye e itšeng tša thutelo le tšona di bontšhitšwe go godiša tirišo ya dikgong. Thutelo ye gape e utollotše gore, bjalo k age go šupilwe dingwalong tšeo di lekotšwego, malapa a lefelong la thutelo a latela mekgwa ya dibešwa tša mehutahuta gomme ga a latele manamelo a enetši. Dingwalo tšeo di lekotšwego di laeditše go ya pele gore ga se mabaka ka moka ao a nago le bohlokwa bjo bo lekanago go šupeng boitshwaro le mokgwa tša tirišo ya enetši ka malapeng. Se se šupa gore methopo ya enetši ye bjalo ka dikgong ga se ya tlogelwa ka gohlegohle eupša e dirišwa mmogo le methopo ya sebjale ya enetši ye bjalo ka mohlagase. Go ruma, thutelo ye e utollotše gore le ge go na le mohlagase, ka lebaka la bohloki le tlhaelo ya ditirelo tša motheo tša mahala tše bjalo ka mohlagase wa motheo wa mahala, kholofelo go dikgong dinagamagaeng e tlo tšwela pele. / U swikelela khuni na zwiṅwe zwiko zwa fulufulu zwine zwa swikelelea ndi zwa ndeme kha u tsireledza zwo teaho zwa vhutshilo kha miṱa ya vhupo ha mahayani kha mashango o no khou bvelelaho. Ngudo dzo farwa u itela u pfesesa zwiitisi zwa u ḓitika zwihulwane nga khuni kha vhupo ha mahayani kha mashango ane a khou ḓi bvelela zwi si na ndavha na u khwiniswa ha u dzheniswa ha muḓagasi na tshivhalo tsha mbekanyamaitele dza muvhuso dzo ḓivhadzwaho u ṱuṱuwedza miṱa ya vhupo ha mahayani u bva kha u shumisa zwivhaswa zwa kale u ya kha zwa ano maḓuvha. Ngudo iyi yo livhiswa kha u asesa na u pfesesa zwiṱaluli zwine zwa ṱuṱuwedza u shumiswa ha khuni nga miṱa ya Muvhunduni wa Ga-Malahlela Vunduni ḽa Limpopo. Ṱhoḓisiso dzi si nngana dzo itwa nga ha u shumiswa ha khuni hu tshi tevhela u dzheniswa ha muḓagasi vhuponi ha mahayani Afurika Tshipembe, ho vha u bvisela khagala nga ha zwiṱuku zwo wanululwaho kha thero heyi ye ngudo ya i bveledzisa. U linga ho vha ho ḓisendeka nga ngudamirafho ya miṱa na kushumisele kwa fulufulu miṱani, hu na mbudzisombekanywa dzo dzudzanywaho dzo shumiswaho u swikelela kha u pfesesa nga vhuḓalo zwiṱaluli zwine zwa ta u shumiswa ha khuni. Ho dzhielwa nṱha uri khuni dzi kha ḓi shumiswa nga maanḓa u ḓisa ṱhoḓea dza fulufulu miṱani u fana na u bika, u vhilisa maḓi na u dudedza vhudzulo. Hezwi zwo tea nga maanḓa kha vhuimo ha matshilisano a zwa ikonomi miṱani: zwiṱaluli zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano zwi ngaho sa mbuelo, vhuimo ha pfunzo, vhuhulu ha muṱa na zwo no takalelwa ho wanwa uri ndi zwiṱaluli zwine zwa shumisa ṱhuṱhuwedzo khulwane ya u shumiswa ha khuni vhukati ha miṱa ya vhupo ha ngudo. Variabuḽu dza saikhoḽodzhikhaḽa na vhupo ha ḓivhashango zwa vhupo ha ngudo zwo sumbedziswa u ṱuṱuwedza u shumiswa ha khuni. Ngudo yo isa phanḓa na u wanulusa uri, sa zwo sumbedziswaho kha maṅwalwa o sedzuluswaho, miṱa kha vhupo ha ngudo i kuvhanganya fulufulu ngeno hu sina u gonya ha tshanduko ya kushumisele kwa fulufulu. Maṅwalwa o sedzuluswaho o sumbedzisa a tshi i sa phanḓa uri a si zwiṱaluli zwoṱhe zwine zwa vha na ndeme i linganaho kha u ta vhuḓifari na kushumisele kwa fulufulu miṱani. Hezwi zwi sumbedza uri zwiko zwa fulufulu zwi ngaho sa khuni a zwo ngo laṱelwa kule tshoṱhe fhedzi zwi shumiswa zwo ṱanganyiswa na zwiko zwa fulufulu zwa ano maḓuvha zwi ngaho sa muḓagasi. Ri tshi pendela, ngudo iyi i ta uri na musi muḓagasi u hone, nga nṱhani ha vhushayi na ṱhahelelo ya tshumelo dza muḓagasi wa mahala wa mutheo u fana na muḓagasi wa mahala wa mutheo, u ḓitika nga khuni vhuponi ha mahayani hu ḓo ḓi bvela phanḓa. / Department of Environmental Science / M.A. (Environmental Science)

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