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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resiliens : En studie om diskrepansen mellan begreppet resiliens och den empiriska tillämpningen

Norman, Jenna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att genom enkäter undersöka om det finns en diskrepans mellan det teoretiska begreppet resiliens och den empiriska tillämpningen. För att besvara denna fråga undersöks följande delfrågor: Vad ingår i olika teoretiska resiliensbegrepp? Hur ser innebörden av resiliensbegreppet ut hos svenska krishanteringsaktörer idag? Hur arbetar svenska krishanteringsaktörer för resiliens för att göra städer säkrare i framtiden? Denna studie ska vara till hjälp för krishanteringsaktörer i deras förståelse för vad resiliensbegreppet är och finna kunskap i dessa tre resilienskoncept för att kunna använda det i sitt praktiska arbete när de talar om att arbeta för resiliens. I denna studie har tjugosex stycken enkäter skickats ut till personer som på något sätt arbetar med krishantering. Respondenterna arbetar på olika nivåer (kommun, länsstyrelse, myndighet, privat sektor samt forskare). Forskning och teorier kring resiliens kommer baseras på Brian Walker & David Salt som beskriver ingenjörsteknisk resiliens och ekologisk resiliens i boken Resilience thinking därefter förklarar Ulrich Beck enligt boken Risksamhället hur man måste arbeta för framtiden och inte se bakåt för att planera efter det som skett i dåtid. Pickett, McGrath, Cadenasso & Felson beskriver i sin forskning Ecological resilience and Resilient cities hur hållbarhet är en viktig del i resiliens. Avslutningsvis beskrivs det tredje resiliensbegreppet, nämligen Socio-ekologisk resiliens där Carl Folke lyfter upp vikten av att utveckla resiliens för det socio-ekologiska systemet för att skapa en anpassningsförmåga som möjliggör kontinuerlig utveckling, som ett dynamisk adaptiv samspel mellan att upprätthålla och utvecklas i förändring. För att kunna minska diskrepansen mellan begreppet resiliens och den empiriska tillämpningen krävs att det först och främst finns en förståelse för och en kunskap om begreppet resiliens. Därefter krävs det en samverkan mellan olika aktörer speciellt att krishanteringsaktörerna tar del av de forskningsresultat som framkommer för att kunna implementera det praktiskt och på så sätt få nya innovativa idéer att arbeta efter. / The purpose of this qualitative study is through survey investigate if there is a discrepancy between the theoretical concept of resilience and the empirical application. To answer this question this study examines the following issues: What is included in various theoretical resilience concept? What is the meaning of the resilience concept at the Swedish crisis management actors today? How does the Swedish crisis management actors use resilience to make cities safer in the future? This study will be helpful for crisis management actors in their understanding of what the resilience concept and find the knowledge of these three concepts to use it in their practical work when they talk about working for resilience. In this study, twenty-six questionnaires was sent out to people who in some way are involved in crisis management. The respondents in this study work at different levels (municipal, county government, government, private sector and researchers). Research and theories of resilience is based on Brian Walker and David Salt describing engineering technical resilience and ecological resilience in the book Resilience thinking then Ulrich Beck explains according to the book Risk Society how one must work for the future and not look backwards and plan because of what was happening in the past. Pickett, McGrath, Cadenasso & Felson describes his research Ecological Resilience and Resilient Cities how sustainability is an important aspect of resilience. Finally the third concept is described, namely socio-ecological resilience where Carl Folke lifts the importance of developing resilience for the socio-ecological system to create an adaptability that allows for continuous development, a dynamic adaptive interaction between maintaining and developing in change. In order to reduce the discrepancy between the concept of resilience and the empirical application it requires, first and foremost an understanding and a knowledge of the concept of resilience. Then it requires a collaboration between various stakeholders especially the crisis management actors to take part of the research evidence and have a will to implement it practically and as a result get new innovative ideas to work with.

Hyogo Framework for Action in Guatemala City : Risk management in hazard-prone informal settlements on slopes / Hyogo Framework for Action i Guatemala Stad : Riskhantering bland informella bosättningar på sluttningar

Gómez Castellanos, Katja January 2015 (has links)
This study aims at assessing the implementation of the international tool for disaster risk management Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015. The implementation is assessed in terms of risk management at the level of vulnerable informal settlements in hazard-prone areas on the slopes of Guatemala City. The view of resilience which is used in the framework is discussed and how this relates to risk management in general. It is argued that the framework is based on an engineering resilience view. The aspect of resilience in vulnerable areas is considered, introducing a second view of resilience, the socio-ecological. A related theme that is brought into the analysis is that of power relations. The study finds that Guatemalan policy and the Guatemalan risk management system have implemented the policies of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015. Despite this it has not benefitted the inhabitants of the informal settlements in hazard-prone areas. There are some obstacles in order to make risk management accessible to the informal settlements. There is reluctance on the municipal level to implement the national, Hyogo-influenced, risk management and to recognize and empower the communities in the informal settlements, which hinders the development of an efficient resilience. The study concludes that for an international tool for risk management to be efficient, it needs to be clearer in its definitions, and more easily applicable through implementation tools. The inherent conclusion of this is that it would be possible for an international tool like the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 to be efficient, since there is bureaucratic power supporting it. This power could override local obstacles like political interests. Also, the study concludes that people in informal settlements are resilient to a certain extent, but need to be acknowledged, empowered and cooperated with. / El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la implementación de la herramienta internacional para la gestión de riesgos de desastres la cual es el Marco de Acción de Hyogo 2005-2015. La implementación es evaluada en términos de gestión de riesgo al nivel de viviendas informales y vulnerables en lugares precarios en las pendientes de la Ciudad de Guatemala. Se analiza el punto de vista sobre resiliencia que es usado en el marco de acción y de qué manera este se relaciona con gestión de riesgo en general. Se argumenta que el marco de acción se basa en el punto de vista de resiliencia de ingeniería. A la vez se considera el aspecto de resiliencia en las areas de viviendas informales, introduciendo la resiliencia socio-ecológica. Un tema relacionado con el análisis son las relaciones de poder. El estudio encuentra que las políticas y que el sistema de gestión de riesgo de desastres guatemalteca han implementado las políticas del Marco de Acción de Hyogo 2005-2015. A pesar de esto el marco de acción no ha beneficiado a los habitantes de las viviendas informales en areas precarias. Hay ciertos obstáculos para que la gestión de riesgo sea accesible en las viviendas informales. Hay cierta resistencia a nivel municipal hacia implementar la gestión de riesgo nacional, influenciada por el Marco de Hyogo, y reconocer y autorizar a las comunidades en las viviendas informales, lo cual dificulta el desarrollo eficiente de resiliencia. El estudio concluye que para que una herramienta internacional de gestión de riesgo sea eficiente, necesita clarificar sus definiciones y ser más fácil de aplicar proponiendo herramientas de implementación. La conclusión inherente es que le sería posible a una herramienta internacional como el Marco de Acción de Hyogo 2005-2015 ser eficiente, ya que tiene poder burocrático apoyándolo. Este poder podría sobrepasar obstáculos locales como intereses políticos. Finalmente el estudio concluye que personas que viven en viviendas informales son resilientes hasta cierto punto, pero necesitan ser reconocidas, autorizadas y que se coopere con ellas.

Hothouse Flowers: Water, the West, and a New Approach to Urban Ecology

Scarrow, Ryan Matthew January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The expansion of sustainability through New Economic Space : Māori potatoes and cultural resilience

Lambert, Simon J. January 2008 (has links)
The return of Māori land to a productive role in the New Economy entails the innovation and diffusion of technologies relevant to the sustainable development of this land. Sustainable development requires substantive changes to current land and resource use to mitigate environmental degradation and contribute to ecological and sociological resilience. Such innovation is emerging in 'New Economic Space' where concerns for cultural resilience have arisen as political-economic strategies of the New Economy converge within a global economic space. New Economic Space comprises policy, technology and institutional innovations that attempt to influence economic activity, thus directly engaging with local 'place-based' expressions of geohistorically unique knowledge and identity. This thesis approaches contemporary Māori development from three perspectives. First, by viewing the changing links between ecosystems and communities as examples of innovation diffusion, the evolution of relevant policies, technologies and institutions can be examined for their impact upon Māori resilience. Second, such innovation diffusion can be described as a form of regional development, acknowledging the integral role of traditional territories in Māori identity and culture as well as the distinct legislative and governance contexts by which this land is developed. Third, by incorporating the geohistorical uniqueness of Māori ideas, values and beliefs, standard concepts of political-economy can be reformulated to show an explicit cultural economy – Māori Traditional Economic Space – in which Māori horticulturalists participate in parallel with the New Economy. Two methods are used in the analysis of the participation by Māori horticulturalists in New Economic Space. Fuzzy set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA) allows the rigorous investigation of small-N studies of limited diversity for their partial membership in nominated sets. This thesis uses fs/QCA to organise theoretical and substantive knowledge of each case study to score its membership in agri-food networks, Māori institutions and post-production strategies, allowing the identification of causal configurations that lead to greater resilience for Māori growers and their communities. The second method is Actor-Network Theory (ANT) that incorporates elements of nature and society, showing the extensive and dynamic entwinement that exists between the two. ANT describes the enrolment of diverse 'actants' by a range of eco-social institutions and the subsequent translation of the resulting assemblages into resilience strategies. The results of this research first show a 'System of Provision' (SOP) in which Māori development strategies converge with non-Māori attempts to expand research and marketing programmes. These programmes seek to implement added-value strategies in supplying novel horticultural products within New Economic Space; parallel 'cultural logics' ensure food is supplied to traditional Māori institutions according to the cultural logics of Māori. In addition to this finding, results also show that the participation of Māori growers in New Economic Space can paradoxically lead to an expansion of the Traditional Economic Space of Māori. This expansion is not simply contingent upon configurations of policy, technology, and institutional innovations that originate in New Economic Space but is directed by Māori cultural logics, located in Māori territories but seeking innovations from an amorphous universal 'core'. The interface between the global New Economy and the localities of a Māori cultural economy is defined by the 'interrogation' of these innovations, and innovators, through eco-cultural institutions in their diffusion to and from Māori land, Māori resources and Māori people. Within the boundaries of this interrogation border resides a malleable assemblage of actants, enrolled by Māori as components of resilience strategies, which can lead to the endurance of Māori culture.

Caractérisation des espaces et pratiques de conservation dans les systèmes de production familiale en Colombie : quelles contributions pour la conservation des paysages? / Characterization of spaces and conservation practices of family production systems in Colombia : which contributions to landscape conservation? / Caracterización de espacios y prácticas de conservación en sistemas de producción familiar rural en Colombia : contribuciones para la conservación de paisajes ?

Corrales Roa, Elcy 28 September 2012 (has links)
La recherche vise à établir si les modes de gestion des ressources naturelles et sociales des producteurs familiaux, dont les exploitations sont majoritairement de petite taille, ont pu contribuer à la construction de systèmes de production et de paysages durables. Quelles stratégies ces paysans mettent-ils en œuvre pour garantir les conditions de production de leurs fermes, de reproduction de leurs familles, et de conservation des ressources naturelles ? Ensuite, peut-on découvrir dans ces stratégies des pistes pour la conception de systèmes durables ? Notre étude a été menée dans une zone tropicale des Andes du nord située en territoire colombien, sur les communes de Riosucio et Supia, département du Caldas. Lors de la crise du café (années 1990), les producteurs vont réagir de manières diverses. Une réaction particulièrement intéressante, que nous analysons en profondeur, est la proposition de l'Association des producteurs indigènes et paysans de Riosucio et Supia, ASPROINCA : recomposition des systèmes productifs, recherche de la durabilité par une diversification des stratégies fondées sur une approche agro-écologique et une gestion intégrée des systèmes productifs, et renforcement du capital social et humain. Au-delà des unités d'exploitation, la proposition est élargie à l'espace du micro-bassin et au paysage régional, ce qui implique la coexistence avec d'autres formes de production, la conclusion d'accords sur la gestion des ressources d'usage commun, en particulier l'eau, et la mise en œuvre de pratiques partagées pour leur conservation. / The research aims to establish how the modes of management of natural and social resources of family farmers whose holdings are generally small, have contributed to the construction of sustainable production systems and landscapes.Which are the strategies developed these producers to guarantee the production and reproduction conditions of their farms, their families, and conservation of natural resources? And, is it possible to discover in these strategies, elements for the design of sustainable systems? Our study was carried out in a tropical zone of the Northern Andes, located in Colombia in the municipalities of Riosucio, Supia, Department of Caldas. During the crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s coffee producers reacted in various ways. A particularly interesting reaction, we looked at a depth is the proposal of the Association of indigenous and peasant producers of Riosucio, Supia ASPROINCA: re-arrangement of productive systems, pursuit of sustainability through diversification of strategies supported in an agro ecological approach , integrated management of production systems, and the strengthening of human and social capitals. Sustainability building of production systems and landscapes implies a multiplicity of relations between social and ecological processes at different temporal and spatial scales. Beyond farm units, Asproinca proposal expands to the watershed and regional landscape, this implies the coexistence with other forms of production, the search for agreements for the management of common pool resources, in particular water, and the implementation of conservation practices at those levels. / La investigación busca establecer si las formas de gestión de los recursos naturales y sociales de los pequeños productores familiares, han podido contribuir a la construcción de sistemas de producción y de paisajes sostenibles. ¿Qué estrategias son las que desarrollan estos productores para garantizar las condiciones de producción de sus fincas, la reproducción de sus familias y la conservación de los recursos naturales empleados? ¿Es posible descubrir en estas estrategias pistas para el diseño de sistemas sostenibles? Nuestro estudio se desarrolló en la zona tropical de los Andes del Norte situada en territorio Colombiano, en los municipios de Riosucio y Supía en el Departamento de Caldas. Durante la crisis de los mercados cafeteros (de los años 1990), los productores van a reaccionar de maneras diversas. Una reacción particularmente interesante, que analizamos a profundidad, es la propuesta de la Asociación de Productores Indígenas y Campesions de Riosucio y Supía (ASPROINCA): que involucra la recomposición de sistemas productivos, la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad a partir de la diversificación de estrategias apoyadas en un enfoque agroecológico y una gestión integrada de los sistemas productivos, así como del fortalecimiento del capital social y humano. Más allá de las unidades de producción familiares, la propuesta se amplía al espacio de la micro cuenca y al paisaje regional, lo cual implica la coexistencia con otras formas de producción, el establecimiento de acuerdos sobre la gestión de recursos de uso común, en particular del agua, y la puesta en marcha de prácticas de conservación para la conservación de esto recurso.

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