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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of satisfaction with care and empowerment on glycemic control among older African American adults with diabetes

Unknown Date (has links)
atisfaction with diabetes care, perceived feelings of empowerment to participate in self-care management, and glycemic control in a sample of older African American men and women with diabetes. A descriptive correlational quantitative design was used. The participants in this study were 73 men and women of African descent who were at least 50 years, English speaking, and diagnosed with diabetes for at least one year. The participants were asked to complete three survey instruments: the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire-18 (PSQ-18), which measured how satisfied the participants were with their medical care; the Diabetes Empowerment Scale-Short Form (DES-SF), which measured attitudes towards diabetes and self-management of diabetes; and a demographic form, which collected data on the demographics of each participant. The most recent hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) of each participant was obtained from the medical records. The correlations between HbA1c, DES, and the PSQ-18 subscales were exam ined. The study data indicated all correlations were statistically significant and negative with one exception. There was no correlation between HbA1c and time spent, a satisfaction subscale. Approximately half the participants were high school graduates, married, and reported being born in the Caribbean. Most had primary care physicians, but less than half reported attending a diabetes education program. The average BMI was 33.0. The findings of this study indicated older African adults who reported higher satisfaction with the care provided by their health care provider reported feeling more empowered to participate in diabetes self-care and reported lower HbA1c levels, suggesting better glycemic control (R2 = .39; P=<.001). / The implications of this study are that feeling empowered to participate in diabetes self-care management may result in improved glycemic control. Positive diabetes outcomes have been linked in the literature with persons feeling empowered to participate in diabetes self-care. The significance of the findings from this study is that given the relationship between empowerment and glycemic control, nurses should support the empowerment model of diabetes teaching. Diabetes education should provide written materials that are culturally sensitive for African American elders. / by Bridgette M. Johnson. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Centros de pesquisas do INEP: pesquisa e política educacional entre as décadas de 1950 e 1970 / Centers of educational research of the INEP: educational research and educational policy in Brazil from the 1950s to the 1970s

Ferreira, Márcia dos Santos 11 August 2006 (has links)
O Centro Brasileiro e os Centros Regionais de Pesquisas Educacionais foram instituições criadas no interior da estrutura do Ministério da Educação e Cultura, em 1955. A finalidade principal dos Centros era realizar pesquisas cujos resultados pudessem ser utilizados na elaboração de uma nova política educacional capaz de tornar a educação escolarizada, efetivamente, um dos fatores favoráveis ao desenvolvimento econômico e social que se processava, em diferentes ritmos, nas diversas regiões do país àquela época. A partir da identificação dos projetos de pesquisa que foram propostos por todos os Centros, durante todos os anos em que neles foram desenvolvidas atividades de pesquisa, foi possível constatar a existência de dois períodos distintos em sua produção: um, transcorrido do início do funcionamento dos Centros até, aproximadamente, 1961; e, outro, que começou em 1962 e se estendeu até o princípio da década de 1970. Tendo em vista o objetivo de compreender as mudanças apresentadas pelos projetos de pesquisas dos Centros nos dois períodos identificados, foram estabelecidas relações entre essas mudanças e os diversos propósitos que orientaram a realização daqueles projetos, assim como com as políticas educacionais promovidas pelo governo federal entre as décadas de 1950 e 1970. Os resultados alcançados indicam que os Centros passaram da condição de instituições que se propunham a gerar subsídios científicos à tomada de decisões políticas relativas à educação, através da realização de pesquisas que enfatizavam a interpretação das relações existentes entre a educação escolarizada e as mudanças em curso na sociedade brasileira, para a condição de instituições que subsidiavam a implementação de políticas previamente elaboradas por outras instâncias de poder, promovendo a realização de pesquisas cuja ênfase se circunscrevia à análise de aspectos internos ao funcionamento da escola. / The Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Educacionais (Brazilian Center of Educational Research) and the Centros Regionais de Pesquisas Educacionais (Regional Centers of Educational Research) were institutions created inside the structure of the Ministério da Educação e Cultura (Ministry of Education and Culture) in 1955. The Centers aimed at realizing researches whose results could be used in the elaboration of a new educational policy capable of effectively rendering school education one of the favorable factors to the economic and social development in course, in different rhythms, in the different regions of the country at the time. Based on a survey of the research projects which were proposed by all the Centers, during all the years in which there was research activity within them, it was possible to identify the existence of two distinct periods in their research production: one from the creation of the Centers until, approximately, 1961; and another starting in 1962 and stretching until the early 1970s. This works\' objective is to understand the changes shown by the Centers\' research projects through the two identified periods by establishing relations between these changes and the different purposes that oriented the realization of these projects, as well as with the educational policies promoted by the federal government from the 1950s to the 1970s. The results reached indicate that the Centers, beginning as institutions that proposed to generate scientific assistance to the making of educational policy decisions, passed to the condition of institutions that gave support to the implementation of policies previously elaborated by other instances of power. Correspondingly, the content of the research projects changed from the realization of research that emphasized the interpretation of the existing relation between school education and the changes in course in the Brazilian society to promoting the realization of research that was circumscribed to the analysis of internal aspects of the school activity.

As múltiplas vozes da Caravana Farkas e a crise do modelo sociológico / As múltiplas vozes da Caravana Farkas e a crise do modelo sociológico

Ramos, Clara Leonel 16 May 2007 (has links)
Caravana Farkas é o um conjunto de 20 documentários produzidos por Thomas Farkas entre 1964 e 1969. Este trabalho analisa verticalmente três destes filmes - Viva Cariri! (1970), de Geraldo Sarno; De Raízes e Rezas, entre outros (1972), de Sergio Muniz e Frei Damião: Trombeta dos Aflitos, Martelo dos Hereges (1970), de Paulo Gil Soares -, buscando situá-los em relação à tradição documentária brasileira que os antecedem e ao documentário brasileiro da década de 70. As análises partem de sugestões imanentes aos filmes, em detrimento do contexto de produção; têm como foco as relações entre som e imagem internas aos filmes; e se apóiam em ferramentas teóricas ligadas especificamente ao filme documentário, como a categoria de voz do texto e os variados modos documentários. A partir do trabalho de análise, esse corpus pode ser caracterizado como de transição. Apesar de estarem ainda ligados às raízes do documentário expositivo brasileiro de cunho sociológico e ao paradigma da voz do dono, os filmes apontam para procedimentos que se tornarão mais comuns na produção brasileira posterior, na qual a busca da voz do outro ganha consistência. / Caravana Farkas is a selection of 20 documentaries produced by Thomas Farkas between the years of 1964 and 1969. This dissertation vertically analyzes three of said films Viva Cariri! (1970), by Geraldo Sarno; De Raízes e Rezas, entre outros (1972), by Sergio Muniz, and Frei Damião: Trombeta dos Aflitos, Martelo dos Hereges (1970), by Paulo Gil Soares , seeking to situate them in relation to the Brazilian documentary tradition that preceded them and the Brazilian documentaries of the 70s. These analyses stem from suggestions that are inherent to the film, in detriment to the context of the production. They also focus on relations between sound and image within the films, and they rely on theoretical tools linked specifically to documentary films, as a category of textual voice and a variety of documentary modalities. From such analyses, this corpus can be characterized as transition. Despite still being linked to the roots of Brazilian expository documentaries of a sociological nature, and to the paradigm the voice of the owner, the films paved the way to procedures that will become the most common within the following Brazilian production, in which the search for the voice of the other gains ground.

O processo de intelectualização: fundamentos para uma explicação sociológica do conhecimento / The Process of Intellectualization: foundations for a sociological explanation of knowledge

Munhoz, Hugo Neri 12 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma primeira etapa da elaboração de um conjunto conceitual que tem por objetivo fornecer uma explicação sociológica para o fenômeno do conhecimento. O ponto de partida é a reconstrução de uma possível explicação presente na sociologia de Max Weber para o fenômeno em questão. Parto da suposição que os trabalhos de Weber indiretamente explicariam-no, dado que a teoria da ação e da racionalização suscitariam inevitáveis problemas epistemológicos. Não obstante, essas duas teorias endereçariam respostas parciais aos dois problemas básicos sobre o conhecimento, a saber, o que é o conhecimento? e como o conhecimento é desenvolvido? Para respondê-las integralmente, seria necessário encontrar um fenômeno que conjugasse a teoria da ação social com a teoria da racionalização. Minha principal hipótese é que este seria o no processo de intelectualização. Com isso, a parte central deste trabalho refere- se à reconstrução do processo de intelectualização e sua solução prévia para o conhecimento. Ao esgotar todas as possibilidades de explicação, utilizo os trabalhos de Hermann Lotze e Gottlob Frege como auxiliares na compreensão e resolução de noções subjacentes ao problema do conhecimento, como as noções de sentido, significado, verdade, interpretação e intersubjetividade. Ao final, chego a uma conclusão que tenta acoplar uma teoria da linguagem sobre a explicação do conhecimento produzida pela reconstrução dos trabalhos de Weber / This study is a first stage of drafting a conceptual framework that aims to provide a sociological explanation for the phenomenon of knowledge. The starting point is the reconstruction of a possible explanation for knowledge grounded on Max Weber\'s Sociology. As a starting point, we assume that Weber\'s work indirectly explains the phenomenon of knowledge, since the theory of action and rationalization would raise inevitable epistemological problems. Nevertheless, these two theories would only address partial answers to two basic problems about knowledge, namely, what is knowledge? and how knowledge is developed? In order to answer completely such questions it would require a phenomenon that combines the theory of social action with the theory of rationalization. Our main hypothesis is that the process of intellectualization is the phenomenon would best combine both theories. Thus, the central part of this study refers to the reconstruction of the process of intellectualization and its prior solution to the knowledge. When all possibilities were exhausted, we used some works of Hermann Lotze and Gottlob Frege in order to assist the comprehension and solve some knowledge\'s underlying notions, such as meaning, sense, truth, interpretation, and intersubjectivity. In the conclusion, we attempt to attach a theory of language on the explanation of knowledge produced by the reconstruction of Weber\'s writings

Linguagem sociológica e práticas de escrita: uma pesquisa exploratória em aulas de sociologia no ensino médio / Sociological language and writing practices: exploratory research in Sociology classes in secondary shcool

Kulessa, Erika 20 December 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória sobre a linguagem nas aulas de Sociologia no Ensino Médio, a partir da análise das atividades escritas realizadas pelos estudantes. O cenário de baixo domínio da leitura e da escrita entre os brasileiros têm implicações para o ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina que devem ser discutidos. Autores como Bourdieu, Charlot e Bautier subsidiam uma reflexão sobre aspectos da relação entre linguagem e educação que produzem desigualdades escolares e sobre as características dos textos e discursos com os quais os estudantes devem familiarizar-se no Ensino Médio. A partir de uma concepção interacionista de linguagem e dos estudos socioculturais, avalia-se a contribuição que disciplina Sociologia pode representar no desenvolvimento das práticas linguísticas dos estudantes. A linguagem sociológica é compreendida como ferramenta para a interpretação da experiência social e engloba tanto os tanto conceitos e teorias, como também uma forma de discurso. A língua escrita, por sua vez, é uma ferramenta fundamental na construção do conhecimento científico, seja pelo seu potencial para a organização do pensamento, seja pela importância dos processos de descrição, comparação e argumentação na elaboração de teorias. O aporte dos estudos socioculturais indica a importância dos momentos de interação com a língua escrita para a construção do olhar sociológico também na educação básica. A análise das produções dos estudantes considerou a forma como aparecem os conceitos sociológicos nessas atividades, as características do discurso adotado e a relação entre os enunciados produzidos e o trabalho pedagógico realizado durante o curso. Docentes desenvolvem estratégias para lidar com as dificuldades dos estudantes em ler e escrever textos com uma linguagem mais conceitual e abstrata, como a sociologia apresenta, mas a pesquisa de campo em três escolas públicas paulistas sugere que frequentemente incorporam práticas de trabalho com textos consolidadas na cultura escolar, que são em parte responsáveis pelas dificuldades dos estudantes com a leitura e a escrita. Deve-se discutir, portanto, de que modo o trabalho com a linguagem nas aulas de Sociologia pode promover uma relação mais reflexiva, criativa e não reprodutiva com a língua escrita e, consequentemente, um aprendizado mais efetivo da Sociologia. / This work presents the results of an exploratory research on language issues in secondary school Sociology classes, based on the analysis of written activities carried out by the students. The scenario of serious difficulties in reading and writing among Brazilians has implications for the teaching and learning of the subject that should be discussed. Authors such as Bourdieu, Charlot and Bautier support a discussion on how language and education are related, producing school inequalities and also on the characteristics of texts and discourses with which students should become familiar in High School. The Sociology classes contributions for the development of students\' linguistic practices are evaluated from an interactionist conception of language and sociocultural studies perspectives. Sociological language is understood as a tool for interpreting social experience, and involves both concepts and theories as well as a form of discourse. Written language, in turn, is a fundamental tool in the construction of scientific knowledge, either for its potential for the thought organization, or for the importance of the processes of description, comparison and argumentation in the elaboration of theories. The contribution of sociocultural studies indicates the importance of moments of interaction with written language for the development of sociological thought also in basic education. The analysis of students\' productions considered the way sociological concepts appear, the characteristics of the discourse adopted and the relation between the statements produced by the students and the pedagogical work carried out during the course. Teachers develop strategies to deal with students\' difficulties in reading and writing texts with a more conceptual and abstract language, as sociology presents. However, field research carried out in three public schools in São Paulo suggests that they often incorporate consolidated and traditional practices of working with texts, which are partly responsible for students\' difficulties with reading and writing. It should be discussed, therefore, how the work with the language in Sociology classes may promote a more reflexive, creative and nonreproductive relationship with the written language and consequently a more effective learning of Sociology.

As políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra a mulher na legislação e nos depoimentos /

Oliveira, Adriana Ferreira Serafim de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Leila Maria Ferreira Salles / Coorientador: Jorge Luis Mialhe / Banca: Joyce Mary Adam / Banca: Ana Elisa Spaolonzi Queiroz Assis / Banca: Maria Concepción Fernández Villanueva / Banca: Rui Decio Martins / Resumo: Esta pesquisa estudou, mapeou e investigou as políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra as mulheres no Brasil, na legislação e nos depoimentos. Para tanto, analisamos conforme o entendimento dos autores visitados, o poder simbólico masculino exercido nas sociedades, os movimentos feministas, as conquistas das mulheres em termos de legislação internacional e nacional, a concepção de violência, de violência de gênero, de violência doméstica e as políticas públicas implantadas, tais como, as delegacias de polícia próprias para o atendimento das mulheres, os centros de referência para aconselhamento e encaminhamento dessas vitimadas e as casas abrigo para acolhimento das mulheres e sua prole, as quais não contam com outra opção para afastarem-se do lar e do agressor. O estudo estendeu-se à cidade de Madrid, na Espanha, junto às Faculdades de Direito e de Ciências Políticas e Sociologia da Universidade Complutense, para o estabelecimento de um comparativo entre as ações estatais brasileiras e espanholas diante da violência contra as mulheres. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida interdisciplinarmente, valendo-se da metodologia de abordagem qualitativa por permitir esclarecer fatos importantes para o entendimento do fenômeno violência, possibilitando que algumas mulheres abrigadas e que estiveram anteriormente acolhidas, fossem entrevistadas e oferecessem sua visão sobre a violência que sofreram e suas consequências / Abstract: This research studied, mapped and investigated the public policies to combat the violence against women in Brazil, in the legislation and in the testimonies. In order to do so, we analyzed the male symbolic power exercised in societies, feminist movements, women's achievements in terms of international and national legislation, conception of violence, gender violence, domestic violence and the public policies, such as, the Police Stations for the care of women, the centers of reference for counselling and referral of these victims and shelter's houses for women and their children, who don't have other option to move away from home and the aggressor. The research extended to Spain, in Madrid, at the Complutense University at the Colleges of Law and Political Science and Sociology, for the establishment of a comparison between Brazilian and Spanish states actions on violence against women. The research was developed interdisciplinary and used the qualitative methodology for clarifying important facts for the understanding of the phenomenon of violence, allowing that some women sheltered and that were sheltered had been interviewed and offer their vision on violence that they suffered and their consequences / Doutor

Three Essays on How Parents and Schools Affect Offspring’s Outcomes

Shen, Menghan January 2016 (has links)
There are many ways parents can improve their offspring’s outcomes. For example, they can invest in offspring’s education or health. They can provide better social connections to obtain job information or personal references. In addition, they can exert political influence to obtain better labor market outcomes for their offspring. Understanding exactly how parents improve their offspring’s outcomes is very important for the formation of political perspectives and policy designs. However, it is very difficult to disentangle the factors, as parents of high socioeconomic status do many things to help their children succeed. This dissertation presents three quasi-experimental studies to understand the causal mechanisms of parents’ influence on children’s outcomes in the context of China and United States. Chapter two examines the implementation of court-ordered racial desegregation of schools and finds that school desegregation increases biracial births. This provides the first evidence of how an education policy that affects racial integration also has demographic implications and an intergenerational impact on social and economic opportunities. Chapter three examines the effect of school desegregation on infant health. This chapter adopts the same empirical strategy and data as chapter three. I extend the paper by examining the effect of school desegregation on infant health. I find that for black mothers, school desegregation improves infant health, as measured by preterm birth. It also increases maternal education and fertility age. These may be important pathways to improve infant health. Chapter two and chapter three add to the growing literature on the impact of school desegregation beyond academic achievement. Chapter five examines the effect of fathers’ political influence on offspring’s labor market outcomes in China. It presents a difference-in-difference approach that exploits the variation of political influence in three dimensions: parent bureaucrat occupation, retirement status instrumented by retirement policy, and offspring gender. Using cross-section data from China Household Income Survey, it finds that the retirement of a bureaucrat with political influence translates into a decrease in offspring’s income of 13 percent. Chapter six provides a summary and conclusions and discusses future research directions.

Domestic Law and Population Characteristics

Forbes, Winona R. 12 1900 (has links)
This study examines current domestic provisions and their extent of departure from English common law principles. The purpose of this study is to discover whether differences among state domestic codes are associated with differences among demographic characteristics. If such associations do exist, then some conclusion might be made regarding the feasibility of a national, uniform domestic code. This study examines current domestic provisions and their extent of departure from English common law principles. The purpose of this study is to discover whether differences among state domestic codes are associated with differences among demographic characteristics. If such associations do exist, then some conclusion might be made regarding the feasibility of a national, uniform domestic code.

Význam výchovy v boji proti korupci / Importance of Education in the Fight against Corruption

Čechová Humpolcová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concentrated to problems anti-corruption education. The notion of corruption, its causes and sorts, norms of corruption, the relation of corruption with ethics, sociology, economics and law. The place is given also to important differences between the situation in countries with an unbroken continuity of democracy. The sociological research was conducted to determine the attitudes of students to corruption. On the basis of defined sets of problems which should be the focus of anti-corruption education and formulated recommendations based on the requirements of pro-social education. Key words: sociological research, analysis, corruption, importance of anti-corruption education, teacher, student

Linguagem sociológica e práticas de escrita: uma pesquisa exploratória em aulas de sociologia no ensino médio / Sociological language and writing practices: exploratory research in Sociology classes in secondary shcool

Erika Kulessa 20 December 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória sobre a linguagem nas aulas de Sociologia no Ensino Médio, a partir da análise das atividades escritas realizadas pelos estudantes. O cenário de baixo domínio da leitura e da escrita entre os brasileiros têm implicações para o ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina que devem ser discutidos. Autores como Bourdieu, Charlot e Bautier subsidiam uma reflexão sobre aspectos da relação entre linguagem e educação que produzem desigualdades escolares e sobre as características dos textos e discursos com os quais os estudantes devem familiarizar-se no Ensino Médio. A partir de uma concepção interacionista de linguagem e dos estudos socioculturais, avalia-se a contribuição que disciplina Sociologia pode representar no desenvolvimento das práticas linguísticas dos estudantes. A linguagem sociológica é compreendida como ferramenta para a interpretação da experiência social e engloba tanto os tanto conceitos e teorias, como também uma forma de discurso. A língua escrita, por sua vez, é uma ferramenta fundamental na construção do conhecimento científico, seja pelo seu potencial para a organização do pensamento, seja pela importância dos processos de descrição, comparação e argumentação na elaboração de teorias. O aporte dos estudos socioculturais indica a importância dos momentos de interação com a língua escrita para a construção do olhar sociológico também na educação básica. A análise das produções dos estudantes considerou a forma como aparecem os conceitos sociológicos nessas atividades, as características do discurso adotado e a relação entre os enunciados produzidos e o trabalho pedagógico realizado durante o curso. Docentes desenvolvem estratégias para lidar com as dificuldades dos estudantes em ler e escrever textos com uma linguagem mais conceitual e abstrata, como a sociologia apresenta, mas a pesquisa de campo em três escolas públicas paulistas sugere que frequentemente incorporam práticas de trabalho com textos consolidadas na cultura escolar, que são em parte responsáveis pelas dificuldades dos estudantes com a leitura e a escrita. Deve-se discutir, portanto, de que modo o trabalho com a linguagem nas aulas de Sociologia pode promover uma relação mais reflexiva, criativa e não reprodutiva com a língua escrita e, consequentemente, um aprendizado mais efetivo da Sociologia. / This work presents the results of an exploratory research on language issues in secondary school Sociology classes, based on the analysis of written activities carried out by the students. The scenario of serious difficulties in reading and writing among Brazilians has implications for the teaching and learning of the subject that should be discussed. Authors such as Bourdieu, Charlot and Bautier support a discussion on how language and education are related, producing school inequalities and also on the characteristics of texts and discourses with which students should become familiar in High School. The Sociology classes contributions for the development of students\' linguistic practices are evaluated from an interactionist conception of language and sociocultural studies perspectives. Sociological language is understood as a tool for interpreting social experience, and involves both concepts and theories as well as a form of discourse. Written language, in turn, is a fundamental tool in the construction of scientific knowledge, either for its potential for the thought organization, or for the importance of the processes of description, comparison and argumentation in the elaboration of theories. The contribution of sociocultural studies indicates the importance of moments of interaction with written language for the development of sociological thought also in basic education. The analysis of students\' productions considered the way sociological concepts appear, the characteristics of the discourse adopted and the relation between the statements produced by the students and the pedagogical work carried out during the course. Teachers develop strategies to deal with students\' difficulties in reading and writing texts with a more conceptual and abstract language, as sociology presents. However, field research carried out in three public schools in São Paulo suggests that they often incorporate consolidated and traditional practices of working with texts, which are partly responsible for students\' difficulties with reading and writing. It should be discussed, therefore, how the work with the language in Sociology classes may promote a more reflexive, creative and nonreproductive relationship with the written language and consequently a more effective learning of Sociology.

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