Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soil - astrochemistry"" "subject:"soil - semiochemistry""
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Calagem e gessagem na especiação iônica da solução de um Latossolo sob sistema de plantio direto. / Lime and gypsum as affecting the soil solution ionic speciation of an oxisol under no-tillage.Fernando César Bachiega Zambrosi 12 January 2005 (has links)
O Sistema de Plantio Direto (SPD) apresenta destacado papel na produção agrícola brasileira, ocupando extensas áreas, sob as mais variadas condições de solo, clima e técnicas de manejo do sistema produtivo. Em relação ao sistema convencional de cultivo, ocasiona profundas alterações físicas, biológicas e químicas no solo. O estudo da solução do solo e de sua variação perante as práticas de cultivo são de suma importância para o manejo da fertilidade do solo e da nutrição de plantas. Estudou-se o efeito de formas de aplicação de calcário (4,5 t ha-1 incorporado ou aplicado em superfície, numa só aplicação ou parcelado em três anos) e de doses de gesso (3; 6 e 9 t ha-1) na fase de implantação do SPD em área de pastagem nativa, na composição e na especiação iônica da solução do solo (extrato aquoso 1:1), até a profundidade de 0,8 m. Utilizaram-se amostras de um experimento de campo instalado em 1998 sobre um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura argilosa, em Ponta Grossa/PR. As amostras foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-0,05; 0,05-0,1; 0,1-0,2; 0,2-0,4; 0,4-0,6 e 0,6-0,8 m no mês de maio de 2003, após a colheita da cultura da soja. A calagem, tanto superficial como incorporada, promoveu aumento do pH da solução do solo até 0,2 m, mas não afetou os teores de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) e os valores de força iônica. A calagem, exceto na camada de 0-0,05 m com a forma incorporada de aplicação, incrementou os teores de Ca e Mg até 0,2 e 0,6 m, respectivamente, mas somente o Mg teve acréscimo de sua atividade. O gesso promoveu incremento da concentração de SO4 -2, assim como da concentração e atividade do Ca em solução, ao longo de todas as profundidades amostradas. Houve efeito negativo do gesso em relação ao Mg, promovendo tanto lixiviação, como redução da atividade deste nutriente. Os teores dos demais ânions analisados (Cl-, F-, NO3 -, PO4 -3) e de Al em solução não foram afetados pelos tratamentos. Os ânions orgânicos e o F- foram os principais agentes complexantes do Al em solução, sendo que a forma livre Al+3 foi de baixa ocorrência e baixa atividade, sem sofrer efeito dos tratamentos. Na fase sólida do solo, o Al esteve predominantemente complexado pela MO. Para Ca e Mg, os principais ligantes em solução foram os ânions orgânicos, no entanto, em muito maior proporção para o Ca. Para o P (PO4 -3, HPO4 -2, H2PO4 -), o principal par iônico foi com o Al, enquanto para o SO4 -2, foi com Ca e Mg principalmente. O Fe, por sua vez, teve sua especiação dividida entre as formas hidroxiladas e ligada ao COD. Os elementos Mn, K, N-NO3 - e Cl não formaram pares iônicos com outros elementos em proporções significativas na solução do solo, ao longo de todas as profundidades. / No-tillage systems (NTS) play a very important role in Brazilian agriculture. NTS are widespread through extensive areas with different climates, soil types and under different management production systems. NTS deeply alter the biological, physical and chemical properties of the soils, as compared to conventional tillage. Soil solution studies, evaluating nutrient concentration changes under management practices, are very important in soil fertility, plant nutrition and management. The effect of liming and three methods of application (one application of 4.5 t ha-1 incorporated, one application of 4.5 t ha-1 surface applied, and, 1.5 t ha-1 applied in each of three years) on the composition and ionic speciation of soil solution, during the implantation of NTS in a native pasture area until 0.8 m depth was studied. The effect of gypsum rate (3; 6 and 9 t ha-1) was also studied under the same conditions. Soil samples were extracted from a field experiment installed in1998 in Ponta Grossa/PR. The selected soil was classified as a dystrophic clayey Rhodic Hapludox. After the harvesting of soybeans in May of 2003, the samples were collected at the following depths: 0-0.05; 0.05-0.1; 0.1-0.2; 0.2-0.4; 0.4-0.6 and 0.6-0.8 m. Liming increased the pH of soil solution, but did not affect dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contents and ionic strength values. It was observed that pH was increased up to a depth of 0.2 m. Liming increased calcium and magnesium concentrations up to 0.2 m and 0.6 m depth, respectively, except for first layer with incorporate lime. However, only Mg showed an increase in activity. Gypsum application increased the SO4 -2 e and Ca concentration, and Ca activity through the studied profile. A negative effect of gypsum was the leaching of Mg and a reduction in its activity. The concentration of anions (Cl-, F-, NO3 -, PO4 -3) and Al were neither affected by gypsum or by lime. The main Al complexing agents in solution were organic anions and F-. A low free Al+3 concentration and activity was detected, with no differences management treatments. The Al in the solid phase was mainly complexed by organic matter. The Ca and Mg were complexed by organic anions, and the effect was more pronounced for Ca. The P (PO4 -3, HPO4 -3, H2PO4 -3) was main complexed for Al, while the SO4 -2 was with Ca and Mg mainly. Fe was the form Fe-OH and Fe-DOC. The elements Mn, K, N-NO3 - and Cl formed insignificant quantities ionic pairs in soil solution in whole layers.
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Adsorção competitiva de cádmio, cobre, níquel e zinco em solos. / Competitive adsorption of cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc in soils.Cindy Silva Moreira 09 September 2004 (has links)
Dentre os processos envolvidos no comportamento e biodisponiblidade dos metais pesados nos solos, aqueles relacionados com a adsorção são de grande importância. Tendo em vista a natureza multielementar do sistema solo-solução e a complexidade das reações envolvidas, o conhecimento dos mecanismos de adsorção em sistemas competitivos permite uma avaliação mais realista do comportamento dos metais no solo. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram (i) avaliar a adsorção competitiva de cádmio, cobre, níquel e zinco, tomadas da camada mais superficial (horizonte A) de 14 solos representativos dos do Estado de São Paulo; (ii) obter isotermas de adsorção em sistemas competitivo e não-competitivo, utilizando a equação matemática de Langmuir para simular a adsorção; (iii) estabelecer seqüências de afinidade metálica para cada solo e (iv) estabelecer a relação entre o comportamento adsortivo dos metais e alguns atributos dos solos, mediante estudos de correlações simples e regressões múltiplas. Ao correspondente a 2,0 g de terra foram adicionados 20 mL de solução 0,01 mol L-1 de NaNO3 (relação 1:10) contendo concentrações equimolares (0,017; 0,034; 0,085; 0,17; 0,255; 0,51; 0,85 e 1,275 mmol L-1) de Cu, Ni, Cd e Zn, na forma isolada (sistema não competitivo) e em conjunto (sistema competitivo). O conjunto foi agitado por 1 h e, em seguida, as amostras foram centrifugadas a 1.100 rpm durante 10 minutos e filtradas. As concentrações dos metais em solução foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. A quantidade de metal adsorvida foi estimada pela diferença entre a concentração inicial e a concentração de equilíbrio. O Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, o Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, o Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (textura argilosa e muito argilosa) e o Chernossolo Argilúvico foram os solos que apresentaram maior capacidade de adsorção dos metais, enquanto que os menores valores de metais adsorvidos foram do Neossolo Quartzarênico e do Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (textura arenosa). A competição entre os metais diminuiu, de maneira, a adsorção máxima dos mesmos. A seqüência de afinidade mais comum encontrada no sistema não-competitivo foi Cu > Zn > Ni > Cd. No sistema competitivo, a seqüência mais comum foi Cu > Cd > Zn > Ni. Em geral, o modelo de Langmuir simulou de maneira satisfatória a adsorção dos metais. Os atributos que apresentaram correlação positiva com a adsorção máxima dos metais foram pH, MnO, CTC efetiva e silte. A correlação foi negativa com os teores de areia dos solos. Na regressão múltipla, as adsorções máximas de Zn, Cd e Ni estiveram relacionadas a CTC efetiva e com MnO. Para o Cu, somente o conteúdo de MnO relacionou-se com a adsorção máxima. Tais resultados reforçam a importância desse óxido no comportamento de metais pesados em solos de regiões tropicais úmidas. / Among the processes involved in the behavior and the bioavailabilty of heavy metals in soil, those related with the adsorption are of great importance. Despite of the multielementary nature of the soil-solution system and the complexity of the involved reactions, the knowledge of the adsorption mechanisms in competitive systems allows a more realistic evaluation of the metals behavior in the soil. The objectives of this work was (i) to evaluate the competitive adsorption of cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc in surface samples (A horizons) of 14 representative soils of the State of São Paulo, Brazil; (ii) to obtain adsorption isotherms in competitive and non-competitive systems, using the Langmuir model in order to simulate the adsorption; (iii) to establish metal affinity sequences for each soil and (iv) to establish relationships between the adsorptive behavior of metals and some soils attributes using simple correlations and multiple regressions analysis. Two grams soil subsamples were set into 50 mL centrifuge tubes, adding 20 mL of 0.01 mol L-1 NaNO3 solution (relation 1:10) at equimolar concentrations (0.017; 0.034; 0.085; 0.17; 0.255; 0.51; 0.85 and 1.275 mmol L-1) of Cu, Ni, Cd and Zn, in the isolated form (non-competitive system) and in set (competitive system). The obtained suspensions were shaked during one hour, centrifuged afterwards (1,100 rpm) through 10 min and filtered. The metals concentrations in solution were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The adsorbed metal amounts were assumed to be equal to the difference between the initial amount and the metal remaining content at the ending of the reaction period. The Rhodic Eutrudox, Kandiudalf Eutrudalf, Typic Hapludult-2 (clayey-textured), Typic Hapludult (clayeytextured) and Typic Haplaquoll presented the highest metals adsorption capacity, whereas the lowest was observed for Typic Quartzipsamment and for Arenic Hapludult. In general, the competition between metals diminished their maximum adsorption. In the non-competitive system, the most common affinity sequence was Cu > Zn > Ni > Cd, whereas in the competitive system, the most common sequence was Cu > Cd > Zn > Ni. In general, the Langmuir model simulate satisfactorily the adsorption of metals of the studied soils. The soils attributes presenting positive correlation with the maximum adsorption of metals were pH, MnO, CTC and silt. The correlation was negative with the soil sand content. Employing the multiple regression, the maximum adsorption of Zn, Cd and Ni was found to be related with CTC and MnO, while for Cu only the MnO content was related with it maximum adsorption. Such results pointed out the importance of the manganese interactions as a controlling factor related to the behavior of heavy metals in soils from tropical humid areas.
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Viabilidade agronômico-ambiental da disposição de efluente de esgoto tratado em um sistema solo-pastagem. / Agronomical-environmental viability of treated sewage effluent disposal in a soil-pasture system.Adriel Ferreira da Fonseca 05 July 2005 (has links)
A utilização de efluentes de esgoto tratado (EET) na irrigação, ao invés de realizar a disposição deste subproduto nos cursos dágua tem sido uma alternativa antiga, popular e atrativa, com triplo propósito: tratamento complementar do efluente, fonte de água e de nutrientes ao sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, no Brasil, há falta de tradição na reciclagem de águas residuárias, particularmente, do EET e, conseqüentemente, poucos têm sido as pesquisas relacionadas a este tema. Um experimento foi conduzido em Lins (SP), durante dois anos, com os objetivos principais de (i) testar a possibilidade de uso do efluente secundário de esgoto tratado (ESET) como uma fonte alternativa de água e de nitrogênio ao capim-Tifton 85; (ii) determinar as concentrações de nutrientes e elementos tóxicos em amostras de água potável (AP), ESET, plantas, solo e solução no solo; (iii) verificar o comportamento das argilas dispersas em água. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os cinco tratamentos estudados foram: (i) T1 (controle) - irrigação com AP e adição de 520 kg ha-1 ano-1 de nitrogênio via fertilizante mineral (NFM); (ii) T2, T3, T4 e T5 - irrigação com ESET e adição de 0, 171,6; 343,2 e 520 kg ha-1 ano-1 de NFM, respectivamente. As características da água e do efluente foram monitoradas mensalmente e o rendimento de massa seca (MS) do capim foi determinado bimestralmente. Durante 18 meses, foram realizadas análises para monitoramento das concentrações dos elementos nas plantas (folhas e colmos + bainhas), no solo e na solução no solo (até 100 cm de profundidade). Foi verificado que o ESET pode substituir eficientemente a AP de irrigação em sistema de produção de feno, proporcionando benefícios econômicos e aumento de qualidade do capim. Ainda, o ESET pode atuar como amenizador da acidez do solo. A magnitude de resposta do capim ao ESET, bem como da economia de NFM é dependente da precipitação pluvial e da lâmina de irrigação empregada. A substituição da AP pelo ESET, na irrigação do capim, pode levar à economia de 32,2 a 81,0% na dose de NFM necessária à obtenção de altos rendimentos, sem ocasionar alterações negativas no conteúdo de nutrientes nas plantas e na fertilidade do solo. Por outro lado, se os nutrientes presentes no ESET não forem computados no manejo da fertilização da pastagem, podem ocorrer incrementos no rendimento de MS e no acúmulo de elementos (inclusive de sódio), promovendo aumento de qualidade da forragem sem ocasionar efeitos deletérios no ambiente. As altas concentrações de sódio na AP (utilizada no tratamento controle), bem como no ESET indicam que o sistema solo-pastagem não suportará o elevado aporte deste elemento e pode ser necessário o uso de condicionador de solo. O aporte de nutrientes no sistema associado à manutenção de tensão hídrica adequada ao capim, pode promover mineralização da matéria orgânica do solo, reduzindo os estoques de carbono e nitrogênio. Ao que parece, a irrigação com ESET doméstico não proporcionará, em curto e médio prazo, excesso de boro e de metais pesados no sistema solo-pastagem. / Treated sewage effluent (TSE) utilization for irrigation represents an antique, popular and attractive alternative to the common disposal of effluent to watercourses and includes three main purposes: effluent complementary treatment, water and nutrient source to the soil-plant system. However, because in Brazil no experiences in wastewater recycling exists consequently few scientific studies were carried out despite the importance of the subject. For this study an experiment was conducted for two years in Lins (São Paulo State, Brazil). The main objectives were (i) to test the feasibility of secondary-treated sewage effluent (STSE) utilization as an alternative water and nitrogen source for Tifton 85 Bermudagrass; (ii) to evaluate concentrations of nutrients and toxic elements in potable water (PW), STSE, plant, soil and soil solution samples; (iii) to verify the behavior of dispersed clays in water. A randomized complete block design was used with four replications. Five treatments were applied: (i) T1 (control) - irrigation with PW plus 520 kg ha-1 year-1 nitrogen as mineral fertilizer (NMF); (ii) T2, T3, T4 and T5 - irrigation with STSE plus 0, 171.6, 343.2 and 520 kg ha-1 year-1 of NMF, respectively. Water and effluent characteristics were monthly monitored, and aboveground dry matter (DM) was measured bimonthly. Plant (leaves and culms + sheaths), soil and soil solution (up to 100 cm) were analyzed during 18 months, to monitor elements concentrations over the experimental period. It was verified that STSE can replace efficiently the PW used for irrigation for the production of hay. This replacement can provide economical benefits, enhancement of forage quality, and mitigation of soil acidity. The magnitude of grass productivity as well as of NMF economy is dependent on rain and the used irrigation rates. Considering the complete substitution of PW for irrigation by STSE, the necessary dose of NFM for obtaining high yields could be reduce by 32.2 to 81.0% without negative effects on nutrient contents in the grass and soil fertility. On the other hand, also by non-consideration the effluent nutrients in pasture fertilization management, it may occur increasing dry matter yields and element contents (inclusive sodium), enhancement of forage quality, and, moreover without deleterious environmental effects. Because of high sodium concentrations in PW (control) and the STSE, it is suggested that the pasture-soil system will not tolerate the high sodium input, a future conditioning of the soil will be necessary. The nutrient inputs to the system associated with an adequate soil moisture tension to the grass may increase soil organic matter mineralization followed by decrease of carbon and nitrogen stocks. In short and medium term periods it is assumed that the irrigation with domestic TSE will not negatively influence the soil-pasture system by high concentrations of boron and heavy metals.
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Sistema de amostragem do solo e avaliação da disponibilidade de fósforo na fase de implantação do plantio direto. / Soil sampling system and evaluation of the availability of phosphorus in the phase of implantation of the no tillage system.Maria Ligia de Souza Silva 27 January 2003 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o aumento progressivo de áreas cultivadas no sistema plantio direto no Brasil, tem gerado incremento na demanda de informações sobre a variabilidade dos índices de fertilidade do solo utilizados nas recomendações de calagem e adubação. A utilização de adubação fosfatada em linha, pode gerar dois padrões de concentração de fósforo, um na linha e outro na entrelinha, bem como gradiente vertical de fertilidade do solo em sistema de plantio direto, diferenciado do sistema convencional. Deste modo, a amostragem deve ser realizada de modo adequado e representativo à esta situação. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes formas de amostragem do solo, em termos de localizações e profundidade e, a disponibilidade de fósforo em função de doses de P2O5 em área total (fosfatagem) e de P2O5 aplicados no sulco, em um solo argiloso na fase de implantação do plantio direto. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em área experimental pertencente a Fundação MS, localizada no município de Maracajú MS, utilizando como cultura a soja, com preparo inicial no sistema convencional e os sucessivos em sistema de plantio direto. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas em esquema fatorial 3x5, utilizando-se de três doses para fosfatagem (0, 100 e 200 kg ha -1 de P2O5) e cinco doses de P2O5 no sulco de plantio (0, 45, 90, 135 e 180 kg ha -1 de P2O5), com quatro repetições. Nos anos agrícolas de 2000/2001 e 2001/2002, foram realizados coletas de amostras nas linhas de plantio, nas entrelinhas e tipo mistura (linha e entrelinha na proporção de 1:1), nas profundidades de 010, 1020 e 020 cm. No ano agrícola de 2001/2002, foi realizada também amostragem em trincheira (de uma entrelinha à outra, com a linha de plantio centralizada na faixa de coleta). O solo foi analisado quimicamente quanto aos teores de fósforo por dois métodos de extração (resina e Mehlich-1), matéria orgânica, potássio, pH, saturação por bases, CTC e soma de bases. Foram também analisados a produção de soja e os teores de fósforo na planta. Verificou-se que amostragem do solo realizadas nas linhas e amostragem do tipo mistura (linhas e entrelinha) apresentaram maiores teores de fósforo no solo, sendo mais eficientes na quantificação dos teores de fósforo no solo em função da aplicação das doses em fosfatagem e no sulco de plantio. Com a aplicação de P2O5 em área total e em sulco de plantio, os teores de fósforo no solo, principalmente nas profundidades de 0-10 cm e 0-20cm, aumentaram de forma linear. Os teores de fósforo no solo, extraídos pela resina trocadora de íons, em amostras coletadas nas linhas de plantio e as tipo mistura, nas profundidades 0-10 e 0-20 cm, apresentaram melhor correlação (positiva e significativa) com os teores de fósforo na planta, obtidos pela técnica da diagnose foliar, e com a produção de grãos de soja, em relação ao método de extração Mehlich-1. / In the latest years the increase in areas cultivated under the no-tillage system in Brazil has generated an increment in the demand for information related to the variability in the soil fertility attributes used as parameters for recommendations of fertilizers and lime. The localized phosphate fertilization, can create two standards of phosphorus concentration, one in the line and another in the space between lines, as well as a vertical gradient of soil fertility, used in the no tillage system, which differs from the tillage system. The soil sampling must be carried out in a representative way to really predict the soil fertility under the no tillage system. The present work had the objective to evaluate different forms of soil sampling, in terms of localization and depth, to correctly predict the phosphorus availability as a function of phosphorus levels applied broadcast and in row, in the implantation of the no-tillage system. The work was developed at the experimental station of Fundação MS, located in the city of Maracajú/MS, using soybean as the testing crop, with initial preparation in the tillage system followed by the no-tillage system. The experimental design was of a split-plot in a factorial 3x5, using three levels of phosphorus applied broadcast (0, 100 and 200 kg ha -1 of P2O5) and 5 levels of phosphorus applied in the row (0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 kg ha -1 of P2O5), with four repetitions. In the agricultural years of 2000/2001 and 2001/2002, samples were collected in row, inter row and the mixture of the two (row and inter row in the ratio of 1:1), in the depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 0-20 cm. In the agricultural year of 2001/2002, samples were also collected from the middle of one row to the other. The phosphorus by two extraction methods, resin and Mehlich-1, organic matter, potassium, pH, base saturation, ECC (exchange cationic capacity) and base sum, were determined in the soil samples. Also the soybean yield and the phosphorus concentration in the plant were determined. It was verified that sampling the soil in the row and by mixing presented higher contents of phosphorus in the soil, being more efficient in the quantification of the content of phosphorus in the soil as a function of the application rates applied broadcast and in row. With the application of phosphorus levels broadcast and in row, the content of phosphorus in the soil, mainly in the depths of 0-10 and 0-20cm, increased in a linear form. The relations between the phosphorus concentration in the soil with phosphorus concentration in the plant or yield of soybean were better with the resin extractor, as compared to the Mehlich 1, and when soil samples were collected from 0-10 and 0-20 cm in the row or by mixing samples from the row and inter row.
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Efeito da irrigação com efluente de esgoto tratado no sistema solo-planta em Latossolo cultivado com cana-de-açúcar / Effects of treated sewage effluent irrigation on the soil-plant system of an Oxisol cultivated with sugarcaneLilian Pittol Firme 05 October 2007 (has links)
O uso de efluente de esgoto tratado (EET) na agricultura apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável por se tratar de uma fonte de umidade e de nutrientes minerais aos sistemas agrícolas, aliado à redução da utilização de água de boa qualidade na irrigação, bem como a diminuição da descarga do EET nos rios, minimizando assim possíveis danos ambientais. Entretanto, deve-se ressaltar a importância do monitoramento contínuo do sistema solo-planta em razão do risco da utilização de águas residuárias, sobretudo aquelas ricas em sódio. Desse modo, esse trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento dos efeitos da aplicação de EET no sistema solo-cana-de-açúcar, avaliando possíveis alterações químicas do solo e da planta, e a qualidade do caldo. O experimento foi instalado num campo experimental situado em Lins, São Paulo. A adubação mineral de plantio consistiu na aplicação de metade da dose recomendada do adubo nitrogenado, 15 kg ha-1 de N (nitrato de amônio), 120 kg ha-1 de P2O5 (superfosfato simples) e 80 kg ha-1 de K2O (cloreto de potássio). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos com parcelas subdivididas no tempo com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: SI, sem irrigação; 100 %, umidade do solo na capacidade de campo; 125, 150 e 200% que corresponderam a 25, 50 e 100% a mais da umidade do solo na capacidade de campo, respectivamente. Foram observados aumentos nas concentrações de sódio (Na) nas folhas, fósforo (P) e cálcio (Ca) no caldo, e potássio (K) no colmo. Para os micronutrientes houve diminuições nas concentrações de manganês (Mn) e zinco (Zn) na folha, no caldo e no colmo, e no caso do ferro (Fe) a diminuição ocorreu no caldo. A irrigação com EET não ocasionou prejuízos a qualidade dos colmos industrializáveis. As maiores produtividades foram observadas nos tratamentos 100 e 150, 247,33 e 232,81 t ha-1, respectivamente. No solo, houve incrementos do pH, das concentrações de P, Na, B e Fe, e um decréscimo nas concentrações de Ca, magnésio (Mg), K e cobre (Cu). Os teores de matéria orgânica (MO) decresceram em todo perfil do solo e, os teores de carbono total (CT) e nitrogênio total (NT) não apresentaram alterações em razão da irrigação com EET. A não utilização da dose completa do adubo nitrogenado não implicou na queda da produtividade da cana-planta. As perspectivas para a irrigação da cana-de-açúcar com EET são promissoras, demandando estudos de longo prazo para confirmação dos resultados até agora obtidos e também para o monitoramento de possíveis prejuízos que possam vir a ocorrer no sistema solo-planta. / The use of treated sewage effluent (TSE) in agriculture is a viable alternative once it is a source of humidity and mineral nutrients to the agricultural systems, allied to the reduction of good quality water consumption for agricultural irrigation, as well as the reduction of the discharge of TSE in the water courses, thus minimizing possible environmental damages. However, it should be standed out the importance of the continuous monitoring of the soil-plant system because of the risks represented by the wastewater use, overall those rich in sodium. In this manner, this work aimed to contribute to the knowledge of TSE application effects in the soil-sugarcane system, evaluating the chemical alterations of the soil and the plant, and also the quality of the soup. The experiment was installed in an experimental area situated at Lins, São Paulo State. The mineral fertilization at planting was half of the recommended nitrogen dose, 15 kg ha-1 of N (ammonium nitrate), and also 120 kg ha-1 of P (single superphosphate) and 80 kg ha-1 of K (potassium chloride). The experimental design was in complete blocks with split plots in time, with five treatments and four replicates. Applied treatments were: SI, without irrigation; 100%, soil humidity at the field capacity; 125, 150 and 200% that corresponded to 25, 50 and 100% more soil humidity than the field capacity, respectively. Increases in the concentrations of sodium (Na) in the leaves, phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) in the soup, and potassium in the culms were observed. Considering the micronutrients, reductions on the concentrations of manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) in the leaves, culms and soup occurred, while in the case of iron (Fe), observed reductions occurred for the soup. TSE irrigation has not prejudiced the quality of the industrialized culms. The highest yields were observed in the treatments 100 and 150, 247.33 and 232.81 t ha-1, respectively. Increments of the values of pH and concentrations of P, Na, boron (B) and Fe were obtained in the soil, while, in the case of Ca, magnesium (Mg), K and cupper (Cu) concentrations in the soil decreased. The organic matter levels decreased all over the soil profile and, the levels of total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN) were not altered by the irrigation with TSE. The non-use of the mineral N fertilizer complete dose did not imply in the fall of the sugarcane-plant productivity. The perspectives for sugarcane irrigation with wastewater are promising, demanding however long-term studies in order to confirm the results obtained till the present moment, and also to the monitoring of possible damages that may occur in the soil-plant system.
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Organiska horisontens kemi som en indikator på in- och utströmningsförhållanden i skogsmark / Chemistry of the organic horizon as an indicator of recharge and discharge conditions in a forested hillslopeGöransson, Elisabet January 1995 (has links)
Att man förstår mark- och grundvattenflöde är en förutsättning för förståelsen av ämnestransport genom skogsmark. Ståndortskarteringen har inte möjlighet att mäta grundvattenflödet på sina provytor med t ex totalpotentialmätningar utan behöver en alternativ metod. Syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en multivariat klassificeringsmodell för klassificering av grundvattenförhållandena i en skogssluttning söder om Tärnsjö i norra Uppland. Modellen bygger på principalkomponentanalys av olika kemiska variabler i det fasta organiska materialet i den organiska horisonten. De kemiska variablerna som användes var; pH(H2O), pH(BaCl2), andel C, S och N i det organiska materialet, den procentuella andelen Al3+, H+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ och Na+ på utbyteskomplexen, CECeff och andel organiskt material i proven. Principalkomponentanalysen tyder på att (1) inströmningsområdet karaktäriserades av lågt pH, låga Na+-halter och relativt höga K+-halter, (2) det omättade utströmningsområdet karaktäriserades av höga Al3+-halter, och (3) det näst intill mättade utströmningsområdet karaktäriserades av höga Na+-, Ca2+- och Mg2+-halter som gav högre pH-värden samt högre andel av S och N i det organiska materialet. Undersökningen tyder på att grundvattenförhållandena i en barrskogssluttning har stor betydelse för de kemiska egenskaperna hos markens organiska horisont. Informationen man får från markkemiska analyser gör det möjligt att med hjälp av kemiska variabler klassificera graden av in- respektive utströmningsförhållanden. Den multivariata klassificeringsmodell som skapades i denna undersökning ger en riktlinje för hur en generell klassificeringsmodell för indikationer av grundvattenförhållanden kan konstrueras. Den generella klassificeringsmodellen är ett alternativ till t ex totalpotentialmätningar eftersom klassificeringsmodellen varken behöver ske på plats eller mätas i tidsserier. Vidare kan klassificeringsmodellen tillämpas på redan existerande markkemiska analyser. / A thorough understanding of soil water and groundwater flow is necessary to understand the transport of elements in forest soils. The National Forest Soil and Vegetation Survey has no possibilities to determine groundwater flow using total potential measurements in the sampling plots. In the present work an alternative approach using soil chemistry to classify the extent of recharge and discharge conditions in the sampling plots was used. A multivariate model was created to classify groundwater regime in a forested hillslope south of Tärnsjö in the northern part of Uppland, Sweden. The model was based on principal component analysis (PCA) of different variables in solid organic matter in the organic horizon in the soil. The chemical variables used were pH(H2O), pH(BaCl2), total C, N and S in organic matter, the percentage of Al3+, H+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ in the exchange complex, the effective CEC and the percentage of organic matter in the soil samples. PCA indicated that; (1) samples from the recharge area were characterised by low pH, low Na+ and relatively high K+ levels, (2) the unsaturated discharge zone was characterised by high levels of exchangeable Al3+ and (3) the nearly saturated discharge area was characterised by high Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ levels, higher pH and higher amounts of N and S in the organic matter. This study indicated that groundwater regime in a forested hillslope is of major importance in determining the chemical status of the organic matter in the organic horizon. It was possible to use information obtained from soil chemical analysis to determine the extent of recharge or discharge at the points where the soil samples were taken. The PCA model used in this work gives guidelines for the construction of a general model for classification of groundwater regimes.
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Characterisation of herbicide behaviour in some innovative growing media : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandJames, Trevor Kenneth January 2008 (has links)
An abundance of waste products from the forestry industry (sawdust and paper pulp) lead to the concept of using them as growing media for high value crops on a field scale. However, management of subsequent weed growth posed a problem as the impact of these novel media on the performance and fate of herbicides was unknown. Three aspects of sawdust and paper pulp waste were examined and compared to two cropping soils, viz. their effect on herbicide behaviour with regard to crop selectivity, weed control efficacy and the environmental fate of selected chemicals. Cropping species such as lettuce and onions were more susceptible to alachlor and chlorpropham in sawdust than in paper pulp. The two cropping soils evaluated (Horotiu sandy loam and Mangateretere silt loam) tended to be intermediate although the former was often close to the sawdust and the latter to the paper pulp in terms of herbicide phytotoxicity to the crop plants. For the less water soluble herbicide pendimethalin, the differences in crop selectivity in the different media were not significant. The effect of the media on the efficacy of weed control was evaluated through plant species with a much lower tolerance to the herbicides evaluated in contrast to the above species. For these plants the efficacy of the herbicides was generally lower in both the sawdust and paper pulp than in the two soils. The effect was more pronounced with the more soluble alachlor, where efficacy was reduced by factors of 5 – 10, compared to pendimethalin where efficacy reduction was by factors of 0 – 3. The two high organic media had contrasting effects on the various environmental behaviour indices evaluated. Herbicide adsorption as quantified by distribution coefficient (Kd) was higher in the two novel media compared to both the Horotiu and Mangateretere soils. However, when the Kd was normalised to organic carbon (Koc), there was less variation amongst the media indicating that organic matter is an important factor in controlling sorption in these media. However, despite the high level of adsorption in the sawdust, herbicides were most prone to leaching in this medium. Conversely the paper pulp tended to be more retentive while the two soils were intermediate. The degradation as quantified by half-lives (t½) of the herbicides was generally slower in the two novel media, probably reflecting the higher sorption in these two media but also due to the lower level of microbial activity in the sawdust and paper pulp. The study shows that herbicide behaviour in these carbon based media differs significantly from that expected from soil organic matter, mainly due to the non-humified nature of the organic matter in the media and its poor biological activity.
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Heavy metal accumulation in soils at three field sites subject to effluent irrigation.Xiong, Xianzhe, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
Three field sites were chosen to study the environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil. These sites were the Werribee Farm and the Myome Farm in Australia and Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area in China. The Werribee Farm and the Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area received sewage treatment and application on land for a long time. The Myome farm is an experimental site in which investigations on land application of municipal wastewater on water repellent soils is currently being trailed.
Heavy metal contamination, in particular Cr, Cu and Zn, in the Land Filtration soil of Werribee Farm was widespread. More than a century of sewage irrigation has occurred in the Werribee Farm. The temporal distribution pattern of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the soil at this site follow an exponential trend with time and the spatial distribution pattern of accumulation of heavy metals in different paddocks correlates with the number of years of sewage irrigation at that site in the Farm.
Extensive sewage irrigation at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area resulted in significant Cd pollution in soil-plant (rice) system and poses a significant threat to the health of local people. Even after eight years since cessation of sewage irrigation, the bioavailable fractions of Cd in the soil as analyzed by sequential extraction techniques were very high thus illustrating long-term persistence.
The simultaneous competitive adsorption of metals in water repellent soils (at Myome Farm in South Australia) was studied. In the competitive situation, Cr, Pb and Cu are the heavy metal cations more strongly adsorbed by the soil, whereas Cd, Ni and Zn are the least adsorbed. The increase in Freundlich adsorption capacity by clay amendment suggested that clayed soils are capable sorption of higher heavy metal loadings compared to the non-clayed water repellent soil, which is more vulnerable to heavy metal inputs.
A simple model of environmental assimilative capacity is proposed. The results of comparison of the three field sites shows that the Werribee Farm has a higher environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil than the soils at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area and Myome Farm, however heavy metal contamination at Werribee Farm is still a concern. The model of environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil is an effective tool to assist management of effluent applied land irrigation systems and can be used to better design environmental engineering systems.
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Chemistry of indigenous Zn and Cu in the soil-water system : alkaline sodic and acidic soilsFotovat, Amir. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Copies of author's previously published articles inserted. Bibliography: leaves 195-230. In this study the soil aqueous phase chemistry of Zn and Cu in alkaline sodic soils are investigated. The chemistry of trace metal ions at indigenous concentrations in alkaline sodic soils are reported. Metal ions at low concentrations are measured by the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) technique.
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Nähr- und Schadstoffdynamik flugaschebeeinflusster Waldböden der Dübener Heide: Ist-Zustand und PrognosenFritz, Heiko 30 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Nähr- und Schadstoffdynamik flugaschebeeinflusster Waldböden der Dübener Heide bezüglich ihres aktuellen Zustandes und der zu erwartenden zukünftigen Entwicklung untersucht.
In der Dübener Heide wurden jahrzehntelang große Mengen an Flugasche abgelagert, die die Eigenschaften des Bodens entscheidend und nachhaltig prägten. Selbst 15 Jahre nach dem abrupten Ende der Einträge kann eine Flugaschebeeinflussung noch immer deutlich nachgewiesen werden.
Das Ökosystem hat sich an die durch die Flugasche veränderten Umweltbedingungen angepasst. Nach Wegfall der Einträge unterliegt das System nun allerdings wieder neuen Veränderungen, deren Auswirkungen auf die Bestände noch unklar sind. Als Grundlage für nachhaltige forstliche Planungen und ein angepasstes Naturparkmanagement wurden deshalb im Rahmen des ENFORCHANGE-Teilprojektes Bodenprozesse der aktuelle bodenchemische Zustand der Dübener Heide untersucht und Prognosen über die zukünftige Entwicklung abgeleitet.
Für die Ermittlung des Ist-Zustandes wurden 12 Kernversuchsflächen ausgewählt, die entlang eines Entfernungsgradienten ausgehend vom angenommenen Hauptemittenten, Kraftwerk Zschornewitz, gelegen sind und die typischen Bodentypen und Bestände der Dübener Heide repräsentieren. 2 m tiefe Bodenprofile wurden angelegt und in Tiefenstufen beprobt. Die Bodenproben wurden mit Standardmethoden auf verschiedene bodenchemische Parameter untersucht.
Die Ergebnisse wurden sowohl hinsichtlich der Überschreitung von Mittel-, Vorsorge- und Grenzwerten als auch bezüglich der Ausbildung von Tiefen- und Entfernungsabhängigkeiten beurteilt. Darüber wurden die eindeutig flugaschebeeinflussten Parameter und die am stärksten beeinflussten Tiefenstufen identifiziert.
Diese Informationen wurden anschließend genutzt, um die Standorte statistisch in unterschiedlich stark flugaschebeeinflusste Gruppen einzuteilen.
Weiterhin wurden aktuelle Potentiale und Risiken abgeschätzt und über den Vergleich mit Literaturdaten die vergangene Entwicklung beurteilt.
Die Ergebnisse zum derzeitigen bodenchemischen Ist-Zustand der Dübener Heide können wie folgt zusammengefasst werden:
Als eindeutig flugaschebeeinflusst sind der pH-Wert, die Basensättigung sowie die Gesamtgehalte der Metalle Aluminium, Eisen, Calcium, Magnesium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel und Zink identifiziert worden. Für diese bodenchemischen Parameter liegen klare, abnehmende Gradienten mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Hauptemittenten vor. So sind die pH-Werte im Mittel in den emittentennahen Auflagen um 1,5 pH-Einheiten höher als bei den emittentenfernen Auflagen. Während die emittentenfernen Auflagen dabei bereits etwa über den standorttypischen pH-Wert verfügen, sind die der nahen Standorte noch deutlich durch die Flugasche angehoben. Ebenso liegen in den Auflagen der emittentennahen Standorte sehr hohe Basensättigungen um 90 % und gegenüber den fernen Standorten um etwa 20 - 400 % höhere Metall-Gesamtgehalte vor.
Der pH-Gradient ist außerdem die Ursache dafür, dass Metalle mit pH-abhängigen Mobilitäten sehr deutlich ausgebildete Entfernungsgradienten in ihren verfügbaren Gehalten aufweisen, wobei die verfügbaren Gehalte im Gegensatz zu den Gesamtgehalten mit zunehmender Entfernung zum Emittenten ansteigen.
Anhand der Gesamtgehalte lässt sich nachweisen, dass die Flugaschebeeinflussung vor allem die Auflagen betrifft. Der Transport ganzer Flugaschepartikel in den Mineralboden wird anhand der vorliegenden Ergebnisse als unbedeutend angesehen. Dagegen erfolgt aber eine Verlagerung gelöster Flugaschebestandteile mit dem Sickerwasser. Diese führt dazu, dass ein flugaschebedingter Einfluss auf die pH-Werte, die Basensättigungen und die verfügbaren Gehalte der Basenkationen teilweise noch in 30 cm Tiefe feststellbar ist. Im tieferen Mineralboden überwiegen dann aber andere Standortfaktoren.
Für die Analyse des Flugascheeinflusses ist der Oh-Horizont am besten geeignet. Hier liegen die eindeutigsten und stärksten Gradienten von allen beeinflussten bodenchemischen Parametern vor. Der Of-Horizont ist dagegen bereits durch den Einfluss der Vegetation (Basenpumpe) teilweise überprägt.
Entsprechend der aktuellen Werte der eindeutig flugaschebeeinflussten Parameter lassen sich die Standorte zu drei unterschiedlich stark beeinflussten Gruppen zusammenfassen. Diese Gruppen spiegeln den Entfernungsgradienten wider und wurden deshalb als nahe, mittlere und ferne Standorte bezeichnet.
Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit gefundene Gruppierung weist aber Veränderungen gegenüber der anhand der Rauchschäden der Bestände vorgenommenen Einteilung der Dübener Heide in vier Rauchschadenszonen auf [LUX 1965b]. So wird heute der ehemals stark beeinflusste Standort Ochsenkopf-BDF (RSZ 1) nicht mehr den nahen, sondern den mittleren Standorten zugeordnet, während ein Teil ehemals mäßig beeinflusster Standorte (RSZ 3) mit früher gering geschädigten Standorten (RSZ 4) zu einer Gruppe zusammengefasst werden.
Ein Vergleich mit vorhandenen Literaturdaten zur Dübener Heide zeigt, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den Zonen (z. B. im pH-Wert) mit der Zeit mehr und mehr abnehmen und Nährstoffe (wie Calcium) langsam ausgewaschen werden. Bezüglich der Potentiale und Risiken kann angegeben werden, dass abgesehen von Cadmium, welches in der gesamten Dübener Heide erhöhte Werte aufweist, der Großteil der untersuchten Standorte über standorttypische mittlere Werte und Gehalte verfügt.
Nur an den nahen Standorten treten überdurchschnittlich hohe pH-Werte, Basensättigungen, Calcium-Gesamtgehalte und Vorsorgewertüberschreitungen bei den Gesamtgehalten von Cadmium und Zink auf. Die hohen pH-Werte dieser Standorte führen aber dazu, dass die mobilen Schwermetall-Gehalte derzeit noch niedrige Werte aufweisen und die positive Wirkung der verbesserten Nährstoffsituation überwiegt. Dabei nimmt der Standort Burgkemnitz eine Sonderrolle ein, da er selbst gegenüber dem ebenfalls nahen Standort Buchholz über extrem hohe Calcium-Gehalte und in Verbindung mit seiner sehr mächtigen Auflage auch über sehr hohe Elementvorräte verfügt.
Aufgrund der bereits zu beobachtenden Wiederversauerung und Abnahme der Calcium-Gehalte sind besonders für die nahen Standorte eine Verschlechterung der Nährstoffsituation und eine zunehmende Mobilisierung der Schwermetalle zu erwarten. Als Grundlage für die Abschätzung der Wirkung zukünftiger Veränderungen auf das Waldökosystem und die Bestände wurden deshalb Prognosen über die Entwicklung der relevanten flugaschebeeinflussten Parameter in den Auflagen der Dübener Heide aufgestellt. Mit Hilfe dieser Prognosen sollten sowohl das zu erwartende Ausmaß der Veränderung als auch deren zeitlicher Rahmen besser einschätzbar werden.
Für die Prognosen wurden Altdaten, aktuelle Messwerte und die Ergebnisse eines Freisetzungsexperimentes genutzt, um daraus Trends über die mittlere Entwicklung in den beim Ist-Zustand gefundenen Entfernungsgruppen ableiten zu können. Zusätzlich wurden die Einflüsse verschiedener, in der Prognose nicht berücksichtigter Faktoren diskutiert. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit steht damit aus bodenchemischer Sicht erstmals ein umfassendes Werkzeug für die Bewertung zukünftiger Entwicklungen in der Dübener Heide zur Verfügung.
Die aufgestellten Prognosen lassen für die Auflagen der Dübener Heide die folgenden Aussagen zu:
Die pH-Werte werden weiter fallen, so dass sich bereits in wenigen Jahrzehnten signifikante pH-Unterschiede zwischen den mittleren und fernen Standorten nicht mehr feststellen lassen werden. Die nahen Standorte werden sich zwar noch am längsten durch erhöhte pH-Werte auszeichnen, aber in etwa 150 Jahren wird in der gesamten Dübener Heide wieder der standorttypische pH-Wert von etwa 3,0 vorliegen.
Verbunden mit der Abnahme der pH-Werte werden auch die Basensättigungen zurückgehen. Etwa 50 Jahre lang können die nahen Standorte noch als mindestens basenreich (> 50 % Basensättigung [AG-BODEN 2005]) angesehen werden. Gegen Ende des betrachteten Zeitraums von 150 Jahren ist dann mit einem einheitlichen Niveau der Basensättigung von ca. 20 % (Grenze zwischen mittelbasisch und basenarm [AG-BODEN 2005]) in den Auflagen der Dübener Heide zu rechnen.
Die Vorräte von Calcium und Magnesium werden nach und nach ausgetragen, wobei die Hauptursache dafür bei Calcium die Auswaschung aufgrund der Wirkung saurer Niederschläge, bei Magnesium der Ernteentzug ist. Mindestens 50 Jahre kann aber an den nahen Standorten noch von einer überdurchschnittlich guten Calciumversorgung ausgegangen werden. Stellenweise kann aber trotz der hohen Vorräte bereits in 30 Jahren die Magnesiumversorgung zum wachstumsbegrenzenden Faktor werden, da nur ein relativ kleiner Teil des Magnesiums freisetzbar zu sein scheint.
Bezüglich des Risikos nachteiliger Wirkungen aufgrund zu hoher verfügbarer Schwermetall-Gehalte sind nur Cadmium und Zink von Bedeutung. Die verfügbaren Gehalte dieser Schwermetalle werden im Zuge der Wiederversauerung ansteigen. Gleichzeitig erfolgt aber auch eine Auswaschung der Gehalte, die dem Anstieg der verfügbaren Gehalte und damit dem Überschreiten der Vorsorgewerte entgegenwirkt. Eine Gefährdung der Waldbestände ist demnach kaum zu erwarten. Die Toleranz der Bäume gegenüber Cadmium und Zink sollte aber trotzdem für langfristige waldbauliche Planungen berücksichtigt werden. / In this study the dynamics of nutrients and pollutants within fly ash-affected forest soils of the Dübener Heide, Germany, were examined concerning their current state and the future development to be expected.
In the Dübener Heide large amounts of fly ash were deposited over decades, which had a crucial and lasting impact on the soil properties. Even 15 years after the abrupt end of the immissions this influence can still be proven.
The ecosystem has adapted itself to the environmental conditions changed by the fly ash. However, after the loss of further immissions the system is subject to changes once again with yet unknown consequences for the forest. As a basis for sustainable forest planning and an adapted nature park management the current soil-chemical state of the Dübener Heide was examined and prognoses for the future development were derived within the ENFORCHANGE subproject of soil processes.
For the determination of the current state 12 sites, that are representative for the typical soil types and stands of the Dübener Heide, were selected which have increasing distances to the coal-fired power plant Zschornewitz, regarded as the main emitter. Soil profiles, two meters in depth, were set up and sampled in depth stages. The soil samples were analyzed for different soil-chemical parameters by means of standard methods.
The results were judged regarding the exceeding of mean, critical and limiting values as well as the occurrence of dependencies on depth or distance. By that means parameters which are definitely influenced by the fly ash as well as the most strongly affected depth stages were identified.
These information were used afterwards in order to statistically divide the sites into groups of different grade of fly ash-affection.
Furthermore current potentials and risks were estimated, and the previous development was judged by comparison with literature data.
The results for the current soil-chemical state of the Dübener Heide can be summarized as follows:
The pH value, the base saturation and the total contents of the metals aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and zinc were identified as definitely fly ash-affected. Decreasing values of these soil-chemical parameters are clearly observable with increasing distance from the main emitter. So on average, the pH values of the forest floor horizons close to the emitter are greater by about 1.5 pH units than that of sites far from the emitter. Thereby the forest floor horizons far from the emitter already have approximately the typical pH value while pH values are sill raised by the fly ash at the closed-by sites. Very high base saturations around 90 % and total metal contents, that are higher by approximately 20 400 % compared with more distant sites are present in the forest floor horizons of sites close to the emitter, too.
In addition, the pH gradient is the cause for the fact that the available contents of metals with pH-dependent mobility exhibit very clearly formed distance gradients, with the available contents rising with the distance to the emitter contrary to the total contents of the metals.
By means of the total contents it can be proven, that the influence of the fly ash mainly concerns the forest floor horizons. The transport of whole fly ash particles into the mineral soil is regarded as insignificant on the basis of the available results. However, a displacement of solved fly ash components with seepage water takes place. This leads to the fact, that a fly ash-induced influence on the pH value, the base saturation, and the available contents of the base cations is partly detectable as far as 30 cm in depth. However, in still deeper mineral horizons different location factors predominate.
For the analysis of the fly ash influence the Oa-horizon is the most suitable. Here the clearest and strongest gradients of all affected soil-chemical parameters are present. The Oe-horizon is additionally marked in parts by the influence of the vegetation (base pump)
According to the current values of the definitely fly ash-affected parameters the sites can be divided into three groups with different grade of fly ash-affection. The distance gradients are reflected in these groups, and that is why the groups were termed closed-by, intermediate and distant sites.
However, the grouping found in the current study exhibits changes compared with the grouping of the Dübener Heide into the four smoke damage zones [LUX 1965b] according to the damage done to the stands by the smoke. Thus, today the formerly strongly affected site Ochsenkopf-BDF (RSZ 1) is no longer assigned to the closed-by but instead to the intermediate sites, while a part of the formerly moderately affected sites (RSZ 3) is now combined into one group together with formerly only slightly damaged site (RSZ 4).
A comparison with existing literature data from the Dübener Heide shows, that the differences between the zones (e.g. in pH value) decrease more and more with time, and that nutrients (like calcium) are slowly washed out. Concerning the potentials and risks it can be indicated that apart from cadmium, which exhibits increased values over the entire Dübener Heide, the majority of the examined sites has averaged values and contents typical for the location.
Only at the closed-by sites pH values, base saturations, total contents of calcium above the average and violations of limits of precaution of cadmium and zinc occur. But the high pH values at these sites lead to the fact, that the mobile heavy metal contents exhibit still low values at present, and that the positive effect of the improved nutrient situation predominates. The site Burgkemnitz takes a special position, since it has extremely high calcium contents and in connection with its very thick forest floor horizon also very high element stocks even in comparison with the likewise closed-by site Buchholz.
Due to the already observable acidification and the decrease in calcium contents a degradation of the nutrient situation and an increasing mobilization of the heavy metals are to be expected particularly for the closed-by sites. Therefore, as a basis for the estimation of the effect of future changes on the forest ecosystem and the stands prognoses for the development of the relevant fly ash-affected parameters in the forest floor horizons of the Dübener Heide were derived. With the help of these prognoses both the extent of the change to be expected and its time frame should become better assessable.
For the prognoses literature data, measured values of the current study and the results of a release experiment were used in order to be able to derive from it trends for the averaged development within the different groups of sites found for the current state. Additionally the influences of different factors not considered for the prognoses were discussed. So with this, for the first time there is available a comprehensive tool for the evaluation of future developments in the Dübener Heide from soil-chemical point of view.
The set up prognoses allow the following statements for the forest floor horizons of the Dübener Heide:
The pH values will continue to fall, so that already in a few decades significant pH differences between the intermediate and the distant sites will not be determinable any more. The longest time the closed-by sites will be characterised by increased pH values, but in approximately 150 years a location typical pH value of about 3.0 will be present over the entire Dübener Heide again.
Connected with the reduction of the pH values the base saturation will decrease, too. About 50 more years the closed-by sites can still be regarded as at least base rich (> 50 % base saturation [AG-BODEN 2005]). But towards the end of the considered time of 150 years it has to be reckoned on a uniform level of the base saturation of approximately 20 % (threshold between medium-basic and base-poor [AG-BODEN 2005]) in the forest floor horizons of the Dübener Heide.
The stocks of calcium and magnesium will be gradually decreased, for what the main cause is leaching due to the effect of acid precipitations for calcium and harvest removal for magnesium. At least for 50 more years it can be assumed that the closed-by sites will have a calcium supply good above average. In parts, however, despite the high stocks the magnesium supply can already become the growth-limiting factor in 30 years, since only a relative small part of magnesium seems to be available for leaching.
Only cadmium and zinc are of importance concerning the risk of unfavourable effects caused by too high contents of mobile heavy metals. The available contents of these heavy metals will rise as the result of increasing acidification. But at the same time leaching of the metals takes place what counteracts the rise of the available contents and thus the violation of the limits of precaution. According to this an endangerment of the forest stands is hardly to be expected. However, for long-term forest-structural planning the tolerance of the trees with respect to cadmium and zinc should be considered nevertheless.
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