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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da interação casca plana-estaca-solo via acoplamento MEC/MEF tridimensional e suas aplicações / Analysis of flat shell-pile-soil interaction via a tridimensional BEM/FEM coupling and its applications

Endi Samba Luamba 26 March 2018 (has links)
Analisam-se problemas de interação solo-estrutura através de uma formulação tridimensional obtida da combinação entre o Método dos Elementos de Contorno (MEC) e o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). Os elementos estruturais que interagem com o solo são modelados pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos. E o solo, considerado como um meio semi-infinito, homogêneo, elástico linear e isotrópico, é modelado pelo Método dos Elementos de Contorno, empregando a solução fundamental de Mindlin. A solução fundamental de Mindlin é particularmente adequada para o tipo de problemas em análise, ou seja, problemas envolvendo sólidos tridimensionais semi-infinitos, já que é necessário discretizar apenas a superfície carregada do solo e/ou a linha de carga, e não todo o sólido tridimensional. A discretização da estaca em vários elementos finitos de viga tridimensional, permitindo a consideração de estacas de qualquer tamanho e submetidas a qualquer tipo de carregamento é uma das principais contribuições do trabalho. Outra contribuição diz respeito à consideração da ação horizontal no sistema placa-estaca-solo, diretamente aplicada na placa, e não redistribuída no topo das estacas. Por isso, os elementos estruturais laminares (radiers, sapatas e blocos de fundação) são modelados por elementos finitos de casca plana, possibilitando a consideração dos efeitos de flexão e de membrana. Essa abordagem permite a análise tanto de um grupo de estacas com bloco de capeamento rígido quanto de um radier estaqueado de qualquer rigidez. O acoplamento entre o MEC e o MEF é feito através de uma formulação mista em que a matriz dos coeficientes de influência do solo obtida pelo MEC é adicionada à matriz de rigidez dos elementos estruturais obtida pelo MEF, resultando em uma matriz de rigidez equivalente. Exemplos numéricos de interação estaca-solo, placa-solo e casca plana-estaca-solo são resolvidos para verificar, validar e demonstrar a eficiência das formulações desenvolvidas e implementadas. / Soil-structure interaction problems are analyzed by a tridimensional formulation obtained combining the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). Structural elements that interact with the soil are modeled by the Finite Element Method. And the soil, considered as a semi-infinite, homogeneous, linear elastic and isotropic medium, is modeled by the Boundary Element Method, using Mindlin\'s fundamental solution. Mindlin\'s fundamental solution is particularly suitable for the type of problems under analysis, viz. problems involving semi-infinite three-dimensional solids, since it is necessary to discretize only the loaded surface of the soil and/or the line-load, and not all the three-dimensional solid. The discretization of the pile in several three-dimensional beam finite elements, allowing the consideration of piles of any size and subjected to any type of loading, is one of the main contributions of this work. Another contribution is about the consideration of the horizontal load in the plate-pile-soil system, directly applied to the plate, and not redistributed on the top of the piles. Therefore, the laminar structural elements (rafts, footings, and foundation blocks) are modeled by flat shell finite elements, making possible the consideration of the effects of flexion and membrane. This approach allows the analysis of both a capped pile group and a piled raft of any stiffness. The coupling between the BEM and the FEM is performed through a mixed formulation in which the matrix of the soil\'s influence coefficients obtained by the BEM is added to the stiffness matrix of the structural elements obtained by the FEM, resulting in an equivalent stiffness matrix. Numerical examples of pile-soil, plate-soil and flat shell-pile-soil interaction are solved to verify, validate and demonstrate the efficiency of the developed and implemented formulations.

Interação solo-estrutura em edifícios com fundação profunda: método numérico e resultados observados no campo / Soil-structure interaction in buildings with deep foundation: numerical method and results observed in field

Magnólia Maria Campêlo Mota 21 October 2009 (has links)
Considera-se neste trabalho o projeto de estruturas de concreto para edifícios de múltiplos andares, com fundação profunda, levando-se em conta a interação solo-estrutura. Essa interação é analisada por meio de um método numérico em que a superestrutura (lajes, vigas e pilares) e os elementos estruturais de fundação (blocos e estacas) são considerados uma estrutura única, modelada pelo método dos elementos finitos e implementada no código computacional PEISE (Pórtico Espacial com Interação Solo-Estrutura), desenvolvido nesta pesquisa. O maciço de solos é representado por um modelo geotécnico proposto por Aoki e Lopes, em 1975, que utiliza a solução de Mindlin para o cálculo de deslocamentos em meio semi-infinito, elástico, contínuo e isótropo, e que considera a existência de uma superfície indeslocável, abaixo da qual as deformações do maciço podem ser desprezadas. A resposta elástica da interação solo-estrutura é subordinada a valores limites, observados em ensaios de capacidade de carga das estacas. Como forma de validar o programa e mostrar sua aplicação em problemas práticos de engenharia, resultados de exemplos foram comparados com os obtidos por outras metodologias presentes na literatura. Também, acompanhou-se o desempenho estrutural de um edifício de 26 pavimentos, com fundação em estaca hélice contínua, em sua fase construtiva, com o monitoramento de recalques e a medida de deformações em pilares, para obtenção indireta de suas solicitações normais. Os recalques foram obtidos por meio de nivelamento ótico de precisão, e as solicitações normais nos pilares foram avaliadas indiretamente, pela variação de seu comprimento, utilizando-se extensômetro mecânico removível e considerando-se as variações dos fatores ambientais e a reologia do concreto. / Design of concrete structures for multi-story buildings with deep foundation is considered in this work, taking in account the soil-structure interaction. This interaction is analysed with a numerical method where the superstructure (slabs, beams, and columns), and the foundation structural elements (blocks and piles) are considered a unique structure, modeled by the finite element method and implemented in the PEISE (soil-structure interaction in spatial frame), software that was developed in this search. The geo-technical model proposed by Aoki and Lopes (1975) represents the soil, where Mindlin\'s solution is used to calculate displacements in a semi-infinite, elastic, continuous, and isotropic environment. This solution also considers the existence of an unmovable surface, under which the soil deformations shall be neglected. The elastic response of soil-structure interaction is subordinated to limit values observed in \"in situ\" loading capacity piles tests. The examples elaboration proves the developed formulation validity through results comparison with others methodologies. Also the structural performance of a 26 story building with augercast piles was observed during the construction by measurement of settlements and columns length variation. Settlements were measured by means of optical level. Loads over columns were indirectly evaluated through column length variation, using a demountable mechanical extensometer and considering corrections due to the variation of environmental conditions and to the concrete\'s rheology.

Análise da interação solo não-homogêneo/estrutura via acoplamento MEC/MEF / Analysis of nonhomogeneous soil-structure interaction using BEM-FEM coupling

Valério da Silva Almeida 25 April 2003 (has links)
O estudo do comportamento mecânico do complexo sistema advindo da interação entre solo/subestrutura/superestrutura é o tema do trabalho. Neste contexto, a representação do maciço é feita usando-se o método dos elementos de contorno (MEC) em abordagem 3D, de maneira que se possa simular o maciço com características mecânicas não-homogêneas, além de se considerar uma camada de apoio indeslocável a distâncias prescritas a priori e condição de aderência perfeita. A subestrutura também é representada via MEC tridimensional, a qual está imersa dentro deste meio heterogêneo. A infra e a superestrutura são modeladas empregando o método dos elementos finitos (MEF), com o uso de elementos estruturais reticulares e elementos laminares. São apresentados alguns exemplos em que se valida a formulação e outros que demonstram a potencialidade e a necessidade de se empregar a formulação para a melhor análise do complexo fenômeno em estudo. Por fim, demonstra-se a obrigatoriedade de se otimizar a formulação, empregando-se duas grandes ferramentas numéricas: o paralelismo e o emprego de um adequado método de resolução de sistemas esparsos. / The analysis of the soil-structure system interaction is a vast field of interest in the area of civil engineering. A realistic representation of its behaviour. Thus, in the present research, the soil is considered a non-homogeneous continuum supported by a rigid and adhesive interface and modelled by boundary element method via Kelvin solution in 3D space. The foundation is also modelled by this above-mentioned modelling technique. The raft foundation and the superstructure are represented by finite shell and 3D frame elements. In order to estimate the accuracy and the potentiality of the proposed numerical formulation, some examples are validated when compared to similar approaches, and others simulations are presented to stress the necessity of coupling the non-homogeneous soil-foundation-radier-superstructure system as a whole. Finally, to acquire numerical time efficiency, it is shown that it is imperative to apply parallel processing and sparse techniques for the solution of the final system.

Aplicação do acoplamento entre o MEC e o MEF para o estudo da interação dinâmica elastoplástica entre o solo e estruturas / BEM/FEM coupling application to the study of the elastoplastic dynamic interaction between soil and structures

Francisco Patrick Araujo Almeida 24 October 2003 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um código computacional que possibilite a análise dinâmica de estruturas tridimensionais em regime elástico-linear acopladas ao solo, tratado como meio infinito elastoplástico. As superestruturas são tratadas por elementos finitos simples de casca e de barra geral, as estruturas de fundações são tratadas por elementos de casca que simulam o contato com o solo, modelando radiers, túneis e reservatórios enterrados. Blocos são modelados por elementos de contorno tridimensionais. O solo é modelado de duas maneiras distintas: na região plastificada emprega-se a solução fundamental de Kelvin (estática) e na região não plastificada (elástica) adota-se a solução fundamental do problema de Stokes. O acoplamento entre os meios é feito aplicando-se a técnica de subregiões. Deve ficar claro que todo procedimento estático equivalente foi implementado. Vários exemplos numéricos são apresentados, onde se percebe a eficiência do código computacional desenvolvido / The objective of the present work is the development of a computational code that makes possible dynamic analyses of three-dimensional structures in elastic-linear behavior coupled to the soil, modeled as elastoplastic infinite medium. Simple finite elements, shell and general bars, are used to model elastic structures. The structures of foundations are modeled by shell’s elements which simulate the contact with the soil, modeling radiers, tunnels and buried reservoirs. Blocks are modeled by three-dimensional boundary elements. The soil is modeled in two different ways: in the plastic region Kelvin’s fundamental solution (static) is used and in the elastic region the fundamental solution of the Stoke’s problem is adopted. The coupling among the media is done applying the sub-region technique. It is important to note that the equivalent static procedure has been implemented. Several numerical examples are presented, demonstrating the efficiency of the developed computational code

Évaluation et réduction des conséquences des mouvements de terrains sur le bâti : approches expérimentale et numérique / Evaluation and reduction of ground movements consequences on building : experimental and numerical approaches

Hor, Boramy 24 January 2012 (has links)
L’instabilité des cavités souterraines (mines, carrières, tunnels,…) peut induire les mouvements de terrains d’amplitude suffisante pour endommager les bâtiments et les infrastructures en surface. Les méthodes traditionnelles, utilisées dans les pratiques d’ingénieur pour prévoir les déformations dans les structures, sont basées sur les caractéristiques des mouvements de terrain en condition de terrain vierge sans prendre en compte l’effet de la présence des structures en surface. L’objectif de cette thèse est de prédire les déformations des ouvrages en tenant compte de l’influence de l’interaction sol-structure, d’une part ; et d’évaluer la performance d’une solution de protection (tranchée périphérique), d’autre part. Cela a été achevé par la réalisation d’études paramétriques utilisant deux approches complémentaires : une approche expérimentale à l’aide d’un modèle réduit physique 3D sous gravité normale et une modélisation numérique 3D par la méthode des éléments finis. En particulier l’effet d’un certain nombre de paramètres géométriques et mécaniques a pu être investigué dans l’étude de l’interaction sol-structure : la position de la structure par rapport à la cuvette d’affaissement, le poids de la structure et la raideur relative entre le sol et la structure. Concernant l’étude de l’efficacité de tranchées périphériques, l’effet de la position de la structure, de la position de la tranchée vis-à-vis de la structure et de la rigidité de la tranchée a été analysé. Les résultats obtenus ont abouti à une meilleure compréhension du problème d’interaction sol-structure et ont montré l’importance de cet effet qui doit être pris en compte dans l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité du bâti. Le transfert des mouvements du sol à la structure est faible (moins de 2,5%), dans le cas modélisé : structure rigide et interface glissante. Les différents résultats ont permis par ailleurs de mettre en évidence l’efficacité de la tranchée périphérique pour réduire les sollicitations affectant les structures. La tranchée doit être remplie avec un matériau très déformable et surtout placée à une distance de l’ordre d’un mètre de la structure. / The instability of underground cavities due to mining or tunneling activities can induce surface ground movements which damage overlying buildings and infrastructures. The conventional design methods, used in engineering practices to assess the structure’s deformations, are based on greendfield ground movements without taking into account the effect of the surface structure. The objective of this thesis is to predict the building deformations by taking the in-fluence of the soil-structure interaction into consideration, and to evaluate the performance of a mitigation technique (peripheral trench). This has been achieved by performing parametric studies using both the experimental approach by means of a 3D small-scale physical model under earth gravity condition and the 3D finite element numerical modeling. In particular the effect of building position, building weight, and relative stiffness of building and underlying soil has been investigated in the soil-structure interaction study. Concerning the trench effectiveness analysis, the effect of building position, trench position relatively to the building, and the trench stiffness has been investigated. The results of these investigations have led to a better understanding of the soil-structure interaction problem and have pointed out the importance of this effect which should be taken into account for building damage assessment. The transfer of ground movements to the buildings is low (less than 2.5%) for the modeled case: stiff structure and sliding contact. In addition, the results have proved the effectiveness of the peripheral trench to reduce the ground movements affecting the buildings. The trench should be filled with a very deformable material and located at a distance of around one meter from the building.

Impacts des mouvements de terrains sur une structure type "maison individuelle" : modélisation de l'interaction sol-structure pour l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité du bâti / Impacts of grounds movements on a structure type "individual house" : modelling soil-structure interaction for assessing the vulnerability of buildings

Do, Quoc Viet 19 July 2011 (has links)
Dans ce travail, les risques naturels considérés concernent des mouvements de terrains qui résultent de deux phénomènes principaux : retrait et gonflement des sols argileux et l'affaissement à grand rayon lié à la présence des cavités souterraines. Ceux-ci provoquent des tassements différentiels du sol qui génèrent des désordres sur les constructions environnantes : dégâts et fissuration des murs porteurs en maçonnerie, particulièrement aux angles du bâti. Ces dégradations structurales induisent des conséquences économiques importantes dans le cas des maisons individuelles ; elles résultent d'un manque de résistance des maçonneries, du peu de raideur de leur système de fondation et du peu d'efficacité de leur système de contreventement. Cette recherche a pour objectif d'analyser la vulnérabilité du bâti et de proposer des méthodes de renforcement pour les constructions existantes ainsi que des recommandations de dimensionnement pour les constructions. Ces questions nécessitent une connaissance approfondie du phénomène des mouvements des terrains et des modalités de transfert de ces actions à une structure. Pour y répondre, quatre étapes principales ont été effectuées : une étude bibliographique, une analyse de l'interaction sol-structure, un développement d'une justification d'endommagement et d'une méthode de renforcement ou de dimensionnement ainsi qu'une analyse probabiliste des risques. L'étude bibliographique avec des analyses fonctionnelles et statistiques, d'abord, propose un profil de la maison sensible à l'aléa naturel et des cas typiques des désordres sur la construction. Le développement des modélisations par éléments finis ensuite permet d'étudier les phénomènes d'interaction sol-structure. L'analyse de l'interaction sol - structure, au moyen de modélisations par éléments finis, permet d'obtenir des sollicitations dans la maçonnerie. D'abord, des modèles analytique et numérique simplifiés ont été développés pour modéliser des structures simples telles une semelle filante, un système de semelles d'une fondation filante ou un mur en maçonnerie sur un sol élastique de type Winkler ou Boussinesq. Ensuite, des modélisations de structures plus complexes avec tous les éléments du bâti ont été effectuées en développant un code aux éléments finis particulier qui a permis de calculer des bâtiments en maçonnerie sur un sol de type Pasternak. En vue de développer une justification d'endommagement ainsi qu'une méthode de renforcement et de dimensionnement adaptée pour risque «mouvement de terrains », les travaux de recherche focalisent sur la distribution des sollicitations obtenues par des modélisations et analysent les domaines de validité de la démarche proposée par les Eurocodes EC6 et EC8 pour les murs de contreventement en maçonnerie confinée (chainée) ou armée. L'analyse probabiliste des risques, couplant les modèles aux éléments finis développés avec la méthode des simulations de Monte-Carlo, a permis d'étudier la vulnérabilité des maisons individuelles selon les caractéristiques structurales représentatives du bâti existant, dans les régions les plus touchées par les mouvements de terrains. Les résultats de cette analyse ont été unifiés, au sein d'une méthodologie globale de l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité de structures, à l'usage, d'une part, des pouvoirs publics dans l'établissement de cartographies SIG des risques, et d'autre part de la capacité des procédés de renforcement à l'usage des industries / In the present work, the considered natural hazards concern to ground movements resulting from two main phenomena : shrinkage and swelling of clay soils and ground subsidence due to the presence of underground cavities. These phenomena cause differential ground settlements which generate disorders on the structures erected in their neighborhood : damage and cracking of masonry load-bearing walls, especially at the building corners. These structural degradations cause important economic consequences and losses in the case of dwelling houses. These damages result from a lack of masonry resistance or a small stiffness of the foundation system as well as a limited effectiveness of bracing system.This research aims to analyze the vulnerability of buildings and to propose a reinforcement method for the existing constructions as well as design recommendations for structures. These topics require a thorough understanding of the ground movements phenomenon and their transfer as actions on a structure. For this purpose, four main steps were performed : a literature review, an analysis of soil-structure interaction, a development of a damage justification and a method for reinforcement or design, as well as a probabilistic analysis of risk.The literature review with functional and statistical analysis, as a first step, provides a profile of the house susceptible to natural hazard effects and typical cases of building disturbances. The development of finite element method is therefore considered in order to study soil-structure interaction.The analysis of the soil-structure interaction using finite element modeling provides stresses in the masonry. First, simplified analytical and numerical models have been developed for simple structures such as a strip footing, a system of strips foundation or a masonry wall lying on elastic soil (Winkler or Boussinesq). Afterwards, modeling of more complex structures with the whole building elements was made by developing a particular finite element code that allowed the calculation of masonry buildings on a Pasternak soil. To develop a damage justification as well as the reinforcement and design building methods suitable for risk of “ground movements”, this work focuses on the stresses distribution obtained by numerical models and analyzes the validity domain of the approach proposed by Eurocodes EC6 and EC8 for confined masonry or reinforced masonry. By coupling the developed finite element models with the Monte-Carlo method, the probabilistic analysis of risk allows to study the vulnerability of dwelling houses having representative structural characteristics of existing buildings, erected in areas that are the most affected by ground movements. The results of this analysis have been unified into a global methodology for assessing the vulnerability of structures. This methodology is used, in one hand, for the development of GIS mapping of risks and, in other hand, for the reinforcement processes

Consistent description of radiation damping in transient soil-structure interaction

Zulkifli, Ediansjah 16 July 2008 (has links)
Dynamic soil-structure interaction problems are characterized by an unbounded soil-domain and thus by radiation damping. This radiation damping arises due to wave propagation from the excited structure into the subsoil and may lead to a reduction of the structural response. A consistent description of this radiation damping has been carried out by means of different concepts. A widely used approach truncates the unbounded medium by a special kind of absorbing boundaries which are free of artificial reflection. The resulting finite domain can be treated as usually by finite elements. In this report, an alternative method to represent an unbounded medium in a dynamic analysis is presented. In principle, it is a conjunction of the boundary element method (BEM) in the frequency domain to reproduce the far-field and the finite element method (FEM) in the time domain to analyze the near-field. This alternative procedure avoids the introduction of any artificial boundaries. The procedure is based on a rational approximation of the dynamic stiffness of the unbounded domain in the frequency-domain. In this report, the dynamic stiffness of the unbounded domain is obtained from the BEM. The matrix-valued coefficients of the rational approximation function are determined by means of a least-square procedure. The time-domain representation is achieved by splitting the rational force-displacement relation into a series of linear functions in the frequency-domain corresponding with first order differential equations in the time-domain. This splitting process has been demonstrated as numerically effective and in addition, no Fourier transformation is necessary. In this thesis, dynamic soil-structure interaction problems with a relatively large number of degrees of freedom have been examined. These degrees of freedom arise from the discretization of the coupling interface, internal variables from the splitting procedure and from modeling the structure. The new method is especially suitable for systems with transient excitations as arising from rotating machines at startup and shutdown. The theoretical part of the thesis contains elements of system theory and discusses particularly stability problems arising from the rational approximation. The practical part presents a large amount of convergence studies and numerical results for layered soil and finally represents the propagation damping as a kind of damping ratio which is typically used in elementary structural dynamics. / In der Dynamik der Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion wird der Boden in vielen Fällen durch ein unbegrenztes elastisches Medium beschrieben, wodurch das Phänomen der Abstrahldämpfung begründet wird. Diese Dämpfung entsteht durch Energietransfer von der erregten Struktur in den Boden durch Wellenausbreitung und reduziert somit die Strukturschwingungen. Um das infinite Bodengebiet dennoch durch finite Elemente beschreiben zu können, werden üblicherweise als Hilfsmaßnahme künstliche sogenannte absorbierende Ränder eingeführt. In dieser Arbeit wird eine alternative Methode zur Darstellung des unbegrenzten Mediums in der Dynamik vorgelegt. Im Prinzip handelt es sich um eine Kopplung der Rand-Element-Methode (REM) für den unendlichen Boden (das sogenannte Fernfeld) im Frequenzbereich und der Finite-Element-Methode (FEM) für das Nahfeld im Zeitbereich. Dieses alternative Verfahren vermeidet die Einführung künstlicher Ränder. Das Verfahren basiert auf einer rationalen Beschreibung der dynamischen Steifigkeit des Fernfeldes im Frequenzbereich. Diese Steifigkeit wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit durch die Rand-Element-Methode erzeugt. Die Matrix-wertigen Koeffizienten der rationalen Frequenzfunktion werden durch Minimierung des Fehlerquadrates berechnet. Die Transformation dieser Frequenzdarstellung in den Zeitbereich gelingt durch algebraische Überführung der rationalen Funktion in ein in der Frequenz lineares Hypersystem mit einer zugeordneten Zustandsgleichung erste Ordnung im Zeitbereich. Dieser Prozess hat sich als numerisch effektiv erwiesen und erfordert darüberhinaus keine Fourier-Transformation. Das entwickelte Vorgehen wird in dieser Arbeit an Problemen der dynamischen Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion mit einer großen Anzahl von Freiheitsgraden erprobt. Diese Freiheitsgrade folgen aus der Diskretisierung in der Koppelfuge zwischen Boden und Struktur, der Diskretisierung der Struktur selbst und aus der Überführung in das Hypersystem mittels interner Variablen. Das neue Verfahren eignet sich insbesondere für Systeme mit transienter Erregung, wie sie beim An- und Auslaufen von Rotationsmaschinen ensteht. Der theoretische Teil der Arbeit wird geprägt durch Elemente der Systemtheorie und setzt sich zudem mit typischen Stabilitätsproblemen auseinander, die aus der rationalen Beschreibung entstehen. Der praktische Teil präsentiert Konvergenzstudien und numerische Ergebnisse für Boden-Bauwerk- Interaktionsprobleme mit geschichtetem Boden bei transienter Erregung mit Resonanzdurchlauf. Zudem gelingt eine Darstellung der Abstrahldämpfung in Form des Dämpfungsgrades D, wie er in der klassischen Strukturdynamik verwendet wird.

Soil-structure interaction of end-frames for high-speed railway bridges / Jord-struktur-interaktion av ändskärmar på broar för höghastighetståg

Östlund, Johan January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) of end-frame bridges for high-speed railways was studied. Impedance functions, representing the SSI, was calculated and analyzed. The impedance functions were applied to end-frame bridge models which were analyzed for use in HSR. A new high-speed railway link is currently being planned in Sweden by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). \textit{Ostl\"{a}nken} is planned to run between the cities of Stockholm and Link\"{o}ping with a maximum speed limit of 320km/h. As high-speed traffic induces high dynamic impact on bridges, dynamic analysis to ensure safety and passenger comfort is needed according to Eurocode. Thus, there is a demand of dynamically safe bridges that are also cost-effective. One cost-effective bridge is the soil integrated end-frame bridge, however, there are no design advice in Eurocode today on how to take SSI into consideration. The aim of the thesis has therefore been to investigate if the influence of SSI on end-frame bridges for HSR. This thesis was executed using the frequency domain approach to solve dynamic problems in finite element software. Furthermore, impedance functions have been obtained representing the SSI. Impedance functions take dynamic stiffness and dynamic damping into consideration where the damping consists of two parts: material damping and radiation damping due to energy dissipation in the form of elastic waves. To limit the model size, an absorbing region (AR) was used to mitigate waves originating from the source. The accuracy of impedance functions is dependent on several parameters and demands a great computational capacity to reach, mostly governed by the radiation condition. A parameter study of impedance functions was conducted, including parameters such as geometry, modulus of soil and detail levels. The impedance functions were then attached to bridge models on which trains modelled as moving point loads were applied. Envelopes of the acceleration and displacements have been presented and analyzed. Shear strain checks were made in order to verify the assumption of linear-elastic material behavior of the embankment. By using SSI in form of impedance functions attached to bridge models, numerical results show a great reduction of vibrations in models. The study suggests that a large end-frame, either long or high or both, may reduce acceleration as well as displacements. A stiffer embankment material may further reduce vibrations. Shear strain checks confirm that the assumption of linear-elastic soil behavior was true. / I det här exjobbet har påverkan av jord-struktur interaktion (soil-structure interaction - SSI) av ändskärmsbroar för höghastighetsbana blivit studerat. Impedansfunktioner som representerar SSI har beräknats och analyserats. Impdansfunktionerna har sedan applicerats på bromodeller och analyserats för höghastighetstrafik. Sveriges första höghastighetsbana håller just nu på att planeras av Trafikverket. Ostlänken kommer att bli den första delen och är planerad att gå från Stockholm till Linköping med en högsta hastighet av 320 km/h. Då höghastighetstrafik introducerar stor dynamisk på verkan på broar behövs dynamisk analys genomföras enligt Eurocode för att kunna säkerställa broarnas säkerhet och komfortkrav. Därför finns idag ett behov av dynamiskt säkra broar som också är kostnadseffektiva. En typ av kostnadseffektiv bro är den med jord integrerade ändskärmsbron. I dagens Eurocode finns dock inga konstruktionsråd vad gäller jord-struktur interaktion av ändskärmarna. Målet med detta examensarbete har därför varit att undersöka påverkan av SSI och besluta huruvida användandet av ändskärmsbron på höghastighetsbanor är legitimerat, eller om den ska undvikas. Det här examensarbetet har utgått från att lösa dynamiska problem i frekvensdomänen med hjälp av FEM. Impedansfunktioner som representerar jord-struktur interaktionen har tagits fram. Impedansfunktioner tar dels hänsyn till dynamisk styvhet och dels dynamisk dämpning. Den dynamiska dämpningen består av två delar; den första är materialdämpning och den andra är vågdämpning där energi dissiperar i vågform. För att begränsa FE modellens storlek har en absorbing region tillämpats för att absorbera vågorna vid randen. Impedansfunktionernas konvergens beror på flertalet parametrar och kräver en hög datakapacitet för att fås, mestadels beroende av radiatorvillkoret. En parameterstudie utfördes för att kunna analysera sensitiviteten hos impedansfunktionerna. Vidare applicerades dessa impedansfunktioner på skal- och balk-bromodeller på vilka HSLM laster påfördes. Skjuvtöjningskontroller gjordes för att verifiera att antagandet om linjärelastiskt materialbeteende var korrekt. Genom att ta hänsyn till SSI i form av impedansfunktioner tyder numeriska resultat på att vibrationer kan reduceras i hög grad. Envelopper visar att en stor ändskärm, antingen lång, hög eller bådadera, kan reducera accelerationer liksom förskjutningar. En styvare bank kan ytterligare reducera vibrationer.

Prediction and experimental validation of dynamic soil-structure interaction of an end-bearing pile foundation in soft clay

Theland, Freddie January 2021 (has links)
In the built environment, human activities such as railway and road traffic, constructionworks or industrial manufacturing can give rise to ground borne vibrations. Such vibrations become a concern in urban areas as they can cause human discomfort or disruption of vibration sensitive equipment in buildings. In Sweden, geological formations of soft clay soils overlying till and a high quality bedrock are encountered in densely populated areas, which are soil conditions that are prone to high levels of ground borne vibrations. Under such soil conditions, end-bearing piles are often used in the design of building foundations. The dynamic response of a building is governed by the interaction between the soil and the foundation. It is therefore essential that models used for vibration predictions are able to capture the dynamic soil-structure interaction of pile foundations. The purpose of this thesis is to experimentally and numerically investigate dynamic soil-structure interaction of an end-bearing pile group in clay by constructing a test foundation of realistic dimensions. The small-strain properties in a shallow clay deposit are estimated using different site investigation and laboratory methods. The results are synthesised into a representative soil model to compute the free-field surface response, which is validated with vibration measurements performed at the site. It is found that detailed information regarding material damping in the clay and the topmost soil layer both have a profound influence on the predicted surface response, especially with an increasing distance from the source. Dynamic impedances of four end-bearing concrete piles driven at the site are measured. Pile-soil-pile interaction is investigated by measuring the response of the neighbour piles when one of the piles in the group is excited. The square pile group is subsequently joined in a concrete cap and measurements of the impedances of the pilegroup and acceleration measurements within the piles at depth are performed. A numerical model based on the identified soil properties is implemented and validated by the measurements. A good agreement between the predicted and measured responses and impedances of the pile group foundation is found, establishing confidence in the ability to predict the dynamic characteristics of end-bearing pile foundations under the studied soil conditions. / Mänsklig verksamhet i urbana miljöer så som väg- och järnvägstrafik, byggnation eller maskindrift inom industri kan ge upphov till vibrationer som sprider sig via marken i närområdet. Dessa vibrationer kan ge upphov till kännbara vibrationer eller påverka vibrationskänslig utrustning i byggnader. I Sverige förekommer ofta mjuka lerjordar ovanpå berg, och inte sällan i tätbebyggda områden. Under sådana jordförhållanden används ofta spetsbärande pålar för grundläggning av byggnader. Det dynamiska verkningssättet för byggnader är beroende av interaktionen mellan jorden och byggnadens grund. Det är därför viktigt att modeller som används för vibrationsanalys i byggnader kan beskriva denna interaktion mellan jord och byggnadsfundament. Syftet med denna avhandling är att experimentellt och via numeriska modeller studera dynamisk jord-struktur-interaktion av ett spetsbärande pålfundament i lera. Jordensmekaniska egenskaper vid små töjningar utvärderas för en lerjord som är avsatt på morän och berg genom både fältförsök och laboratorieanalyser av prover. Informationen kombineras för att konstruera en lagerförd jordmodell av platsen för att beräkna jordens dynamiska respons till följd av en punktlast. Modellen valideras med vibrationsmätningar som utförts på platsen. Studien visar att detaljerad information angående lerans materialdämpning och de mekaniska egenskaperna av jordens översta lager har en stor inverkan på förutsägelser av jordens dynamiska respons vid ytan, speciellt vid stora avstånd från vibrationskällan. Experimentella tester utförs för att mäta dynamiska impedanser av fyra slagna spetsbärande betongpålar. Interaktionen mellan pålarna utvärderas genom att utföra mätningarav de omgivande pålarnas respons till följd av excitering av en påle. Pålgruppen sammanfogas därefter i ett betongfundament och impedanserna samt accelerationer inuti pålarna uppmäts. En numerisk modell baserad på de identifierade mekaniska egenskaperna av jorden upprättas och valideras genom mätningarna. De numeriska resultaten är i god överensstämmelse med de uppmätta vilket styrker användningen av numeriska modeller för att förutsäga interaktionen mellan jord och spetsbärandepålar under de studerade jordförhållandena. / <p>QC 20210302</p>

Comparative study of different methods for superstructure-foundation interactions

Sharma, Prakriti 04 January 2022 (has links)
Bridge failures in the past decade due to structural deficiencies demonstrated the clear need for a review of the current bridge analysis approaches. This study focuses on pile-supported bridges under predominantly static loading. A critical review of the current analysis approaches was performed. It was concluded that in the absence of an onerous iteration process, the current approaches often produce inaccurate and, in many cases, unsafe results since the interactions between superstructure and foundation are not fully considered. To address the inherent limitations of the current approaches, a computer program [Soil Spring Module (SSM) 2.0] was developed as a part of the study. SSM 2.0 can be used in conjunction with a frame analysis program to capture nonlinear load transfer from foundation elements to soil in different directions simultaneously. STAAD.Pro was selected for demonstration in this study. Using SSM 2.0 and STAAD.Pro, this study proposes a new analysis approach using the Integrated Analysis Process (IAP). The same methodology can be applied in other frame analysis programs. Kansas Bridge 45 was selected as a case study. Using the IAP approach, a series of integrated analyses including all superstructure elements (e.g., deck, girders and piers) and all foundation elements (e.g., pile caps and piles) were performed on Kansas Bridge 45 for different soil types and properties. Different from the conventional approaches, the full interactions between superstructure and foundation were considered simultaneously in a single analysis using the IAP approach. The analysis results from the IAP approach and the conventional approaches were examined. The advantages of the IAP approach were identified. Comparing to the conventional approaches in current practice, the proposed IAP approach does not involve crude assumptions or intensive iterations. Using the IAP approach, design engineers can complete structural and foundation analysis of pile-supported bridges with good accuracy in a timely manner. The same methodology can potentially be applied to other structure types. / Graduate / 2022-12-15

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