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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise estrutural de edifícios de paredes de concreto por meio de pórtico tridimensional sobre apoios elásticos / Structural analysis of reinforced concrete wall buildings with three dimensional frame model on elastic supports

Elias Testoni 27 November 2013 (has links)
Realiza-se o estudo dos efeitos globais causados pela interação solo-estrutura em edifícios de paredes de concreto moldadas no local sobre fundações profundas. Propõe-se um modelo simplificado para a análise estrutural elástica linear de edifícios de paredes de concreto com a utilização exclusiva de elementos finitos de barra. O modelo proposto contempla a influência da deformabilidade das fundações e o efeito arco que ocorre nas paredes de concreto suportadas por pavimentos de transição ou elementos de fundação. O efeito da interação solo-estrutura é simulado por meio da aplicação de coeficientes de rigidez nos apoios da estrutura, calculados por uma ferramenta computacional desenvolvida neste trabalho. O desempenho do modelo proposto é avaliado por meio da comparação com modelo de referência mais refinado que utiliza elementos finitos de casca para discretizar a estrutura por completo. Realizam-se estudos de caso de edifícios de paredes de concreto de múltiplos pavimentos, com estruturas de transição e fundações deformáveis sujeitos ao carregamento vertical. O modelo simplificado proposto se mostrou adequado para a análise estrutural dos edifícios de paredes de concreto moldadas no local com carregamento vertical estudados neste trabalho. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a interação solo-estrutura altera o fluxo de tensões nos edifícios de maneira significativa, causando importante redistribuição de esforços nos elementos estruturais e não deve ser desprezada no dimensionamento da estrutura. Observou-se, também, a redução dos valores de recalques máximos e, principalmente dos recalques diferenciais dos apoios dos edifícios estudados. / This work aims at the investigation of the global effects caused by soil-structure interaction in reinforced concrete wall buildings on deep foundations. A simplified model is proposed for the linear structural analysis of reinforced concrete wall buildings with the exclusive use of beam finite elements. The proposed model includes the influence of the foundations deformability and the arch effect that occurs in concrete walls supported by beams or foundation elements. The effect of soil-structure interaction is simulated by applying stiffness coefficients in the supports of the structure. The stiffness coefficients are calculated by a computational tool developed in this work using an iterative process. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated by comparison of the results with a reference model that uses refined shell finite elements to represent the whole structure. Three reinforced concrete wall multi-story buildings subject to vertical loading were used as case studies in order to evaluate the influence of the soil-structure interaction in the structural behavior. The study concludes that the proposed simplified model is adequate to the structural analysis of reinforced concrete wall buildings with vertical loads studied in this work. The results indicate that the soil-structure interaction significantly modifies the stress flow in the buildings, causing significant redistribution of internal forces and should not be neglected in the design of the structure. It was also observed a reduction of the maximum values of settlements, and especially the differential settlements of the supports of the analyzed buildings.

Modelo de atrito estático em interfaces de contato entre concreto e areia / A model for the static friction between concrete-sand interface contact

Jeselay Hemetério Cordeiro dos Reis 30 March 2006 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta os princípios e a formulação de um modelo não-linear de atrito estático em interface de concreto areia. A hipótese básica para desenvolvimento das equações consiste na ocorrência do atrito de deslizamento (atrito verdadeiro), do atrito de rolamento (rearranjo das partículas) e da dilatância (variação de volume durante o cisalhamento). A solução analítica do modelo considera o efeito da rugosidade da superfície de contato, da curva granulométrica da areia e do seu estado de compacidade inicial. Foram realizados ensaios de cisalhamento direto com carga normal constante em interface de contato entre concreto e areia com seção de 500 mm x 500 mm com o objetivo de permitir a calibração do modelo proposto. É discutida e sugerida a incorporação da equação constitutiva desse modelo em análises de interação solo-estrutura via método dos elementos finitos. Sua aplicabilidade é demonstrada através da análise 1D e 2D de estacas de atrito executadas em areia e submetidas a carregamentos de compressão / This thesis presents the principles and formulation underlying a concrete-sand interface nonlinear static friction model. The basic hypothesis employed in the development of the model equation takes into account the interface sliding friction (true friction), a rolling friction (particle rearrangement) and dilatancy(volume variation during shear). The model analytical solution considers the effect of roughness of the contact surface, the grain size distribution and its initial state of compactness of the sand. To calibrate the proposed model, a direct shear stress test under constant load was carried out along a 500mm x 500mm section concrete-sand interface. Furthermore, a discussion and suggestion of the inclusion of the model constitutive equation applied to the analysis of soil-structure interaction using the finite element method are presented. The applicability of the proposed model is proven through the analysis of 1-D and 2-D skin friction piles made of sand mass subjected to compression load

Identification de paramètres par analyse inverse à l’aide d’un algorithme méta-heuristique : applications à l’interaction sol structure, à la caractérisation de défauts et à l’optimisation de la métrologie

Fontan, Maxime 04 May 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la thématique d’évaluation des ouvrages par des méthodes nondestructives. Le double objectif est de développer un code permettant d’effectuer au choixl’identification de paramètres par analyse inverse en utilisant un algorithme méta heuristique, ou dedéfinir une métrologie optimale (nombre de capteurs, positions, qualité) sur une structure, en vued’une identification de paramètres. Nous avons développé un code permettant de répondre à cesdeux objectifs. Il intègre des mesures in situ, un modèle mécanique aux éléments finis de lastructure étudiée et un algorithme d’optimisation méta heuristique appelé algorithme d’optimisationpar essaim particulaire. Ce code a d’abord été utilisé afin de caractériser l’influence de la métrologiesur l’identification de paramètres par analyse inverse, puis, en phase expérimentale, nous avonstravaillé sur des problèmes d’interactions sol structure. Un travail a également été réalisé surl’identification et la caractérisation de défauts par sollicitations au marteau d’impact. Enfin unexemple d’optimisation de métrologie (nombre de capteurs, positions et qualité) a été réalisé enutilisant le code original adapté pour cette étude. / This thesis deals with non-destructive evaluation in civil engineering. The objective is of two-fold:developing a code that will identify mechanical parameters by inverse analysis using a metaheuristicalgorithm, and developing another code to optimize the sensors placement (with respect tothe number and quality of the sensors) in order to identify mechanical parameters with the bestaccuracy. Our code integrates field data, a finite element model of the studying structure and aparticle swarm optimization algorithm to answer those two objectives. This code was firstly used tofocus on how the sensors placement, the number of used sensors, and their quality impact theaccuracy of parameters’ identification. Then, an application on a soil structure interaction wasconducted. Several tests to identify and characterize defaults using an impact hammer were alsocarried on. The last application focused on the optimization of the metrology in order to identifymechanical parameters with the best accuracy. This last work highlights the possibilities of theseresearches for structural health monitoring applications in civil engineering project.


Milani, Alisson Simonetti 05 March 2012 (has links)
The mechanical model usually adopted in the design of transmission lines (TL) latticed steel towers is very simple, using spatial truss and frame elements, and solved by a linear static or non-linear geometric analysis. In the event of rupture of a conductor cable or a shield wire the loading is considered through static equivalent loads , and foundations are usually modeled how undeformable supports. This work evaluated the response of two TL latticed steel towers subjected to the cable rupture, considering the influence of foundation flexibility in the model and type of analysis, i. e., with a dynamic analysis in time domain and a static analysis with the static equivalent loads , usually adopted in design practice. In dynamic analysis, direct explicit numerical integration of the equations of motion in the time domain was adopted, using the central finite differences scheme, and the model included all components of a TL: the towers, the conductor cables, the shield wires, the insulator strings and the foundation elements, in order to evaluate the influence of boundary conditions on the results. Finally, the results of dynamic analysis of towers, in terms of displacements at the top, support reactions and maximum loads in some selected bars are compared with the results of static analysis. / O modelo mecânico usualmente adotado no projeto de torres metálicas treliçadas é bastante simples, utilizando elementos de treliça e/ou pórtico espacial, e resolvido através de uma análise estática e linear ou não linear geométrica. Nas hipóteses de carga de ruptura de um cabo condutor ou um cabo pára-raios o carregamento é considerado através de uma carga estática equivalente , e as fundações geralmente são modeladas com apoios indeslocáveis. Neste trabalho é avaliada a resposta de duas torres metálicas treliçadas de linhas de transmissão (LT) submetidas à hipótese de carga de ruptura de um cabo condutor, considerando a influência da flexibilidade da fundação no modelo e do tipo de análise, isto é, com uma análise dinâmica no domínio do tempo e uma análise estática com as cargas estáticas equivalentes usualmente adotadas na prática de projeto. Na análise dinâmica, o modelo deve contemplar todos os elementos de uma LT, ou seja, as torres, os cabos condutores, os cabos pára-raios e as cadeias de isoladores, a fim de se availar a influência das condições de contorno nos resultados. Por fim, os resultados da análise dinâmica das torres, em termos de deslocamentos no topo e esforços máximos em algumas barras, devem ser comparados com os resultados da análise estática, para que possam ser elaboradas sugestões nos procedimentos de projeto deste tipo de estrutura.

Dynamic soil-structure interaction : effect of nonlinear soil behavior / Interaction dynamique sol-structure : influence de non linéarités de comportement du sol

Gandomzadeh, Ali 08 February 2011 (has links)
L'interaction dynamique sol-structure a été largement explorée en supposant le comportement linéaire du sol. Néanmoins, pour des séismes d'intensité modérée à forte, la contrainte de cisaillement maximale peut facilement atteindre la limite élastique du sol. Du point de vue de l'interaction sol-structure, les effets non linéaires peuvent modifier la rigidité du sol à la base de la structure ainsi que la quantité d'énergie dissipée dans le sol. En conséquence, ignorer les caractéristiques non linéaires du sol dans l'interaction dynamique sol-structure (IDSS) peut conduire à des prédictions erronées de la réponse de la structure. Le but de ce travail est d'implémenter dans un code numérique une loi de comportement non linéaire pour le sol afin d'examiner l'effet de la nonlinéarité du sol sur l'interaction dynamique sol-structure. De plus, différents aspects sont pris en compte tels que l'effet de la contrainte de confinement sur le module de cisaillement du sol, les conditions statiques initiales, les conditions d'interface entre le sol et la structure, etc. Durant ce travail, une méthode simple de couche absorbante basée sur une formulation de Rayleigh / Caughey pour l'amortissement, qui est généralement disponible dans les logiciels existants d'éléments finis, a également été développée. Les conditions de stabilité des problèmes de propagation d'onde sont étudiées et on montre que les comportements linéaire et non linéaire sont très différents en ce qui concerne la dispersion numérique. La règle habituelle de 10 points par longueur d'onde, recommandée dans la littérature pour les milieux élastiques, apparaît pas suffisante dans le cas non linéaire.Le modèle implémenté est d'abord vérifié numériquement en comparant les résultats avec ceux d'autres codes numériques connus. Après cela, une étude paramétrique est menée pour différents types de structures et des profils de sol variés afin de caractériser les effets non linéaires. Différentes caractéristiques de l'IDSS sont comparées à celles du cas linéaire: modification de l'amplitude et du contenu fréquentiel des ondes se propageant dans le sol, fréquence fondamentale, dissipation de l'énergie dans le sol et réponse du système sol-structure. A travers ces études paramétriques nous montrons qu'en fonction des propriétés du sol, le contenu fréquentiel de la réponse du sol peut changer significativement à cause des nonlinéarités de comportement. Les pics de la fonction de transfert entre le champ libre et le rocher affleurant se décalent vers les basses fréquences et l'amplification se produit dans cette gamme de fréquences. Une réduction de l'amplification pour les hautes fréquences et même une dé-amplification peuvent se produire pour un fort niveau des mouvements d'entrée. Ces changements influencent la réponse de la structure. Ce travail montre également que la proximité des fréquences fondamentales de la structure et du sol influence fortement l'interaction sol-structure. Enfin, l'effet du poids de la structure et du balancement de la superstructure peut être significatif. Finalement, le bassin de Nice est utilisé comme un exemple de propagation d'onde dans un milieu non linéaire hétérogène et d'interaction dynamique sol-structure. La réponse du bassin dépend fortement de la combinaison de la nonlinéarité du sol, des effets topographiques et du contraste d'impédance entre les couches de sol. Pour les structures et les profils de sol sélectionnés dans ce travail, les simulations numériques réalisées montrent que le décalage de la fréquence fondamentale n'est pas un bon indicateur pour distinguer le comportement linéaire du sol du comportement non linéaire / The interaction of the soil with the structure has been largely explored the assumption of material and geometrical linearity of the soil. Nevertheless, for moderate or strong seismic events, the maximum shear strain can easily reach the elastic limit of the soil behavior. Considering soil-structure interaction, the nonlinear effects may change the soil stiffness at the base of the structure and therefore energy dissipation into the soil. Consequently, ignoring the nonlinear characteristics of the dynamic soil-structure interaction (DSSI) this phenomenon could lead toerroneous predictions of structural response. The goal of this work is to implement a fully nonlinear constitutive model for soils into anumerical code in order to investigate the effect of soil nonlinearity on dynamic soil structureinteraction. Moreover, different issues are taken into account such as the effect of confining stress on the shear modulus of the soil, initial static condition, contact elements in the soil-structure interface, etc. During this work, a simple absorbing layer method based on a Rayleigh / Caughey damping formulation, which is often already available in existing. Finite Element softwares, is also presented. The stability conditions of the wave propagation problems are studied and it is shown that the linear and nonlinear behavior are very different when dealing with numerical dispersion. It is shown that the 10 points per wavelength rule, recommended in the literature for the elastic media is not sufficient for the nonlinear case. The implemented model is first numerically verified by comparing the results with other known numerical codes. Afterward, a parametric study is carried out for different types of structures and various soil profiles to characterize nonlinear effects. Different features of the DSSI are compared to the linear case : modification of the amplitude and frequency content of the waves propagated into the soil, fundamental frequency, energy dissipation in the soil and the response of the soil-structure system. Through these parametric studies we show that depending on the soil properties, frequency content of the soil response could change significantly due to the soil nonlinearity. The peaks of the transfer function between free field and outcropping responsesshift to lower frequencies and amplification happens at this frequency range. Amplificationreduction for the high frequencies and even deamplication may happen for high level inputmotions. These changes influence the structural response.We show that depending on the combination of the fundamental frequency of the structureand the the natural frequency of the soil, the effect of soil-structure interaction could be significant or negligible. However, the effect of structure weight and rocking of the superstructurecould change the results. Finally, the basin of Nice is used as an example of wave propagation ona heterogeneous nonlinear media and dynamic soil-structure interaction. The basin response isstrongly dependent on the combination of soil nonlinearity, topographic effects and impedancecontrast between soil layers. For the selected structures and soil profiles of this work, the performed numerical simulations show that the shift of the fundamental frequency is not a goodindex to discriminate linear from nonlinear soil behavior

Análise da interação solo-estrutura aplicada a riser rígido em catenária através da formulação co-rotacional / Analysis of the soil-structure interaction applied to steel catenary riser using corotational formulation

Antonio, Leonardo Machado 06 August 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Renato Pavanello / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T13:26:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio_LeonardoMachado_M.pdf: 4297559 bytes, checksum: 9607067525a5f1e234ed72d8bcef64ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A explotação de petróleo em ambientes off-shore possui inúmeras dificuldades, dentre as quais lâminas d'águas cada vez mais profundas. Neste contexto, as linhas submarinas são componentes de grande importância nesta atividade, pois estabelecem a comunicação entre as unidades de produção e os equipamentos submarinos. Este trabalho estuda a interação solo-estrutura de risers rígidos em catenária utilizando a formulação co-rotacional através de abordagens estática e dinâmica. A abordagem estática trata do equílibrio estático de estruturas não-lineares, no qual utiliza-se a estratégia de controle por carregamento;enquanto a abordagem dinâmica utiliza a discretização temporal de Newmark para resolução do equílibrio dinâmico de estruturas não-lineares. Este estudo mostra a implementação de modelos com um e dois parâmetros baseados das hipóteses de Winkler, Filonenko-Borodich e Pasternak no contexto interação da estrutura do riser com o leito marinho / Abstract: The petroleum explotation on off-shore enviorments has differents dificulties, for example deeper water deths. In this context, the marine pipes are components of extreme importance, since they are the comunication between the production units and the subsea equipaments. This work studies the soil-structure interaction of steel cathenary risers using corotational formulation within static and dynamic approaches of structural calculation. The static approach focus on the non-linear static equilibrium of structures using the load control strategy. On the other side, the dynamic approach uses the Newmark time discretization to solve the non-linear dynamic equilibrium equation. This study shows the implementation of foundation with one and two parameter based on hipotheses of Winkler, Filonenko-Borodich and Pasternak in the riser structure and soil interaction context / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

2D-model of a portal frame railway bridge for dynamic analysis

Kylén, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic Soil-Structure Interactionof Soil-Steel Composite Bridges : A Frequency Domain Approach Using PML Elements and Model Updating

FERNANDEZ BARRERO, DIEGO January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis covers the dynamic soil structure interaction of soil-steel culverts applyinga methodology based on the frequency domain response. At the first stage of this masterthesis, field tests were performed on one bridge using controlled excitation. Then, themethodology followed uses previous research, the field tests, finite element models (FEM)and perfectly matched layer (PML) elements.Firstly, a 2D model of the analysed bridge, Hårestorp, was made to compare the frequencyresponse functions (FRF) with the ones obtained from the field tests. Simultaneously, a 3Dmodel of the bridge is created for the following purposes: compare it against the 2D modeland the field tests, and to implement a model updating procedure with the particle swarmalgorithm to calibrate the model parameters. Both models use PML elements, which areverified against previous solution from the literature. The verification concludes that thePML behave correctly except for extreme parameter values.In the course of this master thesis, relatively advanced computation techniques were requiredto ensure the computational feasibility of the problem with the resources available.To do that, a literature review of theoretical aspects of parallel computing was performed, aswell as the practical aspects in Comsol. Then, in collaboration with Comsol Support and thehelp given by PDC at KTH it was possible to reduce the computational time to a feasiblepoint of around two weeks for the model updating of the 3D model.The results are inconclusive, in terms of searching for a perfectly fitting model. Therefore,further research is required to adequately face the problem. Nevertheless, there are some accelerometerswhich show a considerable level of agreement. This thesis concludes to discardthe 2D models due to their incapability of facing the reality correctly, and establishes a modeloptimisation methodology using Comsol in connection with Matlab.

Rectification of 2-D to 3-D Finite Element Analysis in Buried Concrete Arches Under Discrete Loading

Aagard, Adam D. 21 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Construction of tunnels and small- to medium-span bridges is a $12 billion per year industry in the United States, with a significant portion going into buried arch structures. Notwithstanding such expenditure, modern arch design and construction, in many cases, is highly conservative. This is because the closed-form solutions used by most designers today do not correctly account for soil-structure interaction. In fact, soil-structure interaction makes a closed form solution impossible. With the advent of high power computers in recent years, some designers have turned to finite element (FE)modeling as the main vehicle of analysis. Such numerical procedures provide an accurate approximation of physical behavior. Practices using FE analysis for buried arch design almost exclusively use two-dimensional models because they are faster to set up and analyze than three-dimensional models and cost substantially less. However, 2-D models fail to account for the stiffness of the structure and spread of discrete loads in the third-dimension. Both the 1996 and 1998 AASHTO-LRFD Bridge Design Specifications address this problem, providing methods of load reduction. Much of the current reduction, however, is based on research done on concrete bridge decks, and does not account for continuous elastic support or the geometry of the structure. This results in a conservative analysis at low fill covers (<10') and/or increasing spans (>20’). This research provides a method to rectify the discrepancy that arises in discrete loading of 2-D FE models of semi-flexible buried concrete arch bridge, culvert, and tunnel systems due to the plane-strain assumption. Rectification is accomplished by providing a correlation between the deflection of a beam-on-elastic-foundation analysis and a distribution length by which the load in 2-D analysis is reduced. Distribution lengths are derived using bending energy ratios. The correlation considers structural geometry, overburden height, and base soil stiffness. Reduction of the 2-D design load by the proposed distribution length results in shear forces and bending moments nearly equivalent to those obtained from 3-D analysis in the plane of discrete load application transverse to the structure. Less conservative results are also obtained for axial forces. These results are intended for use on structures that are four times the span in length, or longer.

Train Induced Vibration Analysis of an End-frame Bridge : Numerical Analysis on Sidensjövägen

Wiberg, Niklas, Halilovic, Jasmin January 2018 (has links)
Higher speeds and higher capacity will cause the Swedish rail network to be exposed to disturbing dynamic effects. Higher speeds cause higher vertical acceleration levels of the bridge deck. In this thesis, a numerical analysis of a three span end-frame bridge subjected to train induced vibrations is performed. The aim is to identify which structural components and boundary conditions that affect the dynamic behavior of the bridge. Furthermore, the influence of soil structure interaction (SSI) will be investigated as it may have contribution to the stiffness and damping of the structural system.  In order to capture the dynamic response of the bridge, an analysis in the frequency domain was preformed where frequency response functions (FRF) and acceleration envelopes were obtained. For this purpose, a detailed FE-model in 3D was created. Three different cases were studied, model subjected to ballast, model subjected to soil and model subjected to both ballast and soil in coherence. A high speed load model (HSLM) was used to create simulation of train passages at different speeds and applied to all cases so that the bridge deck accelerations could be studied. A simplified 2D-model with impedance functions representing the soil-structure interaction was created to validate the results from the detailed 3D-model and for practical design purposes.  The result of this numerical analysis showed that the vertical accelerations were within acceptable levels of the maximum allowed limits given in governing publications. Considering the surrounding soil, the results revealed an increase of the dynamic response in the midspan at resonant frequency. However, it was identified that this behavior is not explained by the influence of soil structure interaction but rather the change in boundary conditions of the end-shields. The same dynamic behavior was identified for the simplified 2D-model, with a slight underestimation of the vertical accelerations at resonance.

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