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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finansiële bestuur in die nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasie

Theron, Shirley Marlene 11 1900 (has links)
Finansiele bestuur word aile~ as die taak van finansiele bestuurskundiges beskou. By nie-winsgerigte organisasies raak dit egter dikwels die verantwoordelikheid van niefinansiE! Ie personeel of bestuurslede uit 'n ander opleidingsagtergrond. Maatskaplike werkers, een van die vemaamste diensprofessies betrokke by nie·w;nsgerigte welsynsorganisasies, beskik nie noodwendig oor hierdie bestuursvaardighede nie. Hierdie studie kan bydra tot maatskaplike werkers en ander nie-finansiele personeel se verbeterde kennis en insig van sleutelaspekte van finansiele bestuur. Dit kan terselfdertyd ook finansiele bestuurders sensitiseer vir die eiesoortig-gekompliseerde eise van finansiele bestuur op die terrein van nie-winsgerigtheid, waar die fokus op diensfewering eerder as finansiile gewin, val. Dit konseptualiseer algemene bestuursfunksies en finansiele risikofaktore binne die konteks en eiesoortigheid van nie-winsgerigte flnansiAie bestuur. Hierdie kennis kan moontlik die gaping tussen die. bestuursvaardighede van finansiele- en nie-finansiele bestuurders help oorbrug en die sukses en voortbestaan van nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasies bevorder deur die kwaliteit van bestuursinsette te verbeter. / Financial management is commonly regarded to be the field of financial managers. In the case of non-profit or voluntary organisations it often becomes the responsibility of non-financial personnel or members of management from other educational backgrounds. Social workers involved in non-profit organisations rendering welfare services do not necessarily have the required financial management skills. This study can provide social workers and other non-financial personnel with information to better their understanding on key issues concerning financial management. It can also sensitise financial managers towards the uniquely complicated demands on financial management in the non-profit environment, where the focus falls on service delivery rather than on financial gain. It conceptualises management principles as well as financial risk factors in the distinct context of non-profitable financial management. This knowledge could probably aid in bridging the gap between the management skills of financial and non-financial managers and thus promote the success and sustainabUity of non-profit organisations by improving the quality of input by management. / Social work / M.Diac. (Maatskaplike werk (Bestruur)

Finansiële bestuur in die nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasie

Theron, Shirley Marlene 11 1900 (has links)
Finansiele bestuur word aile~ as die taak van finansiele bestuurskundiges beskou. By nie-winsgerigte organisasies raak dit egter dikwels die verantwoordelikheid van niefinansiE! Ie personeel of bestuurslede uit 'n ander opleidingsagtergrond. Maatskaplike werkers, een van die vemaamste diensprofessies betrokke by nie·w;nsgerigte welsynsorganisasies, beskik nie noodwendig oor hierdie bestuursvaardighede nie. Hierdie studie kan bydra tot maatskaplike werkers en ander nie-finansiele personeel se verbeterde kennis en insig van sleutelaspekte van finansiele bestuur. Dit kan terselfdertyd ook finansiele bestuurders sensitiseer vir die eiesoortig-gekompliseerde eise van finansiele bestuur op die terrein van nie-winsgerigtheid, waar die fokus op diensfewering eerder as finansiile gewin, val. Dit konseptualiseer algemene bestuursfunksies en finansiele risikofaktore binne die konteks en eiesoortigheid van nie-winsgerigte flnansiAie bestuur. Hierdie kennis kan moontlik die gaping tussen die. bestuursvaardighede van finansiele- en nie-finansiele bestuurders help oorbrug en die sukses en voortbestaan van nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasies bevorder deur die kwaliteit van bestuursinsette te verbeter. / Financial management is commonly regarded to be the field of financial managers. In the case of non-profit or voluntary organisations it often becomes the responsibility of non-financial personnel or members of management from other educational backgrounds. Social workers involved in non-profit organisations rendering welfare services do not necessarily have the required financial management skills. This study can provide social workers and other non-financial personnel with information to better their understanding on key issues concerning financial management. It can also sensitise financial managers towards the uniquely complicated demands on financial management in the non-profit environment, where the focus falls on service delivery rather than on financial gain. It conceptualises management principles as well as financial risk factors in the distinct context of non-profitable financial management. This knowledge could probably aid in bridging the gap between the management skills of financial and non-financial managers and thus promote the success and sustainabUity of non-profit organisations by improving the quality of input by management. / Social work / M.Diac. (Maatskaplike werk (Bestruur)

Eienaarskap, beheer en befondsing van skole in Suid-Afrika : `n studie in tydsperspektief

Jansen, Thomas Tobias 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this study the ownership, governance and funding of schools in South Africa are examined in time perspective in order to show the development of the above-mentioned aspects in South Africa through the ages, and to provide recommendations for the future. In the historical survey the ownership, governance and funding of schools in South Africa from 1652 to 2004 are indicated. This has been done for the Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks. The historical pattern of the provision of education in South Africa has often changed during the period under discussion. The education of Whites, Coloureds, Indians and Blacks was provided, and funded separately (1652 to 1993). Imbalances and inequities were common phenomena. Attempts to address the above issues (1994 to 2004) are also indicated. Finally, some recommendations for redressing the present imbalances and inequities with regard to the above three aspects are provided. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (History of Education)

Die finansiële posisie van gades na egskeiding met spesifieke verwysing na die clean break -beginsel

Engelbrecht, Ockert Michiel January 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie studie handel oor die ontwikkeling van die "clean break"-beginsel met verwysing na die posisie daarvan in vergelykbare regstelsels. Dit toon aan hoedat maatskaplike omstandighede die samelewing se siening van die huwelik be"invloed het. Die hedendaagse samelewing is ten gunste van 'n "clean break" na egskeiding, sonder 'n voortdurende onderhoudsverpligting. Hierdie neiging beinvloed die finansiele posisie · van gades na egskeiding nadelig. Dit is 'n feit wat ook in regskringe al hoe meer erkenning geniet en daartoe aanleiding gegee het dat voortdurend gedebatteer word oor wyses waarop die finansiele posisie van vroue na egskeiding verbeter kan word. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die siening van substansiele gelykheid 'n invloed behoort te he op die finansiele posisie van gades na egskeiding. Gesien teen die agtergrond van die fundamentele menseregte handves is 'n bemoeienis van regswee inderdaad geregverdig. / This study traces the development of the "clean break" principle as it has developed in comparable legal systems. It shows that changed socio-economic conditions influenced society's view of marriage. Modern society tends to follow a "clean break" after divorce, with no continuing maintenance obligations. This trend tends to influence the financial position of single parent families after divorce negatively. This fact has been recognised in legal circles and has led to a continuing debate on ways to improve the financial position of women after divorce. My study concludes that substantial equality as seen from a fundamental human rights position point of view, justifies legal involvement with regard to the financial position of spouses after divorce. / Private Law / LL. M.

An empirical study of the impact of bank credit on agricultural output in South Africa

Chisasa, Joseph 12 1900 (has links)
In the literature there are mixed results on the link between credit and agricultural output growth. Some authors argue that credit leads to growth in agricultural output. Others view growth as one of the factors that influence credit supply, thus growth leads and credit follows. By and large, studies have not endeavoured to establish the short-run impact of agricultural credit on output. They are generally limited in establishing the long-run relationship between credit and agricultural output and thus present a research gap in this respect. This study contributes to the existing body of literature by focusing on the finance-growth nexus at sectoral level as a departure from extant literature that has focused on the macroeconomic level. Using South African data, the study investigated the causal relationship between the supply of credit and agricultural output as well as whether the two are cointegrated and have a short-run relationship. The study found that bank credit and agricultural output are cointegrated. Using the error correction model (ECM), the results showed that, in the short-run, bank credit has a negative impact on agricultural output, reflecting the uncertainties of institutional credit in South Africa. However, the ECM coefficient shows that the supply of agricultural credit rapidly adjusts to short-term disturbances, indicating that there is no room for tardiness in the agricultural sector. The absence of institutional credit will immediately be replaced by availability of other credit facilities from non-institutional sources. Conventional Granger causality tests show unidirectional causality from (1) bank credit to agricultural output growth, (2) agricultural output to capital formation, (3) agricultural output to labour, (4) capital formation to credit, and (5) capital formation to labour, and a bi-directional causality between credit and labour. Noteworthy and significant for South Africa is that for the agricultural sector, the direction of causality is from finance to growth, in other words supply-leading, whereas at the macroeconomic level, the direction of causality is from economic growth to finance, in other words, demand-leading. Applying a structural equation modelling approach to survey data of smallholder farmers, the positive relationship between bank credit and agricultural output observed from analysis of secondary data was confirmed. / Business Management / DCOM (Business Management)

Die effek van die afstudering van MBA-studente op owerheidsbefondsing

Cilliers, Johann J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The theme of this study is an investigation of the financing issues of Universities, with specific reference to the Graduate School of Business of the University of Stellenbosch. The goal of the study is to determine what influence the successful or non-successful completion of studies at the Management School have on the subsidies that the University of Stellenbosch, and therefor the Business School, receive from the state. The following critical factors influence the University's revenue from subsidies. Firstly, time plays a role. It is a fact that when a student is successful in obtaining a degree within the minimum period or longer, or not al all, this directly influences the funding of the University, and therefor also that of the specific department, because each cost unit at University and Faculty level is directly influenced by the number of enrolled students who successfully complete their credits. The principles of the subsidising of instruction inputs and outputs causes that it is more important for the university that students attain their specific credits and therefor their degrees in the minimum prescribed period of time, rather than eventually attaining their degrees. If a student enroll for a number of credits in a specific year, but he does not attain those credits that year, it means that the university will effectively only receive half of the normal subsidy amount, because subsidy will not be calculated for the next year for success. The second factor is the demographic profile of students. Because of the entry of previously disadvantaged communities, and their bigger demand and need for training, there will in future be more and more pressure on the funding principles and the subsidies that universities receive from the government. This will force universities to find ways to support students, and encourage them to attain their degrees within the prescribed time frame, without compromising standards. The third factor is that the central government does not pay the subsidies that it should pay in terms of the so-called subsidy formula. These factors make it imperative that enrolled students should attain their degrees as soon as possible. This study focuses therefor on the so-called subsidy formula and how the success ratio of MBA-students impact on the financing of current expenditure of the Business School of the University of Stellenbosch. In order to make recommendations on which actions the Business School needs to take in the light of successful completion of studies, the following work method was followed. Various personnel of the Administrative Department of the University of Stellenbosch (US), as well as the Business School of the University of Stellenbosch (USB), was interviewed to determine how the formula is used within the framework of the University, as well as to obtain information and statistics on the study patterns of students of the USB. A study was conducted of previous, the current and future funding formulae. Personal interviews were conducted with people at the Management School of the University of Potchefstroom to compare their MBA-course with that of the USB. The most important finding of this study is that Universities should do everything in their power to ensure that students successfully obtain their course credits within the prescribed minimum period, as the subsidy payable for non-successful students are half of that payable for successful students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tema van hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die finansieringsvraagstukke van universiteite, met spesifieke verwysing na die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die doelwit van die studie is om te bepaal watter invloed die afstudering of nie-afstudering van studente aan die Bestuurskool (USB) het op die subsidie wat die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, en uiteindelik die Bestuurskool, van die Staat ontvang. Die volgende kritieke faktore beïnvloed die Universiteit se inkomste uit subsidies. Eerstens speel tyd 'n rol. Dit is 'n feit dat indien 'n student suksesvol binne die minimum tydperk of langer afstudeer, of glad nie, dit 'n direkte invloed op die befondsing van die Universteit, en uiteindelik die befondsing van die departement het, omdat elke koste-eenheid op Universiteits- en Fakulteitsvlak direk geraak word deur die getal ingeskrewe studente wat hulle krediete suksesvol voltooi. Die beginsels ten opsigte van die subsidiëring van instruksie-insette en -uitsette veroorsaak dat dit belangriker is vir die universiteit dat studente hulle spesifieke krediete en dus hulle grade binne die voorgeskrewe minimum periode moet behaal, eerder as dat hulle uiteindelik grade moet behaal. Indien 'n student inskryf vir 'n aantal krediete in 'n sekere jaar, maar nie in daardie jaar sy krediete behaal nie, beteken dit dat hy effektief net die helfte van sy normale subsidiebedrag vir die universiteit beteken, aangesien daar vir die volgende jaar nie weer subsidie bereken kan word ten opsigte van sukses nie. Die tweede faktor is die demografiese profiel van studente. Die toetrede van die voorheen agtergeblewe gemeenskappe, en hulle groter eise en behoefte aan opleiding, veroorsaak dat daar in die toekoms meer en meer druk op die befondsingsbeginsels en die subsidie wat universiteite van die staat ontvang, gaan wees. Dit sal universiteite noodsaak om wyses te vind om studente te ondersteun en aan te moedig om hulle grade binne die voorgeskrewe tyd te behaal, sonder om standaarde te verlaag. Die derde faktor is dat die sentrale regering vir die afgelope paar jaar al, nie die volle subsidies betaal wat hy behoort te betaal ingevolge die sogenaamde subsidieformules nie. Hierdie faktore noodsaak dit dat ingeskrewe studente dus so vinnig as moontlik moet afstudeer. Die studie fokus derhalwe op die sogenaamde subsidieformule en hoe die suksesratio van MBA-studente impakteer op die finansiering van lopende uitgawes van die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Ten einde aanbevelings te maak oor watter optredes die Bestuurskool in die lig van suksesvolle afstudering behoort te neem, is die volgende werkswyse gevolg. Onderhoude is gevoer met verskeie persone verbonde aan die Administratiewe Departement van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US), sowel as die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (USB), om te bepaal hoe die formule binne die raamwerk van die Universiteit toegepas word, asook om inligting te opsigte van die afstuderingstendense van studente aan die USB te bekom. Daar is 'n studie gedoen ten opsigte van vorige, die huidige en toekomstige subsidieformules. Die respondent het ook onderhoude gevoer met persone verbonde aan die Bestuurskool van die Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys om vergelykings te tref tussen hulle MBA-program en die van die USB. Die belangrikste bevindings van hierdie studie is dat Universiteite alles in hulle vermoë moet doen om te verseker dat studente hulle kursuskrediete op tyd suksesvol voltooi, aangesien die subsidie betaalbaar ten opsigte van nie suksesvolle studente die helfte beloop van die subsidie wat betaal sal word vir 'n suksesvolle student.

Theory-based evaluation, logic modelling and the experience of SA non-governmental organisations

Wildschut, Lauren Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examined the origins and development of theory-based evaluation (TBE) and the logic models associated with this approach. This was done in order to better understand the roots and evolution of these models which are currently used by donor agencies both nationally and internationally. It was found that logic models, which are used for both project management and evaluation, had their origins in a range of domains including management, education and curriculum design from as early as 1909. Early evaluators from the education, training and health sectors as well as contextual factors such as the professionalization of evaluation and an ever- increasing demand for accountability contributed significantly to the development of both TBE and its associated models. A systematic review of a large sample of logic models and logical frameworks was conducted in order to bring some order and clarity to the plethora of models facing stakeholders in the field of evaluation. It was discovered that four key types of logic models and two key types of logframes face developers and users of models but that the "branding" of donors of their particular demand for accountability, obscures this fact. In order to understand the experience of South African Non-Governmental Organisations when engaging with donors and their demands for accountability a survey was carried out of those organisations which were utilising a specialised form of planning tool. The findings of this study show that South African donors, like their international counterparts, mainly use the models associated with TBE to obtain standardised and focused evidence of results from projects albeit with a distinct scepticism about the actual necessity of some of the donor requirements. Most Non-Governmental Organisations view the donor requirements, such as the logic model and logical framework, as necessary in the funding relationship despite indicating that they find the models inflexible. The study not only makes a contribution to an under-researched area in programme evaluation, it also provides insights into an under-researched area of the South African Non-Governmental sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om 'n in-diepte begrip van die ontwikkeling van logika modelle ("logic models") en logika raamwerke ("logical framework") te ontwikkel ten einde die ervarings van Suid-Afrikaans nie-regeringsorganisasies met donateurs beter te begryp. In besonder was die doel om vas te stel hoe sodanige organisasies die vereistes rondom projekbeplanning, monitering, evaluasie en rapportering ervaar. Die studie het gevind dat die oorspronge van hierdie modelle, wat beide vir projekbestuur en evaluasie gebruik word, te vinde is in verskeie areas insluit bestuur, opvoedkunde and kurrikulumontwerp. Die eerste generasie evalueerders in opvoedkunde, opleiding en gesondheid sowel as kontekstuele faktore soos die professionalisering van evaluasie en die immer-toenemende vereistes van rekenpligtigheid het alles beduidend bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van logika modelle. 'n Sistematiese oorsig en ontleding van 'n beduidende steekproef van logika modelle en raamwerke is uitgevoer ten einde meer helderheid en sistematiek te kry in 'n domein waar daar uiteenlopende benaderings en modelle is. Daar is gevind dat vier sleuteltipes logika modelle en twee sleuteltipes logika raamwerke deur die meeste organisasies gebruik word maar dat verskillende befondsingsagentskappe en organisasies hul eie betekenis en inhoud aan hul logika modelle gee. Ten einde die ervarings van Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regerings organisasies te begryp is 'n opname uitgestuur aan alle organisasies wat hierdie raamwerke gebruik. Die resultate van die opname wys dat Suid-Afrikaanse befondsagentskappe, soos hulle internasionele vennote, veral modelle gebruik wat geasosieer is met teorie-gebaseerde evaluasie ten einde gestandaardiseerde en gefokusde getuienis van projektesultate te genereer. Die meerderheid Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regeringsorganisasies aanvaar die vereistes van donateurs alhoewel hierdie "aanvaarding" gepaardgaan met 'n duidelike skeptisisme oor die absolute noodsaaklikheid van somige van hierdie vereistes. Die meerderheid organisasies beskou donateur vereistes, veral wat betref die logika model en die logika raamwerk, as noodsaaklik binne die konteks van die befondsingsverhouding ten spyte van persepsies dat sodanige modelle some uiters rigied kan wees. Die studies maak 'n bydrae, nie alleen in area in programevaluasie waar daar weinig navorsing is nie, maar dit bied ook insig in die gedrag en persepsies van die Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regeringsektor wat programevaluasie praktyke betref.


Du Toit, C. E. (Catherina Elizabeth) 12 1900 (has links)
Study project (MAcc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The most basic principle of agency theory is that an individual will always serve his own interest best. According to Eisenhardt (1989) agency theory describes individuals as rational, risk averse en motivated by egotism. Agency theory also deals with the conflict that exists between different parties in an organization due to people's egoism. This self-interest can lead to goal incongruence if a person is placed in an environment where he has to serve somebody else's interest. Ownership and management vested in the same party until about 130 years ago. These roles were however separated with the development of the modem organization. The principal or owner is now represented by the shareholder and management serves as the agent. The principal thus appoints the agent to serve and manage his interest in the organization optimally. The principal's goal is the maximising of his shareholders' wealth. The agent's goal to carry out his task with the minimum effort and or to obtain maximum benefit for himself. It is thus clear that the goals of the principal and agent might often differ and this will give rise to goal Incongruence. This goal incongruence may give rise to some managerial actions which will be detrimental to optimal value of the company. The agency conflict, which is caused by man's self interest, manifests in the modem organization in a number of ways. These are referred to agency problems in this assignment. Agency problems are found both on a micro- and macroeconomical level. Agency cost is the sum of the difference between the real and optimal value of the company, the monitoring costs of the principal and the bonding costs of the agent. This cost is to the disadvantage of the principal and might even be to the disadvantage of the agent. It is thus essential that agency conflict and agency costs are reduced to a minimum. A number of measures are taken to address the agency problems and to reduce their negative effect on the organization. None of these measures will be efficient enough ifused in isolation. An optimal combination of solutions will depend on the company's specific circumstances. An empirical study was conducted to determine to what extent the agency problems manifest during the demutualisation of a big insurance business. The measures taken to address these problems were also investigated as well as the extent to which these were successful. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die basiese aanname van agentskapsteorie is dat die individu sy selfbelang altyd eerste sal stel. Volgens Eisenhardt (1989) beskryf agentskapsteorie individue as rasioneel, risikoongeneigd en gemotiveer deur selfbelang. Agentskapsteorie handel verder oor die konflik wat tussen die verskillende belanghebbende partye binne 'n organisasie as gevolg van persone se selfbelang ontstaan. Hierdie selfbelang van die mens kan lei tot doelwitinkongruensie, indien die persoon in 'n omgewing geplaas word waar daar van hom verwag word om 'n ander se belange te dien. Eienaarskap en bestuur was tot ongeveer 130 jaar gelede gevestig in dieselfde party. Met die totstandkoming van die moderne onderneming, is hierdie rolle egter geskei. Die prinsipaal of eienaar word nou verteenwoordig deur die aandeelhouer en die bestuur dien as die agent. Die prinsipaal stel dus die agent aan om na sy belang in die onderneming om te sien en dit optimaal te bestuur. Die prinsipaal se doel is die maksimering van sy aandeelhouerswelvaart. Die agent poog om sy taak met minimale inspanning te voltooi en of uitsonderlike voordeel vir homself te behaal. Dit is duidelik dat die prinsipaal en agent se doelwitte meermale sal verskil en doelwitinkongruensie ontstaan dus. Hierdie doelwitinkongruensie word vergestalt in sekere aksies wat bestuur soms neem en wat daartoe lei dat die optimale waarde van die firma nie bereik word nie. Die agentskapskonflik wat as gevolg van die partye se selfbelang ontstaan manifesteer in die moderne onderneming op 'n verskeidenheid van wyses, wat in hierdie werkstuk as agenskapsprobleme gedefinieer word. Agentskapsprobleme kom op 'n mikro- sowel as op 'n makro-ekonomiese vlak voor. Die verskil tussen die werklike en optimale waarde van die organisasie, plus die prinsipaal se moniteringskoste en die agent se gebondenheidskoste, verteenwoordig agentskapskoste. Hierdie koste strek tot die nadeel van die eienaars en meermale ook tot die nadeel van die bestuur. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat agentskapskonflik en die gepaardgaande agentskapskoste tot 'n minimum beperk word. Daar word van 'n verskeidenheid van maatreëls gebruik gemaak ten einde die agenskapsprobleme aan te spreek en hul negatiewe impak op die onderneming te versag. Nie een van hierdie oplossings kan in isolasie gebruik gemaak word nie en afhangend van die onderneming se spesifieke omstandighede, sal daar hoogstens 'n optimale kombinasie van oplossings ontwikkel kan word. Daar is vervolgens in hierdie werkstuk 'n empiriese ondersoek uitgevoer ten einde te bepaal in hoe 'n mate die agenskapsprobleme tydens die demutualisering van 'n groot versekeringsonderneming manifesteer. Die neem van regstellende stappe om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ondersoek, sowel as die mate waartoe hierdie maatreëls suksesvol was al dan nie.

Development of a model to predict financial distress of companies listed on the JSE

Muller, Grant Henri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To date, there has been significant research completed on the topic of corporate financial distress. Two pioneering researchers in the field of predicting financial distress was Beaver in 1966 and Altman in 1968. More recent research, based on companies listed on the JSE has been that of Steyn-Bruwer and Hamman (2006). This project, based on the latter authors’ work, has been formulated with one main research objective and two subordinate research objectives. The main research objective is to prove that different modelling techniques provide better prediction accuracies than others. The two subordinate research objectives are firstly to prove that there is a difference in the overall predictive accuracy if the data (provided by Steyn-Bruwer and Hamman) is subdivided according to “year before failure” and not according to economic period and secondly to prove that more optimised, independent variables would provide a better overall predictive accuracy. This research report summarises several significant papers on the topic; and draws the conclusion that research on financial distress is fragmented with very little consensus on any of the major definitions, assumptions and findings. In order to contextualise these differences; this research report defines and discusses corporate financial distress and considers the major issues associated with the field of research. An interesting observation from the literature survey was the fact that existing literature does not readily take consideration of the number of Type I and Type II errors made. As such, this research report introduces a novel concept (not seen in other research) called the “Normalised Cost of Failure” (NCF) which takes cognisance of the fact that a Type I error typically costs 20 to 38 times that of a Type II error. In order to satisfy the main research objective several different modelling techniques were selected based on their popularity in the literature surveyed. They are: Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA), Recursive Partitioning (RP), Logit Analysis (LA) and Neural Networks (NN). A summary of each of the different techniques is provided in Chapter 4 of this research report. The research by Steyn-Bruwer and Hamman forms the departure point for this research and their work is summarised in Chapter 5 of this report. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 use the data from Steyn-Bruwer and Hamman along with the above mentioned modelling techniques to verify the main and subordinate objectives. In terms of the main research objective, the results of these chapters show that the different analysis techniques definitely produce different predictive accuracies. Here, the MDA and RP techniques correctly predict the most “failed” companies; and consequently have the lowest NCF. This research report also shows that LA and NN provide the best overall predictive accuracy. In terms of the first subordinate research objective; this research shows that using the year before failure rather than the economic period as a subdivision provides superior predictive accuracy. With regard to the second subordinate research objective: there is no difference in the predictive accuracies if the independent variables are further optimised. These results were disappointing and consequently disprove the second subordinate objective that widening the number of input variables actually improves the predictive accuracy. In fact, the results indicate that the information contained in the independent variables seems to saturate after the most important (key predictor) independent variables have been included in the model. It is important to take cognisance of the fact that each predictive technique has its own strength and weakness. It is proposed by the author that the strengths and weaknesses of these predictive techniques be combined to provide a better overall predictive methodology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Heelwat betekenisvolle navorsing oor die onderwerp van maatskappye se finansiële verknorsing is tot op hede voltooi. Twee baanbreker-navorsers op die gebied van vooruitskatting van finansiële verknorsing was Beaver in 1966 en Altman in 1968. Meer onlangse navorsing, gebaseer op maatskappye wat op die JSE genoteer is, was dié van Steyn-Bruwer en Hamman (2006). Hierdie navorsingsverslag, gebaseer op die voorgenoemde outeurs se werk, is geformuleer met een hoofnavorsingsdoelwit en twee ondergeskikte navorsingsdoelwitte. Die hoofnavorsingsdoelwit is om te bewys dat verskillende modelleringstegnieke beter voorspellingsakkuraatheid as andere het. Die twee ondergeskikte navorsingsdoelwitte is, eerstens, dat daar ʼn verskil is in die oorhoofse voorspellingsakkuraatheid as die data (verskaf deur Steyn-Bruwer en Hamman) onderverdeel word volgens die “jaar voor mislukking” eerder as volgens die ekonomiese tydperk; en tweedens, om te bewys dat meer geoptimiseerde, onafhanklike veranderlikes kan lei tot ʼn beter oorhoofse voorspellingsakkuraatheid. Ten einde hierdie verskille te konseptualiseer, het hierdie navorsingsverslag finansiële mislukkings van maatskappye bespreek en gedefinieer en aandag geskenk aan die belangrikste aspekte geassosieer met die navorsingsveld. ʼn Interessante waarneming uit die literatuurstudie was die feit dat die huidige literatuur selde indien enige, oorweging skenk aan die aantal Tipe I- en Tipe II-foute wat gemaak word. As sulks het hierdie navorsingsprojek ʼn nuwe begrip (nog nie in ander navorsing gesien nie) ontwikkel, wat beskryf word as die “Genormaliseerde Kostefaktor”; wat die feit dat ʼn Tipe I-fout tipies 20 tot 38 maal die koste van ʼn Tipe II-fout beloop, in ag neem. Ten einde te voldoen aan die hoofnavorsingsdoelwit is verskillende modelleringstegnieke wat op grond van hul gewildheid in die literatuur voorgekom het, gekies. Hulle is: Meervoudige Diskriminantanalise (MDA), Herhalende Verdeling (RP), Logit-Analise (LA) en Neurale Netwerke (NN). ʼn Opsomming van elk van hierdie verskillende tegnieke word in Hoofstuk 4 van hierdie navorsingsverslag verskaf. Die navorsing wat deur Steyn-Bruwer en Hamman gedoen is, vorm die vertrekpunt van hierdie navorsing en hulle werk is gevolglik in Hoofstuk 5 van hierdie verslag opgesom. Hoofstukke 6, 7 en 8 gebruik die data van Steyn-Bruwer en Hamman tesame met die bovermelde modelleringstegnieke ten einde die hoof- en ondergeskikte doelwitte te bewys. In terme van die hoofnavorsingsdoelwit, het die resultate van hierdie hoofstukke getoon dat die verskillende analitiese tegnieke definitief verskillende voorspellingsakkuraatheid oplewer. Hier het die MDA- en RP-tegnieke die grootste aantal mislukte maatskappye korrek voorspel, en gevolglik die laagste Genormaliseerde Kostefaktor gehad. Die navorsingsverslag toon ook dat LA en NN die beste oorhoofse akkuraatheid van voorspelling het. In terme van die eerste ondergeskikte navorsingsprobleem het hierdie navorsing getoon dat, om die jaar voor mislukking te gebruik as onderverdeling, eerder as die ekonomiese tydperk, beter voorspellingsakkuraatheid het. Wat die tweede ondergeskikte navorsingsdoelwit betref, is daar bevind dat daar geen verskille in die voorspellingsakkuraatheid bestaan as die individuele veranderlikes verder geoptimaliseer word nie. Hierdie resultate was teleurstellend en het gevolglik die tweede ondergeskikte probleem, naamlik dat as die aantal inset-veranderlikes sou vergroot word, dit die vooruitskattingsakkuraatheid behoort te kan verhoog, verkeerd bewys. Tewens, die resultate het getoon dat die inligting soos vervat in die onafhanklike veranderlikes klaarblyklik versadiging bereik nadat die belangrikste (hoof-vooruitskatter) onafhanklike veranderlikes in die model opgeneem is. Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem van die feit dat elke vooruitskattingstegniek sy eie sterk en swak punte het. Die skrywer stel dus voor dat hierdie sterk- en swakpunte gekombineerd gebruik word om ʼn beter oorhoofse vooruitskattingsmetodologie daar te stel.

Public private partnership as a means to address the financing of affordable housing in South Africa

Ngcuka, Akona 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / This study is an evaluation of the feasibility of utilising project finance in a Public Private Partnership model (as one of a number of possible private public partnership models) in order to deliver social housing in the South African market by evaluating the social housing regulatory environment against the commercial requirements for implementing project finance based PPP‘s, and indentifying gaps that are acting as stumbling blocks to the mobilisation of private sector resources in this sector. The study also looked at the social housing policy and the various private public partnership procurement models currently in use in the United Kingdom, with a view to highlight best practise and lessons which could be applied within the local environment. The broader South African procurement policy environment caters for the private sector delivery of infrastructure, with a number of deals having been delivered since the late 1990‘s. The Social Housing Policy does make provision for the Minister to make pronouncement on procurement models to be used, and does foresee some form of partnership between the public and private sector in delivering affordable housing (this is also supported by policies such the Inclusionary Housing Policy). The current policy environment however does not go far enough in addressing commercial requirements, such as guarantees for rental payments, and performance monitoring instruments, such as housing inspectorates, to facilitate the implementation of housing PPP‘s. 138 pages.

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