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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Former SADF soldiers' experience of betrayal: a phenomenological study

Olivier, Dawie 11 1900 (has links)
Existing literature identify betrayal as one of the major challenges that former SADF soldiers face in the “new” South Africa, and identify a need for studying the nature and types of betrayal and the effects it has on relationships. This study aimed to describe and interpret former SADF soldier‟s lived experience by focusing on the psychology of betrayal. A cross-sectional qualitative research methodology was used, guided by an interpretive phenomenological approach. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews, and the data was analysed using Heidegger‟s hermeneutical principles. The identified themes are (1) in the belly of the beast, (2) different agendas, (3) volte-face, (4) keeping the score (5) and just carry on. The findings offer deeper insights and understanding into how former SADF soldiers experience betrayal and the impact it has on their everyday lives. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Vorme van bevrydingsonderwys in Latyns-Amerika, die VSA, Tanzanië en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende studie

Asia, Henry Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Bevrydingsonderwys is 'n verskynsel \vat wereldwyd voorkom. Dit word egter nie in alle werelddele dieselfde genoem nie. Popular Education in Latyns-Amerika, Progressiewe Onderwys in die VSA, Sosialistiese Onderwys in Tanzanie en People's Education in die RSA kan b)voorbeeld almal as voorbeelde van benydingsonderwys beskou word. In hierdie studie word die ontstaan, ontwikkeling, aard en wese van bovermelde onderwysvorme beskryf en vergelyk. Eers word aandag gegee aan die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Popular Education en word die opvattings van onder andere Paulo Freire en Antonio Gramsci oor die verband tussen onderwys, bevryding en verandering bespreek. Daama word die historiese ontwikkeling van onderskeidelik Progressiewe Onderwys, Sosialistiese Onderwys en People's Education beskryf en bespreek. Die onderwysvorme word vervolgens met mekaar vergelyk en ooreenkomste en verskille blootgele. Ten slotte word bevrydingsonderwys aan die hand van opvoedkundige kriteria beoordeel en aanbevelings met betrekking tot onderwysverandering en -vemuwing in die RSA gemaak. / Education for liberation is a world-\"ide phenomenon. However, it is not named the same throughout the world. Popular Education in Latin America, Progressive Education in the USA Socialistic Education in Tanzania en People's Education in the RSA can, for instance, all be viewed as examples of education for liberation. In this study the origin, development and nature of the above-mentioned forms of education are described and compared. Firstly, the origin and development of Popular Education and the views of inter alia Paulo Freire and Antonio Gramsci regarding the relationship between education, liberation and change are discussed. Thereafter, the historical development of Progressive Education, Socialistic Education and People's Education are described and discussed. These forms of education are subsequently compared and similarities and differences are disclosed. Lastly, education for liberation is evaluated according to educational criteria and recommendations concerning educational change and renewal in the RSA are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

'n Geskiedenis van die kerklied in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Fourie, Francois Paul. 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die lied en musiekinstrumente speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die Bybel. Die Moseslied (Eks 15) word in die Psalms aangehaal en kulmineer in die 11 nuwe 11 lied van Openbaring - die lied van die "nuwe" hemel en die 11 nuwe 11 aarde wat verlostes saam sal sing. Die brandende vraag wat "reg" of hoegenaamd standpunt ingeneem moet perspektief (die Woord van God) "verkeerd" is en of daar word, word uit 'n Bybelse beantwoord, gegrond op die beginsel van die Reformasie: ecclessia reformata semper reformandum. Die geskiedenis van die lied van die vroee kerk tot by die Ref ormasie word kursories behandel. Die lied wat in die geskiedenis uit die mond van die gelowige, die lidmaat gehaal is en aan die priesters oorgelaat is, word deur Luther weer teruggeplaas in die mond van die gelowige. Dit blyk dat Calvyn, tsv die Ref ormasie slagspreuk, in sommige aspekte van sy beskouing van die kerklied, steeds 'n Roomse standpunt bly handhaaf en net tot by die vroee kerk "gereformeer" het. Slegs sgn "heilige" liedere, direk uit die Bybel, musiek sender instrumentale begeleiding, kon gebruik word. Saam met ons voorsate, wat van oa Nederland gekom het, het ons liederebundels gekom. Van Riebeeck het met die Datheense Psalter (die amptelike Nederlandse kerklied) wat later deur die 1805- "Evangelische Gezangen" aangevul is, geland. Agv die "cuius regio eius religio"-beginsel het die Hollandse kerklied voorkeur bo Lutherse ea kerkliedere gekry. Die 1805-"Evangelische Gezangen", alhoewel dit hartlik verwelkom is, het gelei tot misnoee in Colesberg en later in Rustenburg, wat op sy beurt gelei het tot kerkskeuring. Die "Evangelische Gezangen" was ook, naas die Bybel en die Psalmboek die metgesel van die Trekkers, kommandolede (Anglo-Boereoorlog) en die krygsgevangenes in die konsentrasie- en krygsgevangenekampe. In die kampe was daar baie tyd vir die sing en skep van gewyde liedere. Nie-goedgekeurde bundels en die vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans (1933) het aanleiding gegee dat liederebundels hersien moes word. Die 1937 (Totius-beryming), die 1944 Gesangboek, die 76/78-Psalmboek en die 1978 Gesangboek was die resultaat. 'n Dualistiese standpunt, dat sekere liedere geskik is vir kerkgebruik en ander slegs vir buite-kerkgebruik (die 1984- Jeugsangbundel) het aanleiding gegee tot die publikasie van SOM en Jeugsangbundel 2, 1993. Huidig gebruik talle gemeentes 'eie' bundels tsv sinodale besluite dat slegs SOM en JSB2 naas die Psalm- en Gesangboek gebruik mag word. Die verskyning van die Proefsangbundel 1998 (IKSA) lei 'n nuwe fase van die kerklied in SA in as die Ned Herv Kerk ook begin om "nuwe" liedere op die proef te stel. Vos, Strydom, Huisamen, Konig, Kloppers, ea het in resente jare evaluerings oor die kerklied gedoen. Die "ou", die "nuwe" en die kontemporere kerklied (veral met verwysing na die NG Kerk) m6et almal plek kry in die musiekskat van die 21ste eeu. / The hymn and musical instruments play a cardinal role in the Bible. The Song of Moses (Ex 15) is used in Psalms and in Revelation 15:3. The question with regards to what is acceptable and unacceptable and whether it is at all imperative to take a defendant stance, is clarified from a Biblical point of view. It is based on the Reformation-principle: ecclesia reformata semper reformandum. The History of the 'Song' Hymn in the early church up to the Reformation is shortly mentioned. The "songs" (Hymns) of the believer were in the course of history transferred to the priests and were only in the Reformation once again bestowed on the believer by Luther. It would appear that Calvin, despite the slogans of the Reformation continued to postulate a Catholic point of view with regard to the Hymns and that the Reformation was restricted to the early church. Only socalled holy songs, direct from the Bible and songs without instruments/accompaniment could be usedo The collection of 'songs' (Hymns) of the Dutch Reformed Church is an inheritance from the Netherlands. It was Van Riebeeck who brought in the ''Datheense Psalter'' . Later, the 1805 - "Evangelishe Gezangen" were added to it. Owing to the cuius regio eius religio-principle, the Dutch Church Hymn was given preverance. Although heartily welcomed, the "1805-Evangelische Gezangen" lead to a split in the Church. The "Evangelische Gezangen" (Hymns), and the Psalmbook were used by the 'Trekkers' , the 'Kommando' s' , (Anglo Boer war) and in the Consentration and prisoners of war camps. In the camps was ample time for singing and composing new sacred songs. 'Non-approved' song books and the translation of the Bible in Afrikaans (1933) gave rise to the birth of various Hymn and Psalter books. Youth Praise and Worship books were also published. The Dutch Reformed Church opinion that certain songs in the formal Church inappropriate and should gatherings. struggles with the dualistic are suitable for worshipping service while other are only be used at informal / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

Letterkunde en die reg : die verhoor as romangegewe in enkele tekste van Andre P. Brink

Grobler, Susanna Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / In hierdie navorsingsverslag word die representasie van die reg en die verskynsel van die verhoor as romangegewe in enkele tekste van André P. Brink ondersoek. Die studie vind plaas binne die interdissiplinêre konteks van die reg en die letterkunde. Die studie: (i) fokus op die rol wat die reg in die literêre teks vervul; (ii) ondersoek uitbeeldings van die verhoor soos wat dit in Brink se romankuns aangetref word; en (iii) ondersoek die fiksionalisering van historiese en dokumentêre regsbronne met spesifieke verwysing na sekere eksemplariese Brink-­‐romans. / In this research report, representations of the law and of the trial, as embedded in certain novels by André P. Brink, are explored. The study is structured within the interdisciplinary field of law and literature. This study: (i) focuses on the role of law within the literary text; (ii) explores the legal delineation of a trial in novels by Brink; and (iii) explores the fictionalisation of historic and documentary judicatory resources with specific reference to exemplary texts by Brink. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

"When voices meet" : Sharon Katz as musical activist during the apartheid era and beyond

Yudkoff, Ambigay 01 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the work of the performer, composer, educator, music therapist and activist Sharon Katz. Beginning in 1992, Katz made history in apartheid South Africa when she formed a 500-member choir that showcased both multi-cultural and multi- lingual songs in their staged the production, When Voices Meet, which incorporated music, songs and dance, intended to assist in promoting a peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa. The success of the concerts of When Voices Meet led to Katz securing sponsorships to hire a train, “The Peace Train”, which transported 130 performers from city to city with media crews in tow. The performers’ mission on this journey was to create an environment of trust, of joy, and of sharing through music, across the artificially-imposed barriers of a racially segregated society. This investigation includes several areas of inquiry: The South African Peace Train; the efforts of the non-profit Friends of the Peace Train; Katz’s work with Pennsylvania prisoners and boys at an American Reform School; the documentary When Voices Meet, and the American Peace Train Tour of July 2016, bringing the message of peace and harmony through song to racially and socio-economically divided Americans on a route that started in New York and culminated with a concert at UNESCO’s Mandela Day celebrations in Washington D. C. These endeavours are examined within the framework of musical activism. The multi-faceted nature of Katz’s activism lends itself to an in-depth multiple case study. Qualitative case study methodology will be used to understand and theorise musical activism through detailed contextual analyses of five significant sets of related events. These include Katz’s work as a music therapist with prisoners in Pennsylvania and a Boys’ Reform School; as activist with The South African Peace Train of 1993; as humanitarian with Friends of the Peace Train; in making the documentary, When Voices Meet, and as activist with the American Peace Train Tour of 2016. In documenting the grass-roots musical activism of Sharon Katz, I hope to contribute towards a gap in South African musicological history that would add to a more comprehensive understanding of musical activism and its role in social change. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Musicology)

Letterkunde en die reg : die verhoor as romangegewe in enkele tekste van Andre P. Brink

Grobler, Susanna Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / In hierdie navorsingsverslag word die representasie van die reg en die verskynsel van die verhoor as romangegewe in enkele tekste van André P. Brink ondersoek. Die studie vind plaas binne die interdissiplinêre konteks van die reg en die letterkunde. Die studie: (i) fokus op die rol wat die reg in die literêre teks vervul; (ii) ondersoek uitbeeldings van die verhoor soos wat dit in Brink se romankuns aangetref word; en (iii) ondersoek die fiksionalisering van historiese en dokumentêre regsbronne met spesifieke verwysing na sekere eksemplariese Brink-­‐romans. / In this research report, representations of the law and of the trial, as embedded in certain novels by André P. Brink, are explored. The study is structured within the interdisciplinary field of law and literature. This study: (i) focuses on the role of law within the literary text; (ii) explores the legal delineation of a trial in novels by Brink; and (iii) explores the fictionalisation of historic and documentary judicatory resources with specific reference to exemplary texts by Brink. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

An ecclesiological analysis of the Church of God and Saints of Christ and its impact on Bulhoek massacre

Ngwanya, Richman Mzuxolile 08 1900 (has links)
A tragic massacre in May 1921, commonly referred to as the Bulhoek Massacre, was associated with the ecclesiology of the Church of God and Saints of Christ, founded by Enoch Mgijima. If it were not for the theology of eschatology that this church adhered to, the so-called Bulhoek Massacre would not have happened. The theology of eschatology which Mgijima was focussing on caused the ecclesiology of the amaSirayeli to be the victims of the circumstances. Dulles defines ecclesiology as the church in the process of self actualisation. There is self understanding of worshippers. In the case of the Church of God and Saints of Christ, such self-understanding caused the Bulhoek Massacre. It is said that when people fervently believe in an Ultimate Being, whether such belief is a construction in their minds or a reality, then those people will be willing to defend their belief and die for, if it needs to be. For such a believer, it is because of the hope for a better life in the future that they are willing to even defy earthly authorities. When that believer follows a voice of the supernatural, which is revealed only to him and sounds much louder, much clearer and more authoritative than human voices, it is then that he cannot be void. Such an authoritative voice may be transmitted either through ancestors, known as the living dead, or directly from the Supreme Being. In the case of the said church, it is both. Secondly, an ecclesiology of the Church of God and Saints of Christ should be understood in the light of their mother church in America under the leadership of Crowdy the founder. Such ecclesiology should also be understood against the religious backdrop of the African Initiated Churches (AIC). These two factors, the mother church in America and the religion of the African Initiated Churches, will be the main components that drive this thesis, and thus illuminate the spark in the said church. Owing to the proliferation of the African Initiated Churches in the continent of Africa, there is a wide speculation that Africa, of the 21st century, will be the centre of World Christianity. Whether this is just a dream or a reality remains to be realized. But the fact remains that, these churches continue to be a religious force that forms part of the church history in Africa. While this thesis will constantly be referring to the 1921 events, an ecclesiology of the said church is a present phenomenon because the church survived the massacre and is still active today. The two researchers, Robert Edgar from Los Angeles University in the USA, and Martin Mandew from the University of Natal, completed their doctoral theses on the Bulhoek Massacre. Edgar was researching on, The Fifth Seal. Enoch Mgijima, The amaSirayeli Bulhoek Massacre, 1921. Mandew concentrated on, War, Memory and Salvation, The Bulhoek Massacre and the Construction of a Contextual Soteriology. Since both researchers come from a distance, and are unable to speak the language of the people they were researching, there were of obviously unfilled gaps in between. As mentioned about cultural differences, therefore, knowing the language of the worshippers makes a big difference. There needs some analysis of idiomatic expressions, enunciated and other formal and informal expressions that tend to be important during communication. However, I acknowledge their research programme but I will go further from their product. This thesis examines the ecclesiology of this church and then relates it to the massacre where they were killed for their own beliefs. It is also important to analyse, as this thesis does, the church-state relations in South Africa in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in order to establish how other religious bodies related to the governments of the said period. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Church History)

Impact of educational policy on the National Senior Certificate : pre-1994 and post democracy South African case

Moropa, Malakia Shere 11 1900 (has links)
This study deals with the impact of educational policy on the National Senior Certificate: Pre-1994 and Post democracy South African case. The qualitative approach was used in this study, and the research findings were based on the analysis of documents. The transition from apartheid education to the present education system in South Africa has not been without challenges. In the past, South African education reflected the fragmented society in which it was based. Outcomes based education (OBE)/Curriculum 2005 (C2005), since its inception, was riddled with challenges. OBE/C2005 by its nature is complex. It is not user-friendly for developing countries such as South Africa. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of educational policies on the 2008 National Senior Certificate results. Historical-educational research is undertaken with the view of putting the education phenomenon into proper perspective. Venter (1985) is of the opinion that historical education investigation refers to the systematic placing of historical education variables in the spotlight. The general, continual pedagogical and fundamental problems are accentuated against the multiplicity of historical detail. This then makes historical-educational research an orderly (systematic and controlled) process of knowledge enrichment (Venter & Van Heerden 1989:106). The National Senior Certificate was established in terms of National Education Act 27 of 1996. Curriculum 2005 has been described in policy documents as a “paradigm shift” because it represents a radical departure from the previous curriculum in terms of the following: theoretical underpinnings, structure and organisation, teaching and learning process, and assessment (South Africa, Department of Education 1997:1). Pre-1994, the researcher discovered that the education of black people in rural areas in particular and South Africa in general was, in most instances, negatively impacted by policies of the previous government (1948-1953). The apartheid government used poor funding models to ensure that there were low teacher-pupil ratios and teacher qualifications were of unequal standard. Unequal pattern of spending continued well into the post-1994 democratic era. This poor funding model which impacted negatively on rural schools made infrastructural provision in rural areas difficult. Post -1994 democratic dispensation, the researcher discovered that the government have competitive legislative policies in place, but the challenges lay in the fact that those policies were impulsively implemented. Hence the many challenges. This is shown by the frequency of curriculum changes which took place in a very short space of time. Stakeholders played a major role in insuring that schools received quality service by challenging some of the decisions the government was taking. The government has had to take the recommendations into account. / Public Administration and Management / M.Admin. (Public Administration)

The airborne concept in the South African military, 1960-2000 : strategy versus tactics in small wars

Alexander, Edward George McGill January 2016 (has links)
Text in English / Restricted files have not been uploaded / The thesis commences by elaborating on the concept of vertical envelopment as a form of military manoeuvre and defining airborne operations as comprising parachute, helicopter and air-landed actions. It goes on to describe strategy and tactics as they apply to the discussion before briefly tracing the development internationally of vertical envelopment and the thinking of the South African military about airborne operations during the Second World War. Events leading up to the decision by the South African military to acquire helicopters and to train paratroopers in 1960 are examined and the early operational employment of helicopters is analysed. The establishment of 1 Parachute Battalion is discussed in the light of the absence of a clear understanding of how it should be employed. Moving on to the commencement of the conflict known as the Southern African Thirty Year War, the issue of strategic versus tactical application of an airborne capability during operations in Namibia, Angola and Rhodesia is defined. Strategic application is then illustrated by specific independent airborne strikes, and the requirement for an airborne brigade to plan and conduct such operations is highlighted. The establishment of 44 Parachute Brigade and the difficulties experienced in its development are reviewed before scrutinising the tactical use of airborne forces in support of other ground forces. The high point in organisation and capability of the airborne forces of the South African Defence Force at the time of the ending of the Thirty Year War is appraised and the unfulfilled potential of the capability is elucidated. Faced with change and uncertainty, the employment of the paratroopers in urban operations during the height of the civil unrest is examined. This is followed by probing the response of the paratrooper organisation to severe budget cuts, enforced reorganisation and relocation, the ending of conscription and integration into the new South African National Defence Force following the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the airborne actions during the incursion by South Africa into Lesotho in 1998 and an assessment of the implications of the loss of a strategic airborne capability. / History / D. Litt. et Phil. (History)

A structured approach to the strategic positioning of asset-backed short-term finance : a South African perspective

Laas, Andre Otto 06 1900 (has links)
The emerging financial industry of asset-backed short-term finance was investigated by this study. Literature indicated that banks, locally and globally, are forced by regulation and the use of information technology, to rely less on human judgement and more on programmed decision-making, when evaluating loan applications. This leads to time-consuming processes with non-standard loan applications and loss of opportunities for business persons. Asset-backed short-term finance is a market response to this tendency. Due to the emerging nature of this industry, no previous academic description of or investigation into this industry could be found – a gap in academic literature which this study aims to fill. The industry is strategically positioned in relation to banks by focusing on functionality for urgent non-standard loan applications (period between application and decision, and access to decision-makers) as value proposition, where banks are found lacking. Relatively high interest rates form the profit proposition, as firms in this industry have limited access to funds. Collateral is central as risk-mitigating strategy, forming a part of the profit proposition. The people proposition is essential, as the industry is distinguished by individualised decision-making. A survey among customers of this industry identified four clusters of potential customers: The first had no needs unfulfilled by banks, while the other three clusters were attracted by either functionality, or the evaluation of collateral in contrast to repayment ability, or a combination of the two. A survey among providers revealed hesitance to supply information and a low level of agreement on strategic matters – possibly due to the emergent nature of the industry. It is asserted that the basis for further study was laid. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

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