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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’ambigüité des relations amoureuses entre occidentaux et autochtones en Asie du sud-est : approche comparative des cas malaisien et thaïlandais / The ambiguity of love relationships between occidental and native people in South East Asia : comparative approach of malaysian and thai cases

Bottero, Marion 14 June 2013 (has links)
Avec le développement des échanges mondialisés, les interactions sexuelles et/ou amoureuses entre Occident et pays en développement deviennent de plus en plus fréquentes. A travers l’étude comparative des relations entre Occidentaux et Thaïlandais ou Malaisiens nous verrons comment, par le biais des hiérarchies de genre, de classe et de « race », les acteurs occidentaux et orientaux tentent de revaloriser leur capital économique, culturel, social et symbolique. Si en Thaïlande les femmes issues d’une classe défavorisée peuvent espérer une certaine assurance financière, dans le pays voisin les femmes d’un milieu aisé souhaitent accéder à davantage de liberté face à l’emprise de la culture et de la religion locales. Ce désir de l’autre cache souvent chez les Occidentaux un rejet des dites « valeurs occidentales », notamment l’égalité des sexes, et une volonté de retour vers des valeurs considérées plus « stables », « traditionnelles » et « hiérarchisées ». Nous verrons ainsi comment les interactions amoureuses mondialisées sont un instrument de valorisation du capital bourdieusien et un moyen de redéfinir les hiérarchies sociales. / With the development of globalized exchanges, sexual and/or sentimental relationships between Occident and developping countries become more and more frequent. Through the comparative study of occidental people and thai or malay people relationships we will see how, with hierarchies of gender, class and race, occidental and oriental actors try to valorise their economic, cultural, social and symbolic capital. If in Thailand lower class women can acceed to financial stability, in the neighbour country upper class women can aspire to freedom from local culture and religion. This desire of the other often hide among occidental men a reject of « occidental values », especially sexual egality, and a return to values considered more « stable », « traditional », and « hierarchized ». Thereby we will see how globalized love interactions are an instrument to valorise Bourdieu’s capital and a way to redefine social hierarchies.

Une grammaire de la langue stieng, langue en danger du Cambodge et du Vietnam / A grammar of the Stieng language, an endangered language of Cambodia and Vietnam

Bon, Noellie 26 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue la première grammaire d’envergure de la langue stieng, une langue minoritaire en danger parlée au Cambodge et au Vietnam. Si le nombre exact de locuteurs est à ce jour méconnu, la population stieng compterait 51 540 membres dans les deux pays. Ce travail se base sur deux variétés différentes de stieng, toutes deux parlées au Cambodge, dans la région de Kratie et le district de Snuol. L’étude s’appuie sur des données de première main collectées auprès de onze locuteurs, dans le cadre de trois séjours de terrain totalisant 12 mois et réalisés dans des villages traditionnels. Cette thèse répond à un double objectif : elle propose d’une part, une description d’une langue en danger encore très peu décrite, dans un cadre de linguistique typologique-fonctionnelle, génétique et aréale et, d’autre part, le développement de thématiques particulières. Ce travail propose dans un premier temps une introduction sociolinguistique de la langue dans le but de contextualiser la recherche. Puis, les thèmes linguistiques abordés dans cette thèse couvrent la phonologie et la morphosyntaxe. La partie phonologique propose une synthèse de la phonologie du stieng dans une perspective comparative et diachronique. La partie morphosyntaxe est quant à elle scindée en différentes sous-parties dédiées aux catégories de mots ainsi qu’aux domaines nominal, verbal et phrastique. Une attention particulière est accordée aux thèmes de la catégorisation nominale, de la composition nominale, du temps-aspect-mode (TAM), des constructions verbales en série et de l'expression de l’espace. Les annexes de cette thèse présentent des informations complémentaires au sujet de la situation des minorités du Cambodge, des éléments relatifs à l’analyse phonologique ainsi que trois textes, glosés et traduits, extraits d'une base de données plus ample compilée dans le cadre des séjours de terrain. / This dissertation is the first far-ranging grammar of Stieng, a language of oral tradition of the Môn-Khmer group, spoken in Cambodia and Vietnam. If the exact number of speakers is currently unknown, the whole Stieng community may group 51 540 members in both countries. This dissertation is based on two different varieties of Stieng, both spoken in Cambodia (Kratie province, Snuol district). This study relies on primary data obtained among 11 speakers, within three fieldtrips realized in traditional villages, for a total duration of 12 months. This dissertation achieves a double objective by proposing a description of an endangered language, so far very little described, in a functional-typological, areal and genetic framework and by developing specific topics. The dissertation starts with a sociolinguistic introduction of the language in order to contextualize the research. Then the linguistic topics covered in the dissertation include the phonology and the morphosyntax. The phonology part gives a summary of the phonology of the language in a comparative and diachronic perspective. The morphosyntax part is divided into different subparts respectively dedicated to word classes and the nominal, verbal and phrase domains. Special attention is given to the topics of nominal categorization, nominal composition, tense-aspect-mood (TAM), verbal serialization and the expression of space. The appendices provide additional information about the situation of minority peoples of Cambodia, further elements about the phonological analysis and three texts, glossed and translated, extracted from a larger database compiled during the fieldtrips.

Mathematical modeling and statistical inference to better understand arbovirus dynamics / Modélisation mathématique et inférence statistique pour une meilleure compréhension des dynamiques des arboviroses

Champagne, Clara 11 December 2018 (has links)
L’importance et l’expansion des arboviroses comme la dengue ou le virus Zika nécessite des modèles pour mieux comprendre et prédire leurs dynamiques. La propagation vectorielle de ces maladies est influencée par de multiples facteurs humains et environnementaux qui rendent complexe la construction de modèles épidémiologiques parcimonieux. Parallèlement, de nombreux outils théoriques et computationnels existent désormais pour confronter ces modèles aux données observées. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc d’apporter l’éclairage des données sur les modèles de propagation des arboviroses. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’identifier les éléments les plus importants à incorporer pour modéliser les dynamiques de la dengue en milieu rural, dans la région de Kampong Cham (Cambodge). Différents modèles sont comparés, complexifiant à la fois le détail de l’histoire de la maladie et la prise en compte des formes de stochasticité. Dans le cadre déterministe, on a pu souligner l’importance des interactions entre sérotypes, et le faible intérêt pour la représentation explicite des moustiques vecteurs et des individus asymptomatiques. Par ailleurs, la prise en compte des incertitudes indique qu’une large part de la dynamique est capturée seulement par la stochasticité et non par les éléments du squelette déterministe du modèle. Aussi étudie-t-on dans un second temps d’autres aspects de la transmission de la dengue, comme la saisonnalité et la structure spatiale, grâce à des données d’épidémies à Rio de Janeiro (Brésil). Dans un dernier temps, ces méthodes et modèles sont appliqués à l’étude d’un arbovirus émergent, le virus Zika. A partir de données d’épidémies survenues dans le Pacifique, les paramètres-clé de la propagation du virus sont estimés dans le cadre stochastique, et leur variabilité est envisagée à la fois en termes de contexte géographique et de modèle épidémiologique, par la comparaison de quatre îles et de deux modèles à transmission vectorielle. Par ailleurs, la question des interactions potentielles du virus Zika avec celui de la dengue est explorée. / Arboviruses such as the dengue and Zika viruses are expanding worldwide and mo- deling their dynamics can help to better understand and predict their propagation, as well as experiment control scenarios. These mosquito-borne diseases are influenced by a multiplicity of human and environmental factors that are complex to include in parsimonious epidemiological models. In parallel, statistical and computational tools are nowadays available to confront theore- tical models to the observed data. The objective of this PhD work is therefore to study arbovirus propagation models in the light of data. Firstly, in order to identify the most important elements to incorporate in models for dengue dynamics in a rural setting, several dengue models are com- pared using data from the Kampong Cham region in Cambodia. Models incorporate increasing complexity both in the details of disease life history and in the account for several forms of sto- chasticity. In the deterministic framework, including serotype interactions proved decisive, whereas explicit modeling of mosquito vectors and asymptomatic infections had limited added value, when seasonality and underreporting are already accounted for. Moreover, including several forms of un- certainties highlighted that a large part of the disease dynamics is only captured by stochasticity and not by the elements of the deterministic skeleton. Therefore, secondly, we explore other aspects of transmission, such as seasonality and spatial structure, in the case of dengue epidemics in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Finally, the models and estimation methods are applied to study an emerging arbovirus, the Zika virus. Using data from epidemics in the Pacific, we estimate the key parameters of disease propagation in the stochastic framework and explore their variability in terms of geogra- phic setting and model formulation by comparing four islands and two models with vector-borne transmission. In addition, potential interactions with the dengue virus are explored.

Arkeologiska förväntningar i mötet med ett landskap : Stenålderns Blekinge ur ett kunskapsperspektiv

Henriksson, Mikael January 2019 (has links)
This study is about archaeological knowledge production. It is also about what kind of impact such knowledge may have on an antiquarian/archaeological practice as well as on society as a whole. The work focuses broadly on Stone Age archaeology and specifically on the middle-Mesolithic Age in the county of Blekinge in the South East of Sweden. Until the late 1990’s, large-scale archaeological excavations in this region were rare. In particular, there were significant gaps in early- and middle-Mesolithic archaeology of other regions. In particular, the study brings up the relationship with the defined Kongemose culture's settlements in Southern Scandinavia. From a knowledge perspective the study discusses how different kinds of methodological practices are important for both archaeology and society, to be able to see and understand a more complete historical picture. Based on this, the focus shifts the role of museums within regional archaeology. The study here argues for a more strategically executed dissemination and presentation of archaeological knowledge towards different stakeholders.

Beyond the vessel: Organic residue analysis of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age south-east European pottery

Bastos, Beatriz I.F. de January 2019 (has links)
The Encounters and Transformations in Iron Age Europe project (ENTRANS) aims to expand our knowledge regarding the nature and impact of cultural encounters during the European Iron Age. The study of ceramic vessels was included in the project, in order to further understand cultural practices in the south-east Alpine region. Organic residue analysis is an important tool in archaeological research for determining the presence of food and other organic substances associated with ceramic vessels. It has the potential to significantly improve our understanding of Iron Age societies and the interactions between them. This research focuses on the analysis of visible and absorbed organic residues from 377 ceramic vessels, from Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age sites in Slovenia and Croatia, by gas-chromatography mass spectrometry. Two methods of lipid extraction were compared in a pilot study compressing 30 potsherds from Kaptol (solvent vs. acid extraction). This study revealed that more information was obtained by acid extraction, thus it was selected as the main method of extraction for this project. Differences between settlement, funerary and ritual sites were observed, suggesting that the vessels placed in the graves were not previously used or carried foodstuff with low lipid content, such as liquids and dry foods/cereals. Some types of residues were only identified in funerary vessels, specifically potential castor oil in Kaptol, mixed with other fats and oils. Lipid biomarkers and lipid ratios revealed significant differences between contexts and different sites, suggesting that the differences in cultural practices can also be identified in the use of ceramic vessels. Some residues were also sampled for gas-chromatography compound-specific isotope ratio mass spectrometry and bulk isotope analysis (only visible residues), which identified potential dairy fats in two potsherds from Poštela. The results were also compared with the contextual information, mainly the faunal remains, and the data obtained from the osteology and diet study preformed with individuals from the same area and chronology as the ceramic vessels. / Encounters and Transformations in Iron Age Europe Project (ENTRANS); Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA); Institute Life Sciences Research (ILSR) University of Bradford.

Can regional organisations socialise states? Comparing human rights diffusion in ASEAN and SADC

Yejoo, Kim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The deteriorating human rights situations in Myanmar and Zimbabwe have drawn concerns from the international community. Mainly Western states and NGOs have criticised both governments and urged strong action from the regional organisations, namely ASEAN and SADC. However, because of the deeply rooted non-intervention norm in these regions, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa, the human rights situation in both states long remained serious. Recently however, ASEAN has taken up a strong stance towards Myanmar. On the contrary, SADC has showed reluctance to respond to the human rights violations in Zimbabwe. The question arises why these two regional organisations have showed different responses? In other words, the ASEAN member states have become relaxed and accepted the new human rights norm, discarding the traditional non-intervention norm, while the SADC member states still stick to the norm of non-intervention. In order to find answers, the focus in this thesis is on the process of socialisation which means that the actors adopt new norms which are also accepted by society as a whole. Three mechanisms which lead to socialisation, namely strategic calculation, role-playing and normative suasion, are discussed. The conclusion reached is that regional organisation can play a role in inducing the member states to accept the new norm, in the process the regional organisation is also socialised through interaction with other international organisations and actors. Here, historical background, and particularly the process of gaining independence in SADC heavily influenced the socialisation process in this region. SADC member states‘ liberation struggle against colonialism and apartheid led to the formation of strong bonds among member states that has made it difficult for respective state leaders to criticise each other. Such strong bonds do not exist in Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia, member states interact actively with external actors such as the EU and NGOs. Thus they become receptive to human rights norms; in turn, the regional organisation itself has been socialised and has become relaxed enough to discard the non-intervention norm. Also an increasingly large middle class has become interested in the human rights situation in its neighbouring countries. These are the factors which have led to the differing responses from ASEAN and SADC to human rights abuses in their regions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nadat hulle onafhanklikheid gekry het, het die menseregte situasie in Myanmar en Zimbabwe agteruitgegaan. Die internasionale gemeenskap, meestal Westerse state en nie-regerings organisasies het albei regerings gekritiseer en die streeksorganisasies, naamlik ASEAN en SADC, dringend versoek om streng op te tree. Weens die diep-gewortelde nie-intervensie norm in beide Suidoos-Asië en Suider-Afrika het die menseregte situasie egter lank ernstig gebly. ASEAN het egter meer onlangs sterk standpunt ingeneem teenoor Myanmar. Maar SADC is nog steeds onwillig om te reageer op die menseregte vergrype in Zimbabwe. Die vraag is nou waarom hierdie twee streeksorganisasies so verskillend opgetree het. Die lidstate van ASEAN het ontspanne geraak en die nuwe menseregte norme aanvaar en die tradisionele nie-intervensie norm laat vaar, terwyl SADC lidstate nog hou by die nie-intervensie norm . In die soek na antwoorde, is die fokus van hierdie tesis op die proses van sosialisering wat beteken dat die akteurs nuwe norme wat deur die internasionale gemeenskap as geheel aanvaar word, aanneem. Die drie meganismes wat lei tot sosialisering, naamlik strategiese berekening, rol-speling en normatiewe oorreding, word bespreek. Die slotsom waartoe gekom word is dat streeksorganisasies ‘n rol kan speel in die oorreding van lidstate om die nuwe norm te aanvaar en dat die streeksorganisasies in die proses deur interaksie met ander internasionale organisasies en akteurs, self gesosialiseer word. Historiese agtergrond en veral die proses waardeur onafhanklikheid in die lande van Suider-Afrika verkry is, het die sosialisasie proses in die area beïnvloed. SADC lidstate se vryheidstryd teen kolonialisme en apartheid het sterk bande tussen lidstate gesmee en dit moeilik gemaak vir die leiers van die state om mekaar te kritiseer. Daar bestaan nie sulke sterk bande in Suidoos-Asië nie. Verder is daar in Suidoos-Asië aktiewe interaksie met ander organisasies soos die Europese Unie en met nie-regerings organisasies. Dus is hulle meer ontvanklik vir menseregte norms. Op hulle beurt is die streeksorganisasies ook gesosialiseer en het hulle ontspanne genoeg geraak om af te sien van die nie-intervensie norm. Die groeiende middelklas het ook geïnteresseerd geraak in die menseregte situasie in hulle eie en in die buurlande. Dit is die faktore wat gelei het tot die verskillende reaksies van ASEAN en SADC tot die menseregte vergrype in hulle onderskeie streke.

Agro-commodity global value chains and upgrading : the case of Malaysian palm oil

Tong, Yee Siong January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three closely related essays on upgrading in agro-commodity value chains, which is an important issue for many developing countries that produce and export commodities in mostly unprocessed form. The essays are based on fieldwork in Malaysia and focus on its palm oil, which is the world’s largest oils and fats product by production and export volumes. The first essay examines the suitability of vertical specialisation for participation and upgrading in agro-commodity value chains based on the case of Malaysian palm oil. It uses data from interviews, site visits, and industry and economic statistics to analyse upgrading at the sector and firm levels. The essay suggests that upgrading is prone to sectoral linkage development and vertical integration at local lead firms. The development is driven by production characteristics, sectoral dynamics, eco-historical settings that are unique to agro-commodity value chains, as well as firm motives seeking resources, markets, efficiency gains, and strategic assets. The second essay studies Malaysia’s industrial policy for its palm oil sector through three distinct stages of development. The findings show that resource-based industrialisation (RBI) requires selective state intervention targeting macroeconomic conditions, infrastructure, business climate, and human capital. The Malaysian experience also highlights the importance of local firms in driving RBI investments, contrary to the emphasis in the literature which either overplays the importance of foreign linkages or dismisses nationality of firms as a non-factor for industrialisation. The third essay investigates economic and social outcomes from upgrading in the Malaysian palm oil sector using gross value added data. It shows that economic upgrading can but does not automatically lead to social upgrading. The essay finds that economic upgrading in value chains improves income of groups of individuals at different rates depending on their position in the value chains. Skills and productivity performance provide only partial explanation for the uneven social outcomes; the differences in institutional arrangements and political representation accorded to the groups are likely to be important factors as well.

The NGO-State Relationship and SRHR in Myanmar

Holm, Elin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Developing Effective Partnerships in Natural Resource Management

Oliver, Peter Edward, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This thesis seeks to understand and improve the effectiveness of partnerships formed by industry, community and government members of natural resource management (NRM) groups. The increasing popularity of partnership-based approaches to NRM is reflected in the rise of landcare, catchment management and other social mobilisation approaches throughout Australia and overseas. This thesis uses critical ethnographic methods to identify the characteristics of effective NRM partnerships and the factors influencing their effectiveness. This research also investigates appropriate methods for evaluating the effectiveness of such relationships and for determining when working in partnership with others may be the most appropriate response to a given NRM problem and context. The critical intent of the study means that it sought not only to understand the nature of such issues but also sought to enlighten and empower participants to improve the practice of partnerships in natural resource management. These characteristics and factors are analysed from three perspectives: the coordinators employed to broker and facilitate community-based NRM groups, the groups themselves and individual group members. This was done in order to reflect the importance of the continuous (re)negotiation of power that characterises long-term group relationships. It also enabled theories of power, cultural transformation, citizen participation, social capital and social learning to be used in the analysis of the NRM partnerships investigated in this study. These concepts were used to develop three tools for analysing NRM partnerships: a pendulum of citizen participation, an NRM citizen participation decision tree, and an NRM partnership typology. The study is based upon the analysis of nineteen cases, predominantly in South East Queensland, which were selected as examples of successful and effective NRM partnerships on the basis of referrals from regional managers and coordinators from State and Local Government. The research design was 'T' shaped, with Phase 1 of the study providing breadth through the analysis of fifteen partnerships. Depth was achieved in Phases 2 and 3. Phase 2 was a long-term ethnographic case study of one catchment management group while Phase 3 comprised a detailed analysis of three issue-specific partnerships formed by this group. These three phases concentrated on the viewpoint of coordinators, NRM groups and participants, respectively. Data on each of the nineteen cases were collected through interviews, field observations, workshops, document analyses and a short questionnaire. Data were analysed qualitatively. All data records were systematically coded to reveal themes and concepts relating to the research objectives from the viewpoints of coordinators, NRM groups and participants. Coding also revealed implications for governments seeking to enter into or to facilitate partnerships with others. The coding and interpretation of this data revealed a suite of twelve characteristics typical of effective natural resource management partnerships. These fell into five groups: (i) definitional characteristics (relating to effectiveness and shared power and responsibility) (ii) relationship characteristics (focusing on social capital building processes; communication; processes for knowledge acquisition and social learning; shared values, intent, action and risk-taking) (iii) participant characteristics (high levels of motivation and realistic expectations); (iv) a context characteristic (that the context is appropriate for a partnership) and (v) an 'outsider' perception characteristic (that the partnership is perceive positively by outsiders). A comparative analysis of cases reveals that only one of the nineteen cases exhibited all twelve characteristics. Importantly, three of these characteristics are not mentioned in the literature reviewed for this thesis. Two of these, share values and shared intent are relationship characteristics. Study findings emphasise that effective NRM partnerships are built on good personal relationships, based on shared values and intent. The third new characteristic is that people outside the partnership should perceive the relationship favourably. Since funds and other resources may be under the control of people outside a partnership, it is important that participants are able to effectively communicate their shared values and intent to others. Five factors were found to be significant in the development of effective partnerships (i) the need for participants and those brokering partnerships to realize that effective partnerships are built on positive personal relationships in which (ii) participants have high levels of motivation for being involved, particularly early in the relationship. The study further revealed that such relationships: (iii) need to be supported by a continuity of adequate funding and resources and (iv) the services of skilled, enthusiastic coordinators who (v) enjoy and are skilled at working in 'grey areas', the constantly changing social and organizational environment that is typical of NRM groups. These findings of the study are synthesized through a critical ethnography which depicts three years in the life of a typical, yet hypothetical, NRM group, the Armstrong Narrows-Yarooba Catchment Management Group (ANY Group). Based on the literature review and the analysis of results from this study, this composite story protects the anonymity of those who have participated in this research. Each of the three vignettes that make up this story contains two sections -As it was and As it could be. This 'double take approach' highlights the critical nature of the ethnography, emphasising how the development of collaborations and partnerships among members of NRM groups may be improved and evaluated. Coordinators, NRM group members and agencies supporting their efforts may use this ethnography as a basis for reflection and deliberation on the development of effective partnerships in natural resource management. Recommendations for how different stakeholders in NRM partnerships may develop the effectiveness of the partnerships they form are provided.

Auswirkungen von ENSO-Trockenperioden und Landnutzungspraktiken auf die Dynamik von C, N und P in einem tropischen Regenwald und in Agroforst-Systemen in Zentral-Sulawesi, Indonesien / Effects of ENSO droughts and land-use practices on soil C, N, P dynamics in a tropical rainforest and agroforestry systems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Leitner, Daniela 25 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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