Spelling suggestions: "subject:"southeast"" "subject:"southweast""
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Le Râmâyana dans les peintures du temple du Buddha d'Émeraude (Wat Phra Kèo) à Bangkok : sources, contexte, prolongements / The Râmâyana in the paintings of the Emerald Buddha temple (Wat Phra Kèo), Bangkok : sources, context, repercussionAsavaplungkul Saisingha, Monruedee 15 April 2015 (has links)
Le Râmakîen est une des œuvres littéraires les plus importantes du royaume thaïlandais. Reprenant l’épopée indienne de Vâlmîki, le Râmâyana, il revêt une grande importance à la cour royale et sa popularité est considérable dans toute l’Asie du Sud-Est. Au Wat Phra Kèo, ses épisodes ont été intégralement illustrés sur le mur de la galerie. La thèse ne prend en compte que les parties figurant les dix incarnations de Viṣṇu et la naissance des dieux hindous et des personnages de l’épopée. Ces épisodes nous amènent au prélude du Râmakîen et l’étude s’arrête au moment du retour du roi Jânaka à Mithilâ. Il nous a fallu opérer des rapprochements entre ces peintures et le Tamrâ Thewarûp, les albums d’iconographie brahmanique, ainsi que le Tamrâ Thewapâng, recueil de légendes sur la naissance des dieux et les incarnations de Viṣṇu. Ces rapprochements étaient nécessaires car tous les épisodes représentés à Wat Phra Kèo ne sont pas racontés dans le Râmakîen tel que le relate la version du roi Râma I. L’omniprésence des scènes empruntées à l’épopée, en particulier celles des dix incarnations de Viṣṇu et des dieux hindous dans les temples importants de Bangkok fondés par les rois ou par leurs proches au début de la période de Ratanakosin, s’explique par la grande importance accordée par ces souverains à l’incarnation de Viṣṇu en Râma. Le royaume thaïlandais adopta par ailleurs les rites brahmaniques pratiqués à la cour khmère. Une récapitulation des témoignages iconographiques sur l’épopée au Cambodge, au Laos et au Myanmar complète notre étude. / The Râmakîen is one of the most important literary works in Thailand. Derived from the Indian epic of Vâlmîki, it became very important at the royal Thai court, and is one of the most popular texts in South-East Asia. At Wat Phra Kèo its episodes are represented on the four sides of the gallery. This thesis aims to study the parts illustrating the ten incarnations of Viṣṇu, the birth of the Hindu Gods and the main characters of the Indian epic. These episodes lead us through the Râmakîen’s prelude and our study stops at the moment of King Jânaka’s return to Mithilâ, his kingdom. The comparison between the paintings, the Tamrâ Thewarûp, the iconographic albums of Hindu Gods and the Tamrâ Thewapâng (the book of legends containing the god’s creation and the ten incarnations of Viṣṇu) proved necessary to understand some of the painted scenes which do not relate to the Râmakîen, as told in the version composed by King Râma I. The omnipresence of a number of scenes borrowed from the epic (particularly the ten incarnation scenes of Viṣṇu and the Hindu God images) in the temples founded by the kings or their families around Bangkok’s Grand Palace can be explained by the great importance attributed by the sovereigns to the Râma avatâra of Viṣṇu. Besides, the Thai Kingdom borrowed from the Khmer court their Hindu rituals. A review of the Râmâyana images in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar completes our study.
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Structure, fonctionnement et dynamique du phytoplancton dans le lac de Taabo (Côte d'Ivoire) / Structure, function and dynamics of phytoplankton in Lake Taabo (Ivory Coast)Groga, Noël 20 February 2012 (has links)
Cette étude effectuée sur le lac Taabo ⁄ (Sud-Est de la Côte d’Ivoire), porte sur l’évaluation des paramètres de la qualité de l’eau, le peuplement phytoplanctonique, et le suivi de la production primaire. Ce lac de 69 km² se caractérise par une profondeur moyenne de 8 m, avec un temps de résidence moyen de 49,2 jours, une température moyenne de 29,5°C, absence de stratification; il concerne une population environnante de 140 000 habitants. Les entrées d’eaux dans le lac sont influencées par le barrage de Kossou situé en amont, la gestion hydroélectrique de Taabo, et le régime du fleuve Bandama qui est affecté par l’alternance saison des pluies, saison sèche. L’analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques a montré une homogénéité spatiale des eaux du lac de Taabo tandis qu’au niveau temporel une saisonnalité marquée est observée entre les périodes des pluies et celle de saison sèche. Cette saisonnalité est principalement imputable aux importantes variations de paramètres tels que la conductivité, la turbidité, la transparence et les éléments nutritifs (valeurs moyennes en nitrate et orthophosphate, respectivement de 1,62 et 10 mg.l-1). Le lac de barrage hydroélectrique est gouverné par la combinaison de deux gradients, celui de l’enrichissement en nutriments et celui de la minéralisation. L’aval du lac présente toutefois quelques particularités : minéralisation et oxygénation plus élevées qu’en amont, au niveau temporel. La chlorophylle a varie de 4,8 à 16,5 μg/l. Au niveau de la composition spécifique algale, 118 taxons repartis en 5 grands groupes et 45 genres ont été identifiés. Le peuplement algal est dominé par les chlorophycées (30,5 %) suivi par des cyanobactéries (27,1 %). La productivité varie de 0,4 à 0,8 mg Oxygène produit par mg Chl a-1 heure -1 (soit ± 2,31 à 4,6 mg C. mg Chl a-1. heure -1). Extrapolées à l’échelle annuelle, nos estimations de production primaire phytoplanctonique journalière se situent entre 1,5 à 2,66 g C m-2, avec une valeur annuelle de 167 à 306 g C m-2. Une étude théorique de la production des macrophytes implantés dans la zone amont et centrale, montre que ceux-ci représentent 77 % de la production primaire du lac. Ceux-ci affectent aussi les activités socio-économiques. Le lac Taabo est remarquable par les nombreux conflits d’usages liés à l’eau engendrées par la gestion hydraulique et les diverses activités humaines, aux quels se rajoutent des risques sanitaires (comme vecteurs de maladies humaines et des conflits d’usages, etc.). / This study of the Taabo Lake (South-East Coast Ivory) focuses on the evaluation of parameters of water quality, phytoplankton communities, and estimation of primary production. his lake of 69 km² is characterized by an average depth of 8 m, a mean residence time of 49.2 days, a mean temperature of 29.5 ° C, no stratification; it concerns a population of about 140 000 inhabitants. The inputs of water in the lake are influenced by the dam upstream Kossou, the hydroelectric activity of Taabo plant, and the regime of the river Bandama which is affected by alternating rainy season, dry season. The analysis of physicochemical parameters showed a spatial homogeneity of the waters of Lake Taabo but a marked seasonality was observed between periods of rainfall and the dry season. This is mainly due to seasonal variations of parameters such as conductivity, turbidity, transparency and nutrients (average values in nitrate and orthophosphate, respectively 1.62 and 10 mg.l-1). The lake is governed by a combination of two gradients; a nutrient enrichment and the mineralization. The dowstream part of the lake has some peculiarities as mineralization and higher dissolved oxygen content, depending on season. Chlorophyll a varied from 4.8 to 16.5 μg.l-1. In terms of algal species composition, 118 taxa divided into five major groups and 45 genera were identified. The algal population is dominated by Chlorophyceae (30.5%) followed by Cyanobacteria (27.1%). The productivity varies from 0.4 to 0.8 mg oxygen per mg Chl a producted hour -1 (or ± 2.31 to 4.6 mg C mg Chl a. Hour -1). Extrapolated on an annual cycle, our estimates of daily phytoplankton primary production ranged from 1.5 to 2.66 g C m-2, with an annual value of 167 to 306 g C m-2. A theoretical study of the production of macrophytes located in the upstream and central zone indicates that they represent 77% of primary production of the lake. They also affect the socio-economic activities. Taabo Lake is remarkable by the numerous conflicting uses related to water caused by the water management and the various human activities, which are in addition to health risks (such as vectors of human diseases and use conflicts, etc.. ).
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Le projet GAP de la Turquie : au-delà du développementHarb, Julie 08 1900 (has links)
Le Projet GAP ou «South-East Anatolia Development Project » en Turquie est l'un des vastes projets de développement au monde, consistant en la construction de 21 barrages et de 19 centres hydro-électriques sur les fleuves de l'Euphrate et du Tigre.
Toutefois, ce projet pose de nombreuses controverses au cours de la dernière décennie tant au niveau national, avec la question kurde, qu'au niveau régional, en raison de l'enjeu du partage de l'eau avec les pays voisins, notamment la Syrie et l'Irak. Néanmoins, ce sujet fut évoqué dans la plupart des cas sous l'angle exclusif de la question conflictuelle kurde.
Les objectifs de mon mémoire cherchent à comprendre l’utilisation du projet GAP par le gouvernement turc dans les constructions nationales et politiques de la Turquie de 1930 et 1980 dans un but de souveraineté et puissance nationale. Cette analyse s’effectue dans un cadre plus général de géopolitique et d’histoire politique. En s'appuyant sur des travaux en matière de géopolitique et de puissance, et surtout sur les théories de construction nationale, ce mémoire se penche sur l'évolution du projet GAP, ainsi que sur son instrumentalisation dans la construction nationale de 1930 et la reconstruction politique et nationale de 1980. / The GAP or “South-Eastern Anatolia Development Project” in Turkey is one of the vast development projects in the world, consisting of the construction of 21 dams and 19 hydroelectric centers on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
However, this project posed many controversies during the last decade both at the national level, with the Kurdish question, and at the regional level, because of the issue of sharing water with neighboring countries, notably Syria and Iraq. Nevertheless, this subject was debated in most cases exclusively from the perspective of the Kurdish conflict issue.
The objectives of my dissertation are to understand the use of the GAP project by the Turkish government in the national and political constructions of Turkey in 1930 and 1980 with the aim of sovereignty and national power. This analysis is carried out in a more general framework of geopolitics and political history. Drawn on work of geopolitics and power, and especially on theories of national construction, this dissertation focuses mainly on the evolution of the GAP project, as well as its instrumentalization in the national construction of 1930 and the political and national reconstruction of 1980.
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Nový řád ve východní Asii a Východoasijská sféra společné prosperity / New Order at East Asia and Eastasian sfere of mutual prosperityReinisch, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to clarify the issues related to the New Order in East Asia and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Emphasis will be added to motives which lead Japan to the creation of a new arrangement in East Asia. These motives are represented by both Japan's strategic interests, among which was the struggle for obtaining access to natural resources (such as iron ore, coal and oil), as well as the control over a certain part of Asian territory with the intention of creating a buffer zone, mainly because of fearing the Soviet Union. The effort to control the Far East was further strengthened by the Great Depression, which resulted with the creation of enclosed trade blocks. A significant source of Japanese expansionist policy was presented by the ideology of Pan-Asianism, which played a large role in Japan's foreign policy making since the second half of the1920s. Pan-Asianism had been originally focused mainly on Northeast Asia and only later was it utilized to legitimize the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia. The thesis also pays much attention to the creation of Japanese puppet regimes, both on occupied Chinese territory and in Southeast Asia. An important role here is played by the Japanese effort to cooperate with local elites, both political and religious. Not only...
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Nový regionalismus a institucionální rámec regionální spolupráce Západního Balkánu / The New Regionalism and the institutional framework of the regional cooperation in the Western BalkansŠindelář, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The presented thesis is analyzing the regional cooperation in the Western Balkans (WB) focusing on interactions of local actors. Theoretical background is based on the new regionalism, a theoretical approach to regional interactions. Contemporary studies on New Regionalism (NR) actually do not consider the Western Balkans to be part of this process and as a result we lack sufficient information about the basic characteristics of this region. The author proves that the WB is engaged in the process of the new regionalism and in fact by focusing on the institutional structure he demonstrates that several parallel processes are ongoing in the region as for example regional cooperation, integration or cooperation with another region. For the purpose of this research two projects of regional cooperation were chosen, South Eastern European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) which are regarded as the main pillars of the political cooperation in the WB. By examining their structure we may understand the relevance of the region as an independent actor and the general aims of the regional cooperation.
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<b>Climate Solutions and Genre Politics in Contemporary Fiction</b>Matthew Raymond Morgenstern (20840879) 06 March 2025 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Since the late 1980s, various authors from the US, UK, Australia, and elsewhere have contributed to a literary archive of climate change’s impacts, and charting these impacts has led to a proliferation of both realistic and speculative climate solutions. Because climate change cannot be “solved,” these climate solutions account for both pragmatic answers and considerations of both immediate and future problems. <i>Climate Solutions and Genre Politics in Contemporary Fiction</i> catalogues these climate solutions and their circulation in contemporary fiction. Literary representations of climate solutions enable ethical considerations of different climate solutions in different contexts while thinking through the unfolding impacts of climate change. Literary representations of climate solutions also prompt the formulation of genre politics as an analytical framework because they draw on conventions from climate fiction, science fiction, utopian fiction, and realism to engage readers. Conceiving of genre as a spectrum, <i>Climate Solutions and Genre Politics in Contemporary Fiction</i> identifies four categories (climate engineering, biodiversity work, care futures, and creative work) of climate solutions that speak to different elements of the climate, biodiversity, and care crises. Putting these crises into conversation through different climate solutions, the dissertation<i> </i>delineates new modes of engagement with literary representations of climate change, shifts conceptions of genre in literary studies, and provides insights into the future of climate justice efforts. The complexities of climate solutions, and the genre politics required to assess them, make them a compelling object of inquiry for literary studies, ecocriticism, and environmental humanities more broadly.</p>
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新馬峇峇文學的研究黃慧敏, NG Fooi Beng Unknown Date (has links)
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The Spratly Islands dispute : decision units and domestic politicsChung, Christopher, Humanities & Social Science, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents a cross-national, cross-regime examination of foreign policy decision-making in the Spratly Islands dispute, focusing on China, Malaysia and the Philippines. It argues that how and why these countries have acted in particular ways towards the dispute relates to the relationship among foreign policy decision-making, government behaviour and domestic politics. The theoretical foundation of the study is foreign policy analysis. It applies the decision units approach advanced by Margaret and Charles Hermann and Joe Hagan to investigate who made foreign policy decisions on the Spratly Islands dispute in the three countries during the period 1991-2002, and how this influenced government behaviour. In addition, the contextual influence of domestic politics is considered. Four case studies inform the empirical analysis: the approaches taken by Malaysia and the Philippines to bolster their respective sovereignty claim, China???s establishment of a comprehensive maritime jurisdictional regime covering the Spratly Islands among other areas, China-Philippines contestation over Mischief Reef and the development of a regional instrument to regulate conduct in the South China Sea. Three conclusions are drawn. First, the decision units approach identifies the pivotal foreign policy decision-makers in each of the countries examined and the process involved. Second, it explains the relationship between decision unit characteristics -- self-contained or externally influenceable -- and each government???s behaviour towards the dispute. Injecting domestic politics into the analysis highlights motivations of and constraints faced by decision-makers, conditioning the form and content of government action. Third, it demonstrates a low predictive capability: the ???fit??? between hypothesised and actual government behaviour is poor. While it is not a comprehensive analytical tool, the combined decision units-domestic politics approach offers deeper insight into government decisions and behaviour on the Spratly Islands dispute than hitherto reported in the literature.
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The Spratly Islands dispute : decision units and domestic politicsChung, Christopher, Humanities & Social Science, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents a cross-national, cross-regime examination of foreign policy decision-making in the Spratly Islands dispute, focusing on China, Malaysia and the Philippines. It argues that how and why these countries have acted in particular ways towards the dispute relates to the relationship among foreign policy decision-making, government behaviour and domestic politics. The theoretical foundation of the study is foreign policy analysis. It applies the decision units approach advanced by Margaret and Charles Hermann and Joe Hagan to investigate who made foreign policy decisions on the Spratly Islands dispute in the three countries during the period 1991-2002, and how this influenced government behaviour. In addition, the contextual influence of domestic politics is considered. Four case studies inform the empirical analysis: the approaches taken by Malaysia and the Philippines to bolster their respective sovereignty claim, China???s establishment of a comprehensive maritime jurisdictional regime covering the Spratly Islands among other areas, China-Philippines contestation over Mischief Reef and the development of a regional instrument to regulate conduct in the South China Sea. Three conclusions are drawn. First, the decision units approach identifies the pivotal foreign policy decision-makers in each of the countries examined and the process involved. Second, it explains the relationship between decision unit characteristics -- self-contained or externally influenceable -- and each government???s behaviour towards the dispute. Injecting domestic politics into the analysis highlights motivations of and constraints faced by decision-makers, conditioning the form and content of government action. Third, it demonstrates a low predictive capability: the ???fit??? between hypothesised and actual government behaviour is poor. While it is not a comprehensive analytical tool, the combined decision units-domestic politics approach offers deeper insight into government decisions and behaviour on the Spratly Islands dispute than hitherto reported in the literature.
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Biogeografia histórica do lambari de ampla distribuição Astyanax aff. bimaculatus (Teleostei: Characidae) no sudeste brasileiro, com base em padrões de variação citogenéticos e moleculares / Historial biogeography of the wide distribution lambari Astyanax aff. bimaculatus (Teleostei: Characidae) on southeastern Brazil, based on cytogenetic and molecular dataCunha, Marina Souza da 30 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-30 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The species of the genus Astyanax are widely distributed in the Neotropical region and have few morphological, ecological and behavioral differences, which complicates the taxonomic classification of this taxon. The nominal species Astyanax bimaculatus was described by Linnaeus in 1758 and currently species with two oval spots that occur in several Neotropical basins are considered as belonging to bimaculatus complex. The objective of this study was to determine the cytogenetic and molecular characteristics (mitochondrial DNA) of 19 populations currently assigned to Astyanax bimaculatus from complex coastal basins of southeastern Minas Gerais using conventional staining, nucleolar organizer regions Ag-NORs, C-band, DAPI, FISH and the gene cytochrome oxidase I - COI. Data were compared with other species of the complex. The karyotype 6m +20 sm +18 st +6 t occurred in all populations, with Ag-NORs ranging from two to eight stained chromosomes. The C-banding showed centromeric and pericentromeric markings, evidenced by the fluorochrome DAPI. Fluorescent 18S and 5S rDNA probes marked one chromosome pair respectively. The phylogeny obtained with the COI gene indicated the presence of two haplogroups with large molecular distance between them: haplogroup I was more closely related to the populations of the São Francisco River Basin, while haplogroup II was subdivided into a group which was more related to populations from the upper Paraná (IIA) and another group formed exclusively by coastal haplotypes (IIB). The karyotype uniformity of coastal populations is greater than the recognized Astyanax altiparanae, suggesting the persistence of large populations. Polymorphisms involving C-band patterns indicate that the addition and reduction of heterochromatin blocks are compatible with intraspecific variation. The molecular data suggest that coastal basins received migrants from continental basins, with more recent geodispersion of a coastal haplogroup, probably related to the dynamic confluence of coastal basins during glacial periods. The genetic similarity between São Francisco River Basin and coastal basins indicates that the nominal species Astyanax lacustris does not represent a valid taxon. While the Upper Paraná Basin maintained a molecular identity consistent with the existence of the nominal taxon Astyanax altiparanae that, agreeing with the cytogenetic data, also occurs in the Paraíba do Sul River Basin. It is concluded that the bimaculatus complex in southeastern Brazil is composed by three lineages, including only two species Astyanax aff. bimaculatus present in São Francisco and coastal basins and A. altiparanae present in the Upper Paraná. / As espécies do gênero Astyanax apresentam ampla distribuição na região neotropical e apresentam poucas diferenças morfológicas, ecológicas e comportamentais, o que dificulta a classificação taxonômica desse táxon. A espécie nominal Astyanax bimaculatus foi descrita em 1758 por Linnaeus e, atualmente, espécies com duas manchas ovaladas que ocorrem em diversas bacias neotropicais são consideradas como pertencentes ao complexo bimaculatus. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as características citogenéticas e moleculares (DNA mitocondrial) de 19 populações consideradas como pertencentes ao complexo Astyanax bimaculatus das bacias costeiras do sudeste de Minas Gerais utilizando coloração convencional, regiões organizadoras de nucléolos Ag-NOrs, banda C, DAPI, FISH e o gene citocromo oxidase I - COI. Os dados foram comparados com outras espécies do complexo. O cariótipo 6m+20sm+18st+6t ocorreu em todas as populações, com Ag-NORs variando de dois a oito cromossomos marcados. A banda C mostrou marcações centroméricas e pericentroméricas, evidenciadas pelo fluorocromo DAPI. As sondas 18S e 5S marcaram apenas um par cromossômico respectivamente. A filogenia obtida com o gene COI indicou a presença de dois haplogrupos com grande distância molecular: o haplogrupo I mais aparentado com populações da bacia do rio São Francisco, enquanto o haplogrupo II subdividiu-se em um grupo mais aparentado com populações do alto Paraná (IIA) e outro grupo formado exclusivamente por haplótipos costeiros (IIB). A uniformidade cariotípica das populações costeiras é maior que a reconhecida em Astyanax altiparanae, sugerindo a persistência de grandes populações. Polimorfismos envolvendo padrões de banda C indicam que a adição e redução de blocos de heterocromatina são consideradas variações intraespecíficas. Os dados moleculares sugerem que as bacias costeiras receberam aporte de bacias continentais, com geodispersão mais recente de um haplogrupo costeiro, provavelmente relacionado com a dinâmica de confluência de bacias costeiras durante os períodos glaciais. A similaridade genética entre a bacia do rio São Francisco e as bacias costeiras indica que a espécie nominal Astyanax lacustris não representa um táxon válido. Enquanto a bacia do alto Paraná manteve uma identidade molecular condizente com a existência do táxon nominal Astyanax altiparanae que, condizente com os dados citogenéticos, também ocorre na bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul. Conclui-se que o complexo bimaculatus no sudeste brasileiro é composto de três linhagens, englobando apenas duas espécies: Astyanax aff. bimaculatus presente no São Francisco e nas bacias costeiras e A. altiparanae presente no alto Paraná.
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