Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatial planning"" "subject:"cpatial planning""
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Využití systému hodnocení vlivů na prostředí (EIA) pro koncepce územního ekonomického rozvoje / The importance of the system of EIA for the needs of spatial planning.Březinová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of three parts. In the first part the problematics of the EIA process is explained and basic data and statitistics for the years 2003 to 2007 is mentioned with respect to the legislative changes in 2006 and 2007. The statistics include i.e. the total number of the projects assessed in individual years, number of the projects assessed by The Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic and regional authorities. Furthermore there are quantified individual projects coming under individual regions, respecting the division into individual industrial branches. Part two deals with the problematics of landscape planning --definiton, tools, targets, legislation and authorities in charge with landscape planning. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the importance of the system of EIA for the needs of spatial planning. There are shown the benefits of EIA for landscape development. Moreover there is distinguishing of EIA for individual projects and for spatial conceptions.
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Prostorové plánování ve Španělsku / Spatial planning in SpainVeselá, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is to determine advantages and disadvantages of spatial planning in Spain in comparison with the system of regional and physical planning in the Czech Republic. First, there will be briefly carry out the socio-economic characteristics of Spain which will serve as a starting point to a better understanding of land use. In sequence to this characteristics will be carry out the first structural part of the thesis, i.e. complex and comprehensive characterization and evaluation of spatial planning in Spain which will be examined, both in term of historical development and in term of the legislative, institutional and economic aspects. Then, the thesis will focus on the specific spatial planning problems solved in concrete selected regions of Spain. There will be briefly characterized system of regional and physical planning in the Czech Republic. The last and fundamental part of the thesis will focus on identifying advantages and disadvantages of the system of regional and territorial planning in the Czech Republic and spatial planning in Spain.
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Prostorové plánování v Německu - komparace s ČR / Spatial planning in Germany - comparison with the Czech RepublicPincová, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
Thesis titled Spatial planning in Germany - comparison with the Czech Republic is focused on characterizing the spatial planning system in this European country. Work in his introduction, contains the definition of basic concepts and issues in spatial planning. For a better understanding of the German system of spatial planning, there will be socio-economic analysis conducted in Germany, which will build on the very characteristics of spatial planning. Then at the appropriate levels of spatial planning will be given particular case of implementation of such planning in Germany at a practical level. The last part represents the comparison of German spatial planning with the concept of planning in the Czech Republic referring to fundamental differences and similarities.
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Hur ska fler medverka i medborgardialogen? : Med fokus på nyanländaQuick, Daniel, Wickman, Linus January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie behandlas frågan om nyanlända och deras bristfälliga roll i dagens samhällsplanering. Dessa individer är en utsatt samhällsgrupp som växer i en oerhörd takt i Sverige och riskerar att inte känna någon tillhörighet i städer om de utesluts ur planeringsprocessen. Syftet med denna studie var således att öka deltagande av nyanlända i medborgardialogen för att tillgodose deras behov och preferenser. Eftersom kommuner spelar en ledande roll i planeringsprocessen beslutades det att målet med studien var att skapa en checklista, som kommuner kan använda sig av för att öka deltagandet av nyanlända i medborgardialogen. För att uppnå detta genomfördes en litteraturgranskning av tidigare studier och arbeten för att upptäcka tillvägagångssätt, metoder och nyckelfaktorer som kan öka deltagandet av nyanlända. Fem stycken svenska kommuner intervjuades hur de arbetar med frågor om nyanlända i medborgardialogen. Responsen påvisade att kommuner arbetar med dessa frågor till viss del och att samtliga upplevde ett mycket lågt deltagande av nyanlända i dagens planering. De deltagande kommunerna validerade nyckelfaktorerna. Detta bidrog till slutsatsen att checklistan är tämligen komplett men att fler nyckelfaktorer hade givit en mer nyttig påverkan. Eftersom reaktionen av kommunerna pekar på att de funna nyckelfaktorerna är centrala för frågan om nyanlända ses studiens checklista som högst användbar. Förbättringar av checklistan kan vara ett uppdrag för framtida studier. Dessutom drogs slutsatsen att kommuner kan se problematik med ytterligare arbete med frågan om nyanlända på grund av bristfälliga resurser. Ytterligare en frågeställning framkom under studiens gång på grund av ett lågt deltagande av svenska kommuner och bakomliggande faktorer i denna studie. Frågan behandlade varför svenska kommuner undviker dessa frågor om nyanlända i planeringsprocessen. Slutsatsen av detta pekade på att kommuner inte arbetar med frågorna och att det bör ske förändringar i lagstiftningen. Detta skulle tvinga alla kommuner att prioritera frågan, som även underlättar arbetet för andra kommuner som vill arbeta mer.
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Územní rozhodovací procesy / Territorial decision-making processesDohnálek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Territorial Decision-Making Processes Abstract The thesis deals with the territorial decision-making from the perspective of the Act No. 183/2006 Coll., on Town and Country Planning and Building Code (Building Act), and provides the reader with the comprehensive, logical and structured overview of the different territorial decision-making processes. Chapter 1.1 defines terms Area, Developed Area, Area with Development Potential, Ground without Development Potential and Non-developed Area. In chapter 1.2 the territorial decision-making is placed into the structure of construction law, administrative law and public law. Attention is being given to spatial planning, its objectives, tasks and legal sources. In the rest of the chapter the planing materials, spatial development policy, planning documentation and planning measure on building ban and on redevelopment are briefly introduced. Chapters 2.1 to 2.7 are subsequently devoted to the territorial decision- making itself as the executive instrument of the spatial planning. After the initial acquaintance with the Territorial Decision-making term in chapter 2.1 the thesis identifies five relatively self- standing aspects in chapter 2.2 through which the territorial decision-making is further assessed. In this context chapter 2.3 deals with the territorial...
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Posouzení vlivů územního plánování na cenu pozemků ve Vyškově / Assessment of the Impact of Planning on Land Prices in VyškovSankot, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of spatial planning on the market price of land in Vyškov. The first part deals with the theoretical background needed to understand the issue. The following chapter describes the problems, sets out the hypotheses and goals of the solution of this work. Furthermore, the methods used to fulfill the goal are described and justified. At the end of the first part there is a chapter where the solved locality is described together with selected plots. The following is a part of the solution itself, which contains the valuation of selected plots in three stages of spatial planning documentation. An analysis of the market of the city Vyškov is used here and subsequently a comparative database for land valuation using a comparative direct method is created. Finally, the achieved results of the solution are summarized and the effects of spatial planning affecting the market price of land in Vyškov are interpreted.
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Posouzení vlivů územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Hranicích na Moravě / Assessment of the Impact of Spatial Planning on Land Prices in Hranice na MoravěMenyhardová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with spatial planning and its impact on market value of land in Hranice na Moravě. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part defines fundamental terms related to land valuation and spatial planning, which are crucial for understanding this field of study. The practical part focuses on valuation of selected plots in three levels of spatial planning documentation. The valuation is based on analysis of real estate market in Hranice na Moravě, which consists of a database of comparable properties. The method of direct comparison was used for determination of market value. The last part of the thesis summarizes the results and evaluates the impact zone planning makes on market value of the land.
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Communication publique et négociation : cas de l'Agence pour l'Aménagement de la Vallée du Bouregreg / Public communication and negotiation : case of Bouregreg Valley Renewal AgencyBouchaf, Ouafae 09 June 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale de type exploratoire et inductive, tente de répondre à la question : quelles sont les pratiques de communication publique et de négociation appliquées dans le cadre du projet d’aménagement de la vallée du Bouregreg ? Et à quels modèles se réfèrent-elles ? Les travaux menés pour cette thèse consistaient, à décrire et analyser les processus de communication et de négociation que suit l’AAVB avec la population pour réaliser sa mission ; et enfin, tenter de tracer un modèle théorique de communication et négociation propre à cette situation. L’apport de ce travail serait donc de proposer un modèle qui combine à la fois un modèle de communication et un modèle de négociation en explicitant les chevauchements et proscriptions qui existent entre eux. En effet, il s’agit d’analyser les processus de communication et de négociation en parallèle et de montrer leur complémentarité (ou non) afin d’aboutir à un objectif unique que nous critiquerons : celui d’amener le récepteur à opter pour une attitude d’acceptation des propositions de l’aménageur. Quant au processus de négociation, l’enquête a montré que celui-ci est influencé par un ensemble de facteurs comme le pouvoir, le contexte, la relation et diverses interventions extérieures. Par ailleurs, la recherche caractérise la phase de confrontation des propositions où les acteurs mobilisent une communication persuasive qui s’effectue selon un processus qui engage des éléments spécifiques notamment lors de la réception des messages comme l’attention, le contrôle et le traitement de l’information qui mènent à la compréhension ou à l’incompréhension du message. Cette opération mène l’acteur qui est le citoyen vers une attitude défavorable, neutre ou favorable pour (ou non) « libérer du terrain ». / This doctoral research of exploratory and inductive type, tries to answer the question: what are the practices of public communication and negotiation applied in the context of the project of development of the Bouregreg valley? And to which models do they refer? Consisted in describing and analyzing the communication and negotiation processes that the AAVB follows with the population in order to achieve its mission; And finally, to try to draw a theoretical model of communication and negotiation proper to this situation. The contribution of this work would be to propose a model that combines a model of communication and a model of negotiation by explaining the overlaps and proscriptions that exist between them. Indeed, it is a question of analyzing the processes of communication and negotiation in parallel and showing their complementarity (or not) in order to arrive at a single objective that we will criticize: that of causing the receiver to opt for a Acceptance of the proposals of the developer. As for the negotiation process, the investigation showed that it is influenced by a combination of factors such as power, context, relationship and various external interventions. Moreover, this research characterizes the phase of confrontation of proposals where the actors mobilize a persuasive communication that is carried out according to a process that engages specific elements especially when receiving messages such as attention, control and treatment of Information that leads to understanding or misunderstanding of the message. This operation leads the actor who is the citizen towards an unfavorable, neutral or favorable attitude towards (or not) "freeing ground".
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Urbanisation as a Mechanism for Efficient and Sustainable Use of LandLindholm, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
Urbanisation in developing countries can contribute to various benefits and challenges. The growing areas of informal settlements on the peripheries of greater cities are a product of rapid urbanisation and uncontrolled population growth of the city. Informal settlements are often accompanied by the expansion of spontaneous and unsustainable infrastructure that encroach on land of valuable, natural resources. The stakeholders of the two locations studied in this research – Accra in Ghana and Kigali in Rwanda – handle stressors that rapid urbanisation causes differently, which is reflected in the use of land beyond the city area. Although a significant amount of research has been done on urbanisation patterns and land use in both Ghana and Rwanda, this study identifies the research gap of how urbanisation can be used and guided by local actors in developing countries for efficient and sustainable land use. The objective of this research is thus to identify how urbanisation can be used and guided for efficient and sustainable land use. The Environmental Stewardship framework by Bennett, et al. (2018) is used to locate relevant aspects of the management of sustainable land use for collecting data. Local authorities and organisations are the responsible actors for the management of land and the urban environment in Ghana and Rwanda respectively. Investigating official documents and reports that can be found on the official websites of these entities, along with UN publications, is therefore the main method of collecting data of this study. One interview, statistical estimates, and articles in local newspapers provide additional data for this study. The findings reveal that local authorities can make use of urbanisation by using several factors for sustainable and efficient land use. These factors include strong leadership and control of land and the urban environment through e.g. the maintenance of land registers, densification and vertical development of dwellings, ensuring the availability of data that allows for land use planning, steering urbanisation to alternative cities through pull-factors, and upgrading informal settlements. The element of capacity, especially institutional capacity, by Bennett, et al. (2018) is found to be profoundly important for efficient and sustainable land use.
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Partizipative und governance-orientierte Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung - dargestellt an den Fallbeispielen der Gemeinden Calakmul und Candelaria in MexikoSchlegel, Sven 16 May 2012 (has links)
Ausgehend von den Thesen, dass die räumliche Planung ein Aufgabenfeld ist, welches weit über die staatliche Einflussnahme hinausreicht und kooperative Beziehungen sowie kollektives Handeln aller involvierten Akteure erfordert; die Aufgaben der Planung nicht ohne Governance und ein darauf ausgerichtet Planungssystem zu bewältigen sind; die räumliche Planung, Planungssysteme sowie Akteure jedoch nicht adäquat auf dieses Planungsverständnis ausgerichtet sind und sich deswegen weiterentwickeln müssen, fokussiert die vorliegende Arbeit partizipative und governance-orientierte Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung. Ziel ist es, kontextspezifisch die Implikationen einer, auf Governance ausgerichteten Planung für die involvierten Stakeholder, den Planungsprozess und das Planungssystem aufzuzeigen. Grundlage hierfür bildete ein partizipativer und governance-orientierter Ansatz zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung.
Anhand eines konkreten Falls aus dem Südosten Mexikos konnte Governance im Bereich der räumlichen Planung kontextbezogen operationalisiert werden. Indem das gesamte Spektrum der raumrelevanten Akteure in die Operationalisierung einbezogen wurde, konnten die verschiedenen Interessen, Perspektiven und Blickwinkel der räumlichen Planung extrahiert werden. Basierend auf den hieraus abgeleiteten Zielvorstellungen der raumrelevanten Akteure erfolgte eine ex post Betrachtung von zwei kürzlich durchgeführten Planungsprozessen in den mexikanischen Gemeinden Candelaria und Calakmul. Aus dieser konnten wichtige Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung der räumlichen Planung abgeleitet werden.
Erhebt die räumliche Planung den Anspruch, an die Gegebenheiten des Raumes angepasste und an den Zielvorstellungen der Akteure ausgerichtete Verfahren einzusetzen, bietet sich eine formative Anwendung partizipativer und governance-orientierter Ansätze an. Am Anfang eines Planungsprozesses könnten somit die Zielvorstellungen der raumrelevanten Akteure gegenüber der Planung kommuniziert werden. Im selben Moment kann das notwenige Basiswissen zur räumlichen Planung vermittelt werden. Der in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz könnte mit einigen Modifikationen die Grundlage hierfür bilden.
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