Spelling suggestions: "subject:"speichermedien"" "subject:"speichermedium""
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Automatisierte Aufbereitung archivierter VHS-Digitalisate durch künstliche neuronale Netze zum Zweck der WiederausstrahlungMüller, Stefanie, Kahl, Stefan, Eibl, Maximilian 16 October 2017 (has links)
Videoaufnahmen aus den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stellen kulturelles Erbe dar. Diese sind jedoch nach heutigen Sehgewohnheiten nicht ohne große Einschränkungen für die Wiederausstrahlung geeignet. Das liegt zum einen an längst vergangenen Standards der Videoaufzeichnung, aber zum anderen auch in großem Maße an unkontrolliert gealterten Speichermedien durch inadäquate Aufbewahrung. Oftmals war es lokalen Fernsehsendern technisch nicht möglich ihre Archivbestände unter optimalen klimatischen Bedingungen langlebig zu lagern. Videoarchivdaten nach der Digitalisierung für die Einbindung in heutige Produktionen manuell zu durchsuchen und entsprechend aufzubereiten, ist ein zeitaufwändiger Prozess, den lokale TV-Sender nicht bewältigen können.
In unserem Beitrag möchten wir neuartige Methoden der automatisierten Aufbereitung von archivierten VHS-Digitalisaten für die Wiederausstrahlung vorstellen. Dazu zählen vor allem Verfahren zu den Schwerpunkten der Korrektur von Falschfarben (Recoloring) und zur Steigerung der Auflösung von ehemals PAL zu Full-HD und Ultra-HD (Super-Resolution). Zum Einsatz kommen dabei künstliche neuronale Netze, die anders als klassische Verfahren der Bildverarbeitung, semantische Bildkomponenten erfassen und bei der Bearbeitung berücksichtigen können. Mitunter können so deutliche Qualitätsverbesserungen erzielt werden. In unserem Beitrag möchten wir auf Chancen und aktuelle Beschränkungen dieser Technologien eingehen und anhand von digitalisierten Videoarchivdaten deren Funktionsweise demonstrieren.
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Herstellung und Charakterisierung kontinuierlicher FePt-L10-Schichten auf MgO-SubstratenSellge, Gabriel 21 January 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit kontinuierlichen FePt-L10-Dünnschichten. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den strukturellen Eigenschaften der FePt-Legierung in der chemisch geordneten L10-Phase und deren Auswirkungen auf magnetische Eigenschaften des Systems. Die Quantifizierung der chemischen Ordnung erfolgte durch Röntgenbeugung (XRD). Die magnetische Hysterese wurde durch SQUID-VSM untersucht. Die Analyse der Oberflächentopografie erfolgte mit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM).
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Herstellung von L10-geordneten und gleichzeitig kontinuierlichen FePt-Schichten mittels Magnetronsputterdeposition bei hohen Temperaturen von 500°C bis 600°C möglich ist. Weiterhin wurde die Abhängigkeit der senkrechten magnetokristallinen Anisotropie von der chemischen Ordnung untersucht. Es konnte eine Anisotropieenergiedichte von 27 Merg/ccm erreicht werden.:1 Einleitung
2 Theorie
2.1 Magnetische Materialien
2.1.1 Grundlagen
2.1.2 Magnetische Hysterese
2.1.3 Magnetische Anisotropie
2.2 FePt-Legierungen
2.2.1 Strukturelle Eigenschaften und chemische Ordnung
2.2.2 Magnetische Eigenschaften
3 Experimentelle Methoden
3.1 Magnetronsputterdeposition
3.2 Röntgenbeugung und Röntgenreflektometrie
3.2.1 Röntgenbeugung
3.2.2 Röntgenreflektometrie
3.3 Rasterkraftmikroskopie
3.4 Magnetometrie
3.5 Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
3.6 Rutherfordrückstreuspektrometrie
3.7 Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie
4 Qualität der MgO-Substrate
5 Hergestellte FePt-Schichten
6 Ergebnisse
6.1 Chemische Ordnung von FePt
6.2 Kontinuität von dünnen FePt-Schichten
6.2.1 Oberflächenanalyse mit Rasterkraftmikroskopie
6.2.2 Hinweise auf kontinuierliche Schichten
6.2.3 Verunreinigungen der Probenoberfläche
6.3 Magnetische Eigenschaften von FePt
7 Zusammenfassung
8 Ausblick
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Electronic and electrical properties of organic semiconductor/metal nanoparticles structuresLigorio, Giovanni 13 July 2016 (has links)
Der zunehmende Bedarf nach digitalen Speichermedien macht die Erforschung von neuen Materialien für zukünftige Technologien von nichtflüchtigen Speichern nötig. Hierfür eignen sich zum Beispiel Metall-Nanopartikel, die in organischen Halbleiterschichten eingebettet sind. Aufgrund der bistabilen Schaltbarkeit der Leitfähigkeit von Metall-Nanopartikeln lassen sie sich in Abhängigkeit der elektrischen Umgebungsbedingungen entweder in einen niedrig- oder einen hochleitenden Zustand schalten. Bisher wurden verschiedene Modelle entwickelt, um den Schaltmechanismus von Speichern mit einem organischen Matrixmaterial zu erklären, jedoch fehlt bislang ein konsistentes Bild zum Verständnis des Schaltvorgangs. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Rolle des Raumladungsfeldes ausgehend von Metall-Nanopartikeln in Bauelementen. Dazu wurde eine Reihe von Experimenten zur Bestimmung der elektronischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften durchgeführt, um die tatsächliche Rolle des Raumladungsfeldes aufzuklären. Mit Hilfe von Röntgen- und UV-Photoelektronenspektroskopie wurde die Wechselwirkung zwischen den Metall-Nanopartikeln und den prototypischen organischen Halbleiterschichten detailliert untersucht. Unter Verwendung der bereits untersuchten Materialien wurden Bauelemente hergestellt und charakterisiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der allgemein vorgeschlagene Mechanismus bezüglich der Aufladung/Entladung von Metall-Nanopartikeln als Ursache für die elektrische Bistabiliät in einem zweipoligen Bauteil ausgeschlossen werden kann. Stattdessen stützt dieses Ergebnis den alternativen Mechanismus der Filamentbildung. Zur Untersuchung der Skalierbarkeit der Speicher im Nanometerbereich wurden die Strukturen durch das Abscheiden der Materialien bei streifendem Einfall präpariert. Die entsprechenden Nanospeicher wurden elektrisch charakterisiert und zeigten Bistabilität. Folglich sind diese Nanspeicher besonders attraktiv für zukünftige Technologien in Hinblick auf hohe Speicherdichten. / The increasing need to store digital information has triggered research into the exploration of new materials for future non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies. For instance, metal nanoparticles (MNPs) embedded into organic semiconductors are suitable for novel memory applications because they were found to display bistable resistive switching. Different switching models were hitherto developed to explain the fundamental mechanisms at work in resistive NVMs. This thesis explores specifically the role of space-charge field due to the charging of MNPs as rationale for resistive switching in two-terminal devices. A series of experiments on the electronic and electrical properties of devices were conducted in order to reveal whether this mechanism is, indeed, at play in resistance switching. Photoelectron spectroscopy provided detailed information about the interaction between gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with prototypical organic semiconductors used in optoelectronics. The study of the electronic valence structures provided evidence of a space-charge due to the charging of AuNPs. Furthermore, it is found that charge-neutrality of AuNPs can be dynamically re-established upon illumination, through electron transfer from excitons. Devices were built with the same materials investigated by photoemission spectroscopy and electrical characterization was conducted. Despite the previously demonstrated ability to optically change the charging state of the AuNPs, the devices do not display any bistability. This finding provides evidence that the commonly proposed charging/decharging mechanism of MNPs can be excluded as cause for electrical bistability in NVM devices. In order to explore the scaling of resistive NVMs into the nanometric range, glancing angle deposition technique was employed. The nano-NVMs were electrically characterized and it is proved to manifest resistive bistability. These finding make nano-NVMs highly appealing for future high-density memory technology.
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Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures Schulze, Carsten 13 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The concept of percolated perpendicular media (PPM) for magnetic data storage is expected to surpass the areal storage density of 1 Tbit in -², which is regarded as the fundamental limit of conventional granular CoCrPt:oxide based recording media. PPM consist of a continuous ferromagnetic thin film with densely distributed defects acting as pinning sites for magnetic domain walls.
In this study, practical realizations of PPM were fabricated by the deposition of [Co/Pt]8 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy onto nanoperforated templates with various perforation diameters and periods. The structural defects given by the templates serve as pinning sites for the magnetic domain walls within the [Co/Pt]8 multilayers. Magnetometry at both the integral and the local level was employed to investigate the influence of the template on the magnetization reversal and the domain wall pinning.
It was found, that magnetic domains can be pinned at the ultimate limit, between three adjacent pinning sites. The coercivity and the depinning field, which both are a measure for the strength of the magnetic domain wall pinning, were found to increase with increasing perforation diameter. The size of magnetic domains within the magnetic film appeared not to depend solely on the diameter of the nanoperforations or on the period of the template, but on the ration between diameter and period. By means of micromagnetic simulations it was found, that the presence of ferromagnetic material within the pinning site given supports the pinning of magnetic domain walls, compared to a pinning site that is solely given by a hole in the magnetic thin film.
Investigation of the evolution of the magnetization in magnetic fields smaller than the coercive field revealed, that the energy barrier against thermally induced magnetization reversal is sufficiently large to provide long-term (> 10 years) stability of an arbitrary magnetization state. This could also be qualitatively supported by micromagnetic simulations.
Static read/write tests with conventional hard disk recording heads revealed the possibility of imprinting bit patterns into the PPM under study. The minimum bit pitch that could be read back thereby depended on the period of the nanoperforated template.
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Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures : Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure ArchitecturesSchulze, Carsten 24 April 2014 (has links)
The concept of percolated perpendicular media (PPM) for magnetic data storage is expected to surpass the areal storage density of 1 Tbit in -², which is regarded as the fundamental limit of conventional granular CoCrPt:oxide based recording media. PPM consist of a continuous ferromagnetic thin film with densely distributed defects acting as pinning sites for magnetic domain walls.
In this study, practical realizations of PPM were fabricated by the deposition of [Co/Pt]8 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy onto nanoperforated templates with various perforation diameters and periods. The structural defects given by the templates serve as pinning sites for the magnetic domain walls within the [Co/Pt]8 multilayers. Magnetometry at both the integral and the local level was employed to investigate the influence of the template on the magnetization reversal and the domain wall pinning.
It was found, that magnetic domains can be pinned at the ultimate limit, between three adjacent pinning sites. The coercivity and the depinning field, which both are a measure for the strength of the magnetic domain wall pinning, were found to increase with increasing perforation diameter. The size of magnetic domains within the magnetic film appeared not to depend solely on the diameter of the nanoperforations or on the period of the template, but on the ration between diameter and period. By means of micromagnetic simulations it was found, that the presence of ferromagnetic material within the pinning site given supports the pinning of magnetic domain walls, compared to a pinning site that is solely given by a hole in the magnetic thin film.
Investigation of the evolution of the magnetization in magnetic fields smaller than the coercive field revealed, that the energy barrier against thermally induced magnetization reversal is sufficiently large to provide long-term (> 10 years) stability of an arbitrary magnetization state. This could also be qualitatively supported by micromagnetic simulations.
Static read/write tests with conventional hard disk recording heads revealed the possibility of imprinting bit patterns into the PPM under study. The minimum bit pitch that could be read back thereby depended on the period of the nanoperforated template.
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Rapid thermal annealing of FePt and FePt/Cu thin filmsBrombacher, Christoph 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Chemically ordered FePt is one of the most promising materials to reach the ultimate limitations in storage density of future magnetic recording devices due to its high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a corrosion resistance superior to rare-earth based magnets.
In this study, FePt and FePt/Cu bilayers have been sputter deposited at room temperature onto thermally oxidized silicon wafers, glass substrates and self-assembled arrays of spherical SiO2 particles with diameters down to 10 nm. Millisecond flash lamp annealing, as well as conventional rapid thermal annealing was employed to induce the phase transformation from the chemically disordered A1 phase into the chemically ordered L10 phase.
The influence of the annealing temperature, annealing time and the film thickness on the ordering transformation and (001) texture evolution of FePt films with near equiatomic composition was studied. Whereas flash lamp annealed FePt films exhibit a polycrystalline morphology with high chemical L10 order, rapid thermal annealing can lead to the formation of chemically ordered FePt fifilms with (001) texture on amorphous SiO2/Si substrates. The resultant high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and large coercivities up to 40 kOe are demonstrated. Simultaneuosly to the ordering transformation, rapid thermal annealing to temperatures exceeding 600 °C leads to a break up of the continuous FePt film into separated islands. This dewetting behavior was utilized to create regular arrays of FePt nanostructures on SiO2 particle templates with periods down to 50 nm.
The addition of Cu improves the (001) texture formation and chemcial ordering for annealing temperatures T < 600 °C. In addition, the magnetic anisotropy and the coercivity of the ternary FePtCu alloy can be effectively tailored by adjusting the Cu content. The prospects of FePtCu based exchange spring media, as well as the magnetic properties of FePtCu nanostructures fabricated using e-beam and nanoimprint lithography have been investigated.
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Rapid thermal annealing of FePt and FePt/Cu thin filmsBrombacher, Christoph 10 January 2011 (has links)
Chemically ordered FePt is one of the most promising materials to reach the ultimate limitations in storage density of future magnetic recording devices due to its high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a corrosion resistance superior to rare-earth based magnets.
In this study, FePt and FePt/Cu bilayers have been sputter deposited at room temperature onto thermally oxidized silicon wafers, glass substrates and self-assembled arrays of spherical SiO2 particles with diameters down to 10 nm. Millisecond flash lamp annealing, as well as conventional rapid thermal annealing was employed to induce the phase transformation from the chemically disordered A1 phase into the chemically ordered L10 phase.
The influence of the annealing temperature, annealing time and the film thickness on the ordering transformation and (001) texture evolution of FePt films with near equiatomic composition was studied. Whereas flash lamp annealed FePt films exhibit a polycrystalline morphology with high chemical L10 order, rapid thermal annealing can lead to the formation of chemically ordered FePt fifilms with (001) texture on amorphous SiO2/Si substrates. The resultant high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and large coercivities up to 40 kOe are demonstrated. Simultaneuosly to the ordering transformation, rapid thermal annealing to temperatures exceeding 600 °C leads to a break up of the continuous FePt film into separated islands. This dewetting behavior was utilized to create regular arrays of FePt nanostructures on SiO2 particle templates with periods down to 50 nm.
The addition of Cu improves the (001) texture formation and chemcial ordering for annealing temperatures T < 600 °C. In addition, the magnetic anisotropy and the coercivity of the ternary FePtCu alloy can be effectively tailored by adjusting the Cu content. The prospects of FePtCu based exchange spring media, as well as the magnetic properties of FePtCu nanostructures fabricated using e-beam and nanoimprint lithography have been investigated.
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