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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Replica Symmetry Breaking at Low Temperatures / Replikasymmetriebrechung bei tiefen Temperaturen

Schmidt, Manuel J. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the low-temperature regime of replica symmetry breaking in the SK-model has been thoroughly investigated. In order to access this regime and to perform self-consistence calculations with high accuracy at high orders of replica symmetry breaking, a formalism has been developed which reduces the numerical effort to the absolute minimum. The central idea of its derivation is the identification of asymptotic regions in which the recursion relations can be solved analytically. The new object in the numerical treatment is then the correction to this asymptotic regime, represented by a sequence of so-called kernel correction functions. This method increased the effciency of the numerics considerably so that up to 200 orders of RSB could be calculated at zero temperature and zero external field, and up to 60 (65) orders of RSB for finite temperature (external field). The remarkable high precision of these calculations allowed the extraction of several quantities with accuracy exceeding the literature values by several orders of magnitude. The results of the numerical calculations have been analyzed in great detail. Especially the convergence behavior of various observables and of the order function with respect to the RSB order has been investigated since the high but finite RSB regime has been addressed in the present work for the first time. Several unexpected features of finite order replica symmetry breaking have been observed. / In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden die Eigenschaften der Replikasymmetriebrechung (RSB) im Sherrington-Kirkpatrick-Modell bei tiefen Temperaturen gründlich untersucht. Um entsprechend tiefe Temperaturen und sogar T = 0 zu erreichen und gleichzeitig die Selbstkonsistenzrechnungen mit hoher numerischer Genauigkeit und bei hohen RSB Ordnungen durchzuführen, wurde ein Formalismus entwickelt, welcher den numerischen Aufwand auf ein absolutes Minimum reduziert. Das zentrale Konzept der Ableitung dieser Formulierung ist die Identifikation asymptotischer Bereiche, in denen die Rekursionsgleichungen der Replikasymmetriebrechung bei endlichen Ordnungen analytisch gelöst werden können. Das neue Objekt, welches numerisch behandelt werden muss, ist die Korrektur zu diesen asymptotischen Bereichen, welche durch eine Reihe von Funktionen, den sogenannten kernel correction functions beschrieben wird. Diese Methode hat die Effizienz der numerischen Behandlung erheblich verbessert, so dass bis zu 200 RSB Ordnungen bei verschwindender Temperatur und bei verschwindendem Magnetfeld und bis zu 60 (65) RSB Ordnungen bei endlichen Temperaturen (Magnetfeldern) berechnet werden konnten. Die ungewöhnlich hohe Genauigkeit dieser Rechnungen erlaubte die Bestimmung vieler Observablen mit einer Genauigkeit, die mehrere Größenordnungen über den Literaturwerten liegt. Die Ergebnisse der numerischen Rechnungen wurden im Detail analysiert. Speziell das Konvergenzverhalten der Ordnungsfunktion und der interessanten Observablen als Funktionen der RSB Ordnung wurde untersucht. Dieser Bereich hoher, aber endlicher RSB Ordnungen wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit das erste Mal analysiert und viele unerwartete Eigenschaften wurden gefunden.

Spinstrukturen in Manganoberflächen auf bcc- und fcc-Einkristallen aus 5d-Elementen, untersucht mittels spinpolarisierter Rastertunnelmikroskopie: Mn-W(001) und MnO\(_x\)-Ir(001) / Spin structures in manganese surfaces on bcc and fcc single-crystals of 5d elements studied by spinpolarised scanning tunneling microscopy: Mn-W(001) and MnO\(_x\)-Ir(001)

Weber, Paula Martika January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entstehung kollinearer und nicht-kollinearer Spinstrukturen wird auf verschiedene magnetische Wechselwirkungen zurückgeführt. Für Anwendungen in der Medizin und in der Datenspeicherung ist es notwendig zu verstehen, unter welchen Parametern Frustrationen auftreten, um diese entweder zu vermeiden oder zu nutzen. In dieser Arbeit werden kollineare und nicht-kollineare Spinstrukturen auf zwei verschiedenen Materialsystemen untersucht. Das erste Materialsystem besteht aus drei atomaren Lagen Mangan auf einer (001) Oberfläche eines Wolfram-Einkristalls und das zweite Materialsystem enthält Mangan, welches verbunden mit Sauerstoff kettenförmig auf einer (001) Oberfläche eines Iridium-Einkristalls vorliegt. Spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie (SP-RTM)-Messungen und -Simulationen der dreilagigen, pseudomorphen Manganoberfläche ergeben eine nicht-kollineare Spinstruktur. Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT)-Berechnungen legen eine kollineare ↑↓↓- Spinkonstellation nahe. Unter Berücksichtigung der chiralen biquadratischen Paarwechselwirkung befinden sich konische Spinspiralen mit kleinem Öffnungswinkel nah an dem energetisch niedrigsten Zustand. Spinaufgelöste DFT-Berechnungen sind abhängig von der genäherten, geometrischen Relaxation der atomaren Struktur. Kombinierte SP-RTM-Methoden weisen auf einem dreilagigen Materialsystem Spinspiralen nach und zufolge der DFT ist der kollineare bzw. nicht-kollineare Zustand des Systems durch den Abstand seiner Lagen bedingt. SP-RTM-Messungen auf den Manganoxidketten weisen je nach Präparation eine kollineare antiferromagnetische (AFM) oder eine nicht-kollineare Spinstruktur nach. Zudem wird präsentiert, dass sich diese Spinstrukturen durch zwei verschiedene Sauerstoffdrücke und die Zufuhr von Wärme während der Präparation ineinander umschalten lassen. Durch niederenergetische Elektronenbeugung mit variabler Spannung werden zwei atomare Strukturen bestimmt, welche sich durch ihren Oxidationsgrad unterscheiden. Die nicht-kollineare Spinstruktur ist bereits in der Fachliteratur als 120° chirale Spinspirale, verursacht durch die Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-verstärkte Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY)-Wechselwirkung, bekannt. Nach aktuellen, kollinearen DFT-Berechnungen ist die kollineare Spinstruktur als AFM entlang der Ketten und als ferromagnetische Kopplung zwischen den Ketten ermittelt. Aufgrund des Nachweises eines höheren Oxidationsgrades wird eine stärkere RKKY-Austauschwechselwirkung auf der Basis der Heisenberg-Austauschwechselwirkung vermutet. Hier korreliert die Entstehung kollinearer oder nicht-kollinearer Spinstrukturen mit dem Oxidationsgrad. / The formation of collinear and non-collinear spin structures is attributed to various magnetic interactions. For applications in medicine and data storage, it is necessary to understand under which parameters frustrations form in order to either avoid or use them. In this work, collinear and non-collinear spin structures on two different material systems are investigated. The first material system is composed of three atomic layers of manganese on a (001) surface of a tungsten single crystal and the second material system contains manganese combined with oxygen in a chain on a (001) surface of an iridium single crystal. Spin polarised scanning tunnelling microscopy (SP-STM) measurements and simulations of the three-layer pseudomorphic surface of manganese reveal a non-collinear spin structure. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest a collinear ↑↓↓ spin constellation. Considering the chiral biquadratic pair interaction, conical spin spirals with a small opening angle are close to the energetically lowest state. Spin-resolved DFT calculations show a dependence on the approximated geometric relaxation of the atomic structure. Combined SP-RTM methods identify spin spirals on a three-layer material system and, according to DFT, the collinear or non-collinear state of the system depends on the spacing of its layers. Depending on the preparation, a collinear antiferromagnetic (AFM) or a non-collinear spin structure is revealed on the manganese oxide chains using SP-STM. Furthermore, it is presented that these spin structures can be switched into each other during the preparation by two different oxygen pressures and the supply of heat. Using intensity-voltage dependent low energy electron diffraction, two atomic structures are determined, which differ in their degree of oxidation. The non-collinear spin structure is already known in the literature as a 120° chiral spin spiral caused by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-enhanced Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction. According to present collinear DFT calculations, the collinear spin structure is calculated as AFM along the chains and ferromagnetic coupling between the chains. Based on the evidence of a higher degree of oxidation, a stronger RKKY interaction based on the Heisenberg exchange interaction is suspected. In this case, the formation of collinear or non-collinear spin structures correlates with the degree of oxidation.

Longitudinal lambda and anti-lambda polarization at the COMPASS experiment

Kang, Donghee. January 2007 (has links)
Freiburg i. Br., Univ., Diss., 2007.

Microscopic description of magnetic model compounds

Schmitt, Miriam 24 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Solid state physics comprises many interesting physical phenomena driven by the complex interplay of the crystal structure, magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom, quantum fluctuations and correlation. The discovery of materials which exhibit exotic phenomena like low dimensional magnetism, superconductivity, thermoelectricity or multiferroic behavior leads to various applications which even directly influence our daily live. For such technical applications and the purposive modification of materials, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms in solids is a precondition. Nowadays DFT based band structure programs become broadly available with the possibility to calculate systems with several hundreds of atoms in reasonable time scales and high accuracy using standard computers due to the rapid technical and conceptional development in the last decades. These improvements allow to study physical properties of solids from their crystal structure and support the search for underlying mechanisms of different phenomena from microscopic grounds. This thesis focuses on the theoretical description of low dimensional magnets and intermetallic compounds. We combine DFT based electronic structure and model calculations to develop the magnetic properties of the compounds from microscopic grounds. The developed, intuitive pictures were challenged by model simulations with various experiments, probing microscopic and macroscopic properties, such as thermodynamic measurements, high field magnetization, nuclear magnetic resonance or electron spin resonance experiments. This combined approach allows to investigate the close interplay of the crystal structure and the magnetic properties of complex materials in close collaboration with experimentalists. In turn, the systematic variation of intrinsic parameters by substitution or of extrinsic factors, like magnetic field, temperature or pressure is an efficient way to probe the derived models. Especially pressure allows a continuous change of the crystal structure on a rather large energy scale without the chemical complexity of substitution, thus being an ideal tool to consistently alter the electronic structure in a controlled way. Our theoretical results not only provide reliable descriptions of real materials, exhibiting disorder, partial site occupation and/or strong correlations, but also predict fascinating phenomena upon extreme conditions. In parts this theoretical predictions were already confirmed by own experiments on large scale facilities. Whereas in the first part of this work the main purpose was to develop reliable magnetic models of low dimensional magnets, in the second part we unraveled the underlying mechanism for different phase transitions upon pressure. In more detail, the first part of this thesis is focused on the magnetic ground states of spin 1/2 transition metal compounds which show fascinating phase diagrams with many unusual ground states, including various types of magnetic order, like helical states exhibiting different pitch angles, driven by the intimate interplay of structural details and quantum fluctuations. The exact arrangement and the connection of the magnetically active building blocks within these materials determine the hybridization, orbital occupation, and orbital orientation, this way altering the exchange paths and strengths of magnetic interaction within the system and consequently being crucial for the formation of the respective ground states. The spin 1/2 transition metal compounds, which have been investigated in this work, illustrate the great variety of exciting phenomena fueling the huge interest in this class of materials. We focused on cuprates with magnetically active CuO4 plaquettes, mainly arranged into edge sharing geometries. The influence of structural peculiarities, as distortion, folding, changed bonding angles, substitution or exchanged ligands has been studied with respect to their relevance for the magnetic ground state. Besides the detailed description of the magnetic ground states of selected compounds, we attempted to unravel the origin for the formation of a particular magnetic ground state by deriving general trends and relations for this class of compounds. The details of the treatment of the correlation and influence of structural peculiarities like distortion or the bond angles are evaluated carefully. In the second part of this work we presented the results of joint theoretical and experimental studies for intermetallic compounds, all exhibiting an isostructural phase transition upon pressure. Many different driving forces for such phase transitions are known like quantum fluctuations, valence instabilities or magnetic ordering. The combination of extensive computational studies and high pressure XRD, XAS and XMCD experiments using synchrotron radiation reveals completely different underlying mechanism for the onset of the phase transitions in YCo5, SrFe2As2 and EuPd3Bx. This thesis demonstrates on a series of complex compounds that the combination of ab-initio electronic structure calculations with numerical simulations and with various experimental techniques is an extremely powerful tool for a successful description of the intriguing quantum phenomena in solids. This approach is able to reduce the complex behavior of real materials to simple but appropriate models, this way providing a deep understanding for the underlying mechanisms and an intuitive picture for many phenomena. In addition, the close interaction of theory and experiment stimulates the improvement and refinement of the methods in both areas, pioneering the grounds for more and more precise descriptions. Further pushing the limits of these mighty techniques will not only be a precondition for the success of fundamental research at the frontier between physics and chemistry, but also enables an advanced material design on computational grounds.

Microscopic description of magnetic model compounds: from one-dimensional magnetic insulators to three-dimensional itinerant metals

Schmitt, Miriam 22 November 2012 (has links)
Solid state physics comprises many interesting physical phenomena driven by the complex interplay of the crystal structure, magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom, quantum fluctuations and correlation. The discovery of materials which exhibit exotic phenomena like low dimensional magnetism, superconductivity, thermoelectricity or multiferroic behavior leads to various applications which even directly influence our daily live. For such technical applications and the purposive modification of materials, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms in solids is a precondition. Nowadays DFT based band structure programs become broadly available with the possibility to calculate systems with several hundreds of atoms in reasonable time scales and high accuracy using standard computers due to the rapid technical and conceptional development in the last decades. These improvements allow to study physical properties of solids from their crystal structure and support the search for underlying mechanisms of different phenomena from microscopic grounds. This thesis focuses on the theoretical description of low dimensional magnets and intermetallic compounds. We combine DFT based electronic structure and model calculations to develop the magnetic properties of the compounds from microscopic grounds. The developed, intuitive pictures were challenged by model simulations with various experiments, probing microscopic and macroscopic properties, such as thermodynamic measurements, high field magnetization, nuclear magnetic resonance or electron spin resonance experiments. This combined approach allows to investigate the close interplay of the crystal structure and the magnetic properties of complex materials in close collaboration with experimentalists. In turn, the systematic variation of intrinsic parameters by substitution or of extrinsic factors, like magnetic field, temperature or pressure is an efficient way to probe the derived models. Especially pressure allows a continuous change of the crystal structure on a rather large energy scale without the chemical complexity of substitution, thus being an ideal tool to consistently alter the electronic structure in a controlled way. Our theoretical results not only provide reliable descriptions of real materials, exhibiting disorder, partial site occupation and/or strong correlations, but also predict fascinating phenomena upon extreme conditions. In parts this theoretical predictions were already confirmed by own experiments on large scale facilities. Whereas in the first part of this work the main purpose was to develop reliable magnetic models of low dimensional magnets, in the second part we unraveled the underlying mechanism for different phase transitions upon pressure. In more detail, the first part of this thesis is focused on the magnetic ground states of spin 1/2 transition metal compounds which show fascinating phase diagrams with many unusual ground states, including various types of magnetic order, like helical states exhibiting different pitch angles, driven by the intimate interplay of structural details and quantum fluctuations. The exact arrangement and the connection of the magnetically active building blocks within these materials determine the hybridization, orbital occupation, and orbital orientation, this way altering the exchange paths and strengths of magnetic interaction within the system and consequently being crucial for the formation of the respective ground states. The spin 1/2 transition metal compounds, which have been investigated in this work, illustrate the great variety of exciting phenomena fueling the huge interest in this class of materials. We focused on cuprates with magnetically active CuO4 plaquettes, mainly arranged into edge sharing geometries. The influence of structural peculiarities, as distortion, folding, changed bonding angles, substitution or exchanged ligands has been studied with respect to their relevance for the magnetic ground state. Besides the detailed description of the magnetic ground states of selected compounds, we attempted to unravel the origin for the formation of a particular magnetic ground state by deriving general trends and relations for this class of compounds. The details of the treatment of the correlation and influence of structural peculiarities like distortion or the bond angles are evaluated carefully. In the second part of this work we presented the results of joint theoretical and experimental studies for intermetallic compounds, all exhibiting an isostructural phase transition upon pressure. Many different driving forces for such phase transitions are known like quantum fluctuations, valence instabilities or magnetic ordering. The combination of extensive computational studies and high pressure XRD, XAS and XMCD experiments using synchrotron radiation reveals completely different underlying mechanism for the onset of the phase transitions in YCo5, SrFe2As2 and EuPd3Bx. This thesis demonstrates on a series of complex compounds that the combination of ab-initio electronic structure calculations with numerical simulations and with various experimental techniques is an extremely powerful tool for a successful description of the intriguing quantum phenomena in solids. This approach is able to reduce the complex behavior of real materials to simple but appropriate models, this way providing a deep understanding for the underlying mechanisms and an intuitive picture for many phenomena. In addition, the close interaction of theory and experiment stimulates the improvement and refinement of the methods in both areas, pioneering the grounds for more and more precise descriptions. Further pushing the limits of these mighty techniques will not only be a precondition for the success of fundamental research at the frontier between physics and chemistry, but also enables an advanced material design on computational grounds.:Contents List of abbreviations 1. Introduction 2. Methods 2.1. Electronic structure and magnetic models for real compounds 2.1.1. Describing a solid 2.1.2. Basic exchange and correlation functionals 2.1.3. Strong correlations 2.1.4. Band structure codes 2.1.5. Disorder and vacancies 2.1.6. Models on top of DFT 2.2. X-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption at extreme conditions 2.2.1. Diamond anvil cells 2.2.2. ID09 - XRD under pressure 2.2.3. ID24 - XAS and XMCD under pressure 3. Low dimensional magnets 3.1. Materials 3.1.1 AgCuVO4 - a model compound between two archetypes of Cu-O chains 3.1.2 Li2ZrCuO4 - in close vicinity to a quantum critical point 3.1.3 PbCuSO4(OH)2 -magnetic exchange ruled by H 3.1.4 CuCl2 and CuBr2 - flipping magnetic orbitals by crystal water 3.1.5 Na3Cu2SbO6 and Na2Cu2TeO6 - alternating chain systems 3.1.6 Cu2(PO3)2CH2 - magnetic vs. structural dimers 3.1.7 Cu2PO4OH - orbital order between dimers and chains 3.1.8 A2CuEO6 - an new family of spin 1/2 square lattice compounds 3.2. General trends and relations 3.2.1. Approximation for the treatment of strong correlation 3.2.2. Structural elements 4. Magnetic intermetallic compounds under extreme conditions 115 4.1. Itinerant magnets 4.1.1. YCo5 - a direct proof for a magneto elastic transition by XMCD 4.1.2. SrFe2As2 - symmetry-preserving lattice collapse 4.2. Localized magnets 4.2.1. EuPd3Bx - valence transition under doping and pressure 5. Summary and outlook A. Technical details B. Crystal Structures C. Supporting Material Bibliography List of Publications Acknowledgments

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