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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaching of Arabic as a foreign language (TAFL) : a study of the communicative approach in relation to Arabic

Jadwat, Ayoob Y. January 1988 (has links)
The study is concerned with the problem of how to improve the teaching of Arabic as a foreign or a second language. It lays down some of the essential foundation-work necessary for bringing about systematic and constructive improvements in the teaching of Arabic as a foreign language (TAFL) by investigating the contributions of modern linguistic sciences (such as applied linguistics, educational linguistics, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics) to the development of foreign language (FL) teaching and learning. A survey of the literature indicates that a 'revolution' is currently taking place in FL teaching and that a new approach, known as the Communicative Approach (CA), has begun to emerge and influence the teaching of FLs in general, over the last decade or so. Since the CA is currently being adopted to the teaching of most major FLs and since this revolution has not yet had much impact on TAPL, the study explores the possibility of the application of the CA to the teaching of Arabic as a living language. The thesis is divided into 7 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the importance of viewing the nature of language and FL teaching from a multidimensional point of view. Chapter 2 outlines the general nature and importance of the subject matter (i.e. the Arabic language) in a wide context. In order to understand what has directly or indirectly influenced the teaching practices of TAFL, Chapter 3 provides an overview of the development of views of FL teaching approaches and methods in recent times, from formalism (teacher-centred learning) to functionalism (student -centred learning). Chapter 4 concentrates on providing an interpretation of the current 'state of the art' of TPPL in Britain. A theoretical outline of the CA is presented in Chapter 5. This chapter provides a working hypothesis of a proposed integrative model for communicative competence that can be used as a practical reference tool in the relevant areas of communicative language development In TAPL. Chapter 6 focuses on one of these areas; communicative syllabus design, in which the stages in Arabic language programme development and types of communicative syllabuses are discussed. The last chapter concludes with a suggetion of specific further research needs in TAFL: communicative teaching methodology, communicative materials development, communicative testing techniques and communicative tea cher training.

Exploring the Linguistic and the Discourse-pragmatic Functions of Arabic Yaʕni in a Novel Context of Language Use

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Yaʕni ‘lit. he/it signifies/means/intends’ is an arising linguistic and discourse-pragmatic phenomenon in many varieties and speech situations of spoken Arabic. Yet, the few scholarly investigations yaʕni has received come from restricted and limited contexts of language use. The primary aims of this dissertation were to, first, expand and broaden research on Arabic yaʕni into novel contexts of language use and to, second, explore the linguistic and the discourse-pragmatic functions of yaʕni. Therefore, the data used for this dissertation were collected, selected, and analyzed from a sample of spoken data brought from two episodes of a Saudi sports TV show Alkurah Tatakallam ‘lit. the ball speaks.’ The analytical procedures and discussions showed that yaʕni had the following types of linguistic and discourse-pragmatic functions: as (a) a verb, (b) elaboration and turn expansion, (c) repair organization, (d) managing the turn-taking system, (e) alleviation and hedging, (f) marking concessive/contrastive relations, and (g) emphatic yaʕni. The discussions seemed to suggest the gradual solidification of three views: First, there is a suggestion that the categorical status ranging from verb yaʕni to the discourse marker yaʕni can be understood in terms of scalarity, gradience, and prototypicality. Second, there is another suggestion that gradations can also be located between the discourse-pragmatic functions of yaʕni. Third, there is a suggestion that, synchronically and diachronically, yaʕni as a form has been wildly drifting from its categorical verb status, lexical source, propositional meaning, and even its discourse-pragmatic markerhood. The analysis, discussions, and suggestions invoked the idea of bridging context(s) related to the categorical status and the discourse-pragmatic functions of yaʕni. This categorical status of yaʕni puts the binary distinction between conceptual meaning and procedural meaning of relevance theory, and the studies of yaʕni following such a binary distinction, into question since this distinction seemed blurry. The bridging context(s) seemed to support the gradualness and the directionality of the evolution of DMs. Therefore, the categorical and discourse-pragmatic behavior of yaʕni seems to have support from the hypothesis and theories such as grammaticalization and pragmaticalization. It seems also that the historical development of yaʕni can be discussed in terms of the hypothesis and theories of idiomaticization and phraseology. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2018

Des ligateurs de cause : étude contrastive entre le français parlé à Paris et l’arabe parlé à Tripoli (Libye). Proprietés syntaxiques et fonctionnements pragmatico-discursifs / Ligators of cause : contrastive study between the spoken Arabic of Tripoli and the spoken French of Paris. Syntactic properties and pragmatic-discursive function

Benmoftah, Najah 15 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse en linguistique contrastive décrit et met en opposition les propriétés syntaxiques ainsi que les fonctionnements pragmatico-discursifs de parce que en français parlé dans le septième arrondissement de Paris et de certains de ses équivalents en arabe parlé à Tripoli (Libye) : liʔǝnna, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ, māhu et biḥkum.Pour ce qui concerne l’arabe parlé à Tripoli, ces ligateurs peuvent appartenir à deux classes grammaticales différentes : ils peuvent être des ligateurs conjonctionnels et/ou des ligateurs prépositionnels. Cela dépend de leur degré de grammaticalisation. Alors que liʔanna et māhu sont des ligateurs conjonctionnels qui introduisent des propositions subordonnées organisées autour de prédicats verbaux ou non-verbaux, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ et biḥkum peuvent s’employer comme ligateurs prépositionnels et introduire des compléments circonstanciels, ou grammaticalisés comme ligateurs conjonctionnels et introduire des propositions causales.De plus, ces ligateurs peuvent occuper une position canonique lorsque le ligateur suit une proposition principale et introduit une causale, ou une position non-canonique pour laquelle il existe deux cas de figure : soit l’énoncé commence par la causale qui est introduite par un ligateur de cause et la causale est suivie par la proposition principale, soit l’énoncé commence par la proposition principale qui est suivie par la causale qui n’est pas introduite par un ligateur de cause ; ce dernier se trouve en fin de causale et clôture l’énoncé. D’un point de vue pragmatique, la modification de l’ordre des constituants, lorsque les ligateurs et les causales ne sont pas en position canonique, permet de focaliser la causale.Contrairement à l’arabe de Tripoli, l’examen du Corpus du Français Parlé Parisien des années 2000 (CFPP2000) montre que parce que est un ligateur conjonctionnel et introduit des propositions causales qui s’organisent autour de prédicats verbaux, très rarement averbaux.De plus, parce que peut occuper une position canonique lorsque le ligateur suit une proposition principale et introduit une causale et non canonique lorsque parce que suit le présentatif c’est et introduit une causale. Mais il ne peut pas être postposé. Il n’accepte pas non plus de suffixe.En outre, parce que peut être repris mais sous la forme réduite « que », lorsqu’il introduit plusieurs propositions causales. On remarque alors une série de « que ».Parce que ne peut pas non plus relier deux énoncés coordonnés par la préposition et. D’un point de vue pragmatique lorsque l'énoncé commence par c'est parce que, cette structure permet de focaliser la causale. / This contrastive linguistic thesis describes and contrasts the syntactic properties and the pragmatic-discursive function of parce que in spoken French in the seventh district of Paris and some of its Arab equivalents in spoken Arabic of Tripoli (Libya): liʔǝnna, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ, māhu and biḥkum.Regarding the spoken Arabic of Tripoli, these ligators may belong to two different grammatical classes: they may be conjunctional ligators and / or prepositional ligators. It depends on their degree of grammaticalization. While liʔanna and māhu are conjunctional ligators that introduce causal clauses organized around verbal or non-verbal predicates, ʕlēxāṭǝṛ and biḥkum can be used as prepositional ligators and introduce circumstantial complements or be grammaticalized as conjunctional ligators and introduce causal clause.In addition, these ligators can occupy a canonical position when the ligator follows a main clause and introduces a causal clause or a non-canonical position for which there are two cases : either the utterance begins with the causal which is introduced by the ligator of cause and is followed by the main clause, or the utterance begins with the main clause which is followed by the causal not introduced by a ligator of cause; the latter is found at the end of the causal and closing the utterance. From a pragmatic point of view, changing the order of the constituents when ligators and causal clauses are not in canonical position allows the focalization of the causal clause.Unlike the spoken Arabic of Tripoli, the examination of the “Corpus Français Parlé Parsien des années 2000 (CFPP2000)” shows that parce que is conjunctional ligator. It introduces a causal clause organized around verbal predicate, rarely non-verbal.Parce que can occupy a canonical position when the ligator follows a main clause and introduces a causal clause and a non-canonical position when parce que follows c’est and introduces a causal clause. However, it cannot be postponed and it does not accept either suffix.When parce que introduces several causal clauses, it may be found but in reduced form que, giving a series of que.In addition, parce que cannot connect two utterances coordinated by the preposition et. From a pragmatic point of view, when the utterance begins with c’est parce que this structure allows to focalisation of the causal clause.

Étude des changements phonétiques et syntaxiques intervenus dans le parler de Bagdad depuis les années 1980 / Study of phonetic and syntactic changes in the talk of Baghdad since the 1980’s

Al-Shams, Noor 07 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude montre l'effet sociolinguistique de l’arabe dialectal d' Al-'aCz:amîyah sur l’arabe dialectal des Irakiens déplacés au niveau phonologique et syntaxique de la langue. Les Irakiens déplacés sont ceux qui sont arrivés au quartier d' Al-'aCz:amîyah, depuis les années quatre-vingt jusqu’ à nos jours. L'étude propose d’élucider la relation qui lie les variables sociolinguistiques au comportement linguistique des intervenants, objet de notre étude, en choisissant trois variables phonologiques et une variable syntaxique, en fonction des trois variables sociales du sexe, de l'âge et de l'éducation. L'échantillon de l'étude comprend 113 informateurs. Ces informateurs sont considérés comme étant un échantillon représentatif des Irakiens déplacés et des habitants d'origine d’Al-'aCz:amîyah. La méthode d'analyse quantitative est utilisée pour examiner et interpréter les données collectées. Le logiciel SPSS, Progiciel de statistique pour les sciences sociales, a été utilisé pour nous aider à traiter les données et évaluer l'importance de cette variation linguistique. La présente étude est structurée en quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre est consacré à discuter le contexte sociolinguistique. La méthodologie de cette étude est abordée dans le deuxième chapitre où nous présentons les démarches suivies dans notre étude. Dans le chapitre trois et quatre, nous essayons de décrire comment les caractéristiques linguistiques de l’arabe dialectal des Irakiens déplacés se chevauchent et subissent des interactions avec les caractéristiques de l’arabe dialectal d’Al-'aCz:amîyah, et comment ces dialectes subissent des influences réciproques dans une période donnée. Ainsi, pour pouvoir comparer les deux populations celle de d’Al-'aCz:amîyah et celle des Irakiens déplacés, nous les séparons en deux chapitres. Dans le troisième chapitre, les résultats statistiques qui sont affichés et interprétés montrent les changements phonétiques et syntaxiques intervenus dans le parler arabe des habitants originaires, et dans le quatrième chapitre, les résultats affichent les changements phonétiques et syntaxiques intervenus dans le parler arabe des habitants déplacés. / This study reveals the sociolinguistic effect of Al-'aCz:amîyah dialect on Iraqi displaced’s dialect in the phonological and syntactic level of language. Iraqis displaced are those who have come to d' Al-'aCz:amîyah neighborhood since the 1980s to the present day. The study shows the relationship which links the sociolinguistic variables to the linguistic behavior by choosing four phonological variables and one syntactic variable as far as the three social variables of sex, age and education are concerned. The sample of the study includes 113 informants. These informants are considered the representative sample of the Iraqis displaced and the original inhabitants of d'Al-'aCz:amîyah. The quantitative analysis method is employed to analyze and interpret the data collected. The SPSS (StatisticalPackage for the Social Sciences) software can be used to help us process the data and assess the significance of this linguistic variation. The present study is structured in four chapters: the first is devoted to discuss the sociolinguistic context. The methodology of this study was discussed in the second chapter where we present our own way that we use in our study. In chapter three and four , we try to describe how the linguistic features of the Arabic dialect of displacedIraqis overlap and undergo interactions with the features of the Arabic dialect of Al-'aCz:amîyah, how these dialects undergo reciprocal influences within a specified time limit. So to compare the two population that of Al-'aCz:amîyah and that of the Iraqis displaced, we divid them into two chapters: in the first, statistical results that are displayed and interpreted show the phonetic and syntactic changes in local dialect of the original inhabitants. While in the second chapter, these results indicate the phonic and the syntactic changes in the local dialect of the Iraqis displaced

Le parler arabe de Salt, Jordanie: phonologie, morphologie et éléments de syntaxe / Arabic dalect of Salt, Jordan: phonology, morphology and elements of syntax.

Herin, Bruno 16 June 2010 (has links)
Etude descriptive du parler arabe de Salt en Jordanie. La description couvre des questions relatives à la phonologie, morphologie et à la syntaxe. Le parler de Salt est un parler de type sédentaire, du groupe levantin (sud), proche des dialectes du Horan. Il s'agit de la première description exhaustive d'une variété jordanienne.<p><p>Descriptive study of the arabic dialect of Salt in Jordan. The study covers issues in phonology, morphology and syntax. The dialect of Salt is a sedentary variety and belongs to the southern levantine group. This is the first comprehensive description of a Jordanian variety / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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