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The impact of national culture on the transfer of 'best practice operations management' in hotels in St LuciaHope, Christine A. January 2004 (has links)
No / This article briefly outlines the convergence vs. divergence debate before describing research into the potential impact of national culture on the transfer of ''best practice operations management'' to hotels in St. Lucia. The main focus of the paper is on the findings of fieldwork, which supports the contention that national culture does potentially create a barrier to the successful transposition of approaches developed elsewhere. In the case of St. Lucia high uncertainty avoidance and leanings towards high power distance appeared to hinder the adoption of teamworking, empowerment and communication. In addition, attitude towards time and punctuality also mitigated against the provision of a reliable service as and when required. However, with training and supportive HR practices, the end results achieved by International Chains did demonstrate the value of operating ''people friendly'' policies in line with ''best practice''.
This article briefly outlines the convergence vs. divergence debate before describing research into the potential impact of national culture on the transfer of ''best practice operations management'' to hotels in St. Lucia. The main focus of the paper is on the findings of fieldwork, which supports the contention that national culture does potentially create a barrier to the successful transposition of approaches developed elsewhere. In the case of St. Lucia high uncertainty avoidance and leanings towards high power distance appeared to hinder the adoption of teamworking, empowerment and communication. In addition, attitude towards time and punctuality also mitigated against the provision of a reliable service as and when required. However, with training and supportive HR practices, the end results achieved by International Chains did demonstrate the value of operating ''people friendly'' policies in line with ''best practice''.
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Implementation funktionaler Programmiersprachen durch QuelltexttransformationMacos, Dragan 03 July 1998 (has links)
Die Dissertation liefert einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Compilern funktionaler Sprachen zur Erzeugung von Zielcode in einer höheren prozeduralen Programmiersprache. In der Dissertation werden mehrere Implementationstechniken funktionaler Sprachen analysiert, wobei für jede Technik ein Verfahren zur Realisierung eines auf der Übersetzung in eine prozedurale Sprache basierenden Compilers angegeben wird. Durch die verschiedenen Implementationsverfahren, die in der Arbeit analysiert bzw. definiert wurden, sind die beiden großen Klassen funktionaler Sprachen abgedeckt worden: strikte und nicht-strikte funktionale Programmiersprachen. Die Dissertation kann in drei größere Teile gegliedert werden, die sich mit folgenden Bereichen beschäftigen: Direkte übersetzungen funktionaler in prozedurale Programmiersprachen Übersetzung des Codes der abstrakten SECD-Maschine in eine prozedurale Sprache Erzeugung des Zielcodes in einer prozeduralen Programmiersprache bei Graph-Reduktion-basierten Implementationstechniken. Im ersten Teil, dem Schwerpunkt der Arbeit, wird eine über existierende Ansätze hinausgehende Transformation einer einfachen strikten funktionalen Programmiersprache (erweiterter Lambda-Kalkül) in den Code einer prozeduralen Zielsprache eingeführt und durch ein formales System von Transformationsregeln beschrieben. Die Transformation zeichnet sich durch Transparenz und Einfachheit (Erzeugung minimalen Codes) aus. Im zweiten und dritten Teil werden die aus der Literatur bekannten Implementationstechniken modifiziert bzw. optimiert, um Zielprogramme in einer höheren prozeduralen Programmiersprache erzeugen zu können. / This work contributes methods for the design and implementation of translation schemes for functional programming languages with procedural programming languages as a target. The dissertation analyzes different implementation techniques of functional languages. For each technique an approach is defined for the implementation of a compiler that translates the functional source language into a procedural target language. The analyzed techniques cover both classes of functional languages, strict and non-strict ones. The work is structured into three parts with the following topics: direct translation of functional programming languages into procedural programming languages; translation of the code of the SECD-abstract machine into a procedural language; emission of a target code in a procedural language by graph-reduction-based implementation techniques. In the first part, we give a formal definition for translating a simple functional language (syntacticly sugared lambda calculus) into the code of a procedural programming language. The defined transformation is simple and transparent. In the second and the third part, existing translation schemes are modified, i. e. two known implementation techniques are optimized to emit target code in an procedural language.
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Case Retrieval Nets as a Model for Building Flexible Information SystemsLenz, Mario 16 July 1999 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird das Modell der Case Retrieval Netze vorgestellt, das ein Speichermodell für die Phase des Retrievals beim fallbasierten Schliessen darstellt. Dieses Modell lehnt sich an Assoziativspeicher an, insbesondere wird das Retrieval als Rekonstruktion des Falles betrachtet anstatt als eine Suche im traditionellen Sinne. Zwei der wesentlichen Vorteile des Modells sind Effizienz und Flexibilität: Effizienz beschreibt dabei die Fähigkeit, mit grossen Fallbasen umzugehen und dennoch schnell ein Resultat des Retrievals liefern zu können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird dieser Aspekt formal untersucht, das Hauptaugenmerk ist aber eher pragmatisch motiviert insofern als der Retrieval-Prozess so schnell sein sollte, dass der Benutzer möglichst keine Wartezeiten in Kauf nehmen muss. Flexibilität betrifft andererseits die allgemeine Anwendbarkeit des Modells in Bezug auf veränderte Aufgabenstellungen, auf alternative Formen der Fallrepräsentation usw. Hierfür wird das Konzept der Informationsvervollständigung diskutiert, welches insbesondere für die Beschreibung von interaktiven Entscheidungsunterstützungssystemen geeignet ist. Traditionelle Problemlöseverfahren, wie etwa Klassifikation oder Diagnose, können als Spezialfälle von Informationsvervollständigung aufgefasst werden. Das formale Modell der Case Retrieval Netze wird im Detail erläutert und dessen Eigenschaften untersucht. Anschliessend werden einige möglich Erweiterungen beschrieben. Neben diesen theoretischen Aspekten bilden Anwendungen, die mit Hilfe des Case Retrieval Netz Modells erstellt wurden, einen weiteren Schwerpunkt. Diese lassen sich in zwei grosse Richtungen einordnen: intelligente Verkaufsunterstützung für Zwecke des E-Commerce sowie Wissensmanagement auf Basis textueller Dokumente, wobei für letzteres der Aspekt der Wiederbenutzung von Problemlösewissen essentiell ist. Für jedes dieser Gebiete wird eine Anwendung im Detail beschrieben, weitere dienen der Illustration und werden nur kurz erläutert. Zuvor wird allgemein beschrieben, welche Aspekte bei Entwurf und Implementierung eines Informationssystems zu beachten sind, welches das Modell der Case Retrieval Netze nutzt. / In this thesis, a specific memory structure is presented that has been developed for the retrieval task in Case-Based Reasoning systems, namely Case Retrieval Nets (CRNs). This model borrows from associative memories in that it suggests to interpret case retrieval as a process of re-constructing a stored case rather than searching for it in the traditional sense. Tow major advantages of this model are efficiency and flexibility: Efficiency, on the one hand, is concerned with the ability to handle large case bases and still deliver retrieval results reasonably fast. In this thesis, a formal investigation of efficiency is included but the main focus is set on a more pragmatic view in the sense that retrieval should, in the ideal case, be fast enough such that for the users of a related system no delay will be noticeable. Flexibility, on the other hand, is related to the general applicability of a case memory depending on the type of task to perform, the representation of cases etc. For this, the concept of information completion is discussed which allows to capture the interactive nature of problem solving methods in particular when they are applied within a decision support system environment. As discussed, information completion, thus, covers more specific problem solving types, such as classification and diagnosis. The formal model of CRNs is presented in detail and its properties are investigated. After that, some possible extensions are described. Besides these more theoretical aspects, a further focus is set on applications that have been developed on the basis of the CRN model. Roughly speaking, two areas of applications can be recognized: electronic commerce applications for which Case-Based Reasoning may provide intelligent sales support, and knowledge management based on textual documents where the reuse of problem solving knowledge plays a crucial role. For each of these areas, a single application is described in full detail and further case studies are listed for illustration purposes. Prior to the details of the applications, a more general framework is presented describing the general design and implementation of an information system that makes uses of the model of CRNs.
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Hybrid Hardware/Software Architectures for Network Packet Processing in Security ApplicationsFießler, Andreas Christoph Kurt 14 June 2019 (has links)
Die Menge an in Computernetzwerken verarbeiteten Daten steigt stetig, was Netzwerkgeräte wie Switches, Bridges, Router und Firewalls vor Herausfordungen stellt.
Die Performance der verbreiteten, CPU/softwarebasierten Ansätze für die Implementierung dieser Aufgaben ist durch den inhärenten Overhead in der sequentiellen Datenverarbeitung limitiert, weshalb solche Funktionalitäten vermehrt auf dedizierten Hardwarebausteinen realisiert werden.
Diese bieten eine schnelle, parallele Verarbeitung mit niedriger Latenz, sind allerdings aufwendiger in der Entwicklung und weniger flexibel.
Nicht jede Anwendung kann zudem für parallele Verarbeitung optimiert werden.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit hybriden Ansätzen, um eine bessere Ausnutzung der jeweiligen Stärken von Soft- und Hardwaresystemen zu ermöglichen, mit Schwerpunkt auf der Paketklassifikation.
Es wird eine Firewall realisiert, die sowohl Flexibilität und Analysetiefe einer Software-Firewall als auch Durchsatz und Latenz einer Hardware-Firewall erreicht.
Der Ansatz wird auf einem Standard-Rechnersystem, welches für die Hardware-Klassifikation mit einem rekonfigurierbaren Logikbaustein (FPGA) ergänzt wird, evaluiert.
Eine wesentliche Herausforderung einer hybriden Firewall ist die Identifikation von Abhängigkeiten im Regelsatz.
Es werden Ansätze vorgestellt, welche den redundanten Klassifikationsaufwand auf ein Minimum reduzieren, wie etwa die Wiederverwendung von Teilergebnissen der hybriden Klassifikatoren oder eine exakte Abhängigkeitsanalyse mittels Header Space Analysis.
Für weitere Problemstellungen im Bereich der hardwarebasierten Paketklassifikation, wie dynamisch konfigurierbare Filterungsschaltkreise und schnelle, sichere Hashfunktionen für Lookups, werden Machbarkeit und Optimierungen evaluiert.
Der hybride Ansatz wird im Weiteren auf ein System mit einer SDN-Komponente statt einer FPGA-Erweiterung übertragen. Auch hiermit können signifikante Performancegewinne erreicht werden. / Network devices like switches, bridges, routers, and firewalls are subject to a continuous development to keep up with ever-rising requirements.
As the overhead of software network processing already became the performance-limiting factor for a variety of applications, also former software functions are shifted towards dedicated network processing hardware.
Although such application-specific circuits allow fast, parallel, and low latency processing, they require expensive and time-consuming development with minimal possibilities for adaptions.
Security can also be a major concern, as these circuits are virtually a black box for the user.
Moreover, the highly parallel processing capabilities of specialized hardware are not necessarily an advantage for all kinds of tasks in network processing, where sometimes a classical CPU is better suited.
This work introduces and evaluates concepts for building hybrid hardware-software-systems that exploit the advantages of both hardware and software approaches in order to achieve performant, flexible, and versatile network processing and packet classification systems.
The approaches are evaluated on standard software systems, extended by a programmable hardware circuit (FPGA) to provide full control and flexibility.
One key achievement of this work is the identification and mitigation of challenges inherent when a hybrid combination of multiple packet classification circuits with different characteristics is used.
We introduce approaches to reduce redundant classification effort to a minimum, like re-usage of intermediate classification results and determination of dependencies by header space analysis.
In addition, for some further challenges in hardware based packet classification like filtering circuits with dynamic updates and fast hash functions for lookups, we describe feasibility and optimizations.
At last, the hybrid approach is evaluated using a standard SDN switch instead of the FPGA accelerator to prove portability.
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Ludwig Maurer and the reception of Beethoven in St. Petersburg in the first half of the 19th centuryPetrova, Galina 08 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this article I would like to attract attention to the personality of Ludwig Wilhelm Maurer. As a brilliant virtuoso violinist, known in
Russia since 1817, conductor of the French theatre in St. Petersburg
since 1835, inspector of all Emperor theatres since 1841 and conductor
of the Philharmonic and Concert societies, Ludwig Maurer was an advocate of the classic inheritance.
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The Reaction of Jonathan Swift to Viscount Bolingbroke's Ethical ViewsCamp, Paul W., 1908- 08 1900 (has links)
The problem investigated in this paper is the unlikely friendship of Swift and Bolingbroke. The purpose is to assess the reaction of Swift to the ethics of Bolingbroke. Under examination are the conflicting opinions of these men in regard to morals, money, and ethics. Chapter I contains immoral actions of Bolingbroke. Chapter II shows Swift's manner of life and his reaction to Bolingbroke's immorality. Chapter III gives Swift's attitude to money, Bolingbroke's attitude, and Swift's reaction to Bolingbroke's opinion. Chapter IV contains Bolingbroke's ethical philosophy. And Chapter V reveals Swift's religious views and his reaction to Bolingbroke's ethics. The conclusion is that Swift disapproved of Bolingbroke's ethics, but did not break with him on account of them.
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Fighting Spirit: A History of St. Henry's Catholic Church New Orleans 1871-1929Green, Alvah J., III 18 December 2015 (has links)
In 2009, the Archdiocese of New Orleans went through a reorganization that resulted in the closure of numerous parishes under its direction. This thesis will look at how one of the parishes closed during this reorganization, St. Henry’s, had already faced, and survived, numerous attempts at closure. A study of these previous attempts reveals that internal church politics were often on display and the driving force behind the decisions. Using documents from the Archdiocesan Archives of New Orleans, this thesis looks at the history and leadership of St. Henry’s parish, and examines how the survival of a church often has more to do with the personalities of those in leadership positions and less to do with the propagation of faith.
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The Arabic Life of Antony Attributed to Serapion of Thmuis in Manuscripts of the Red Sea MonasteriesAgaiby, Elizabeth 21 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Eocene bryozoa of the St Vincent Basin, South Australia - taxonomy, biogeography and palaeoenvironmentsSchmidt, Rolf, 1972- January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Includes Publication list by the author as appendix A. "July 2003." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-324) A stratigraphically detailed taxonomic study of fossil bryozoans within the Late Eocene sediments of the St Vincent Basin, South Australia. These taxa are compared with existing knowledge of fossil and recent faunas in Australia and other regions to enhance understanding of bryozoan evolution and dispersal. Bryozoan taxa and growth forms are used to interpret the palaeoenvironments of the Eocene Vincent Basin.
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Eocene bryozoa of the St Vincent Basin, South Australia - taxonomy, biogeography and palaeoenvironments / Rolf SchmidtSchmidt, Rolf, 1972- January 2003 (has links)
Includes Publication list by the author as appendix A. / "July 2003." / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-324) / xi, 324, [36] leaves, 61 leaves of plates : ill (some col.), maps ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / A stratigraphically detailed taxonomic study of fossil bryozoans within the Late Eocene sediments of the St Vincent Basin, South Australia. These taxa are compared with existing knowledge of fossil and recent faunas in Australia and other regions to enhance understanding of bryozoan evolution and dispersal. Bryozoan taxa and growth forms are used to interpret the palaeoenvironments of the Eocene Vincent Basin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Discipline of Geology and Geophysics, 2003?
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