Spelling suggestions: "subject:"staircase"" "subject:"staircases""
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"Vem orkar hålla på såhär, så länge?" - Socialarbetare om boendetrappan och organisationens betydelse i arbetet med socialt hemlösaNilsson, David, Oscarsson, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgick från att fördjupa förståelsen för den problematik som visats i tidigare forskning gällande boendetrappan som metod i arbetet med socialt hemlösa individer. Uppsatsen utgick från Malmö stad eftersom hemlösheten stadigt har ökat i staden under det senaste decenniet. Kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes där sju socialarbetare som arbetar med hemlöshet i Malmö stad intervjuades. Insamlad empiri analyserades utifrån Foucaults teori om normalisering och disciplinering samt organisationskultur. Det som påvisades i uppsatsen var de föreliggande svårigheterna som var rådande för socialarbetare i arbetet med social hemlöshet vid användning av boendetrappan som metod. Det framkom att boendetrappan ställer för höga krav på socialtjänstens klienter och är en metod som i många fall resulterat i misslyckande. Resultatet visade även att organisatoriska svårigheter förekom både genom motstridiga krav och brist på gemensam måluppfyllelse gällande hur arbetet med socialt hemlösa individer skulle genomföras. Vidare visade resultatet att socialtjänsten är en ekonomistyrd organisation där fokus ibland kan förskjutas mot att hålla budget framför klientens bästa. Det förelåg även svårigheter inom socialtjänsten som organisation att implementera andra metoder än boendetrappan utifrån de ekonomiska förutsättningarna och krav från samarbetspartners såsom hyresvärdar. / The aim of the essay was to deepen the understanding of the difficulties that has been proven in previous research of the staircase model as a method in the work of socially homeless individuals. The essay was based of the homelessness in the city of Malmö since it has had a steady increase in the city over the past decade. Qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews was performed with seven social workers who works with homelessness in the city of Malmö. The collected empirical data was analyzed based on Foucault's theory of normalization and discipline and also organizational culture. The results presented in the essay was the present difficulties that were prevalent for social workers in the work on social homelessness when using the staircase model as a method. It turned out that the staircase model places too high demands on the social services clients and is a method that in many cases has resulted in failure. The results also showed that organizational difficulties existed both through conflicting requirements and lack of common goal fulfillment regarding how work with socially homeless individuals should be implemented. Furthermore, the result showed that the social service is a financially controlled organization where focus sometimes can be shifted towards keeping budget to the disadvantage of what’s best for the client. There were also difficulties within the social services as an organization to implement methods other than the staircase model based on the economic conditions and requirements from partners such as landlords. Read more
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Polyfunkční dům v Liberci / Multifunctional Building in LiberecHůlková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my master´s thesis, called „ multifunctional house in Liberec” is to design and elaborate project documentation of the multifunctional house in Liberec. Design of the building respect Land Use Plan of the town on side, and existing build-up area on the street on the other side. Building has one underground floor and three above ground stories. The Ground Floor is partly roofed by flat roof. The third floor has terrace and it´s roofed by saddleback roof.
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Fremont Site Distribution in the Upper Escalante River DrainageHarris, Deborah C. 13 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A Fremont site distribution model for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument during the period A.D. 500—1050/1100 posits that the Fremont subsistence strategy (seasonal mobility with dependence on both agriculture and hunting/foraging) is reflected by a site pattern of low-investment, seasonal or short-term habitation sites and isolated storage facilities at "lowland" elevations, and high-investment, long-term residence sites at "upland" elevations (McFadden 1998, 2000). This research assesses the model to evaluate its general precision, looking particularly at its success in modeling site locations for long-term residential versus seasonal/short-term habitation sites. A database including more than 400 Fremont sites was created to evaluate the model. Data variables examined in this thesis included elevation, distance-to-water, and primary landform. Analysis of the elevation data demonstrates that the McFadden model does not fit the actual distribution of Fremont sites identified from survey. Further analysis also established that distance-to-water is not an effective variable in accurately modeling Fremont site patterning over this region. The association between functional site types and primary landforms, however, does appear to more accurately reflect site distribution as observed on the ground. Based on these results, a new model for Fremont site distribution in the upper Escalante River drainage is proposed. Read more
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The Use of Doublecortin to Quantify the Effects of Pharmacological Treatment on Neurogenesis and Functional Recovery after StrokeHensley, Amber Lee 13 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining Infarct Sizes In Female Sprague Dawley Rats In Response To A Delayed Post-Stroke Pharmacological Treatment In Combination With Physical RehabilitationDharmadhikari, Sayali Ravindra 22 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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"Puppeteer of your own past" : Marcel Duchamp and the manipulation of posterityLee, Michelle Anne January 2010 (has links)
The image of Marcel Duchamp as a brilliant but laconic dilettante has come to dominate the literature surrounding the artist’s life and work. His intellect and strategic brilliance were vaunted by his friends and contemporaries, and served as the basis of the mythology that has been coalescing around the artist and his work since before his death in 1968. Though few would challenge these attributions of intelligence, few have likewise considered the role that Duchamp’s prodigious mind played in bringing about the present state of his career. Many of the signal features of Duchamp’s artistic career: his avoidance of the commercial art market, his cultivation of patrons, his “retirement” from art and the secret creation and posthumous unveiling of his Étant Donnés: 1° la chute d’eau/2° le gaz d’éclairage, all played key roles in the development of the Duchampian mythos. Rather than treating Duchamp’s current art historical position as the fortuitous result of chance, this thesis attempts to examine the many and subtle ways in which Duchamp worked throughout his life to control how he and his work were and are perceived. Such an examination necessarily begins at the start of his relationship with the general and specialist media, through the auspices of his painting Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2. This is followed by an examination of Duchamp’s decades-long relationship with the press through the interviews given during his life. Duchamp’s concern for his physical legacy is explored next, initially through his relationships with his two dominant patrons, Walter and Louise Arensberg and Katherine Dreier. Not only did he act as advisor and dealer in the development of both prestigious collections, Duchamp had the privileged position of participant in the negotiations surrounding the disposition of the collections he had helped to build. Duchamp’s concern for the preservation of his physical legacy continued after the installation of his own work within major American museums. Thus, next is considered the development and effects of the two large-scale retrospectives of Duchamp’s work held within his lifetime. Finally is considered the role of Duchamp’s posthumous work, the Étant Donnés. Through the combination of secrecy and strategically revealed hints, Duchamp ensured that his final work would engender discussion long after his death. Read more
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Hjärterum med substans : Att vara hemlös förälder i missbruk – motverkansmodellerna, forskningen och BarnkonventionenAlfvenhierta, David, Charpentier, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien sker mot bakgrund av uppgifter i nyhetsmedier där det berättats om de svårigheter som hemlösa möter om det är föräldrar till barn som inte delar deras situation i hemlöshet. Den sker också mot bakgrund av att Barnkonventionen inom kort inkorporeras i svensk lagstiftning. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur det sociala problemet “att vara hemlös förälder i missbruk” konstrueras i vetenskapliga texter om två modeller för arbete med motverkan av hemlöshet i Sverige. Studiens syfte är också att skapa en djupare förståelse av om, och i så fall hur, nämnda modellers lösningar möjliggör för föräldern att tillgodose den rätt barnet enligt Barnkonventionen har till sina föräldrar, till bostad och till skydd, genom förälderns deltagande i respektive modell. Studiens metod är kvalitativ innehållsanalys och perspektivanalys utgör både teori och analysmetod utifrån socialkonstruktivistisk grund. De två problemperspektiv vi funnit har vi valt att kalla för ”behandling först – boende sedan” respektive ”boende först – behandling sedan”. De skiljer sig avsevärt från varandra beträffande hur det sociala problemets karaktär, orsak, konsekvenser, lösning och utveckling konstrueras. Det visar sig också finnas skillnader mellan hur problemperspektiven möjliggör tillgodoseendet av barnets rättigheter enligt Barnkonventionen. En viktig slutsats är avsaknaden av tydliga barnperspektiv i de bägge problemperspektiven. Studien finner även att ”behandling först – boende sedan” är ett problemperspektiv som bygger på en voluntaristisk orsaksförklaring medan ”boende först – behandling sedan” istället bygger på en deterministisk. Read more
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Combinatoire de l’ASEP, arbres non-ambigus et polyominos parallélogrammes périodiques / Combinatorics of the ASEP, non-ambiguous trees and periodic parallelogram polyominoesLaborde-Zubieta, Patxi 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’interprétation combinatoire des probabilitésde l’état stationnaire de l’ASEP par les tableaux escaliers, sur les arbresnon-ambigus et sur les polyominos parallélogrammes périodiques.Dans une première partie, nous étudions l’ansatz matriciel de Derrida,Evans, Hakim et Pasquier. Toute solution de ce système d’équation permet decalculer les probabilités stationnaires de l’ASEP. Nos travaux définissent denouvelles récurrences équivalentes à celles de l’ansatz matriciel. En définissantun algorithme d’insertion sur les tableaux escaliers, nous montrons combinatoirementet simplement qu’ils les satisfont. Nous faisons de même pour l’ASEPà deux particules. Enfin, nous énumérons les coins dans les tableaux associésà l’ASEP, nous permettant ainsi de donner le nombre moyen de transitionspossibles depuis un état de l’ASEP.Dans une deuxième partie, nous calculons de jolies formules pour les sériesgénératrices des arbres non-ambigus, desquelles nous déduisons des formulesd’énumérations. Puis, nous interprétons bijectivement certains de ces résultats.Enfin, nous généralisons les arbres non-ambigus à toutes les dimensions finies.Dans la dernière partie, nous construisons une structure arborescente surles polyominos parallélogrammes périodiques, inspirée des travaux de Boussicault,Rinaldi et Socci. Cela nous permet de calculer facilement leur sériegénératrice selon la hauteur et la largeur ainsi que deux nouvelles statistiques :la largeur intrinsèque et la hauteur de recollement intrinsèque. Enfin, nousétudions l’ultime périodicité de leur série génératrice selon l’aire. / This thesis deals with a combinatorial interpretation of the stationnarydistribution of the ASEP given by staircase tableaux and studiestwo combinatorial objects : non-ambiguous trees and periodic parallelogrampolyominoes.In the first part, we study the matrix ansatz introduced by Derrida, Evans,Hakim and Pasquier. Any solution of this equation system can be used tocompute the stationnary probabilities of the ASEP. Our work defines newrecurrences equivalent to the matrix ansatz. By defining an insertion algorithmfor staircase tableaux, we prove combinatorially and easily that they satisfyour new recurrences. We do the same for the ASEP with two types of particles.Finally, we enumerate the corners of the tableaux related to the ASEP, whichgives the average number of transitions from a state of the ASEP.In the second part, we compute nice formulas for the generating functionsof non-ambiguous trees, from which we deduce enumeration formulas. Then, wegive a combinatorial interpretation of some of our results. Lastly, we generalisenon-ambiguous trees to every finite dimension.In the last part, we define a tree structure in periodic parallelogram polyominoes,motivated by the work of Boussicault, Rinaldi and Socci. It allowsus to compute easily the generating function with respect to the height andthe width as well as two new statistics : the intrinsic width and the intrinsicgluing height. Finally, we investigate the ultimate periodicity of the generatingfunction with respect to the area. Read more
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Nosná konstrukce polyfunkčního domu / Load bearing structure of multifunctional houseMartínek, David January 2018 (has links)
Master´s thesis is based on analysis and design of a load-bearing structure of multifunctional house. The main load-bearing elements in the vertical direction are the monolithic reinforced walls and the main load-bearing elements in the horizontal direction are monolithic reinforced concrete plates. The connection of individual floors is made of monolithic reinforced concrete staircases. The foundation of the building is realized through a system of strips foundation. Design drawings are made to selected elements of the structure.
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Železobetonová konstrukce parkovacího domu / Reinforced concrete structure parking HouseMazura, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design of structural system of selected parts of load-bearing structure of car park – common floor slab, selected columns, staircase. The Finite Element Method software is used to analyse the load-bearing structure, the results are verified by simlyfied hand-done calculation. The design of structures is done according to valid standards.
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