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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Meyer, Evandro Alcir 28 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of the work was to study the relationship between the density of trees per hectare and the average diameter to a Deciduous Forest, as well as adjust the model to describe this behavior Reineke. The study area is located in the town of Silveira Martins, in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul and is in early stages of succession after agriculture. The information about the number of the trees per hectare and the average diameter were obtained by the method of density-off proposed by Spurr. These plots were sampled in the early stages of a secondary forest, picking up areas where the predominant Camboatá-vermelho (Cupania vernalis). As natural forests have irregular spacing, density is highly variable, therefore, to select only high-density plots were chosen in areas that there was the occurrence of dead individuals. Were tested different methods to estimate the upper limit of the self thinning line: regression analysis (for all data and relative density greater than 60%), correcting the intercept so that the wastes were negative, the manual adjustment, the relative density (DR> 90%) and stochastic frontier analysis. The method that estimated the maximum density was regression analysis with data from at least 60% of maximum density, obtaining a slope of -1.563 for the model of Reineke. There was no significant difference between the powers provided by the different methods. The maximum Stand Density Index was 1779 trees per hectare, to a dg of 25 cm. The density management diagram was constructed on the basis of basal area, number of trees per hectare and diameter of the tree of average basal area. Were used the densities of 15% and 60%, to close the canopy, and the induction of mortality, respectively. The densities were determined proportionally to the maximum density by stand density index (PDI) for a reference diameter of 25 cm in different classes of index 200, since the IDP 1700, to a minimum of 300. Populations whose density is greater than 60% of the maximum were considered overstocked, between 60 and 15% fully stocked, and below 15% under stocked. They recommended a combination of Dendrogram generated in this study with the method of Spurr to guide interventions in the Deciduous Forest. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a relação entre a densidade de árvores por hectare e o diâmetro médio para uma Floresta Estacional Decidual, bem como, ajustar o modelo Reineke para descrever este comportamento. A área de estudo localiza-se no município de Silveira Martins, na região central do Rio Grande do Sul e encontra-se em estágio inicial de sucessão, após uso agrícola. As informações referentes ao número de árvores por hectare e o diâmetro médio foram obtidas por meio do método de densidade pontual proposto por Spurr. Estas parcelas foram amostradas nos estágios iniciais de uma floresta secundária, escolhendo-se áreas onde predominava o camboatá-vermelho (Cupania vernalis). Como as florestas naturais apresentam espaçamento irregular, a densidade é bastante variável, assim sendo, para selecionar apenas parcelas em alta densidade, foram escolhidas áreas em que se verificava a ocorrência de indivíduos mortos. Foram testados diferentes métodos para estimar o limite superior da linha de autodesbaste: a análise de regressão (para todos os dados e densidade relativa maior que 60%), corrigindo o intercepto para que os resíduos fossem negativos; o ajuste manual; o de densidade relativa (DR>90%) e a análise de fronteira estocástica. O método que melhor estimou a máxima densidade foi a análise de regressão com dados de no mínimo 60% da densidade máxima, obtendo um coeficiente angular de -1,563 para o modelo de Reineke. Não houve diferença significativa entre as potências fornecidas pelos diferentes métodos. O Índice de Densidade de Povoamento máximo foi de 1779 árvores por hectare, para o dg de 25 cm. O diagrama de manejo da densidade foi construído em função da área basal, do número de árvores por hectare e do diâmetro da árvore de área basal média. Foram utilizadas as densidades de 15% e 60%, para o fechamento das copas, e a indução da mortalidade, respectivamente. Os níveis de densidade foram determinados, proporcionalmente, à máxima densidade por índice de densidade do povoamento (IDP), para um diâmetro de referência de 25 cm, em classes de índice de 200, desde o IDP de 1700, até o mínimo de 300. Populações cuja densidade for maior que 60% da máxima foram consideradas superestocadas, entre 60 e 15% estocadas, e abaixo de 15% subestocadas. Recomendou-se a combinação do Dendrograma gerado neste estudo com o método de Spurr para guiar as intervenções na Floresta Estacional Decidual.

La Thaïlande et le multilatéralisme commercial et financier (OMC et FMI) / Thailand, multilateral trade and financial institutions (WTO & IMF)

Jantarakantee, Pimdaw 18 December 2009 (has links)
De nos jours, le multilatéralisme et le libre échange sont le fondement du système économique. La participation de la Thaïlande à l’OMC et au FMI joue un rôle incontournable dans les stratégies de développement du pays. En tant que pays en développement et malgré certaines dispositions particulières en sa faveur, l’influence qu’elle exerce au sein de chaque institution reste limitée. Ce qui l’a conduite à chercher des alliances en regroupant avec les pays qui partagent les mêmes positions pour mieux se faire entendre.Grâce à cette participation, le gouvernement thaïlandais dispose d’une source de financement en cas de crise économique et financière. Il peut mieux mener les politiques commerciales dont l’accent a été mis sur la promotion des exportations et avoir un mécanisme de règlement des différends qui lui permettent de défendre les intérêts de ses producteurs de manière plus efficace surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’un différend avec des pays développés. Mais face à des limites du système multilatéral à vocation universelle (impasse du Cycle de Doha, problème de la conditionnalité de l’aide et de l’efficacité des mesures prévues par le FMI), la Thaïlande est retournée plus vers le bilatéralisme et le régionalisme afin de protéger les intérêts du pays. / In this day and age, multilateralism and free trade are the foundations of theeconomic system. The participation of Thailand in the World Trade Organization (WTO) andthe International Monetary Fund (IMF) plays an essential role in the development strategies ofthe country. As a developing country and despite some specific provisions in its favour,Thailand’s influence within each institution is limited. A greater voice, by gathering withcountries that share the same positions, prompted Thailand to seek such alliances. Throughthis participation, the Thai government has a funding source in the event of economic andfinancial crisis. They can improve trade policies that focus on export promotion and have adispute settlement mechanism that allows them to better defend the interests of its producers,especially when these disputes involve developed countries. But the limits of the multilateralsystem (Doha round impasse, the issue of conditionality and effectiveness of the IMF’smeasures) incite Thailand to turn more towards bilateralism and regionalism for protecting thecountry’s interests.

Análise biomecânica de atividades de vida diária realizadas por pessoas com osteoartrite de joelho / Biomechanical analysis of daily activities carried out by people with knee osteoarthritis

Roberto Bianco 23 January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é investigar como as condições biomecânicas de portadores de Osteoartrite (OA) de joelho afetam a capacidade de realizar atividades de vida diária. Participaram desse estudo 39 indivíduos, sendo 18 indivíduos com OA de joelho bilateral grau 3, na escala Kellgren Lawrence, e 21 indivíduos saudáveis. Foram utilizadas duas plataformas de força (AMTI) para registrar a Força de Reação do Solo, cinco câmeras (Sistema Vicon) para registrar as variações angulares das articulações do quadril, joelho e tornozelo, nos planos sagital e frontal, e cinco sensores de eletromiografia wireless (Sistema Noraxon) para registrar as atividades dos músculos reto femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA) e gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) no segmento dominante (segmento D) dos sujeitos do grupo controle e no segmento com maior gravidade de lesão nos indivíduos com OA (segmento OA). Também foram calculados por meio de dinâmica inversa os momentos articulares nos planos sagital e frontal. Três atividades de vida diária foram investigadas, a marcha, o levantar e sentar em uma cadeira e o descer de um degrau de 20cm. Nos resultados, foi observada uma menor variação angular de forma geral nas articulações do quadril e joelho. Não foi observada diferença nas cargas mecânicas aplicadas ao aparelho locomotor. Nas três atividades cotidianas, os indivíduos com OA apresentaram adução no quadril e abdução no joelho, que denota um alinhamento em valgo durante a execução das tarefas. Poucas diferenças foram observadas nos momentos articulares flexores e extensores, nas três atividades de vida diária investigadas. No levantar e sentar menores momentos extensores foram observados no joelho durante as duas fases do movimento. Nos momentos adutores, poucas diferenças foram observadas na marcha. No levantar e sentar, o segmento OA não apresentou momentos adutores de joelho maiores que nos outros segmentos. No descer degrau, o segmento CL apresentou maior momento adutor que o segmento OA e D. De forma geral, as diferenças na ativação muscular indicam maior intensidade de ativação no grupo controle. O músculo VL nas três atividades apresentou intensidade de ativação menor nos indivíduos com OA. Observou-se maior co-ativação na marcha e no descer degrau, mas não no levantar e sentar. Na marcha a maior co-ativação ocorreu nas três articulações. No descer degrau, ocorreu no quadril e no joelho. Nas três atividades, maior co-contração foi observada e principalmente no joelho. Conclui-se que as alterações na técnica de movimento mostram-se tarefa dependente. As alterações na execução do movimento no plano sagital não foram suficientes para afetar o controle das cargas mecânicas, na marcha e no descer degrau. Apenas na tarefa de levantar e sentar surgiu algum indicio de que a eficiência seria pior. O alinhamento no joelho e os momentos adutores não sugerem maior magnitude de força no compartimento medial do joelho. Aparentemente, as características temporais sejam mais sensíveis à presença da OA no joelho do que a intensidade de ativação / The aim of this study is to investigate the biomechanical characteristics of patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) and hoe it affects the ability to perform daily living activities. Thirty nine subjects participated in this study, 18 subjects with bilateral knee OA grade 3 Kellgren Lawrence scale) and 21 healthy individuals. Two force platforms (AMTI) were used to register the Grourd Reaction Force (GRF). Five cameras (System Vicon) were used to register the angular variations of the hip, knee and ankle in the sagittal and frontal planes. Five electromyographic electrodes (Noraxon System) were used to record the activities of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) in the dominant segment (D segment) on control group and the segment with greater severity of injury in individuals with OA (OA segment). Inverse dynamics was used to calculate joint moments sagittal and frontal planes. Three daily living activities were investigated, the gait, the Sit-to stand and Stand-to-sit and Stepping down from a 20cm height step. In results, there was a smaller angular variation in hip and knee joints. No difference was observed in the mechanical loads applied to the locomotor system. In the three daily activities, people with knee OA showed hip adduction and knee abduction, in the three daily activities, which suggests an alignment valgus in the knee. Few differences were observed in joint moments in the three daily living activities. In sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit lower peak extensor moments were observed in the knee. Few differences were observed in adductor moments in gait. In sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit, no difference was observed in knee adductor moments. In stepping down, the CL segment showed greater adductor moment than OA segment and D. In general, differences in muscle activation indicate greater activation intensity in the control group. The VL muscle showed lower activation intensity in individuals with OA in all three activities. A higher co-activation was observed in gait and in stepping down, but not in sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit. In gait the higher co-activation occurred subjects with knee OA in the three joints. In stepping down, higher co-activation occurred in the hip and knee. In the three activities, greater co-contraction was observed and especially in the knee. It can be concluded that changes in movement technique appears to be task dependent. Changes in movement technique in the sagittal plane were not enough to affect the control of the mechanical loads on gait and stepping down movements. Only in sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit some indication of worse efficiency to perform the task was observed. Knee alignment and knee adductor moments do not suggest greater magnitude of force in the medial compartment of the knee. Apparently, the temporal characteristics of muscle activity are more sensitive to the presence of knee OA than the intensity of activation

Psykoterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med överdrivet självkritiska patienter : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Psychotherapists experiences of working with patients with excessive self-criticism : a qualitative interview study

Ryd, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Excessive self-criticism constitute a huge suffering for the individual. Clinical experiences and research indicate that the phenomenon is difficult to treat and one of the strongest obstacles against a healing process. The aim of this study is to develop grounded hypothesis of what can be useful ways of relate to and/or intervene regarding excessive self-criticism. Starting point is the experience and knowledge of licenced psychodynamic psychotherapists.  Questions:What is the experience of working with patients who suffers from excessive self-criticism? In which ways and what is it that causes this condition difficult to treat?Which clinical strategies are perceived to work, respectively not work?  Method:Six semi-structured interviews with experienced psychotherapists which were coded with thematic inductive analysis.  Results: Six themes: 1) Observe reactions suggestive of self-criticism. 2) Separate the patient from self-criticism. 3) Analyse why. 4) Be a counterforce. 5) Synthonicity and mistrust. 6) Build a counterforce within the patient.  Discussion:Based on theory and research, the discussion leads to hypothesis of useful therapeutic approaches: 1) Long experience of the phenomenon. 2) Empathic, warm relational and active stand, a reinforcing counterforce. 3) Specific interventions with the aim to activate the patient’s own empathy, compassion and trust – and to others. / Inledning:Överdriven självkritik innebär ett stort lidande för individen. Kliniska erfarenheter och forskning tyder på att fenomenet är svårbearbetat och ett av de starkaste hindren i vägen för en läkningsprocess. Syftet med studien är att utveckla grundade hypoteser om vad som kan vara användbara sätt att förhålla sig och/eller intervenera vid överdriven självkritik. Studien har som utgångspunkt psykodynamiska legitimerade psykoterapeuters erfarenheter och kunskaper.  Frågeställningar:Vad är psykoterapeutens erfarenheter av att arbeta med patienter som lider av överdriven självkritik? På vilka sätt och vad är det som orsakar att tillståndet är svårbehandlat? Vilka kliniska strategier upplevs fungera respektive inte fungera i behandlingen?  Metod:Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, genomförda med erfarna psykoterapeuter, vilka undersöktes med tematisk induktiv analys. Resultat:Sex teman: 1) Observera reaktioner som tyder på självkritik. 2) Skilja ut patienten från självkritiken. 3) Undersöka varför. 4) Vara en motkraft. 5) Syntonicitet och misstro. 6) Bygga upp en motkraft hos patienten. Diskussion:Utifrån teori och forskningsnivån lyfts resultatdiskussionen till grundade hypoteser om användbara förhållningssätt: 1) Lång erfarenhet av fenomenet. 2) Ett empatiskt, varmt relationellt och aktivt terapeutiskt förhållningssätt och att fungera som en förstärkande motkraft. 3) Specifika interventioner i syfte att aktivera patientens egna empati, medkänsla och tillit – och gentemot andra.

The Best Medicine

Lechler, Ron 05 1900 (has links)
The Best Medicine is an animated documentary that explores the true stories behind the live performances of stand-up comedians. The film juxtaposes live stand-up performances with candid interview footage combined with animation and illustration. Three subjects– Michael Burd, Casey Stoddard, and Jacob Kubon– discuss alcoholism, childhood abuse, and sexual anxiety, respectively. Their candid, intimate interviews reveal personal information, creating a new context with which to understand live stand-up comedy performance. This illustrates themes of finding humor in dark or painful circumstances and the cathartic nature writing and performance.

Staubabscheider in häuslichen Feuerungen

Lenz, Volker, Ulbricht, Tobias 04 May 2021 (has links)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Biomasse, insbesondere Holz, ist im deutschen Wärmemarkt der mit großem Abstand wichtigste erneuerbare Energieträger. Insbesondere häusliche Holzfeuerungen erfreuen sich einer hohen Beliebtheit. Regionale Wertschöpfung und weitgehende CO2-Neutralität sind die positiven Seiten dieser Entwicklung. Dem gegenüber stehen, insbesondere bei Altanlagen, erhöhte Emissionen von Feinstaub und anderen gasförmigen Schadstoffen. Damit durch den zwingend notwendigen Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien keine neuen Umweltbelastungen entstehen, wurden in den letzten Jahren die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte für die wichtigsten Schadstoffe stufenweise verringert. Viele moderne Feuerungen sind in der Lage, diese ohne weitere Maßnahmen einzuhalten. In einigen Marktsegmenten können jedoch Feinstaubabscheider eine interessante Möglichkeit darstellen, die geforderten Grenzwerte sicher einzuhalten. Darüber hinaus bieten sich Staubabscheider an, freiwillig einen größeren Beitrag zur Feinstaubemissionsreduktion zu leisten.

Komunikační systém pro nevidomé - pevná část / Communication system for the blind - the fixed part

Botko, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with problems of navigation blind in buildings, where is not possibility navigation by GPS (Global Positioning System). This thesis contain resolution through the use of communication units, placed in floor of buildings. This comunication units, equipped with receiver and transmitter, can give direction for blind by send own identification to transceiver in speciál stick (the thesis does not contain solving of the stick), which can information blind of position. Two comunication unit solution are available, that differs by using component part. The main difference is in use control unit of circuit. First circuit use as control unit ATAR862-3 (microprocessor and transmitter in one case) and the second one use microprocessor ATmega 8L. Both component made by Atmel corporation. Circuit with ATmega 8L is more exacting on curent consumption, but solving this problem is available and communication unit has low pretensions and long life. The part of thesis is program, which solving communication protocol for no-problem communication between unit in floor and special stick.

Stend pro analýzu přístroje k mazání okolků kolejových vozidel / Stand for analysis of device to lubrication of railway vehicles flanges

Štěnička, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with construction of an experimental measuring stand. This stand will be used for research focused on wheel flange lubrication improvement. The construction is based on wheel flange lubrication system Tribotec OK-02. First part treats of rail vehicle dynamics and wheel flange lubrication problematics, second part describes construction itself.

Návrh zařízení pro testování atmosférických rezistorů / Design of stand for atmospheric resistors testing

Kerek, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and manufacture of device for testing and verification of functionality of atmospheric resistors produced by IMI CCI Czech Republic. An atmospheric resistor, also called disk stack, is a stack of disks through which the medium flows and the system of labyrinths in disk stack causing a pressure reduction of medium. This thesis describe design of the mechanical parts of stand for atmospheric resistors, choice pneumatic circuit’s components, data acquisition hardware for measuring flow, inlet and outlet pressure, and temperature. The software was created in LabVIEW programming environment. In the end of this paper was done measurement in order to test functionality of test stand and software.

Modelování dynamiky části tiskařského stroje / Modeling of Dynamics of the Part of a Printing Machine

Junek, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with modeling dynamics of printing machine, made by SOMA Engineering, in toolbox SimScape of simulation program Simulink/Matlab. There are descibed properties, progress, important principles and laws of modeling in this toolbox. The first part is focused on creating models, which consist as mechanical as eletrical and control parts. In the second part is explained how to create user interface to control models and creating standalone application, executable without installation of Matlab or Simulink. In last part is explained principle of identification parameters of material from the measured data, using an optimalization algorithm Nelder-Mead. Created models and identification algorithm are controlled via user interface.

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