Spelling suggestions: "subject:"standstand""
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Contributions to the economic analysis of even-aged silviculture: From simple models to complex analysesHalbritter, Andreas 19 August 2022 (has links)
In managed forests, the enormous complexity of an ecologic system meets a vast range of economic and other impact factors. Thus, to determine, analyze and understand economically optimal stand management is a task which has kept forest economists occupied for the past 200 years. The approach which has been followed since the days of Martin FAUSTMANN is the analysis of models which describe rather specific management scenarios using a set of clearly defined model assumptions. Unfortunately, the applicability of the findings to more general scenarios is limited. On the other side, the possibility of analyzing general management environments with single models is also limited by increasing complexity. Thus, a holistic understanding of optimal forest management is still missing. This statement also holds for the extensive field of optimal even-aged timber production, which essentially consists of only three main components, i.e., planting, thinning and final harvest. Therefore, this dissertation aims to make a contribution to further increase the general understanding of even-aged forest management.
To achieve this goal three steps were taken. First, a qualitative analysis of a combined management plan including decisions on all three basic components is presented based on HALBRITTER and DEEGEN (2015). It provides a discussion of the direct and indirect dependencies between the decision variables of a rotation in a rather classical management environment.
Second, three studies are presented which dissolve some of the classical model assumptions and extend the existing knowledge on even-aged forestry to relevant but more complex mangement questions. HALBRITTER (2015) includes natural regeneration and a shelter period in an even-aged system and explores the borders between the even- and uneven-aged management. Thereby, the influence of natural regeneration and the impact of several age classes were studied. HALBRITTER (2020) drops the assumption of stand homogeneity and investigates stand management under heterogeneous tree growth in which, for example, different social classes of trees are maintained. Lastly, HALBRITTER et al. (2020) extend the classical deterministic management environment in the direction of density-dependent hazard risk. This adds an additional aspect to the thinning and the
rotation decision because, in this scenario, the probability of stand destruction can be controlled by thinning.
As a third step, the studies above were embedded in a patchwork representing a conglomeration of models which are connected and validated by overlapping scopes. Using this approach, a wide range of different management scenarios can be covered by rather simple models. Thus, the complexity of the analysis decreases compared to single models with a more generally applicable framework and the problem of model complexity is mitigated. In addition, the inclusion of reference models with a particular focus on the management components stand establishment, thinning or rotation allows for a clear identification of the relationship between optimal stand management and the characteristics of a scenario. Applied to the qualitative analysis of the four studies above, the approach yields insights which contribute to a better understanding of even-aged forest management.:1. Introduction
2. The FAUSTMANN Framework
2.1 Model Definition
2.2 The FAUSTMANN Model
2.3 Assumptions
2.4 Basic Applications
2.4.1 The Rotation Model
2.4.2 The Thinning Model
2.4.3 The Planting Model
2.4.4 The Uneven-aged Model
3. Problem
4. Methodology
5. The Combined Model
5.1 Model
5.2 Optimal Management
5.3 Impact of Timber Price and Interest Rate
5.4 Discussion in Comparison to the Basic FAUSTMANN Applications
6. Extensions
6.1 Uneven-Aged Extension: The Double-Cohort Model
6.1.1 Even-Aged and Uneven-Aged Stands
6.1.2 Model
6.1.3 Optimal Management
6.1.4 Impact of Timber Price and Interest Rate
6.1.5 Discussion in Comparison to the Basic FAUSTMANN Applications
6.2 Heterogeneous Extension: The Heterogeneous Stand Model
6.2.1 Homogeneous and Heterogenous Stands
6.2.2 Model
6.2.3 Optimal Management
6.2.4 Impact of Timber Price and Interest Rate
6.2.5 Discussion in Comparison to the Basic FAUSTMANN Applications
6.3 Stochastic Extension: The Natural Risk Model
6.3.1 Deterministic and Stochastic Scenarios
6.3.2 Model
6.3.3 Optimal Management
6.3.4 Impact of Timber Price and Interest Rate
6.3.5 Discussion in Comparison to the Basic FAUSTMANN Applications
7. Conclusions
7.1 Optimal Management Strategy
7.1.1 Optimal Planting
7.1.2 Optimal Thinning
7.1.3 Optimal Rotation
7.2 The Patchwork Approach
7.2.1 Applicability of the Patchwork Approach
7.2.2 Limitations of the Patchwork Approach
7.2.3 Comparison to the Holistic Approach
8. Summary
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[pt] A história da leitura se relaciona diretamente à história do suporte. Com o surgimento de publicações eletrônicas dispostas nos mais diversos suportes – como tablets, smartphones, computadores –, estes novos formatos passaram a conviver com os impressos. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi reavaliar os contextos de leitura, a partir da relação entre leitor e suporte, tendo em foco publicações híbridas, criadas tanto no meio impresso quanto no digital. Para isto, investigou-se a atividade de leitores específica do subúrbio carioca, a partir de uma manifestação cultural particular da cidade: os Bate-bolas (ou Clóvis). Para abordar este campo de leituras contemporâneas e vários formatos de publicações, explorou-se as singularidades da experiência de leitura do leitor do subúrbio carioca e sua aproximação com o acesso às publicações híbridas. As etapas de pesquisa de campo incluíram questionários presenciais e entrevistas realizadas com estes jovens leitores e, a partir da observação de seus hábitos de leitura, foi elaborada uma pesquisa-intervenção. A proposta da criação de uma publicação híbrida surge a partir das necessidades dos leitores Bate-bolas, urgências estas apontadas pelos próprios durante a pesquisa. O resultado da análise da interação dos Bate-bolas com a publicação híbrida proposta tem como resultado final comprovação da hipótese e elaboração da conclusão da pesquisa. / [en] The history of reading is directly related to that of medium support. The birth of electronic publishing on the most diverse gadgets — tablets, smartphones, personal computers, — provided the coexistence of these new formats with printed ones. This research s goal was to reassess the reading context from the relation between reader and medium support, focusing on hybrid publications, created both in printed and digital formats. To accomplish that, reading activity from Rio de Janeiro s suburb was investigated from the aspect of a cultural manifestation particular to the city: the Bate-bolas (or Clóvis). To approach this area of contemporary reading and several publishing formats, the peculiar experience from Rio suburb s reader was studied as well as their ease of access to hybrid publications. Field research s steps included face-to-face questionnaires and interviews with these young readers and, from the observation of their reading habits, an intervention research was elaborated. Proposing the creation of a hybrid publication comes from the necessities of Bate-bolas readers, whose urgencies were pointed by themselves during the research. The outcome from analyzing this interaction between Bate-bolas and the proposed hybrid publication further proves the hypothesis, and results in the conclusion of the research.
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Frilansmusikers attityder till notläsning på surfplattorWiberg, Felix, Johansson, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Notskrift används för att dokumentera, kommunicera och läsa musik. Notskrift har traditionellt lästs från papper, men med ny teknik tillgänglig har fysiska papper till viss del bytts ut mot digitala enheter, såsom surfplattor. Fördelar med notläsning på surfplattor kan vara portabilitet, snabb åtkomst, och möjlighet för smidig bladvändning. Möjliga nackdelar kan vara svårigheter att annotera och liten skärmstorlek. Tidigare forskning på området har bland annat berört metoder för bladvändning, digitala notställ och digital semantisk förståelse av noter. Trots rapporter om musikers preferenser relaterat till exempelvis storlek på noterna saknas studier om vilka åsikter och attityder musiker har till fenomenet notläsning på surfplatta och i vilken utsträckning de vill använda det. För att kunna utveckla digitala verktyg som gör nytta för frilansmusiker i det dagliga yrkesutövandet behövs kunskap om hur de använder teknik, vilka förutsättningar som kan underlätta notläsning på surfplattor, och om det finns specifika hinder eller sociala aspekter som påverkar attityder till ny teknik. För att adressera problemet är det av intresse att undersöka attityder kring notläsning på surfplattor. Studiens frågeställning lyder: Vilka attityder har frilansmusiker i en kammarmusikensemble till notläsning på surfplattor? För att undersöka fenomenet genomfördes en kvalitativ “face-to-face survey” på frilansande musiker som är medlemmar i en kammarmusikensemble. I syfte att fånga åsikter, attityder, och känslor genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att få en tydlig bild av respondenterna genomfördes även en kort grundläggande enkätundersökning. De transkriberade intervjuerna analyserades genom en tematisk analys där egenskaper kodades utifrån den insamlade informationen. Vidare identifierades teman explicit, utan att leta efter något utöver det som har sagts. Detta utfördes med ett datadrivet tillvägagångssätt, där mönster huvudsakligen framkom ur data snarare än analytikernas intressen. De attityder som framkom i studiens resultat kan beskrivas vara övervägande positiva, främst baserat i att surfplattor av musikerna beskrivs ha logistiska och praktiska fördelar såsom portabilitet, snabb åtkomst, och delning. Utöver de positiva attityderna återfanns även negativa attityder, med teman rörande rädsla för tekniska problem, ovana, och svårigheter med bladvändning och annotering. Begränsningar i studien rör studiens korta tidsperiod och att datainsamlingsmetod i stor grad anpassats efter respondenternas tillgänglighet samt att resultatet inte kan anses fullständigt generaliserbart. Tidigare forskning har till stor del berört enskilda aspekter av digitala noter och experiment i kontrollerad miljö. Studien ger nya insikter relaterat till vad musiker upplever i verkliga sammanhang. Resultatet kan vara till nytta för utvecklare av applikationer för notläsning eller tillverkare av tillbehör för bladvändning. / Sheet music is used to document, communicate, and read music. Traditionally sheet music was read on paper, but with new emerging technology physical paper is partly being replaced by digital devices such as tablets. Some advantages of digital sheet music and tablets are described as portability, rapid access, and possibility for easier page turns. Possible disadvantages could be difficulty annotating and small screen sizes. Previous research on the subject has touched on different methods for page turning, digital music stands, and digital semantic understanding of sheet music. Reports about some aspects of musicians preferences, for example regarding size of note staffs are found in the literature, but there is a lack of research on which attitudes and opinions musicians hold regarding reading music from tablets. To be able to develop digital tools that create value for freelance musicians in their daily work, knowledge about how they use technology and which obstacles hinders use. To address the problem it is interesting to explore attitudes towards reading music from tablets among freelance musicians. The research question of this study is: Which attitudes do freelance musicians in a chamber music quartet hold towards reading music on tablets? To explore the phenomenon, a qualitative “face-to-face survey” was performed on freelance musicians that are members of a chamber music quartet. Semi structured interviews were conducted to acquire attitudes, opinions, and emotions. A small questionnaire was also used to get a clear picture of the participants and gather background information. The transcribed interviews were analyzed by first coding interesting characteristics based on the information collected. Furthermore, themes were identified explicitly, without looking for anything beyond what has been said. This is done with a data-driven approach, where patterns emerge mainly from the data rather than the interests of analysts. The attitudes that were held by the participants of the study can be described as mostly positive, based on that tablets were described having logistic and practical advantages such as portability, rapid access and sharing. However, some negative attitudes were found among the musicians, concerning fear of technical problems, unfamiliarity, and difficulty turning pages and annotating. Limitations in the study relate to the study's short time period, that the data collection method was largely adapted to the respondents' availability, and that the results cannot be considered generalizable. Previous research has largely concerned individual aspects of digital sheet music and experiments in a controlled environment. The study provides new insights related to what musicians experience in a real life environment. The result may be useful to developers of music reading applications or manufacturers of page turning accessories.
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Rational Understanding in Competency to Stand Trial: A Qualitative Study and Development of an Assessment InstrumentCole, Kenneth C., Jr. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Stand Your Ground Law: How Can a UCF Student's Fear of Crime Affect Their Opinion of the Law and What Variables Affect the Student's Level of Fear of Crime?Duckworth, Kelly 01 August 2014 (has links)
A person's level of fear of crime or even their perceived fear of crime can affect how they view the Stand Your Ground Law and whether it is seen as beneficial or harmful to the general public. I begin with a discussion of the Stand Your Ground Law. Next, I report on research that examines the fear of crime and how it may shape opinions on the law as well as an individual’s level of fear. My research explores the relationship of these variables using survey data. I examine the attitudes of college students regarding their fear of crime to explore variables that impact their levels of fear and their opinions regarding the Stand Your Ground Law.
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Технологические режимы прокатки на 3-х валковом непрерывном стане : магистерская диссертация / The technological conditions of rolling on a 3-roll continuous rolling millKislyi, G. V., Кислый, Г. В. January 2014 (has links)
Ways of rolling tubes on a continuous rolling mill considered in the work. Overview of three-roll continuous rolling mills are given. Technology for the production of pipes for pipe unit with 3 roller stand continuous mill developed. The geometric model of the process by scanning the tube sheet is constructed. Determination of the amount of deformation is made. Kinematically possible velocity field is constructed. Examples of calculations of a table rolling and modes of compression on a continuous three-roll mill is shown. / В работе рассмотрены способы прокатки труб на непрерывном стане, проведен обзор трехвалковых оправочных станов. Приведена технология производства труб на ТПА с 3-х валковой клетью непрерывного стана. Построена геометрическая модель обжатия путем развертки трубы в лист и проведено определение размера очага деформации. Построено кинематически-возможное поле скоростей. Приведены примеры расчетов таблицы прокатки и режимов обжатия на непрерывном трехвалковом стане.
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Изучение влияния рассогласования скоростей при непрерывной сортовой прокатке на технологические параметры : магистерская диссертация / Studying the influence of speed mismatch during continuous high-speed rolling on technological parametersВодопьянова, О. В., Vodopianova, O. V. January 2019 (has links)
Предметом исследования является производство сортового проката высокого качества. Приведен литературный обзор, включающий в себя некоторые особенности производства сортового проката без дополнительных продольных усилий, описание влияния натяжения и/ил подпора на качество получаемого проката. Выполнена постановка задачи по моделированию прокатки полосы одновременно в трех клетях. Адекватность представленной модели показана путем сравнения результатов моделирования и показаний с действующего стана. Погрешность по формоизменению не превысила 0,4%, по моменту прокатки 11%, что является удовлетворительной сходимостью. На основе разработанной модели спланирован и выполнен расчетный эксперимент по влиянию рассогласования скоростей непрерывной прокатки на технологические параметры процесса. Получены уравнения регрессия описывающие закономерности влияния рассогласования скоростей прокатки на технологические параметры процесса. / The subject of the research is the production of high quality long products. A literature review is presented, which includes some features of the production of bars without additional longitudinal forces, a description of the effect of tension and/or back dam on the quality of the rolled products. The formulation of the problem of modeling rolling bar simultaneously in three stands is completed. The adequacy of the presented model is shown by comparing the simulation results and indications from the rolling mill. The error in the spreading did not exceed 0.4%, at the torque of rolling 11%, which is satisfactory convergence. Based on the developed model, a design experiment was planned and performed on the effect of the mismatch of continuous rolling speeds on the process parameters. The regression equations are obtained that describe the patterns of the influence of mismatch of rolling speeds on the technological parameters of the process.
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Exploring New Work Options for Emergency DispatchersCage, Kailyn January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Laughing at American Democracy: Citizenship and the Rhetoric of Stand-Up SatireMeier, Matthew R. 31 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effect of Neuropsychological Impairment and Feigned Adjudicative Incompetence on the Inventory of Legal KnowledgeGaskell, Michael Brenton 02 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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